09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Starting XBMC (11.0 Git:20120321-14feb09), Platform: Darwin OSX (11.4.0 x86_64, Version 10.7.4 (Build 11E53)). Built on Mar 21 2012 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /Applications/XBMC.app/Contents/Resources/XBMC 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /Applications/XBMC.app/Contents/Resources/XBMC 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /Users/Lawman/Library/Application Support/XBMC/userdata 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /Users/Lawman/Library/Application Support/XBMC 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /Users/Lawman/.xbmc/temp 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: special://frameworks/ is mapped to: /Applications/XBMC.app/Contents/Frameworks 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: The executable running is: /Applications/XBMC.app/Contents/MacOS/XBMC 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Local hostname: imacda.fritz.box 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Log File is located: /Users/Lawman/Library/Logs/xbmc.log 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Setup SDL 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: load settings... 09:37:45 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to load libcrystalhd.dylib, reason: dlopen(libcrystalhd.dylib, 1): image not found 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/ 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: loading special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Getting hardware information now... 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Checking resolution 12 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml. 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml. 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping. 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml) 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://profile/advancedsettings.xml 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Contents of special://profile/advancedsettings.xml are... mysql 3306 xbmc xbmc mysql 3306 xbmc xbmc 09:37:45 T:2888958656 WARNING: VIDEO database configuration is experimental. 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Getting hardware information now... 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Checking resolution 12 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Default DVD Player: dvdplayer 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0. 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Log level changed to 0 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = ATI Technologies Inc. 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = ATI Radeon HD 6770M OpenGL Engine 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: GL_VERSION = 2.1 ATI-7.18.18 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = 1.20 09:37:45 T:2888958656 NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_APPLE_aux_depth_stencil GL_APPLE_client_storage GL_APPLE_element_array GL_APPLE_fence GL_APPLE_float_pixels GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range GL_APPLE_flush_render GL_APPLE_object_purgeable GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_APPLE_pixel_buffer GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_APPLE_row_bytes GL_APPLE_specular_vector GL_APPLE_texture_range GL_APPLE_transform_hint GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range GL_APPLE_vertex_point_size GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators GL_APPLE_ycbcr_422 GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate GL_ATI_blend_weighted_minmax GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_SGI_color_matrix GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod 09:37:46 T:2888958656 NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection 09:37:46 T:2888958656 NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer 09:37:46 T:2888958656 NOTICE: DONE initializing playlistplayer 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos60 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos59 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos58 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos57 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos56 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos55 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos54 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos53 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos52 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos51 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos50 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos49 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos48 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos47 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos46 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos45 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos44 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos43 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos42 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos41 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos40 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos39 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos38 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos37 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos36 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos35 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos34 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos33 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos32 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos31 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos30 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos29 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos28 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos27 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos26 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos25 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos24 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos23 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos22 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos21 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos20 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos19 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos18 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos17 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos16 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos15 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos14 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos13 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos12 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos11 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos10 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos9 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos8 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos7 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos6 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos5 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos4 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos3 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos2 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos1 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos60 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos59 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos58 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos57 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos56 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos55 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos54 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos53 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos52 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos51 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos50 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos49 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos48 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos47 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos46 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos45 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos44 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos43 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos42 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos41 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos40 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos39 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos38 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos37 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos36 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos35 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos34 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos33 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos32 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos31 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos30 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos29 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos28 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos27 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos26 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos25 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos24 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos23 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos22 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos21 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos20 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos19 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos18 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos17 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos16 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos15 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos14 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos13 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos12 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos11 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos10 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos9 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos8 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos7 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos6 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos5 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos4 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos3 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos2 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos1 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos60 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic18 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic17 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic16 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic15 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic14 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic13 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic12 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic11 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic10 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic9 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic8 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic7 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic6 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic5 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic4 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic3 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic2 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic1 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic18 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 NOTICE: initialize done 09:37:46 T:2888958656 NOTICE: Running the application... 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos60 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos59 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos58 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos57 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos56 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos55 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos54 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos53 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos52 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos51 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos50 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos49 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos48 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos47 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos46 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos45 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos44 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos43 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos42 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos41 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos40 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos39 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos38 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos37 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos36 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos35 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos34 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos33 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos32 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos31 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos30 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos29 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos28 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos27 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos26 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos25 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos24 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos23 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos22 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos21 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos20 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos19 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos18 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos17 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos16 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos15 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos14 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos13 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos12 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos11 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos10 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos9 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos8 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos7 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos6 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos5 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos4 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos3 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos2 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos1 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos60 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2888958656 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server 09:37:46 T:2958716928 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on 09:37:46 T:2958716928 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777 09:37:46 T:2888958656 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic18 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic17 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic16 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic15 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic14 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic13 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic12 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic11 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic10 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic9 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic8 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic7 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic6 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic5 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic4 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic3 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic2 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic1 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic18 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos60 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos59 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos58 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos57 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos56 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos55 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos54 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos53 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos52 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos51 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos50 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos49 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos48 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos47 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos46 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos45 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2960314368 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<-- 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos44 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos43 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos42 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos41 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos40 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos39 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos38 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos37 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos36 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos35 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos34 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos33 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos32 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos31 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos30 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos29 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos28 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos27 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos26 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos25 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos24 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos23 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos22 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos21 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos20 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos19 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos18 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos17 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos16 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos15 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos14 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos13 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos12 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos11 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos10 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos9 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos8 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos7 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos6 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos5 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos4 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos3 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos2 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos1 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos60 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic18 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic17 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic16 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic15 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic14 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic13 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic12 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic11 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic10 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic9 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic8 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic7 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic6 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic5 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic4 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic3 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic2 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic1 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic18 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos60 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos59 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos58 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos57 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos56 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos55 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos54 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos53 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos52 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos51 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos50 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos49 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos48 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos47 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos46 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos45 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos44 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos43 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos42 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos41 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos40 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos39 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos38 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos37 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos36 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos35 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos34 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos33 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos32 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos31 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos30 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos29 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos28 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos27 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos26 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos25 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos24 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos23 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos22 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos21 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos20 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos19 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos18 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos17 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos16 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos15 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos14 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos13 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos12 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos11 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos10 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos9 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos8 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos7 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos6 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos5 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos4 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos3 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos2 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos1 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES)) 09:37:46 T:2957651968 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos60 [1045](Access denied for user 'xbmc'@'imacda.fritz.box' (using password: YES))