08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Starting XBMC (13.2 Git:0f3db05). Platform: x86 Linux 32-bit
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Using Release XBMC x32 build, compiled Sep 26 2014 by GCC 4.9.1 for x86 Linux 32-bit 3.16.3
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Running on Linux 32-bit (OpenELEC (official) - Version: 4.2.0, 3.16.3 i686)
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: FFmpeg version: 2.4.1, statically linked: 1
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: WARNING: unsupported ffmpeg version detected
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Host CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 430 @ 1.80GHz, 1 core available
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /usr/share/xbmc
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/xbmc
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /storage/.xbmc/userdata
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /storage/.xbmc
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /storage/.xbmc/temp
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: The executable running is: /usr/lib/xbmc/xbmc.bin
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Local hostname: XBMCASUS
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Log File is located: /storage/.xbmc/temp/xbmc.log
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
08:46:37 T:3063715584 ERROR: DBus: Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: load settings...
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Found 1 Lists of Devices
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Enumerated ALSA devices:
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Device 1
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_deviceName : @
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_displayName : Default (HDA Intel AD1988B Analog)
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 48000
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_S32NE
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Device 2
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_deviceName : @:CARD=Intel,DEV=0
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_displayName : HDA Intel (@:CARD=Intel,DEV=0)
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: AD1988B Analog
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 48000
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_S32NE
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Device 3
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_deviceName : surround21:CARD=Intel,DEV=0
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_displayName : HDA Intel (surround21:CARD=Intel,DEV=0)
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: AD1988B Analog
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 44100,48000,88200,96000,176400,192000
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_S32NE,AE_FMT_S16NE,AE_FMT_S16LE
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Device 4
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_deviceName : iec958:CARD=Intel,DEV=0
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_displayName : HDA Intel
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: AD1988B Digital S/PDIF
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_IEC958
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 44100,48000,88200,96000,176400,192000
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_AC3,AE_FMT_DTS,AE_FMT_S32NE,AE_FMT_S16NE,AE_FMT_S16LE
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Contents of special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml are...
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://masterprofile/advancedsettings.xml)
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Default DVD Player: dvdplayer
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Log level changed to 0
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: CMediaSourceSettings: loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
08:46:37 T:3063715584 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
10:46:38 T:3063520064 NOTICE: Thread ActiveAE start, auto delete: false
10:46:38 T:3053452096 NOTICE: Thread AESink start, auto delete: false
10:46:38 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Running database version Addons16
10:46:38 T:3063715584 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.xbmc.org
10:46:38 T:3063715584 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.xbmcadult
10:46:38 T:3063715584 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.openelec.tv
10:46:38 T:3063715584 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.xbmchub
10:46:38 T:3063715584 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.superrepo.org.gotham.all
10:46:38 T:3040586560 NOTICE: Thread PeripBusCEC start, auto delete: false
10:46:38 T:3032193856 NOTICE: Thread PeripBusUSBUdev start, auto delete: false
10:46:38 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Setup SDL
10:46:38 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Checking resolution 16
10:46:38 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Using visual 0x20
10:46:39 T:3063715584 NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = Intel Open Source Technology Center
10:46:39 T:3063715584 NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945G
10:46:39 T:3063715584 NOTICE: GL_VERSION = 2.1 Mesa 10.3.0
10:46:39 T:3063715584 NOTICE: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = 1.20
10:46:39 T:3063715584 NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_ARB_multisample GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_texture3D GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_ARB_multitexture GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_INGR_blend_func_separate GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_S3_s3tc GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_MESA_window_pos GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_MESA_pack_invert GL_MESA_ycbcr_texture GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_read_format GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_APPLE_object_purgeable GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_OES_EGL_image GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_KHR_debug GL_ARB_multi_bind
10:46:39 T:3063715584 NOTICE: No Joystick name specified, loading default map
10:46:39 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 35 times.
10:46:39 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Running database version Addons16
10:46:39 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Running database version ViewModes6
10:46:39 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Running database version Textures13
10:46:39 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic46
10:46:39 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos78
10:46:39 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Running database version TV22
10:46:39 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Running database version Epg7
10:46:39 T:3063715584 NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection
10:46:39 T:3044219712 NOTICE: Thread DetectDVDMedia start, auto delete: false
10:46:40 T:3063715584 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "GUI.Property.Value"
10:46:40 T:3063715584 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "Setting.Details.SettingList"
10:46:40 T:2969930560 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
10:46:40 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 3 times.
10:46:40 T:3063715584 NOTICE: initialize done
10:46:40 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Running the application...
10:46:40 T:2953145152 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
10:46:41 T:2978323264 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
10:46:41 T:2978323264 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
10:46:41 T:2953145152 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
10:46:41 T:2961537856 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
10:46:41 T:2995108672 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
10:46:41 T:2969930560 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
10:46:41 T:2986715968 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
10:46:41 T:2921331520 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
10:46:41 T:3063715584 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing
10:46:41 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Webserver: Starting...
10:46:41 T:3063715584 NOTICE: WebServer: Started the webserver
10:46:41 T:3063715584 NOTICE: starting upnp controller
10:46:41 T:2904546112 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
10:46:41 T:3063715584 NOTICE: starting upnp server
10:46:41 T:3063715584 NOTICE: starting upnp renderer
10:46:41 T:3063715584 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
10:46:41 T:2812226368 NOTICE: Thread TCPServer start, auto delete: false
10:46:41 T:2820619072 NOTICE: Thread EventServer start, auto delete: false
10:46:41 T:2820619072 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
10:46:41 T:2820619072 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
10:46:41 T:2795440960 NOTICE: Thread AirPlayServer start, auto delete: false
10:46:41 T:2999053120 NOTICE: Thread RSSReader start, auto delete: false
10:46:41 T:2787048256 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6)
10:46:41 T:2999053120 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
10:46:42 T:2961537856 NOTICE: ## OpenELEC Addon ## 0.3.20
10:46:42 T:2778655552 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
10:46:42 T:2969930560 NOTICE: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### TV Show - Next Aired starting background proc (6.0.12)
10:46:43 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] Loading 'script.trakt' version '2.3.1'
10:46:43 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] Service thread starting.
10:46:44 T:2787048256 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
10:46:44 T:2747267904 NOTICE: Database.eventLoop() >>>>>>>>>> starting...
10:46:44 T:2747267904 NOTICE: Database.eventLoop() >>>>>>>>>> processing command: _initialize
10:46:44 T:2953145152 NOTICE: StorageServer Module loaded RUN
10:46:44 T:2953145152 NOTICE: StorageClient-2.5.4 Starting server
10:46:44 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktPlayer] Initalized.
10:46:44 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktMonitor] Initalized.
10:46:44 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] Initializing.
10:46:44 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] Queued dispatch: {u'action': u'loadsettings'}
10:46:44 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] Dispatch: {u'action': u'loadsettings'}
10:46:44 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] Loaded cached account settings for 'capmagic'.
10:46:45 T:2747267904 NOTICE: Settings changed: False
10:46:45 T:2747267904 NOTICE: Database.eventLoop() >>>>>>>>>> processing command: _updateChannelAndProgramListCaches
10:46:45 T:2732587840 NOTICE: [script.tvguide] Scheduling notifications
10:46:45 T:2747267904 NOTICE: Database.eventLoop() >>>>>>>>>> processing command: _getNotifications
10:46:45 T:2969930560 NOTICE: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### starting data update
10:46:45 T:2747267904 NOTICE: Database.eventLoop() >>>>>>>>>> processing command: _close
10:46:45 T:2747267904 NOTICE: Database.eventLoop() >>>>>>>>>> exiting...
10:46:46 T:3063715584 WARNING: CreateFile, successfuly opened instead of
10:46:47 T:2969930560 NOTICE: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### getting series info for #81189 - Breaking Bad
10:46:47 T:2969930560 NOTICE: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### getting series info for #121361 - Game of Thrones
10:46:48 T:2969930560 NOTICE: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### getting series info for #274431 - Gotham
10:46:48 T:2969930560 NOTICE: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### getting series info for #75340 - Prison Break
10:46:48 T:2969930560 NOTICE: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### getting series info for #80379 - The Big Bang Theory
10:46:50 T:2969930560 NOTICE: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### getting series info for #153021 - The Walking Dead
10:46:50 T:2969930560 NOTICE: script.tv.show.next.aired: ### data update finished
10:48:41 T:3063715584 WARNING: CreateFile, successfuly opened instead of
10:49:46 T:2820619072 NOTICE: ES: Client from timed out
10:49:48 T:2904546112 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
10:49:48 T:2904546112 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
10:49:48 T:2921331520 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
10:50:00 T:3063715584 WARNING: CreateFile, successfuly opened instead of
10:51:01 T:2820619072 NOTICE: ES: Client from timed out
11:00:11 T:2787048256 NOTICE: Thread AlarmClock start, auto delete: false
11:00:12 T:2904546112 ERROR: CPythonInvoker(7, /storage/.xbmc/addons/screensaver.xbmc.slideshow/default.py): failed to run the gc to clean up after running prior to shutting down the Interpreter
11:00:12 T:2904546112 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(7, /storage/.xbmc/addons/screensaver.xbmc.slideshow/default.py): the python script "/storage/.xbmc/addons/screensaver.xbmc.slideshow/default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: N14PythonBindings31XBMCAddon_xbmc_Monitor_DirectorE,N14PythonBindings42XBMCAddon_xbmcgui_WindowXMLDialog_DirectorE,N9XBMCAddon7xbmcgui6WindowE
11:00:30 T:2670406464 NOTICE: Thread VideoInfoScanner start, auto delete: false
11:00:30 T:2670406464 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
11:00:30 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktMonitor] onDatabaseScanStarted(database: video)
11:00:30 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] Queuing for dispatch: {'action': 'scanStarted'}
11:00:30 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] Queued dispatch: {u'action': u'scanStarted'}
11:00:30 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] Dispatch: {u'action': u'scanStarted'}
11:00:31 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/# Dolby Test-DVDs/The.Dolby.Digital.Demo.Disc.DVDR-SpK/DDDD-SPK.ISO', it won't be added to the library.
11:00:32 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/# Dolby Test-DVDs/THX.Surround.Demonstration.DVD/THX Surround Demonstration DVD.ISO', it won't be added to the library.
11:00:37 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Sherlock - 1x01 - Study In Pink/Sherlock - 1x01 - Study In Pink.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:00:37 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Sherlock - 1x02 - The Blind Banker/Sherlock - 1x02 - The Blind Banker.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:00:38 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Sherlock - 1x03 - The Great Game/Sherlock - 1x03 - The Great Game.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:00:39 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Tatort - Folge891 - Die fette Hoppe - Lessing und Dorn - 2013/891_2013_Tatort_Lessing und Dorn_01 (891) Die fette Hoppe_HD.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:00:44 T:2904546112 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
11:00:44 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Das Bourne Vermächtnis - 3/roor-bourne-xvid.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:00:55 T:2778655552 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
11:00:58 T:2670406464 ERROR: NFS: Failed to stat(volume1/Video/1 Filme/#Action/The Amazing Spiderman Rise of Electro - 2014/Subs/) stat call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Action/The Amazing Spiderman Rise of Electro - 2014/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:00:58 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//1 Filme/#Action/The Amazing Spiderman Rise of Electro - 2014/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Action/The Amazing Spiderman Rise of Electro - 2014/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:00:58 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Filme/#Action/The Amazing Spiderman Rise of Electro - 2014/Subs/
11:01:07 T:2670406464 ERROR: NFS: Failed to stat(volume1/Video/1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Byzantium/Subs/) stat call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Byzantium/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:07 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Byzantium/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Byzantium/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:07 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Byzantium/Subs/
11:01:12 T:2670406464 ERROR: NFS: Failed to stat(volume1/Video/1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Grand Budapest Hotel/Subs/) stat call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Grand Budapest Hotel/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:12 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Grand Budapest Hotel/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Grand Budapest Hotel/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:12 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Grand Budapest Hotel/Subs/
11:01:12 T:2921331520 NOTICE: Thread RarFileExtract start, auto delete: false
11:01:13 T:2670406464 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
11:01:13 T:2670406464 ERROR: NFS: Failed to stat(volume1/Video/1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/jOBS - Die Erfolgsstory von Steve/Subs/) stat call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/jOBS - Die Erfolgsstory von Steve/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:13 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/jOBS - Die Erfolgsstory von Steve/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/jOBS - Die Erfolgsstory von Steve/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:13 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/jOBS - Die Erfolgsstory von Steve/Subs/
11:01:16 T:2670406464 ERROR: NFS: Failed to stat(volume1/Video/1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Nicht mein Tag/Subs/) stat call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Nicht mein Tag/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:16 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Nicht mein Tag/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Nicht mein Tag/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:16 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Nicht mein Tag/Subs/
11:01:18 T:2670406464 ERROR: NFS: Failed to stat(volume1/Video/1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Streetdance 2 - 2012 - 2-3/Streetdance.2.2012.BR2DVD.NLSubsexpl/VIDEO_TS/) stat call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Streetdance 2 - 2012 - 2-3/Streetdance.2.2012.BR2DVD.NLSubsexpl/VIDEO_TS failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:18 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Streetdance 2 - 2012 - 2-3/Streetdance.2.2012.BR2DVD.NLSubsexpl/VIDEO_TS/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Streetdance 2 - 2012 - 2-3/Streetdance.2.2012.BR2DVD.NLSubsexpl/VIDEO_TS failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:18 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Streetdance 2 - 2012 - 2-3/Streetdance.2.2012.BR2DVD.NLSubsexpl/VIDEO_TS/
11:01:26 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Ice Age 4 - Voll Verschoben - 3/aoe-ice4_dvdrip.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:29 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-1 Shaun - Off the Baa!.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:29 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-2 Shaun - Bathtime.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:29 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-3 Shaun - Shape up with Shaun.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:29 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-4 Shaun - Timmy in a Tizzy.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:29 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-5 Shaun - Scrumping.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:29 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-6 Shaun - Still Life.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:29 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-7 Shaun - Mower Mouth.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:29 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-8 Shaun - Takeaway.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:30 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-9 Shaun - Bull.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:30 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-10 Shaun - Saturday Night Shaun.AVI', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:30 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-11 Shaun - The Kite.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:30 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-12 Shaun - Little Sheep of Horrors.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:30 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-13 Shaun - Buzz off Bees.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:30 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-14 Shaun - Fleeced.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:30 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-15 Shaun - Shaun Shoots the Sheep.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:30 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-16 Shaun - Big Top Timmy.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:30 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-17 Shaun - Heavy Metal Shaun.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:30 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-18 Shaun - Snore Worn Shaun.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:30 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-19 Shaun - Shaun Encounters.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:30 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/1 Staffel/1-20 Shaun - Save The Tree.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:31 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2 -1 Shaun - Abracadabra.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:31 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-2 Shaun - Sheep on the loose.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:31 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-3 Shaun - Washday.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:31 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-4 Shaun - The Visitor.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:31 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-5 Shaun - Shaun The Farmer.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:31 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-6 Shaun - Tooth Fairy.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:32 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-7 Shaun - Bitzer Puts His Foot In It.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:32 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-8 Shaun - Hiccups.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:32 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-9 Shaun - If You Can't Stand The Heat.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:32 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-10 Shaun - Sheepwalking.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:32 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-11 Shaun - Tidy Up.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:32 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-12 Shaun - The Farmer's Niece.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:32 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-13 Shaun - Camping Chaos.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:32 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-14 Shaun - Helping Hound.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:32 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-15 Shaun - Troublesome Tractor.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:32 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-16 Shaun - Stick With Me.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:32 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-17 Shaun - Heavy Metal Shaun.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:33 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-18 Shaun - Snore-Worn Shaun.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:33 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-19 Shaun - Shaun Encounters.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:33 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/2 Staffel/2-20 Shaun - Save The Tree.avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:40 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/#Musik/Tenacious D - in concert/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:40 T:2679651136 NOTICE: Thread RarFileExtract start, auto delete: false
11:01:42 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/BBC - Planet Earth/BBC Planet Earth - 01. From pole to pole (HDTV 720p; DD 5.1 English).mkv', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:43 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/BBC - Planet Earth/BBC Planet Earth - 02. Mountains (HDTV 720p; DD 5.1 English).avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:43 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/BBC - Planet Earth/BBC Planet Earth - 03. Fresh water (HDTV 720p; DD 5.1 English).avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:44 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/BBC - Planet Earth/BBC Planet Earth - 04. Caves (HDTV 720p; DD 5.1 English).avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:45 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/BBC - Planet Earth/BBC Planet Earth - 05. Deserts (HDTV 720p; DD 5.1 English).avi', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:45 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/BBC - Planet Earth/BBC Planet Earth - 06. Ice worlds.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:45 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/BBC - Planet Earth/BBC Planet Earth - 07. Great plains.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:46 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/BBC - Planet Earth/BBC Planet Earth - 08. Jungles.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:46 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/BBC - Planet Earth/BBC Planet Earth - 09. Shallow Seas (HDTV 720p; DD 5.1 English).mkv', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:47 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/BBC - Planet Earth/BBC Planet Earth - 10. Seasonal forests.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:47 T:2670406464 WARNING: No information found for item 'nfs:// Filme/BBC - Planet Earth/BBC Planet Earth - 11. Ocean Deep.mkv', it won't be added to the library.
11:01:47 T:2670406464 WARNING: Process directory 'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Inside Man.txt/' does not exist - skipping scan.
11:01:49 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E12/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E12/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:49 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E12/Subs/
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E11/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E11/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E11/Subs/
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E10/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E10/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E10/Subs/
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E09/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E09/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E09/Subs/
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E08/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E08/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E08/Subs/
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E07/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E07/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E07/Subs/
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E06/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E06/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E06/Subs/
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E05/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E05/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E05/Subs/
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E04/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E04/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E04/Subs/
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E03/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E03/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E03/Subs/
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E02/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E02/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E02/Subs/
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E01/Subs/) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /2 Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E01/Subs failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:01:50 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Serien/Dexter/Dexter - Staffel 8/intedexsS08E01/Subs/
11:02:03 T:2670406464 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 01:33
11:02:03 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktMonitor] onDatabaseUpdated(database: video)
11:02:03 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] Queuing for dispatch: {'action': 'databaseUpdated'}
11:02:04 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] Queued dispatch: {u'action': u'databaseUpdated'}
11:02:04 T:2986715968 NOTICE: [trakt] Dispatch: {u'action': u'databaseUpdated'}
11:02:04 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Sync] Starting synchronization with trakt.tv
11:02:04 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Movies Sync] Getting movie data from XBMC
11:02:04 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Movies Sync] XBMC JSON Result: '[{u'movieid': 1, u'title': u'Julie & Julia', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Julie & Julia', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1135503', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Julie and Julia/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 2, u'title': u'L\xe4nder, Mensche, Abenteuer - Schweden - Arjeplog', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:51:16', u'label': u'L\xe4nder, Mensche, Abenteuer - Schweden - Arjeplog', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1259758', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Schweden DVD - L\xe4nder Menschen Abenteuer - Arjeplog - Lappland zwischen Eis und Hightech/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 3, u'title': u'127 Hours', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'127 Hours', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1542344', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#127 hours/127 Hours.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 4, u'title': u'Cloud Atlas', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Cloud Atlas', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1371111', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Cloud Atlas - 2013/Cloud Atlas.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 5, u'title': u'Der Medicus', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:07', u'label': u'Der Medicus', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2101473', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Der Medicus - 2014/Der Medicus - 2014.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 6, u'title': u'Der Teufelsgeiger', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Der Teufelsgeiger', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2401715', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Der Teufelsgeiger - 2013/Der Teufelsgeiger.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 7, u'title': u'Die fantastische Welt von Oz', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Die fantastische Welt von Oz', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1623205', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Die fantastische Welt von Oz - 2013/Die fantastische Welt von Oz - 2013.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 8, u'title': u'Ein Engel im Winter', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Ein Engel im Winter', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0940580', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Ein Engel im Winter/Ein Engel im Winter - CD1.avi , nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Ein Engel im Winter/Ein Engel im Winter - CD2.avi', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 9, u'title': u'Frozen Ground', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Frozen Ground', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2005374', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Frozen Ground - 2013/Frozen Ground - 2013.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 10, u'title': u'Life of Pi - Schiffbruch mit Tiger', u'lastplayed': u'2014-09-29 22:32:05', u'label': u'Life of Pi - Schiffbruch mit Tiger', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0454876', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Life of Pi - Schiffbruch mit Tiger - 2012/Life of Pi - Schiffbruch mit Tiger - 2012.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 11, u'title': u'Liebe und andere Desaster', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:28', u'label': u'Liebe und andere Desaster', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0452643', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Love and Other Disasters - 2006/Love and Other Disasters - 2006.avi', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 12, u'title': u'Monsters', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Monsters', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1470827', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Monsters/Monsters.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 14, u'title': u'Planes', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Planes', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1691917', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Planes/Planes.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 16, u'title': u'Robot & Frank', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Robot & Frank', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1990314', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Robot und Frank - 2012/Robot und Frank - 2012.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 18, u'title': u'Der gro\xdfe Gatsby', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Der gro\xdfe Gatsby', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1343092', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#The Great Gatsby - 2013/The Great Gatsby - 2013.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 19, u'title': u'T\xf6dliches Kommando - The Hurt Locker', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:34', u'label': u'T\xf6dliches Kommando - The Hurt Locker', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0887912', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#The Hurt Locker - 2008/The Hurt Locker - 2008.mkv', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 20, u'title': u'Die Eiserne Lady', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Die Eiserne Lady', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1007029', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#The Iron Lady - 2011/The Iron Lady - 2011.iso', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 24, u'title': u'Valentinstag', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:47', u'label': u'Valentinstag', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0817230', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Valentinstag/Valentinstag CD1.avi , nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Valentinstag/Valentinstag CD2.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 25, u'title': u'Zero Dark Thirty', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Zero Dark Thirty', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1790885', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Zero Dark Thirty/Zero Dark Thirty.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 26, u'title': u'Breaking Dawn - Bis(s) zum Ende der Nacht - Teil 2', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Breaking Dawn - Bis(s) zum Ende der Nacht - Teil 2', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1673434', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Breaking Dawn Biss zum Ende der Nacht Teil 2 - 2012/Breaking Dawn Biss zum Ende der Nacht Teil 2 - 2012.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 27, u'title': u'Die S\xe4ulen der Erde', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Die S\xe4ulen der Erde', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1453159', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Die S\xe4ulen der Erde/Die S\xe4ulen der Erde - 1.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 28, u'title': u'Die S\xe4ulen der Erde', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Die S\xe4ulen der Erde', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1453159', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Die S\xe4ulen der Erde/Die S\xe4ulen der Erde - 2.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 29, u'title': u'Die S\xe4ulen der Erde', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Die S\xe4ulen der Erde', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1453159', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Die S\xe4ulen der Erde/Die S\xe4ulen der Erde - 3.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 30, u'title': u'Die S\xe4ulen der Erde', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Die S\xe4ulen der Erde', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1453159', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Die S\xe4ulen der Erde/Die S\xe4ulen der Erde - 4.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 31, u'title': u'Hilde', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Hilde', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0809432', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Hilde/Hilde.mkv', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 32, u'title': u'Slumdog Million\xe4r', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-13 13:42:33', u'label': u'Slumdog Million\xe4r', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1010048', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Slumdog Millionaire/Slumdog Millionaire 2008.avi', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 33, u'title': u"Ender's Game - Das gro\xdfe Spiel", u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:40:00', u'label': u"Ender's Game - Das gro\xdfe Spiel", u'imdbnumber': u'tt1731141', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Enders Game - 2013 - 2-3/index.bdmv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 35, u'title': u'Iron Man 2', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:49', u'label': u'Iron Man 2', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1228705', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/IRON MAN 2/BDMV/index.bdmv', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 37, u'title': u'Man of Steel', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:31', u'label': u'Man of Steel', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0770828', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Man of Steel - 2013 - 3/index.bdmv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 38, u'title': u'Olympus Has Fallen - Die Welt in Gefahr', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:58', u'label': u'Olympus Has Fallen - Die Welt in Gefahr', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2302755', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Olympus Has Fallen - 2013 - 4/index.bdmv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 39, u'title': u'Star Trek', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:04', u'label': u'Star Trek', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0796366', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/STAR TREK XI/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 40, u'title': u'Surrogates - Mein zweites Ich', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:29', u'label': u'Surrogates - Mein zweites Ich', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0986263', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Surrogates/BDMV/index.bdmv', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 41, u'title': u'2 Guns', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:38:49', u'label': u'2 Guns', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1272878', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/2 Guns - 2013 - 2/2 Guns - 2013.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 42, u'title': u'47 Ronin', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:38:57', u'label': u'47 Ronin', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1335975', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/47 Ronin - 2013 - 2/47 Ronin - 2013.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 43, u'title': u'300', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:38:56', u'label': u'300', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0416449', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/300 - 1/300.iso', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 44, u'title': u'Armour of God - Chinese Zodiac', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:44', u'label': u'Armour of God - Chinese Zodiac', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1424310', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Armour of God - Chinese Zodiac - 2012/Armour of God - Chinese Zodiac - 2012.mkv', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 45, u'title': u'James Bond 007 - Casino Royale', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:42', u'label': u'James Bond 007 - Casino Royale', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0381061', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Action/Casino Royale - 2/Casino.Royale.2006.TS.HQ-MD.XVID.German.CD1-BT.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Action/Casino Royale - 2/Casino.Royale.2006.TS.HQ-MD.XVID.German.CD2-BT.avi', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 46, u'title': u'Crank', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:46', u'label': u'Crank', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0479884', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Crank - 2/Crank.iso', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 47, u'title': u'Das A-Team - Der Film', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 18:49:39', u'label': u'Das A-Team - Der Film', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0429493', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Das A-Team - 2-3/Das A Team - Der Film.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 48, u'title': u'Die Mumie - Das Grabmal des Drachenkaisers', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:43', u'label': u'Die Mumie - Das Grabmal des Drachenkaisers', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0859163', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Die Mumie 3/THE_MUMMY_TOMB_OF_THE_DRAGON.iso', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 49, u'title': u'Die Tribute von Panem - Catching Fire', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:33', u'label': u'Die Tribute von Panem - Catching Fire', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1951264', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Die Tribute von Panem - Catching Fire - 2013 - 2-3/Die Tribute von Panem - Catching Fire - 2013.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 50, u'title': u'Ein Mordsteam', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:59', u'label': u'Ein Mordsteam', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1937133', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Ein Mordsteam - 2/#Ein Mordsteam.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 51, u'title': u'Enemies - Welcome to the Punch', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:54', u'label': u'Enemies - Welcome to the Punch', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1684233', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Enemies - Welcome To The Punch - 2-3/Enemies - Welcome To The Punch.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 52, u'title': u'Escape Plan', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:40:02', u'label': u'Escape Plan', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1211956', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Escape Plan - 2013 - 2-3/Escape Plan.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 53, u'title': u'Fast & Furious - Neues Modell. Originalteile.', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:40:08', u'label': u'Fast & Furious - Neues Modell. Originalteile.', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1013752', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Fast and Furious 4 - 3/Fast and the Furious 4.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 54, u'title': u'Fast & Furious 6', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:40:10', u'label': u'Fast & Furious 6', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1905041', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Fast and Furious 6 - 2/Fast and Furious 6.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 55, u'title': u'Faster', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:40:12', u'label': u'Faster', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1433108', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Faster - 2-3/Faster.BDRiP.LD.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 57, u'title': u'Gamer', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:40:30', u'label': u'Gamer', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1034032', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Gamer - 2/Gamer.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 58, u'title': u"Give 'em Hell, Malone", u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:08', u'label': u"Give 'em Hell, Malone", u'imdbnumber': u'tt1258137', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Give em Hell Malone - 2/Give em Hell Malone.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 59, u'title': u'Helden der Nacht', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:51', u'label': u'Helden der Nacht', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0498399', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Helden der Nacht - 2-3/Helden der Nacht.ISO', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 60, u'title': u'Hell Ride', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:21', u'label': u'Hell Ride', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0411475', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Hell Ride/Hell.Ride.AC3.German.Xvid.avi', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 61, u'title': u'In Time - Deine Zeit l\xe4uft ab', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:40', u'label': u'In Time - Deine Zeit l\xe4uft ab', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1637688', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/In Time - 1-2/In Time - Deine Zeit l\xe4uft ab - 2011 - 1-2.mkv', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 62, u'title': u'Inception', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:42', u'label': u'Inception', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1375666', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Inception/inception.M2TS', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 64, u'title': u'Jack and the Giants', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:56', u'label': u'Jack and the Giants', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1351685', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Jack and the Giants - 2-3/Jack And The Giants.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 65, u'title': u'Kick-Ass 2', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:05', u'label': u'Kick-Ass 2', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1650554', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Kick-Ass 2 - 2013 - 2/Kick-Ass 2.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 66, u'title': u'Lethal Weapon - Zwei stahlharte Profis', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:50:37', u'label': u'Lethal Weapon - Zwei stahlharte Profis', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0093409', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Lethal Weapon Quadrology/Lethal Weapon 1/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 1987, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 67, u'title': u'Lethal Weapon 4 - Zwei Profis r\xe4umen auf', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:50:47', u'label': u'Lethal Weapon 4 - Zwei Profis r\xe4umen auf', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0122151', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Lethal Weapon Quadrology/Lethal Weapon 4/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 1998, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 68, u'title': u'Oblivion', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:50', u'label': u'Oblivion', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1483013', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Oblivion - 2013 - 2-3/Oblivion.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 69, u'title': u'Pacific Rim', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:01', u'label': u'Pacific Rim', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1663662', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Pacific Rim - 2013 - 3/Pacific Rim.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 70, u'title': u'Pain & Gain', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:03', u'label': u'Pain & Gain', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1980209', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Pain and Gain - 2013 - 3/Pain and Gain.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 71, u'title': u'Percy Jackson - Im Bann des Zyklopen', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-27 21:13:18', u'label': u'Percy Jackson - Im Bann des Zyklopen', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1854564', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Percy Jackson - Im Bann des Zyklopen - 2013/Percy Jackson - Im Bann des Zyklopen.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 72, u'title': u'Prometheus - Dunkle Zeichen', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:15', u'label': u'Prometheus - Dunkle Zeichen', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1446714', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Prometheus - Dunkle Zeichen - 2012 - 2/Prometheus.-.Dunkle.Zeichen.2012.German.AC3.DL.BDRip.XviD-iNCEPTiON.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 74, u'title': u'R.E.D. 2 - Noch \xc4lter. H\xe4rter. Besser.', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:19', u'label': u'R.E.D. 2 - Noch \xc4lter. H\xe4rter. Besser.', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1821694', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/R.E.D. 2 - 2013 - 2-3/R.E.D. 2.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 75, u'title': u'Resident Evil: Afterlife', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:21', u'label': u'Resident Evil: Afterlife', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1220634', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Resident Evil - Trilogy /Resident.Evil.Afterlife.2010.German.AC3D.HDRip.XviD-SG.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 76, u'title': u'Resident Evil: Apocalypse', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:28', u'label': u'Resident Evil: Apocalypse', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0318627', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Resident Evil - Trilogy /Resident.Evil.Apocalypse.2004.EXTENDED.German.DTS.BluRay.1080p.x264-x264Crew.mkv', u'year': 2004, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 77, u'title': u'Resident Evil: Extinction', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:29', u'label': u'Resident Evil: Extinction', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0432021', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Resident Evil - Trilogy /Resident.Evil.Extinction.2007.German.DTS.BluRay.1080p.x264-x264Crew.mkv', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 78, u'title': u'Riddick - \xdcberleben ist seine Rache', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:31', u'label': u'Riddick - \xdcberleben ist seine Rache', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1411250', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Riddick Extended Cut - 2013 - 4/Riddick - 2013.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 79, u'title': u'RoboCop', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:33', u'label': u'RoboCop', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1234721', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Robocop - 2014/Robocop - 2014.mkv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 80, u'title': u'Safe House', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:38', u'label': u'Safe House', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1599348', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Safe House - 2012 - 2/safe.house..ac3.xvid-HQX.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 81, u'title': u'Salt', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:42', u'label': u'Salt', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0944835', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Salt - 2-3/Salt.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 82, u'title': u'Sherlock Holmes', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:46', u'label': u'Sherlock Holmes', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0988045', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Sherlock Holmes - 2-3/Sherlock Holmes.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 83, u'title': u"Shoot 'Em Up", u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:47', u'label': u"Shoot 'Em Up", u'imdbnumber': u'tt0465602', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/SHOOT EM UP - 1/SHOOT_EM_UP.iso', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 84, u'title': u'Sin City', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:52', u'label': u'Sin City', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0401792', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Sin City - 2005/Sin City.mkv', u'year': 2005, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 85, u'title': u"Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball", u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:54', u'label': u"Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball", u'imdbnumber': u'tt1319743', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Smokin Aces 2/Smokin.Aces.2.German.DVD-Rip.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 86, u'title': u'Star Trek Into Darkness', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:07', u'label': u'Star Trek Into Darkness', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1408101', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Star Trek - Into Darkness - 2012 - 2/Star Trek - Into Darkness.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 87, u'title': u'Star Wars: Episode I - Die dunkle Bedrohung', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:09', u'label': u'Star Wars: Episode I - Die dunkle Bedrohung', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0120915', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Star Wars Episode 1-6/Star Wars Episode 1.m2ts', u'year': 1999, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 90, u'title': u'Star Wars: Episode IV - Eine neue Hoffnung', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:17', u'label': u'Star Wars: Episode IV - Eine neue Hoffnung', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0076759', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Star Wars Episode 1-6/Star Wars Episode 4.m2ts', u'year': 1977, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 91, u'title': u'Star Wars: Episode V - Das Imperium schl\xe4gt zur\xfcck', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:19', u'label': u'Star Wars: Episode V - Das Imperium schl\xe4gt zur\xfcck', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0080684', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Star Wars Episode 1-6/Star Wars Episode 5.m2ts', u'year': 1980, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 92, u'title': u'Star Wars: Episode VI - Die R\xfcckkehr der Jedi-Ritter', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:21', u'label': u'Star Wars: Episode VI - Die R\xfcckkehr der Jedi-Ritter', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0086190', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Star Wars Episode 1-6/Star Wars Episode 6.m2ts', u'year': 1983, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 93, u'title': u'Stirb langsam - Ein guter Tag zum Sterben', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:01', u'label': u'Stirb langsam - Ein guter Tag zum Sterben', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1606378', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Stirb langsam 5 - Ein guter Tag zum Sterben - 2013 - 4/Stirb langsam 5 - Ein guter Tag zum Sterben.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 95, u'title': u'Transporter 3', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:37', u'label': u'Transporter 3', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1129442', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Transporter 3 - engl. - 2/mvs-t3.avi', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 96, u'title': u'Vier Br\xfcder', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:40:24', u'label': u'Vier Br\xfcder', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0430105', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Vier Br\xfcder - 2-3/Vier Br\xfcder.iso', u'year': 2005, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 97, u'title': u'White House Down', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:59', u'label': u'White House Down', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2334879', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/White House Down - 2013 - 2-3/White House Down.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 98, u'title': u'Wolverine - Weg des Kriegers', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:55:00', u'label': u'Wolverine - Weg des Kriegers', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1430132', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Wolverine Weg des Kriegers - 2013 - 3/Wolverine - Weg Des Kriegers.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 99, u'title': u'World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:31', u'label': u'World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1217613', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Action/World Invasion - Battle Los Angeles - 3-4/World Invasion - Battle Los Angeles CD1.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Action/World Invasion - Battle Los Angeles - 3-4/World Invasion - Battle Los Angeles CD2.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 100, u'title': u'Der Hobbit - Eine unerwartete Reise', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:25', u'label': u'Der Hobbit - Eine unerwartete Reise', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0903624', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Der Hobbit 1 Eine unerwartete Reise/BDMV/index.bdmv', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 101, u'title': u'Der Hobbit - Smaugs Ein\xf6de', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:28', u'label': u'Der Hobbit - Smaugs Ein\xf6de', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1170358', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Der Hobbit 2 Smaugs Einoede/index.bdmv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 103, u'title': u'Hangover 2', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:17', u'label': u'Hangover 2', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1411697', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Hangover - 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 104, u'title': u'M\xe4nnerherzen... und die ganz ganz gro\xdfe Liebe', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:53:11', u'label': u'M\xe4nnerherzen... und die ganz ganz gro\xdfe Liebe', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1729211', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/M\xe4nnerherzen - 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 105, u'title': u'Radio Rock Revolution', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:36', u'label': u'Radio Rock Revolution', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1131729', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Radio Rock Revolution - The Boat That Rocked - 1/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 106, u'title': u'30 Minuten oder weniger', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:38:50', u'label': u'30 Minuten oder weniger', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1622547', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/30 Minuten oder weniger - 2/poe-30mow.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 107, u'title': u'Abgedreht', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:34', u'label': u'Abgedreht', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0799934', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Abgedreht - 4/Abgedreht.avi', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 108, u'title': u'Abbuzze! Der Badesalz Film', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-19 13:47:19', u'label': u'Abbuzze! Der Badesalz Film', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0115448', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Abuzze - Der Badesalz Film - 2-3/Abbuzze - Der Badesalz Film.avi', u'year': 1996, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 109, u'title': u'Austin Powers - Das Sch\xe4rfste, was Ihre Majest\xe4t zu bieten hat', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:12', u'label': u'Austin Powers - Das Sch\xe4rfste, was Ihre Majest\xe4t zu bieten hat', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0118655', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Austin Powers Trilogie 1997 - 2002/Austin Powers 1 - Das Sch\xe4rfste was ihre Majest\xe4t zu bieten hat - 1997/Austin Powers 1 - Das Sch\xe4rfste was ihre Majest\xe4t zu bieten hat - 1997.avi', u'year': 1997, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 110, u'title': u'Austin Powers - Spion in geheimer Missionarsstellung', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:13', u'label': u'Austin Powers - Spion in geheimer Missionarsstellung', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0145660', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Austin Powers Trilogie 1997 - 2002/Austin Powers 2 - Spion in geheimer Missionarsstellung - 1999/Austin Powers 2 - Spion in geheimer Missionarsstellung - 1999.avi', u'year': 1999, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 111, u'title': u'Austin Powers in Goldst\xe4nder', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:10', u'label': u'Austin Powers in Goldst\xe4nder', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0295178', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Austin Powers Trilogie 1997 - 2002/Austin Powers 3- Goldst\xe4nder - 2002/Austin Powers 3- Goldst\xe4nder - 2002.avi', u'year': 2002, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 112, u'title': u'Bandidas', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:24', u'label': u'Bandidas', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0416496', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Bandidas/Bandidas.iso', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 113, u'title': u'Bang Boom Bang', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:25', u'label': u'Bang Boom Bang', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0135790', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Bang Boom Bang - 1/Bang Boom Bang CD1.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Bang Boom Bang - 1/Bang Boom Bang CD2.avi', u'year': 1999, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 114, u'title': u'Bang Boom Bang', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:23:38', u'label': u'Bang Boom Bang', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0135790', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Bang Boom Bang - 1/Bang Boom Bang.avi', u'year': 1999, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 115, u'title': u'Chronicle - Wozu bist du f\xe4hig', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:45', u'label': u'Chronicle - Wozu bist du f\xe4hig', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1706593', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Chronicle - wozu bist du f\xe4hig? - 2-3/Chronicle.Wozu.bist.du.faehig.DC.2012.German.AC3.HDRiP.XviD-HQX.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 116, u'title': u'Da geht noch was!', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-13 13:19:31', u'label': u'Da geht noch was!', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2517558', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Da geht noch was - 2013/Da geht noch was.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 117, u'title': u'Das Leben des Brian', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:25', u'label': u'Das Leben des Brian', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0079470', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Das Leben des Brian/Das Leben des Brian.avi', u'year': 1979, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 118, u'title': u'Date Night - Gangster f\xfcr eine Nacht', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:50', u'label': u'Date Night - Gangster f\xfcr eine Nacht', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1279935', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Date Night - Gangster f\xfcr eine Nacht - 2-3/Date Night - Gangster f\xfcr eine Nacht.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 119, u'title': u'Der goldene Kompass', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:11', u'label': u'Der goldene Kompass', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0385752', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Der Goldene Kompass - 2/Der Goldene Kompass.mkv', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 120, u'title': u'Der Ja-Sager', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:55:03', u'label': u'Der Ja-Sager', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1068680', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Der Ja Sager - 2/Der Ja Sager.avi', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 121, u'title': u'Der N\xe4chste, Bitte!', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:40:21', u'label': u'Der N\xe4chste, Bitte!', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1986843', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Der N\xe4chste Bitte/Der N\xe4chste Bitte.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 122, u'title': u'Schlussmacher', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:43', u'label': u'Schlussmacher', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1978524', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Der Schlussmacher/Der Schlussmacher.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 123, u'title': u'Die nackte Wahrheit', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:42', u'label': u'Die nackte Wahrheit', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1142988', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Die nackte Wahrheit - 2/Die nackte Wahrheit.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 124, u'title': u'Don Jon', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:54', u'label': u'Don Jon', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2229499', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Don Jon - 2013 - 2-3/Don Jon - 2013.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 125, u'title': u'Drop Dead Sexy', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:55', u'label': u'Drop Dead Sexy', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0397401', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Drop Dead Sexy/Drop Dead Sexy.avi', u'year': 2005, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 127, u'title': u'Elysium', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:58', u'label': u'Elysium', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1535108', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Elysium - 2013/Elysium.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 128, u'title': u'Fame', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:40:05', u'label': u'Fame', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1016075', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Fame - 2-3/Fame CD1.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Fame - 2-3/Fame CD2.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 129, u'title': u'Fired Up! Das Cheerleader Camp', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:40:20', u'label': u'Fired Up! Das Cheerleader Camp', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1083456', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Fired Up - 1-2/Fired Up.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 130, u'title': u'Footloose', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:17:48', u'label': u'Footloose', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0087277', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Footloose - 2/Footloose.avi', u'year': 1984, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 131, u'title': u'Freunde mit gewissen Vorz\xfcgen', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:40:26', u'label': u'Freunde mit gewissen Vorz\xfcgen', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1632708', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Freunde mit gewissen Vorzuegen/poe-fmgv.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 133, u'title': u'Highschool Super Hero', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:03', u'label': u'Highschool Super Hero', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1059773', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/High School Superhero - 3/high.school.superhero.xvid.avi', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 134, u'title': u'Iron Sky', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:54', u'label': u'Iron Sky', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1034314', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Iron Sky - Wir kommen in Frieden - 2012/Iron Sky - Wir kommen in Frieden - 2012.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 135, u'title': u'Juno', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:59', u'label': u'Juno', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0467406', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Juno/Juno.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 136, u'title': u'Kick-Ass', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:03', u'label': u'Kick-Ass', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1250777', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Kick Ass - ger - 2-3/CD1/aoe-kick_cd1.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Kick Ass - ger - 2-3/CD2/aoe-kick_cd2.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 138, u'title': u'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:06', u'label': u'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0373469', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Kiss Kiss Bang Bang/Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.avi', u'year': 2005, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 139, u'title': u'Kiss the Coach', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:10', u'label': u'Kiss the Coach', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1540128', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Kiss the Coach - 2013 - 3/Kiss the Coach - 2013 CD1.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Kiss the Coach - 2013 - 3/Kiss the Coach - 2013 CD2.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 140, u'title': u'Kochen ist Chefsache', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:17', u'label': u'Kochen ist Chefsache', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1911553', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Kochen ist Chefsache - 2012 - 2/Kochen.ist.Chefsache.2012.German.AC3.LD.Sync.R5.Xvid-SECURE.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 141, u'title': u'Kokow\xe4\xe4h', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:08', u'label': u'Kokow\xe4\xe4h', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1700258', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Kokow\xe4\xe4h - 2011 - 3/Kokow\xe4\xe4h.xvid.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 142, u'title': u'Kokow\xe4\xe4h 2', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:10', u'label': u'Kokow\xe4\xe4h 2', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2194599', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Kokow\xe4\xe4h 2 - 2-3/Kokow\xe4\xe4h 2.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 143, u'title': u'Lammbock - Alles in Handarbeit', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:13', u'label': u'Lammbock - Alles in Handarbeit', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0258760', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Lammbock/Lammbock.avi', u'year': 2001, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 144, u'title': u'Liebe und andere Turbulenzen', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:40:34', u'label': u'Liebe und andere Turbulenzen', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1686042', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Liebe und andere Turbulenzen - 2013 - 3-4/Liebe und andere Turbulenzen.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 145, u'title': u'Meine erfundene Frau', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:01', u'label': u'Meine erfundene Frau', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1564367', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Meine Erfundene Frau - 1-2/Meine erfundene Frau.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 146, u'title': u'Moulin Rouge', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:41', u'label': u'Moulin Rouge', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0203009', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Moulin Rouge - 1/MOULIN_ROUGE.iso', u'year': 2001, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 147, u'title': u'Nichts zu verzollen', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:49', u'label': u'Nichts zu verzollen', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1528313', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Nichts zu verzollen - 2-3/Nichts zu verzollen.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 148, u'title': u"Ocean's Thirteen", u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:52', u'label': u"Ocean's Thirteen", u'imdbnumber': u'tt0496806', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Oceans Thirteen - 2007/Oceans Thirteen CD1.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Oceans Thirteen - 2007/Oceans Thirteen CD2.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 149, u'title': u"Ocean's Twelve", u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:55', u'label': u"Ocean's Twelve", u'imdbnumber': u'tt0349903', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Oceans Twelve - 2004/Oceans Twelve CD1.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Oceans Twelve - 2004/Oceans Twelve CD2.avi', u'year': 2004, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 150, u'title': u'Offroad', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:56', u'label': u'Offroad', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2133298', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Offroad - 2013 - 2-3/Offroad.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 151, u'title': u'Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:21', u'label': u'Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0081874', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis/Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis.avi', u'year': 1982, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 152, u'title': u'Project X', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:13', u'label': u'Project X', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1636826', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Projekt X - 2/Project X.mkv', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 153, u'title': u'Rezept zum Verlieben', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:48', u'label': u'Rezept zum Verlieben', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0481141', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Rezept zum Verlieben/Rezept zum Verlieben.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 154, u'title': u'Rock of Ages', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:34', u'label': u'Rock of Ages', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1336608', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Rock of Ages/Rock of Ages.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 155, u'title': u'Rubbeldiekatz', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:55:01', u'label': u'Rubbeldiekatz', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1802810', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/RubbeldieKatz/RubbeldieKatz.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 156, u'title': u'Rush - Alles f\xfcr den Sieg', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:37', u'label': u'Rush - Alles f\xfcr den Sieg', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1979320', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Rush - Alles f\xfcr den Sieg - 2013 - 1-2/Rush - Alles f\xfcr den Sieg - 2013.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 157, u'title': u'Sex Up Your Life', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:44', u'label': u'Sex Up Your Life', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2112210', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Sex Up Your Life - 2012 - 2/Sex Up Your Life.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 158, u'title': u'Silver Linings', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:49', u'label': u'Silver Linings', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1045658', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Silver Linings - 2012 - 2/Silver Linings.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 159, u'title': u'Stellungswechsel', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:55', u'label': u'Stellungswechsel', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0940776', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Stellungswechsel - 3/Stellungswechsel.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 160, u'title': u'Step Up', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:23', u'label': u'Step Up', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0462590', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Step Up/Step Up.avi', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 161, u'title': u'Suck - Biss zum Erfolg', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:24', u'label': u'Suck - Biss zum Erfolg', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1323605', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Suck Biss zum Erfolg - 2-3/Suck - Biss zum Erfolg.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 162, u'title': u'Superbad - Meine letzte Nacht als Jungfrau', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:28', u'label': u'Superbad - Meine letzte Nacht als Jungfrau', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0829482', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Superbad - 2007 - 2/Superbad - 2007.mkv', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 163, u'title': u'Taffe M\xe4dels', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:19', u'label': u'Taffe M\xe4dels', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2404463', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Taffe M\xe4dels - 2013 - 2/Taffe M\xe4dels.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 164, u'title': u'T4xi', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:32', u'label': u'T4xi', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0804540', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Taxi 4 - 3/Taxi 4 AC3.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 165, u'title': u'T\xfcrkisch f\xfcr Anf\xe4nger', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:39', u'label': u'T\xfcrkisch f\xfcr Anf\xe4nger', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1650536', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/T\xfcrkisch f\xfcr Anf\xe4nger - 2012/T\xfcrkisch f\xfcr Anf\xe4nger - 2012.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 166, u'title': u'Vamps - Dating mit Biss', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:48', u'label': u'Vamps - Dating mit Biss', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1545106', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Vamps Dating mit Biss - 2012 - 2/Vamps - Dating mit Biss.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 167, u'title': u'Warm Bodies', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:50', u'label': u'Warm Bodies', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1588173', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Warm Bodies - 2013 - 2-3/Warm Bodies.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 168, u'title': u"Was passiert, wenn's passiert ist", u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:56', u'label': u"Was passiert, wenn's passiert ist", u'imdbnumber': u'tt1586265', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Was passiert wenns passiert ist - 2012 - 2/Was passiert wenns passiert ist - 2012.mkv', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 169, u'title': u'Wir sind die Millers', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:52', u'label': u'Wir sind die Millers', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1723121', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Wir sind die Millers - 2013 - 2-3/Wir sind die Millers - 2013 - WEBRIP-MD - by Videomann.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 170, u'title': u'Zettl', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:55:04', u'label': u'Zettl', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1505109', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Zettl - 2012 - 4/zettl.ac3.XviD-PS.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 171, u'title': u'Ziemlich beste Freunde', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:43', u'label': u'Ziemlich beste Freunde', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1675434', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Ziemlich beste Freunde/Ziemlich beste Freunde.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 172, u'title': u'Zombieland', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:55:05', u'label': u'Zombieland', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1156398', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Zombieland - 1/Zombieland.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 173, u'title': u'Zombieland', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-19 18:27:37', u'label': u'Zombieland', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1156398', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Zombieland - 1/Zombieland.DVDRip.XviD.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 174, u'title': u'Zur\xfcck in die Zukunft', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:18', u'label': u'Zur\xfcck in die Zukunft', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0088763', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Zurueck in die Zukunft Trilogie - 1/Zur\xfcck in die Zukunft I.avi', u'year': 1985, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 175, u'title': u'Zur\xfcck in die Zukunft II', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:20', u'label': u'Zur\xfcck in die Zukunft II', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0096874', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Zurueck in die Zukunft Trilogie - 1/Zur\xfcck in die Zukunft II.avi', u'year': 1989, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 176, u'title': u'Zur\xfcck in die Zukunft III', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:23', u'label': u'Zur\xfcck in die Zukunft III', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0099088', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Zurueck in die Zukunft Trilogie - 1/Zur\xfcck in die Zukunft III.avi', u'year': 1990, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 177, u'title': u'Zwei vom alten Schlag', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:15', u'label': u'Zwei vom alten Schlag', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1661382', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Zwei vom alten Schlag/Zwei vom alten Schlag.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 178, u'title': u'Zweiohrk\xfcken', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:15', u'label': u'Zweiohrk\xfcken', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1343755', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Zweiohrkueken - 2/ngx-zweiohr-xvid.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 180, u'title': u"Ice Age 2 - Jetzt taut's", u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:36', u'label': u"Ice Age 2 - Jetzt taut's", u'imdbnumber': u'tt0438097', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Ice Age 2 - jetzt tauts/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 181, u'title': u'Asterix erobert Rom', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:41', u'label': u'Asterix erobert Rom', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0072901', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Asterix erobert Rom - 1976/Asterix erobert Rom - 1976.avi', u'year': 1976, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 182, u'title': u'Die Croods', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:47', u'label': u'Die Croods', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0481499', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Die Croods - 2013 - 2/Die Croods.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 183, u'title': u'Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:38:59', u'label': u'Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1067106', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Disneys Weihnachtgeschichte/Disneys Weihnachtsgeschichte.M2TS', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 184, u'title': u'Findet Nemo', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:40:16', u'label': u'Findet Nemo', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0266543', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Findet Nemo - 2003/Findet Nemo BDRip.avi', u'year': 2003, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 185, u'title': u'Hotel Transsilvanien', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:30', u'label': u'Hotel Transsilvanien', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0837562', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Hotel Transsilvanien - 2012 - 2/Hotel Transsilvanien - 2012.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 186, u'title': u'Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich 2', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:51', u'label': u'Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich 2', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1690953', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Ich einfach unverbesserlich 2 - 2013 - 2-3/minions-ich2_xvid.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 187, u'title': u'Igor', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:37', u'label': u'Igor', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0465502', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Igor/Igor.avi', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 188, u'title': u'Kung Fu Panda', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:11', u'label': u'Kung Fu Panda', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0441773', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/KungFu Panda - 1/KUNG_FU_PANDA.ISO', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 189, u'title': u'K\xfcss den Frosch', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:11', u'label': u'K\xfcss den Frosch', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0780521', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/K\xfcss den Frosch/Kuess den Frosch.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 190, u'title': u'Megamind', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:33', u'label': u'Megamind', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1001526', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Megamind - 2010 - 2/snack-megamind.bdrip.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 191, u'title': u'Merida - Legende der Highlands', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:37', u'label': u'Merida - Legende der Highlands', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1217209', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Merida Legende Der Highlands - 2012/Merida Legende Der Highlands - 2012.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 192, u'title': u'Die Monster Uni', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:37', u'label': u'Die Monster Uni', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1453405', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Monsters University - 2013 - 2/Monsters University - 2013.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 193, u'title': u'Oben', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:45', u'label': u'Oben', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1049413', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Oben/Oben.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 194, u'title': u'Planet 51', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:08', u'label': u'Planet 51', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0762125', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Planet 51 - 2/Planet 51.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 195, u'title': u'Rango', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:17', u'label': u'Rango', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1192628', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Rango - (2011) - 4/rango-rango-xvid.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 196, u'title': u'Tarzan', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:31', u'label': u'Tarzan', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0120855', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Tarzan - Walt Disney - 1/TARZAN/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 1999, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 197, u'title': u'Turbo - Kleine Schnecke, gro\xdfer Traum', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:38', u'label': u'Turbo - Kleine Schnecke, gro\xdfer Traum', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1860353', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Turbo - Kleine Schnecke gro\xdfer Traum - 2013 - 3/Turbo - Kleine Schnecke gro\xdfer Traum - 2013.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 198, u'title': u'Werner - Beinhart!', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:55', u'label': u'Werner - Beinhart!', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0100912', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Werner Beinhart - 1/Werner.I.Beinhart!.1990.DVDrip.German_2.0.mkv', u'year': 1990, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 199, u'title': u'Das Beste kommt zum Schluss', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:39', u'label': u'Das Beste kommt zum Schluss', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0825232', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Drama/Das Beste kommt zum Schluss - 2/Das.Beste.kommt.zum.Schluss.DVDSCR.MD.German.XViD-ASPIRIN.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 200, u'title': u'Das Kabinett des Doktor Parnassus', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:39', u'label': u'Das Kabinett des Doktor Parnassus', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1054606', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Drama/Das Kabinett des Dr. Parnassus/Das Kabinett des Dr. Parnassus CD1.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Drama/Das Kabinett des Dr. Parnassus/Das Kabinett des Dr. Parnassus CD2.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 201, u'title': u'Gran Torino', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:12', u'label': u'Gran Torino', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1205489', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Drama/Gran Torino - engl - 2/Gran.Torino.2008.DvDRip-FxM.avi', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 203, u'title': u'Thank You for Smoking', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:33', u'label': u'Thank You for Smoking', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0427944', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Drama/Thank you for smoking - 2-3/Thank You for Smoking.avi', u'year': 2005, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 204, u'title': u'The Express', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:40:04', u'label': u'The Express', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0469903', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Drama/The Express/The Express CD1.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Drama/The Express/The Express CD2.avi', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 205, u'title': u'Battle of the Year', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:32', u'label': u'Battle of the Year', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1532958', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Musik/Battle of the Year - 2013 - 3-4/Battle of the Year - 2013.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 206, u'title': u'Metallica Through the Never', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:34', u'label': u'Metallica Through the Never', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2172935', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Musik/Metallica - Through The Never - 2013/Metallica - Through The Never - 2013.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 208, u'title': u"Michael Jackson: Bad Japan Tour '87", u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:34', u'label': u"Michael Jackson: Bad Japan Tour '87", u'imdbnumber': u'', u'file': u"nfs:// Filme/#Musik/Michael Jackson - BAD Tour '87/VTS_01_0.IFO", u'year': 1987, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 209, u'title': u"Michael Jackson: Bad Japan Tour '87", u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-19 18:26:37', u'label': u"Michael Jackson: Bad Japan Tour '87", u'imdbnumber': u'', u'file': u"nfs:// Filme/#Musik/Michael Jackson - BAD Tour '87/VTS_02_0.IFO", u'year': 1987, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 210, u'title': u'Pink: Funhouse Tour Live in Australia', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Pink: Funhouse Tour Live in Australia', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1596280', u'file': u"nfs:// Filme/#Musik/Pink - Funhouse Tour Live in Australia/Pink's Funhouse Tour Live In Australia.avi", u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 211, u'title': u'Stomp: Out Loud', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-19 18:27:21', u'label': u'Stomp: Out Loud', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0165964', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Musik/STOMP/STOMP - Stomp Out Loud [DVD-Ripp].avi', u'year': 1997, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 212, u'title': u'Gravity', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:13', u'label': u'Gravity', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1454468', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Thriller/Gravity - 2013/index.bdmv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 213, u'title': u'Argo', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:08', u'label': u'Argo', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1024648', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Thriller/Argo - 2012 - 3/Argo 2012 BRRip XvidHD 720p-NPW.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 214, u'title': u'Der Mandant', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:26', u'label': u'Der Mandant', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1189340', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Thriller/Der Mandant - 1-2/Der Mandant.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 215, u'title': u'Gesetz der Rache', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:16', u'label': u'Gesetz der Rache', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1197624', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Thriller/Gesetz der Rache - 1/Gesetz der Rache.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 216, u'title': u"Michael Jackson: Bad Japan Tour '87", u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-19 18:26:42', u'label': u"Michael Jackson: Bad Japan Tour '87", u'imdbnumber': u'', u'file': u"nfs:// Filme/#Musik/Michael Jackson - BAD Tour '87/VIDEO_TS.VOB", u'year': 1987, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 217, u'title': u'Get Smart', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:40:32', u'label': u'Get Smart', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0425061', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Get Smart - 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 218, u'title': u'M\xe4nnersache', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:45', u'label': u'M\xe4nnersache', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1263757', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/M\xe4nnersache - 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 219, u'title': u'Baron M\xfcnchhausen', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Baron M\xfcnchhausen', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2575380', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Baron M\xfcnchhausen 1_2 - mit Jan Josef Liefers - (2012)/Baron M\xfcnchhausen 1.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 220, u'title': u'Baron M\xfcnchhausen', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Baron M\xfcnchhausen', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2575380', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Baron M\xfcnchhausen 1_2 - mit Jan Josef Liefers - (2012)/Baron M\xfcnchhausen 2.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 221, u'title': u'Das Dschungelbuch', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:51:57', u'label': u'Das Dschungelbuch', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0061852', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Dschungelbuch/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 1967, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 222, u'title': u'Dolby Test DVDs', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-20 10:58:55', u'label': u'Dolby Test DVDs', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0103793', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/# Dolby Test-DVDs/THX.DTS.Dolby.Digital.Audio.Experience.Tester.DVDR-WANTED/VIDEO_TS.iso', u'year': 1992, u'playcount': 2}, {u'movieid': 223, u'title': u'Iron Man 3', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-27 23:27:17', u'label': u'Iron Man 3', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1300854', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Iron Man-3/index.bdmv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 2}, {u'movieid': 224, u'title': u'21 Jump Street', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:00', u'label': u'21 Jump Street', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1232829', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Action/21 Jump Street - 2012 - 3/vcf-21.jump.xvid-a.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Action/21 Jump Street - 2012 - 3/vcf-21.jump.xvid-b.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 225, u'title': u'96 Hours', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:07:12', u'label': u'96 Hours', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0936501', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/96 Hours - 1/d-96hours-1080p.mkv', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 226, u'title': u'96 Hours', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-19 18:26:10', u'label': u'96 Hours', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0936501', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/96 Hours - 1/d-96hours-1080p.vob', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 227, u'title': u'American Gangster', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:06', u'label': u'American Gangster', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0765429', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/American Gangster/CD1/vcf-agxp-1.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 228, u'title': u'Asterix & Obelix - Im Auftrag Ihrer Majest\xe4t', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:08', u'label': u'Asterix & Obelix - Im Auftrag Ihrer Majest\xe4t', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1597522', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Asterix und Obelix Im Auftrag Ihrer Majestaet - 2012 - 4/xf-asunobimauihma.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 229, u'title': u'Bitch Slap', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:09', u'label': u'Bitch Slap', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1212974', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Action/Bitch Slap - 2009 - 3/0ptimus-bitch-xvid-cd1/0ptimus-bitch-xvid-cd1.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Action/Bitch Slap - 2009 - 3/0ptimus-bitch-xvid-cd2/0ptimus-bitch-xvid-cd2.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 230, u'title': u'Cars', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:11', u'label': u'Cars', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0317219', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Cars/www.torrent.to...Cars.TELECiNE.MD.German.XVID.avi', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 231, u'title': u'Cars 2', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:14', u'label': u'Cars 2', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1216475', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Cars 2 - 2/CD1/pl-cars2_xvid-a.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Cars 2 - 2/CD2/pl-cars2_xvid-b.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 232, u'title': u'Chuck und Larry - Wie Feuer und Flamme', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:43', u'label': u'Chuck und Larry - Wie Feuer und Flamme', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0762107', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Chuck und Larry Wie Feuer und Flamme/lex-chuck_und_larry_xvid.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 234, u'title': u'Crazy, Stupid, Love.', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:15', u'label': u'Crazy, Stupid, Love.', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1570728', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Crazy Stupid Love - 2011 - 2/HOR-cracy.ac3d.xvid.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 235, u'title': u'Dark Shadows', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:17', u'label': u'Dark Shadows', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1077368', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Dark Shadows 2012 - 2/shadows.ac3d.x264-Westerwelle.mkv', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 236, u'title': u'Das gibt \xc4rger', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:07:21', u'label': u'Das gibt \xc4rger', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1596350', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Das gibt \xc4rger 2012 - 2-3/mb-aerger.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 237, u'title': u'Das Schwergewicht', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:33', u'label': u'Das Schwergewicht', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1648179', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Das Schwergewicht - 2012 - 2/fky-rp-ds.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 239, u'title': u'Der Lorax', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:56', u'label': u'Der Lorax', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1482459', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Der Lorax 2012 - 2-3/lorax.ac3d.xvid-Westerwelle.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 240, u'title': u'Der rosarote Panther 2', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:13', u'label': u'Der rosarote Panther 2', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0838232', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Der rosarote Panther 2/owk-pp2.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 241, u'title': u'Der Teufel tr\xe4gt Prada', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:19', u'label': u'Der Teufel tr\xe4gt Prada', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0458352', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Der Teufel tr\xe4gt Prada/CD1/klick_teufel_vcd1.bin , nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Der Teufel tr\xe4gt Prada/CD2/klick_teufel_vcd2.bin', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 242, u'title': u'Der unglaubliche Burt Wonderstone', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:44', u'label': u'Der unglaubliche Burt Wonderstone', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0790628', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Der unglaubliche Burt Wonderstone - 2013 - 2-3/mb-wonderstone.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 243, u'title': u'Die Eisk\xf6nigin - V\xf6llig unverfroren', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:27', u'label': u'Die Eisk\xf6nigin - V\xf6llig unverfroren', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2294629', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Die Eisk\xf6nigin - V\xf6llig unverfroren - 2013 - 2/exq-eiskoenigin-720p.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 244, u'title': u'Die H\xfcter des Lichts', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:17', u'label': u'Die H\xfcter des Lichts', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1446192', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Die H\xfcter des Lichts - 2012 - 2/lichth\xfcter.ac3ld.1080p-Doc.Snyder.mkv', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 245, u'title': u'Die Ritter der Kokosnuss', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:06', u'label': u'Die Ritter der Kokosnuss', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0071853', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Die Ritter der Kokosnuss/Die.Ritter.der.Kokusnuss.avi', u'year': 1975, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 246, u'title': u'Die Rotk\xe4ppchen-Verschw\xf6rung', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:37', u'label': u'Die Rotk\xe4ppchen-Verschw\xf6rung', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0443536', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Die Rotk\xe4ppchen Verschw\xf6rung - 1/ntg-rotkaeppchen.avi', u'year': 2005, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 247, u'title': u'Die Schl\xfcmpfe', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:35', u'label': u'Die Schl\xfcmpfe', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0472181', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Die Schl\xfcmpfe/Die Schl\xfcmpfe - 2-3.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 248, u'title': u'Die Simpsons - Der Film', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:22', u'label': u'Die Simpsons - Der Film', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0462538', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Die Simpsons - Der Film/notrade-simpsons_xvid.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 249, u'title': u'Die Tribute von Panem - The Hunger Games', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:41', u'label': u'Die Tribute von Panem - The Hunger Games', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1392170', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Die Tribute von Panem - Hunger Games - 2012 - 2/panem.ac3ld.xvid-Doc.Snyder.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 250, u'title': u'Die Unfassbaren - Now You See Me', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:11', u'label': u'Die Unfassbaren - Now You See Me', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1670345', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Die Unfassbaren - 2013 - 2/tod_unfassbarextended_xvid.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 251, u'title': u'Die Wanderhure', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Die Wanderhure', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1534089', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Drama/Die.Wanderhure.German.2010.AC3.DVDRiP.XviD-XF/xf-wanderhure.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 252, u'title': u'Disturbia - Auch Killer haben Nachbarn', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:21', u'label': u'Disturbia - Auch Killer haben Nachbarn', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0486822', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Thriller/Disturbia/ctx-distx.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 253, u'title': u'Flutsch und weg', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:23', u'label': u'Flutsch und weg', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0424095', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Flutsch und weg/ntg-flutsch.avi', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 254, u'title': u'Friends With Kids', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:24', u'label': u'Friends With Kids', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1720616', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Friends with Kids - 2011 - 2-3/sons-fwk-xvid.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 256, u'title': u'Jack Reacher', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:49', u'label': u'Jack Reacher', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0790724', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Jack Reacher - 2012 - 2-3/jack.r.ac3.xvid-Doc.Snyder.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 258, u'title': u'Kindsk\xf6pfe 2', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:47:44', u'label': u'Kindsk\xf6pfe 2', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2191701', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Kindsk\xf6pfe 2 - 2013 - 3/kinder.ac3ld.xvid-Doc.Snyder.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 259, u'title': u'K\xf6nige der Wellen', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:45', u'label': u'K\xf6nige der Wellen', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0423294', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/K\xf6nige der Wellen/ctx-kdwr5x.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 260, u'title': u'Lady Vegas', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:50', u'label': u'Lady Vegas', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1132449', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Lady Vegas - 2012 - 3/etm-ladyvegas-xvid.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 261, u'title': u'Lesbian Vampire Killers', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:52', u'label': u'Lesbian Vampire Killers', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1020885', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Lesbian Vampire Killers - 2-3/xf-lesbianvampirekillers.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 262, u'title': u'Liebe braucht keine Ferien', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:35', u'label': u'Liebe braucht keine Ferien', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0457939', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Liebe braucht keine Ferien/CD1/ntg-lbkf_xvid1.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Liebe braucht keine Ferien/CD2/ntg-lbkf_xvid2.avi', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 263, u'title': u'Looper', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:54', u'label': u'Looper', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1276104', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Looper - 2012 - 3/looper.ac3md.xvid.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 264, u'title': u'Lord of War - H\xe4ndler des Todes', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:58', u'label': u'Lord of War - H\xe4ndler des Todes', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0399295', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Action/Lord of War - 2/CD1/break-lordxvida.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Action/Lord of War - 2/CD2/break-lordxvidb.avi', u'year': 2005, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 265, u'title': u'Magic Mike', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:00', u'label': u'Magic Mike', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1915581', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Magic Mike - 2012 - 3/aoe-mike.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 266, u'title': u'Men in Black 3', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:04', u'label': u'Men in Black 3', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1409024', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Action/Men in Black 3 - 2012 - 2/pl-mib3_xvid-a.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Action/Men in Black 3 - 2012 - 2/pl-mib3_xvid-b.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 267, u'title': u'Mr. Brooks - Der M\xf6rder in dir', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:09', u'label': u'Mr. Brooks - Der M\xf6rder in dir', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0780571', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Thriller/Mr. Brooks der M\xf6rder in Dir - 2/CD1/asp-brooks1.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 268, u'title': u'Mr. & Mrs. Smith', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:07', u'label': u'Mr. & Mrs. Smith', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0356910', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Action/Mr. und Mrs. Smith - 2-3/CD1/ecp-mumsa.bin , nfs:// Filme/#Action/Mr. und Mrs. Smith - 2-3/CD2/ecp-mumsb.bin , nfs:// Filme/#Action/Mr. und Mrs. Smith - 2-3/CD3/ecp-mumsc.bin', u'year': 2005, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 269, u'title': u'Premium Rush', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:14', u'label': u'Premium Rush', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1547234', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Premium Rush - 2012 - 3/rush.ac3ld.xvid-Doc.Snyder.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 270, u'title': u'Ralph reichts', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:07:32', u'label': u'Ralph reichts', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1772341', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Ralph reichts - 2012 - 2/ralfi.dvdscr.ld-schuft.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 271, u'title': u'Repo Men', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:16', u'label': u'Repo Men', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1053424', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Repo Men - 2010 - 2-3/ntb-repomen-xvid.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 272, u'title': u'Safe - Todsicher', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:18', u'label': u'Safe - Todsicher', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1656190', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Safe Todsicher - 2012 - 2/poe-safe.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 273, u'title': u'Shaun the Sheep', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-13 13:42:30', u'label': u'Shaun the Sheep', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2872750', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Shaun the Sheep/Shaun das Schaf.avi', u'year': 2015, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 274, u'title': u'James Bond 007 - Skyfall', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:30', u'label': u'James Bond 007 - Skyfall', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1074638', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Skyfall - 2012 - 2/skyfall.ac3d.xvid-Doc.Snyder.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 276, u'title': u'Snow White and the Huntsman', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:40', u'label': u'Snow White and the Huntsman', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1735898', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Snow White and the Huntsman - 2012 - 2-3/wtr-snowwhite-theatrical.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 278, u'title': u'Ted', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:07:18', u'label': u'Ted', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1637725', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Ted - 2012 - 3-4/aoe-ted.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 279, u'title': u'The Amazing Spider-Man', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:03', u'label': u'The Amazing Spider-Man', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0948470', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/The Amazing Spiderman - 2012 - 3/z_spider.ISO', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 281, u'title': u'The Man with the Iron Fists', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:06:02', u'label': u'The Man with the Iron Fists', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1258972', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/The Man with the Iron Fists - 2012 - 3/fist.ac3md.1080p-Doc.Snyder.mkv', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 282, u'title': u'Kick-Ass 2', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:05', u'label': u'Kick-Ass 2', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1650554', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wall E - 2/cpg-walle-xvid.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 283, u'title': u'Wanderlust - Der Trip ihres Lebens', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:07:23', u'label': u'Wanderlust - Der Trip ihres Lebens', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1655460', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Wanderlust - 2012 - 3/lxd-wanderlust-bdrip.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 284, u'title': u'Wie beim ersten Mal', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:39', u'label': u'Wie beim ersten Mal', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1535438', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Wie beim ersten Mal - 2012 - 3/ersten.mal.ac3ld.720p-Doc&Jolina.mkv', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 285, u'title': u'Colombiana', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:13:09', u'label': u'Colombiana', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1657507', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Action/Colombiana - 2/pl-colombiana_xvid-a.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Action/Colombiana - 2/pl-colombiana_xvid-b.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 286, u'title': u'The Dark Knight', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:13:22', u'label': u'The Dark Knight', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0468569', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/The Dark Knight - 1/dfd-dark.knight-720p.mkv', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 287, u'title': u'Death Race', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:14:21', u'label': u'Death Race', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0452608', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Action/Death Race - 3/jots-deathrace_a.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Action/Death Race - 3/jots-deathrace_b.avi', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 288, u'title': u'Fire with Fire - Rache folgt eigenen Regeln', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:16:53', u'label': u'Fire with Fire - Rache folgt eigenen Regeln', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1925431', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Fire with fire - 2012 - 2-3/fire.ac3.xvid-HQX.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 289, u'title': u'Ein Schatz zum Verlieben', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:26:05', u'label': u'Ein Schatz zum Verlieben', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0770752', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Ein Schatz zum Verlieben - Fools Gold - 2/FOOLS_GOLD.ISO', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 290, u'title': u'F\xfcnf Freunde', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:18:36', u'label': u'F\xfcnf Freunde', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1954464', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/F\xfcnf Freunde - 2-3/freunde.ac3.xvid-Westerwelle.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 291, u'title': u'Hitman - Jeder stirbt alleine', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:19:37', u'label': u'Hitman - Jeder stirbt alleine', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0465494', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/HITMAN - 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 292, u'title': u'Iron Man', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:36:44', u'label': u'Iron Man', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0371746', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Iron Man - 720p - 1/dfd-iron.man-720p.mkv', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 293, u'title': u'Kindsk\xf6pfe', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:05:32', u'label': u'Kindsk\xf6pfe', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1375670', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Kindsk\xf6pfe - 2/Kindskoepfe.SCR.LD.avi.divx', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 294, u'title': u'Largo Winch - T\xf6dliches Erbe', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:49:44', u'label': u'Largo Winch - T\xf6dliches Erbe', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0808339', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Largo Winch - 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 295, u'title': u'R.E.D. - \xc4lter. H\xe4rter. Besser.', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 18:57:23', u'label': u'R.E.D. - \xc4lter. H\xe4rter. Besser.', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1245526', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/R.E.D/R.E.D.2010.German.AC3.5.1.Dubbed.DVDSCR.XViD-ExPERT.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 296, u'title': u'Star Wars: Episode II - Angriff der Klonkrieger', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:02:29', u'label': u'Star Wars: Episode II - Angriff der Klonkrieger', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0121765', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Star Wars Episode 1-6/Star Wars Episode 2.m2ts', u'year': 2002, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 297, u'title': u'Star Wars: Episode III - Die Rache der Sith', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:02:29', u'label': u'Star Wars: Episode III - Die Rache der Sith', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0121766', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Star Wars Episode 1-6/Star Wars Episode 3.m2ts', u'year': 2005, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 298, u'title': u"Smokin' Aces", u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:53:54', u'label': u"Smokin' Aces", u'imdbnumber': u'tt0475394', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Action/Smokin Aces - 2/CD1/aspirin-smokinaces_xvid1.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Action/Smokin Aces - 2/CD2/aspirin-smokinaces_xvid2.avi', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 299, u'title': u'Step Up 3', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:23', u'label': u'Step Up 3', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1193631', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Step Up 3D - 2/vcf-stepup3.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 300, u'title': u'Kings of Rock \u2013 Tenacious D', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:09:18', u'label': u'Kings of Rock \u2013 Tenacious D', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0365830', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Kings of Rock - Tenacious D - Pick of Destiny - 1/TENACIOUS_D.iso', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 301, u'title': u'Knallhart', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Knallhart', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0475317', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Drama/Knallhart - 2-3/Tough Enough.avi', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 302, u'title': u'Crank 2 - High Voltage', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:08:41', u'label': u'Crank 2 - High Voltage', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1121931', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Crank 2 - High Voltage - 2-3/pl-crank2_r5.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 303, u'title': u'Blues Brothers', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:26:42', u'label': u'Blues Brothers', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0080455', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Blues Brothers - 1/CD1/crow-bluesbrothers-a.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Blues Brothers - 1/CD2/crow-bluesbrothers-b.avi', u'year': 1980, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 304, u'title': u'Aushilfsgangster', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:27:24', u'label': u'Aushilfsgangster', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0471042', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Aushilfsgangster - 2/gangster.ac3d.xvid.rp-DS.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 305, u'title': u'Anchorman - Die Legende von Ron Burgundy', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:26:38', u'label': u'Anchorman - Die Legende von Ron Burgundy', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0357413', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Der Anchorman - Die Legende von Ron Burgundy - 2012 - 3-4/Der Anchorman - Die Legende von Ron Burgundy - 2012.avi', u'year': 2004, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 306, u'title': u'96 Hours - Taken 2', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:27:22', u'label': u'96 Hours - Taken 2', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1397280', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/96 Hours - Taken 2 - 3/lxd-t2-bdrip.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 307, u'title': u'72 Stunden - The Next Three Days', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:27:18', u'label': u'72 Stunden - The Next Three Days', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1458175', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/72 Stunden - 2/72 Stunden - The Next Three Days - 2.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 308, u'title': u'22 Bullets', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:26:36', u'label': u'22 Bullets', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1167638', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/22 Bullets - 1-2/epic-22.bullets.bdrip.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 309, u'title': u'12 Years a Slave', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:26:34', u'label': u'12 Years a Slave', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2024544', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Drama/12 Years a Slave - 2013/index.bdmv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 311, u'title': u'The Dark Knight Rises', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:26:47', u'label': u'The Dark Knight Rises', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1345836', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/The Dark Knight Rises - 2/z_rises.ISO', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 312, u'title': u'Django Unchained', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:26:50', u'label': u'Django Unchained', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1853728', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Django Unchained - Englisch - 2012 - 1/diango.ac3.xvid-Doc.Snyder.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 314, u'title': u'Eagle Eye - Au\xdfer Kontrolle', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:26:52', u'label': u'Eagle Eye - Au\xdfer Kontrolle', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1059786', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Action/Eagle Eye - 2-3/pl-eagle_a.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Action/Eagle Eye - 2-3/pl-eagle_b.avi', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 315, u'title': u'Eragon - Das Verm\xe4chtnis der Drachenreiter', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:26:55', u'label': u'Eragon - Das Verm\xe4chtnis der Drachenreiter', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0449010', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Eragon - 2-3/aoe-eragon_ts_xvid.avi', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 316, u'title': u'The Expendables 2', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:26:57', u'label': u'The Expendables 2', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1764651', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/The Expandables 2 - 2012 - 2-3/expandables.ac3d.720p-Doc&Jolina.mkv', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 317, u'title': u'Fack ju G\xf6hte', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:26:58', u'label': u'Fack ju G\xf6hte', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2987732', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Fack Ju G\xf6the - 2013 - 1/Fack Ju G\xf6the - 2013 - 1.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 318, u'title': u'Forbidden Kingdom', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:26:59', u'label': u'Forbidden Kingdom', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0865556', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Forbidden Kingdom - 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 319, u'title': u'Frau Rettich, die Czerni und ich', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-19 18:26:26', u'label': u'Frau Rettich, die Czerni und ich', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0132984', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Frau Rettich die Czerni und ich - 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 1998, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 320, u'title': u'From Paris with Love', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:27:00', u'label': u'From Paris with Love', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1179034', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/From Paris with Love - 2/cs-paris.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 321, u'title': u'Full Metal Village', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Full Metal Village', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0954937', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Full Metal Village DOKU HDTV x264 - TVP - fullmetal (tvp-fullmetal-720p)/tvp-fullmetal-720p.mkv', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 322, u'title': u'Gangster Squad', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:27:07', u'label': u'Gangster Squad', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1321870', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Gangster Squad - 2-3/gangster.ac3md.xvid-Doc.Snyder.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 323, u'title': u'Der gestiefelte Kater', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:27:21', u'label': u'Der gestiefelte Kater', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0448694', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Der gestiefelte Kater 2012/dergestiefelte.xvid.ac3d5.1-schuft.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 324, u'title': u'G.I. Joe - Geheimauftrag Cobra', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:27:03', u'label': u'G.I. Joe - Geheimauftrag Cobra', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1046173', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/GI Joe - Codename Cobra - 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 325, u'title': u'Harry Potter und der Orden des Ph\xf6nix', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:27:13', u'label': u'Harry Potter und der Orden des Ph\xf6nix', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0373889', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Harry Potter und der Orden des Phoenix - 3/CD1/smaak-hp5_cd1.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Harry Potter und der Orden des Phoenix - 3/CD2/smaak-hp5_cd2.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 326, u'title': u"Haywire - Trau' keinem", u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:27:14', u'label': u"Haywire - Trau' keinem", u'imdbnumber': u'tt1506999', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Haywire - 2011/heywaja.r5-twixx.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 328, u'title': u'Inglourious Basterds', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:04', u'label': u'Inglourious Basterds', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0361748', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Inglourious Basterds - 1-2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 329, u'title': u'John Carter - Zwischen zwei Welten', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:18', u'label': u'John Carter - Zwischen zwei Welten', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0401729', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/John.Carter - 2-3/hp-jncart-xvid.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 330, u'title': u'Jumper', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:23', u'label': u'Jumper', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0489099', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Jumper - 3/ska-jumper.avi', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 331, u'title': u'Kick-Ass', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:03', u'label': u'Kick-Ass', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1250777', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Kick Ass - eng - 2/Kick Ass 1o2.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 332, u'title': u"The King's Speech - Die Rede des K\xf6nigs", u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:24', u'label': u"The King's Speech - Die Rede des K\xf6nigs", u'imdbnumber': u'tt1504320', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Drama/The Kings Speech - 3/The Kings Speech - 3.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 333, u'title': u'Krumme Gesch\xe4fte', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:28', u'label': u'Krumme Gesch\xe4fte', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0469689', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Krumme Gesch\xe4fte - 2-3/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 334, u'title': u'Kung Fu Panda 2', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:26', u'label': u'Kung Fu Panda 2', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1302011', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/KungFu Panda 2 - 2-3/Kung Fu Panda 2 - 2-3.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 335, u'title': u'Kurzer Prozess - Righteous Kill', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:58', u'label': u'Kurzer Prozess - Righteous Kill', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1034331', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Kurzer Prozess - Righteous Kill - 3/vcf-kill.avi', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 336, u'title': u'Lethal Weapon 2 - Brennpunkt L.A.', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:30', u'label': u'Lethal Weapon 2 - Brennpunkt L.A.', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0097733', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Lethal Weapon Quadrology/Lethal Weapon 2 Directors Cut/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 1989, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 337, u'title': u'Lethal Weapon 3 - Die Profis sind zur\xfcck', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:32', u'label': u'Lethal Weapon 3 - Die Profis sind zur\xfcck', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0104714', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Lethal Weapon Quadrology/Lethal Weapon 3 Directors Cut/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 1992, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 338, u'title': u'Lucky # Slevin', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:35', u'label': u'Lucky # Slevin', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0425210', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Action/Lucky Number Slevin - 1/CD1/syh-lucky.slevin.cd1.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Action/Lucky Number Slevin - 1/CD2/syh-lucky.slevin.cd2.avi', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 339, u'title': u'Madagascar 3 - Flucht durch Europa', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:37', u'label': u'Madagascar 3 - Flucht durch Europa', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1277953', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Madagascar 3 - Flucht durch Europa - 2012/madagascar.ac3ld.720p-Doc.Snyder.mkv', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 340, u'title': u'Mann tut was Mann kann', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:38', u'label': u'Mann tut was Mann kann', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2036408', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Mann tut was Mann kann - 2/etm-manntwmk-xvid.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 341, u'title': u"Marvel's The Avengers", u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:00', u'label': u"Marvel's The Avengers", u'imdbnumber': u'tt0848228', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Marvel\xb4s - The Avengers - 2/BDMV/index.bdmv', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 342, u'title': u'Robin Hood - Helden in Strumpfhosen', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:04:00', u'label': u'Robin Hood - Helden in Strumpfhosen', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0107977', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Mel Brooks Robin Hood - Helden in Strumpfhosen - 1/Mel Brooks Robin Hood - Helden in Strumpfhosen.avi', u'year': 1993, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 343, u'title': u'Mitten ins Herz', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:41', u'label': u'Mitten ins Herz', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0758766', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Mitten ins Herz - 1/aspirin-mitteninsherz_xvid.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 344, u'title': u'Nachts im Museum', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:44', u'label': u'Nachts im Museum', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0477347', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Nachts im Museum - 2-3/ntg-nachtsimmuseum.avi', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 345, u'title': u'Nick und Norah - Soundtrack einer Nacht', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:42', u'label': u'Nick und Norah - Soundtrack einer Nacht', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0981227', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Nick and Norah - Soundtrack einer Nacht - 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 346, u'title': u'Ohne Limit', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:34', u'label': u'Ohne Limit', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1219289', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Thriller/Ohne Limit - 1/Ohne Limit - 1.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 347, u'title': u'Pitch Perfect', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:46', u'label': u'Pitch Perfect', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1981677', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Pitch Perfect - Die B\xfchne geh\xf6rt uns - 2012 - 2/vcf-pitchperfect-xvid-a.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Pitch Perfect - Die B\xfchne geh\xf6rt uns - 2012 - 2/vcf-pitchperfect-xvid-b.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 348, u'title': u'Pulp Fiction', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:51', u'label': u'Pulp Fiction', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0110912', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Action/Pulp Fiction - 1/CD1/samfd-pulpfictiona.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Action/Pulp Fiction - 1/CD2/samfd-pulpfictionb.avi', u'year': 1994, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 349, u'title': u'Push', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:52', u'label': u'Push', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0465580', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Push - 2-3/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 350, u'title': u'Ratatouille', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:54', u'label': u'Ratatouille', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0382932', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Ratatouille - 2/vcf-ratatouille.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 351, u'title': u'Die Reise zur geheimnisvollen Insel', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:20', u'label': u'Die Reise zur geheimnisvollen Insel', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1397514', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Die Reise zur geheimnisvollen Insel - 2-3/rhd-insel.avi', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 352, u'title': u'Resident Evil', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 20:03:56', u'label': u'Resident Evil', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0120804', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Resident Evil - Trilogy /01. Resident Evil - Genises 1080p.mkv', u'year': 2002, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 353, u'title': u'Rio', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-13 13:42:23', u'label': u'Rio', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1436562', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Rio - 2-3/cfy-rio-dvdrip.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 354, u'title': u'The Rocker', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-13 13:42:25', u'label': u'The Rocker', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1031969', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/The Rocker - 1-2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 355, u'title': u'Rock N Rolla', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-13 13:42:27', u'label': u'Rock N Rolla', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1032755', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/RocknRolla - 2/Safire-Rock.avi', u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 356, u'title': u'Roller Girl - Manchmal ist die schiefe Bahn der richtige Weg', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-13 13:42:34', u'label': u'Roller Girl - Manchmal ist die schiefe Bahn der richtige Weg', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1172233', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Roller Girl - 2-3/cfy-rg-cd1.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Roller Girl - 2-3/cfy-rg-cd2.avi', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 357, u'title': u'Das Rotk\xe4ppchen Ultimatum', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-13 13:42:21', u'label': u'Das Rotk\xe4ppchen Ultimatum', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0844993', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Das Rotkaeppchen Ultimatum - 3/qom-rotkaeppchen.ultimatum.xvid.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 358, u'title': u'Savages', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-13 13:42:29', u'label': u'Savages', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1615065', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Savages - 2-3/savages.ac3d.720p-Doc.Snyder.mkv', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 359, u'title': u'Das Schmuckst\xfcck', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 19:57:04', u'label': u'Das Schmuckst\xfcck', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1521848', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Das Schmuckst\xfcck - 2/Das Schmuckstueck - 2.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 360, u'title': u'Selbst ist die Braut', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 19:56:57', u'label': u'Selbst ist die Braut', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1041829', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Selbst ist die Braut - 2-3/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 361, u'title': u'Serenity - Flucht in neue Welten', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 19:56:59', u'label': u'Serenity - Flucht in neue Welten', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0379786', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Serenity - 2011/Serenity - 2011.avi', u'year': 2005, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 362, u'title': u'The Social Network', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 19:57:37', u'label': u'The Social Network', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1285016', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/The Social Network - 2-3/The Social Network - 2-3.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 363, u'title': u'State of Play - Stand der Dinge', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 19:57:43', u'label': u'State of Play - Stand der Dinge', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0473705', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Thriller/State of Play - 1/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2009, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 364, u'title': u'Der Sternwanderer', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 19:58:05', u'label': u'Der Sternwanderer', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0486655', u'file': u'stack://nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Der Sternenwanderer - 2 ~/CD1/vcf-stern-xvid.a.avi , nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Der Sternenwanderer - 2 ~/CD2/vcf-stern-xvid.b.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 365, u'title': u'Sweeney Todd - Der teuflische Barbier aus der Fleet Street', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 19:58:13', u'label': u'Sweeney Todd - Der teuflische Barbier aus der Fleet Street', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0408236', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Drama/Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - 3/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 366, u'title': u'Thor - The Dark Kingdom', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:54:36', u'label': u'Thor - The Dark Kingdom', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1981115', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Thor 2 - The Dark World - 2013 - 2-3/Thor 2 - The Dark World - 2013.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 367, u'title': u'Triff die Robinsons', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 19:58:27', u'label': u'Triff die Robinsons', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0396555', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Triff die Robinsons - 2/ecs-robinsons_xvid.avi', u'year': 2007, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 368, u'title': u'Tucker & Dale vs Evil', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 19:58:28', u'label': u'Tucker & Dale vs Evil', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1465522', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Tucker and Dale - 2-3/tucker and dale - 2-3.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 369, u'title': u'Wall Street - Geld schl\xe4ft nicht', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 19:58:38', u'label': u'Wall Street - Geld schl\xe4ft nicht', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1027718', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Thriller/Wall Street - 2-3/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 370, u'title': u'What A Man', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 19:58:45', u'label': u'What A Man', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1661461', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/What A Man - 2-3/roor-what_a_man-xvid.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 371, u'title': u"Willkommen bei den Sch'tis", u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 21:55:02', u'label': u"Willkommen bei den Sch'tis", u'imdbnumber': u'tt1064932', u'file': u"nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Willkommen bei den Sch'tis - 1/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO", u'year': 2008, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 372, u'title': u'Wir kaufen einen Zoo', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 19:58:52', u'label': u'Wir kaufen einen Zoo', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1389137', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Wir kaufen einen Zoo - 2/aoe-zoo.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 373, u'title': u'Wo ist Fred?', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 19:58:55', u'label': u'Wo ist Fred?', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0487271', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Wo ist Fred - 1/ctx-wif-xvid.avi', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 374, u'title': u'X-Men - Erste Entscheidung', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 19:59:00', u'label': u'X-Men - Erste Entscheidung', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1270798', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/X-Men - First Class - 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 375, u'title': u'X-Men - Der letzte Widerstand', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-29 19:58:58', u'label': u'X-Men - Der letzte Widerstand', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0376994', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/X-Men 3 - 2/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 376, u'title': u'Zu scharf, um wahr zu sein', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-13 13:42:31', u'label': u'Zu scharf, um wahr zu sein', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0815236', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Zu scharf um wahr zu sein - 2-3/kinowelt-zuscharf-xvid.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 377, u'title': u'Saving Mr. Banks', u'lastplayed': u'2014-08-12 22:12:39', u'label': u'Saving Mr. Banks', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2140373', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Saving Mr Banks/Saving Mr Banks.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 378, u'title': u'Rio 2 - Dschungelfieber', u'lastplayed': u'2014-09-06 21:34:36', u'label': u'Rio 2 - Dschungelfieber', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2357291', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Rio 2/index.bdmv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 379, u'title': u'Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischb\xe4llchen 2', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischb\xe4llchen 2', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1985966', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischb\xe4llchen 2/index.bdmv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 380, u'title': u'Dredd', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-19 18:26:18', u'label': u'Dredd', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1343727', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Dredd/index.bdmv', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 381, u'title': u'50-50 Freunde f\xfcrs (\xdcber)Leben', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'50-50 Freunde f\xfcrs (\xdcber)Leben', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1306980', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#50 50 Freunde f\xfcrs \xdcberleben/50 50 Freunde f\xfcrs \xdcberleben.avi', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 382, u'title': u'Das erstaunliche Leben des Walter Mitty', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Das erstaunliche Leben des Walter Mitty', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0359950', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Das erstaunliche Leben des Walter Mitty/Das erstaunliche Leben des Walter Mitty.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 383, u'title': u'Der Butler', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Der Butler', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1327773', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#Der Butler/Der Butler.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 384, u'title': u'The Wolf of Wall Street', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'The Wolf of Wall Street', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0993846', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/#The Wolf of Wall Street - 2013/The Wolf of Wall Street.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 385, u'title': u'jOBS - Die Erfolgsstory von Steve Jobs', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-28 19:27:16', u'label': u'jOBS - Die Erfolgsstory von Steve Jobs', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2357129', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/jOBS - Die Erfolgsstory von Steve/exq-jobs-720p.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 387, u'title': u'Need for Speed', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:47', u'label': u'Need for Speed', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2369135', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Need for Speed/Need for Speed - 2014.mkv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 388, u'title': u'Prisoners', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-19 18:25:38', u'label': u'Prisoners', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1392214', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Thriller/Prisoners/Prisoners.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 389, u'title': u'Shootout - Keine Gnade', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:39:40', u'label': u'Shootout - Keine Gnade', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1308729', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Shootout Keine Gnade/Shootout Keine Gnade - 2012.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 390, u'title': u'The Last Stand', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:15', u'label': u'The Last Stand', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1549920', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/The Last Stand/The Last Stand.avi', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 391, u'title': u'The LEGO Movie', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-18 17:52:19', u'label': u'The LEGO Movie', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1490017', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/The Lego Movie/The Lego Movie - 2014.mkv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 392, u'title': u'Monuments Men - Ungew\xf6hnliche Helden', u'lastplayed': u'2014-06-20 12:55:12', u'label': u'Monuments Men - Ungew\xf6hnliche Helden', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2177771', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/The Monuments Men/The Monuments Men - 2014.mkv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 395, u'title': u'Die Nordsee von oben', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Die Nordsee von oben', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1948001', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Die Nordsee von oben/Die Nordsee von oben.mkv', u'year': 2011, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 396, u'title': u'Der Hundertj\xe4hrige, der aus dem Fenster stieg und verschwand', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Der Hundertj\xe4hrige, der aus dem Fenster stieg und verschwand', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2113681', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Der Hundertj\xe4hrige der aus dem Fenster stieg und verschwand/Der Hundertj\xe4hrige der aus dem Fenster stieg und verschwand.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 398, u'title': u'Homefront', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-19 15:37:33', u'label': u'Homefront', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2312718', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Homefront/index.bdmv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 399, u'title': u'Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-21 22:31:47', u'label': u'Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1205537', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit/Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit.mkv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 400, u'title': u'American Hustle', u'lastplayed': u'2014-08-11 11:24:42', u'label': u'American Hustle', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1800241', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/American Hustle/American Hustle.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 401, u'title': u'M\xe4delsabend', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-19 23:18:39', u'label': u'M\xe4delsabend', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2463288', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/M\xe4delsabend - N\xfcchtern zu sch\xfcchtern/M\xe4delsabend - N\xfcchtern zu sch\xfcchtern.avi', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 402, u'title': u'Veronica Mars', u'lastplayed': u'2014-07-19 21:48:15', u'label': u'Veronica Mars', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2771372', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Veronica Mars/Veronica Mars.mkv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 403, u'title': u'300: Rise of an Empire', u'lastplayed': u'2014-09-06 21:34:17', u'label': u'300: Rise of an Empire', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1253863', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/300 - Rise of an Empire/index.bdmv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 404, u'title': u'The Return of the First Avenger', u'lastplayed': u'2014-09-06 21:34:33', u'label': u'The Return of the First Avenger', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1843866', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Captain America The Return of First Avenger/lame-ca2-1080.mkv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 405, u'title': u'Die Schadenfreundinnen', u'lastplayed': u'2014-09-10 22:06:01', u'label': u'Die Schadenfreundinnen', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2203939', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Die Schadenfreundinnen/exq-schadenfreundinnen-720p.mkv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 406, u'title': u'Grand Budapest Hotel', u'lastplayed': u'2014-09-15 22:52:09', u'label': u'Grand Budapest Hotel', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2278388', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Grand Budapest Hotel/exq-budapesthotel-1080p.mkv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 407, u'title': u'Nicht mein Tag', u'lastplayed': u'2014-09-06 21:34:29', u'label': u'Nicht mein Tag', u'imdbnumber': u'tt3019694', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Nicht mein Tag/exq-nichtmeintag-1080p.mkv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 408, u'title': u'Transcendence', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Transcendence', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2209764', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Transcendence/index.bdmv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 409, u'title': u'Die Bestimmung - Divergent', u'lastplayed': u'2014-09-07 17:41:02', u'label': u'Die Bestimmung - Divergent', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1840309', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Die Bestimmung - Divergent/index.bdmv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 410, u'title': u'Sabotage', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Sabotage', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1742334', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Sabotage/index.bdmv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 411, u'title': u'The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro', u'lastplayed': u'2014-09-17 22:22:46', u'label': u'The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1872181', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/The Amazing Spiderman Rise of Electro - 2014/br3d-thamsp2riofel_1080p.mkv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 412, u'title': u'Die Sp\xe4tz\xfcnder 2 - Der Himmel soll warten', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Die Sp\xe4tz\xfcnder 2 - Der Himmel soll warten', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2502576', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Die Sp\xe4tz\xfcnder 2 -Der Himmel soll warten/Die Sp\xe4tz\xfcnder 2 - Der Himmel soll warten.ts', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 413, u'title': u'Bad Neighbors', u'lastplayed': u'2014-09-27 22:50:17', u'label': u'Bad Neighbors', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2004420', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Bad Neighbours - 2014/Bad.Neighbours.2014.German.720p.BluRay.x264-CONTRiBUTiON.mkv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 1}, {u'movieid': 414, u'title': u'Die Sp\xe4tz\xfcnder', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Die Sp\xe4tz\xfcnder', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1450151', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Live is Life - Die Sp\xe4tz\xfcnder - Sterben will gelernt sein/rr-swgs-xvid.avi', u'year': 2010, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 415, u'title': u'Edge of Tomorrow', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Edge of Tomorrow', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1631867', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Edge of Tomorrow/edge.ac3.720p.x264-JPL.mkv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 416, u'title': u'Inside Man', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Inside Man', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0454848', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Inside Man.txt/Inside.Man.2006.German.DL.DTS.1080p.BluRay.x264-iNCEPTiON.mkv', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 417, u'title': u'7 Psychos', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'7 Psychos', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1931533', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/7 Psychos/index.bdmv', u'year': 2012, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 418, u'title': u'Alles eine Frage der Zeit', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Alles eine Frage der Zeit', u'imdbnumber': u'tt2194499', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Alles eine Frage der Zeit/index.bdmv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 419, u'title': u'Inside Man', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Inside Man', u'imdbnumber': u'tt0454848', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Action/Inside Man/Inside.Man.2006.German.DL.DTS.1080p.BluRay.x264-iNCEPTiON.mkv', u'year': 2006, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 420, u'title': u'Byzantium', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Byzantium', u'imdbnumber': u'tt1531901', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Byzantium/exq-byzantium-720p.mkv', u'year': 2013, u'playcount': 0}, {u'movieid': 421, u'title': u'Son of Batman', u'lastplayed': u'', u'label': u'Son of Batman', u'imdbnumber': u'tt3139072', u'file': u'nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Son of Batman/son.ac3.1080p.x264-JPL.mkv', u'year': 2014, u'playcount': 0}]'
11:02:04 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Movies Sync] Getting movie collection from trakt.tv
11:02:04 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] getLibrary(url: https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/movies/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:02:04 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): Request data: '{}'.
11:02:04 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): Starting retry loop, maximum 5 retries.
11:02:04 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (0) Request URL 'https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/movies/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min'
11:02:04 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/movies/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:02:04 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()
11:02:05 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (0) Other problem (
api.trakt.tv | 502: Bad gateway
Error 502 Ray ID: 17487030c4c10a36 Bad gateway What happened? The web server reported a bad gateway error.
What can I do? Please try again in a few minutes.
11:02:06 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (1) Request URL 'https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/movies/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min'
11:02:06 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/movies/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:02:06 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()
11:02:06 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (1) Other problem ( api.trakt.tv | 502: Bad gateway
Error 502 Ray ID: 17487039739d0a36 Bad gateway What happened? The web server reported a bad gateway error.
What can I do? Please try again in a few minutes.
11:02:07 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (2) Request URL 'https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/movies/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min'
11:02:07 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/movies/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:02:07 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()
11:02:08 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (2) Other problem ( api.trakt.tv | 502: Bad gateway
Error 502 Ray ID: 1748704273cd0a36 Bad gateway What happened? The web server reported a bad gateway error.
What can I do? Please try again in a few minutes.
11:02:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (3) Request URL 'https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/movies/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min'
11:02:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/movies/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:02:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()
11:02:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (3) Other problem ( api.trakt.tv | 502: Bad gateway
Error 502 Ray ID: 1748704b32b00a36 Bad gateway What happened? The web server reported a bad gateway error.
What can I do? Please try again in a few minutes.
11:02:10 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (4) Request URL 'https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/movies/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min'
11:02:10 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/movies/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:02:10 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()
11:02:10 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (4) Other problem ( api.trakt.tv | 502: Bad gateway
Error 502 Ray ID: 17487053f2f30a36 Bad gateway What happened? The web server reported a bad gateway error.
What can I do? Please try again in a few minutes.
11:02:11 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): JSON Request failed, data is still empty after retries.
11:02:11 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Movies Sync] Invalid trakt.tv movie list, possible error getting data from trakt, aborting trakt.tv collection update.
11:02:11 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Movies Sync] Error getting trakt.tv movie list, aborting movie Sync.
11:02:11 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Episodes Sync] Getting show data from XBMC
11:02:11 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Episodes Sync] XBMC JSON Result: '[{u'imdbnumber': u'210841', u'tvshowid': 8, u'title': u'Alphas', u'year': 2011, u'label': u'Alphas'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'81189', u'tvshowid': 21, u'title': u'Breaking Bad', u'year': 2008, u'label': u'Breaking Bad'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'206751', u'tvshowid': 5, u'title': u'Breaking In', u'year': 2011, u'label': u'Breaking In'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'219341', u'tvshowid': 7, u'title': u'Breakout Kings', u'year': 2011, u'label': u'Breakout Kings'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'258171', u'tvshowid': 10, u'title': u'Continuum', u'year': 2012, u'label': u'Continuum'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'255326', u'tvshowid': 6, u'title': u'Defiance', u'year': 2013, u'label': u'Defiance'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'79349', u'tvshowid': 4, u'title': u'Dexter', u'year': 2006, u'label': u'Dexter'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'79334', u'tvshowid': 20, u'title': u'Eureka', u'year': 2006, u'label': u'Eureka'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'121361', u'tvshowid': 19, u'title': u'Game of Thrones', u'year': 2011, u'label': u'Game of Thrones'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'83610', u'tvshowid': 18, u'title': u'Glee', u'year': 2009, u'label': u'Glee'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'274431', u'tvshowid': 22, u'title': u'Gotham', u'year': 2014, u'label': u'Gotham'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'79501', u'tvshowid': 17, u'title': u'Heroes', u'year': 2006, u'label': u'Heroes'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'75760', u'tvshowid': 1, u'title': u'How I Met Your Mother', u'year': 2005, u'label': u'How I Met Your Mother'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'163851', u'tvshowid': 3, u'title': u'My Superhero Family', u'year': 2010, u'label': u'My Superhero Family'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'75340', u'tvshowid': 14, u'title': u'Prison Break', u'year': 2005, u'label': u'Prison Break'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'76648', u'tvshowid': 15, u'title': u'Sex and the City', u'year': 1998, u'label': u'Sex and the City'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'72218', u'tvshowid': 13, u'title': u'Smallville', u'year': 2001, u'label': u'Smallville'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'82696', u'tvshowid': 2, u'title': u'Sons of Anarchy', u'year': 2008, u'label': u'Sons of Anarchy'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'247808', u'tvshowid': 16, u'title': u'Suits', u'year': 2011, u'label': u'Suits'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'80379', u'tvshowid': 12, u'title': u'The Big Bang Theory', u'year': 2007, u'label': u'The Big Bang Theory'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'153021', u'tvshowid': 9, u'title': u'The Walking Dead', u'year': 2010, u'label': u'The Walking Dead'}, {u'imdbnumber': u'74608', u'tvshowid': 11, u'title': u'Top Gear', u'year': 2002, u'label': u'Top Gear'}]'
11:02:11 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Episodes Sync] Getting episode data from XBMC
11:02:12 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Episodes Sync] 'Breakout Kings' has no episodes in XBMC.
11:02:13 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Episodes Sync] 'Sex and the City' has no episodes in XBMC.
11:02:14 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Episodes Sync] Getting episode collection from trakt.tv
11:02:14 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] getLibrary(url: https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:02:14 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): Request data: '{}'.
11:02:14 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): Starting retry loop, maximum 5 retries.
11:02:14 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (0) Request URL 'https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min'
11:02:14 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:02:14 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()
11:02:17 T:2679651136 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
11:02:27 T:2921331520 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
11:03:13 T:2670406464 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
11:03:13 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (0) Other problem ( api.trakt.tv | 504: Gateway time-out
Error 504 Ray ID: 1748706b24f10a36 Gateway time-out What happened? The web server reported a gateway time-out error.
What can I do? Please try again in a few minutes.
11:03:14 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (1) Request URL 'https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min'
11:03:14 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:03:14 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()
11:03:14 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (1) Other problem ( api.trakt.tv | 502: Bad gateway
Error 502 Ray ID: 174871e4b8fb0a36 Bad gateway What happened? The web server reported a bad gateway error.
What can I do? Please try again in a few minutes.
11:03:15 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (2) Request URL 'https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min'
11:03:15 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:03:15 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()
11:03:16 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (2) Other problem ( api.trakt.tv | 502: Bad gateway
Error 502 Ray ID: 174871ed634d0a36 Bad gateway What happened? The web server reported a bad gateway error.
What can I do? Please try again in a few minutes.
11:03:17 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (3) Request URL 'https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min'
11:03:17 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:03:17 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()
11:04:02 T:3063715584 NOTICE: NFS is idle. Closing the remaining connections.
11:04:17 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (3) Other problem (The read operation timed out)
11:04:18 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (4) Request URL 'https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min'
11:04:18 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/collection.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:04:18 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()
11:04:51 T:2581982016 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
11:05:04 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Log level changed to 2
11:05:04 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Enabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 2.
11:05:04 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init () ------
11:05:04 T:2778655552 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:05 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7) pressed, action is Down
11:05:06 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:05:06 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogAddonSettings.xml) ------
11:05:06 T:3063715584 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogAddonSettings.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
11:05:06 T:3063715584 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 8 strings from file /usr/share/xbmc/addons/xbmc.debug/resources/language/German/strings.po
11:05:06 T:3063715584 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 0 strings from file /usr/share/xbmc/addons/xbmc.debug/resources/language/English/strings.po
11:05:06 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:09 T:2670406464 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
11:05:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): response.read()
11:05:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): Response Code: 200
11:05:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): Response Time: 50747.78 ms
11:05:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): Response Headers: {'x-powered-by': 'PHP/5.5.11-1~dotdeb.1', 'transfer-encoding': 'chunked', 'set-cookie': '__cfduid=dc296fe5770d2e738a8d614cede1088e91412499858633; expires=Mon, 23-Dec-2019 23:50:00 GMT; path=/; domain=.trakt.tv; HttpOnly', 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'server': 'cloudflare-nginx', 'connection': 'close', 'date': 'Sun, 05 Oct 2014 09:05:09 GMT', 'cf-ray': '17487374716f0a36-VIE', 'content-type': 'application/json'}
11:05:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (4) JSON response: '[{u'title': u'Alphas', u'tvdb_id': u'210841', u'imdb_id': u'tt1183865', u'year': 2011, u'seasons': [{u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3]}], u'tvrage_id': u'19268'}, {u'title': u'The Big Bang Theory', u'tvdb_id': u'80379', u'imdb_id': u'tt0898266', u'year': 2007, u'seasons': [{u'season': 8, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3]}, {u'season': 7, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]}, {u'season': 6, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24]}, {u'season': 5, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]}, {u'season': 4, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]}, {u'season': 3, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]}, {u'season': 2, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]}, {u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]}], u'tvrage_id': u'8511'}, {u'title': u'Breaking Bad', u'tvdb_id': u'81189', u'imdb_id': u'tt0903747', u'year': 2008, u'seasons': [{u'season': 5, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]}, {u'season': 4, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]}, {u'season': 3, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]}, {u'season': 2, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]}, {u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]}], u'tvrage_id': u'18164'}, {u'title': u'Breaking In', u'tvdb_id': u'206751', u'imdb_id': u'tt1630574', u'year': 2011, u'seasons': [{u'season': 2, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13]}, {u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]}], u'tvrage_id': u'26082'}, {u'title': u'Continuum', u'tvdb_id': u'258171', u'imdb_id': u'tt1954347', u'year': 2012, u'seasons': [{u'season': 3, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]}, {u'season': 2, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]}, {u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}], u'tvrage_id': u'30789'}, {u'title': u'Defiance', u'tvdb_id': u'255326', u'imdb_id': u'tt2189221', u'year': 2013, u'seasons': [{u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]}], u'tvrage_id': u'30724'}, {u'title': u'Dexter', u'tvdb_id': u'79349', u'imdb_id': u'tt0773262', u'year': 2006, u'seasons': [{u'season': 8, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]}, {u'season': 7, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]}, {u'season': 6, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]}, {u'season': 5, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]}, {u'season': 4, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]}, {u'season': 3, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]}, {u'season': 2, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]}, {u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]}], u'tvrage_id': u'7926'}, {u'title': u'Eureka', u'tvdb_id': u'79334', u'imdb_id': u'tt0796264', u'year': 2006, u'seasons': [{u'season': 3, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]}, {u'season': 2, u'episodes': [13]}], u'tvrage_id': u'7506'}, {u'title': u'Game of Thrones', u'tvdb_id': u'121361', u'imdb_id': u'tt0944947', u'year': 2011, u'seasons': [{u'season': 4, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}, {u'season': 3, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}, {u'season': 2, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}, {u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}], u'tvrage_id': u'24493'}, {u'title': u'Glee', u'tvdb_id': u'83610', u'imdb_id': u'tt1327801', u'year': 2009, u'seasons': [{u'season': 5, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]}, {u'season': 4, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]}, {u'season': 3, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]}, {u'season': 2, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]}, {u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]}], u'tvrage_id': u'21704'}, {u'title': u'Gotham', u'tvdb_id': u'274431', u'imdb_id': u'tt3749900', u'year': 2014, u'seasons': [{u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1]}], u'tvrage_id': u'38049'}, {u'title': u'Heroes', u'tvdb_id': u'79501', u'imdb_id': u'tt0813715', u'year': 2006, u'seasons': [{u'season': 4, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]}, {u'season': 3, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]}, {u'season': 2, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]}, {u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]}], u'tvrage_id': u'8172'}, {u'title': u'How I Met Your Mother', u'tvdb_id': u'75760', u'imdb_id': u'tt0460649', u'year': 2005, u'seasons': [{u'season': 3, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]}, {u'season': 2, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]}, {u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]}], u'tvrage_id': u'3918'}, {u'title': u'No Ordinary Family', u'tvdb_id': u'163851', u'imdb_id': u'tt1591493', u'year': 2010, u'seasons': [{u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]}], u'tvrage_id': u'25011'}, {u'title': u'Prison Break', u'tvdb_id': u'75340', u'imdb_id': u'tt0455275', u'year': 2005, u'seasons': [{u'season': 4, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]}, {u'season': 3, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]}, {u'season': 2, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]}, {u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]}], u'tvrage_id': u'4895'}, {u'title': u'Sherlock', u'tvdb_id': u'176941', u'imdb_id': u'tt1475582', u'year': 2010, u'seasons': [{u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3]}], u'tvrage_id': u'23433'}, {u'title': u'Smallville', u'tvdb_id': u'72218', u'imdb_id': u'tt0279600', u'year': 2001, u'seasons': [{u'season': 9, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]}, {u'season': 8, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22]}, {u'season': 7, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]}, {u'season': 6, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]}], u'tvrage_id': u'5227'}, {u'title': u'Sons of Anarchy', u'tvdb_id': u'82696', u'imdb_id': u'tt1124373', u'year': 2008, u'seasons': [{u'season': 7, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3]}, {u'season': 6, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]}, {u'season': 5, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]}, {u'season': 4, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]}, {u'season': 3, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]}, {u'season': 2, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]}, {u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]}], u'tvrage_id': u'18174'}, {u'title': u'Suits', u'tvdb_id': u'247808', u'imdb_id': u'tt1632701', u'year': 2011, u'seasons': [{u'season': 3, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]}, {u'season': 2, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]}, {u'season': 1, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]}], u'tvrage_id': u'27518'}, {u'title': u'Top Gear', u'tvdb_id': u'74608', u'imdb_id': u'tt1628033', u'year': 2002, u'seasons': [{u'season': 14, u'episodes': [2, 3, 4, 5, 7]}, {u'season': 13, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 5]}, {u'season': 11, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]}, {u'season': 10, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}, {u'season': 9, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}, {u'season': 8, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8]}, {u'season': 7, u'episodes': [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7]}, {u'season': 6, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]}, {u'season': 5, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}, {u'season': 4, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}, {u'season': 3, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}, {u'season': 2, u'episodes': [1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]}, {u'season': 0, u'episodes': [17, 79, 84]}], u'tvrage_id': u'6753'}, {u'title': u'The Walking Dead', u'tvdb_id': u'153021', u'imdb_id': u'tt1520211', u'year': 2010, u'seasons': [{u'season': 4, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]}, {u'season': 3, u'episodes': [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]}, {u'season': 2, u'episodes': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]}], u'tvrage_id': u'25056'}]'
11:05:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): Have JSON data, breaking retry.
11:05:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Episodes Sync] Getting watched episodes from trakt.tv
11:05:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] getWatchedLibrary(url: https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/watched.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:05:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): Request data: '{}'.
11:05:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): Starting retry loop, maximum 5 retries.
11:05:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (0) Request URL 'https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/watched.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min'
11:05:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/watched.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:05:09 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()
11:05:09 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:10 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (0) Other problem ( api.trakt.tv | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error
Error 520 Ray ID: 174874b1f82d0a36 Web server is returning an unknown error What happened? There is an unknown connection issue between CloudFlare and the origin web server. As a result, the web page can not be displayed.
What can I do? If you are a visitor of this website: Please try again in a few minutes.
If you are the owner of this website: There is an issue between CloudFlare's cache and your origin web server. CloudFlare monitors for these errors and automatically investigates the cause. To help support the investigation, you can pull the corresponding error log from your web server and submit it our support team. Please include the Ray ID (which is at the bottom of this error page). Additional troubleshooting resources .
11:05:11 T:2778655552 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:11 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (1) Request URL 'https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/watched.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min'
11:05:11 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/watched.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:05:11 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()
11:05:12 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (1) Server Busy ()
11:05:12 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:14 T:3063715584 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
11:05:14 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7) pressed, action is Down
11:05:15 T:2679651136 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
11:05:15 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:16 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7) pressed, action is Down
11:05:17 T:2778655552 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
11:05:17 T:2778655552 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:17 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7) pressed, action is Down
11:05:18 T:2670406464 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
11:05:18 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (2) Request URL 'https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/watched.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min'
11:05:18 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/watched.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:05:18 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()
11:05:18 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7) pressed, action is Down
11:05:18 T:2670406464 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
11:05:18 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (2) Server Busy ()
11:05:18 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7) pressed, action is Down
11:05:18 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:21 T:3063715584 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
11:05:21 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:05:21 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6) pressed, action is Up
11:05:21 T:3063715584 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib-i486-linux.so)
11:05:21 T:3063715584 DEBUG: Unloading: ImageLib-i486-linux.so
11:05:22 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:22 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:05:22 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6) pressed, action is Up
11:05:22 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:05:23 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6) pressed, action is Up
11:05:23 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:05:23 T:2778655552 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:23 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:05:24 T:2670406464 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
11:05:24 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (3) Request URL 'https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/watched.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min'
11:05:24 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/watched.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:05:24 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()
11:05:24 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (3) Server Busy ()
11:05:25 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:25 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:05:25 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6) pressed, action is Up
11:05:26 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:05:26 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6) pressed, action is Up
11:05:26 T:2778655552 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:26 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:05:27 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6) pressed, action is Up
11:05:27 T:2581982016 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 2581982016 terminating (autodelete)
11:05:28 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:05:28 T:2581982016 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:28 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6) pressed, action is Up
11:05:29 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:05:29 T:2778655552 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:29 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6) pressed, action is Up
11:05:30 T:2670406464 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
11:05:30 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (4) Request URL 'https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/watched.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min'
11:05:30 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.Request(https://api.trakt.tv/user/library/shows/watched.json/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9/capmagic/min)
11:05:30 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): urllib2.urlopen()
11:05:31 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (4) Server Busy ()
11:05:31 T:2581982016 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:31 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7) pressed, action is Down
11:05:32 T:2778655552 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 6 times.
11:05:32 T:2778655552 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:33 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7) pressed, action is Down
11:05:34 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:05:34 T:2581982016 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:34 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogAddonSettings.xml) ------
11:05:36 T:2778655552 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:36 T:2778655552 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:05:36 T:3063715584 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10000
11:05:36 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (SettingsCategory.xml) ------
11:05:36 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------
11:05:36 T:3063715584 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib-i486-linux.so)
11:05:36 T:3063715584 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/ImageLib-i486-linux.so
11:05:37 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): JSON Request failed, data is still empty after retries.
11:05:37 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Episodes Sync] Invalid trakt.tv watched show list, possible error getting data from trakt, aborting trakt.tv watched update.
11:05:37 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Episodes Sync] Error getting trakt.tv show list, aborting tv show sync.
11:05:37 T:2670406464 NOTICE: [trakt] [Sync] Finished synchronization with trakt.tv
11:05:37 T:2670406464 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:37 T:2670406464 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:05:37 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 169 (0xa9) pressed, action is Left
11:05:39 T:2778655552 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 3 times.
11:05:39 T:2778655552 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:39 T:2778655552 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:05:40 T:2670406464 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:40 T:2670406464 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:05:42 T:2778655552 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:42 T:2778655552 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:05:42 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:05:42 T:3063715584 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10025
11:05:42 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
11:05:42 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
11:05:42 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (videodb://movies/titles/)
11:05:42 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ParentPath = [videodb://movies/titles/]
11:05:42 T:3063715584 DEBUG: RunQuery took 18 ms for 386 items query: select * from movieview
11:05:42 T:2670406464 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
11:05:42 T:2581982016 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
11:05:42 T:2581982016 DEBUG: DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/index.bdmv
11:05:42 T:2581982016 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(libbluray.so.1)
11:05:42 T:2581982016 DEBUG: Loading: libbluray.so.1
11:05:42 T:2581982016 DEBUG: DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Transcendence/index.bdmv
11:05:42 T:2581982016 DEBUG: DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file nfs:// Filme/#Action/Sabotage/index.bdmv
11:05:42 T:2581982016 DEBUG: DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Alles eine Frage der Zeit/index.bdmv
11:05:42 T:2670406464 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 2670406464 terminating
11:05:43 T:2670406464 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:43 T:2670406464 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:05:45 T:2778655552 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:45 T:2778655552 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:05:46 T:2670406464 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:46 T:2670406464 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:05:48 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6) pressed, action is Up
11:05:48 T:2778655552 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
11:05:48 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:48 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:05:49 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6) pressed, action is Up
11:05:49 T:2670406464 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:49 T:2670406464 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:05:50 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: launch_media_center (0xc3) pressed, action is Info
11:05:50 T:3063715584 DEBUG: GetMovieId (nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/index.bdmv), query = select idMovie from movie where idFile=1419
11:05:50 T:2581982016 DEBUG: DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/index.bdmv
11:05:51 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogVideoInfo.xml) ------
11:05:51 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:51 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:05:52 T:2670406464 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:52 T:2670406464 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:05:54 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:54 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogVideoInfo.xml) ------
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnClear from xbmc
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnClear
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnAdd from xbmc
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnAdd
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers(nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/index.bdmv)
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: system rules
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: matches rule: system rules
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: rtv
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: hdhomerun/myth/mms/udp
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: lastfm/shout
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: rtmp
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: rtsp
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: streams
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: dvd
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: dvdimage
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: sdp/asf
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: nsv
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: radio
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: matched 0 rules with players
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: adding videodefaultplayer (1)
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: for video=1, audio=0
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: for video=1, audio=1
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: adding player: DVDPlayer (1)
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: added 1 players
11:05:55 T:3063715584 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/index.bdmv
11:05:55 T:3063715584 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CRenderManager::UpdateDisplayLatency - Latency set to 0 msec
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: LinuxRendererGL: Cleaning up GL resources
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CLinuxRendererGL::PreInit - precision of luminance 16 is 8
11:05:55 T:2670406464 NOTICE: Thread DVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
11:05:55 T:2670406464 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray::Open - opening nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray::Logger - bluray.c:1352: libbluray version 0.6.0
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(libnfs.so.4)
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: Loading: libnfs.so.4
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: NFS: Context for not open - get a new context.
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: NFS: Connected to server and export /volume1/Video
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: NFS: chunks: r/w 131072/131072
11:05:55 T:2670406464 INFO: CNFSFile::Open: Unable to open file : 'volume1/Video/1 Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/AACS/Unit_Key_RO.inf' error : 'open call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/AACS/Unit_Key_RO.inf failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"'
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray - Error opening file! (0xcd461d8)
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray::Logger - libaacs.c:86: AACS/Unit_Key_RO.inf not found. No AACS protection.
11:05:55 T:2670406464 INFO: CNFSFile::Open: Unable to open file : 'volume1/Video/1 Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/BDSVM/00000.svm' error : 'open call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/BDSVM/00000.svm failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"'
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray - Error opening file! (0xcb25488)
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray::Logger - libbdplus.c:85: BDSVM/00000.svm not found. No BD+ protection.
11:05:55 T:2670406464 INFO: CNFSFile::Open: Unable to open file : 'volume1/Video/1 Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/BDMV/index.bdmv' error : 'open call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/BDMV/index.bdmv failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"'
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray - Error opening file! (0xce2a940)
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray::Logger - index_parse.c:191: indx_parse(): error opening nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/BDMV/index.bdmv
11:05:55 T:2670406464 INFO: CNFSFile::Open: Unable to open file : 'volume1/Video/1 Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/BDMV/BACKUP/index.bdmv' error : 'open call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/BDMV/BACKUP/index.bdmv failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"'
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray - Error opening file! (0xcb25488)
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray::Logger - index_parse.c:191: indx_parse(): error opening nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/BDMV/BACKUP/index.bdmv
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray::Logger - bluray.c:1387: BLURAY initialized!
11:05:55 T:2670406464 ERROR: CDVDInputStreamBluray::Open - BluRay not detected
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray::Logger - navigation.c:131: Root: nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2:
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray - Opening dir nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/BDMV/PLAYLIST
11:05:55 T:2670406464 ERROR: Failed to open(//1 Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/BDMV/PLAYLIST) opendir call failed with "NFS: Lookup of /1 Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/BDMV/PLAYLIST failed with NFS3ERR_NOENT(-2)"
11:05:55 T:2670406464 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/BDMV/PLAYLIST
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray - Error opening dir! (nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/BDMV/PLAYLIST)
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray::Logger - navigation.c:136: Failed to open dir: nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/BDMV/PLAYLIST
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray::Logger - bluray.c:2341: nav_get_title_list(nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2) failed
11:05:55 T:2670406464 ERROR: CDVDInputStreamBluray::Open - failed to get title info
11:05:55 T:2670406464 ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/index.bdmv]
11:05:55 T:2670406464 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
11:05:55 T:2670406464 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamBluray::Logger - bluray.c:1424: BLURAY destroyed!
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: OnPlayBackStopped : play state was 1, starting 1
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnPlayBackStopped : play state was 3, starting 0
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnStop from xbmc
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnStop
11:05:55 T:3063715584 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/index.bdmv]
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: Playlist Player: no more playable items... aborting playback
11:05:55 T:2670406464 DEBUG: Thread DVDPlayer 2670406464 terminating
11:05:55 T:2904546112 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
11:05:55 T:2904546112 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 2904546112 terminating
11:05:55 T:3063715584 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
11:05:55 T:3063715584 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
11:05:55 T:3063715584 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: LinuxRendererGL: Cleaning up GL resources
11:05:55 T:3063715584 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
11:05:55 T:3063715584 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
11:05:55 T:3063715584 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
11:05:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: LinuxRendererGL: Cleaning up GL resources
11:05:56 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:56 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:05:57 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:57 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:05:59 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:05:59 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:00 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:00 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:02 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:02 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:03 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:03 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:05 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:05 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:06 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:06 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:07 T:3063715584 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib-i486-linux.so)
11:06:07 T:3063715584 DEBUG: Unloading: ImageLib-i486-linux.so
11:06:08 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:08 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:09 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:09 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:11 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:11 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:13 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:13 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:14 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:14 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:16 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:16 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:17 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:17 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:19 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:19 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:20 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:20 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:22 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:22 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:23 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:23 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:25 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:25 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:25 T:2778655552 DEBUG: DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file nfs:// Filme/#Comedy-Liebe-Abenteuer/Alles eine Frage der Zeit/index.bdmv
11:06:25 T:2778655552 DEBUG: DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file nfs:// Filme/#Comic/Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Fleischbällchen 2/index.bdmv
11:06:25 T:2778655552 DEBUG: DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file nfs:// Filme/##Neu/Transcendence/index.bdmv
11:06:25 T:2778655552 DEBUG: DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file nfs:// Filme/#Action/Sabotage/index.bdmv
11:06:27 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:27 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:28 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:28 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:30 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:30 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:31 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:31 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:33 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:33 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:34 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:34 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:36 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:36 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:37 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:37 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:39 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:39 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:41 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:41 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:42 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:42 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:44 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:44 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:45 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:45 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:47 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:47 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:48 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:48 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:50 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:50 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:51 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:51 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:53 T:2679651136 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:53 T:2679651136 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:54 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:54 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10000
11:06:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
11:06:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------
11:06:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib-i486-linux.so)
11:06:55 T:3063715584 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/ImageLib-i486-linux.so
11:06:55 T:2581982016 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 2581982016 terminating (autodelete)
11:06:55 T:2778655552 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 2778655552 terminating (autodelete)
11:06:56 T:3063715584 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: libbluray.so.1)
11:06:56 T:3063715584 DEBUG: Unloading: libbluray.so.1
11:06:56 T:2778655552 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:56 T:2778655552 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:56 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 168 (0xa8) pressed, action is Right
11:06:58 T:2904546112 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
11:06:58 T:2904546112 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:58 T:2904546112 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:58 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 168 (0xa8) pressed, action is Right
11:06:59 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7) pressed, action is Down
11:06:59 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:06:59 T:3063715584 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10004
11:06:59 T:2778655552 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:06:59 T:2778655552 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:06:59 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
11:06:59 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Settings.xml) ------
11:06:59 T:2904546112 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
11:07:00 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:07:00 T:3063715584 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10016
11:07:01 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Settings.xml) ------
11:07:01 T:3063715584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (SettingsCategory.xml) ------
11:07:01 T:2581982016 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:07:01 T:2581982016 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:07:02 T:2778655552 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:07:02 T:2778655552 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:07:03 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6) pressed, action is Up
11:07:04 T:3063715584 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
11:07:04 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 168 (0xa8) pressed, action is Right
11:07:04 T:2581982016 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
11:07:04 T:2581982016 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: [{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Player.GetActivePlayers"},{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Application.GetProperties","params":{"properties":["volume","muted"]}}]
11:07:05 T:3063715584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b) pressed, action is Select
11:07:05 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
11:07:05 T:3063715584 NOTICE: Log level changed to 0
11:07:28 T:3063715584 NOTICE: NFS is idle. Closing the remaining connections.
11:08:30 T:2904546112 WARNING: FileNFS::OpenForWrite() called with overwriting enabled! - //XBMC/xbmc.log