17:27:01.560 T:1962307584 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
17:27:01.560 T:1962307584 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
17:27:01.560 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Starting Kodi (17.0 Git:a10c504). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x32 build (version for Raspberry Pi)
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Kodi compiled Feb 10 2017 by GCC 6.2.0 for Linux ARM 32-bit version 4.9.8 (264456)
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Running on LibreELEC (official) - Version: 7.95.3 8.0, kernel: Linux ARM 32-bit version 4.9.8
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: FFmpeg version/source: ffmpeg-3.1-kodi
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Host CPU: ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l), 4 cores available
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: ARM Features: Neon enabled
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /usr/share/kodi/
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/kodi
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: special://xbmcbinaddons/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/kodi/addons
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi/userdata
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: special://envhome/ is mapped to: /storage
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi/temp
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: special://logpath/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi/temp
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: The executable running is: /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Local hostname: LibreELEC
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Log File is located: /storage/.kodi/temp//kodi.log
17:27:01.561 T:1962307584 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
17:27:01.728 T:1962307584 ERROR: DBus: Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files
17:27:01.736 T:1962307584 NOTICE: load settings...
17:27:01.854 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found 2 Lists of Devices
17:27:01.854 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Enumerated PI devices:
17:27:01.854 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Device 1
17:27:01.854 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_deviceName : HDMI
17:27:01.854 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_displayName : HDMI
17:27:01.854 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
17:27:01.854 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_HDMI
17:27:01.854 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
17:27:01.854 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 8000,11025,16000,22050,24000,32000,44100,48000,88200,96000,176400,192000
17:27:01.854 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Device 2
17:27:01.854 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_deviceName : Analogue
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_displayName : Analogue
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 48000
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_S32LE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_FLOATP,AE_FMT_S32NEP,AE_FMT_S16NEP
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_streamTypes : No passthrough capabilities
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Device 3
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_deviceName : Both
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_displayName : HDMI and Analogue
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 48000
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_S32LE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_FLOATP,AE_FMT_S32NEP,AE_FMT_S16NEP
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_streamTypes : No passthrough capabilities
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Enumerated PULSE devices:
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Device 1
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_deviceName : Default
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_displayName : Default
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: Bluetooth Audio (PULSEAUDIO)
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 5512,8000,11025,16000,22050,32000,44100,48000,64000,88200,96000,176400,192000,384000
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_U8,AE_FMT_S16NE,AE_FMT_S24NE3,AE_FMT_S24NE4,AE_FMT_S32NE,AE_FMT_FLOAT
17:27:01.855 T:1962307584 NOTICE: m_streamTypes : No passthrough capabilities
17:27:01.875 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml
17:27:01.876 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Contents of special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml are...
17:27:01.877 T:1962307584 NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://masterprofile/advancedsettings.xml)
17:27:01.877 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Default Video Player: VideoPlayer
17:27:01.877 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
17:27:01.877 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Enabled debug logging due to GUI setting (2)
17:27:01.877 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Log level changed to "LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_FREEMEM"
17:27:01.878 T:1962307584 NOTICE: CMediaSourceSettings: loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml
17:27:01.879 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CMediaSourceSettings: tag is missing or sources.xml is malformed
17:27:01.879 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CMediaSourceSettings: tag is missing or sources.xml is malformed
17:27:01.879 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
17:27:01.880 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::: created player VideoPlayer
17:27:01.880 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::: created player PAPlayer
17:27:01.880 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: system rules
17:27:01.880 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: mms/udp
17:27:01.880 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: lastfm/shout
17:27:01.880 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtmp
17:27:01.880 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtsp
17:27:01.880 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: streams
17:27:01.880 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: aacp/sdp
17:27:01.881 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: mp2
17:27:01.881 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvd
17:27:01.881 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvdimage
17:27:01.881 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: sdp/asf
17:27:01.881 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: nsv
17:27:01.881 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: radio
17:27:01.881 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
17:27:01.881 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
17:27:01.881 T:1962307584 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
17:27:01.901 T:1962307584 INFO: creating subdirectories
17:27:01.901 T:1962307584 INFO: userdata folder: special://masterprofile/
17:27:01.901 T:1962307584 INFO: recording folder:
17:27:01.901 T:1962307584 INFO: screenshots folder: /storage/screenshots/
17:27:02.015 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Running database version Addons27
17:27:02.015 T:1962307584 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/libcpluff-arm.so)
17:27:02.015 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/kodi/system/libcpluff-arm.so
17:27:02.214 T:1962307584 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: 'Could not read plug-in directory /usr/lib/kodi/addons: No such file or directory'
17:27:02.214 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in weather.openweathermap.extended has been installed.'
17:27:02.214 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.json has been installed.'
17:27:02.214 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.fanart.tv has been installed.'
17:27:02.214 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in resource.images.weathericons.default has been installed.'
17:27:02.214 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.audioencoder has been installed.'
17:27:02.214 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.openweathermap.maps has been installed.'
17:27:02.214 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in webinterface.default has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.xbmc.org has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in kodi.audiodecoder has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in weather.yahoo has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.xbmc.builtin.black has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in kodi.peripheral has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in kodi.guilib has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in peripheral.joystick has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in kodi.adsp has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.xbmc.builtin.wma has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.pydes has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.horizonzv has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.kodinerds has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in game.controller.default has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.simplejson has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in service.libreelec.settings has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.xbmc.builtin.dim has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in plugin.video.sport1de has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in kodi.game has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.themoviedb.org has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.metadata has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in plugin.video.dazn has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.greenair.public has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in kodi.resource has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.image.resource.select has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.pyxbmct has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in plugin.video.laola1tv has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.beautifulsoup has been installed.'
17:27:02.215 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.gui has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.pil has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in os.openelec.tv has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in resource.images.languageflags.colour has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in inputstream.adaptive has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.kodi.game has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.core has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in os.libreelec.tv has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.requests has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in kodi.inputstream has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.sandmann79.plugins has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.libreelec.tv has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.pvr has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in service.library.data.provider has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.xbmc.builtin.aac has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.routing has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.album.universal has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.htbackdrops.com has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in resource.language.en_gb has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.allmusic.com has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.musicbrainz.org has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.tvdb.com has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.local has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.webinterface has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.mechanize has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in resource.uisounds.kodi has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.themoviedb.org has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta has been installed.'
17:27:02.216 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in resource.language.de_de has been installed.'
17:27:02.217 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.theaudiodb.com has been installed.'
17:27:02.217 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.artists.universal has been installed.'
17:27:02.217 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.python has been installed.'
17:27:02.217 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.common.imdb.com has been installed.'
17:27:02.217 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.addon has been installed.'
17:27:02.217 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.codec has been installed.'
17:27:02.217 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.estuary has been installed.'
17:27:02.217 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Not all directories were successfully scanned.'
17:27:02.246 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
17:27:02.260 T:1962307584 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.xbmc.org
17:27:02.260 T:1962307584 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.kodi.game
17:27:02.260 T:1962307584 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.libreelec.tv
17:27:02.260 T:1962307584 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.sandmann79.plugins
17:27:02.260 T:1962307584 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.greenair.public
17:27:02.260 T:1962307584 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.kodinerds
17:27:02.265 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: Dll Initializing - InputStream Adaptive
17:27:02.265 T:1962307584 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(/storage/.kodi/addons/inputstream.adaptive/inputstream.adaptive.so.1.0.7)
17:27:02.265 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Loading: /storage/.kodi/addons/inputstream.adaptive/inputstream.adaptive.so.1.0.7
17:27:02.319 T:1962307584 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: libXBMC_addon successfully loaded
17:27:02.319 T:1962307584 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: ADDON_Create()
17:27:02.319 T:1962307584 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: ADDON_Destroy()
17:27:02.320 T:1962307584 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDll(/storage/.kodi/addons/inputstream.adaptive/inputstream.adaptive.so.1.0.7)
17:27:02.320 T:1962307584 INFO: ADDON: Dll Destroyed - InputStream Adaptive
17:27:02.323 T:1940595616 DEBUG: Thread ActiveAE start, auto delete: false
17:27:02.323 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Thread AESink start, auto delete: false
17:27:02.324 T:1930425248 INFO: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink
17:27:02.324 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - trying to open device PI:HDMI
17:27:02.324 T:1930425248 DEBUG: DllBcm: Using omx system library
17:27:02.325 T:1930425248 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(libopenmaxil.so)
17:27:02.327 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Loading: libopenmaxil.so
17:27:02.333 T:1858073504 DEBUG: Thread CRBPWorker start, auto delete: false
17:27:02.333 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:SetAudioProps hdmi_stream_channels 0 hdmi_channel_map 00000008
17:27:02.333 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Initialize Format:15 Channels:2 Samplerate:44100 framesize:8 bufsize:17640 bytes/s=352800.00 dest=PI:HDMI
17:27:02.334 T:1930425248 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.audio_render input port 100 output port 100 m_handle 0x72701b98
17:27:02.336 T:1930425248 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.audio_render) - port(100), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(17648), nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:27:02.336 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - SinkPi Initialized:
17:27:02.336 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Output Device : HDMI
17:27:02.336 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Sample Rate : 44100
17:27:02.336 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Sample Format : AE_FMT_FLOAT
17:27:02.336 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Channel Count : 2
17:27:02.336 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Channel Layout: FL,FR
17:27:02.336 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Frames : 2205
17:27:02.336 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Frame Size : 8
17:27:02.340 T:1849684896 DEBUG: Thread RemoteControl start, auto delete: false
17:27:02.340 T:1849684896 INFO: LIRC Process: using: /run/lirc/lircd
17:27:02.341 T:1849684896 INFO: LIRC Connect: successfully started
17:27:02.341 T:1849684896 DEBUG: Thread RemoteControl 1849684896 terminating
17:27:02.350 T:1962307584 INFO: CKeyboardLayoutManager: loading keyboard layouts from special://xbmc/system/keyboardlayouts...
17:27:02.361 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Arabic QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.363 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Bulgarian ЯВЕРТЪ" successfully loaded
17:27:02.363 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Bulgarian АБВ" successfully loaded
17:27:02.364 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Chinese BasePY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.365 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Chinese BaiduPY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.366 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Croatian QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.367 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Czech QWERTZ" successfully loaded
17:27:02.368 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Danish QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.369 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "English QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.369 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "English AZERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.370 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "English ABC" successfully loaded
17:27:02.371 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "French AZERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.372 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "German QWERTZ" successfully loaded
17:27:02.372 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "German ABC" successfully loaded
17:27:02.373 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Greek QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.374 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Hebrew QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.375 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Hebrew ABC" successfully loaded
17:27:02.376 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Hungarian QWERTZ" successfully loaded
17:27:02.377 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Italian QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.377 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Korean ㄱㄴㄷ" successfully loaded
17:27:02.379 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Lithuanian AZERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.379 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Lithuanian QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.380 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Norwegian QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.381 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Polish QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.382 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Portuguese (Portugal) QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.383 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Romanian QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.384 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Russian ЙЦУКЕН" successfully loaded
17:27:02.384 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Russian АБВ" successfully loaded
17:27:02.385 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Silesian QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.387 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Slovak QWERTZ" successfully loaded
17:27:02.387 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Slovak QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.388 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Slovak ABC" successfully loaded
17:27:02.389 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Spanish QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.396 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Swedish QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.397 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Turkish QWERTY" successfully loaded
17:27:02.398 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Ukrainian ЙЦУКЕН" successfully loaded
17:27:02.398 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CKeyboardLayoutManager: keyboard layout "Ukrainian АБВ" successfully loaded
17:27:02.399 T:1962307584 DEBUG: UDisks: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.freedesktop.UDisks was not provided by any .service files
17:27:02.400 T:1962307584 DEBUG: DeviceKit.Disks: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks was not provided by any .service files
17:27:02.402 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Selected UDev as storage provider
17:27:02.402 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Raspberry PI firmware version: Jan 31 2017 17:44:07
Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom
version 8d94fbc3bbdde25c29b18a2572a5c60ee75c56f3 (clean) (release)
17:27:02.402 T:1962307584 NOTICE: ARM mem: 752MB GPU mem: 256MB MPG2:0 WVC1:0
17:27:02.402 T:1962307584 NOTICE: cache.memorysize: 20MB libass.cache: 0MB
17:27:02.403 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Config:
17:27:02.403 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Config:
17:27:02.403 T:1962307584 DEBUG: DllBcm: Using omx system library
17:27:02.403 T:1962307584 NOTICE: InitWindowSystem: Using EGL Implementation: raspberrypi
17:27:02.408 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL initial desktop resolution 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00)
17:27:02.408 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL get supported modes (2) = 5, prefer_group=1, prefer_mode=10
17:27:02.408 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 0: 640x480 (640x480) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :4
17:27:02.408 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 1: 800x600 (800x600) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :9
17:27:02.408 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 2: 1024x768 (1024x768) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :10
17:27:02.408 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 3: 1280x1024 (1280x1024) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :23
17:27:02.408 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 4: 1360x768 (1360x768) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :27
17:27:02.408 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL get supported modes (1) = 16, prefer_group=1, prefer_mode=10
17:27:02.408 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 0: 640x480 (640x480) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :1
17:27:02.408 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 1: 720x480 (720x480) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (0.89) :2
17:27:02.408 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 2: 720x480 (720x480) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.19) :3
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 3: 1280x720 (1280x720) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :4
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 4: 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 60.00i - Full Screen (1.00) I:5
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 5: 720x480 (720x480) @ 60.00i - Full Screen (0.89) I:6
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 6: 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 60.00 - Full Screen (1.00) N:10
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 7: 720x576 (720x576) @ 50.00 - Full Screen (1.07) :11
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 8: 720x576 (720x576) @ 50.00 - Full Screen (1.42) :12
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 9: 1280x720 (1280x720) @ 50.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :13
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 10: 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 50.00i - Full Screen (1.00) I:14
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 11: 720x576 (720x576) @ 50.00i - Full Screen (1.07) I:15
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 12: 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 50.00 - Full Screen (1.00) N:1f
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 13: 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 24.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :20
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 14: 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 25.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :21
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL mode 15: 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 30.00 - Full Screen (1.00) :22
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL probe resolution 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 60.00 - Full Screen:10010004
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 640 x 480 for display 0 with 640 x 480 @ 60.000000 Hz
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 640 x 480 for display 0 with 640 x 480 @ 59.940063 Hz
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 800 x 600 for display 0 with 800 x 600 @ 60.000000 Hz
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 800 x 600 for display 0 with 800 x 600 @ 59.940063 Hz
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1024 x 768 for display 0 with 1024 x 768 @ 60.000000 Hz
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1024 x 768 for display 0 with 1024 x 768 @ 59.940063 Hz
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 1024 for display 0 with 1280 x 1024 @ 60.000000 Hz
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 1024 for display 0 with 1280 x 1024 @ 59.940063 Hz
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1360 x 768 for display 0 with 1360 x 768 @ 60.000000 Hz
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1360 x 768 for display 0 with 1360 x 768 @ 59.940063 Hz
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 720 x 480 for display 0 with 720 x 480 @ 60.000000 Hz
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 720 x 480 for display 0 with 720 x 480 @ 59.940063 Hz
17:27:02.409 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 720 for display 0 with 1280 x 720 @ 60.000000 Hz
17:27:02.410 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 720 for display 0 with 1280 x 720 @ 59.940063 Hz
17:27:02.410 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 60.000000 Hz
17:27:02.410 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 59.940063 Hz
17:27:02.410 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 720 x 576 for display 0 with 720 x 576 @ 50.000000 Hz
17:27:02.410 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 720 for display 0 with 1280 x 720 @ 50.000000 Hz
17:27:02.410 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 50.000000 Hz
17:27:02.410 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 24.000000 Hz
17:27:02.410 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 23.976025 Hz
17:27:02.410 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 25.000000 Hz
17:27:02.410 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 30.000000 Hz
17:27:02.410 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 29.970032 Hz
17:27:02.410 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Found (1920x1080@60.000000) at 30, setting to RES_DESKTOP at 16
17:27:02.410 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Checking resolution 16
17:27:02.540 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Drain delay:100ms now:0ms
17:27:02.540 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Deinitialize
17:27:02.540 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:SetAudioProps hdmi_stream_channels 0 hdmi_channel_map 00000000
17:27:02.550 T:1930425248 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.audio_render handle 0x72701b98
17:27:02.557 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL set HDMI mode (1,16)=0 off
17:27:02.699 T:1903162272 DEBUG: EGL tv_service_callback (8,1,16)
17:27:02.699 T:1962307584 DEBUG: EGL set resolution 1920x1080 -> 1920x1080 @ 60.00 fps (1,16) flags:10010004 aspect:1.00
17:27:02.724 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CreateWindow: Created surface of size 1920x1080
17:27:02.724 T:1940595616 DEBUG: CActiveAE - display reset event
17:27:02.724 T:1930425248 INFO: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink
17:27:02.724 T:1962307584 NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = Broadcom
17:27:02.725 T:1962307584 NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = VideoCore IV HW
17:27:02.725 T:1962307584 NOTICE: GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES 2.0
17:27:02.725 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - trying to open device PI:HDMI
17:27:02.725 T:1962307584 NOTICE: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.00
17:27:02.725 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test - GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info NO
17:27:02.725 T:1962307584 NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_EXT_debug_marker
17:27:02.725 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test - GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 YES
17:27:02.725 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test - GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888 NO
17:27:02.725 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test - GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888 NO
17:27:02.725 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:SetAudioProps hdmi_stream_channels 0 hdmi_channel_map 00000008
17:27:02.725 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Initialize Format:15 Channels:2 Samplerate:44100 framesize:8 bufsize:17640 bytes/s=352800.00 dest=PI:HDMI
17:27:02.726 T:1930425248 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.audio_render input port 100 output port 100 m_handle 0x72701ad0
17:27:02.727 T:1930425248 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.audio_render) - port(100), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(17648), nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:27:02.727 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.727 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - SinkPi Initialized:
17:27:02.727 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Output Device : HDMI
17:27:02.727 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Sample Rate : 44100
17:27:02.727 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.727 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.727 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Sample Format : AE_FMT_FLOAT
17:27:02.727 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Channel Count : 2
17:27:02.727 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Channel Layout: FL,FR
17:27:02.727 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Frames : 2205
17:27:02.728 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Frame Size : 8
17:27:02.728 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.728 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.728 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.730 T:1940595616 DEBUG: CActiveAE::ClearDiscardedBuffers - buffer pool deleted
17:27:02.742 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_default.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1cc47e0
17:27:02.743 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.743 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.743 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.743 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.743 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.743 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.756 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_texture.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1e9c860
17:27:02.756 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.756 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.757 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.757 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.757 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.757 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.770 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_multi.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1e9ed88
17:27:02.770 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.770 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.771 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.771 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.771 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.771 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.784 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_fonts.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1e9c5c8
17:27:02.785 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.785 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.785 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.786 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.786 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.786 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.798 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_texture_noblend.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1e9c640
17:27:02.798 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.799 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.799 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.799 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.799 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.799 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.812 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_multi_blendcolor.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1e9d170
17:27:02.813 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.813 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.813 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.813 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.813 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.813 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.828 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_rgba.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1d0a118
17:27:02.828 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test - GL_OES_EGL_image_external YES
17:27:02.829 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.829 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.829 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.829 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.829 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.829 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.844 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_rgba_oes.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1d0a190
17:27:02.845 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.845 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.845 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.846 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.846 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.846 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.858 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_rgba_blendcolor.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1d0f5f8
17:27:02.859 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.859 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.859 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.859 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.860 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.860 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.875 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_rgba_bob.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1d0f670
17:27:02.875 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test - GL_OES_EGL_image_external YES
17:27:02.876 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.876 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.876 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.876 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
17:27:02.876 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Compiled
17:27:02.876 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
17:27:02.894 T:1962307584 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_rgba_bob_oes.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1d09228
17:27:02.895 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CWinSystemEGL::CreateNewWindow: No need to create a new window
17:27:02.895 T:1962307584 INFO: GLES: Maximum texture width: 2048
17:27:03.312 T:1962307584 INFO: GLES: Enabling VSYNC
17:27:03.312 T:1962307584 INFO: GLES: Selected vsync mode 10
17:27:03.312 T:1962307584 INFO: load keymapping
17:27:03.316 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/appcommand.xml
17:27:03.317 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/customcontroller.AppleRemote.xml
17:27:03.320 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/customcontroller.Harmony.xml
17:27:03.326 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/gamepad.xml
17:27:03.332 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.xml
17:27:03.338 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/keyboard.xml
17:27:03.357 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/mouse.xml
17:27:03.358 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/remote.xml
17:27:03.372 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/touchscreen.xml
17:27:03.378 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/Lircmap.xml
17:27:03.384 T:1962307584 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'mceusb'
17:27:03.384 T:1962307584 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'XboxDVDDongle'
17:27:03.384 T:1962307584 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'Microsoft_Xbox'
17:27:03.385 T:1962307584 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'PinnacleSysPCTVRemote'
17:27:03.385 T:1962307584 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'anysee'
17:27:03.385 T:1962307584 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'iMON-PAD'
17:27:03.385 T:1962307584 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'Antec_Veris_RM200'
17:27:03.385 T:1962307584 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'MCE_via_iMON'
17:27:03.385 T:1962307584 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'TwinHanRemote'
17:27:03.385 T:1962307584 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'linux-input-layer'
17:27:03.385 T:1962307584 INFO: * Linking remote mapping for 'linux-input-layer' to 'cx23885_remote'
17:27:03.385 T:1962307584 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'mediacenter'
17:27:03.385 T:1962307584 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'devinput'
17:27:03.386 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CButtonTranslator::Load - no userdata Lircmap.xml found, skipping
17:27:03.386 T:1962307584 INFO: GUI format 1920x1080, Display 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 60.00 - Full Screen
17:27:03.386 T:1962307584 DEBUG: guilib: Fill viewport on change for solving rendering passes
17:27:03.387 T:1962307584 INFO: CLangInfo: loading resource.language.de_de language information...
17:27:03.391 T:1962307584 DEBUG: trying to set locale to de_DE.UTF-8
17:27:03.412 T:1962307584 INFO: global locale set to C
17:27:03.412 T:1962307584 INFO: CLangInfo: loading resource.language.de_de language strings...
17:27:03.486 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 3760 strings from file resource://resource.language.de_de/strings.po
17:27:03.516 T:1962307584 DEBUG: POParser: id:16313 was recently re-used in the English string file, which is not yet changed in the translated file. Using the English string instead
17:27:03.521 T:1962307584 DEBUG: POParser: id:20433 was recently re-used in the English string file, which is not yet changed in the translated file. Using the English string instead
17:27:03.527 T:1962307584 DEBUG: POParser: id:36178 was recently re-used in the English string file, which is not yet changed in the translated file. Using the English string instead
17:27:03.528 T:1962307584 DEBUG: POParser: id:36180 was recently re-used in the English string file, which is not yet changed in the translated file. Using the English string instead
17:27:03.532 T:1962307584 DEBUG: POParser: id:38040 was recently re-used in the English string file, which is not yet changed in the translated file. Using the English string instead
17:27:03.532 T:1962307584 DEBUG: POParser: id:38041 was recently re-used in the English string file, which is not yet changed in the translated file. Using the English string instead
17:27:03.533 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 29 strings from file resource://resource.language.en_gb/strings.po
17:27:03.555 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 1 strings from file /usr/share/kodi/addons/audioencoder.xbmc.builtin.wma/resources/language/English/strings.po
17:27:03.559 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 18 strings from file /usr/share/kodi/addons/game.controller.default/resources/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po
17:27:03.560 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 1 strings from file /usr/share/kodi/addons/screensaver.xbmc.builtin.dim/resources/language/resource.language.de_de/strings.po
17:27:03.560 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 0 strings from file /usr/share/kodi/addons/screensaver.xbmc.builtin.dim/resources/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po
17:27:03.578 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 183 strings from file /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/language/German/strings.po
17:27:03.588 T:1962307584 DEBUG: POParser: id:609 was recently re-used in the English string file, which is not yet changed in the translated file. Using the English string instead
17:27:03.588 T:1962307584 DEBUG: POParser: id:610 was recently re-used in the English string file, which is not yet changed in the translated file. Using the English string instead
17:27:03.589 T:1962307584 DEBUG: POParser: id:32187 was recently re-used in the English string file, which is not yet changed in the translated file. Using the English string instead
17:27:03.590 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 21 strings from file /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/language/English/strings.po
17:27:03.595 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 7 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/metadata.themoviedb.org/resources/language/German/strings.po
17:27:03.598 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 0 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/metadata.themoviedb.org/resources/language/English/strings.po
17:27:03.607 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 11 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/metadata.album.universal/resources/language/German/strings.po
17:27:03.610 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 2 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/metadata.album.universal/resources/language/English/strings.po
17:27:03.612 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 1 strings from file /usr/share/kodi/addons/audioencoder.xbmc.builtin.aac/resources/language/English/strings.po
17:27:03.620 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 5 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/metadata.tvdb.com/resources/language/German/strings.po
17:27:03.623 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 2 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/metadata.tvdb.com/resources/language/English/strings.po
17:27:03.635 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 23 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/metadata.artists.universal/resources/language/German/strings.po
17:27:03.638 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 3 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/metadata.artists.universal/resources/language/English/strings.po
17:27:03.650 T:1962307584 DEBUG: POParser: PO file has Win Style Line Endings. Converted in memory to Linux LF for file: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.laola1tv/resources/language/resource.language.de_de/strings.po
17:27:03.651 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 18 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.laola1tv/resources/language/resource.language.de_de/strings.po
17:27:03.653 T:1962307584 DEBUG: POParser: PO file has Win Style Line Endings. Converted in memory to Linux LF for file: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.laola1tv/resources/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po
17:27:03.654 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 1 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.laola1tv/resources/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po
17:27:03.671 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 4 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/weather.yahoo/resources/language/German/strings.po
17:27:03.674 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 2 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/weather.yahoo/resources/language/English/strings.po
17:27:03.682 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 24 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/weather.openweathermap.extended/resources/language/German/strings.po
17:27:03.685 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 81 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/weather.openweathermap.extended/resources/language/English/strings.po
17:27:03.689 T:1962307584 DEBUG: POParser: PO file has Win Style Line Endings. Converted in memory to Linux LF for file: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.dazn/resources/language/resource.language.de_de/strings.po
17:27:03.690 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 41 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.dazn/resources/language/resource.language.de_de/strings.po
17:27:03.692 T:1962307584 DEBUG: POParser: PO file has Win Style Line Endings. Converted in memory to Linux LF for file: /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.dazn/resources/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po
17:27:03.692 T:1962307584 DEBUG: POParser: id:30051 was recently re-used in the English string file, which is not yet changed in the translated file. Using the English string instead
17:27:03.693 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 1 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.dazn/resources/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po
17:27:03.697 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 7 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/inputstream.adaptive/resources/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po
17:27:03.702 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 135 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/resources/language/German/strings.po
17:27:03.706 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 0 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/resources/language/English/strings.po
17:27:03.715 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 24 strings from file /storage/.kodi/addons/service.library.data.provider/resources/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po
17:27:03.720 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LoadMappings - loaded node "Motorola Nyxboard Hybrid"
17:27:03.721 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LoadMappings - loaded node "CEC Adapter"
17:27:03.721 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LoadMappings - loaded node "Pulse-Eight CEC Adapter"
17:27:03.721 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LoadMappings - loaded node "iMON HID device"
17:27:03.721 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LoadMappings - loaded node "WETEK Play remote"
17:27:03.721 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LoadMappings - loaded node ""
17:27:03.721 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CPeripheralBusUSB - initialised udev monitor
17:27:03.721 T:1962307584 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(libcec.so.4)
17:27:03.723 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Loading: libcec.so.4
17:27:03.752 T:1841296288 DEBUG: Thread PeripBusUSBUdev start, auto delete: false
17:27:03.752 T:1832907680 DEBUG: Thread PeripBusCEC start, auto delete: false
17:27:03.752 T:1824519072 DEBUG: Thread PeripBusAddon start, auto delete: false
17:27:03.753 T:1962307584 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(libcurl.so.4)
17:27:03.753 T:1816130464 DEBUG: Thread PeripEventScanner start, auto delete: false
17:27:03.754 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Loading: libcurl.so.4
17:27:03.766 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version Addons27
17:27:03.766 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Initialize, updating databases...
17:27:03.772 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version ViewModes6
17:27:03.812 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version Textures13
17:27:03.830 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic60
17:27:03.870 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos107
17:27:03.878 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version TV29
17:27:03.884 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version Epg11
17:27:03.889 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Initialize, updating databases... DONE
17:27:03.890 T:1962307584 NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection
17:27:03.890 T:1962307584 INFO: DPMS: not supported on this platform
17:27:03.890 T:1931883424 DEBUG: Thread DetectDVDMedia start, auto delete: false
17:27:03.890 T:1931883424 DEBUG: Compiled with libcdio Version 0.94
17:27:03.891 T:1832907680 DEBUG: GetMappingForDevice - device (2708:1001) mapped to CEC Adapter (type = cec)
17:27:03.892 T:1931883424 DEBUG: Thread DetectDVDMedia 1931883424 terminating
17:27:03.896 T:1832907680 DEBUG: InitialiseFeature - using libCEC v4.0.1
17:27:03.896 T:1832907680 DEBUG: Initialise - initialised peripheral on 'RPI' with 2 features and 0 sub devices
17:27:03.896 T:1797256096 DEBUG: Thread CECAdapter start, auto delete: false
17:27:03.896 T:1832907680 NOTICE: Register - new cec device registered on cec->RPI: CEC Adapter (2708:1001)
17:27:03.896 T:1797256096 DEBUG: OpenConnection - opening a connection to the CEC adapter: RPI
17:27:03.897 T:1832907680 DEBUG: Thread PeripBusCEC 1832907680 terminating
17:27:03.903 T:1797256096 DEBUG: OpenConnection - connection to the CEC adapter opened
17:27:03.904 T:1797256096 DEBUG: SetConfigurationFromLibCEC - settings updated by libCEC
17:27:03.904 T:1780478880 DEBUG: Thread CECAdapterUpdate start, auto delete: false
17:27:03.926 T:1962304416 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnClear from xbmc
17:27:03.926 T:1962304416 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnClear
17:27:03.946 T:1962307584 INFO: Unloading old skin ...
17:27:03.949 T:1962307584 INFO: load skin from: /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.estuary (version: 1.9.10)
17:27:03.949 T:1962307584 INFO: load fonts for skin...
17:27:03.955 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading fonts from /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.estuary/xml/Font.xml
17:27:04.082 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 131 strings from file /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.estuary/language/resource.language.de_de/strings.po
17:27:04.084 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: loaded 1 strings from file /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.estuary/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po
17:27:04.084 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin includes from /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.estuary/xml/Includes.xml
17:27:04.232 T:1962307584 INFO: load new skin...
17:27:04.232 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading user windows, path /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.estuary/xml
17:27:04.251 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Load Skin XML: 19.23ms
17:27:04.251 T:1962307584 INFO: initialize new skin...
17:27:04.251 T:1962307584 DEBUG: guilib: Fill viewport on change for solving rendering passes
17:27:04.251 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin file: Pointer.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
17:27:04.265 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OpenBundle - Opened bundle /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.estuary/media/Textures.xbt
17:27:04.280 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogVolumeBar.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
17:27:04.284 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogNotification.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
17:27:04.286 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogSeekBar.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
17:27:04.303 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogSettings.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
17:27:04.340 T:1962307584 INFO: Previous line repeats 1 times.
17:27:04.340 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogBusy.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
17:27:04.343 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
17:27:04.347 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogSubtitles.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
17:27:04.361 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
17:27:04.372 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogPVRGuideOSD.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
17:27:04.379 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin file: VideoOSD.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
17:27:04.408 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading resource://resource.uisounds.kodi/sounds.xml
17:27:04.633 T:1962307584 INFO: skin loaded...
17:27:04.633 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 12997
17:27:04.633 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init () ------
17:27:04.633 T:1962307584 INFO: load splash image: /usr/share/kodi/media/Splash.png
17:27:04.685 T:1962307584 DEBUG: JSONRPC: JSON schema type definition references an unknown type Setting.Details.Setting
17:27:04.685 T:1962307584 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "Setting.Details.SettingList"
17:27:04.685 T:1962307584 INFO: JSONRPC: Adding type "Setting.Details.SettingList" to list of incomplete definitions (waiting for "Setting.Details.Setting")
17:27:04.686 T:1962307584 INFO: JSONRPC: Resolving incomplete types/methods referencing Setting.Details.Setting
17:27:04.761 T:1962307584 INFO: JSONRPC v8.0.0: Successfully initialized
17:27:04.761 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: Starting service addons.
17:27:04.765 T:1769993120 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:27:04.765 T:1769993120 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:27:04.766 T:1761604512 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:27:04.766 T:1761604512 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:27:04.766 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 12999
17:27:04.766 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Startup.xml) ------
17:27:04.766 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin file: Startup.xml, load type: LOAD_EVERY_TIME
17:27:04.768 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10000
17:27:04.768 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Startup.xml) ------
17:27:04.768 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------
17:27:04.768 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
17:27:04.816 T:1769993120 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/service.py): start processing
17:27:04.816 T:1761604512 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.library.data.provider/service.py): start processing
17:27:04.891 T:1769993120 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:27:04.891 T:1769993120 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/service.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/service.py"
17:27:04.891 T:1761604512 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:27:04.891 T:1761604512 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.library.data.provider/service.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.library.data.provider/service.py"
17:27:04.892 T:1769993120 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/service.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:27:04.892 T:1769993120 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/service.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta
17:27:04.892 T:1761604512 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.library.data.provider/service.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/service.library.data.provider:/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.routing/lib:/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.simplejson/lib:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:27:04.892 T:1761604512 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.library.data.provider/service.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/service.library.data.provider
17:27:04.892 T:1769993120 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/service.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta" dependent on version 2.14.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:27:05.064 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[addons://sources/video/]: refreshing..
17:27:05.064 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[addons://sources/audio/]: refreshing..
17:27:05.064 T:1752167328 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
17:27:05.064 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[addons://sources/executable/]: refreshing..
17:27:05.065 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[addons://sources/image/]: refreshing..
17:27:05.065 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[library://video/]: refreshing..
17:27:05.065 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[sources://video/]: refreshing..
17:27:05.065 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[special://videoplaylists/]: refreshing..
17:27:05.065 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[favourites://]: refreshing..
17:27:05.065 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[sources://pictures/]: refreshing..
17:27:05.066 T:1743778720 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
17:27:05.084 T:1761604512 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, /storage/.kodi/addons/service.library.data.provider/service.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "service.library.data.provider" dependent on version 2.25.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:27:05.084 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ContextMenuManager: addon menus reloaded.
17:27:05.084 T:1962307584 INFO: removing tempfiles
17:27:05.086 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ADDON: Starting service addons.
17:27:05.107 T:1733292960 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:27:05.113 T:1733292960 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:27:05.113 T:1733292960 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/service.py): start processing
17:27:05.117 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CFavourites::Load - no system favourites found, skipping
17:27:05.117 T:1752167328 DEBUG: CMultiPathDirectory::GetDirectory(multipath://special%3a%2f%2fprofile%2fplaylists%2fvideo/special%3a%2f%2fprofile%2fplaylists%2fmixed/)
17:27:05.117 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CFavourites::Load - no userdata favourites found, skipping
17:27:05.118 T:1752167328 DEBUG: Getting Directory (special://profile/playlists/video)
17:27:05.121 T:1752167328 DEBUG: Getting Directory (special://profile/playlists/mixed)
17:27:05.122 T:1752167328 DEBUG: CMultiPathDirectory::MergeItems, items = 0
17:27:05.123 T:1752167328 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateMusic() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
17:27:05.128 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CRepositoryUpdater: previous update at 20.02.2017 14:27:32, next at 21.02.2017 14:27:32
17:27:05.128 T:1962307584 NOTICE: initialize done
17:27:05.129 T:1962307584 NOTICE: Running the application...
17:27:05.138 T:1724904352 DEBUG: Thread Timer start, auto delete: false
17:27:05.149 T:1752167328 DEBUG: GetRecentlyAddedAlbumSongs() query: SELECT songview.*, songartistview.* FROM (SELECT idAlbum FROM album ORDER BY idAlbum DESC LIMIT 10) AS recentalbums JOIN songview ON songview.idAlbum = recentalbums.idAlbum JOIN songartistview ON songview.idSong = songartistview.idSong ORDER BY songview.idAlbum DESC, songview.idSong, songartistview.idRole, songartistview.iOrder
17:27:05.152 T:1752167328 DEBUG: GetRecentlyAddedAlbums query: SELECT albumview.*, albumartistview.* FROM (SELECT idAlbum FROM album WHERE strAlbum != '' ORDER BY idAlbum DESC LIMIT 10) AS recentalbums JOIN albumview ON albumview.idAlbum = recentalbums.idAlbum JOIN albumartistview ON albumview.idAlbum = albumartistview.idAlbum ORDER BY albumview.idAlbum desc, albumartistview.iOrder
17:27:05.157 T:1752167328 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateVideos() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
17:27:05.162 T:1962307584 DEBUG: no profile autoexec.py (/storage/.kodi/userdata/autoexec.py) found, skipping
17:27:05.163 T:1962307584 DEBUG: NetworkMessage - Starting network services
17:27:05.170 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::clientCallback: client is up and running
17:27:05.170 T:1962307584 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing
17:27:05.171 T:1962307584 NOTICE: CWebServer[8080]: Started
17:27:05.171 T:1962307584 NOTICE: starting upnp client
17:27:05.177 T:1962307584 INFO: JSONRPC Server: Successfully initialized
17:27:05.179 T:1962307584 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(libshairplay.so.0)
17:27:05.180 T:1752167328 DEBUG: RunQuery took 3 ms for 0 items query: select * from movie_view ORDER BY dateAdded desc, idMovie desc LIMIT 10
17:27:05.182 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Loading: libshairplay.so.0
17:27:05.183 T:1752167328 DEBUG: RunQuery took 2 ms for 0 items query: select * from episode_view ORDER BY dateAdded desc, idEpisode desc LIMIT 10
17:27:05.184 T:1655698336 DEBUG: Thread EventServer start, auto delete: false
17:27:05.184 T:1655698336 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on port 9777
17:27:05.185 T:1647309728 DEBUG: Thread TCPServer start, auto delete: false
17:27:05.185 T:1655698336 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777 (ipv6 : false)
17:27:05.186 T:1752167328 DEBUG: RunQuery took 2 ms for 0 items query: select * from musicvideo_view ORDER BY dateAdded desc, idMVideo desc LIMIT 10
17:27:05.191 T:1962307584 INFO: AIRPLAY: Cleaning up photoassetcache
17:27:05.194 T:1752167328 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateTotal() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
17:27:05.202 T:1752167328 DEBUG: GetArtistsByWhere query: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT artistview.idArtist) FROM artistview WHERE ((EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM song_artist WHERE song_artist.idArtist = artistview.idArtist AND song_artist.idRole = 1) OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM album_artist WHERE album_artist.idArtist = artistview.idArtist)) AND (artistview.strArtist != '')) AND (artistview.strArtist <> 'Verschiedene Interpreten')
17:27:05.203 T:1962307584 INFO: AIRPLAY Server: Successfully initialized
17:27:05.206 T:1622143904 DEBUG: Thread AirPlayServer start, auto delete: false
17:27:05.213 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService identifier: servers.webserver type: _http._tcp name:Kodi (LibreELEC) port:8080
17:27:05.213 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::addService() named: Kodi (LibreELEC) type: _http._tcp port:8080
17:27:05.218 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService identifier: servers.jsonrpc-http type: _xbmc-jsonrpc-h._tcp name:Kodi (LibreELEC) port:8080
17:27:05.219 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::addService() named: Kodi (LibreELEC) type: _xbmc-jsonrpc-h._tcp port:8080
17:27:05.225 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService identifier: servers.jsonrpc-tpc type: _xbmc-jsonrpc._tcp name:Kodi (LibreELEC) port:9090
17:27:05.225 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::addService() named: Kodi (LibreELEC) type: _xbmc-jsonrpc._tcp port:9090
17:27:05.226 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService identifier: servers.eventserver type: _xbmc-events._udp name:Kodi (LibreELEC) port:9777
17:27:05.235 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService identifier: servers.airtunes type: _raop._tcp name:B827EB69B60C@Kodi (LibreELEC) port:36666
17:27:05.235 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::addService() named: Kodi (LibreELEC) type: _xbmc-events._udp port:9777
17:27:05.241 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::doPublishService identifier: servers.airplay type: _airplay._tcp name:Kodi (LibreELEC) port:36667
17:27:05.241 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::addService() named: B827EB69B60C@Kodi (LibreELEC) type: _raop._tcp port:36666
17:27:05.247 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::addService() named: Kodi (LibreELEC) type: _airplay._tcp port:36667
17:27:05.366 T:1962307584 INFO: Found input device /dev/input/event2
17:27:05.366 T:1962307584 INFO: opened device 'eventlircd' (file name /dev/input/event2), m_bSkipNonKeyEvents 0
17:27:05.367 T:1610474400 DEBUG: Thread CLinuxInputDevicesCheckHotplugged start, auto delete: false
17:27:05.412 T:1962307584 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.image_decode input port 320 output port 321 m_handle 0x2a13348
17:27:05.413 T:1962307584 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.image_decode) - port(320), nBufferCountMin(2), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(314128), nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:27:05.416 T:1962307584 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.resize input port 60 output port 61 m_handle 0x2b531b8
17:27:05.417 T:1962307584 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.egl_render input port 220 output port 221 m_handle 0x2a95cf8
17:27:05.417 T:1962307584 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::UseEGLImage component(OMX.broadcom.egl_render) - port(221), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(1), nBufferSize(15360) nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:27:05.458 T:1733292960 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:27:05.458 T:1733292960 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/service.py): the source file to load is "/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/service.py"
17:27:05.459 T:1733292960 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/service.py): setting the Python path to /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:27:05.459 T:1733292960 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/service.py): entering source directory /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings
17:27:05.459 T:1733292960 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/service.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "service.libreelec.settings" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:27:05.576 T:1962307584 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.image_decode handle 0x2a13348
17:27:05.576 T:1962307584 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.resize handle 0x2b531b8
17:27:05.577 T:1962307584 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.egl_render handle 0x2a95cf8
17:27:05.577 T:1962307584 DEBUG: DecodeJpegToTexture: decoded special://skin/extras/backgrounds/primary.jpg 1280x720
17:27:05.599 T:1962307584 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.image_decode input port 320 output port 321 m_handle 0x2a13348
17:27:05.600 T:1962307584 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.image_decode) - port(320), nBufferCountMin(2), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(93824), nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:27:05.603 T:1962307584 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.egl_render input port 220 output port 221 m_handle 0x2ae1b20
17:27:05.604 T:1962307584 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::UseEGLImage component(OMX.broadcom.egl_render) - port(221), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(1), nBufferSize(15360) nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:27:05.623 T:1962307584 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.image_decode handle 0x2a13348
17:27:05.624 T:1962307584 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.egl_render handle 0x2ae1b20
17:27:05.624 T:1962307584 DEBUG: DecodeJpegToTexture: decoded special://skin/extras/backgrounds/pattern1.jpg 900x506
17:27:05.634 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
17:27:05.638 T:1752167328 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.image_decode input port 320 output port 321 m_handle 0x676f65c0
17:27:05.639 T:1752167328 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.image_decode) - port(320), nBufferCountMin(2), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(81920), nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:27:05.645 T:1752167328 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.egl_render input port 220 output port 221 m_handle 0x643058f8
17:27:05.645 T:1752167328 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::UseEGLImage component(OMX.broadcom.egl_render) - port(221), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(1), nBufferSize(15360) nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:27:05.646 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init () ------
17:27:05.648 T:1743778720 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.image_decode input port 320 output port 321 m_handle 0x29bb790
17:27:05.649 T:1743778720 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.image_decode) - port(320), nBufferCountMin(2), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(81920), nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:27:05.652 T:1752167328 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.image_decode handle 0x676f65c0
17:27:05.653 T:1743778720 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.egl_render input port 220 output port 221 m_handle 0x2b4ea80
17:27:05.653 T:1752167328 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.egl_render handle 0x643058f8
17:27:05.654 T:1752167328 DEBUG: DecodeJpegToTexture: decoded special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/7/760d54d7.jpg 256x256
17:27:05.654 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Pointer.xml) ------
17:27:05.657 T:1743778720 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::UseEGLImage component(OMX.broadcom.egl_render) - port(221), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(1), nBufferSize(15360) nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:27:05.697 T:1743778720 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.image_decode handle 0x29bb790
17:27:05.698 T:1743778720 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.egl_render handle 0x2b4ea80
17:27:05.699 T:1743778720 DEBUG: DecodeJpegToTexture: decoded special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/6/65dcea9e.jpg 400x400
17:27:05.733 T:1769993120 DEBUG: No DB--SERVICE
17:27:05.734 T:1769993120 INFO: CPythonInvoker(0, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/service.py): script successfully run
17:27:05.752 T:1733292960 DEBUG: ## LibreELEC Addon ## 0.8.8
17:27:05.757 T:1733292960 WARNING: CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings
17:27:05.801 T:1761604512 DEBUG: Library Data Provider: service version 0.3.0 started
17:27:05.812 T:1769993120 INFO: Python script stopped
17:27:05.812 T:1769993120 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1769993120 terminating
17:27:05.828 T:1761604512 DEBUG: RunQuery took 2 ms for 0 items query: select * from movie_view WHERE ((movie_view.playCount IS NULL OR movie_view.playCount < 1))
17:27:05.837 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LogindUPowerSyscall - Received unknown signal NameAcquired
17:27:05.838 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogNotification.xml) ------
17:27:05.851 T:1600902048 INFO: WEATHER: Downloading weather
17:27:05.852 T:1630532512 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:27:05.852 T:1630532512 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:27:05.852 T:1630532512 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, /storage/.kodi/addons/weather.openweathermap.extended/default.py): start processing
17:27:06.014 T:1761604512 DEBUG: RunQuery took 1 ms for 0 items query: select * from episode_view WHERE ((episode_view.playCount IS NULL OR episode_view.playCount < 1))
17:27:06.070 T:1761604512 DEBUG: GetSongsFullByWhere query = SELECT songview.*, songartistview.* FROM songview JOIN songartistview ON songartistview.idsong = songview.idsong WHERE ((CAST(songview.iTimesPlayed as DECIMAL(5,1)) < 1)) ORDER BY songartistview.idsong, songartistview.idRole, songartistview.iOrder
17:27:06.098 T:1761604512 DEBUG: GetAlbumsByWhere query: SELECT albumview.*, albumartistview.* FROM albumview JOIN albumartistview ON albumartistview.idalbum = albumview.idalbum WHERE albumview.strReleaseType = 'album'
17:27:06.099 T:1761604512 DEBUG: GetAlbumsByWhere - query took 1 ms
17:27:06.105 T:1716093856 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::groupCallback: Service successfully established
17:27:06.125 T:1761604512 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
17:27:06.125 T:1761604512 DEBUG: RunQuery took 1 ms for 0 items query: select * from musicvideo_view WHERE ((musicvideo_view.playCount IS NULL OR musicvideo_view.playCount < 1))
17:27:06.127 T:1716093856 DEBUG: CZeroconfAvahi::groupCallback: Service successfully established
17:27:06.197 T:1630532512 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
17:27:06.197 T:1630532512 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:27:06.197 T:1630532512 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, /storage/.kodi/addons/weather.openweathermap.extended/default.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/weather.openweathermap.extended/default.py"
17:27:06.198 T:1630532512 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, /storage/.kodi/addons/weather.openweathermap.extended/default.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/weather.openweathermap.extended:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:27:06.198 T:1630532512 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, /storage/.kodi/addons/weather.openweathermap.extended/default.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/weather.openweathermap.extended
17:27:06.199 T:1630532512 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, /storage/.kodi/addons/weather.openweathermap.extended/default.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "weather.openweathermap.extended" dependent on version 2.25.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:27:06.200 T:1761604512 DEBUG: RunQuery took 3 ms for 0 items query: select * from movie_view WHERE ((movie_view.playCount IS NULL OR movie_view.playCount < 1))
17:27:06.303 T:1761604512 DEBUG: RunQuery took 2 ms for 0 items query: select * from episode_view WHERE ((episode_view.playCount IS NULL OR episode_view.playCount < 1))
17:27:06.438 T:1761604512 DEBUG: GetAlbumsByWhere query: SELECT albumview.*, albumartistview.* FROM albumview JOIN albumartistview ON albumartistview.idalbum = albumview.idalbum WHERE albumview.strReleaseType = 'album'
17:27:06.439 T:1761604512 DEBUG: GetAlbumsByWhere - query took 1 ms
17:27:06.451 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ------
17:27:06.455 T:1761604512 DEBUG: RunQuery took 1 ms for 0 items query: select * from musicvideo_view WHERE ((musicvideo_view.playCount IS NULL OR musicvideo_view.playCount < 1))
17:27:06.481 T:1761604512 DEBUG: RunQuery took 2 ms for 0 items query: select * from movie_view WHERE (movie_view.idFile IN (SELECT DISTINCT idFile FROM bookmark WHERE type = 1))
17:27:06.502 T:1761604512 DEBUG: RunQuery took 4 ms for 0 items query: SELECT * FROM tvshow_view WHERE ((CASE WHEN COALESCE(tvshow_view.totalCount - tvshow_view.watchedcount, 0) > 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END < 1)) AND ( ((tvshow_view.watchedcount > 0 AND tvshow_view.watchedcount < tvshow_view.totalCount) OR (tvshow_view.watchedcount = 0 AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM episode_view WHERE episode_view.idShow = tvshow_view.idShow AND episode_view.resumeTimeInSeconds > 0))))
17:27:06.515 T:1761604512 DEBUG: GetAlbumsByWhere query: SELECT albumview.*, albumartistview.* FROM albumview JOIN albumartistview ON albumartistview.idalbum = albumview.idalbum WHERE albumview.strReleaseType = 'album'
17:27:06.516 T:1761604512 DEBUG: GetAlbumsByWhere - query took 1 ms
17:27:06.519 T:1761604512 DEBUG: CFavourites::Load - no system favourites found, skipping
17:27:06.519 T:1761604512 DEBUG: CFavourites::Load - no userdata favourites found, skipping
17:27:06.520 T:1761604512 DEBUG: Library Data Provider: Total time needed for all queries: 0:00:00.718095
17:27:06.668 T:1630532512 INFO: CPythonInvoker(3, /storage/.kodi/addons/weather.openweathermap.extended/default.py): script successfully run
17:27:06.725 T:1630532512 INFO: Python script stopped
17:27:06.725 T:1630532512 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1630532512 terminating
17:27:06.771 T:1733292960 INFO: ## LibreELEC Addon ## system::set_hostname ## LibreELEC
17:27:06.771 T:1600902048 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 130 weather tokens
17:27:06.772 T:1733292960 INFO: ## LibreELEC Addon ## system::set_keyboard_layout ## de
17:27:06.772 T:1733292960 INFO: ## LibreELEC Addon ## system::set_keyboard_layout ## loadkmap < `ls -1 /usr/lib/keymaps/*/de.bmap`
17:27:06.860 T:1733292960 INFO: ## LibreELEC Addon ## system::updateThread ## Started
17:27:06.861 T:1733292960 INFO: ## LibreELEC Addon ## system::set_auto_update ## auto
17:27:06.893 T:1769993120 INFO: ## LibreELEC Addon ## _service_::run ## WAITING:
17:27:06.908 T:1575650208 INFO: ## LibreELEC Addon ## xdbus Monitor started. ##
17:27:11.653 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogNotification.xml) ------
17:27:35.852 T:1743778720 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1743778720 terminating (autodelete)
17:27:35.852 T:1752167328 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1752167328 terminating (autodelete)
17:27:35.852 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1874850720 terminating (autodelete)
17:27:36.772 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1600902048 terminating (autodelete)
17:28:11.731 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Drain delay:100ms now:0ms
17:28:21.731 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Deinitialize
17:28:21.731 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:SetAudioProps hdmi_stream_channels 0 hdmi_channel_map 00000000
17:28:21.737 T:1930425248 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.audio_render handle 0x72701ad0
17:28:32.275 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 90848:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:28:32.275 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:28:32.276 T:1930425248 INFO: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink
17:28:32.276 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - trying to open device PI:HDMI
17:28:32.276 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:SetAudioProps hdmi_stream_channels 0 hdmi_channel_map 00000008
17:28:32.277 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Initialize Format:15 Channels:2 Samplerate:44100 framesize:8 bufsize:17640 bytes/s=352800.00 dest=PI:HDMI
17:28:32.278 T:1930425248 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.audio_render input port 100 output port 100 m_handle 0x7276d678
17:28:32.280 T:1930425248 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.audio_render) - port(100), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(17648), nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:28:32.281 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - SinkPi Initialized:
17:28:32.281 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Output Device : HDMI
17:28:32.281 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Sample Rate : 44100
17:28:32.281 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Sample Format : AE_FMT_FLOAT
17:28:32.281 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Channel Count : 2
17:28:32.281 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Channel Layout: FL,FR
17:28:32.281 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Frames : 2205
17:28:32.281 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Frame Size : 8
17:28:32.549 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 91122:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:28:32.549 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:28:33.978 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 92551:67 0 KEY_UP devinput (KEY_UP)
17:28:33.978 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6, obc89) pressed, action is Up
17:28:34.232 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 92805:67 0 KEY_UP devinput (KEY_UP)
17:28:34.232 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6, obc89) pressed, action is Up
17:28:35.806 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 94379:6a 0 KEY_RIGHT devinput (KEY_RIGHT)
17:28:35.806 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 168 (0xa8, obc87) pressed, action is Right
17:28:36.454 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 95027:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:28:36.454 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:28:36.456 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
17:28:36.501 T:1600902048 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.image_decode input port 320 output port 321 m_handle 0x72825d38
17:28:36.502 T:1600902048 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.image_decode) - port(320), nBufferCountMin(2), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(206336), nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:28:36.508 T:1600902048 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.egl_render input port 220 output port 221 m_handle 0x72823850
17:28:36.510 T:1600902048 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::UseEGLImage component(OMX.broadcom.egl_render) - port(221), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(1), nBufferSize(15360) nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:28:36.543 T:1600902048 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.image_decode handle 0x72825d38
17:28:36.545 T:1600902048 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.egl_render handle 0x72823850
17:28:36.545 T:1600902048 DEBUG: DecodeJpegToTexture: decoded special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/a/a19e98a8.jpg 1280x720
17:28:39.674 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 98247:1c 0 KEY_ENTER devinput (KEY_ENTER)
17:28:39.674 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
17:28:39.674 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10025
17:28:39.995 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
17:28:40.054 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
17:28:40.054 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin file: MyVideoNav.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
17:28:40.300 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[]: refreshing..
17:28:40.301 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
17:28:40.301 T:1600902048 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
17:28:40.301 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
17:28:40.301 T:1600902048 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
17:28:40.301 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[]: refreshing..
17:28:40.301 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
17:28:40.301 T:1874850720 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
17:28:40.301 T:1962307584 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
17:28:40.301 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[]: refreshing..
17:28:40.301 T:1752167328 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
17:28:40.301 T:1600902048 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
17:28:40.301 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[]: refreshing..
17:28:40.301 T:1874850720 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
17:28:40.351 T:1962307584 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
17:28:40.351 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/)
17:28:40.351 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/]
17:28:40.367 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CAddonDatabase::SetLastUsed[plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta] took 16 ms
17:28:40.368 T:1874850720 DEBUG: StartScript - calling plugin Zattoo Box Extended Beta('plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/','1','')
17:28:40.368 T:1743778720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:28:40.368 T:1743778720 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:28:40.368 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): start processing
17:28:40.401 T:1743778720 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:28:40.401 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py"
17:28:40.401 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:28:40.401 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta
17:28:40.401 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta" dependent on version 2.14.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:28:40.716 T:1743778720 DEBUG: LISTMODE all
17:28:40.852 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:28:41.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
17:28:41.148 T:1743778720 INFO: CPythonInvoker(4, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): script successfully run
17:28:41.179 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:28:41.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 1563288480 terminating
17:28:41.229 T:1743778720 INFO: Python script stopped
17:28:41.229 T:1743778720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1743778720 terminating
17:28:48.232 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 106805:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:28:48.232 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:28:48.826 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 107399:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:28:48.827 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:28:50.762 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 109335:1c 0 KEY_ENTER devinput (KEY_ENTER)
17:28:50.762 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
17:28:50.765 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/?mode=channellist)
17:28:50.765 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/]
17:28:50.781 T:1752167328 DEBUG: CAddonDatabase::SetLastUsed[plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta] took 16 ms
17:28:50.782 T:1600902048 DEBUG: StartScript - calling plugin Zattoo Box Extended Beta('plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/','2','?mode=channellist')
17:28:50.782 T:1743778720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:28:50.783 T:1743778720 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:28:50.783 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(5, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): start processing
17:28:50.837 T:1743778720 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:28:50.838 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(5, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py"
17:28:50.838 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(5, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:28:50.839 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(5, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta
17:28:50.839 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(5, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta" dependent on version 2.14.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:28:51.144 T:1743778720 DEBUG: LISTMODE all
17:28:51.268 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:28:51.625 T:1743778720 INFO: CPythonInvoker(5, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): script successfully run
17:28:51.686 T:1743778720 INFO: Python script stopped
17:28:51.686 T:1743778720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1743778720 terminating
17:28:51.694 T:1743778720 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
17:28:51.707 T:1743778720 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 1743778720 terminating
17:28:51.752 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:28:59.183 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 117756:ae 0 KEY_EXIT devinput (KEY_EXIT)
17:28:59.183 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: menu (0xd8) pressed, action is Back
17:28:59.184 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/)
17:28:59.184 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/]
17:28:59.202 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CAddonDatabase::SetLastUsed[plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta] took 18 ms
17:28:59.203 T:1752167328 DEBUG: StartScript - calling plugin Zattoo Box Extended Beta('plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/','3','')
17:28:59.204 T:1743778720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:28:59.204 T:1743778720 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:28:59.204 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): start processing
17:28:59.259 T:1743778720 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:28:59.259 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py"
17:28:59.259 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:28:59.260 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta
17:28:59.260 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta" dependent on version 2.14.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:28:59.530 T:1743778720 DEBUG: LISTMODE all
17:28:59.688 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:28:59.830 T:1743778720 INFO: CPythonInvoker(6, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): script successfully run
17:28:59.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
17:28:59.851 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:28:59.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 1563288480 terminating
17:28:59.898 T:1743778720 INFO: Python script stopped
17:28:59.898 T:1743778720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1743778720 terminating
17:29:03.071 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 121644:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:29:03.071 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:29:03.292 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 121865:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:29:03.293 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:29:03.510 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 122083:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:29:03.510 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:29:03.682 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 122255:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:29:03.683 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:29:03.909 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 122482:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:29:03.909 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:29:04.326 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 122899:1c 0 KEY_ENTER devinput (KEY_ENTER)
17:29:04.332 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
17:29:04.351 T:1962307584 DEBUG: RunScriptWithParams - calling plugin Zattoo Box Extended Beta('plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/','-1','?mode=show_settings')
17:29:04.352 T:1743778720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:29:04.352 T:1743778720 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:29:04.352 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(7, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): start processing
17:29:04.410 T:1743778720 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:29:04.410 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(7, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py"
17:29:04.411 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(7, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:29:04.411 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(7, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta
17:29:04.411 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(7, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta" dependent on version 2.14.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:29:04.678 T:1743778720 DEBUG: LISTMODE all
17:29:04.708 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogAddonSettings.xml) ------
17:29:04.708 T:1962307584 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogAddonSettings.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
17:29:06.222 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 124795:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:29:06.223 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:29:07.015 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 125588:67 0 KEY_UP devinput (KEY_UP)
17:29:07.016 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6, obc89) pressed, action is Up
17:29:07.486 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 126058:6a 0 KEY_RIGHT devinput (KEY_RIGHT)
17:29:07.486 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 168 (0xa8, obc87) pressed, action is Right
17:29:07.982 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 126555:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:29:07.983 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:29:08.715 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 127288:69 0 KEY_LEFT devinput (KEY_LEFT)
17:29:08.716 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 169 (0xa9, obc86) pressed, action is Left
17:29:09.127 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 127700:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:29:09.128 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:29:09.378 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 127951:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:29:09.378 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:29:10.417 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 128989:6a 0 KEY_RIGHT devinput (KEY_RIGHT)
17:29:10.417 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 168 (0xa8, obc87) pressed, action is Right
17:29:10.882 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 129455:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:29:10.882 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:29:11.182 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 129755:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:29:11.182 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:29:11.582 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 130155:67 0 KEY_UP devinput (KEY_UP)
17:29:11.583 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6, obc89) pressed, action is Up
17:29:12.182 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 130755:1c 0 KEY_ENTER devinput (KEY_ENTER)
17:29:12.182 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
17:29:12.183 T:1962307584 DEBUG: RunScriptWithParams - calling plugin Zattoo Box Extended Beta('plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/','-1','?mode=reloadDB')
17:29:12.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:29:12.184 T:1563288480 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:29:12.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(8, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): start processing
17:29:12.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:29:12.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(8, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py"
17:29:12.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(8, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:29:12.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(8, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta
17:29:12.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(8, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta" dependent on version 2.14.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:29:12.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: LISTMODE all
17:29:12.565 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10138
17:29:12.565 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:29:15.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: account 388769402185f44b66eb1c88b7635044
17:29:15.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: api /zapi/v2/cached/program/power_guide/388769402185f44b66eb1c88b7635044?end=1487631600&start=1487545200
17:29:15.949 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10138
17:29:15.949 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogNotification.xml) ------
17:29:18.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mr. Morgans letzte Liebe
17:29:18.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487543700
17:29:18.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550180
17:29:18.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:18.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6053/2a6f/1157/91c9/e8ef/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121110361
17:29:18.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:18.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550180
17:29:18.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550300
17:29:18.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116415
17:29:18.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:18.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554980
17:29:18.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:18.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116418
17:29:18.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Anne Will
17:29:18.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:18.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:18.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ttt - titel thesen temperamente
17:29:18.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:18.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:18.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kultur
17:29:18.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3873/f65c/fd80/84e8/4c85/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116420
17:29:18.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschlandbilder
17:29:18.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:18.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562480
17:29:18.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Natur, Reise
17:29:18.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/afdd/16fd/0321/623f/c96a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116422
17:29:18.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:18.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562480
17:29:18.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562600
17:29:18.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116423
17:29:18.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Weltspiegel
17:29:18.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562600
17:29:18.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:18.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Auslandskorrespondenten berichten
17:29:18.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:18.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c125/7b54/0598/02b5/2e82/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116425
17:29:18.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Morgenmagazin
17:29:18.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:18.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:18.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d9e0/ff7e/0323/5070/2872/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116428
17:29:18.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:18.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577900
17:29:18.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116429
17:29:18.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mann gesucht, Liebe gefunden
17:29:18.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577900
17:29:18.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:18.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:18.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/50bd/8c1d/eba1/4b3c/15a5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116431
17:29:18.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:18.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:18.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:18.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116432
17:29:18.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meister des Alltags
17:29:18.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:18.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585700
17:29:18.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:18.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7997/5888/1c64/8588/bb18/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116434
17:29:18.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gefragt - Gejagt
17:29:18.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585700
17:29:18.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:18.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6409/308a/c4b8/d026/22d7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116436
17:29:18.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:18.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:18.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116438
17:29:18.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ARD-Buffet
17:29:18.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:18.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Kochshow
17:29:18.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ff29/b553/f34f/6b2b/d62c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116440
17:29:18.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mittagsmagazin
17:29:18.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mit Tagesschau
17:29:18.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:18.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8fc8/72d1/7a40/caf6/2112/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116442
17:29:18.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:18.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596200
17:29:18.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116444
17:29:18.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rote Rosen
17:29:18.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596200
17:29:18.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Folge 2370
17:29:18.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap
17:29:18.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c7b/67f3/99f2/93cf/1fe8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116446
17:29:18.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:18.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599800
17:29:18.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116448
17:29:18.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sturm der Liebe
17:29:18.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599800
17:29:18.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:18.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Folge 2634
17:29:18.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:18.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5a53/b822/51c9/7d52/f206/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116451
17:29:18.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:18.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:18.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:18.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116453
17:29:18.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:18.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:18.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607300
17:29:18.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116456
17:29:18.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Brisant
17:29:18.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607300
17:29:18.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:18.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:18.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/60d0/683f/9bc2/ea96/d6cc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116458
17:29:18.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gefragt - Gejagt
17:29:18.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:18.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613000
17:29:18.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:18.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6409/308a/c4b8/d026/22d7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116459
17:29:18.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Morden im Norden
17:29:18.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613000
17:29:18.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616300
17:29:18.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hass
17:29:18.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Action
17:29:18.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b1d5/f631/b3b9/20e1/891a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116461
17:29:18.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen vor acht - Zukunft
17:29:18.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616300
17:29:18.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:18.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das "Besser-Leben"-Orakel
17:29:18.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:18.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be7b/d4d3/5fbf/b2a9/4299/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116463
17:29:18.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wetter vor acht
17:29:18.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:18.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:18.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e716/2d88/a1b2/9039/e649/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116464
17:29:18.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:18.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:18.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116467
17:29:18.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Universum
17:29:18.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:18.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hart aber fair
17:29:18.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:18.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:18.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesthemen
17:29:18.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:18.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:18.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mit Wetter
17:29:18.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/db01/27f3/a16e/9aee/0cb0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116472
17:29:18.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard
17:29:18.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nicht Rache, sondern Gerechtigkeit
17:29:18.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:18.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487632500
17:29:18.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Leben von Beate und Serge Klarsfeld
17:29:18.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/689c/1f68/1208/2aee/286a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116476
17:29:18.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZDF History
17:29:18.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487543700
17:29:18.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546400
17:29:18.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Blutspur - Rechter Terror in Deutschland
17:29:18.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:18.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0435/d08a/ad09/51d1/6f03/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109481
17:29:18.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute Xpress
17:29:18.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546400
17:29:18.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546700
17:29:18.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft, Politik
17:29:18.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f7b8/b127/aed8/8a8a/8c2a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115329
17:29:18.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Peter Hahne
17:29:18.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546700
17:29:18.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548500
17:29:18.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gier, Armut, Umverteilung - Was ist gerecht?
17:29:18.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:18.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/971b/43e5/7cbe/de38/6e92/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115331
17:29:18.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Trapped - Gefangen in Island
17:29:18.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548500
17:29:18.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:18.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:18.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d428/2782/cbaa/d99b/a79b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115333
17:29:18.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frag den Lesch
17:29:18.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:18.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:18.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mythos oder Wahrheit: Manipuliert uns der Mond?
17:29:18.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:18.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cda9/88ee/8fd3/7f3b/4815/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115335
17:29:18.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Terra X
17:29:18.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:18.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:18.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sensationsfund in Brasilien: Die ersten Amerikaner
17:29:18.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:18.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0a3f/fe13/17c3/177f/f401/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115336
17:29:18.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Terra X
17:29:18.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:18.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:18.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama im ewigen Eis: Die verschollene Expedition des John Franklin
17:29:18.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:18.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a67b/270d/c8e5/6bd2/f1ef/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115338
17:29:18.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet e.
17:29:18.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:18.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:18.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bettys Diagnose
17:29:18.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:18.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:18.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Morgenmagazin
17:29:18.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:18.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:18.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d9e0/ff7e/0323/5070/2872/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115342
17:29:18.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute Xpress
17:29:18.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577900
17:29:18.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft, Politik
17:29:18.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f7b8/b127/aed8/8a8a/8c2a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115343
17:29:18.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Notruf Hafenkante
17:29:18.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:18.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585700
17:29:18.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SOKO Stuttgart
17:29:18.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585700
17:29:18.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sternstunden
17:29:18.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:18.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9a60/2a55/0d23/2627/8396/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115350
17:29:18.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute
17:29:18.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:18.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8601/4c29/0bec/f78b/dca3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115353
17:29:18.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: drehscheibe
17:29:18.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:18.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:18.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7f4e/5ee7/544d/54be/c11e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115355
17:29:18.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mittagsmagazin
17:29:18.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mit Tagesschau
17:29:18.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:18.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8fc8/72d1/7a40/caf6/2112/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115356
17:29:18.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute - in Deutschland
17:29:18.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:18.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5eb4/b525/454f/45f9/355f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115358
17:29:18.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute Xpress
17:29:18.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599500
17:29:18.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft, Politik
17:29:18.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f7b8/b127/aed8/8a8a/8c2a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115363
17:29:18.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute - in Europa
17:29:18.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:18.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:18.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/392f/bb0b/144b/0109/6bd7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115366
17:29:18.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute
17:29:18.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:18.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:18.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8601/4c29/0bec/f78b/dca3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115371
17:29:18.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hallo deutschland
17:29:18.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:18.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:18.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:18.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/95ed/7778/b291/1473/0d58/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115373
17:29:18.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Leute heute
17:29:18.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:18.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:18.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:18.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d9eb/e3f6/36cd/e81b/6ceb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115375
17:29:18.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute
17:29:18.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:18.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614800
17:29:18.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8601/4c29/0bec/f78b/dca3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115380
17:29:18.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wetter
17:29:18.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614800
17:29:18.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:18.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4cbf/c8f6/227d/cb4d/0756/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115381
17:29:18.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WISO
17:29:18.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:18.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Stressfrei umziehen: So geht's
17:29:18.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:18.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a2df/75ee/0295/941b/5dcb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115383
17:29:18.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachtschicht
17:29:18.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:18.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ladies First
17:29:18.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:18.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ecee/2b84/a768/11f8/8825/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115386
17:29:18.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute-journal
17:29:18.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:18.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:18.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wetter
17:29:18.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Talkshow, Wirtschaft, Politik
17:29:18.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ea7d/9b6e/988c/c53b/3811/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115388
17:29:18.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frozen Ground - Eisiges Grab
17:29:18.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:18.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:18.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Action, Thriller
17:29:18.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5d7d/5abd/d641/6a4f/433e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115390
17:29:18.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf
17:29:18.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute+
17:29:18.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:18.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631900
17:29:18.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:18.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/403e/f4a3/177a/8470/48c0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115392
17:29:18.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Blaulicht-Report
17:29:18.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562600
17:29:18.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:18.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Guten Morgen Deutschland
17:29:18.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:18.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:18.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b916/4223/6d73/3184/5a1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115354
17:29:18.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten
17:29:18.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:18.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Folge 6195
17:29:18.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama, Jugend
17:29:18.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/656b/ff2c/78e0/6314/f9d2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115359
17:29:18.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unter uns
17:29:18.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:18.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Folge 5548
17:29:18.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama, Jugend
17:29:18.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8646/2f09/a806/0101/c4c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115362
17:29:18.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Trovatos - Detektive decken auf
17:29:18.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:18.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:18.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Reality, Soap
17:29:18.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2496/67aa/9df8/6e8f/5b11/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115367
17:29:18.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Trovatos - Detektive decken auf
17:29:18.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:18.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Reality, Soap
17:29:18.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2496/67aa/9df8/6e8f/5b11/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115368
17:29:18.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Punkt 12
17:29:18.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Journal
17:29:18.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Magazin
17:29:18.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ff62/32dc/4918/1428/5e59/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115370
17:29:18.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Blaulicht-Report
17:29:18.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Blaulicht-Report
17:29:18.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:18.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unter uns
17:29:18.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:18.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:18.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Folge 5549
17:29:18.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama, Jugend
17:29:18.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8646/2f09/a806/0101/c4c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115379
17:29:18.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Explosiv - Das Magazin
17:29:18.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:18.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:18.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:18.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7cfc/4e29/1822/be6b/b0e0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115382
17:29:18.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Exclusiv - Das Star-Magazin
17:29:18.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:18.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:18.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:18.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/76dc/79b8/604f/5626/634f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115384
17:29:18.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: RTL aktuell
17:29:18.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:18.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613780
17:29:18.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft, Politik
17:29:18.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/031d/0241/20c1/b438/d210/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115385
17:29:18.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wetter
17:29:18.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613780
17:29:18.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613900
17:29:18.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4cbf/c8f6/227d/cb4d/0756/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115387
17:29:18.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten
17:29:18.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616000
17:29:18.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Folge 6196
17:29:18.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama, Jugend
17:29:18.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4749/04a0/f321/f1e3/ee03/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115391
17:29:18.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Team Wallraff - Reporter undercover
17:29:18.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:18.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:18.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1cdc/c853/b48e/8aaf/3e89/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115394
17:29:18.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Extra - Das RTL Magazin
17:29:18.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:18.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:18.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:18.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4f91/91eb/e830/4cd4/3cc6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115395
17:29:18.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 30 Minuten Deutschland
17:29:18.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:18.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:18.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verblendung
17:29:18.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487541000
17:29:18.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551200
17:29:18.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Action, Thriller, Drama
17:29:18.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/426e/222a/c617/600f/3ee6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109535
17:29:18.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: In meinem Himmel
17:29:18.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551200
17:29:18.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:18.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Mystery & Horror, Drama, Fantasy
17:29:18.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3ac9/12b6/d34f/1281/b1c8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115401
17:29:18.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motel - The First Cut
17:29:18.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:18.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564700
17:29:18.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thriller, Mystery & Horror, Drama
17:29:18.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2267/a107/e321/ed4c/bf26/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115404
17:29:18.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cougar Town - 40 ist das neue 20
17:29:18.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564700
17:29:18.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:18.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Krabbenfest
17:29:18.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie
17:29:18.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3757/67de/6051/4ddb/0c4e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115407
17:29:18.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cougar Town - 40 ist das neue 20
17:29:18.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:18.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567400
17:29:18.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Grayson wird Vater
17:29:18.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie
17:29:18.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a419/e0fa/0ee1/04cd/2735/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115409
17:29:18.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nichts wie weg aus Ocean City
17:29:18.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567400
17:29:18.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:18.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama
17:29:18.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/eb47/b342/57b8/259c/5715/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115412
17:29:18.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Love & other Drugs - Nebenwirkung inklusive
17:29:18.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:18.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581800
17:29:18.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:18.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ff40/7599/024b/ebce/9435/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115415
17:29:18.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Baby Daddy
17:29:18.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581800
17:29:18.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:18.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Middle
17:29:18.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:18.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:18.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt
17:29:18.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie
17:29:18.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/08be/1189/93ea/3c7f/44f2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115420
17:29:18.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Middle
17:29:18.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:18.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:18.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Zeitreisende und der Sensenmann
17:29:18.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie
17:29:18.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c214/a43e/469c/acf2/dfff/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115423
17:29:18.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mike & Molly
17:29:18.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:18.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mike wird schwach
17:29:18.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie
17:29:18.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bc24/e944/13f3/4be1/70ab/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115425
17:29:18.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: How I Met Your Mother
17:29:18.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:18.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Stempel
17:29:18.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:18.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ede3/d419/d05d/fc66/687e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115427
17:29:18.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: How I Met Your Mother
17:29:18.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:18.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591700
17:29:18.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: New Girl (subtitled)
17:29:18.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591700
17:29:18.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593200
17:29:18.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Two and a Half Men
17:29:18.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593200
17:29:18.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595000
17:29:18.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hals- und Beinbruch
17:29:18.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:18.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ecca/fe68/f4ad/ecc7/e03c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115433
17:29:18.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Two and a Half Men
17:29:18.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595000
17:29:18.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:18.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Two and a Half Men
17:29:18.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:18.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:18.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Eissandwich im Ofen
17:29:18.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:18.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5739/4ce2/3c82/36f1/b48e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115437
17:29:18.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2 Broke Girls
17:29:18.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:18.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599800
17:29:18.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verzockt
17:29:18.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:18.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b5e1/300b/92f5/4db7/edcf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115439
17:29:18.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2 Broke Girls
17:29:18.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599800
17:29:18.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601600
17:29:18.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein befriedigender Abschluss
17:29:18.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:18.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7ef0/4464/6323/eebb/e692/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115441
17:29:18.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Big Bang Theory
17:29:18.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601600
17:29:18.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:18.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Vorspeisen-Dilemma
17:29:18.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:18.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/168f/ce0a/3f70/10dd/0e00/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115444
17:29:18.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Big Bang Theory
17:29:18.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:18.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:18.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Lalita-Problem
17:29:18.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:18.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/168f/ce0a/3f70/10dd/0e00/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115446
17:29:18.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Big Bang Theory
17:29:18.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:18.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:18.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Cooper-Hofstadter-Antagonismus
17:29:18.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:18.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/168f/ce0a/3f70/10dd/0e00/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115449
17:29:18.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: taff
17:29:18.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:18.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:18.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hollywood Madness
17:29:18.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:18.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5ffa/511c/516e/490e/0539/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115450
17:29:18.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Newstime
17:29:18.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:18.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:18.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b6bb/ad4d/d383/9671/d00b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115452
17:29:18.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Simpsons
17:29:18.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:18.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:18.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das geheime Bekenntnis
17:29:18.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b896/121a/0a0d/09ca/e865/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115455
17:29:18.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Simpsons
17:29:18.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:18.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613900
17:29:18.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Butler bei Burns
17:29:18.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b896/121a/0a0d/09ca/e865/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115458
17:29:18.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Galileo
17:29:18.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613900
17:29:18.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: "Du bist mutig" - Das interaktive Zivilcourage-Experiment
17:29:18.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:18.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/70a4/40b0/9c86/f094/e9cc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115461
17:29:18.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Big Bang Theory
17:29:18.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619600
17:29:18.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Big Bang Theory
17:29:18.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619600
17:29:18.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621400
17:29:18.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Strafe muss sein
17:29:18.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:18.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/168f/ce0a/3f70/10dd/0e00/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115466
17:29:18.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Big Bang Theory
17:29:18.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621400
17:29:18.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623200
17:29:18.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Big Bang Theory
17:29:18.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623200
17:29:18.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:18.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2 Broke Girls
17:29:18.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:18.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:18.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2 Broke Girls
17:29:18.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:18.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628600
17:29:18.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Trans-Aktionen
17:29:18.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:18.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ffce/efc9/ead1/6f3c/52fd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115477
17:29:18.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: New Girl
17:29:18.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628600
17:29:18.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630400
17:29:18.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Boutique-Hotel im Loft
17:29:18.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:18.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d47/176d/bdae/8020/e4fb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115479
17:29:18.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland
17:29:18.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Two and a Half Men
17:29:18.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630400
17:29:18.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631900
17:29:18.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: So tickt der Mensch
17:29:18.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487541000
17:29:18.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:18.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:18.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fa9c/5dd1/8528/6b89/b15c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109493
17:29:18.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Voice Kids
17:29:18.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:18.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:18.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pop & Rock, Kindershow
17:29:18.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/20af/39eb/cf82/6660/00c0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115398
17:29:18.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Criminal Minds
17:29:18.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:18.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:18.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Criminal Minds
17:29:18.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:18.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:18.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rote Anemonen
17:29:18.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Krimi
17:29:18.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/aa07/4d36/f844/ef50/7711/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115400
17:29:18.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Auf Streife
17:29:18.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:18.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:18.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Reality, Soap
17:29:18.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ee1b/7ce3/5824/4a33/6227/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115402
17:29:18.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Ruhrpottwache
17:29:18.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:18.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:18.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Reality, Soap
17:29:18.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0b73/8866/c5d1/4cf4/3a50/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115403
17:29:18.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Auf Streife - Die Spezialisten
17:29:18.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:18.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:18.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/60b6/acd9/66dc/fd5b/6d12/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115406
17:29:18.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Richter Alexander Hold
17:29:18.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:18.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Gerichtsshow
17:29:18.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d22e/a40c/9925/8659/9463/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115408
17:29:18.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Richter Alexander Hold
17:29:18.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Gerichtsshow
17:29:18.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d22e/a40c/9925/8659/9463/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115410
17:29:18.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Ruhrpottwache
17:29:18.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Reality, Soap
17:29:18.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0b73/8866/c5d1/4cf4/3a50/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115411
17:29:18.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Auf Streife
17:29:18.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Reality, Soap
17:29:18.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ee1b/7ce3/5824/4a33/6227/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115413
17:29:18.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Auf Streife - Berlin
17:29:18.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:18.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Reality, Soap
17:29:18.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/71ca/9224/616a/2b0a/d8ba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332206
17:29:18.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Auf Streife - Berlin
17:29:18.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:18.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:18.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Reality, Soap
17:29:18.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/71ca/9224/616a/2b0a/d8ba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115416
17:29:18.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Auf Streife - Die Spezialisten
17:29:18.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:18.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:18.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/60b6/acd9/66dc/fd5b/6d12/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115421
17:29:18.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Ruhrpottwache
17:29:18.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:18.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:18.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Reality, Soap
17:29:18.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0b73/8866/c5d1/4cf4/3a50/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115422
17:29:18.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sat.1 Nachrichten
17:29:18.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:18.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a908/28eb/976f/9dc8/9f9f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115424
17:29:18.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lethal Weapon
17:29:18.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:18.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein Plan, dein Plan
17:29:18.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Drama, Action
17:29:18.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0e6b/fa74/6200/321d/4ef5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115426
17:29:18.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NCIS: Los Angeles
17:29:18.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:18.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:18.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Noch 83 Tage ...
17:29:18.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:18.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a97/0079/a1e3/ca3a/5f2d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115428
17:29:18.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hawaii Five-0
17:29:18.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:18.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628300
17:29:18.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hangover
17:29:18.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Action
17:29:18.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a0e7/4677/575f/adb3/7f09/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115430
17:29:18.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland
17:29:18.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hawaii Five-0
17:29:18.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628300
17:29:18.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631900
17:29:18.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Im Auge des Sturms
17:29:18.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Action
17:29:18.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/40e0/26b1/2104/ddab/cda0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115431
17:29:18.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Prominent!
17:29:18.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487543700
17:29:18.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:18.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:18.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1cb7/0f42/668c/6929/73cc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109577
17:29:18.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Medical Detectives - Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin
17:29:18.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:18.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549700
17:29:18.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unter Verdacht
17:29:18.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Magazin, Wissen
17:29:18.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d7cf/a539/981c/e889/3826/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115472
17:29:18.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Medical Detectives - Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin
17:29:18.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549700
17:29:18.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552700
17:29:18.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Handschrift Mord
17:29:18.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Magazin, Wissen
17:29:18.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f0dc/d3b2/91da/d108/ba15/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115474
17:29:18.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Medical Detectives - Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin
17:29:18.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552700
17:29:18.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:18.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Medical Detectives - Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin
17:29:18.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:18.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558400
17:29:18.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spuren im Schnee
17:29:18.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Magazin, Wissen
17:29:18.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3146/c9b1/29bc/a0b8/77ef/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115478
17:29:18.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Medical Detectives - Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin
17:29:18.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558400
17:29:18.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:18.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Medical Detectives - Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin
17:29:18.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:18.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564400
17:29:18.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unsichtbare Killer
17:29:18.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Magazin, Wissen
17:29:18.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cc35/5135/e6ae/3171/cab5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115481
17:29:18.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CSI: NY
17:29:18.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564400
17:29:18.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:18.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CSI: NY
17:29:18.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:18.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:18.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verklag mich doch!
17:29:18.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:18.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:18.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Soap
17:29:18.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0fb0/119d/2e25/5157/711e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115485
17:29:18.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verklag mich doch!
17:29:18.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:18.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:18.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Soap
17:29:18.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0fb0/119d/2e25/5157/711e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115487
17:29:18.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verklag mich doch!
17:29:18.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:18.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580600
17:29:18.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Soap
17:29:18.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0fb0/119d/2e25/5157/711e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115489
17:29:18.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verklag mich doch!
17:29:18.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580600
17:29:18.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584200
17:29:18.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Soap
17:29:18.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0fb0/119d/2e25/5157/711e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115491
17:29:18.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox nachrichten
17:29:18.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584200
17:29:18.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584500
17:29:18.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/eff7/ee13/d506/e1e1/0ea2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115492
17:29:18.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 4 Hochzeiten und eine Traumreise
17:29:18.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584500
17:29:18.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:18.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tag 5: Finale
17:29:18.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:18.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a72e/4032/6f41/654c/d95e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115494
17:29:18.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Shopping Queen
17:29:18.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:18.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schrankalarm
17:29:18.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3eca/039c/7526/7a31/d717/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115500
17:29:18.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Shopping Queen
17:29:18.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:18.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motto in Hannover: Apres-Ski-Party - Sei das stylischste Skihaserl!, Tag 1: Jasmin
17:29:18.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Spielshow
17:29:18.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be68/65e4/b7a4/1a80/c78a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115502
17:29:18.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 4 Hochzeiten und eine Traumreise
17:29:18.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:18.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:18.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hautnah: Die Tierklinik
17:29:18.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:18.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:18.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap
17:29:18.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1a77/f805/8ef3/94f6/1b7f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115507
17:29:18.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das perfekte Dinner
17:29:18.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:18.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:18.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Prominent!
17:29:18.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:18.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:18.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1cb7/0f42/668c/6929/73cc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115511
17:29:18.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland
17:29:18.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Goodbye Deutschland! Die Auswanderer
17:29:18.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487632500
17:29:18.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Soap
17:29:18.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/63db/9de1/54b9/b479/bd8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115513
17:29:18.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer Leben am Sonntag
17:29:18.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487538900
17:29:18.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:18.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das perfekte Heimkino zum selber Bauen
17:29:18.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:18.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6fe4/e3c0/0057/6848/4092/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109624
17:29:18.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer Leben Spezial - Hoffmann hat Hunger!
17:29:18.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:18.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552700
17:29:18.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hoffmanns geht's um die Wurst
17:29:18.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:18.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f0d/958f/4659/3212/2137/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115517
17:29:18.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Detektiv Rockford
17:29:18.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:18.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569200
17:29:18.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Detektiv Rockford
17:29:18.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569200
17:29:18.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572500
17:29:18.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der vierte Mann
17:29:18.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:18.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/067e/e7fe/9e0c/1142/f4df/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115526
17:29:18.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Detektiv Rockford
17:29:18.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572500
17:29:18.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576100
17:29:18.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Navy CIS
17:29:18.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576100
17:29:18.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:18.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Legende
17:29:18.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Action
17:29:18.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/150d/4694/3de2/e03f/c708/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115531
17:29:18.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Mentalist
17:29:18.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:18.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582400
17:29:18.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frau am Steuer
17:29:18.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Krimi
17:29:18.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/93b5/2af8/726d/dd4b/111d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115533
17:29:18.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Castle
17:29:18.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582400
17:29:18.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585400
17:29:18.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kopflos
17:29:18.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Krimi, Drama
17:29:18.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d834/af0a/7077/953a/2dbe/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115536
17:29:18.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Without a Trace - Spurlos verschwunden
17:29:18.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585400
17:29:18.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:18.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein eiskalter Plan
17:29:18.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Krimi
17:29:18.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f2da/d4a2/483e/6c80/f16a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115540
17:29:18.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Numb3rs - Die Logik des Verbrechens
17:29:18.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:18.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ultimatum
17:29:18.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Action
17:29:18.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d5a0/e5f4/3608/ab7e/c0d6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115542
17:29:18.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cold Case - Kein Opfer ist je vergessen
17:29:18.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595300
17:29:18.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Kadettin
17:29:18.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:18.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9b59/f880/7aa3/3743/f866/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115544
17:29:18.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Navy CIS
17:29:18.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595300
17:29:18.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598600
17:29:18.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geheimpoker
17:29:18.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Action
17:29:18.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e644/785a/a5b7/5900/d6b8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115547
17:29:18.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Mentalist
17:29:18.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598600
17:29:18.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602200
17:29:18.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel eins news
17:29:18.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602200
17:29:18.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:18.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft, Politik
17:29:18.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e694/bdd1/e6c2/6605/86ac/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115551
17:29:18.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Castle
17:29:18.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:18.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606100
17:29:18.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein Lokal, dein Lokal - Wo schmeckt's am besten?
17:29:18.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609700
17:29:18.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613300
17:29:18.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Last Samurai
17:29:18.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629200
17:29:18.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Action, Drama
17:29:18.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/49d5/5b29/d7d8/9598/dee0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115562
17:29:18.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:18.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ninja Assassin
17:29:18.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629200
17:29:18.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487635500
17:29:18.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Abenteuer, Action, Thriller, Mystery & Horror, Drama
17:29:18.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/97bc/8df0/bfa3/df25/b6f1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115565
17:29:18.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fort Bliss
17:29:18.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487541000
17:29:18.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:18.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Action, Drama
17:29:18.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e249/abde/9b7b/4e78/0bd2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109527
17:29:18.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Nachrichtenjournal
17:29:18.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:18.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:18.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c470/ea45/642a/7700/e7f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115434
17:29:18.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Helden der Nacht - We Own the Night
17:29:18.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:18.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557200
17:29:18.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Action, Thriller, Drama
17:29:18.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/58b5/08bb/9923/4b26/bb8c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115436
17:29:18.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Slither - Voll auf den Schleim gegangen
17:29:18.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557200
17:29:18.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564400
17:29:18.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Science Fiction, Thriller, Mystery & Horror
17:29:18.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2b43/d4f4/82f5/cc5a/04c6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115438
17:29:18.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Privatdetektive im Einsatz
17:29:18.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564400
17:29:18.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:18.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Privatdetektive im Einsatz
17:29:18.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:18.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571300
17:29:18.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wie im Mittelalter / Der Schneewalzer
17:29:18.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap
17:29:18.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9e81/2a3a/94b5/7258/be55/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115442
17:29:18.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Berlyn
17:29:18.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571300
17:29:18.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:18.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Soap
17:29:18.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1819/1e82/6f4c/4747/e6c8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121189146
17:29:18.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frauentausch
17:29:18.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:18.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582400
17:29:18.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Heute tauschen Silke (41) und Verena (26) die Familien
17:29:18.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Reality
17:29:18.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9125/b9b9/91ca/271b/9a85/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115445
17:29:18.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Was Frauen wollen
17:29:18.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582400
17:29:18.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591700
17:29:18.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Abenteuer, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:18.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d279/aae6/a6de/0495/ea63/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115447
17:29:18.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Berlin - Tag & Nacht
17:29:18.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595300
17:29:18.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:18.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality
17:29:18.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c279/e812/3300/38e4/26b9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115451
17:29:18.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hilf mir! Jung, pleite, verzweifelt ...
17:29:18.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:18.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602500
17:29:18.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Wache Hamburg
17:29:18.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:18.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609820
17:29:18.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Reality, Soap
17:29:18.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/869c/8009/a535/f08d/6b04/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115456
17:29:18.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: RTL II You Flash
17:29:18.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609820
17:29:18.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:18.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:18.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5e49/e715/b5cd/3e77/1cd7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115459
17:29:18.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Berlin - Tag & Nacht
17:29:18.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:18.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:18.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality
17:29:18.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c279/e812/3300/38e4/26b9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115460
17:29:18.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: RTL II News
17:29:18.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:18.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618040
17:29:18.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/68ec/8511/a985/0e25/43bb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115462
17:29:18.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: RTL II Wetter
17:29:18.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618040
17:29:18.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c150/66ec/8eb8/598c/b708/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115463
17:29:18.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Traumfrau gesucht
17:29:18.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:18.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:18.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Soap
17:29:18.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/79f3/7ec3/d4f4/9488/85ab/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115468
17:29:18.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland
17:29:18.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy TOTAL
17:29:18.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544600
17:29:18.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546700
17:29:18.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Kurioseste zwischen Himmel und Erde
17:29:18.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:18.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0029/2e94/84b0/9415/6ae2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109600
17:29:18.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercials
17:29:18.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546700
17:29:18.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:18.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2c4f/0f33/c4dd/c0f4/267c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115486
17:29:18.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeo
17:29:18.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:18.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:18.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeos Picknick
17:29:18.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a319/807d/8ff7/28d3/10af/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115488
17:29:18.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeo
17:29:18.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:18.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564400
17:29:18.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Bootsrennen
17:29:18.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a319/807d/8ff7/28d3/10af/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115490
17:29:18.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeo
17:29:18.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564400
17:29:18.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565300
17:29:18.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeos Familienfoto
17:29:18.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a319/807d/8ff7/28d3/10af/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115493
17:29:18.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wolfi
17:29:18.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565300
17:29:18.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566500
17:29:18.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kati & Mim-Mim
17:29:18.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566500
17:29:18.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567100
17:29:18.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Ballonbaum
17:29:18.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8aea/45a7/1ce1/772b/6163/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115497
17:29:18.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kati & Mim-Mim
17:29:18.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567100
17:29:18.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:18.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der kleine Stern
17:29:18.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7781/1504/d6e5/35a2/886c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115499
17:29:18.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mike der Ritter
17:29:18.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:18.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568900
17:29:18.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mike der Ritter
17:29:18.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568900
17:29:18.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:18.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mike der Ritter
17:29:18.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:18.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:18.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mike und die Nachrichten
17:29:18.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Jugend, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/95ba/1f97/526c/b218/2ea3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115506
17:29:18.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Noddy, der kleine Detektiv
17:29:18.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:18.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571000
17:29:18.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Fall des nicht-lustigen Clowns
17:29:18.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ee4b/430c/cfa2/1577/f025/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115508
17:29:18.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Noddy, der kleine Detektiv
17:29:18.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571000
17:29:18.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:18.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Caillou
17:29:18.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:18.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:18.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Caillous "Pizzapalast" / Mal was anderes / Caillou lernt Bowling
17:29:18.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/324c/b4ef/f7b5/a492/1882/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115512
17:29:18.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Paw Patrol - Helfer auf vier Pfoten
17:29:18.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:18.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575500
17:29:18.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hunde im Schnee / Das Schneemonster
17:29:18.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/54fc/7b45/49a8/6faa/f28e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115514
17:29:18.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der phantastische Paul
17:29:18.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575500
17:29:18.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576100
17:29:18.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der phantastische Paul
17:29:18.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576100
17:29:18.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:18.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Paul baut einen Wolkenkratzer
17:29:18.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a5ec/51cd/7a55/a650/77f1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115516
17:29:18.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der kleine Tiger Daniel
17:29:18.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:18.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:18.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mister Maker
17:29:18.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:18.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579700
17:29:18.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Noddy, der kleine Detektiv
17:29:18.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579700
17:29:18.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:18.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thomas und seine Freunde
17:29:18.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:18.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:18.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lazy Town - Los geht's
17:29:18.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:18.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:18.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ziggys sprechender Teddy
17:29:18.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be36/1e74/c447/2eb7/cdc0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115527
17:29:18.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Angelo
17:29:18.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:18.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584500
17:29:18.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tom & Jerry Show
17:29:18.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584500
17:29:18.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586300
17:29:18.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spike, der Sicherheitsexperte / Die Zeitmaschine
17:29:18.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick
17:29:18.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7a76/7f5d/0ce4/afc9/c16a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388408
17:29:18.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sally Bollywood
17:29:18.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586300
17:29:18.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587800
17:29:18.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nexo Knights - Die Ritter der Zukunft
17:29:18.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587800
17:29:18.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:18.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Go Wild! - Mission Wildnis
17:29:18.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590800
17:29:18.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592600
17:29:18.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ritter hoch 3
17:29:18.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592600
17:29:18.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594100
17:29:18.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Home - Zuhause bei Tip & Oh
17:29:18.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594100
17:29:18.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595900
17:29:18.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Oh zieht ein / Der Weihnachts-Oh
17:29:18.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/23dd/f3ac/ed56/fc05/6aee/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115539
17:29:18.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Angelo
17:29:18.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595900
17:29:18.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:18.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dragons - Auf zu neuen Ufern
17:29:18.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:18.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598600
17:29:18.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Viggo
17:29:18.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick, Fantasy
17:29:18.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3240/56c6/7aac/80d2/a681/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115543
17:29:18.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Dschungelhelden
17:29:18.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598600
17:29:18.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:18.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein Comic-Bruder Luke
17:29:18.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:18.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601900
17:29:18.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ritter hoch 3
17:29:18.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601900
17:29:18.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:18.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: (9+21) Das Leck / Furchtloser Kunibert
17:29:18.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/50df/dacb/6273/e087/1404/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216470
17:29:18.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nexo Knights
17:29:18.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:18.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605200
17:29:18.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Wolke
17:29:18.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c89/6e78/d353/7336/2089/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115550
17:29:18.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Scooby-Doo!
17:29:18.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605200
17:29:18.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:18.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Maisprinzessin
17:29:18.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1daf/b5b5/70d4/df8c/e012/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115552
17:29:18.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sally Bollywood
17:29:18.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:18.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608800
17:29:18.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: (30+31) Der doppelte Leo / Die diebische Elster
17:29:18.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/72b3/7e78/1169/b552/82a8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115554
17:29:18.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tom & Jerry Show
17:29:18.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608800
17:29:18.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:18.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tuffy allein zu Haus / Harry, der Zauberhase
17:29:18.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick
17:29:18.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7a76/7f5d/0ce4/afc9/c16a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388410
17:29:18.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ALVINNN!!! und die Chipmunks
17:29:18.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:18.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612100
17:29:18.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der zweite Dave / Agentin Smith
17:29:18.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ab7b/d88f/02cc/ac98/a811/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216471
17:29:18.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Einfach tierisch
17:29:18.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612100
17:29:18.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:18.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Natur
17:29:18.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3785/be7e/2f17/85f6/0e46/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115560
17:29:18.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Angelo
17:29:18.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:18.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:18.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DreamWorks: Die Drachenreiter von Berk
17:29:18.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:18.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616300
17:29:18.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Drachen-Akademie von Berk
17:29:18.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick, Fantasy
17:29:18.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4063/d61a/b5d6/a77d/3c4a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115563
17:29:18.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DreamWorks: Die Drachenreiter von Berk
17:29:18.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616300
17:29:18.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der arbeitslose Wikinger
17:29:18.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick, Fantasy
17:29:18.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2b91/14e4/b307/5f11/1c88/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115564
17:29:18.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dallas
17:29:18.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621400
17:29:18.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dallas
17:29:18.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621400
17:29:18.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:18.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Feindschaftsanfragen
17:29:18.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Drama
17:29:18.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0adc/50ab/871e/6e4f/4152/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115567
17:29:18.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Crossing Jordan - Pathologin mit Profil
17:29:18.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:18.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627700
17:29:18.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Crossing Jordan - Pathologin mit Profil
17:29:18.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627700
17:29:18.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:18.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Scheintot
17:29:18.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Thriller
17:29:18.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2c70/41f8/52a1/1a88/2ccd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115573
17:29:18.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:18.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nurse Jackie
17:29:18.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:18.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487632800
17:29:18.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport-Clips
17:29:18.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:18.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547600
17:29:18.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Plastic Pleasure - Das wilde Treiben in der Beautyklinik
17:29:18.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erotik
17:29:18.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9ca9/5706/ee6d/60c4/a834/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121110164
17:29:18.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport-Clips
17:29:18.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547600
17:29:18.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:18.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lesbian Fantasies
17:29:18.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erotik
17:29:18.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9ca9/5706/ee6d/60c4/a834/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116147
17:29:18.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:18.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:18.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4211/7b1c/6ca4/e41e/31f5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116149
17:29:18.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport-Clips
17:29:18.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:18.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:18.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lesbian Fantasies
17:29:18.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erotik
17:29:18.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9ca9/5706/ee6d/60c4/a834/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116150
17:29:18.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:18.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550000
17:29:18.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/aeff/0e68/64d5/5cd9/3bc8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116153
17:29:18.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport-Clips
17:29:18.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550000
17:29:18.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551800
17:29:18.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Real Life
17:29:18.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erotik
17:29:18.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9ca9/5706/ee6d/60c4/a834/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116154
17:29:18.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551800
17:29:18.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:18.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6e72/a197/c957/302a/0c7f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116156
17:29:18.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport-Clips
17:29:18.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:18.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552700
17:29:18.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schneehasen
17:29:18.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erotik
17:29:18.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9ca9/5706/ee6d/60c4/a834/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116159
17:29:18.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552700
17:29:18.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:18.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/288f/89cb/c3df/3393/1818/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116161
17:29:18.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport-Clips
17:29:18.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:18.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:18.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sexy Snowbunnies II - Girlfriends on Tour
17:29:18.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erotik
17:29:18.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9ca9/5706/ee6d/60c4/a834/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116162
17:29:18.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport-Clips
17:29:18.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:18.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556300
17:29:18.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hot Bodies
17:29:18.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erotik
17:29:18.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9ca9/5706/ee6d/60c4/a834/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116164
17:29:18.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556300
17:29:18.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557200
17:29:18.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4598/10f1/991d/4b6e/f464/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116165
17:29:18.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport-Clips
17:29:18.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557200
17:29:18.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557500
17:29:18.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DSF-Classics
17:29:18.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erotik
17:29:18.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9ca9/5706/ee6d/60c4/a834/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116166
17:29:18.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557500
17:29:18.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:18.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7043/e293/ac81/e9b8/6e82/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116167
17:29:18.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport-Clips
17:29:18.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:18.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559900
17:29:18.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sexy Massage
17:29:18.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erotik
17:29:18.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9ca9/5706/ee6d/60c4/a834/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116169
17:29:18.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559900
17:29:18.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:18.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/759a/49b5/d1ed/e608/15d1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116171
17:29:18.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport-Clips
17:29:18.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:18.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561100
17:29:18.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nacktgymnastik
17:29:18.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erotik
17:29:18.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9ca9/5706/ee6d/60c4/a834/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116172
17:29:18.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561100
17:29:18.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561700
17:29:18.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/45c9/d57c/0ed7/9821/41c3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116174
17:29:18.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Summer Lovin'
17:29:18.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561700
17:29:18.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:18.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Romantik & Liebe, Erotik
17:29:18.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4da7/c5c1/c6c4/1b84/1068/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116176
17:29:18.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:18.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:18.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/22dc/96db/27ec/8379/3f9c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116178
17:29:18.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:18.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:18.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8a61/8239/fa0a/8f15/3103/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116180
17:29:18.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:18.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:18.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f9d8/5ada/3c84/4778/ab31/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116182
17:29:18.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:18.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:18.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/93b4/7b10/c797/00d6/ec4a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116184
17:29:18.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:18.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:18.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/11f4/5f6b/1a47/5b2a/0c23/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116185
17:29:18.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:18.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/caed/c807/b050/5f9e/6337/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116187
17:29:18.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:18.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0914/f4ef/2722/2a77/32b1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116189
17:29:18.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:18.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:18.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f62b/675c/0e0f/1acb/c568/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116191
17:29:18.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:18.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:18.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ad10/124b/d2ad/9357/2417/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116193
17:29:18.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:18.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1e57/362b/caaf/2933/fd4d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116195
17:29:18.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:18.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3c40/040f/2deb/3357/8063/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116196
17:29:18.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:18.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:18.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/203f/fbd8/6b8b/91b9/097f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116198
17:29:18.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Storage Hunters
17:29:18.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:18.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tatort
17:29:18.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality
17:29:18.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3cee/f83a/68d0/5640/57ba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216609
17:29:18.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Storage Hunters
17:29:18.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:18.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sein oder Schein?
17:29:18.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality
17:29:18.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3cee/f83a/68d0/5640/57ba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216610
17:29:18.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Parking Wars - Verparkt & Abgeschleppt
17:29:18.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:18.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ruhig Blut
17:29:18.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:18.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e9f5/c484/3cc7/3d3d/3275/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116204
17:29:18.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Parking Wars - Verparkt & Abgeschleppt
17:29:18.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:18.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Diebe auf dem Abschlepphof
17:29:18.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:18.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e9f5/c484/3cc7/3d3d/3275/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116206
17:29:18.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Container Wars
17:29:18.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:18.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:18.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Auf und davon
17:29:18.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wirtschaft, Soap
17:29:18.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ff97/9904/236b/e47c/d3bb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116214
17:29:18.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Container Wars
17:29:18.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:18.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:18.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Winterspiele
17:29:18.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wirtschaft, Soap
17:29:18.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5152/9ea8/cb60/103b/c543/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116215
17:29:18.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bundesliga aktuell
17:29:18.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:18.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616300
17:29:18.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hattrick
17:29:18.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616300
17:29:18.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vorberichte
17:29:18.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hattrick: 2. Bundesliga
17:29:18.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:18.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telekom Spieltaganalyse
17:29:18.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:18.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:18.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf
17:29:18.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Biathlon: WM
17:29:18.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:18.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:18.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/05c2/53df/3977/a92f/98b6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121110135
17:29:18.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wintersport Today: Resultate, Berichte und Interviews von den Wintersportentscheidungen
17:29:18.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:18.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:18.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wintersport
17:29:18.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9ef1/9300/be81/8c19/f93d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388437
17:29:18.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Keine Programminformationen verfuegbar
17:29:18.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:18.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:18.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ffcc/a7c1/e550/0492/000c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116170
17:29:18.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ski alpin: WM
17:29:18.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:18.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wintersport
17:29:18.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e1b0/a3eb/582e/52c5/9af7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116173
17:29:18.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ski alpin: WM
17:29:18.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:18.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wintersport
17:29:18.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e1b0/a3eb/582e/52c5/9af7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116175
17:29:18.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Biathlon: WM
17:29:18.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:18.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:18.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/05c2/53df/3977/a92f/98b6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116177
17:29:18.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Biathlon: WM
17:29:18.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:18.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:18.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/05c2/53df/3977/a92f/98b6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116179
17:29:18.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eiskunstlauf: Vierkontinente-Meisterschaften
17:29:18.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:18.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wintersport
17:29:18.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/82f6/de47/de06/28b9/ea84/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116181
17:29:18.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Skispringen: Weltcup
17:29:18.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wintersport
17:29:18.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6596/5b9c/4bb9/3476/f57b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116186
17:29:18.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wintersport: Chasing History
17:29:18.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:18.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f150/27fe/e53a/75d6/29be/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216605
17:29:18.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ski alpin: WM
17:29:18.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:18.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:18.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wintersport
17:29:18.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e1b0/a3eb/582e/52c5/9af7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116188
17:29:18.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Biathlon: WM
17:29:18.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:18.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:18.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/05c2/53df/3977/a92f/98b6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116190
17:29:18.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kicker.tv - Der Talk: Die Expertenrunde mit Marco Hagemann
17:29:18.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:18.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614500
17:29:18.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/36a1/64f4/97d8/8859/4575/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116197
17:29:18.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eurosport News: Aktuelle Meldungen, Resultate und Interviews
17:29:18.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619600
17:29:18.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619900
17:29:18.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reportage
17:29:18.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116200
17:29:18.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eurosport News: Aktuelle Meldungen, Resultate und Interviews
17:29:18.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627700
17:29:18.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:18.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reportage
17:29:18.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116210
17:29:18.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport
17:29:18.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kicker.tv - Der Talk: Die Expertenrunde mit Marco Hagemann
17:29:18.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:18.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:18.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/36a1/64f4/97d8/8859/4575/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116211
17:29:18.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fluss-Monster
17:29:18.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487542500
17:29:18.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:18.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Im Wasser mit Zitteraalen
17:29:18.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Natur
17:29:18.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0c16/2fac/657d/fa37/3839/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109801
17:29:18.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Schatzsucher - Goldrausch in Alaska
17:29:18.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:18.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549400
17:29:18.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufruhr
17:29:18.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wirtschaft
17:29:18.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b5c9/723c/5487/fda0/63c9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115707
17:29:18.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Australian Gold - Schatzsuche Down Under
17:29:18.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549400
17:29:18.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:18.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Soap, Abenteuer
17:29:18.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/233a/d40a/b616/719d/c477/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115708
17:29:18.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moonshiners - Die Schwarzbrenner von Virginia
17:29:18.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:18.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:18.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moonshiners - Die Schwarzbrenner von Virginia
17:29:18.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:18.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:18.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ohne Pause
17:29:18.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Soap
17:29:18.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c34c/f531/09ae/2894/dcf5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115712
17:29:18.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moonshiners - Die Schwarzbrenner von Virginia
17:29:18.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:18.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562000
17:29:18.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Winter kommt
17:29:18.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Soap
17:29:18.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c34c/f531/09ae/2894/dcf5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115715
17:29:18.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moonshiners - Die Schwarzbrenner von Virginia
17:29:18.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562000
17:29:18.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564700
17:29:18.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das erste Mal
17:29:18.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Soap
17:29:18.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/92c8/f17d/eaab/4610/b8c9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115717
17:29:18.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Offroad Survivors
17:29:18.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564700
17:29:18.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567400
17:29:18.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Am Abgrund
17:29:18.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer
17:29:18.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5c7a/f838/a088/ee72/7070/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115719
17:29:18.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Big Fish Man
17:29:18.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567400
17:29:18.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:18.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thailand
17:29:18.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Soap, Natur, Reise
17:29:18.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/41f2/1c58/182f/a0f8/14cd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115721
17:29:18.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercial
17:29:18.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:18.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:18.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/63d9/51db/1795/3c07/9071/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115723
17:29:18.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: American Chopper
17:29:18.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:18.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580600
17:29:18.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Carolina Carports Bike
17:29:18.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality
17:29:18.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e965/5f9d/5ef2/574f/ebb2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115725
17:29:18.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercial
17:29:18.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580600
17:29:18.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:18.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7aa8/0da1/e164/7270/31af/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115727
17:29:18.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Zwangsvollstrecker
17:29:18.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:18.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:18.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Reality, Soap
17:29:18.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/dbf0/2da7/694f/bf5a/8530/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115739
17:29:18.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Top Gear
17:29:18.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:18.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:18.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Talkshow, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:18.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0c94/0edb/6bdb/743d/0fd0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115741
17:29:18.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meine Frau, die Wildnis und ich
17:29:18.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:18.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607300
17:29:18.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alaskan Bush People
17:29:18.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614500
17:29:18.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fast 'N' Loud
17:29:18.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:18.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: COPO Camaro
17:29:18.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:18.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cf5b/b5c2/91ba/7b1c/1e13/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115755
17:29:18.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Diesel Brothers
17:29:18.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:18.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:18.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Offroad-Werkstatt
17:29:18.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Soap, Action
17:29:18.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9680/a2c2/34e1/d776/62b5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115759
17:29:18.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax
17:29:18.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Chrome Underground
17:29:18.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:18.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487632500
17:29:18.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rogue - Im falschen Revier
17:29:18.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487539500
17:29:18.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545800
17:29:18.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Mystery & Horror
17:29:18.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e633/f34a/68ec/0b81/1e35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121110310
17:29:18.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die blaue Lagune
17:29:18.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545800
17:29:18.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:18.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Drama, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:18.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4e22/5f4d/b690/d3a4/9880/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116355
17:29:18.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rogue - Im falschen Revier
17:29:18.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:18.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557500
17:29:18.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Mystery & Horror
17:29:18.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e633/f34a/68ec/0b81/1e35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116357
17:29:18.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Crazy Clips - Die witzigsten Videos der Welt
17:29:18.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557500
17:29:18.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559900
17:29:18.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tattoo Nightmares
17:29:18.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559900
17:29:18.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561100
17:29:18.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Watch Me - das Kinomagazin
17:29:18.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561100
17:29:18.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562900
17:29:18.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Boston & weitere Neustarts
17:29:18.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Kino
17:29:18.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9adf/2268/f9bb/f180/e580/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116363
17:29:18.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Greek
17:29:18.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562900
17:29:18.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565600
17:29:18.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Party, Party
17:29:18.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Jugend
17:29:18.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/88b2/7094/fc3a/2531/0971/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116366
17:29:18.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gossip Girl
17:29:18.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565600
17:29:18.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:18.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Prinz & B
17:29:18.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend
17:29:18.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5da0/c102/08ed/cdae/2ecc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116368
17:29:18.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercials
17:29:18.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:18.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578800
17:29:18.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2c4f/0f33/c4dd/c0f4/267c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116370
17:29:18.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ghost Whisperer - Stimmen aus dem Jenseits
17:29:18.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:18.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583600
17:29:18.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das feuchte Grab
17:29:18.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Fantasy
17:29:18.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9b2d/30a9/1990/cab6/5aa6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116375
17:29:18.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Emergency Room - Die Notaufnahme
17:29:18.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583600
17:29:18.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:18.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Arzt, heile dich selbst
17:29:18.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krankenhaus
17:29:18.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/31f8/b503/8da9/3fcd/5b59/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116377
17:29:18.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Saving Hope
17:29:18.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:18.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:18.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vier Stunden Probezeit
17:29:18.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama, Krankenhaus
17:29:18.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ba63/6d9e/d1ec/7c7d/e356/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116380
17:29:18.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ghost Whisperer - Stimmen aus dem Jenseits
17:29:18.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:18.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593200
17:29:18.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der kleine Prinz
17:29:18.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Fantasy
17:29:18.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5bb4/7f3a/d05c/e034/5e21/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116383
17:29:18.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mission: Makeover by Trinny & Susannah - Norwegen
17:29:18.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593200
17:29:18.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:18.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: In Hamar
17:29:18.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Soap
17:29:18.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b97b/6a60/829e/d008/0ddf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116386
17:29:18.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mission: Makeover by Trinny & Susannah - Holland
17:29:18.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:18.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599800
17:29:18.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Trinny & Susannah in Leiden
17:29:18.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Soap
17:29:18.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2fed/f490/422f/2fc7/4d52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116388
17:29:18.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ghost Whisperer - Stimmen aus dem Jenseits
17:29:18.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601600
17:29:18.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604900
17:29:18.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Schwesternschaft
17:29:18.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Fantasy
17:29:18.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6348/514d/5aec/7ab5/52cd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116393
17:29:18.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ghost Whisperer - Stimmen aus dem Jenseits
17:29:18.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604900
17:29:18.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:18.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Beauty and the Beast
17:29:18.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:18.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611200
17:29:18.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wiedergutmachung
17:29:18.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Krimi, Drama, Fantasy
17:29:18.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e38c/f1fb/5103/946c/c84a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116399
17:29:18.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Saving Hope
17:29:18.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611200
17:29:18.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614800
17:29:18.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama, Krankenhaus
17:29:18.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c63c/dbe0/a535/1c0e/d5cb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116401
17:29:18.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gilmore Girls
17:29:18.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621100
17:29:18.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie mit Handicap
17:29:18.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Drama, Jugend
17:29:18.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/578e/01e0/a2c5/63a5/d652/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116407
17:29:18.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sex and the City
17:29:18.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:18.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:18.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sex and the City
17:29:18.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:18.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:18.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland
17:29:18.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Emergency Room - Die Notaufnahme
17:29:18.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631300
17:29:18.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487634600
17:29:18.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Blutspur
17:29:18.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krankenhaus
17:29:18.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/538c/39c2/5dd8/e781/ab85/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116416
17:29:18.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die nackte Kanone
17:29:18.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487543400
17:29:18.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:18.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:18.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1fe2/5781/7827/a392/78fb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121113329
17:29:18.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die nackte Kanone 33 1/3
17:29:18.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:18.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:18.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:18.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b9d3/ae9c/4beb/b6d8/32f3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119352
17:29:18.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die nackte Kanone 2 1/2
17:29:18.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:18.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:18.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Krimi, Action
17:29:18.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b6cf/081d/f15f/6097/0123/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119355
17:29:18.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die nackte Kanone
17:29:18.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:18.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562900
17:29:18.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:18.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1fe2/5781/7827/a392/78fb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119357
17:29:18.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Outer Limits - Die unbekannte Dimension
17:29:18.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562900
17:29:18.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565300
17:29:18.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Tier in uns
17:29:18.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Science Fiction
17:29:18.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5bc7/c891/a231/e324/640a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119359
17:29:18.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Outer Limits - Die unbekannte Dimension
17:29:18.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565300
17:29:18.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:18.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Tribunal
17:29:18.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Science Fiction
17:29:18.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/12f5/771c/836d/cb8c/8b40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119361
17:29:18.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Star Trek - Enterprise
17:29:18.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:18.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:18.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vermisst
17:29:18.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Action, Science Fiction
17:29:18.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/34b6/7071/7ff5/cf10/2d89/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119365
17:29:18.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercials
17:29:18.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:18.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578800
17:29:18.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/859d/6818/0ab9/c572/13c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119366
17:29:18.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mission Schwertransport
17:29:18.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578800
17:29:18.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:18.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Island mit Bear Grylls
17:29:18.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:18.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585400
17:29:18.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Ankunft
17:29:18.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:18.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc47/5533/ff5a/c65d/8c61/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119369
17:29:18.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
17:29:18.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593500
17:29:18.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gut getrickst, ist halb gewonnen
17:29:18.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend, Zeichentrick, Fantasy
17:29:18.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c713/a729/8220/d17b/497e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119375
17:29:18.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Naruto Shippuden
17:29:18.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593500
17:29:18.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595000
17:29:18.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Ende aller Hoffnung?
17:29:18.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3279/9aca/5a48/4e58/f908/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119377
17:29:18.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: One Piece
17:29:18.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595000
17:29:18.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:18.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lysops Plan
17:29:18.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend, Zeichentrick, Action
17:29:18.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9e22/b20d/59bc/15af/447d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119379
17:29:18.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Futurama
17:29:18.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:18.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598000
17:29:18.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Family Guy
17:29:18.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598000
17:29:18.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Family Guy Fan-Post
17:29:18.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4942/ccf3/df88/3a1d/aa18/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119382
17:29:18.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Detektiv Conan
17:29:18.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:18.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Kredithai
17:29:18.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Jugend, Zeichentrick, Action
17:29:18.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f20b/f02f/19dd/3461/df9b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119384
17:29:18.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dragon Ball Z Kai
17:29:18.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:18.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602500
17:29:18.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das ist die Erde, Papa ...
17:29:18.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend, Zeichentrick, Anime
17:29:18.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4b73/ac63/72cd/3823/b39f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119388
17:29:18.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
17:29:18.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605500
17:29:18.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:18.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Duell zum Erinnern
17:29:18.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend, Zeichentrick, Fantasy
17:29:18.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c713/a729/8220/d17b/497e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119394
17:29:18.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Naruto Shippuden
17:29:18.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:18.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608500
17:29:18.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eine Sache des Herzens
17:29:18.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/22a8/3b71/bee7/9ca8/d261/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119396
17:29:18.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Naruto Shippuden
17:29:18.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608500
17:29:18.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:18.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wer mit anderen verbunden ist
17:29:18.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8c67/0460/2e94/c01d/effa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119397
17:29:18.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: One Piece
17:29:18.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:18.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611500
17:29:18.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: One Piece
17:29:18.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611500
17:29:18.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613000
17:29:18.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Detektiv Conan
17:29:18.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613000
17:29:18.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614800
17:29:18.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meisterdieb 1412
17:29:18.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Jugend, Zeichentrick, Action
17:29:18.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6f7d/5416/ebcf/7ebf/0555/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119401
17:29:18.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Futurama
17:29:18.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614800
17:29:18.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616300
17:29:18.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Family Guy
17:29:18.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616300
17:29:18.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Liebe deine Lehrer
17:29:18.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1d4e/d64d/1a36/0a39/5fb7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119406
17:29:18.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zoo
17:29:18.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621100
17:29:18.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Tag der Bestie
17:29:18.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Science Fiction
17:29:18.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9084/57e0/8ba4/2d3d/f71d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119409
17:29:18.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zoo
17:29:18.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621100
17:29:18.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:18.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Blutregen
17:29:18.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Science Fiction
17:29:18.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8082/3f0a/d08d/074f/540a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119411
17:29:18.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zoo
17:29:18.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:18.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627700
17:29:18.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Attacke der Ameisen
17:29:18.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Science Fiction
17:29:18.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1db0/c61f/4926/a7e7/d49c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119414
17:29:18.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx
17:29:18.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Akte X
17:29:18.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627700
17:29:18.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487634300
17:29:18.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: (6+7) Emily (1+2)
17:29:18.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Krimi, Science Fiction
17:29:18.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1c24/1b3b/092c/2242/daf4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119417
17:29:18.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob's Burgers
17:29:18.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544600
17:29:18.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545800
17:29:18.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: My Big Fat Greek Bob
17:29:18.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4ec7/ee12/b76b/3a80/3078/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121110471
17:29:18.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob's Burgers
17:29:18.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545800
17:29:18.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547600
17:29:18.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Truthahn-Terror
17:29:18.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4ec7/ee12/b76b/3a80/3078/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116517
17:29:18.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: American Dad
17:29:18.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547600
17:29:18.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:18.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schwul ist cool
17:29:18.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick, Action, Comedy
17:29:18.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/55bc/1a4e/e616/f2e5/89dd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116521
17:29:18.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Cleveland Show
17:29:18.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:18.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:18.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Cleveland Show
17:29:18.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:18.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:18.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Video
17:29:18.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06ae/c0ef/bade/f8f1/4b6d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116526
17:29:18.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MTV World Stage
17:29:18.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:18.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553900
17:29:18.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikshow, Kultur
17:29:18.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9632/1980/e54d/de9d/3d44/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121189329
17:29:18.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MTV World Stage
17:29:18.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553900
17:29:18.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:18.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikshow, Kultur
17:29:18.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9632/1980/e54d/de9d/3d44/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121189330
17:29:18.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Night Sounds
17:29:18.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:18.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:18.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips
17:29:18.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5dea/6a69/3d2c/eabb/8b40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116529
17:29:18.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: VIVA Wecker
17:29:18.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:18.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:18.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:18.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/43ce/8671/c5e5/d0c6/c0c3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116531
17:29:18.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Music
17:29:18.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:18.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:18.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4fd9/2d6d/2b77/2242/c371/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116532
17:29:18.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Viva Sounds
17:29:18.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:18.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:18.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8c0e/0d8b/a36d/4839/31c5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116533
17:29:18.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: VIVAs Most Played Charts
17:29:18.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:18.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:18.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Pop & Rock, Kultur
17:29:18.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be4e/d57e/ab7d/0eb7/c2d2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116535
17:29:18.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Music
17:29:18.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:18.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:18.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3f8c/0fb0/84a0/449a/c7b8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116538
17:29:18.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Viva Top 100
17:29:18.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mit Louis Held, Emilio Sakraya und Majoe
17:29:18.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Pop & Rock, Kultur
17:29:18.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/43ce/8671/c5e5/d0c6/c0c3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116539
17:29:18.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Cleveland Show
17:29:18.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597100
17:29:18.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: So ist das Leben
17:29:18.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06ae/c0ef/bade/f8f1/4b6d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116541
17:29:18.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cleveland Show
17:29:18.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597100
17:29:18.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598600
17:29:18.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: American Dad
17:29:18.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598600
17:29:18.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:18.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: American Dad
17:29:18.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:18.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601600
17:29:18.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Steve allein zu Haus
17:29:18.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick, Action, Comedy
17:29:18.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/73dc/3923/346c/5795/a133/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116547
17:29:18.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob's Burgers
17:29:18.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601600
17:29:18.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:18.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Halloween-Horror
17:29:18.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4ec7/ee12/b76b/3a80/3078/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116549
17:29:18.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob's Burgers
17:29:18.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:18.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604900
17:29:18.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: American Dad
17:29:18.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604900
17:29:18.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:18.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Ersatzehefrau
17:29:18.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick, Action, Comedy
17:29:18.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/55bc/1a4e/e616/f2e5/89dd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116552
17:29:18.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: American Dad
17:29:18.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:18.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:18.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Delorean-Roadtrip
17:29:18.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick, Action, Comedy
17:29:18.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/55bc/1a4e/e616/f2e5/89dd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116554
17:29:18.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Cleveland Show
17:29:18.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:18.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609700
17:29:18.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein absoluter Albtraum
17:29:18.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06ae/c0ef/bade/f8f1/4b6d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116556
17:29:18.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Community
17:29:18.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609700
17:29:18.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:18.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wer ist hier das Monster?
17:29:18.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Comedy
17:29:18.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4106/0089/4c2d/e933/fc28/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216689
17:29:18.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Community
17:29:18.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:18.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613300
17:29:18.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein Essen mit Abed
17:29:18.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Comedy
17:29:18.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4106/0089/4c2d/e933/fc28/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216690
17:29:18.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: American Dad!
17:29:18.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613300
17:29:18.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:18.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Soldat Steve Smith
17:29:18.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick, Action, Comedy
17:29:18.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff1/0092/ed41/2977/e6c0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116563
17:29:18.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: American Dad
17:29:18.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:18.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:18.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Leoparden-Tanga
17:29:18.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick, Action, Comedy
17:29:18.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/73dc/3923/346c/5795/a133/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116565
17:29:18.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob's Burgers
17:29:18.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:18.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618400
17:29:18.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Im Garten von Bob und Louise
17:29:18.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4ec7/ee12/b76b/3a80/3078/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216691
17:29:18.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: South Park
17:29:18.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618400
17:29:18.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620200
17:29:18.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: LesBos
17:29:18.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1ab5/00e2/d7c1/d313/08cb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116571
17:29:18.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: South Park
17:29:18.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620200
17:29:18.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:18.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein bisschen Tourette
17:29:18.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:18.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9276/a4b9/2a4f/7e0a/604e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116574
17:29:18.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alle lieben Raymond
17:29:18.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:18.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623200
17:29:18.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alle lieben Raymond
17:29:18.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623200
17:29:18.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:18.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Coach
17:29:18.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie
17:29:18.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7701/4454/cbfe/ed78/b6ef/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116579
17:29:18.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die wilden 70er
17:29:18.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:18.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626500
17:29:18.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bettgeschichten
17:29:18.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:18.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2583/46d8/8572/af75/cdce/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116581
17:29:18.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die wilden 70er
17:29:18.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626500
17:29:18.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:18.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tanz auf dem Vulkan
17:29:18.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:18.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ca87/afe3/aa7c/9a85/178b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116584
17:29:18.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Seinfeld
17:29:18.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:18.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:18.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Zigarrenladen-Indianer
17:29:18.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Soap, Drama
17:29:18.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ee87/7907/c710/188e/f1b3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116586
17:29:18.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de
17:29:18.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Workaholics
17:29:18.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:18.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:18.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Adams Junggesellenabschied
17:29:18.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:18.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c34a/d47c/02b7/8903/aef9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116588
17:29:18.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Paranormal Survivor
17:29:18.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545800
17:29:18.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:18.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Junge Opfer
17:29:18.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/90f8/dc79/14b3/d286/e150/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121110670
17:29:18.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Paranormal Survivor
17:29:18.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:18.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552100
17:29:18.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Paranormal Survivor
17:29:18.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552100
17:29:18.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554500
17:29:18.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fluch der Vergangenheit
17:29:18.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/90f8/dc79/14b3/d286/e150/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116695
17:29:18.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Paranormal Survivor
17:29:18.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554500
17:29:18.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557200
17:29:18.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Im Bann der Finsternis
17:29:18.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/90f8/dc79/14b3/d286/e150/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116698
17:29:18.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Paranormal Survivor
17:29:18.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557200
17:29:18.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559900
17:29:18.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Junge Opfer
17:29:18.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/90f8/dc79/14b3/d286/e150/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116700
17:29:18.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Paranormal Survivor
17:29:18.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559900
17:29:18.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562600
17:29:18.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Paranormal Survivor
17:29:18.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562600
17:29:18.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565300
17:29:18.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fluch der Vergangenheit
17:29:18.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/90f8/dc79/14b3/d286/e150/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116705
17:29:18.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Long Island Medium
17:29:18.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:18.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:18.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Theresa am Seil
17:29:18.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Reality, Soap
17:29:18.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/176e/1c76/8cb8/9608/6d19/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116716
17:29:18.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercial
17:29:18.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574900
17:29:18.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:18.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2621/fc2e/3962/8c6f/a794/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116720
17:29:18.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercial
17:29:18.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:18.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:18.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/eef5/de28/9d4b/ace4/edd0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116723
17:29:18.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercial
17:29:18.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:18.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cb91/520b/8d5d/2a07/bc67/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116725
17:29:18.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercial
17:29:18.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:18.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d324/12f2/758b/3f6d/fd83/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116727
17:29:18.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercial
17:29:18.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:18.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:18.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1d5e/e6cc/5445/ef0f/71f0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116729
17:29:18.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercial
17:29:18.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:18.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:18.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0ae8/ee0e/3ee6/5621/b0a1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116730
17:29:18.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercial
17:29:18.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:18.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:18.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4599/9787/8c58/a6fc/0366/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116731
17:29:18.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercial
17:29:18.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:18.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:18.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9989/b27c/df2c/9696/81ee/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116733
17:29:18.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercial
17:29:18.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:18.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:18.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:18.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8dde/eee9/71a2/b61e/5796/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116734
17:29:18.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tierpolizei Phoenix
17:29:18.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:18.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587500
17:29:18.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Natur
17:29:18.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0b4a/805e/dd52/ce5a/6fdb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116738
17:29:18.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cake Boss: Buddys Tortenwelt
17:29:18.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:18.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:18.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Chrisleys - So geht reich!
17:29:18.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:18.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594700
17:29:18.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Chrisleys - So geht reich!
17:29:18.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594700
17:29:18.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:18.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Julies Geburtstagsparty
17:29:18.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Soap
17:29:18.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0810/47a3/18d0/a098/196e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116748
17:29:18.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jon & Kate: Leben mit 8 Kindern
17:29:18.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:18.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:18.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sommer in Neuengland
17:29:18.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Reality, Soap
17:29:18.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5674/d115/b89d/126f/dedc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116751
17:29:18.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Chrisleys - So geht reich!
17:29:18.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:18.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605800
17:29:18.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cake Boss: Buddys Tortenwelt
17:29:18.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605800
17:29:18.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607600
17:29:18.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tierisch verliebt
17:29:18.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Kochshow
17:29:18.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0b5d/c9b6/2142/e136/ddca/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116758
17:29:18.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding
17:29:18.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621400
17:29:18.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Katie Price - Mein Ponyhof
17:29:18.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621400
17:29:18.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:18.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zoff im Club
17:29:18.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Soap
17:29:18.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f176/d542/deb2/0738/fb26/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116770
17:29:18.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein peinlicher Sex-Unfall
17:29:18.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:18.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628600
17:29:18.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Wundermittel
17:29:18.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:18.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4aa3/4b55/903f/3ec4/bd68/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116772
17:29:18.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc
17:29:18.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufbruch ins All
17:29:18.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487541600
17:29:18.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:18.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Space Business
17:29:18.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:18.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/aeb2/00cf/65c4/a302/3e78/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109359
17:29:18.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufbruch ins All
17:29:18.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:18.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549400
17:29:18.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mission Mars
17:29:18.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:18.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e1b1/d70a/e44e/dd4c/c772/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115191
17:29:18.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die UFO-Akten
17:29:18.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551800
17:29:18.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:18.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aliens unterm Skalpell
17:29:18.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ef62/942b/c388/7d61/7a88/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115194
17:29:18.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geheimnisse des Weltalls
17:29:18.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:18.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:18.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Asteroiden
17:29:18.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:18.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/46d5/918e/6b6a/fc4c/59b0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115195
17:29:18.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die geheimen Akten der NASA
17:29:18.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:18.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:18.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mondmagneten
17:29:18.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:18.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a67f/8b85/40df/e276/439c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115202
17:29:18.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:18.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:18.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9dda/8883/167f/d5a4/dd29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115203
17:29:18.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:18.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568900
17:29:18.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9dda/8883/167f/d5a4/dd29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115206
17:29:18.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568900
17:29:18.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:18.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9dda/8883/167f/d5a4/dd29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115208
17:29:18.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:18.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571300
17:29:18.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571300
17:29:18.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:18.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:18.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:18.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:18.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:18.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:18.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574900
17:29:18.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574900
17:29:18.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:18.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:18.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:18.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:18.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:18.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:18.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:18.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:18.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:18.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:18.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:18.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:18.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:18.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:18.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:18.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:18.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:18.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:18.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:18.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:18.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585700
17:29:18.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585700
17:29:18.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:18.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:18.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587500
17:29:18.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587500
17:29:18.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:18.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:18.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:18.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:18.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:18.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592300
17:29:18.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9dda/8883/167f/d5a4/dd29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115257
17:29:18.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mayday - Alarm im Cockpit
17:29:18.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592300
17:29:18.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/55b1/6fbe/591e/498f/d5e3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115259
17:29:18.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595900
17:29:18.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9dda/8883/167f/d5a4/dd29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115260
17:29:18.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die UFO-Akten
17:29:18.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595900
17:29:18.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aliens unterm Skalpell
17:29:18.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ef62/942b/c388/7d61/7a88/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115262
17:29:18.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600700
17:29:18.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9dda/8883/167f/d5a4/dd29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115263
17:29:18.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Science of Stupid
17:29:18.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600700
17:29:18.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:18.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:18.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/536d/d673/31ea/e2ac/80c8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115264
17:29:18.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:18.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:18.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9dda/8883/167f/d5a4/dd29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115266
17:29:18.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geheimnisse des Weltalls
17:29:18.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:18.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:18.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Asteroiden
17:29:18.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:18.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/46d5/918e/6b6a/fc4c/59b0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115268
17:29:18.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:18.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:18.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9dda/8883/167f/d5a4/dd29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115270
17:29:18.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:18.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:18.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9dda/8883/167f/d5a4/dd29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115274
17:29:18.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sci Fi Science
17:29:18.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611500
17:29:18.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:18.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Transformers
17:29:18.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/94a6/ba05/ac10/6272/b98f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115280
17:29:18.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:18.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614200
17:29:18.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9dda/8883/167f/d5a4/dd29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115282
17:29:18.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Welt der Wunder
17:29:18.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614200
17:29:18.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:18.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Technik der Superlative: Wie werden Bohrinseln gebaut?
17:29:18.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:18.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af26/024e/6c1c/c805/c68b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115284
17:29:18.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: N24 Nachrichten
17:29:18.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:18.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617500
17:29:18.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:18.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9dda/8883/167f/d5a4/dd29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115286
17:29:18.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mythos und Wahrheit
17:29:18.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:18.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:18.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geheimnisse des Weltalls
17:29:18.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:18.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628300
17:29:18.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aliens
17:29:18.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:18.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/46d5/918e/6b6a/fc4c/59b0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115294
17:29:18.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24
17:29:18.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Exoplaneten - Gibt es eine zweite Erde?
17:29:18.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628300
17:29:18.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:18.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:18.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4588/9bf2/9da1/f585/5fb5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115296
17:29:18.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:18.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545800
17:29:18.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121110247
17:29:18.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schicksalhafte Katastrophen
17:29:18.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545800
17:29:18.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547300
17:29:18.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vulkane
17:29:18.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:18.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bfee/183f/6b11/66ef/0613/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116233
17:29:18.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schicksalhafte Katastrophen
17:29:18.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547300
17:29:18.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549400
17:29:18.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erdbeben
17:29:18.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:18.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e81e/ec83/a3bb/4b8d/2c98/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116234
17:29:18.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Todeswerk der Nazis
17:29:18.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:18.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556600
17:29:18.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:18.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9f64/6fd9/0038/57c0/1698/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116242
17:29:18.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Todeswerk der Nazis
17:29:18.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556600
17:29:18.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:18.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:18.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f2bd/f280/3442/c924/35ec/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116244
17:29:18.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Feuersturm - Der Bombenkrieg gegen Deutschland
17:29:18.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:18.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561700
17:29:18.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:18.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d045/7ae7/69a4/9bf2/9035/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116246
17:29:18.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Feuersturm - Der Bombenkrieg gegen Deutschland
17:29:18.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561700
17:29:18.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:18.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:18.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d045/7ae7/69a4/9bf2/9035/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116247
17:29:18.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das ist mein Wolfsburg
17:29:18.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:18.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565300
17:29:18.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:18.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2a5f/6ba1/1af2/3cdb/bfae/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116248
17:29:18.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Auslandsreport
17:29:18.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565300
17:29:18.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:18.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:18.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1954/780e/eef0/4089/3996/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116251
17:29:18.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:18.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:18.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116253
17:29:18.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:18.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:18.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116254
17:29:18.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:18.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:18.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116256
17:29:18.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:18.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:18.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116257
17:29:18.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:18.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571000
17:29:18.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116259
17:29:18.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:18.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572800
17:29:18.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116262
17:29:18.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:18.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574600
17:29:18.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116265
17:29:18.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:18.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576400
17:29:18.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116268
17:29:18.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:18.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578200
17:29:18.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116271
17:29:18.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:18.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580000
17:29:18.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116275
17:29:18.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:18.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581800
17:29:18.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116278
17:29:18.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:18.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583600
17:29:18.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116281
17:29:18.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:18.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585400
17:29:18.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116283
17:29:18.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:18.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587200
17:29:18.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116286
17:29:18.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:18.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:18.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116289
17:29:18.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News Spezial
17:29:18.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:18.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft, Politik
17:29:18.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/dccf/0ba9/8990/5e20/dd20/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116293
17:29:18.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:18.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592600
17:29:18.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116295
17:29:18.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News Spezial
17:29:18.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:18.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft, Politik
17:29:18.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/dccf/0ba9/8990/5e20/dd20/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116299
17:29:18.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:18.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596200
17:29:18.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116301
17:29:18.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News Spezial
17:29:18.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:18.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft, Politik
17:29:18.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/dccf/0ba9/8990/5e20/dd20/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116306
17:29:18.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:18.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600400
17:29:18.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116307
17:29:18.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ratgeber - Test
17:29:18.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600400
17:29:18.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601600
17:29:18.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Wirtschaft
17:29:18.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b140/ea5d/c5c5/acc9/7a0d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116309
17:29:18.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:18.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:18.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116314
17:29:18.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n-tv Wissen
17:29:18.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:18.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:18.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:18.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/47a1/d346/385a/2b0d/70f2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116318
17:29:18.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:18.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:18.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116319
17:29:18.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Top 10 aus Beton und Stahl
17:29:18.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:18.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:18.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verkehr und Transport
17:29:18.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:18.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bea5/49f8/e70f/e268/4c35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116322
17:29:18.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:18.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611200
17:29:18.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116324
17:29:18.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ratgeber - Hightech
17:29:18.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612100
17:29:18.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:18.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen, Ratgeber
17:29:18.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4161/fd61/adf3/2c1e/b653/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116328
17:29:18.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:18.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614500
17:29:18.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116330
17:29:18.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spiegel TV Magazin
17:29:18.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614500
17:29:18.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:18.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Magazin
17:29:18.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bb9f/1e52/eb98/fe9d/a0aa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116332
17:29:18.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:18.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:18.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116334
17:29:18.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626500
17:29:18.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:18.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116338
17:29:18.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:18.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628300
17:29:18.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:18.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:18.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5184/98e8/e8b1/6200/1b1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116342
17:29:18.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de
17:29:18.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mega Brands
17:29:18.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628300
17:29:18.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:18.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutsche Bahn
17:29:18.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6006/fc09/626c/c28b/3d4e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116344
17:29:18.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:18.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cold Blood - DNA des Verbrechens
17:29:18.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544000
17:29:18.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:18.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:18.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verstecken zwecklos - Steven Rambam findet jeden
17:29:18.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:18.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549400
17:29:18.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teenager vermisst
17:29:18.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Reality, Soap
17:29:18.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7534/f16f/4804/3128/91a1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120790
17:29:18.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:18.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Morde, die Schlagzeilen machten - Schuldig im Rampenlicht
17:29:18.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549400
17:29:18.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552100
17:29:18.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Joran van der Sloot
17:29:18.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:18.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a542/c326/2d93/bc67/a878/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:18.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120791
17:29:18.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:18.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cold Blood - DNA des Verbrechens
17:29:18.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552100
17:29:18.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:18.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:18.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:18.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:18.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:18.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:18.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wussten Sie eigentlich ... ?
17:29:18.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562000
17:29:18.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:19.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wussten Sie eigentlich ... ?
17:29:19.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:19.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderne Wunder
17:29:19.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:19.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Technik der 70er
17:29:19.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b74b/0f89/2023/b4c1/da7d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120803
17:29:19.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mysterien im Museum
17:29:19.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:19.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:19.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Squeaky Fromme, Hodag, Typhus-Mary
17:29:19.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/57d8/a968/c4fc/2ba1/f74a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120805
17:29:19.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mysterien im Museum
17:29:19.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:19.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571000
17:29:19.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Tanz, der eine Stadt verzauberte & Vanishing Lake
17:29:19.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/646b/082c/3eaa/de53/b57a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120808
17:29:19.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Skurrile Kost: Kulinarische Reisen
17:29:19.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571000
17:29:19.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Singapur
17:29:19.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5ce3/ec04/9f63/fc98/baf6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120810
17:29:19.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Morgen - Wetter und Wissen
17:29:19.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:19.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Magazin
17:29:19.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7ba2/0d55/6efd/8746/1034/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120811
17:29:19.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokuwelt Wissen
17:29:19.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:19.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580900
17:29:19.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d705/a856/8b92/e690/34d4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120813
17:29:19.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderne Wunder
17:29:19.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580900
17:29:19.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:19.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mega-Schiffe
17:29:19.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/264a/3c6c/7b5b/dc37/10d1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120815
17:29:19.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderne Wunder
17:29:19.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:19.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586900
17:29:19.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Technik der 70er
17:29:19.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b74b/0f89/2023/b4c1/da7d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120817
17:29:19.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mysterien im Museum
17:29:19.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586900
17:29:19.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589600
17:29:19.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Squeaky Fromme, Hodag, Typhus-Mary
17:29:19.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/57d8/a968/c4fc/2ba1/f74a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120819
17:29:19.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mysterien im Museum
17:29:19.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589600
17:29:19.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Tanz, der eine Stadt verzauberte & Vanishing Lake
17:29:19.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/646b/082c/3eaa/de53/b57a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120821
17:29:19.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Skurrile Kost: Kulinarische Reisen
17:29:19.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594700
17:29:19.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Philadelphia
17:29:19.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5ce3/ec04/9f63/fc98/baf6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120823
17:29:19.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Skurrile Kost: Kulinarische Reisen
17:29:19.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594700
17:29:19.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lima
17:29:19.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5ce3/ec04/9f63/fc98/baf6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120825
17:29:19.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Skurrile Kost: Kulinarische Reisen
17:29:19.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:19.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Seattle
17:29:19.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5ce3/ec04/9f63/fc98/baf6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120827
17:29:19.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Restoration Man - Retter der Ruinen
17:29:19.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:19.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600700
17:29:19.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Pavillon in Pembroke
17:29:19.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e6d8/bbee/67c6/69fb/7648/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120829
17:29:19.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Restoration Man - Retter der Ruinen
17:29:19.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600700
17:29:19.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:19.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Methodistenkirche in Harrogate
17:29:19.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e6d8/bbee/67c6/69fb/7648/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120831
17:29:19.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wussten Sie eigentlich ... ?
17:29:19.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:19.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:19.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wussten Sie eigentlich ... ?
17:29:19.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609400
17:29:19.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609700
17:29:19.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mysterien im Museum
17:29:19.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609700
17:29:19.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:19.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Don Bolles' Suche nach der Wahrheit & Stanleys wundersames Quacksalberprodukt
17:29:19.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/82b2/2d31/a530/28f4/fb4c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120840
17:29:19.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mysterien im Museum
17:29:19.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:19.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:19.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderne Wunder
17:29:19.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:19.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ketten und Seile
17:29:19.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0a1d/6d46/00c3/31b0/10c4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120845
17:29:19.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Museum Men
17:29:19.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Raketenflugzeug
17:29:19.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/de5a/a332/3947/5237/3cc1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120847
17:29:19.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Antike Mega-Bauwerke
17:29:19.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623800
17:29:19.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Petra
17:29:19.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a8c2/25f5/43b7/e17f/72cb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120851
17:29:19.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku
17:29:19.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hard Time
17:29:19.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630100
17:29:19.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487633100
17:29:19.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Handy-Krieg
17:29:19.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3f76/8318/4f79/7264/a99d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120855
17:29:19.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Djangos blutige Spur
17:29:19.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487539200
17:29:19.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:19.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7063/24c1/ef53/d81c/36c3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109394
17:29:19.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 10,5 - Die Erde bebt
17:29:19.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:19.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:19.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Action, Drama
17:29:19.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9d03/6385/54f6/fb71/c371/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115301
17:29:19.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 10,5 - Die Erde bebt
17:29:19.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:19.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556300
17:29:19.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Drama
17:29:19.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fb7b/41d8/8a7a/7ae2/5fe2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115304
17:29:19.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dinocroc vs. Supergator (VoD)
17:29:19.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556300
17:29:19.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561100
17:29:19.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Science Fiction, Mystery & Horror, Fantasy
17:29:19.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/aa7d/39a2/16d5/2af8/3c47/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115306
17:29:19.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Serien-Insider
17:29:19.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:19.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dauerwerbesendung
17:29:19.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568240
17:29:19.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571900
17:29:19.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be37/9df2/8a29/de4c/a2af/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115319
17:29:19.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dauerwerbesendung
17:29:19.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573640
17:29:19.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599800
17:29:19.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e1c5/030d/a771/0672/00db/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115323
17:29:19.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Stargate
17:29:19.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599800
17:29:19.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:19.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Geheimnis der Ori
17:29:19.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Action, Science Fiction
17:29:19.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e099/30a7/21f7/d772/35d0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115325
17:29:19.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Stargate
17:29:19.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:19.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:19.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unsichtbare Fesseln
17:29:19.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Action, Science Fiction
17:29:19.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/eb5c/26ac/2604/dfdf/0bdf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115328
17:29:19.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Stargate
17:29:19.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:19.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614200
17:29:19.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Machtspiele
17:29:19.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Action, Science Fiction
17:29:19.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d562/a533/6622/14f7/3acb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115330
17:29:19.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Good, the Bad, the Weird
17:29:19.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627400
17:29:19.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Krimi, Abenteuer, Action
17:29:19.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d1bd/5a42/5b68/0bff/a2ad/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115337
17:29:19.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5
17:29:19.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Once Upon A Time In Vietnam
17:29:19.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627400
17:29:19.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487635200
17:29:19.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Action, Drama
17:29:19.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c28d/4382/6087/2764/976c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115340
17:29:19.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Awkward (OmU)
17:29:19.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544600
17:29:19.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545800
17:29:19.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Awkward
17:29:19.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545800
17:29:19.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547300
17:29:19.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drake & Josh
17:29:19.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547300
17:29:19.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Poolparty
17:29:19.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Kinderserie
17:29:19.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8998/5061/ceb0/b810/4361/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116540
17:29:19.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drake & Josh
17:29:19.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:19.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die erste Begegnung
17:29:19.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Kinderserie
17:29:19.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8998/5061/ceb0/b810/4361/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116542
17:29:19.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Clarissa
17:29:19.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:19.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552100
17:29:19.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Clarissa
17:29:19.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552100
17:29:19.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:19.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Fotowettbewerb
17:29:19.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:19.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/850e/9e12/55f5/bc32/166d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116546
17:29:19.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unfabulous
17:29:19.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:19.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:19.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Unbekannte-Flirt-Objekt
17:29:19.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:19.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/333c/3851/6cbd/35d2/5942/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116548
17:29:19.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unfabulous
17:29:19.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:19.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556300
17:29:19.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der letzte Tag in der Siebten
17:29:19.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:19.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f033/5853/003d/cd8d/6543/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116551
17:29:19.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zoey 101
17:29:19.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556300
17:29:19.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:19.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ringen
17:29:19.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend
17:29:19.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4280/8597/b49e/557d/934c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116553
17:29:19.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zoey 101
17:29:19.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:19.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559300
17:29:19.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zoeys Luftballon
17:29:19.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend
17:29:19.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4280/8597/b49e/557d/934c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116555
17:29:19.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Victorious
17:29:19.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559300
17:29:19.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama um Rex
17:29:19.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama, Jugend
17:29:19.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3147/4ae6/fdcf/5670/977f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116557
17:29:19.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Victorious
17:29:19.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562000
17:29:19.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Diddly-Bops
17:29:19.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama, Jugend
17:29:19.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/214a/7a65/a129/eaac/135c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116560
17:29:19.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: iCarly
17:29:19.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562000
17:29:19.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563500
17:29:19.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pleiten, Pech und noch mehr Patzer
17:29:19.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:19.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a4fb/b55a/8a07/10e0/aa7d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116562
17:29:19.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: iCarly
17:29:19.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563500
17:29:19.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564700
17:29:19.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Action mit One Direction
17:29:19.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:19.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/274c/6850/ad64/f375/5c51/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116564
17:29:19.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Neds ultimativer Schulwahnsinn
17:29:19.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564700
17:29:19.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:19.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fresh Beat Band: Lizenz zum Rocken
17:29:19.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:19.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567100
17:29:19.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der maskierte Wrestler
17:29:19.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c60e/a5d4/d76c/38d8/249a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116572
17:29:19.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zack und Quack
17:29:19.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567100
17:29:19.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:19.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Aufklapp-Rennstrecke / Der Klapp-O-Saurus-Rex
17:29:19.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/889e/1eef/5a6e/02a7/4270/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116573
17:29:19.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Shimmer and Shine
17:29:19.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:19.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:19.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aud Schatzsuche
17:29:19.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick
17:29:19.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f100/f584/8b4c/5ded/e57b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116576
17:29:19.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Blaze und die Monster-Maschinen
17:29:19.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:19.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:19.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Werkzeug-Duell
17:29:19.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/41a3/4b1f/a3f2/8155/6f36/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116578
17:29:19.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Blaze und die Monster-Maschinen
17:29:19.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:19.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:19.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dora & Friends
17:29:19.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:19.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574600
17:29:19.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachtausflug in den Zirkus
17:29:19.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e41e/9e29/f0dc/a193/72cd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116582
17:29:19.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Regal Academy
17:29:19.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574600
17:29:19.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576100
17:29:19.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spongebob Schwammkopf
17:29:19.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576100
17:29:19.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SpongeBob Schwammkopf
17:29:19.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:19.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cosmo und Wanda
17:29:19.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:19.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580000
17:29:19.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Kinohit des Jahres / Liebes Tagebuch ...
17:29:19.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e607/96c4/b9c5/7260/8566/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116589
17:29:19.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jimmy Neutron
17:29:19.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580000
17:29:19.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581500
17:29:19.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gefangen in der Welt der Feen
17:29:19.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0395/a9e6/ebe3/356e/4e0e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116590
17:29:19.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SpongeBob Schwammkopf
17:29:19.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581500
17:29:19.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SpongeBob Schwammkopf
17:29:19.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschwister des Grauens / Die Chemie stimmt
17:29:19.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0809/d5b2/2104/4cf4/c833/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116593
17:29:19.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Brot-Piloten
17:29:19.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586300
17:29:19.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Brot-Piloten
17:29:19.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586300
17:29:19.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587800
17:29:19.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SpongeBob Schwammkopf
17:29:19.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587800
17:29:19.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:19.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krosse Dogs / Das Wrack der Mauna Loa
17:29:19.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0809/d5b2/2104/4cf4/c833/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116601
17:29:19.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SpongeBob Schwammkopf
17:29:19.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:19.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:19.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spongikus / Sinfonie in Arzt-Dur
17:29:19.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c6f0/6100/a711/3e4c/e3d4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116604
17:29:19.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SpongeBob Schwammkopf
17:29:19.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:19.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591700
17:29:19.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kunst und Krabbe / Verschleimt und verschlungen
17:29:19.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0809/d5b2/2104/4cf4/c833/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116606
17:29:19.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
17:29:19.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591700
17:29:19.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593200
17:29:19.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Yo-Kai Watch!
17:29:19.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593200
17:29:19.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594700
17:29:19.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sanjay & Craig
17:29:19.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594700
17:29:19.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595900
17:29:19.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Afterwork-Party / Schlangenallergie
17:29:19.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4870/193d/f794/7dbd/56f9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116614
17:29:19.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Adventure Time - Abenteuerzeit mit Finn und Jake
17:29:19.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595900
17:29:19.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596800
17:29:19.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zoff in der Klumpenwelt
17:29:19.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e9d2/b60d/9955/7894/ee8c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116616
17:29:19.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Adventure Time - Abenteuerzeit mit Finn und Jake
17:29:19.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596800
17:29:19.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:19.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Enchiridion
17:29:19.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5633/15b2/dbc1/8df1/d010/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116619
17:29:19.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cosmo und Wanda
17:29:19.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:19.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:19.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ritterstrick / Dimmsdale sucht das Supertalent
17:29:19.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e607/96c4/b9c5/7260/8566/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116621
17:29:19.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cosmo und Wanda
17:29:19.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:19.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599500
17:29:19.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ritterstrick / Dimmsdale sucht das Supertalent
17:29:19.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e607/96c4/b9c5/7260/8566/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116623
17:29:19.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Harveys schnabelhafte Abenteuer
17:29:19.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599500
17:29:19.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fees neue Frisur / Harveys Lieblingsbuch
17:29:19.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick
17:29:19.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0c4a/fec1/f712/4570/ebe4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116625
17:29:19.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Willkommen bei den Louds
17:29:19.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602500
17:29:19.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Danger Mouse
17:29:19.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602500
17:29:19.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:19.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Danger Mouse
17:29:19.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:19.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:19.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gefahr auf Level C
17:29:19.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick, Action
17:29:19.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/62bf/8bae/838c/8fe5/6371/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116633
17:29:19.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SpongeBob Schwammkopf
17:29:19.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:19.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605200
17:29:19.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SpongeBob ermittelt / Planktons Stammkunde
17:29:19.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0809/d5b2/2104/4cf4/c833/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116635
17:29:19.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die fantastische Welt von Gumball
17:29:19.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605200
17:29:19.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605800
17:29:19.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Comic
17:29:19.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1a3b/76fd/45ed/68d5/2ec3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116638
17:29:19.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die fantastische Welt von Gumball
17:29:19.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605800
17:29:19.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:19.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Liebe
17:29:19.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4bc7/3600/0e56/8091/26fe/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116640
17:29:19.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn
17:29:19.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:19.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608500
17:29:19.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Kunst der Wahrheit
17:29:19.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Jugend, Kinderserie
17:29:19.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7d6b/dcd5/ceab/7944/b7df/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116643
17:29:19.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Thundermans
17:29:19.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608500
17:29:19.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das unglaubliche Rattenrennen
17:29:19.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Jugend, Action, Science Fiction
17:29:19.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e29c/468c/ecc3/c7dc/02ff/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116647
17:29:19.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Henry Danger
17:29:19.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611500
17:29:19.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613000
17:29:19.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Thundermans
17:29:19.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613000
17:29:19.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614800
17:29:19.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Doppel mit Hindernissen
17:29:19.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Jugend, Action, Science Fiction
17:29:19.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9871/5124/c80f/1479/05a1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116657
17:29:19.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn
17:29:19.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614800
17:29:19.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616000
17:29:19.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: School of Rock
17:29:19.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616000
17:29:19.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617800
17:29:19.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Party
17:29:19.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend, Kinderserie
17:29:19.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be2c/9eea/fe8d/237c/c570/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116661
17:29:19.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ride - mit Herz und Huf
17:29:19.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617800
17:29:19.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619300
17:29:19.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Irrungen und Wirrungen
17:29:19.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend
17:29:19.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd92/d54b/28d3/8e12/3580/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116664
17:29:19.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 100 Dinge bis zur High School
17:29:19.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619300
17:29:19.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Club-Ding
17:29:19.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:19.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/01ba/56ef/8cb6/65a6/39de/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116667
17:29:19.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Victorious
17:29:19.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:19.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Armer Sikowitz
17:29:19.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama, Jugend
17:29:19.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/214a/7a65/a129/eaac/135c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116670
17:29:19.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Victorious
17:29:19.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:19.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verliebt in Jade
17:29:19.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama, Jugend
17:29:19.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/214a/7a65/a129/eaac/135c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116673
17:29:19.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teen Mom II
17:29:19.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627400
17:29:19.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Befolg die Regeln
17:29:19.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Reality, Soap
17:29:19.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f058/0f2c/3b9e/f24b/a862/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116676
17:29:19.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teen Mom II
17:29:19.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627400
17:29:19.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630400
17:29:19.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Hoffnung lebt weiter
17:29:19.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Reality, Soap
17:29:19.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f058/0f2c/3b9e/f24b/a862/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116679
17:29:19.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon
17:29:19.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Misfits
17:29:19.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630400
17:29:19.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487633400
17:29:19.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Gewitter
17:29:19.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama, Jugend, Fantasy
17:29:19.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/372c/a8c8/4916/1c1f/ec68/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116684
17:29:19.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Keine Programminformationen verfuegbar
17:29:19.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487534400
17:29:19.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8e79/360b/8156/abf9/aac5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121110044
17:29:19.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: logo! Die Welt und ich
17:29:19.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567400
17:29:19.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Kindernachrichten
17:29:19.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/520f/3b4f/9374/a6c2/8b3b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115985
17:29:19.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kikaninchen
17:29:19.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567400
17:29:19.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:19.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kindershow
17:29:19.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2acc/5c0c/dd7b/9609/e61f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115988
17:29:19.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Shaun, das Schaf
17:29:19.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:19.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568540
17:29:19.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kikaninchen
17:29:19.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568540
17:29:19.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kindershow
17:29:19.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2acc/5c0c/dd7b/9609/e61f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115993
17:29:19.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Super Wings
17:29:19.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570100
17:29:19.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ene Mene Bu - und dran bist du
17:29:19.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570100
17:29:19.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570700
17:29:19.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie
17:29:19.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f23f/b2c1/44d1/5b4b/ad20/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115998
17:29:19.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jim Hensons: Doozers
17:29:19.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570700
17:29:19.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Sendung mit dem Elefanten
17:29:19.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573340
17:29:19.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:19.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e134/7232/6abe/9dca/2e42/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116002
17:29:19.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kikaninchen
17:29:19.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573340
17:29:19.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573700
17:29:19.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kindershow
17:29:19.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2acc/5c0c/dd7b/9609/e61f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116004
17:29:19.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bummi
17:29:19.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573700
17:29:19.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/98e4/55a9/a132/0716/92cc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116007
17:29:19.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meine Schmusedecke
17:29:19.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:19.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Maulwurf auf meiner Schmusedecke
17:29:19.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7f5f/2e50/4848/001a/06a5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116009
17:29:19.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zigby, das Zebra
17:29:19.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:19.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: (19+20) Zigbys Krankenhaus / Zigby und der Sumpf
17:29:19.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e6c5/6668/6c57/ae26/47aa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116011
17:29:19.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meine Freundin Conni
17:29:19.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579100
17:29:19.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: (1+2) Conni sucht Kater Mau / Conni auf der Burg
17:29:19.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a56c/baac/d039/8c15/18b2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116016
17:29:19.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Percys Drachenbande
17:29:19.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579100
17:29:19.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:19.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Furchester Hotel
17:29:19.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:19.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580900
17:29:19.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kikaninchen
17:29:19.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582280
17:29:19.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582700
17:29:19.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kindershow
17:29:19.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2acc/5c0c/dd7b/9609/e61f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116026
17:29:19.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Coco, der neugierige Affe
17:29:19.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582700
17:29:19.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584200
17:29:19.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Abenteuer in den Wolken / Ein echtes Stinktier
17:29:19.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8a76/53d8/cff0/d840/fbd7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116028
17:29:19.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Peter Pan - Neue Abenteuer
17:29:19.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586900
17:29:19.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familienbande
17:29:19.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/866d/c413/52bd/8db0/76b1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116035
17:29:19.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Sendung mit der Maus
17:29:19.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:19.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591700
17:29:19.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie
17:29:19.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c06a/5a4f/6344/fe0e/957a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116040
17:29:19.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rowdy & Zwick
17:29:19.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591700
17:29:19.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:19.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: (7+8) Der Wurstdieb / Kranker Hund
17:29:19.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f621/d7ab/76d4/6078/f230/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116042
17:29:19.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Piets irre Pleiten
17:29:19.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:19.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594400
17:29:19.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gib Gummi, Piet!
17:29:19.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick, Fantasy
17:29:19.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/79ff/3401/613b/42f7/069d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116044
17:29:19.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schloss Einstein
17:29:19.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596200
17:29:19.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:19.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend
17:29:19.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b304/76ba/cd7c/ddfb/8155/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116049
17:29:19.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schloss Einstein
17:29:19.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:19.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend
17:29:19.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b304/76ba/cd7c/ddfb/8155/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116051
17:29:19.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dance Academy - Tanz deinen Traum!
17:29:19.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602200
17:29:19.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: (19+20) Naturtalente / Stolz und Trotz
17:29:19.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Drama, Jugend
17:29:19.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/dfb4/dfe9/a847/c10d/11e3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116053
17:29:19.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lou!
17:29:19.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602200
17:29:19.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spiel-Wut
17:29:19.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/475c/e268/bf2b/e8eb/8879/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116055
17:29:19.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hexe Lilli
17:29:19.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605800
17:29:19.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608500
17:29:19.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: (25+26) Lilli und das Geheimnis der verschwundenen Bienen / Lilli und das Dorf der Vampire
17:29:19.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4178/e408/5f27/f76b/0916/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116061
17:29:19.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Peter Pan - Neue Abenteuer
17:29:19.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608500
17:29:19.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b922/4541/7005/031d/a733/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116063
17:29:19.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Shaun, das Schaf
17:29:19.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:19.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: (27+32) Bitzer - Das Ungeheuer aus dem Teich / Operation Mieze
17:29:19.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d4d7/f476/5110/5872/70fc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116066
17:29:19.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dein Song
17:29:19.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:19.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:19.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Songwriter-Wettbewerb
17:29:19.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0ee3/4714/8828/0674/76cc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116075
17:29:19.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: logo! Die Welt und ich
17:29:19.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:19.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Kindernachrichten
17:29:19.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/520f/3b4f/9374/a6c2/8b3b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116076
17:29:19.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ki.Ka Live
17:29:19.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617800
17:29:19.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dein Song - Homestory: Ben trifft Dario und Josefine
17:29:19.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ebff/afe6/b635/c680/a8da/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116078
17:29:19.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Du bist STYLE!
17:29:19.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617800
17:29:19.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dicke Pullis und Sommerkleider / Schick in Sportklamotten
17:29:19.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1f3a/6fee/910d/27e6/ae07/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116080
17:29:19.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika
17:29:19.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Keine Programminformationen verfuegbar
17:29:19.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487653200
17:29:19.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116082
17:29:19.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercials
17:29:19.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487538900
17:29:19.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/859d/6818/0ab9/c572/13c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114692
17:29:19.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeo
17:29:19.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567400
17:29:19.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeos Picknick
17:29:19.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a319/807d/8ff7/28d3/10af/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120706
17:29:19.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeo
17:29:19.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567400
17:29:19.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:19.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Bootsrennen
17:29:19.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a319/807d/8ff7/28d3/10af/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120708
17:29:19.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeo
17:29:19.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:19.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568900
17:29:19.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeos Familienfoto
17:29:19.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a319/807d/8ff7/28d3/10af/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120710
17:29:19.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wolfi
17:29:19.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568900
17:29:19.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570100
17:29:19.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kati & Mim-Mim
17:29:19.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570100
17:29:19.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570700
17:29:19.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Ballonbaum
17:29:19.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8aea/45a7/1ce1/772b/6163/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120714
17:29:19.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kati & Mim-Mim
17:29:19.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570700
17:29:19.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571900
17:29:19.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der kleine Stern
17:29:19.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7781/1504/d6e5/35a2/886c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120716
17:29:19.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mike der Ritter
17:29:19.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571900
17:29:19.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572500
17:29:19.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mike der Ritter
17:29:19.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572500
17:29:19.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:19.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mike der Ritter
17:29:19.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:19.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mike und die Nachrichten
17:29:19.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Jugend, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/95ba/1f97/526c/b218/2ea3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120722
17:29:19.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Noddy, der kleine Detektiv
17:29:19.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574600
17:29:19.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Fall des nicht-lustigen Clowns
17:29:19.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ee4b/430c/cfa2/1577/f025/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120724
17:29:19.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Noddy, der kleine Detektiv
17:29:19.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574600
17:29:19.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Caillou
17:29:19.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Caillous "Pizzapalast" / Mal was anderes / Caillou lernt Bowling
17:29:19.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/324c/b4ef/f7b5/a492/1882/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120728
17:29:19.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Paw Patrol - Helfer auf vier Pfoten
17:29:19.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579100
17:29:19.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hunde im Schnee / Das Schneemonster
17:29:19.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/54fc/7b45/49a8/6faa/f28e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120730
17:29:19.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der phantastische Paul
17:29:19.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579100
17:29:19.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579700
17:29:19.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der phantastische Paul
17:29:19.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579700
17:29:19.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580600
17:29:19.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Paul baut einen Wolkenkratzer
17:29:19.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a5ec/51cd/7a55/a650/77f1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120734
17:29:19.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der kleine Tiger Daniel
17:29:19.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580600
17:29:19.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:19.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mister Maker
17:29:19.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:19.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:19.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Noddy, der kleine Detektiv
17:29:19.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:19.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:19.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thomas und seine Freunde
17:29:19.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:19.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lazy Town - Los geht's
17:29:19.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ziggys sprechender Teddy
17:29:19.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be36/1e74/c447/2eb7/cdc0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120744
17:29:19.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Angelo
17:29:19.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:19.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tom & Jerry Show
17:29:19.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:19.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:19.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spike, der Sicherheitsexperte / Die Zeitmaschine
17:29:19.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick
17:29:19.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7a76/7f5d/0ce4/afc9/c16a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388692
17:29:19.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sally Bollywood
17:29:19.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:19.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591400
17:29:19.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nexo Knights - Die Ritter der Zukunft
17:29:19.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591400
17:29:19.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:19.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Go Wild! - Mission Wildnis
17:29:19.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594400
17:29:19.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596200
17:29:19.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ritter hoch 3
17:29:19.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596200
17:29:19.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:19.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Home - Zuhause bei Tip & Oh
17:29:19.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:19.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599500
17:29:19.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Oh zieht ein / Der Weihnachts-Oh
17:29:19.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/23dd/f3ac/ed56/fc05/6aee/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120758
17:29:19.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Angelo
17:29:19.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599500
17:29:19.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dragons - Auf zu neuen Ufern
17:29:19.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602200
17:29:19.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Viggo
17:29:19.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick, Fantasy
17:29:19.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3240/56c6/7aac/80d2/a681/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120762
17:29:19.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Dschungelhelden
17:29:19.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602200
17:29:19.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:19.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein Comic-Bruder Luke
17:29:19.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:19.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605500
17:29:19.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ritter hoch 3
17:29:19.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605500
17:29:19.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607300
17:29:19.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: (9+21) Das Leck / Furchtloser Kunibert
17:29:19.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/50df/dacb/6273/e087/1404/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121273393
17:29:19.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nexo Knights
17:29:19.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607300
17:29:19.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608800
17:29:19.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Wolke
17:29:19.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c89/6e78/d353/7336/2089/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120770
17:29:19.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Scooby-Doo!
17:29:19.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608800
17:29:19.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:19.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Maisprinzessin
17:29:19.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1daf/b5b5/70d4/df8c/e012/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120771
17:29:19.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sally Bollywood
17:29:19.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:19.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:19.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: (30+31) Der doppelte Leo / Die diebische Elster
17:29:19.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/72b3/7e78/1169/b552/82a8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120773
17:29:19.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tom & Jerry Show
17:29:19.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:19.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614200
17:29:19.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tuffy allein zu Haus / Harry, der Zauberhase
17:29:19.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick
17:29:19.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7a76/7f5d/0ce4/afc9/c16a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388693
17:29:19.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ALVINNN!!! und die Chipmunks
17:29:19.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614200
17:29:19.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615700
17:29:19.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der zweite Dave / Agentin Smith
17:29:19.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ab7b/d88f/02cc/ac98/a811/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121273412
17:29:19.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Einfach tierisch
17:29:19.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615700
17:29:19.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Natur
17:29:19.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f3c3/34ef/39d5/a370/e60e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120777
17:29:19.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Angelo
17:29:19.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618700
17:29:19.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DreamWorks: Die Drachenreiter von Berk
17:29:19.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618700
17:29:19.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619900
17:29:19.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Drachen-Akademie von Berk
17:29:19.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick, Fantasy
17:29:19.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4063/d61a/b5d6/a77d/3c4a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120781
17:29:19.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DreamWorks: Die Drachenreiter von Berk
17:29:19.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619900
17:29:19.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der arbeitslose Wikinger
17:29:19.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick, Fantasy
17:29:19.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2b91/14e4/b307/5f11/1c88/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120783
17:29:19.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zig & Sharko - Meerjungfrauen frisst man nicht!
17:29:19.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622900
17:29:19.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein Comic-Bruder Luke
17:29:19.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622900
17:29:19.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624100
17:29:19.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus
17:29:19.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercials
17:29:19.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:19.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487653200
17:29:19.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/859d/6818/0ab9/c572/13c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120789
17:29:19.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob's Burgers
17:29:19.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544600
17:29:19.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545800
17:29:19.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: My Big Fat Greek Bob
17:29:19.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4ec7/ee12/b76b/3a80/3078/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121110471
17:29:19.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob's Burgers
17:29:19.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545800
17:29:19.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547600
17:29:19.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Truthahn-Terror
17:29:19.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4ec7/ee12/b76b/3a80/3078/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116517
17:29:19.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: American Dad
17:29:19.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547600
17:29:19.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:19.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schwul ist cool
17:29:19.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick, Action, Comedy
17:29:19.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/55bc/1a4e/e616/f2e5/89dd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116521
17:29:19.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Cleveland Show
17:29:19.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:19.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:19.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Cleveland Show
17:29:19.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:19.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Video
17:29:19.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06ae/c0ef/bade/f8f1/4b6d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116526
17:29:19.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MTV World Stage
17:29:19.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553900
17:29:19.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikshow, Kultur
17:29:19.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9632/1980/e54d/de9d/3d44/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121189329
17:29:19.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MTV World Stage
17:29:19.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553900
17:29:19.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:19.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikshow, Kultur
17:29:19.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9632/1980/e54d/de9d/3d44/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121189330
17:29:19.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Night Sounds
17:29:19.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:19.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips
17:29:19.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5dea/6a69/3d2c/eabb/8b40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116529
17:29:19.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: VIVA Wecker
17:29:19.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:19.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/43ce/8671/c5e5/d0c6/c0c3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116531
17:29:19.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Music
17:29:19.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:19.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4fd9/2d6d/2b77/2242/c371/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116532
17:29:19.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Viva Sounds
17:29:19.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:19.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8c0e/0d8b/a36d/4839/31c5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116533
17:29:19.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: VIVAs Most Played Charts
17:29:19.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Pop & Rock, Kultur
17:29:19.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be4e/d57e/ab7d/0eb7/c2d2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116535
17:29:19.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Music
17:29:19.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:19.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3f8c/0fb0/84a0/449a/c7b8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116538
17:29:19.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Viva Top 100
17:29:19.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mit Louis Held, Emilio Sakraya und Majoe
17:29:19.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Pop & Rock, Kultur
17:29:19.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/43ce/8671/c5e5/d0c6/c0c3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116539
17:29:19.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Cleveland Show
17:29:19.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597100
17:29:19.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: So ist das Leben
17:29:19.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06ae/c0ef/bade/f8f1/4b6d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116541
17:29:19.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cleveland Show
17:29:19.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597100
17:29:19.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598600
17:29:19.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: American Dad
17:29:19.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598600
17:29:19.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:19.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: American Dad
17:29:19.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:19.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601600
17:29:19.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Steve allein zu Haus
17:29:19.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick, Action, Comedy
17:29:19.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/73dc/3923/346c/5795/a133/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116547
17:29:19.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob's Burgers
17:29:19.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601600
17:29:19.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:19.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Halloween-Horror
17:29:19.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4ec7/ee12/b76b/3a80/3078/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116549
17:29:19.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob's Burgers
17:29:19.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:19.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604900
17:29:19.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: American Dad
17:29:19.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604900
17:29:19.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Ersatzehefrau
17:29:19.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick, Action, Comedy
17:29:19.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/55bc/1a4e/e616/f2e5/89dd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116552
17:29:19.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: American Dad
17:29:19.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Delorean-Roadtrip
17:29:19.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick, Action, Comedy
17:29:19.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/55bc/1a4e/e616/f2e5/89dd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116554
17:29:19.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Cleveland Show
17:29:19.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609700
17:29:19.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein absoluter Albtraum
17:29:19.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06ae/c0ef/bade/f8f1/4b6d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116556
17:29:19.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Community
17:29:19.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609700
17:29:19.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wer ist hier das Monster?
17:29:19.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Comedy
17:29:19.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4106/0089/4c2d/e933/fc28/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216689
17:29:19.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Community
17:29:19.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613300
17:29:19.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein Essen mit Abed
17:29:19.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Comedy
17:29:19.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4106/0089/4c2d/e933/fc28/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216690
17:29:19.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: American Dad!
17:29:19.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613300
17:29:19.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:19.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Soldat Steve Smith
17:29:19.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick, Action, Comedy
17:29:19.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff1/0092/ed41/2977/e6c0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116563
17:29:19.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: American Dad
17:29:19.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:19.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:19.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Leoparden-Tanga
17:29:19.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick, Action, Comedy
17:29:19.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/73dc/3923/346c/5795/a133/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116565
17:29:19.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob's Burgers
17:29:19.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:19.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618400
17:29:19.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Im Garten von Bob und Louise
17:29:19.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4ec7/ee12/b76b/3a80/3078/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216691
17:29:19.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: South Park
17:29:19.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618400
17:29:19.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620200
17:29:19.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: LesBos
17:29:19.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1ab5/00e2/d7c1/d313/08cb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116571
17:29:19.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: South Park
17:29:19.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620200
17:29:19.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein bisschen Tourette
17:29:19.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9276/a4b9/2a4f/7e0a/604e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116574
17:29:19.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alle lieben Raymond
17:29:19.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623200
17:29:19.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alle lieben Raymond
17:29:19.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623200
17:29:19.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:19.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Coach
17:29:19.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie
17:29:19.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7701/4454/cbfe/ed78/b6ef/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116579
17:29:19.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die wilden 70er
17:29:19.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:19.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626500
17:29:19.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bettgeschichten
17:29:19.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:19.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2583/46d8/8572/af75/cdce/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116581
17:29:19.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die wilden 70er
17:29:19.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626500
17:29:19.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tanz auf dem Vulkan
17:29:19.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:19.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ca87/afe3/aa7c/9a85/178b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116584
17:29:19.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Seinfeld
17:29:19.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Zigarrenladen-Indianer
17:29:19.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Soap, Drama
17:29:19.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ee87/7907/c710/188e/f1b3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116586
17:29:19.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de
17:29:19.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Workaholics
17:29:19.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Adams Junggesellenabschied
17:29:19.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:19.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c34a/d47c/02b7/8903/aef9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116588
17:29:19.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Polizeiruf 110
17:29:19.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544900
17:29:19.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550300
17:29:19.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Albtraum
17:29:19.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5588/7b6f/c631/50f6/9b3a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109978
17:29:19.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gone - Ich muss dich finden
17:29:19.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550300
17:29:19.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555700
17:29:19.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Thriller
17:29:19.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8830/e5eb/ed52/a62a/3b54/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115952
17:29:19.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Elementarteilchen
17:29:19.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555700
17:29:19.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562000
17:29:19.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama
17:29:19.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9013/8381/daae/9319/09d8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115955
17:29:19.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Howl - Das Geheul
17:29:19.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562000
17:29:19.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama
17:29:19.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/63a4/5b47/518c/911d/297e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115957
17:29:19.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Keine Programminformationen verfuegbar
17:29:19.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:19.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4f5c/a330/9b01/e54c/5632/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115959
17:29:19.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kulturzeit
17:29:19.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:19.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unsere Favoriten - Die Berlinale geht auf die Zielgerade
17:29:19.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Kultur
17:29:19.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4ce8/354c/276b/7d20/409d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115961
17:29:19.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nano
17:29:19.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Welt von morgen
17:29:19.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/da9f/2676/7ee7/f49c/f815/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115964
17:29:19.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alpenpanorama
17:29:19.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Reise
17:29:19.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/83a8/d7da/27df/949d/0fff/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115967
17:29:19.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZIB
17:29:19.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577900
17:29:19.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3fa7/b541/521e/13a6/f065/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115969
17:29:19.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kulturzeit
17:29:19.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577900
17:29:19.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:19.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unsere Favoriten - Die Berlinale geht auf die Zielgerade
17:29:19.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Kultur
17:29:19.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4ce8/354c/276b/7d20/409d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115971
17:29:19.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nano
17:29:19.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:19.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:19.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Welt von morgen
17:29:19.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/da9f/2676/7ee7/f49c/f815/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115974
17:29:19.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Riverboat
17:29:19.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:19.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:19.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die MDR-Talkshow aus Leipzig
17:29:19.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:19.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3440/ea3b/9ffd/761b/6589/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115976
17:29:19.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonntags
17:29:19.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:19.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:19.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aus Fehlern lernen!
17:29:19.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ad14/9d3e/2223/b8f0/0984/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115977
17:29:19.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZIB
17:29:19.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593500
17:29:19.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3fa7/b541/521e/13a6/f065/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115980
17:29:19.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Liebe ein Traum
17:29:19.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593500
17:29:19.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:19.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:19.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fe48/c50b/2e17/b098/89f8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115982
17:29:19.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: unterwegs
17:29:19.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:19.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601600
17:29:19.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: unterwegs
17:29:19.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601600
17:29:19.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604000
17:29:19.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: unterwegs
17:29:19.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604000
17:29:19.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:19.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: unterwegs
17:29:19.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:19.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:19.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Malediven - Atolle, Wassertaxis und Taucher
17:29:19.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5fae/2b80/6104/df21/9a54/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115987
17:29:19.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: unterwegs
17:29:19.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:19.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Costa Rica: Urwald, Kaffee und Krokodile
17:29:19.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5fae/2b80/6104/df21/9a54/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115989
17:29:19.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nano
17:29:19.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Welt von morgen
17:29:19.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/da9f/2676/7ee7/f49c/f815/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115992
17:29:19.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute
17:29:19.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614800
17:29:19.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8601/4c29/0bec/f78b/dca3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115994
17:29:19.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kulturzeit
17:29:19.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614800
17:29:19.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das 3sat-Kulturmagazin von ZDF, ORF, SRF und ARD
17:29:19.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Kultur
17:29:19.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4ce8/354c/276b/7d20/409d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115995
17:29:19.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115997
17:29:19.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Leben auf dem Gotthard
17:29:19.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621100
17:29:19.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:19.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/78a1/4d8d/86ad/90f5/bddf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116001
17:29:19.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZIB 2
17:29:19.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625900
17:29:19.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/efc3/8718/b81d/d028/1719/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116003
17:29:19.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat
17:29:19.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: This Ain't California
17:29:19.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545800
17:29:19.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:19.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d58d/ef02/df07/066f/38d0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116010
17:29:19.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Durch die Nacht mit ...
17:29:19.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:19.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554800
17:29:19.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Inga Humpe und Helene Hegemann
17:29:19.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:19.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2ed7/04e3/6a36/a0ce/5d0b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116012
17:29:19.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Berlin Live
17:29:19.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554800
17:29:19.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558400
17:29:19.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Patrice & Jazzanova
17:29:19.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikshow, Kultur, Pop & Rock
17:29:19.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fa5f/e572/a29e/73bb/b1fd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116013
17:29:19.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vox Pop
17:29:19.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560200
17:29:19.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561700
17:29:19.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Beamte - brauchen wir sie noch?
17:29:19.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6a8b/2de6/c090/b415/a511/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116020
17:29:19.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Silex and the City
17:29:19.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561700
17:29:19.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561880
17:29:19.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Sandalenfilm
17:29:19.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/da87/34dd/9952/0de4/509c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116022
17:29:19.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Keine Programminformationen verfuegbar
17:29:19.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561880
17:29:19.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:19.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5e80/0bfa/68fd/c1fb/18c2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116023
17:29:19.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vergissmeinnicht
17:29:19.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566200
17:29:19.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:19.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tom Simpson, Waghalsiger
17:29:19.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/64d6/0c50/a498/5bc4/1117/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116027
17:29:19.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vergissmeinnicht
17:29:19.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:19.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:19.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Arte Reportage
17:29:19.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:19.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572500
17:29:19.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Politik
17:29:19.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f175/e0c8/86b8/2e7e/a916/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116030
17:29:19.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ARTE Journal Junior
17:29:19.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572500
17:29:19.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:19.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kindernachrichten
17:29:19.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/609a/a9c8/3112/2cf1/71bb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116032
17:29:19.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: X:enius
17:29:19.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:19.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574600
17:29:19.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geothermie - Ist sie gescheitert?
17:29:19.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/66e2/8ccf/110a/4514/71e5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116034
17:29:19.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reise durch Amerika
17:29:19.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574600
17:29:19.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576400
17:29:19.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nicaragua: Ein bebendes Land
17:29:19.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:19.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1e51/5b00/03ef/12cc/b7ab/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116036
17:29:19.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pracht und Prunk an der Loire: Schloss Chambord
17:29:19.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579100
17:29:19.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:19.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Kultur
17:29:19.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/85bd/f29f/86bf/406d/6df8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116039
17:29:19.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ARTE Journal
17:29:19.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593200
17:29:19.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594700
17:29:19.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2aca/f5bc/6c6e/cc55/6529/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116047
17:29:19.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reise durch Amerika
17:29:19.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:19.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604900
17:29:19.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: X:enius
17:29:19.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Siege Athens
17:29:19.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611500
17:29:19.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Marathon
17:29:19.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8859/9af4/2e66/d823/5882/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116060
17:29:19.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ARTE Journal
17:29:19.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614200
17:29:19.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2aca/f5bc/6c6e/cc55/6529/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116064
17:29:19.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Weites Land
17:29:19.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627700
17:29:19.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Action
17:29:19.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7431/0ff7/eca4/5212/ba41/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116069
17:29:19.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte
17:29:19.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alice und das Meer
17:29:19.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627700
17:29:19.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487633400
17:29:19.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama
17:29:19.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cbae/211f/4d5f/3d6f/de3d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116071
17:29:19.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: History Live
17:29:19.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:19.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Flucht und Vertreibung - ein ewiges Thema
17:29:19.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:19.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e621/765f/2ced/001c/1b93/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109360
17:29:19.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Uri Geller - Top Secret!
17:29:19.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:19.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:19.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/305c/a136/18a5/2583/b2aa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115201
17:29:19.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Oligarch im Alpenwald
17:29:19.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:19.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/70da/e5a5/7291/ae7b/e90c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115204
17:29:19.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Michaelergruft - Expedition in die Stadt der Toten
17:29:19.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:19.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/dbf8/4dab/8d27/6702/91b6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115205
17:29:19.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Hunde-Kosmonauten von Baikonur
17:29:19.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:19.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6138/967f/9078/35d8/7125/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115209
17:29:19.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Geheimnis der "Hindenburg"
17:29:19.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/61f5/5f4d/fe9e/bab7/be9e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115211
17:29:19.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vor Ort
17:29:19.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578200
17:29:19.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6615/e00d/67ac/4464/ada8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115220
17:29:19.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bon(n)jour
17:29:19.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578200
17:29:19.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Politik
17:29:19.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1d3c/a5f9/01e3/e0c8/180a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115222
17:29:19.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Anne Will
17:29:19.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:19.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Augstein und Blome
17:29:19.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:19.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:19.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Talkshow, Politik
17:29:19.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a877/abb6/1cf3/8a7c/54e2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115226
17:29:19.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thema
17:29:19.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:19.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:19.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/859d/6818/0ab9/c572/13c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115228
17:29:19.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vor Ort
17:29:19.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:19.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c702/3a15/69a1/64a9/4d79/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115230
17:29:19.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thema
17:29:19.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:19.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:19.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/859d/6818/0ab9/c572/13c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115231
17:29:19.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vor Ort
17:29:19.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:19.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c702/3a15/69a1/64a9/4d79/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115233
17:29:19.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thema
17:29:19.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:19.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605500
17:29:19.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:19.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/859d/6818/0ab9/c572/13c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115235
17:29:19.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Illegale Autorennen - Der Kick, der Menschen killt
17:29:19.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605500
17:29:19.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b5ea/0ea7/4080/c6e1/ed2b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115237
17:29:19.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vor Ort
17:29:19.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6615/e00d/67ac/4464/ada8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115238
17:29:19.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Elektroautos
17:29:19.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Top oder Flop?
17:29:19.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:19.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1cae/582e/fb63/4942/4c92/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115240
17:29:19.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115245
17:29:19.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute-journal
17:29:19.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:19.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wetter
17:29:19.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Talkshow, Wirtschaft, Politik
17:29:19.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ea7d/9b6e/988c/c53b/3811/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115252
17:29:19.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unter den Linden
17:29:19.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:19.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:19.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2858/73b7/c5b9/bcd3/91a5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115254
17:29:19.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix
17:29:19.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Tag
17:29:19.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Ereignisse
17:29:19.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115256
17:29:19.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportclub Story
17:29:19.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487543700
17:29:19.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:19.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eishockey in Bremerhaven
17:29:19.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0f36/6ca7/da71/9169/7b2e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109694
17:29:19.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Inspector Mathias - Mord in Wales
17:29:19.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:19.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:19.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alte Wunden
17:29:19.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0f73/ca9b/4012/f4cb/d7ab/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115582
17:29:19.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ostsee Report
17:29:19.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:19.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:19.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Natur
17:29:19.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/28ff/50ee/320a/ce52/4d1b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115584
17:29:19.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR Talk Show
17:29:19.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:19.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:19.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8139/0861/9222/e2cb/f55e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115586
17:29:19.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau - Vor 20 Jahren
17:29:19.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562600
17:29:19.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563500
17:29:19.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 20.02.1997
17:29:19.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Geschichte
17:29:19.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/033c/eb91/33a6/8d65/deeb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115591
17:29:19.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DAS!
17:29:19.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563500
17:29:19.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566200
17:29:19.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Norddeutschland und die Welt
17:29:19.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3113/e1e7/4919/7221/4f7a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115593
17:29:19.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Fallers - Eine Schwarzwaldfamilie
17:29:19.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:19.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:19.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Urlaub daheim
17:29:19.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Soap
17:29:19.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6c7a/de24/b099/1fd0/c7f6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115598
17:29:19.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lieb und teuer
17:29:19.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:19.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:19.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mareTV kompakt
17:29:19.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:19.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur, Reise
17:29:19.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ba1c/768b/a762/6ffb/53e8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115602
17:29:19.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Am Anfang war der Seitensprung
17:29:19.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:19.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1e41/5416/df0e/fa14/ee28/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115605
17:29:19.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nordmagazin
17:29:19.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/660e/a361/b24d/80c6/fb63/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115608
17:29:19.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hamburg Journal
17:29:19.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3741/05bf/6234/e870/c6a5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115610
17:29:19.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schleswig-Holstein Magazin
17:29:19.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/acc0/9043/0157/7d7b/20e1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115612
17:29:19.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: buten un binnen
17:29:19.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ba87/ba2a/972f/238a/ece4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115613
17:29:19.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hallo Niedersachsen
17:29:19.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4961/8a0b/8fac/cfe6/60a0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115615
17:29:19.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Typisch!
17:29:19.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Elefant, Tiger & Co.
17:29:19.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:19.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichten aus dem Leipziger Zoo
17:29:19.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:19.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5bff/be8c/8973/6eba/e851/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115620
17:29:19.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: In aller Freundschaft
17:29:19.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:19.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592600
17:29:19.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schlagabtausch
17:29:19.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krankenhaus
17:29:19.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7715/d7f4/1b74/b168/8d35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115622
17:29:19.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nordisch herb
17:29:19.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592600
17:29:19.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Wunder von Husum
17:29:19.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/588a/03a7/0d35/ccd9/edc8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115624
17:29:19.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR//aktuell
17:29:19.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4d12/766d/0c6e/ba1b/6129/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115625
17:29:19.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Herz von Borneo
17:29:19.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: die nordstory
17:29:19.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der St. Pauli Code
17:29:19.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c070/15ac/1a72/ed62/b0e8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115628
17:29:19.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR//aktuell
17:29:19.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604000
17:29:19.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4d12/766d/0c6e/ba1b/6129/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115630
17:29:19.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein Nachmittag
17:29:19.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604000
17:29:19.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:19.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1149/4463/7c1b/a291/55ff/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115632
17:29:19.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Nordreportage
17:29:19.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:19.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:19.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2a8f/3600/b45d/c691/489b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115638
17:29:19.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DAS!
17:29:19.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:19.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Norddeutschland und die Welt
17:29:19.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3113/e1e7/4919/7221/4f7a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115640
17:29:19.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115644
17:29:19.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Markt
17:29:19.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dr. Wimmer: Wissen ist die beste Medizin
17:29:19.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Medikamenten-Check
17:29:19.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Gesundheit
17:29:19.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e14d/f6e5/9583/d145/9dcf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115648
17:29:19.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR//aktuell
17:29:19.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4d12/766d/0c6e/ba1b/6129/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115650
17:29:19.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 45 Min
17:29:19.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unser Bier
17:29:19.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0bdc/aa46/33eb/7d51/63f8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115654
17:29:19.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kulturjournal
17:29:19.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:19.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/759a/6c63/39a2/a676/605d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115655
17:29:19.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:19.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sommer in Orange
17:29:19.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:19.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487635200
17:29:19.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:19.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/90b0/2cab/df39/3a9e/547b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115658
17:29:19.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geheimauftrag Pontifex
17:29:19.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544900
17:29:19.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550300
17:29:19.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Vatikan im Kalten Krieg
17:29:19.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a50b/1311/b6f8/9c59/d8b4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109735
17:29:19.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SachsenSpiegel kompakt
17:29:19.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550300
17:29:19.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550420
17:29:19.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0f45/de2a/f782/18d0/be55/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115627
17:29:19.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sachsen-Anhalt heute kompakt
17:29:19.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550420
17:29:19.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550540
17:29:19.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ea53/7f05/3f87/6796/04ab/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115629
17:29:19.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kripo live
17:29:19.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:19.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552100
17:29:19.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b2e2/b86b/5f3d/020c/e4c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115633
17:29:19.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ich heirate meinen Ex - Wenn Paare zum zweiten Mal "Ja" sagen
17:29:19.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552100
17:29:19.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553900
17:29:19.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1740/1f59/3df8/3862/256c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115635
17:29:19.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eine Welt ohne Behinderung
17:29:19.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553900
17:29:19.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555700
17:29:19.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/dbf8/757c/aa98/aa6c/01d4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115636
17:29:19.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Winterabenteuer in Sibirien - Biwak nonstop
17:29:19.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555700
17:29:19.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:19.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Natur
17:29:19.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b39d/5ca7/2bd7/305f/5497/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115639
17:29:19.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SachsenSpiegel
17:29:19.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:19.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/540b/af4a/a26e/c0cc/2fda/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115641
17:29:19.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sachsen-Anhalt Heute
17:29:19.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562600
17:29:19.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4fa0/7649/551a/2048/3578/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115643
17:29:19.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Einfach genial!
17:29:19.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564400
17:29:19.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:19.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das MDR-Erfindermagazin
17:29:19.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:19.267 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c8f4/de38/2916/e874/06a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.267 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115647
17:29:19.267 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.267 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.267 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unterwegs in Sachsen-Anhalt
17:29:19.267 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:19.267 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:19.268 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.268 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.268 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.268 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:19.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576880
17:29:19.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:19.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8d0b/59b1/0137/fa43/c0bb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115653
17:29:19.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.270 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.270 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.270 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kripo live
17:29:19.270 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580000
17:29:19.270 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581380
17:29:19.270 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.270 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.270 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b2e2/b86b/5f3d/020c/e4c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.270 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115657
17:29:19.271 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.271 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.271 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.271 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.271 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Seehund, Puma & Co.
17:29:19.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581500
17:29:19.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584500
17:29:19.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:19.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584500
17:29:19.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.273 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.273 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.273 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8d0b/59b1/0137/fa43/c0bb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.273 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115661
17:29:19.273 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.273 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.273 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR um 11
17:29:19.273 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.273 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587500
17:29:19.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: In aller Freundschaft
17:29:19.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587500
17:29:19.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:19.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frauen in der Krise
17:29:19.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krankenhaus
17:29:19.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/85ae/8948/7b92/5143/aeba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115664
17:29:19.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR um 2
17:29:19.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599140
17:29:19.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das MDR-Mittagsmagazin
17:29:19.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/29f5/6a73/0c34/61a3/5ecb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115668
17:29:19.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:19.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599140
17:29:19.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8d0b/59b1/0137/fa43/c0bb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115670
17:29:19.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR um 4
17:29:19.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Neues von hier
17:29:19.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9d25/71d2/3cde/551e/5a2a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115674
17:29:19.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR um 4
17:29:19.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR um 4
17:29:19.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:19.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Neues von hier & Leichter leben
17:29:19.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9d25/71d2/3cde/551e/5a2a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115678
17:29:19.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:19.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:19.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610300
17:29:19.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8d0b/59b1/0137/fa43/c0bb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115680
17:29:19.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Brisant
17:29:19.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:19.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613240
17:29:19.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/60d0/683f/9bc2/ea96/d6cc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115684
17:29:19.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR regional
17:29:19.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:19.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:19.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8d0b/59b1/0137/fa43/c0bb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115689
17:29:19.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mach dich ran!
17:29:19.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:19.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das MDR-Spiel
17:29:19.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:19.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5d46/b31b/23ee/6899/2801/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115691
17:29:19.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frauen verstehen
17:29:19.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:19.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a042/121e/1a52/b916/e7b4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115694
17:29:19.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:19.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:19.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8d0b/59b1/0137/fa43/c0bb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115696
17:29:19.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fakt ist!
17:29:19.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:19.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628180
17:29:19.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aus Dresden
17:29:19.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:19.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4e58/39f6/4cf1/b125/c12f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115698
17:29:19.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:19.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628180
17:29:19.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628300
17:29:19.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8d0b/59b1/0137/fa43/c0bb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115700
17:29:19.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen
17:29:19.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Weissensee
17:29:19.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628300
17:29:19.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487634000
17:29:19.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: (1+2) Eine Nacht im November / Ein neues Leben
17:29:19.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Drama
17:29:19.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/697c/f34b/01ca/8b94/c06f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115702
17:29:19.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau - Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:19.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:19.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:19.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:19.288 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.288 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.288 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rockpalast
17:29:19.288 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:19.288 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:19.288 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eurosonic Festival 2017 (2/2)
17:29:19.288 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikshow, Kultur, Pop & Rock
17:29:19.288 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/eb1b/0fc2/84d6/bbd1/c184/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.288 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115568
17:29:19.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau - Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:19.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:19.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:19.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:19.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mr. Sportschau wird 90 - Eine Hommage an Ernst Huberty
17:29:19.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:19.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:19.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/00a8/8c40/b0ed/0155/a28f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115572
17:29:19.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erlebnisreisen-Tipp
17:29:19.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:19.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:19.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Natur, Reise
17:29:19.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1253/1671/f511/21dc/d2f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115577
17:29:19.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tiere suchen ein Zuhause
17:29:19.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:19.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:19.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Natur
17:29:19.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/90d3/8d92/574a/8814/ef2a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115578
17:29:19.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Flirt English
17:29:19.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:19.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tantrums & Time-out
17:29:19.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen, Jugend
17:29:19.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0a17/7c6a/48f3/ae78/f426/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115580
17:29:19.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen
17:29:19.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Adel in Deutschland - leichtes Leben oder schweres Erbe?
17:29:19.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b8a2/cc65/0c46/bb60/48d7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115581
17:29:19.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Vorkoster
17:29:19.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:19.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:19.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:19.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:19.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/163f/6991/9c19/925f/5d8d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115585
17:29:19.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Westpol
17:29:19.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:19.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:19.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Politik in Nordrhein-Westfalen
17:29:19.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5c4f/e934/aa95/f99c/9908/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115587
17:29:19.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nashorn, Zebra & Co.
17:29:19.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:19.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:19.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein neuer Luchskater
17:29:19.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:19.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/000d/85af/06e5/4df2/4eb6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115589
17:29:19.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:19.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:19.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bcc1/4782/112f/8fc1/f5f1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115592
17:29:19.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen
17:29:19.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:19.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b8a2/cc65/0c46/bb60/48d7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115594
17:29:19.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit Reportage
17:29:19.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Alpen
17:29:19.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:19.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Italiens Berge neu entdeckt
17:29:19.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:19.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b39d/5ca7/2bd7/305f/5497/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115597
17:29:19.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:19.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:19.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bcc1/4782/112f/8fc1/f5f1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115601
17:29:19.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daheim & unterwegs
17:29:19.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:19.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af64/97a9/d34d/0486/d4f5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115603
17:29:19.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell / Lokalzeit
17:29:19.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:19.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/02f1/424c/231c/80a0/7c75/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115604
17:29:19.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit
17:29:19.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:19.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:19.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3be9/832d/93c5/3ae1/2cfe/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115606
17:29:19.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:19.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:19.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/02f1/424c/231c/80a0/7c75/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115607
17:29:19.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lokalzeit
17:29:19.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7a7b/d4e2/24af/6c17/6cd8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115609
17:29:19.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115611
17:29:19.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord mit Aussicht
17:29:19.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Und ewig singt das Blaukehlchen
17:29:19.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Humor
17:29:19.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b2a5/1c29/e031/943a/6d6c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216482
17:29:19.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord mit Aussicht
17:29:19.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Humor
17:29:19.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f811/d209/75fa/ec98/8210/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216483
17:29:19.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:19.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:19.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bcc1/4782/112f/8fc1/f5f1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115618
17:29:19.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hier und heute
17:29:19.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:19.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:19.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln
17:29:19.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Westart live
17:29:19.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:19.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow, Musikshow
17:29:19.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/47fd/96a9/3887/03f8/43a8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115621
17:29:19.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Narren sind los
17:29:19.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487542800
17:29:19.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:19.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hinter den Kulissen der Fastnacht in Franken
17:29:19.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8b04/cc5c/9f30/b9dd/0428/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109824
17:29:19.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schuhbecks
17:29:19.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:19.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:19.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unter unserem Himmel
17:29:19.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:19.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:19.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Damals ... in Ruhpolding
17:29:19.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Magazin, Natur
17:29:19.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1afa/0d19/eac3/746d/82e4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115746
17:29:19.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bergauf, bergab
17:29:19.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:19.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559900
17:29:19.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Blickpunkt Sport Bayern
17:29:19.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559900
17:29:19.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd0f/95e4/94ed/3358/1679/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115749
17:29:19.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Space Night
17:29:19.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564700
17:29:19.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: How to become an Astronaut
17:29:19.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d817/d61b/d217/33c8/fa36/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115750
17:29:19.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Space Night
17:29:19.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564700
17:29:19.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: How to become an Astronaut
17:29:19.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d817/d61b/d217/33c8/fa36/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115752
17:29:19.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bergauf, bergab
17:29:19.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sturm der Liebe
17:29:19.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:19.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Folge 2633
17:29:19.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:19.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a030/8335/ed29/d576/f357/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115756
17:29:19.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tele-Gym
17:29:19.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:19.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572500
17:29:19.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktiv und gesund durch Stretching
17:29:19.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gesundheit, Gymnastik
17:29:19.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3039/4a51/21d9/e162/c4c0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115758
17:29:19.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Panoramabilder / Bergwetter
17:29:19.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572500
17:29:19.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576100
17:29:19.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d73d/d524/12e1/cc69/8d1c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115760
17:29:19.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tele-Gym
17:29:19.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576100
17:29:19.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:19.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Australien
17:29:19.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585700
17:29:19.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erbin mit Herz
17:29:19.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:19.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b7c9/b447/1ea5/be2b/7bc7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115774
17:29:19.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: In aller Freundschaft
17:29:19.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nichts ist, wie es scheint
17:29:19.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krankenhaus
17:29:19.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2862/372e/749d/a8d5/b7a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115777
17:29:19.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kunst & Krempel
17:29:19.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:19.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fastnacht ohne Grenzen
17:29:19.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:19.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e84a/e31c/fe06/af64/2980/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115780
17:29:19.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frech und Frei
17:29:19.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Beste aus Wehe wenn wir losgelassen 2015
17:29:19.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a91d/49ea/5aac/fcf4/ddfe/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115782
17:29:19.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rundschau
17:29:19.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:19.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten - Berichte - Wettervorhersage
17:29:19.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a00d/a1a9/42b8/9f4b/0a09/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115784
17:29:19.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wir in Bayern
17:29:19.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:19.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lust auf Heimat
17:29:19.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Natur, Reise
17:29:19.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/224e/c849/8734/d9dd/f4a8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115787
17:29:19.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abendschau
17:29:19.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alles was Bayern bewegt
17:29:19.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4496/0e12/fa2c/9117/acda/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115791
17:29:19.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rundschau
17:29:19.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten - Berichte - Wettervorhersage
17:29:19.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a00d/a1a9/42b8/9f4b/0a09/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115793
17:29:19.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Querbeet
17:29:19.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zimmerpflanzen Praxis
17:29:19.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Natur, Reise
17:29:19.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/444a/9ee2/bbc8/7647/edab/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115796
17:29:19.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dahoam is Dahoam
17:29:19.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krapfen mit Loch
17:29:19.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:19.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a2c2/226b/e838/9b8f/bdc0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115798
17:29:19.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115800
17:29:19.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bayern erleben
17:29:19.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Achtung Kreuzottern!
17:29:19.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b5d0/d923/c4d0/a02e/4973/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115802
17:29:19.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lebenslinien
17:29:19.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meine fetten Jahre sind vorbei
17:29:19.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d3cd/22ed/c332/5b29/4e67/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115805
17:29:19.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rundschau Magazin
17:29:19.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten - Berichte - Wettervorhersage
17:29:19.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/02f1/424c/231c/80a0/7c75/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115807
17:29:19.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Blickpunkt Sport
17:29:19.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f659/8a7e/7d0c/dcc8/8119/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115809
17:29:19.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nacht:sicht
17:29:19.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:19.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ab in den Wald
17:29:19.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:19.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/64ab/8475/01b7/73f3/e8cc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115810
17:29:19.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BR-Klassik
17:29:19.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:19.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:19.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alice Sara Ott spielt Grieg
17:29:19.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kultur, Klassische Musik
17:29:19.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ef03/5071/3b29/6b0f/445c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115812
17:29:19.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.336 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br
17:29:19.336 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rundschau Nacht
17:29:19.336 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:19.336 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.336 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten - Berichte - Wettervorhersage
17:29:19.336 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.336 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.336 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115815
17:29:19.337 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.337 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.337 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport im Dritten
17:29:19.337 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544600
17:29:19.337 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:19.337 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.338 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.338 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.338 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.338 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Mombacher Bohnebeitel
17:29:19.338 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.338 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.339 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.339 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.339 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ahoi, Helau und Ho-Narro
17:29:19.339 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.339 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.339 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Roman Experiment
17:29:19.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571300
17:29:19.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: How to Conquer the World?
17:29:19.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cefa/90c3/d5ff/3d01/442a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119434
17:29:19.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufgetischt
17:29:19.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:19.342 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.342 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.342 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Essgeschichten
17:29:19.342 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:19.342 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:19.342 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.342 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bekannt im Land
17:29:19.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582400
17:29:19.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584200
17:29:19.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ARD-Buffet
17:29:19.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584200
17:29:19.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586900
17:29:19.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen
17:29:19.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:19.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:19.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b8a2/cc65/0c46/bb60/48d7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119450
17:29:19.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eisenbahn-Romantik
17:29:19.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:19.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Irland in einem Zug
17:29:19.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Reise
17:29:19.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/34d2/7f1e/ab80/4a5f/87fa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119452
17:29:19.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eisenbahn-Romantik
17:29:19.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:19.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:19.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SWR Landesschau aktuell
17:29:19.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:19.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b86/f2fb/26e9/733b/39f9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119458
17:29:19.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kaffee oder Tee
17:29:19.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:19.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Essen und Trinken: Leckeres zu Karneval
17:29:19.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0856/5acc/b3d4/e190/8aa6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119460
17:29:19.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SWR Landesschau aktuell
17:29:19.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:19.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b86/f2fb/26e9/733b/39f9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119462
17:29:19.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kaffee oder Tee
17:29:19.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:19.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der SWR Nachmittag
17:29:19.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2683/4c7a/b380/ec5c/e32b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119464
17:29:19.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SWR Landesschau aktuell
17:29:19.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610720
17:29:19.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b86/f2fb/26e9/733b/39f9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119465
17:29:19.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mensch, Leute!
17:29:19.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:19.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:19.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119477
17:29:19.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wildes Deutschland
17:29:19.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Schwarzwald
17:29:19.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Natur
17:29:19.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e3d7/de54/6eeb/cf89/53a8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119482
17:29:19.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SWR Landesschau aktuell
17:29:19.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b86/f2fb/26e9/733b/39f9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119484
17:29:19.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sag die Wahrheit
17:29:19.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:19.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die SWR Rateshow
17:29:19.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:19.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3bab/a16d/9445/3851/169a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119486
17:29:19.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meister des Alltags
17:29:19.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:19.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das SWR Wissensquiz
17:29:19.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:19.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7997/5888/1c64/8588/bb18/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119489
17:29:19.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meister des Alltags
17:29:19.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das SWR Wissensquiz
17:29:19.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:19.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7997/5888/1c64/8588/bb18/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119491
17:29:19.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:19.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: strassen stars
17:29:19.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544300
17:29:19.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:19.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow, Comedy
17:29:19.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/23b5/db2d/2221/53cd/3018/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109764
17:29:19.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wer weiss es?
17:29:19.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:19.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Stadt
17:29:19.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:19.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a97a/1153/e5cf/187a/df91/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115667
17:29:19.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hessenschau
17:29:19.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:19.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560680
17:29:19.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6682/869f/54f9/a937/2054/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115671
17:29:19.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hessenschauwetter
17:29:19.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560680
17:29:19.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115673
17:29:19.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Elefant, Tiger & Co.
17:29:19.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563500
17:29:19.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566500
17:29:19.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der neue Herr im Haus
17:29:19.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:19.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5bff/be8c/8973/6eba/e851/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115677
17:29:19.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasbloghaus.tv
17:29:19.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566500
17:29:19.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:19.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rettet den Blog!
17:29:19.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Jugend
17:29:19.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9a9a/4123/2b62/ff74/dc43/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115679
17:29:19.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Surfcamp
17:29:19.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:19.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:19.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erste Surfversuche
17:29:19.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Soap, Jugend
17:29:19.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1269/7908/e5f0/4c4a/4ec8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115681
17:29:19.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schau in meine Welt!
17:29:19.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:19.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571000
17:29:19.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Andrea, s'Meetli vom Lehmen
17:29:19.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/127c/32cd/59e6/7caa/5dfe/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115683
17:29:19.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: maintower weekend
17:29:19.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571000
17:29:19.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572800
17:29:19.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Boulevard, News und Lifestyle am Samstag
17:29:19.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4304/3f62/7dd8/a8be/0dd9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115685
17:29:19.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hallo hessen
17:29:19.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572800
17:29:19.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b426/8b5d/2d19/4571/d242/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115688
17:29:19.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Herkules
17:29:19.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau - Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:19.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578800
17:29:19.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:19.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heimspiel! Bundesliga
17:29:19.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578800
17:29:19.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eintracht Frankfurt
17:29:19.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hessenschau
17:29:19.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581080
17:29:19.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6682/869f/54f9/a937/2054/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115695
17:29:19.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hessenschauwetter
17:29:19.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581080
17:29:19.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115697
17:29:19.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Elefant, Tiger & Co.
17:29:19.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584200
17:29:19.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichten aus dem Leipziger Zoo
17:29:19.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:19.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5bff/be8c/8973/6eba/e851/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115699
17:29:19.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meine Geschichte
17:29:19.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584200
17:29:19.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586300
17:29:19.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verfolgt von den Nazis: Heinz Humbach und Volkmar Gabert
17:29:19.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/796d/aa92/5754/d035/3394/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115701
17:29:19.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rote Rosen
17:29:19.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586300
17:29:19.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:19.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Folge 2369
17:29:19.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap
17:29:19.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2691/9742/ddd5/e971/e6d9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115703
17:29:19.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sturm der Liebe
17:29:19.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:19.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592300
17:29:19.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Folge 2633
17:29:19.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:19.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a030/8335/ed29/d576/f357/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115704
17:29:19.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Einfach Rosa - Verliebt, verlobt, verboten
17:29:19.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592300
17:29:19.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:19.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:19.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/12df/76f7/500e/87d4/2384/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115705
17:29:19.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hallo hessen
17:29:19.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605500
17:29:19.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b426/8b5d/2d19/4571/d242/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115709
17:29:19.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hessenschau kompakt
17:29:19.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605500
17:29:19.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e3d3/547c/3462/c9eb/9a95/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115711
17:29:19.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hallo hessen
17:29:19.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609400
17:29:19.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b426/8b5d/2d19/4571/d242/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115713
17:29:19.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hessenschau kompakt
17:29:19.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609400
17:29:19.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e3d3/547c/3462/c9eb/9a95/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115714
17:29:19.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Maintower
17:29:19.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611500
17:29:19.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Boulevard, News und Lifestyle
17:29:19.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8f93/b986/0686/5d60/a5b6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115716
17:29:19.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Brisant
17:29:19.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611500
17:29:19.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613000
17:29:19.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/60d0/683f/9bc2/ea96/d6cc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115718
17:29:19.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: service: zuhause
17:29:19.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613000
17:29:19.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614500
17:29:19.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: alle wetter
17:29:19.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614500
17:29:19.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Informationen zu Wetter und Klima
17:29:19.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115722
17:29:19.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hessenschau
17:29:19.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617080
17:29:19.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6682/869f/54f9/a937/2054/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115724
17:29:19.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hessenschauwetter
17:29:19.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617080
17:29:19.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115726
17:29:19.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115728
17:29:19.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nordhessen feiert Karneval 2017
17:29:19.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/beb5/afe1/b0de/5d9f/40b7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115730
17:29:19.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hessenschau kompakt
17:29:19.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e3d3/547c/3462/c9eb/9a95/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115732
17:29:19.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Heimspiel!
17:29:19.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630700
17:29:19.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eintracht Frankfurt
17:29:19.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr
17:29:19.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Karriere im Knast
17:29:19.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:19.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:19.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Weltspiegel
17:29:19.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:19.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553900
17:29:19.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Auslandskorrespondenten berichten
17:29:19.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c125/7b54/0598/02b5/2e82/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115766
17:29:19.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abendschau
17:29:19.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:19.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557200
17:29:19.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5974/01a7/5a0d/e5c2/a9e5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115771
17:29:19.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Brandenburg aktuell
17:29:19.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557200
17:29:19.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:19.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2768/f2bb/cc2b/ae5b/3386/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115773
17:29:19.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb Praxis
17:29:19.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:19.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561700
17:29:19.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: OP gelungen - Patient Pflegefall
17:29:19.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ratgeber, Gesundheit
17:29:19.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/004d/00ec/84b0/a15a/10c4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115775
17:29:19.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb Sportplatz
17:29:19.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561700
17:29:19.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:19.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b5fd/338a/feb0/e073/031b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115776
17:29:19.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Warschauer Notizen
17:29:19.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:19.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Von und mit Griet von Petersdorff
17:29:19.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2313/c2a4/4acd/d5b0/0674/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115779
17:29:19.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Berlin erwacht - Winter
17:29:19.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3208/3c2a/8114/fce1/49fc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115781
17:29:19.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die jungen Forscher
17:29:19.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/521f/448b/8532/7931/6371/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115783
17:29:19.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frauen verstehen
17:29:19.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:19.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a042/121e/1a52/b916/e7b4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115786
17:29:19.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Brandenburg aktuell
17:29:19.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2768/f2bb/cc2b/ae5b/3386/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115788
17:29:19.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abendschau
17:29:19.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5974/01a7/5a0d/e5c2/a9e5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115790
17:29:19.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Karriere im Knast
17:29:19.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Heimatjournal
17:29:19.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aus Brandenburg - Bad Freienwalde
17:29:19.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/071f/6dd1/80c6/cfd8/85e8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115794
17:29:19.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die rbb-Reporter
17:29:19.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Winter am Wannsee
17:29:19.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/690a/ed9f/427d/6fbf/8ebe/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115795
17:29:19.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Bergdoktor
17:29:19.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588700
17:29:19.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Landschleicher
17:29:19.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588700
17:29:19.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:19.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dorfreportage
17:29:19.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:19.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/dbbe/7c53/633c/ce70/ff66/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115799
17:29:19.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb aktuell
17:29:19.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592300
17:29:19.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be32/e44e/6721/49a2/4ef2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115803
17:29:19.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schloss Einstein
17:29:19.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592300
17:29:19.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend
17:29:19.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b5da/9a0a/c305/9962/ffe1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115806
17:29:19.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Elvis und der Kommissar
17:29:19.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen
17:29:19.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:19.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Adel in Deutschland - leichtes Leben oder schweres Erbe?
17:29:19.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b8a2/cc65/0c46/bb60/48d7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115811
17:29:19.404 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.404 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.404 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Memel - Stiller Fluss mit bewegter Geschichte
17:29:19.404 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:19.404 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.404 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.404 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:19.404 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5670/761a/5f1e/ede6/4314/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.404 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115813
17:29:19.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb aktuell
17:29:19.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:19.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be32/e44e/6721/49a2/4ef2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115817
17:29:19.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kurz vor 5
17:29:19.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605800
17:29:19.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport
17:29:19.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bc04/33c9/7cee/8038/bbfa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115820
17:29:19.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb aktuell
17:29:19.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:19.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be32/e44e/6721/49a2/4ef2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115821
17:29:19.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Panda, Gorilla & Co.
17:29:19.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:19.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609700
17:29:19.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichten aus dem Zoo Berlin und dem Tierpark Berlin
17:29:19.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:19.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a07b/24bf/2794/23fe/864d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115822
17:29:19.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb wetter
17:29:19.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611620
17:29:19.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b6e5/c2e5/d03e/1b20/e9e6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115827
17:29:19.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zibb
17:29:19.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615220
17:29:19.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2abd/3267/4844/7e5e/d5b0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115828
17:29:19.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb wetter
17:29:19.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615220
17:29:19.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b6e5/c2e5/d03e/1b20/e9e6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115830
17:29:19.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abendschau
17:29:19.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5974/01a7/5a0d/e5c2/a9e5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115831
17:29:19.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115833
17:29:19.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tatort
17:29:19.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Blutgeld
17:29:19.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ab3d/74e3/40d8/0a45/443c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115834
17:29:19.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb aktuell
17:29:19.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:19.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be32/e44e/6721/49a2/4ef2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115836
17:29:19.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Polizeiruf 110
17:29:19.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:19.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630700
17:29:19.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gier
17:29:19.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5588/7b6f/c631/50f6/9b3a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115838
17:29:19.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb
17:29:19.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Morden im Norden
17:29:19.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630700
17:29:19.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487633700
17:29:19.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Action
17:29:19.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e892/98be/c8e0/5c02/5ebe/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115841
17:29:19.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Keine Programminformationen verfuegbar
17:29:19.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:19.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:19.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/70fc/3ca9/ec8e/6ddf/3fdc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388361
17:29:19.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktueller Bericht am Sonntag
17:29:19.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:19.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547840
17:29:19.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5cd5/7c79/a5c4/79cd/b810/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120868
17:29:19.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Saarlandwetter
17:29:19.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547840
17:29:19.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:19.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7068/4d6c/cb5c/1c6a/92df/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120870
17:29:19.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Mombacher Bohnebeitel
17:29:19.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ahoi, Helau und Ho-Narro
17:29:19.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Roman Experiment
17:29:19.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571300
17:29:19.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: How to Conquer the World?
17:29:19.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/89eb/7732/5e9c/c7e0/f4b4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120885
17:29:19.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufgetischt
17:29:19.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:19.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Essgeschichten
17:29:19.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:19.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:19.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Keine Programminformationen verfuegbar
17:29:19.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:19.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584200
17:29:19.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/148f/37c4/40e7/b102/c601/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388698
17:29:19.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ARD-Buffet
17:29:19.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584200
17:29:19.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586900
17:29:19.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen
17:29:19.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:19.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:19.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b8a2/cc65/0c46/bb60/48d7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120903
17:29:19.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eisenbahn-Romantik
17:29:19.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:19.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Irland in einem Zug
17:29:19.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Reise
17:29:19.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/34d2/7f1e/ab80/4a5f/87fa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120905
17:29:19.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eisenbahn-Romantik
17:29:19.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:19.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:19.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Keine Programminformationen verfuegbar
17:29:19.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:19.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8f99/4d25/d267/c118/a52b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388699
17:29:19.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kaffee oder Tee
17:29:19.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:19.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Essen und Trinken: Leckeres zu Karneval
17:29:19.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0856/5acc/b3d4/e190/8aa6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120912
17:29:19.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Keine Programminformationen verfuegbar
17:29:19.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:19.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388701
17:29:19.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kaffee oder Tee
17:29:19.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:19.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der SWR Nachmittag
17:29:19.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2683/4c7a/b380/ec5c/e32b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120916
17:29:19.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Keine Programminformationen verfuegbar
17:29:19.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388703
17:29:19.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120930
17:29:19.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wildes Deutschland
17:29:19.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Schwarzwald
17:29:19.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Natur
17:29:19.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e3d7/de54/6eeb/cf89/53a8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120934
17:29:19.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Keine Programminformationen verfuegbar
17:29:19.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388704
17:29:19.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sag die Wahrheit
17:29:19.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:19.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die SWR Rateshow
17:29:19.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:19.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3bab/a16d/9445/3851/169a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120936
17:29:19.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meister des Alltags
17:29:19.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:19.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das SWR Wissensquiz
17:29:19.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:19.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7997/5888/1c64/8588/bb18/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120937
17:29:19.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meister des Alltags
17:29:19.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das SWR Wissensquiz
17:29:19.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:19.437 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7997/5888/1c64/8588/bb18/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.437 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120939
17:29:19.437 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.437 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen
17:29:19.438 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.438 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.438 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportclub Story
17:29:19.438 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487543700
17:29:19.438 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:19.438 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eishockey in Bremerhaven
17:29:19.438 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.438 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0f36/6ca7/da71/9169/7b2e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.438 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114868
17:29:19.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Inspector Mathias - Mord in Wales
17:29:19.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:19.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:19.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alte Wunden
17:29:19.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0f73/ca9b/4012/f4cb/d7ab/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120895
17:29:19.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ostsee Report
17:29:19.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:19.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:19.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Natur
17:29:19.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2270/47dd/ec26/c3ae/c319/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120897
17:29:19.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR Talk Show
17:29:19.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:19.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:19.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8139/0861/9222/e2cb/f55e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120899
17:29:19.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau - Vor 20 Jahren
17:29:19.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562600
17:29:19.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563500
17:29:19.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 20.02.1997
17:29:19.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Geschichte
17:29:19.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/033c/eb91/33a6/8d65/deeb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120902
17:29:19.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DAS!
17:29:19.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563500
17:29:19.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566200
17:29:19.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Norddeutschland und die Welt
17:29:19.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3113/e1e7/4919/7221/4f7a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120904
17:29:19.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Fallers - Eine Schwarzwaldfamilie
17:29:19.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:19.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:19.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Urlaub daheim
17:29:19.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Soap
17:29:19.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6c7a/de24/b099/1fd0/c7f6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120908
17:29:19.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lieb und teuer
17:29:19.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:19.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:19.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mareTV kompakt
17:29:19.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:19.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur, Reise
17:29:19.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ba1c/768b/a762/6ffb/53e8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120913
17:29:19.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Am Anfang war der Seitensprung
17:29:19.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:19.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1e41/5416/df0e/fa14/ee28/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120915
17:29:19.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nordmagazin
17:29:19.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/660e/a361/b24d/80c6/fb63/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120918
17:29:19.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hamburg Journal
17:29:19.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3741/05bf/6234/e870/c6a5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120920
17:29:19.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schleswig-Holstein Magazin
17:29:19.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/acc0/9043/0157/7d7b/20e1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120921
17:29:19.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: buten un binnen
17:29:19.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ba87/ba2a/972f/238a/ece4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120923
17:29:19.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hallo Niedersachsen
17:29:19.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4961/8a0b/8fac/cfe6/60a0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120925
17:29:19.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Typisch!
17:29:19.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Elefant, Tiger & Co.
17:29:19.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:19.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichten aus dem Leipziger Zoo
17:29:19.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:19.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5bff/be8c/8973/6eba/e851/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120929
17:29:19.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: In aller Freundschaft
17:29:19.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:19.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592600
17:29:19.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schlagabtausch
17:29:19.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krankenhaus
17:29:19.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7715/d7f4/1b74/b168/8d35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120931
17:29:19.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nordisch herb
17:29:19.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592600
17:29:19.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Wunder von Husum
17:29:19.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/588a/03a7/0d35/ccd9/edc8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120933
17:29:19.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR//aktuell
17:29:19.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4d12/766d/0c6e/ba1b/6129/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120938
17:29:19.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Herz von Borneo
17:29:19.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: die nordstory
17:29:19.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der St. Pauli Code
17:29:19.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c070/15ac/1a72/ed62/b0e8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120942
17:29:19.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR//aktuell
17:29:19.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604000
17:29:19.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4d12/766d/0c6e/ba1b/6129/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120943
17:29:19.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein Nachmittag
17:29:19.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604000
17:29:19.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:19.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/eb08/5a97/094a/745f/765a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120944
17:29:19.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: buten un binnen um 6
17:29:19.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610360
17:29:19.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ba87/ba2a/972f/238a/ece4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120947
17:29:19.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: buten un binnen | sportblitz
17:29:19.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610360
17:29:19.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610780
17:29:19.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6d08/3e09/3d7c/1a2f/2c07/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120949
17:29:19.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: buten un binnen | wetter
17:29:19.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610780
17:29:19.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:19.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c9b6/d095/4cfc/2856/8519/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120951
17:29:19.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Nordreportage
17:29:19.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:19.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:19.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2a8f/3600/b45d/c691/489b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120952
17:29:19.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DAS!
17:29:19.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:19.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Norddeutschland und die Welt
17:29:19.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3113/e1e7/4919/7221/4f7a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120954
17:29:19.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: buten un binnen
17:29:19.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617080
17:29:19.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ba87/ba2a/972f/238a/ece4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120956
17:29:19.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: buten un binnen | wetter
17:29:19.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617080
17:29:19.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c9b6/d095/4cfc/2856/8519/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120958
17:29:19.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120960
17:29:19.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Markt
17:29:19.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dr. Wimmer: Wissen ist die beste Medizin
17:29:19.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Medikamenten-Check
17:29:19.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Gesundheit
17:29:19.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e14d/f6e5/9583/d145/9dcf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120964
17:29:19.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR//aktuell
17:29:19.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4d12/766d/0c6e/ba1b/6129/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120966
17:29:19.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 45 Min
17:29:19.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unser Bier
17:29:19.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0bdc/aa46/33eb/7d51/63f8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120968
17:29:19.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kulturjournal
17:29:19.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:19.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/759a/6c63/39a2/a676/605d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120970
17:29:19.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv
17:29:19.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sommer in Orange
17:29:19.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:19.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487635200
17:29:19.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:19.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/90b0/2cab/df39/3a9e/547b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120972
17:29:19.468 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.468 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.468 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CSI: Miami
17:29:19.468 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544000
17:29:19.468 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:19.469 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.469 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.469 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CSI: NY
17:29:19.469 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:19.469 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549700
17:29:19.469 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jahrestag
17:29:19.469 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.469 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b2c7/17b3/21e3/36c7/a202/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.469 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116421
17:29:19.469 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercials
17:29:19.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2c4f/0f33/c4dd/c0f4/267c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116426
17:29:19.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die lustigsten Schlamassel der Welt
17:29:19.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556300
17:29:19.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:19.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/01de/6ddd/e2f5/e67b/4c5c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116427
17:29:19.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Law & Order: Los Angeles
17:29:19.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556300
17:29:19.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558400
17:29:19.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bruder und Schwester
17:29:19.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9210/634f/1609/bd8c/09c4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116430
17:29:19.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Law & Order
17:29:19.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558400
17:29:19.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561100
17:29:19.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Strafgericht
17:29:19.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561100
17:29:19.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:19.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f1b/4f41/3110/3278/2050/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116435
17:29:19.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Strafgericht
17:29:19.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:19.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566500
17:29:19.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f1b/4f41/3110/3278/2050/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116437
17:29:19.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Strafgericht
17:29:19.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566500
17:29:19.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:19.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f1b/4f41/3110/3278/2050/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116439
17:29:19.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Strafgericht
17:29:19.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:19.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f1b/4f41/3110/3278/2050/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116441
17:29:19.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Law & Order
17:29:19.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:19.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Law & Order
17:29:19.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:19.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578200
17:29:19.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Macho-Mann
17:29:19.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f283/157a/89d0/f332/da7c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116447
17:29:19.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Psych
17:29:19.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578200
17:29:19.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580600
17:29:19.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Psych-Man Forever
17:29:19.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Krimi, Humor
17:29:19.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1b7d/163b/b348/7ddc/0e8f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116450
17:29:19.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Psych
17:29:19.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580600
17:29:19.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:19.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Coach Spencer und der Mord im Sport
17:29:19.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Krimi, Humor
17:29:19.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/afd7/c5f9/776c/90a6/324f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116452
17:29:19.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Matlock
17:29:19.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:19.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586000
17:29:19.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Matlock
17:29:19.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586000
17:29:19.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:19.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Multi-Millionen-Dollar-Mord
17:29:19.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8030/cdc2/f96d/b80d/5b8e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116457
17:29:19.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Matlock
17:29:19.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:19.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592300
17:29:19.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Multi-Millionen-Dollar-Mord
17:29:19.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8030/cdc2/f96d/b80d/5b8e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116460
17:29:19.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Walker, Texas Ranger
17:29:19.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592300
17:29:19.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594400
17:29:19.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: M*A*S*H
17:29:19.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594400
17:29:19.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596200
17:29:19.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die rote Gefahr
17:29:19.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Action
17:29:19.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/635c/52b6/0f68/9ae8/bb91/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116465
17:29:19.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: M*A*S*H
17:29:19.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596200
17:29:19.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:19.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zu allem bereit
17:29:19.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Action
17:29:19.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6709/62b1/51ec/30b2/ef7c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116468
17:29:19.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Anger Management
17:29:19.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600700
17:29:19.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601900
17:29:19.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Charlie hat 'nen Klotz am Bein
17:29:19.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:19.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/df82/4f49/2743/79a7/e6ad/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116477
17:29:19.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Anger Management
17:29:19.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601900
17:29:19.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:19.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Charlie rettet Weihnachten
17:29:19.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:19.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/00d6/4af5/5892/1090/8462/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116478
17:29:19.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Walker, Texas Ranger
17:29:19.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:19.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606100
17:29:19.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Walker, Texas Ranger
17:29:19.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606100
17:29:19.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608800
17:29:19.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Friedensabkommen
17:29:19.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Western
17:29:19.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0aa3/dc31/a069/dd0d/1a8c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116483
17:29:19.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: M*A*S*H
17:29:19.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608800
17:29:19.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610300
17:29:19.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Leb' wohl, Radar
17:29:19.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Action
17:29:19.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/635c/52b6/0f68/9ae8/bb91/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116486
17:29:19.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: M*A*S*H
17:29:19.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610300
17:29:19.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612100
17:29:19.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Leb' wohl, Radar
17:29:19.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Action
17:29:19.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/635c/52b6/0f68/9ae8/bb91/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116488
17:29:19.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Anger Management
17:29:19.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:19.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:19.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Charlies Bankenkrise
17:29:19.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:19.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/df82/4f49/2743/79a7/e6ad/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116497
17:29:19.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Anger Management
17:29:19.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:19.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Charlie und der Serienkiller
17:29:19.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:19.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/df82/4f49/2743/79a7/e6ad/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116500
17:29:19.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Medical Detectives - Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin
17:29:19.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621100
17:29:19.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Medical Detectives - Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin
17:29:19.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621100
17:29:19.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The First 48
17:29:19.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627700
17:29:19.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ungeahnter Zusammenhang
17:29:19.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6867/9a7c/f0f8/7ac3/34d8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116508
17:29:19.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Medical Detectives - Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin
17:29:19.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627700
17:29:19.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:19.493 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.493 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de
17:29:19.493 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Medical Detectives - Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin
17:29:19.493 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:19.493 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487634000
17:29:19.493 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.493 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Duo
17:29:19.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487542500
17:29:19.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:19.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute-show
17:29:19.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:19.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550000
17:29:19.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichtensatire mit Oliver Welke
17:29:19.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:19.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7e87/d698/604e/52dc/07e6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116217
17:29:19.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Neo Magazin Royale
17:29:19.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550000
17:29:19.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552700
17:29:19.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow, Comedy
17:29:19.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fb58/dc3f/3924/7031/a377/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116219
17:29:19.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der letzte Zeuge
17:29:19.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552700
17:29:19.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:19.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der letzte Zeuge
17:29:19.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:19.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:19.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sandkastenliebe
17:29:19.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5cff/8c88/4efa/5c26/5405/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116225
17:29:19.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Inspector Barnaby
17:29:19.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:19.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:19.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Tod und die Lady
17:29:19.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Drama
17:29:19.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a755/e3ca/ea6f/ffe2/2c97/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116230
17:29:19.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Alte
17:29:19.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564700
17:29:19.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:19.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schwestern
17:29:19.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/413d/f715/220d/2bb1/7447/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116232
17:29:19.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Alte
17:29:19.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:19.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571300
17:29:19.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tod eines Dealers
17:29:19.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6a20/0a6d/dae2/bede/4819/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116235
17:29:19.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lanz kocht
17:29:19.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571300
17:29:19.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:19.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow, Spielshow, Kochshow
17:29:19.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f11/58b9/b91c/6737/f443/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116237
17:29:19.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lafer! Lichter! Lecker!
17:29:19.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:19.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577900
17:29:19.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die etwas andere Promi-Kochschule
17:29:19.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kochshow
17:29:19.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7658/bf2a/b753/ac59/791e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116239
17:29:19.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Candice Renoir
17:29:19.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:19.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586900
17:29:19.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Rettungsflieger
17:29:19.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586900
17:29:19.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589600
17:29:19.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Rettungsflieger
17:29:19.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589600
17:29:19.504 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592300
17:29:19.504 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Giftstachel
17:29:19.504 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama, Krankenhaus
17:29:19.504 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/80d1/4329/198a/a7f2/11c4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.504 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116252
17:29:19.504 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.504 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Columbo
17:29:19.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595000
17:29:19.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Playback
17:29:19.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/26ff/06f3/4851/be93/a34c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116258
17:29:19.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Alte
17:29:19.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602500
17:29:19.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tod eines Dealers
17:29:19.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6a20/0a6d/dae2/bede/4819/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116261
17:29:19.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Rettungsflieger
17:29:19.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602500
17:29:19.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605200
17:29:19.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Rettungsflieger
17:29:19.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605200
17:29:19.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607900
17:29:19.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Columbo
17:29:19.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607900
17:29:19.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612100
17:29:19.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Playback
17:29:19.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/26ff/06f3/4851/be93/a34c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116269
17:29:19.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Inspector Barnaby
17:29:19.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624100
17:29:19.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Tod und die Lady
17:29:19.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Drama
17:29:19.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a755/e3ca/ea6f/ffe2/2c97/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116277
17:29:19.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Inspector Barnaby
17:29:19.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624100
17:29:19.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Trau, schau, wem!
17:29:19.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Drama
17:29:19.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7eee/44be/97c5/0d59/2317/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116280
17:29:19.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo
17:29:19.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Silent Witness
17:29:19.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487633100
17:29:19.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gefallene Engel
17:29:19.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/de47/277a/70ed/c923/bd19/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116284
17:29:19.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ruck Zuck
17:29:19.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544900
17:29:19.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:19.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:19.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/53d0/937b/532e/4538/bce7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114679
17:29:19.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Strafgericht
17:29:19.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:19.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f1b/4f41/3110/3278/2050/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120680
17:29:19.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Strafgericht
17:29:19.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:19.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:19.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f1b/4f41/3110/3278/2050/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120682
17:29:19.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Strafgericht
17:29:19.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:19.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:19.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f1b/4f41/3110/3278/2050/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120685
17:29:19.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Strafgericht
17:29:19.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:19.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f1b/4f41/3110/3278/2050/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120687
17:29:19.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Jugendgericht
17:29:19.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:19.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f70a/afb1/37af/cde4/0493/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120689
17:29:19.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Jugendgericht
17:29:19.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:19.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f70a/afb1/37af/cde4/0493/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120692
17:29:19.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Jugendgericht
17:29:19.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:19.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f70a/afb1/37af/cde4/0493/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120694
17:29:19.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Familiengericht
17:29:19.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:19.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bb61/9683/fe64/28e6/b37b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120696
17:29:19.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Familiengericht
17:29:19.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:19.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bb61/9683/fe64/28e6/b37b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120699
17:29:19.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Familiengericht
17:29:19.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:19.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575500
17:29:19.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bb61/9683/fe64/28e6/b37b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120701
17:29:19.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jeopardy
17:29:19.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575500
17:29:19.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:19.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:19.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3a34/24b0/b735/bf9a/9e21/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120703
17:29:19.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jeopardy
17:29:19.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:19.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578200
17:29:19.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:19.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f57c/5f74/0895/541f/7e61/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120704
17:29:19.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familien-Duell
17:29:19.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578200
17:29:19.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579700
17:29:19.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familien-Duell
17:29:19.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579700
17:29:19.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580900
17:29:19.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ruck Zuck
17:29:19.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580900
17:29:19.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:19.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:19.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/53d0/937b/532e/4538/bce7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120709
17:29:19.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ruck Zuck
17:29:19.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:19.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583600
17:29:19.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:19.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/53d0/937b/532e/4538/bce7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120711
17:29:19.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Jugendgericht
17:29:19.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:19.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f70a/afb1/37af/cde4/0493/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120717
17:29:19.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Jugendgericht
17:29:19.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:19.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f70a/afb1/37af/cde4/0493/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120719
17:29:19.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Jugendgericht
17:29:19.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595000
17:29:19.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f70a/afb1/37af/cde4/0493/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120721
17:29:19.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Strafgericht
17:29:19.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595000
17:29:19.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:19.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f1b/4f41/3110/3278/2050/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120723
17:29:19.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Strafgericht
17:29:19.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:19.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600700
17:29:19.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f1b/4f41/3110/3278/2050/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120725
17:29:19.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Strafgericht
17:29:19.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600700
17:29:19.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:19.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f1b/4f41/3110/3278/2050/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120727
17:29:19.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Familiengericht
17:29:19.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:19.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bb61/9683/fe64/28e6/b37b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120729
17:29:19.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Familiengericht
17:29:19.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:19.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bb61/9683/fe64/28e6/b37b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120731
17:29:19.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Familiengericht
17:29:19.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:19.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612100
17:29:19.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Gerichtsshow
17:29:19.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bb61/9683/fe64/28e6/b37b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120733
17:29:19.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familien-Duell
17:29:19.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612100
17:29:19.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familien-Duell
17:29:19.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:19.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dr. Stefan Frank - Der Arzt, dem die Frauen vertrauen
17:29:19.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachbarschaftsliebe
17:29:19.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Krankenhaus
17:29:19.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e732/091a/b85d/b22b/1711/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120743
17:29:19.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dr. Stefan Frank - Der Arzt, dem die Frauen vertrauen
17:29:19.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623800
17:29:19.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schweigepflicht
17:29:19.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Krankenhaus
17:29:19.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/09bb/2b54/14fa/fed7/1c0e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120745
17:29:19.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hinter Gittern - Der Frauenknast
17:29:19.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623800
17:29:19.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:19.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eigentor
17:29:19.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Drama
17:29:19.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0111/02be/0066/9737/5eef/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120747
17:29:19.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hinter Gittern - Der Frauenknast
17:29:19.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:19.538 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.538 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Herzklopfen
17:29:19.538 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Drama
17:29:19.538 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0111/02be/0066/9737/5eef/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.538 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120749
17:29:19.538 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.538 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.538 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familien-Duell
17:29:19.538 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.538 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631300
17:29:19.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus
17:29:19.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familien-Duell
17:29:19.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631300
17:29:19.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487632500
17:29:19.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dr. G - Beruf: Gerichtsmedizinerin
17:29:19.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544900
17:29:19.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:19.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Once Bitten
17:29:19.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Reality, Soap
17:29:19.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/87db/3c60/d38d/e2ac/d8cf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121113309
17:29:19.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: F.B.I. - Dem Verbrechen auf der Spur
17:29:19.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:19.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:19.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a1b5/d130/6dd2/3c45/0ecb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119341
17:29:19.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: F.B.I. - Dem Verbrechen auf der Spur
17:29:19.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:19.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552700
17:29:19.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Highway-Killer / Der indische Pate
17:29:19.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a1b5/d130/6dd2/3c45/0ecb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119343
17:29:19.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Im Kopf des Verbrechers
17:29:19.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552700
17:29:19.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:19.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Magazin
17:29:19.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1c9d/bafa/c779/19d8/23ce/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119345
17:29:19.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dr. G - Beruf: Gerichtsmedizinerin
17:29:19.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:19.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:19.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deadly Lovers Quarrel
17:29:19.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Reality, Soap
17:29:19.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/87db/3c60/d38d/e2ac/d8cf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119347
17:29:19.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dr. G - Beruf: Gerichtsmedizinerin
17:29:19.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:19.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Once Bitten
17:29:19.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Reality, Soap
17:29:19.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/87db/3c60/d38d/e2ac/d8cf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119349
17:29:19.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Niedrig und Kuhnt - Kommissare ermitteln
17:29:19.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:19.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Obdachlos
17:29:19.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Action
17:29:19.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4640/9a9f/88a5/1da1/3578/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119350
17:29:19.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Niedrig und Kuhnt - Kommissare ermitteln
17:29:19.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:19.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:19.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abgehauen
17:29:19.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Action
17:29:19.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4640/9a9f/88a5/1da1/3578/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119351
17:29:19.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bonanza
17:29:19.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:19.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566500
17:29:19.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Verfolgten
17:29:19.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Western
17:29:19.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d825/01ee/4915/f2e8/9f1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119353
17:29:19.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Infomercials
17:29:19.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566500
17:29:19.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577300
17:29:19.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2c4f/0f33/c4dd/c0f4/267c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119354
17:29:19.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Falcon Crest
17:29:19.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578800
17:29:19.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581800
17:29:19.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Offene Fragen
17:29:19.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Soap, Drama
17:29:19.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b490/37b6/2413/1bdd/8c4a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119358
17:29:19.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Falcon Crest
17:29:19.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581800
17:29:19.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord ist ihr Hobby
17:29:19.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587800
17:29:19.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der rosarote Lippenstift
17:29:19.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e550/27b6/e7bb/2c4a/1180/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119362
17:29:19.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord ist ihr Hobby
17:29:19.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587800
17:29:19.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590500
17:29:19.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bezaubernde Jeannie
17:29:19.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590500
17:29:19.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bezaubernde Jeannie
17:29:19.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Russisches Roulette
17:29:19.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Fantasy
17:29:19.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ab01/4294/239d/b398/df5a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119370
17:29:19.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Love Boat
17:29:19.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596800
17:29:19.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Diagnose: Mord
17:29:19.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:19.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:19.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Diagnose: Mord
17:29:19.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:19.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Lehrer kommt um
17:29:19.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Krankenhaus
17:29:19.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8568/bb61/af66/1927/c57e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119378
17:29:19.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord ist ihr Hobby
17:29:19.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609400
17:29:19.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord ist ihr Hobby
17:29:19.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609400
17:29:19.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:19.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pulverfass
17:29:19.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e550/27b6/e7bb/2c4a/1180/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119383
17:29:19.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Niedrig und Kuhnt - Kommissare ermitteln
17:29:19.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:19.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Stumpfe Gewalt
17:29:19.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Action
17:29:19.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4640/9a9f/88a5/1da1/3578/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119385
17:29:19.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Niedrig und Kuhnt - Kommissare ermitteln
17:29:19.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614800
17:29:19.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schmutzige Gedanken
17:29:19.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap, Action
17:29:19.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4640/9a9f/88a5/1da1/3578/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119387
17:29:19.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: K 11 - Kommissare im Einsatz
17:29:19.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614800
17:29:19.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616300
17:29:19.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: K 11 - Kommissare im Einsatz
17:29:19.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616300
17:29:19.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Elternabend
17:29:19.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Soap
17:29:19.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a9d1/d683/223c/cefb/17da/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119391
17:29:19.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kommissar Rex
17:29:19.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wenn Kinder sterben wollen
17:29:19.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2990/627a/eb75/e46c/4b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119393
17:29:19.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kommissar Rex
17:29:19.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:19.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bis zur letzten Kugel
17:29:19.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6763/9b83/c99c/1a9c/bc38/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119395
17:29:19.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold
17:29:19.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesthemen
17:29:19.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:19.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546400
17:29:19.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mit Sport und Wetter
17:29:19.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/db01/27f3/a16e/9aee/0cb0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109053
17:29:19.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Extra
17:29:19.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:19.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549700
17:29:19.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6654/a176/ab2d/c6b4/55af/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114835
17:29:19.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Feste feiern
17:29:19.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549700
17:29:19.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8707/20c2/940c/d7c0/9ad5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114838
17:29:19.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552520
17:29:19.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114841
17:29:19.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Warschauer Notizen
17:29:19.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:19.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Von und mit Griet von Petersdorff
17:29:19.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2313/c2a4/4acd/d5b0/0674/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114849
17:29:19.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556120
17:29:19.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332186
17:29:19.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau - Vor 20 Jahren
17:29:19.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556120
17:29:19.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557020
17:29:19.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Geschichte
17:29:19.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/033c/eb91/33a6/8d65/deeb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114851
17:29:19.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Nordreportage
17:29:19.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557020
17:29:19.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558820
17:29:19.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8da8/eee4/c61c/6f04/8b74/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332188
17:29:19.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Extra
17:29:19.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558820
17:29:19.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6654/a176/ab2d/c6b4/55af/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332189
17:29:19.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559720
17:29:19.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114854
17:29:19.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Brandenburg aktuell
17:29:19.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559720
17:29:19.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561520
17:29:19.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2768/f2bb/cc2b/ae5b/3386/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114856
17:29:19.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:19.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561520
17:29:19.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8714/cf88/40ca/0ca8/740f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114858
17:29:19.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563320
17:29:19.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114860
17:29:19.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hessenschau
17:29:19.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563320
17:29:19.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6682/869f/54f9/a937/2054/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114863
17:29:19.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Morgenmagazin
17:29:19.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d9e0/ff7e/0323/5070/2872/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114865
17:29:19.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau-Nachrichten
17:29:19.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten im Viertelstundentakt
17:29:19.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft, Politik
17:29:19.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6f81/2a9c/9432/2df8/ccbd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114867
17:29:19.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR-Weltweit
17:29:19.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Klamotten aus Kambodscha - Modeblogger haken nach
17:29:19.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen, Reise
17:29:19.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e0f0/aad5/867e/99fd/5714/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114869
17:29:19.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau-Nachrichten
17:29:19.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten im Viertelstundentakt
17:29:19.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft, Politik
17:29:19.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5300/fe71/3d39/0637/5e38/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114870
17:29:19.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Urlaub unterm Messer
17:29:19.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau-Nachrichten
17:29:19.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten im Viertelstundentakt
17:29:19.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft, Politik
17:29:19.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f561/3352/3759/a751/dab3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114873
17:29:19.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mittagsmagazin
17:29:19.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mit Tagesschau
17:29:19.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8fc8/72d1/7a40/caf6/2112/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114874
17:29:19.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau-Nachrichten
17:29:19.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614800
17:29:19.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten im Viertelstundentakt
17:29:19.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft, Politik
17:29:19.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0770/c896/4c26/da5f/dc0d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114876
17:29:19.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Weltspiegel
17:29:19.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614800
17:29:19.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Auslandskorrespondenten berichten
17:29:19.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c125/7b54/0598/02b5/2e82/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114878
17:29:19.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114880
17:29:19.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Anne Will
17:29:19.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621820
17:29:19.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114884
17:29:19.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Extra
17:29:19.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621820
17:29:19.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:19.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6654/a176/ab2d/c6b4/55af/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114886
17:29:19.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Westpol
17:29:19.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:19.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Politik in Nordrhein-Westfalen
17:29:19.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6b20/c454/8cc4/4b64/3743/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114887
17:29:19.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Markt
17:29:19.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau - Vor 20 Jahren
17:29:19.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Geschichte
17:29:19.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/033c/eb91/33a6/8d65/deeb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114890
17:29:19.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesthemen
17:29:19.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mit Wetter
17:29:19.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/db01/27f3/a16e/9aee/0cb0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114892
17:29:19.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra
17:29:19.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: defacto
17:29:19.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Landesmagazin
17:29:19.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2350/0825/b6ee/1923/2d96/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114894
17:29:19.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tatort
17:29:19.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546400
17:29:19.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:19.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tanzmariechen
17:29:19.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be0a/fa9c/cf8d/b34b/23b1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115135
17:29:19.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kein Pardon
17:29:19.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:19.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557200
17:29:19.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:19.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f72b/a467/a711/f2b9/73e9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115137
17:29:19.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nonstop Nonsens
17:29:19.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562900
17:29:19.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565600
17:29:19.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Didi und das Millionending
17:29:19.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:19.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fdf7/9e0e/7c0d/6027/4d1e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115142
17:29:19.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kinokino
17:29:19.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565600
17:29:19.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Filmmagazin im BR Fernsehen
17:29:19.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Kino
17:29:19.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8d85/5865/ecd4/c034/af04/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115143
17:29:19.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Quarks & Co
17:29:19.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:19.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Heimat ist kein Ort
17:29:19.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:19.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574900
17:29:19.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama
17:29:19.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/37b9/9e4c/e36a/96f8/089d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115147
17:29:19.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wie Kinder wieder lachen lernen
17:29:19.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:19.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hilfe nach dem Trauma
17:29:19.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0b10/d8a6/47be/13d5/99eb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115150
17:29:19.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Vorkoster
17:29:19.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:19.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Menschen hautnah
17:29:19.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:19.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ttt - titel thesen temperamente
17:29:19.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kultur
17:29:19.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3873/f65c/fd80/84e8/4c85/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115156
17:29:19.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: euromaxx
17:29:19.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Leben und Kultur in Europa
17:29:19.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/adbe/6564/c4e5/92b6/5759/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115158
17:29:19.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Heimat ist kein Ort
17:29:19.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:19.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama
17:29:19.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/37b9/9e4c/e36a/96f8/089d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115163
17:29:19.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Was ist los mit unseren Kindern?
17:29:19.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:19.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ADHS und andere Diagnosen
17:29:19.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Gesundheit
17:29:19.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f692/d999/f172/a0d4/aeb6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115164
17:29:19.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Markt
17:29:19.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:19.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eine halbe Ewigkeit
17:29:19.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:19.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/043a/d928/7735/3946/7ee5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115169
17:29:19.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aus heiterem Himmel
17:29:19.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:19.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hallo Sandmann
17:29:19.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie
17:29:19.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/42c5/647a/2e70/9beb/ed6d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115170
17:29:19.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sturm der Liebe
17:29:19.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:19.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613900
17:29:19.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:19.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a030/8335/ed29/d576/f357/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115175
17:29:19.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sturm der Liebe
17:29:19.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613900
17:29:19.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:19.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a030/8335/ed29/d576/f357/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115177
17:29:19.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115178
17:29:19.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Falco - Verdammt, wir leben noch!
17:29:19.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:19.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama, Kultur
17:29:19.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/47bf/d06a/eabf/8927/9700/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115181
17:29:19.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nuhr im Ersten
17:29:19.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625900
17:29:19.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628600
17:29:19.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Satiregipfel
17:29:19.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:19.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2ed3/8777/cdb1/4fa2/a25c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115184
17:29:19.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
17:29:19.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628600
17:29:19.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631300
17:29:19.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:19.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b4d5/53b0/be62/5e2d/a68b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115185
17:29:19.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival
17:29:19.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Falco - Verdammt, wir leben noch!
17:29:19.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631300
17:29:19.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487637900
17:29:19.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama, Kultur
17:29:19.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/47bf/d06a/eabf/8927/9700/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115187
17:29:19.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Geheimnis der Gene
17:29:19.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544600
17:29:19.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547300
17:29:19.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Woher wir kommen
17:29:19.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/da0c/e520/15f1/0909/85cd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109420
17:29:19.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Geheimnis der Gene
17:29:19.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547300
17:29:19.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550000
17:29:19.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wohin wir gehen
17:29:19.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/da0c/e520/15f1/0909/85cd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115265
17:29:19.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Universum Mensch
17:29:19.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550000
17:29:19.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552700
17:29:19.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Affen und Astronauten
17:29:19.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/35de/f3ac/cdc8/7d04/7493/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115267
17:29:19.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Universum Mensch
17:29:19.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552700
17:29:19.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:19.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vom Ursprung der Menschen
17:29:19.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9730/325f/2ab5/c02b/013b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115269
17:29:19.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Universum Mensch
17:29:19.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:19.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:19.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Universum Mensch
17:29:19.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:19.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560200
17:29:19.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Zukunft
17:29:19.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2e27/931c/2d50/2b28/5f3d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115273
17:29:19.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der zwei Millionen Jahre alte Junge
17:29:19.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560200
17:29:19.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562900
17:29:19.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d705/a856/8b92/e690/34d4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115275
17:29:19.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Evolution Mensch - Wie wir wurden, was wir sind
17:29:19.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562900
17:29:19.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565600
17:29:19.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der aufrechte Gang
17:29:19.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1515/761b/cdec/9581/fab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388391
17:29:19.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Apokalypse der Neandertaler
17:29:19.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565600
17:29:19.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:19.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderne Wunder
17:29:19.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:19.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570700
17:29:19.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Superhighways
17:29:19.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e5d1/0216/2647/1413/ee13/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115297
17:29:19.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderne Wunder
17:29:19.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570700
17:29:19.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573400
17:29:19.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderne Wunder
17:29:19.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573400
17:29:19.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575980
17:29:19.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aluminium
17:29:19.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/082c/156f/96e5/943f/45e1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115287
17:29:19.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute Xpress
17:29:19.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575980
17:29:19.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576100
17:29:19.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft, Politik
17:29:19.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f7b8/b127/aed8/8a8a/8c2a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115285
17:29:19.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderne Wunder
17:29:19.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576100
17:29:19.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578800
17:29:19.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Chrom
17:29:19.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5b18/3cf1/d0f6/88d8/38a5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115289
17:29:19.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderne Wunder
17:29:19.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578800
17:29:19.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581500
17:29:19.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Salz
17:29:19.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4b45/ebf0/3bc2/b5c2/c5a4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115291
17:29:19.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderne Wunder
17:29:19.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581500
17:29:19.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:19.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderne Wunder
17:29:19.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:19.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Leschs Kosmos
17:29:19.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:19.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kampf um Sand: Der neue Goldrausch
17:29:19.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/954c/806f/1e7c/6a02/5096/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115298
17:29:19.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZDF-History
17:29:19.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:19.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:19.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Rote Baron - Manfred von Richthofen
17:29:19.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e6a0/5407/58db/fd98/7067/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115299
17:29:19.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Apokalypse Verdun
17:29:19.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598000
17:29:19.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600700
17:29:19.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Blutiger Angriff
17:29:19.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte
17:29:19.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/74c7/1b3c/c779/2318/34a1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115312
17:29:19.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Apokalypse Verdun
17:29:19.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600700
17:29:19.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:19.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderne Wunder
17:29:19.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:19.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Maginot-Linie
17:29:19.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f1fd/d10e/4f40/9c3f/404d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388392
17:29:19.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: UEFA Champions League Magazin
17:29:19.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607300
17:29:19.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZDF History
17:29:19.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607300
17:29:19.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Olympia 1936 - der verratene Traum
17:29:19.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e6a0/5407/58db/fd98/7067/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388394
17:29:19.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hitler und Ludendorff - Der Gefreite und der General
17:29:19.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:19.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: An der Front
17:29:19.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7d50/3ab0/bf0b/e732/a21f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388395
17:29:19.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hitler und Ludendorff - Der Gefreite und der General
17:29:19.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:19.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der totale Krieg
17:29:19.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4df5/55ff/3205/5503/055d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388396
17:29:19.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hitler und Ludendorff - Der Gefreite und der General
17:29:19.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Putsch
17:29:19.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5349/a95d/fca0/5a30/71fa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388398
17:29:19.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Weltenbrand
17:29:19.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Weltenbrand
17:29:19.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fegefeuer
17:29:19.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/158a/e5a4/b425/09aa/4869/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115318
17:29:19.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Weltenbrand
17:29:19.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625900
17:29:19.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schiffslegenden
17:29:19.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625900
17:29:19.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628600
17:29:19.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Schlachtkreuzer "HMS Hood"
17:29:19.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8aec/4373/d06f/8126/d151/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115322
17:29:19.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info
17:29:19.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderne Wunder
17:29:19.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631300
17:29:19.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487634000
17:29:19.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Maginot-Linie
17:29:19.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0372/e550/828a/e26f/8c23/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115326
17:29:19.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tagesschau vor 25 Jahren
17:29:19.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:19.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:19.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Geschichte
17:29:19.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e815/daa9/4532/c49f/a3a6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109225
17:29:19.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wochenspiegel vor 25 Jahren
17:29:19.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:19.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547600
17:29:19.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e434/f887/4dd8/0c82/a88f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109227
17:29:19.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ohne Filter extra
17:29:19.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547600
17:29:19.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551200
17:29:19.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Randy Crawford
17:29:19.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kultur
17:29:19.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/58d0/802c/99e0/6f07/400e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115034
17:29:19.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Space Night
17:29:19.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551200
17:29:19.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mondlandung
17:29:19.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d817/d61b/d217/33c8/fa36/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115035
17:29:19.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob Ross - The Joy of Painting
17:29:19.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Valley of Tranquility
17:29:19.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e3cf/af63/bc0e/cf31/4c83/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115038
17:29:19.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tele-Gym
17:29:19.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:19.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reports in English
17:29:19.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:19.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Regenerating the Wetlands
17:29:19.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0a17/7c6a/48f3/ae78/f426/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115041
17:29:19.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tanz im Krematorium - Wie man Abschied gestalten kann
17:29:19.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wie man Abschied gestalten kann
17:29:19.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/859c/2d78/5dac/bf02/c46c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115042
17:29:19.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Checker Tobi
17:29:19.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571900
17:29:19.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Schwimmbad-Check
17:29:19.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:19.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/94df/3be0/24aa/f9c8/7e48/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115044
17:29:19.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: TagesTierSchau
17:29:19.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571900
17:29:19.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Geheimagent
17:29:19.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:19.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c52/c689/d2e7/ae5e/dd1a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115045
17:29:19.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meilensteine der Naturwissenschaft und Technik
17:29:19.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:19.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: George Stephenson und die Eisenbahn
17:29:19.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/84e0/b6f8/c302/332f/1ce3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115047
17:29:19.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meilensteine der Naturwissenschaft und Technik
17:29:19.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:19.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: George Stephenson - la locomotive
17:29:19.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d705/a856/8b92/e690/34d4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115048
17:29:19.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Russisch bitte!
17:29:19.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telekolleg Sozialkunde
17:29:19.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krieg oder Frieden: Macht, Glaube, Weltethos
17:29:19.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:19.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0a17/7c6a/48f3/ae78/f426/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115052
17:29:19.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Denker des Abendlandes
17:29:19.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Empedokles und Philolaos
17:29:19.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/db16/656e/881b/3bd7/3dca/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115053
17:29:19.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: alpha-Centauri
17:29:19.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:19.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wie entstehen Magnetfelder?
17:29:19.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Wissen
17:29:19.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b9a9/2a2a/bc59/53f7/6c34/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115054
17:29:19.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: quer
17:29:19.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:19.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ... durch die Woche
17:29:19.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a07/b863/195b/a6fd/746c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115055
17:29:19.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen
17:29:19.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Adel in Deutschland - leichtes Leben oder schweres Erbe?
17:29:19.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b8a2/cc65/0c46/bb60/48d7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115056
17:29:19.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Top-Tipp
17:29:19.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588700
17:29:19.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verbraucher
17:29:19.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Wirtschaft
17:29:19.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bc04/33c9/7cee/8038/bbfa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115057
17:29:19.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: alpha-Forum
17:29:19.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594700
17:29:19.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:19.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b488/7bb1/e0c4/746f/55f1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115059
17:29:19.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meilensteine der Naturwissenschaft und Technik
17:29:19.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594700
17:29:19.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Natur und Technik
17:29:19.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vom Fels zum Humus
17:29:19.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen, Jugend
17:29:19.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0a17/7c6a/48f3/ae78/f426/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115063
17:29:19.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kunststoffe allgemein
17:29:19.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:19.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3149/d781/de7c/4aee/324a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115064
17:29:19.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Checker Tobi
17:29:19.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:19.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Papier-Check
17:29:19.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:19.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/94df/3be0/24aa/f9c8/7e48/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115067
17:29:19.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Paula und die wilden Lieder
17:29:19.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:19.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen
17:29:19.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:19.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b8a2/cc65/0c46/bb60/48d7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115070
17:29:19.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: KlickKlack - Das Musikmagazin
17:29:19.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Musikmagazin
17:29:19.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Klassische Musik
17:29:19.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af04/b19d/ebe7/04b8/bdbc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115072
17:29:19.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nano
17:29:19.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Welt von morgen
17:29:19.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/da9f/2676/7ee7/f49c/f815/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115073
17:29:19.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Konterrevolution
17:29:19.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607300
17:29:19.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telekolleg Deutsch
17:29:19.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zusammenfassung und Wiederholung
17:29:19.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0a17/7c6a/48f3/ae78/f426/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115082
17:29:19.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: alpha-Campus
17:29:19.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115088
17:29:19.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: alpha-Forum
17:29:19.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:19.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b488/7bb1/e0c4/746f/55f1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115089
17:29:19.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen
17:29:19.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:19.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b8a2/cc65/0c46/bb60/48d7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115093
17:29:19.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha
17:29:19.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tagesschau vor 25 Jahren
17:29:19.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630700
17:29:19.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Geschichte
17:29:19.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e815/daa9/4532/c49f/a3a6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115096
17:29:19.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:19.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:19.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8cae/7b95/cad6/4555/7316/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375977
17:29:19.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Englische Programme
17:29:19.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:19.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/22ec/2cac/788a/292f/0123/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375988
17:29:19.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Leben in Deutschland
17:29:19.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:19.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1808/4717/62ab/c90c/c7d6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414830
17:29:19.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:19.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8e39/f796/f904/3d3b/c119/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414839
17:29:19.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mehrsprachige Programme
17:29:19.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:19.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/64a6/1c8f/3985/423e/5229/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414840
17:29:19.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland-Europa-Weltweit
17:29:19.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:19.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, 2016
17:29:19.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1cac/2c36/e8e1/096a/6607/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414844
17:29:19.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:19.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3d99/84d7/3323/718a/52d3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414852
17:29:19.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Englische Programme
17:29:19.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:19.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3bd4/dfde/782a/e4a3/e75e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414862
17:29:19.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Leben in Deutschland
17:29:19.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:19.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bb50/b501/a1d6/af97/2429/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414863
17:29:19.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:19.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b246/45f1/cf61/04a3/b8c5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414871
17:29:19.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mehrsprachige Programme
17:29:19.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b712/d631/7dba/7681/d1fd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414876
17:29:19.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland-Europa-Weltweit
17:29:19.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, 2016
17:29:19.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f60a/3ea1/b7b8/9dcf/d1ba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414887
17:29:19.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5c84/588d/3c53/d605/629c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414891
17:29:19.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Englische Programme
17:29:19.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6826/b2b8/ff1d/8bd6/bb8c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414901
17:29:19.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Leben in Deutschland
17:29:19.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c52a/e524/be34/2c10/f536/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414913
17:29:19.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/95dc/1777/8a58/b69e/b2d2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414924
17:29:19.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mehrsprachige Programme
17:29:19.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8957/332a/df23/1274/c307/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414925
17:29:19.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland-Europa-Weltweit
17:29:19.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, 2016
17:29:19.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/52d2/7e64/ba09/95d8/a9d4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414930
17:29:19.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8cfe/e972/d076/abd8/c053/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414943
17:29:19.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Englische Programme
17:29:19.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/629d/b2e8/9a5f/6612/87c0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414944
17:29:19.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Leben in Deutschland
17:29:19.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9cbf/f34b/5514/a30f/68ec/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414952
17:29:19.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3b9d/27f4/93ff/00d5/edea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414963
17:29:19.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mehrsprachige Programme
17:29:19.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5bdd/c619/2d37/a327/42be/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414972
17:29:19.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland-Europa-Weltweit
17:29:19.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, 2016
17:29:19.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0997/f069/6951/14bb/c00a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414977
17:29:19.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:19.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/094b/9f14/5b3c/e951/b968/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414978
17:29:19.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Englische Programme
17:29:19.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:19.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bdfb/9e9a/ef96/0902/763e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121414997
17:29:19.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Leben in Deutschland
17:29:19.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2b29/b382/4b9c/0513/80cc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415002
17:29:19.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ce07/b403/7745/7d63/0e0f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415003
17:29:19.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mehrsprachige Programme
17:29:19.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/02c2/716a/0fa2/6735/c645/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415011
17:29:19.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland-Europa-Weltweit
17:29:19.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, 2016
17:29:19.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bdad/12a5/069e/09f9/18ca/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415017
17:29:19.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8f35/c780/129e/7d2d/948d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415035
17:29:19.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Englische Programme
17:29:19.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/aaab/c806/f178/fba7/0ee8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415037
17:29:19.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Leben in Deutschland
17:29:19.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0b64/2089/b728/ef10/d868/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415050
17:29:19.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4299/1bd1/ecf2/9af8/8158/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415056
17:29:19.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mehrsprachige Programme
17:29:19.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415057
17:29:19.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland-Europa-Weltweit
17:29:19.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, 2016
17:29:19.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415067
17:29:19.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415075
17:29:19.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Englische Programme
17:29:19.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415081
17:29:19.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Leben in Deutschland
17:29:19.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415085
17:29:19.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415086
17:29:19.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mehrsprachige Programme
17:29:19.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619000
17:29:19.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415100
17:29:19.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland-Europa-Weltweit
17:29:19.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619000
17:29:19.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, 2016
17:29:19.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415101
17:29:19.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:19.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415102
17:29:19.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Englische Programme
17:29:19.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:19.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415117
17:29:19.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Leben in Deutschland
17:29:19.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:19.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415118
17:29:19.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information und Hilfe
17:29:19.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:19.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland 2016
17:29:19.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415127
17:29:19.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mehrsprachige Programme
17:29:19.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 2016
17:29:19.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415138
17:29:19.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d
17:29:19.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschland-Europa-Weltweit
17:29:19.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, 2016
17:29:19.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121415141
17:29:19.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:19.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:19.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549700
17:29:19.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/19bf/ee8a/49bf/a019/0991/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121110594
17:29:19.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Music Nonstop
17:29:19.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549700
17:29:19.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:19.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d986/e71e/e3cd/5a5f/c924/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116689
17:29:19.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Music Nonstop
17:29:19.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:19.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2486/8790/73eb/3203/309b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116690
17:29:19.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Music Nonstop
17:29:19.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:19.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f906/db7c/b0bb/e9b7/1c4d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116691
17:29:19.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Music Nonstop
17:29:19.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:19.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a611/4c36/8f3e/3cb6/eb73/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116693
17:29:19.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zimmer mit Streifen
17:29:19.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:19.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/aa75/53fa/0915/d403/9c4a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116694
17:29:19.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissensonkel
17:29:19.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d705/a856/8b92/e690/34d4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116696
17:29:19.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:19.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/62c4/ec7a/1a55/7678/2ed9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116697
17:29:19.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:19.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/437a/78b3/1eb4/1d31/45cc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116699
17:29:19.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:19.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c231/829e/0bb4/cb60/a0ba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116701
17:29:19.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:19.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a74d/92d9/c1fc/f680/1458/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116702
17:29:19.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:19.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4ab4/f241/ae96/8e3f/b163/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116704
17:29:19.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schau dich schlau!
17:29:19.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:19.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8ec8/84a7/df48/e5be/fa77/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116706
17:29:19.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homme Magazin TV
17:29:19.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/eb35/03c7/764e/5b0b/f70e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116707
17:29:19.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Service und Lifestyle
17:29:19.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping, Magazin
17:29:19.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2f30/845d/8f15/2899/192f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116709
17:29:19.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Street Economy
17:29:19.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:19.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116711
17:29:19.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kurvenreich
17:29:19.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Motorrad Magazin
17:29:19.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:19.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2af6/4aa6/6676/2442/f651/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116712
17:29:19.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schau dich schlau!
17:29:19.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:19.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8ec8/84a7/df48/e5be/fa77/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116715
17:29:19.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cult @ the City
17:29:19.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116717
17:29:19.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Science News
17:29:19.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d705/a856/8b92/e690/34d4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116719
17:29:19.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cosmoglobe
17:29:19.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Reisemagazin
17:29:19.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Natur, Reise
17:29:19.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/628d/cb70/6c2f/e46b/9b06/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116721
17:29:19.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dirndl on Tour
17:29:19.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:19.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Reise
17:29:19.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/628d/cb70/6c2f/e46b/9b06/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116722
17:29:19.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mensch und Natur
17:29:19.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:19.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Natur
17:29:19.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3036/6bd1/3c21/452b/f708/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116724
17:29:19.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder
17:29:19.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schau dich schlau!
17:29:19.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:19.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8ec8/84a7/df48/e5be/fa77/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116726
17:29:19.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Abenteurer vom Rio Verde
17:29:19.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487543400
17:29:19.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unter falschem Verdacht
17:29:19.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer
17:29:19.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5b8f/fb74/71f2/9f0a/fd70/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114584
17:29:19.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:19.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ac60/2100/83b1/6c84/5a92/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120612
17:29:19.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Donkey Kongs Abenteuer
17:29:19.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Blusters unheimliche Verwandlung
17:29:19.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick
17:29:19.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6441/fabb/e1ba/4b4d/f80e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120615
17:29:19.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Maggie und das Biest
17:29:19.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: George Shrinks
17:29:19.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Supermobil wird geklaut
17:29:19.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/10ff/7cd5/bcc1/a184/c841/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120620
17:29:19.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Ritter der Schwafelrunde
17:29:19.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die trojanische Torte
17:29:19.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick, Fantasy
17:29:19.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1156/f114/647c/db72/eb21/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120623
17:29:19.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Abenteuer der Prudence Petitpas
17:29:19.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unvergesslicher Urlaub
17:29:19.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Humor, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1c1e/b2f3/12e2/e5b5/08ad/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120625
17:29:19.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:19.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c534/f9e5/ff42/b646/459e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120627
17:29:19.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MOT
17:29:19.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Katzensarkophag
17:29:19.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick, Fantasy, Science Fiction
17:29:19.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/563c/2067/738d/5098/1c5c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120629
17:29:19.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Abenteuer des Papyrus
17:29:19.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die goldene Feder
17:29:19.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f704/e30c/b2b9/874a/4154/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120632
17:29:19.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Adventures - Mission Zeitreise
17:29:19.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der schwarze Ritter
17:29:19.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Zeichentrick, Science Fiction
17:29:19.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2ed3/ca0f/dfd5/1471/313d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120634
17:29:19.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: RoboRoach
17:29:19.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Singe, wem Gesang gegeben / Allein in Schnakenstedt
17:29:19.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick
17:29:19.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f1de/9253/885c/0041/e0c6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120636
17:29:19.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: U.B.O.S
17:29:19.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verhandeln ist gut, Verwandeln ist besser
17:29:19.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick, Fantasy
17:29:19.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2bb0/ba4c/2600/a2a7/5464/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120639
17:29:19.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MP4orce
17:29:19.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pinball: Alien Planet
17:29:19.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick
17:29:19.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c955/9a2a/b572/2174/fbaf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120641
17:29:19.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dog City
17:29:19.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604300
17:29:19.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mittelland - Die Legende der Elfen
17:29:19.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604300
17:29:19.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606040
17:29:19.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Angriff der Kobolde
17:29:19.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend, Zeichentrick, Fantasy
17:29:19.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6344/27fa/6b76/62dd/c7b9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120645
17:29:19.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: RiC's kleine Geschichte am Nachmittag
17:29:19.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606040
17:29:19.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:19.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kindershow
17:29:19.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e9cb/aec2/a25c/1506/ec6d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120647
17:29:19.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MOT
17:29:19.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:19.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608500
17:29:19.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Katzensarkophag
17:29:19.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick, Fantasy, Science Fiction
17:29:19.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5aa0/de37/3bef/6bc4/a301/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120650
17:29:19.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Albert der 5. Musketier
17:29:19.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608500
17:29:19.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610300
17:29:19.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Malo Korrigan
17:29:19.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610300
17:29:19.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schwarze Sonne
17:29:19.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Zeichentrick, Science Fiction
17:29:19.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5aa0/de37/3bef/6bc4/a301/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120654
17:29:19.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Robinsons - Aufbruch ins Ungewisse
17:29:19.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613240
17:29:19.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deine Gutenachtgeschichte auf Ric
17:29:19.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613240
17:29:19.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615280
17:29:19.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d644/9c2a/fef4/99ca/5749/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120658
17:29:19.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:19.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615280
17:29:19.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7173/f906/ee28/db42/2b4f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120660
17:29:19.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Von Lark Rise nach Candleford
17:29:19.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622000
17:29:19.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama
17:29:19.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e0e3/3d39/f58d/20a3/f776/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120663
17:29:19.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lark Rise to Candleford
17:29:19.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622000
17:29:19.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625900
17:29:19.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama
17:29:19.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e0e3/3d39/f58d/20a3/f776/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120664
17:29:19.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Black Widows - Rache auf Finnisch
17:29:19.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625900
17:29:19.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628600
17:29:19.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der eigene Vorteil
17:29:19.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Familie, Drama
17:29:19.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bf78/c8fe/f95d/b9ba/67ae/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120665
17:29:19.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric
17:29:19.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Karussell des Todes
17:29:19.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628600
17:29:19.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:19.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6494/f851/1e02/9246/5d9a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120666
17:29:19.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:19.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:19.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429611
17:29:19.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dauerwerbesendung
17:29:19.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563199
17:29:19.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dauerwerbesendung
17:29:19.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441722
17:29:19.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:19.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563199
17:29:19.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121453932
17:29:19.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dauerwerbesendung
17:29:19.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dauerwerbesendung
17:29:19.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441724
17:29:19.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdT Show - Das Angebot des Tages
17:29:19.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:19.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdT Show - Das Angebot des Tages
17:29:19.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441725
17:29:19.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meeresrauschen
17:29:19.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584799
17:29:19.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meeresrauschen
17:29:19.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441727
17:29:19.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:19.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584799
17:29:19.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121453933
17:29:19.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdT Show - Das Angebot des Tages
17:29:19.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:19.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdT Show - Das Angebot des Tages
17:29:19.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441754
17:29:19.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Urlaubsexperten - Tipps & Tricks um Ihren Urlaub
17:29:19.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:19.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Urlaubsexperten - Tipps & Tricks um Ihren Urlaub
17:29:19.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441757
17:29:19.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reisebazar
17:29:19.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reisebazar
17:29:19.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441758
17:29:19.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein TV Magazin - Reisen & mehr
17:29:19.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein TV Magazin - Reisen & mehr
17:29:19.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441789
17:29:19.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdT Show - Das Angebot des Tages
17:29:19.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603699
17:29:19.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdT Show - Das Angebot des Tages
17:29:19.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441810
17:29:19.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdW Show - Das Angebot der Woche
17:29:19.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605500
17:29:19.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdW Show - Das Angebot der Woche
17:29:19.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441846
17:29:19.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reiseticker
17:29:19.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605500
17:29:19.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606399
17:29:19.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reiseticker
17:29:19.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441847
17:29:19.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:19.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606399
17:29:19.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121453936
17:29:19.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reisebazar
17:29:19.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reisebazar
17:29:19.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441849
17:29:19.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdT Show - Das Angebot des Tages
17:29:19.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:19.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdT Show - Das Angebot des Tages
17:29:19.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441851
17:29:19.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklar.TV Urlaubscocktail
17:29:19.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:19.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklar.TV Urlaubscocktail
17:29:19.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441852
17:29:19.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Willkommen bei LABRANDA
17:29:19.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614499
17:29:19.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Willkommen bei LABRANDA
17:29:19.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441853
17:29:19.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die sonnenklar.TV Reisecharts
17:29:19.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614500
17:29:19.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die sonnenklar.TV Reisecharts
17:29:19.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441896
17:29:19.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdT Show - Das Angebot des Tages
17:29:19.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619000
17:29:19.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdT Show - Das Angebot des Tages
17:29:19.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441923
17:29:19.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Willkommen bei sonnenklar.TV
17:29:19.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Willkommen bei sonnenklar.TV
17:29:19.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441977
17:29:19.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reiseticker
17:29:19.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622599
17:29:19.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reiseticker
17:29:19.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441981
17:29:19.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdT Show - Das Angebot des Tages
17:29:19.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:19.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdT Show - Das Angebot des Tages
17:29:19.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121442006
17:29:19.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reiselounge
17:29:19.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:19.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reiselounge
17:29:19.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121442017
17:29:19.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdT Show - Das Angebot des Tages
17:29:19.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:19.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die AdT Show - Das Angebot des Tages
17:29:19.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121442025
17:29:19.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das war der Tag
17:29:19.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627999
17:29:19.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das war der Tag
17:29:19.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121442032
17:29:19.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:19.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627999
17:29:19.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121453939
17:29:19.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv
17:29:19.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dauerwerbesendung
17:29:19.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dauerwerbesendung
17:29:19.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cac/f057/bb45/aa53/8c29/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121442035
17:29:19.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Interview
17:29:19.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487523600
17:29:19.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow, Wirtschaft
17:29:19.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/baa1/fefe/e6d5/d96b/44ca/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121112593
17:29:19.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Flatex Morning News
17:29:19.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:19.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ed0e/9b66/aff8/b5bc/59c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118734
17:29:19.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ideas Daily TV
17:29:19.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:19.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:19.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118735
17:29:19.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Interview
17:29:19.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow, Wirtschaft
17:29:19.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/baa1/fefe/e6d5/d96b/44ca/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118739
17:29:19.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DAXCheck
17:29:19.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1fc6/b256/6840/a2d8/8ac8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118741
17:29:19.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Interview
17:29:19.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow, Wirtschaft
17:29:19.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/baa1/fefe/e6d5/d96b/44ca/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118744
17:29:19.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Interview
17:29:19.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow, Wirtschaft
17:29:19.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/baa1/fefe/e6d5/d96b/44ca/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118747
17:29:19.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Interview
17:29:19.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow, Wirtschaft
17:29:19.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/baa1/fefe/e6d5/d96b/44ca/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118749
17:29:19.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Interview
17:29:19.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598000
17:29:19.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow, Wirtschaft
17:29:19.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/baa1/fefe/e6d5/d96b/44ca/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118751
17:29:19.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Interview
17:29:19.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow, Wirtschaft
17:29:19.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/baa1/fefe/e6d5/d96b/44ca/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118756
17:29:19.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zertifikate Aktuell
17:29:19.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/940a/9728/ed53/68f2/d801/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118759
17:29:19.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Interview
17:29:19.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow, Wirtschaft
17:29:19.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/baa1/fefe/e6d5/d96b/44ca/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118760
17:29:19.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf
17:29:19.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Interview
17:29:19.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487660400
17:29:19.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow, Wirtschaft
17:29:19.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/baa1/fefe/e6d5/d96b/44ca/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118762
17:29:19.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die dreibeinigen Herrscher
17:29:19.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487542500
17:29:19.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:19.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: blizz Kaminfeuer
17:29:19.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:19.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachtprogramm
17:29:19.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078310
17:29:19.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Profis
17:29:19.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nach der Hitze des Zorns
17:29:19.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078311
17:29:19.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Profis
17:29:19.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Profis
17:29:19.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ramos
17:29:19.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078313
17:29:19.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Haus am Eaton Place
17:29:19.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Leben geht weiter
17:29:19.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078314
17:29:19.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mit Schirm, Charme Melone
17:29:19.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Roboter
17:29:19.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078315
17:29:19.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mit Schirm, Charme Melone
17:29:19.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ausverkauf des Todes
17:29:19.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078316
17:29:19.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Onedin-Linie
17:29:19.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Geheimnis der Maria da Gioria
17:29:19.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078317
17:29:19.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Profis
17:29:19.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mit Schirm, Charme Melone
17:29:19.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Roboter
17:29:19.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078319
17:29:19.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mit Schirm, Charme Melone
17:29:19.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ausverkauf des Todes
17:29:19.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078320
17:29:19.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Onedin-Linie
17:29:19.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Onedin-Linie
17:29:19.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Herausforderung
17:29:19.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078322
17:29:19.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Haus am Eaton Place
17:29:19.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Dank des Vaterlandes
17:29:19.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078323
17:29:19.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Duke kommt selten allein
17:29:19.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:19.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Scheiden tut weh
17:29:19.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078324
17:29:19.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Herzbube mit zwei Damen
17:29:19.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:19.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Charmeur
17:29:19.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078325
17:29:19.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Poldark 1783
17:29:19.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078326
17:29:19.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Poldark 1783
17:29:19.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:19.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078327
17:29:19.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Time Tunnel
17:29:19.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:19.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:19.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Massaker
17:29:19.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078328
17:29:19.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv
17:29:19.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Poldark 1783
17:29:19.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:19.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487632500
17:29:19.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0da4/8399/a9f6/96ba/f64a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120078329
17:29:19.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: UFO - Weltraumkommando S.H.A.D.O.
17:29:19.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487542500
17:29:19.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546700
17:29:19.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: [ORGINAL TON]
17:29:19.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120928740
17:29:19.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sexy clips
17:29:19.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551800
17:29:19.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556300
17:29:19.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachtprogramm
17:29:19.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120143347
17:29:19.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Profis
17:29:19.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556300
17:29:19.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Perfekter Plan mit kleinen Fehlern
17:29:19.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120143348
17:29:19.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Profis
17:29:19.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Profis
17:29:19.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Helden
17:29:19.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120447976
17:29:19.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:19.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120143351
17:29:19.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: UFO - Weltraumkommando S.H.A.D.O.
17:29:19.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Testpilot Paul Foster
17:29:19.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121053337
17:29:19.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unser lautes Heim
17:29:19.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Carols Artikel
17:29:19.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120143356
17:29:19.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:19.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120143357
17:29:19.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklar.tv
17:29:19.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120143358
17:29:19.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Sieben Millionen Dollar Frau
17:29:19.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Willkommen Jaime
17:29:19.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120143359
17:29:19.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Sieben Millionen Dollar Frau
17:29:19.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611500
17:29:19.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Willkommen Jaime
17:29:19.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120143360
17:29:19.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Black Beauty
17:29:19.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611500
17:29:19.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613000
17:29:19.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wie man zum Zirkus kommt
17:29:19.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120143361
17:29:19.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Black Beauty
17:29:19.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613000
17:29:19.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614500
17:29:19.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Geheimrezept
17:29:19.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120143362
17:29:19.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklar.tv
17:29:19.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614500
17:29:19.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120143363
17:29:19.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krieg der Welten
17:29:19.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krieg der Welten
17:29:19.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:19.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625600
17:29:19.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Computerspiele
17:29:19.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120143365
17:29:19.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv
17:29:19.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Profis
17:29:19.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:19.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487632800
17:29:19.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wo endet der Dschungel?
17:29:19.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fc64/1366/c623/98be/7b33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120143368
17:29:19.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Midnite Haute
17:29:19.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:19.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:19.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Erotik
17:29:19.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4f1d/58c7/216b/2cfd/5187/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121113476
17:29:19.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Midnite Haute
17:29:19.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:19.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Erotik
17:29:19.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bc6b/2b2d/8c98/dd8a/7018/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119506
17:29:19.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Midnite Haute
17:29:19.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:19.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Erotik
17:29:19.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/44d2/17c1/8b32/0d8b/4a77/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119508
17:29:19.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Midnite Haute
17:29:19.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:19.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Erotik
17:29:19.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e625/9b6d/95e0/fe79/05f6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119510
17:29:19.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Midnite Haute
17:29:19.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:19.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Erotik
17:29:19.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/99c8/4e70/1e02/c1f3/d883/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119511
17:29:19.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Midnite Haute
17:29:19.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:19.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Erotik
17:29:19.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7dab/23b9/3683/db73/70ec/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119513
17:29:19.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Midnite Haute
17:29:19.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:19.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Erotik
17:29:19.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8d46/7815/b7a9/0fad/8b11/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119515
17:29:19.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Midnite Haute
17:29:19.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:19.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Erotik
17:29:19.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3e39/6223/98d0/feca/459e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119516
17:29:19.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Midnite Haute
17:29:19.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:19.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Erotik
17:29:19.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/67ef/8071/5f37/561d/1827/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119518
17:29:19.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Midnite Haute
17:29:19.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:19.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Erotik
17:29:19.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3599/ba6d/ec8a/6b9e/ab3f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119519
17:29:19.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lingerie
17:29:19.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/986e/b43f/3c77/4b4e/e85b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119520
17:29:19.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lingerie
17:29:19.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8b2e/e73a/627c/e6e8/faf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119522
17:29:19.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lingerie
17:29:19.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f351/590f/6d5c/c32e/8ca2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119523
17:29:19.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lingerie
17:29:19.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8799/c3d7/1ed7/a2cb/3843/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119525
17:29:19.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Photographers
17:29:19.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/389b/910c/219c/08ee/e879/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332374
17:29:19.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Photographers
17:29:19.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f358/7138/5eae/9a8b/c4eb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332375
17:29:19.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Photographers
17:29:19.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/de41/9a93/2fbe/96bb/0cfb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332376
17:29:19.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Photographers
17:29:19.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ab23/4df9/ef0d/21f8/1ad4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332377
17:29:19.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fashion Films
17:29:19.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5263/5191/1819/3a9d/7cde/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119531
17:29:19.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fashion Films
17:29:19.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/50bf/556f/5259/5fa3/9655/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119533
17:29:19.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fashion Films
17:29:19.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4980/4ee0/4087/6a64/a9ec/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332378
17:29:19.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fashion Films
17:29:19.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c63a/1e11/debd/82f1/550f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332379
17:29:19.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Swimwear
17:29:19.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5a13/ed99/7806/fc5b/a221/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119541
17:29:19.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Swimwear
17:29:19.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5a13/ed99/7806/fc5b/a221/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332380
17:29:19.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Swimwear
17:29:19.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:19.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5a13/ed99/7806/fc5b/a221/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332381
17:29:19.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Swimwear
17:29:19.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:19.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5a13/ed99/7806/fc5b/a221/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332382
17:29:19.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Photographers
17:29:19.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/501b/55c4/1a47/370a/db80/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119547
17:29:19.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Photographers
17:29:19.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0f83/5dc0/888f/0e11/1b3b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332383
17:29:19.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Photographers
17:29:19.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9267/612e/a249/d122/04bb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332384
17:29:19.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Photographers
17:29:19.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c93c/8d29/f9fe/4c9e/d04d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332385
17:29:19.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fashion Films
17:29:19.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5b34/dbd8/a3d3/e414/ceab/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119555
17:29:19.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fashion Films
17:29:19.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a3e1/32b2/0fec/99e6/9629/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119557
17:29:19.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fashion Films
17:29:19.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2bc9/8009/2be6/fc32/3766/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119558
17:29:19.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fashion Films
17:29:19.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4b1e/c643/dc05/ce7c/dc28/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119560
17:29:19.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Swimwear
17:29:19.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5a13/ed99/7806/fc5b/a221/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119561
17:29:19.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Swimwear
17:29:19.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5a13/ed99/7806/fc5b/a221/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119563
17:29:19.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Swimwear
17:29:19.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5a13/ed99/7806/fc5b/a221/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119564
17:29:19.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Swimwear
17:29:19.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5a13/ed99/7806/fc5b/a221/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119566
17:29:19.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Designers
17:29:19.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332386
17:29:19.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Designers
17:29:19.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332387
17:29:19.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fashion Weeks
17:29:19.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619000
17:29:19.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119568
17:29:19.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fashion Weeks
17:29:19.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619000
17:29:19.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119569
17:29:19.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fashion Films
17:29:19.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:19.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ad41/818d/cc3b/c526/20f0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332389
17:29:19.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fashion Films
17:29:19.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:19.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ad41/818d/cc3b/c526/20f0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332390
17:29:19.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lingerie
17:29:19.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:19.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2412/4317/f378/3877/9bd6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119577
17:29:19.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lingerie
17:29:19.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:19.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2412/4317/f378/3877/9bd6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119578
17:29:19.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Midnite Haute
17:29:19.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Erotik
17:29:19.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2412/4317/f378/3877/9bd6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119580
17:29:19.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv
17:29:19.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Midnite Haute
17:29:19.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Erotik
17:29:19.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2412/4317/f378/3877/9bd6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119582
17:29:19.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deluxe-music
17:29:19.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nightflight
17:29:19.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:19.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Kultur
17:29:19.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/aa6e/e552/fd85/af00/027f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121112068
17:29:19.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deluxe-music
17:29:19.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Iplanet
17:29:19.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Kultur
17:29:19.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a598/4603/dbba/db71/d270/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118199
17:29:19.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deluxe-music
17:29:19.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Morning Show
17:29:19.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:19.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cba1/a46d/865b/b6a9/83ce/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118202
17:29:19.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deluxe-music
17:29:19.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Make My Day
17:29:19.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips
17:29:19.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d543/5c98/e9d0/8f17/7d58/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118203
17:29:19.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deluxe-music
17:29:19.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hot.now.
17:29:19.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips
17:29:19.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9161/c9d4/108a/5951/9ae4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118205
17:29:19.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deluxe-music
17:29:19.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hits Only
17:29:19.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pop & Rock
17:29:19.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e1cd/be58/3792/c759/77b1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118207
17:29:19.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deluxe-music
17:29:19.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hits Only
17:29:19.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pop & Rock
17:29:19.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8550/a84d/ea22/d9cf/9241/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118209
17:29:19.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deluxe-music
17:29:19.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Essentials
17:29:19.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616300
17:29:19.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips
17:29:19.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8550/a84d/ea22/d9cf/9241/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118210
17:29:19.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deluxe-music
17:29:19.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kavka Deluxe
17:29:19.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616300
17:29:19.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:19.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f30b/b992/67d4/b687/9877/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118212
17:29:19.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deluxe-music
17:29:19.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pure 90s
17:29:19.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118214
17:29:19.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deluxe-music
17:29:19.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 80s Extreme
17:29:19.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Kultur
17:29:19.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8550/a84d/ea22/d9cf/9241/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118216
17:29:19.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deluxe-music
17:29:19.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Happpy Birthday, Kurt Cobain!
17:29:19.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118218
17:29:19.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: UhrenWelt
17:29:19.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:19.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1768/e067/b1bf/356c/7976/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332150
17:29:19.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: UhrenWelt
17:29:19.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c323/a7b7/cee8/940b/b83a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332506
17:29:19.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SchmuckGala
17:29:19.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b59a/a988/9ca4/84c5/62ca/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332507
17:29:19.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BrilliantShirts
17:29:19.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8d05/cc39/1af0/a794/93cb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332509
17:29:19.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BrilliantShirts
17:29:19.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/97e4/60fd/867d/00fc/b46f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332511
17:29:19.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Welt der Edelsteine
17:29:19.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b71f/38b3/f422/5643/d732/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332512
17:29:19.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eau de Paris
17:29:19.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/21d3/c99c/1d1a/e298/8cf7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332513
17:29:19.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Welt der Edelsteine-Spezial
17:29:19.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/46be/9835/ed48/a72e/c83d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332514
17:29:19.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bubimex Tiere lieben uns
17:29:19.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3309/a517/bae4/debe/302a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332515
17:29:19.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Welt der Edelsteine
17:29:19.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/89d9/e467/5586/18b7/7f44/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332516
17:29:19.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eau de Paris
17:29:19.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f570/42e1/7905/4433/ef7e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332518
17:29:19.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bubimex Tiere lieben uns
17:29:19.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/72d0/0a2f/81b3/266a/d863/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332519
17:29:19.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Welt der Edelsteine-Spezial
17:29:19.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/862c/f4aa/8f13/d585/4a9c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332520
17:29:19.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eau de Paris
17:29:19.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332521
17:29:19.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eau de Paris
17:29:19.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332522
17:29:19.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Welt der Edelsteine
17:29:19.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332523
17:29:19.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: TaschenBoutique
17:29:19.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332524
17:29:19.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eau de Paris
17:29:19.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332525
17:29:19.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Welt der Edelsteine
17:29:19.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332526
17:29:19.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv
17:29:19.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Christian View
17:29:19.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388675
17:29:19.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BODYFLEX Schlafsysteme
17:29:19.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:19.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/87a8/e234/4ae8/b7aa/8da4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121113616
17:29:19.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Welt der Diamanten
17:29:19.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/16c2/5b6b/42bb/9b32/2d39/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119674
17:29:19.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: KIPLING Taschen
17:29:19.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a4a5/4d1f/86b5/975f/d1ae/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119676
17:29:19.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MEN'S TOUCH
17:29:19.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/56af/66f3/4c4d/c57b/78d3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119678
17:29:19.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Haus & Garten
17:29:19.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/103b/5dcb/0e2b/87b8/5641/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119681
17:29:19.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MEN'S TOUCH
17:29:19.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2fde/b7b4/2623/4f94/d680/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119692
17:29:19.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frieda loves NYC - Fashion
17:29:19.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b69/257f/34ce/3bbc/c4f3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119693
17:29:19.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Welt der Diamanten
17:29:19.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7365/9477/0cfc/c6a6/0d71/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119701
17:29:19.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Haus & Garten
17:29:19.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/83c5/870e/6096/a3fa/cf8e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119702
17:29:19.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BODYFLEX Schlafsysteme
17:29:19.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7173/f906/ee28/db42/2b4f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119706
17:29:19.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Karins Bastel-Ideen mit Herz
17:29:19.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119710
17:29:19.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: QVC Baumarkt
17:29:19.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119711
17:29:19.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus
17:29:19.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Welt der Diamanten
17:29:19.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:19.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8dde/eee9/71a2/b61e/5796/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119715
17:29:19.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Top 10 Show
17:29:19.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:19.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:19.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121356348
17:29:19.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Top 10 Show
17:29:19.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:19.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121356349
17:29:19.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gesundheit und Wellness
17:29:19.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:19.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375694
17:29:19.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Technik und Elektronik
17:29:19.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:19.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375695
17:29:19.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport, Freizeit und Outdoor
17:29:19.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:19.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375706
17:29:19.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Beste aus dem Katalog
17:29:19.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:19.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:19.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375718
17:29:19.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Beste aus dem Katalog
17:29:19.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:19.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375729
17:29:19.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Beste aus dem Katalog
17:29:19.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:19.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:19.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375730
17:29:19.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Beste aus dem Katalog
17:29:19.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:19.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375737
17:29:19.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Beste aus dem Katalog
17:29:19.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:19.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375747
17:29:19.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Beste aus dem Katalog
17:29:19.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:19.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375765
17:29:19.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Beste aus dem Katalog
17:29:19.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375771
17:29:19.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Beste aus dem Katalog
17:29:19.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375772
17:29:19.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Beste aus dem Katalog
17:29:19.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375788
17:29:19.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Beste aus dem Katalog
17:29:19.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375796
17:29:19.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Top 10 Show
17:29:19.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375803
17:29:19.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Top 10 Show
17:29:19.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:19.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375804
17:29:19.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gesundheit und Wellness
17:29:19.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375812
17:29:19.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 5 Jahre Pearl.TV
17:29:19.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375818
17:29:19.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Top 10 Show
17:29:19.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375831
17:29:19.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Top 10 Show
17:29:19.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375834
17:29:19.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Technik und Elektronik
17:29:19.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375839
17:29:19.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport, Freizeit und Outdoor
17:29:19.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:19.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375847
17:29:19.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Technik und Elektronik
17:29:19.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:19.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375862
17:29:19.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 5 Jahre Pearl.TV
17:29:19.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375883
17:29:19.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Top 10 Show
17:29:19.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375884
17:29:19.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Top 10 Show
17:29:19.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375896
17:29:19.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Notebook, PC & Hardware
17:29:19.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375907
17:29:19.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gesundheit und Wellness
17:29:19.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375913
17:29:19.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Notebook, PC & Hardware
17:29:19.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375920
17:29:19.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Angebot des Tages
17:29:19.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375930
17:29:19.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport, Freizeit und Outdoor
17:29:19.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375938
17:29:19.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Top 10 Show
17:29:19.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375942
17:29:19.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Top 10 Show
17:29:19.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619000
17:29:19.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375952
17:29:19.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 5 Jahre Pearl.TV
17:29:19.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:19.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375958
17:29:19.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Notebook, PC & Hardware
17:29:19.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:19.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375971
17:29:19.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gesundheit und Wellness
17:29:19.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:19.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375972
17:29:19.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv
17:29:19.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Technik und Elektronik
17:29:19.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d81/b988/67df/2b6d/0213/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121375985
17:29:19.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lebensweisen
17:29:19.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:19.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:19.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pop-Art an der Klostermauer. Graffitikunst in St. Ottilien
17:29:19.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Talkshow
17:29:19.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ad12/c542/2a4b/d332/8290/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117676
17:29:19.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Evangelisch in Sachsen
17:29:19.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:19.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:19.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Seelsorge und Ehrenamt im Krankenhaus
17:29:19.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/72ff/aac7/3d71/0668/922e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117678
17:29:19.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pastor Volkhard Spitzer
17:29:19.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:19.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufbruch in eine neue Zeit
17:29:19.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1322/3bbe/17c4/976d/059b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117681
17:29:19.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Freude am Leben
17:29:19.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:19.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:19.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ja, Nein oder Vielleicht
17:29:19.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/01a7/ce99/4662/09f7/cd6a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117683
17:29:19.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bibel TV Emmaus
17:29:19.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:19.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:19.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Club 700
17:29:19.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:19.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:19.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das erste Gebot
17:29:19.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8fa8/be07/6bdd/5eaa/b6d2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117686
17:29:19.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Beziehungsweise
17:29:19.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:19.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:19.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gemeinsame Unterschiede
17:29:19.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bc04/33c9/7cee/8038/bbfa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117690
17:29:19.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hautnah - Gott mitten im Leben
17:29:19.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:19.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:19.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sehnsucht nach Gott
17:29:19.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:19.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0f59/da71/7f48/c00d/72af/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117692
17:29:19.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kirche in Bayern
17:29:19.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:19.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:19.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bibel TV Emmaus
17:29:19.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:19.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566500
17:29:19.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ideaHeute - Aktuell
17:29:19.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566500
17:29:19.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d4f8/121c/70be/5e6f/8f52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117700
17:29:19.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Antworten mit Bayless Conley
17:29:19.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bibel TV Sing mit!
17:29:19.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:19.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572020
17:29:19.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kultur
17:29:19.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e9a2/2a47/16ae/953b/fa2b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117705
17:29:19.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: E wie evangelisch
17:29:19.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572020
17:29:19.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Club 700
17:29:19.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:19.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:19.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: In der Not zu Jesus
17:29:19.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8fa8/be07/6bdd/5eaa/b6d2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117708
17:29:19.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bibel TV Das Magazin
17:29:19.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:19.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ecd0/27a3/3e74/0e81/6cd3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117713
17:29:19.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pastor Volkhard Spitzer
17:29:19.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:19.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufbruch in eine neue Zeit
17:29:19.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1322/3bbe/17c4/976d/059b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117715
17:29:19.924 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fenster zum Sonntag
17:29:19.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:19.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:19.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bilder, die bleiben
17:29:19.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e8d4/6fd4/8c8e/4e75/30b5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117716
17:29:19.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.925 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gerwin trifft - was Deutschlands Promis glauben
17:29:19.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:19.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Best of
17:29:19.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:19.926 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2f6d/ef49/00ca/0370/f7c6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117720
17:29:19.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hautnah - Gott mitten im Leben
17:29:19.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:19.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.927 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ideaHeute - Aktuell
17:29:19.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:19.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d4f8/121c/70be/5e6f/8f52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117725
17:29:19.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bibel TV Sing mit!
17:29:19.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:19.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kultur
17:29:19.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e9a2/2a47/16ae/953b/fa2b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117729
17:29:19.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Timmy geht zur Schule
17:29:19.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:19.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:19.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verloren und gefunden
17:29:19.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:19.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/35d9/bad7/0ef4/9d3e/a904/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117731
17:29:19.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hallo Benjamin!
17:29:19.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595300
17:29:19.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Trickfilm
17:29:19.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend, Kinderserie
17:29:19.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0008/9889/0544/c0f8/a736/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117734
17:29:19.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schlaf Schaf
17:29:19.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595300
17:29:19.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Beziehungsweise
17:29:19.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinder im Studium
17:29:19.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bc04/33c9/7cee/8038/bbfa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117738
17:29:19.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gemeindeleben
17:29:19.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:19.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Freiheit bewahren
17:29:19.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1b71/fe17/e13d/e02c/bb0a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117740
17:29:19.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Helfer im Einsatz
17:29:19.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:19.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Hilfsdienst entsteht
17:29:19.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/db4a/1dfd/0aeb/473a/e58e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117742
17:29:19.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lebensweisen
17:29:19.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:19.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vision Mission Stadtmission
17:29:19.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601900
17:29:19.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sucht
17:29:19.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/55b5/e314/5d32/2d59/a3b6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117746
17:29:19.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Evangelisch in Sachsen
17:29:19.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601900
17:29:19.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kirche in der Gesellschaft
17:29:19.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/72ff/aac7/3d71/0668/922e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117748
17:29:19.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Weitblick - Christliches Leben global
17:29:19.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krieg im Vorderen Orient - Die Zukunft der arabischen Christen
17:29:19.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/01a7/ce99/4662/09f7/cd6a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117749
17:29:19.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Club 700
17:29:19.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kirche in Bayern
17:29:19.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Faszination Israel
17:29:19.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wenn es Mut kostet, ein Kind zu bekommen
17:29:19.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:19.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1d3c/a5f9/01e3/e0c8/180a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117760
17:29:19.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten@domradio.de
17:29:19.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613900
17:29:19.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/01a7/ce99/4662/09f7/cd6a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117762
17:29:19.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Erde aus der Luft
17:29:19.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613900
17:29:19.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drive Thru History - Unterwegs ...
17:29:19.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:19.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ideaHeute - Aktuell
17:29:19.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:19.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d4f8/121c/70be/5e6f/8f52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117769
17:29:19.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bibel TV Emmaus
17:29:19.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aller guten Dinge sind drei (J. Vogel, Mi 6,6-8)
17:29:19.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/24c9/34de/96a7/8019/99f5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117771
17:29:19.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Engel auf Erden
17:29:19.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621100
17:29:19.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die richtige Entscheidung
17:29:19.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama, Fantasy
17:29:19.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f8b6/f25d/0c95/9589/a374/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117773
17:29:19.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Engel auf Erden
17:29:19.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621100
17:29:19.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Erscheinung
17:29:19.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama, Fantasy
17:29:19.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f8b6/f25d/0c95/9589/a374/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117776
17:29:19.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bibel TV Ihre Fragen
17:29:19.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:19.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Februar 2017
17:29:19.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9a5b/5fae/1cfc/be0d/ca60/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117779
17:29:19.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gerwin trifft - was Deutschlands Promis glauben
17:29:19.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:19.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Best of
17:29:19.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:19.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2f6d/ef49/00ca/0370/f7c6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117781
17:29:19.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Club 700
17:29:19.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:19.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631300
17:29:19.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das erste Gebot
17:29:19.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:19.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8fa8/be07/6bdd/5eaa/b6d2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117785
17:29:19.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv
17:29:19.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ideaHeute - Aktuell
17:29:19.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631300
17:29:19.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d4f8/121c/70be/5e6f/8f52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117787
17:29:19.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Narren sind los
17:29:19.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487542800
17:29:19.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:19.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hinter den Kulissen der Fastnacht in Franken
17:29:19.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8b04/cc5c/9f30/b9dd/0428/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109824
17:29:19.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schuhbecks
17:29:19.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:19.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:19.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unter unserem Himmel
17:29:19.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:19.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:19.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Damals ... in Ruhpolding
17:29:19.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Magazin, Natur
17:29:19.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1afa/0d19/eac3/746d/82e4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115746
17:29:19.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bergauf, bergab
17:29:19.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:19.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559900
17:29:19.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Blickpunkt Sport Bayern
17:29:19.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559900
17:29:19.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd0f/95e4/94ed/3358/1679/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115749
17:29:19.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Space Night
17:29:19.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564700
17:29:19.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: How to become an Astronaut
17:29:19.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d817/d61b/d217/33c8/fa36/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115750
17:29:19.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Space Night
17:29:19.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564700
17:29:19.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: How to become an Astronaut
17:29:19.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Magazin, Wissen
17:29:19.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d817/d61b/d217/33c8/fa36/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115752
17:29:19.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bergauf, bergab
17:29:19.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:19.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sturm der Liebe
17:29:19.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:19.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:19.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Folge 2633
17:29:19.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:19.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a030/8335/ed29/d576/f357/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115756
17:29:19.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tele-Gym
17:29:19.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:19.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572500
17:29:19.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktiv und gesund durch Stretching
17:29:19.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gesundheit, Gymnastik
17:29:19.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3039/4a51/21d9/e162/c4c0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115758
17:29:19.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Panoramabilder / Bergwetter
17:29:19.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572500
17:29:19.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576100
17:29:19.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d73d/d524/12e1/cc69/8d1c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115760
17:29:19.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tele-Gym
17:29:19.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576100
17:29:19.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:19.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Australien
17:29:19.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:19.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585700
17:29:19.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erbin mit Herz
17:29:19.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:19.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:19.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b7c9/b447/1ea5/be2b/7bc7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115774
17:29:19.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: In aller Freundschaft
17:29:19.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:19.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nichts ist, wie es scheint
17:29:19.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krankenhaus
17:29:19.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2862/372e/749d/a8d5/b7a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115777
17:29:19.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kunst & Krempel
17:29:19.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:19.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:19.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fastnacht ohne Grenzen
17:29:19.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:19.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e84a/e31c/fe06/af64/2980/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115780
17:29:19.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frech und Frei
17:29:19.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:19.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Beste aus Wehe wenn wir losgelassen 2015
17:29:19.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:19.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a91d/49ea/5aac/fcf4/ddfe/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115782
17:29:19.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rundschau
17:29:19.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:19.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten - Berichte - Wettervorhersage
17:29:19.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a00d/a1a9/42b8/9f4b/0a09/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115784
17:29:19.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wir in Bayern
17:29:19.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:19.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:19.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lust auf Heimat
17:29:19.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Natur, Reise
17:29:19.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/224e/c849/8734/d9dd/f4a8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115787
17:29:19.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abendschau
17:29:19.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:19.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alles was Bayern bewegt
17:29:19.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:19.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4496/0e12/fa2c/9117/acda/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115791
17:29:19.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rundschau
17:29:19.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:19.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten - Berichte - Wettervorhersage
17:29:19.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a00d/a1a9/42b8/9f4b/0a09/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115793
17:29:19.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Querbeet
17:29:19.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zimmerpflanzen Praxis
17:29:19.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Natur, Reise
17:29:19.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/444a/9ee2/bbc8/7647/edab/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115796
17:29:19.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dahoam is Dahoam
17:29:19.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krapfen mit Loch
17:29:19.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:19.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a2c2/226b/e838/9b8f/bdc0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115798
17:29:19.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:19.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:19.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115800
17:29:19.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bayern erleben
17:29:19.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Achtung Kreuzottern!
17:29:19.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b5d0/d923/c4d0/a02e/4973/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115802
17:29:19.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lebenslinien
17:29:19.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:19.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meine fetten Jahre sind vorbei
17:29:19.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:19.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d3cd/22ed/c332/5b29/4e67/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115805
17:29:19.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rundschau Magazin
17:29:19.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:19.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten - Berichte - Wettervorhersage
17:29:19.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:19.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/02f1/424c/231c/80a0/7c75/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115807
17:29:19.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Blickpunkt Sport
17:29:19.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:19.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:19.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f659/8a7e/7d0c/dcc8/8119/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115809
17:29:19.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nacht:sicht
17:29:19.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:19.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:19.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ab in den Wald
17:29:19.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:19.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/64ab/8475/01b7/73f3/e8cc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115810
17:29:19.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BR-Klassik
17:29:19.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:19.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:19.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alice Sara Ott spielt Grieg
17:29:19.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kultur, Klassische Musik
17:29:19.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ef03/5071/3b29/6b0f/445c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115812
17:29:19.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord
17:29:19.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rundschau Nacht
17:29:19.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:19.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:19.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten - Berichte - Wettervorhersage
17:29:19.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:19.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115815
17:29:19.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geheimauftrag Pontifex
17:29:19.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:19.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:19.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Film von Jan Peter und Yury Winterberg
17:29:19.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247341
17:29:19.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR SACHSENSPIEGEL kompakt
17:29:19.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:19.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551020
17:29:19.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR regional
17:29:19.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248106
17:29:19.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT HEUTE kompakt
17:29:19.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551020
17:29:19.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551140
17:29:19.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR regional
17:29:19.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248107
17:29:19.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kripo live
17:29:19.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551200
17:29:19.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552700
17:29:19.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Axel Bulthaupt
17:29:19.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248123
17:29:19.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ich heirate meinen Ex
17:29:19.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552700
17:29:19.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554500
17:29:19.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wenn Paare zum zweiten Mal Ja sagen
17:29:19.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248284
17:29:19.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eine Welt ohne Behinderung
17:29:19.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554500
17:29:19.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556300
17:29:19.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: selbstbestimmt! Die Reportage
17:29:19.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248462
17:29:19.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Winterabenteuer in Sibirien - Biwak nonstop
17:29:19.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556300
17:29:19.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:19.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248614
17:29:19.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR SACHSENSPIEGEL
17:29:19.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:19.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR regional
17:29:19.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248966
17:29:19.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT HEUTE
17:29:19.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:19.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562600
17:29:19.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR regional
17:29:19.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121250813
17:29:19.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Einfach genial
17:29:19.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564400
17:29:19.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:19.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das MDR-Erfindermagazin
17:29:19.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121255713
17:29:19.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unterwegs in Sachsen-Anhalt
17:29:19.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:19.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:19.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:19.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576880
17:29:19.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:19.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261027
17:29:19.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kripo live
17:29:19.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580000
17:29:19.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581380
17:29:19.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Axel Bulthaupt
17:29:19.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261356
17:29:19.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Seehund, Puma & Co (211)
17:29:19.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581500
17:29:19.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584500
17:29:19.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:19.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584500
17:29:19.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261850
17:29:19.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR um 11
17:29:19.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:19.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587500
17:29:19.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: In aller Freundschaft (322)
17:29:19.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587500
17:29:19.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:19.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frauen in der Krise
17:29:19.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262118
17:29:19.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR um 2
17:29:19.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:19.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599140
17:29:19.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das MDR-Mittagsmagazin
17:29:19.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121263366
17:29:19.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:19.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599140
17:29:19.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:19.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121263911
17:29:19.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR um 4
17:29:19.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:19.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Neues von hier
17:29:19.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121264460
17:29:19.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR um 4
17:29:19.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:19.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR um 4
17:29:19.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:19.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:19.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Neues von hier & Leichter leben
17:29:19.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121264851
17:29:19.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:19.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:19.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610300
17:29:19.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265274
17:29:19.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Brisant
17:29:19.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:19.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613240
17:29:19.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265317
17:29:19.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT HEUTE
17:29:19.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:19.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR regional
17:29:19.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265711
17:29:19.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:19.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:19.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:19.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:19.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mach dich ran
17:29:19.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:19.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:19.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das MDR-Spiel
17:29:19.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:19.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265974
17:29:19.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:19.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:20.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frauen verstehen
17:29:20.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielfilm Deutschland 2014
17:29:20.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266208
17:29:20.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:20.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:20.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:20.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:20.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fakt ist! Aus Dresden
17:29:20.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:20.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628180
17:29:20.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:20.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:20.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628180
17:29:20.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628300
17:29:20.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121267054
17:29:20.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:20.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Weissensee (13 und 14)
17:29:20.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628300
17:29:20.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487634000
17:29:20.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eine Nacht im November / Ein neues Leben
17:29:20.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62e/dafe/8a01/46e1/d789/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121267599
17:29:20.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geheimauftrag Pontifex
17:29:20.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:20.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:20.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Film von Jan Peter und Yury Winterberg
17:29:20.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247256
17:29:20.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR SACHSENSPIEGEL kompakt
17:29:20.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:20.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551020
17:29:20.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR regional
17:29:20.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248134
17:29:20.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT HEUTE kompakt
17:29:20.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551020
17:29:20.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551140
17:29:20.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR regional
17:29:20.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248135
17:29:20.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kripo live
17:29:20.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551200
17:29:20.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552700
17:29:20.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Axel Bulthaupt
17:29:20.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248137
17:29:20.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ich heirate meinen Ex
17:29:20.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552700
17:29:20.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554500
17:29:20.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wenn Paare zum zweiten Mal Ja sagen
17:29:20.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248250
17:29:20.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eine Welt ohne Behinderung
17:29:20.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554500
17:29:20.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556300
17:29:20.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: selbstbestimmt! Die Reportage
17:29:20.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248469
17:29:20.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Winterabenteuer in Sibirien - Biwak nonstop
17:29:20.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556300
17:29:20.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:20.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248617
17:29:20.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR SACHSENSPIEGEL
17:29:20.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:20.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:20.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR regional
17:29:20.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248944
17:29:20.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT HEUTE
17:29:20.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:20.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562600
17:29:20.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR regional
17:29:20.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121250912
17:29:20.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Einfach genial
17:29:20.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564400
17:29:20.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:20.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das MDR-Erfindermagazin
17:29:20.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121255888
17:29:20.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unterwegs in Sachsen-Anhalt
17:29:20.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:20.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:20.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576880
17:29:20.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:20.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261003
17:29:20.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kripo live
17:29:20.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580000
17:29:20.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581380
17:29:20.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Axel Bulthaupt
17:29:20.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261333
17:29:20.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Seehund, Puma & Co (211)
17:29:20.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581500
17:29:20.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584500
17:29:20.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:20.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584500
17:29:20.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261795
17:29:20.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR um 11
17:29:20.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587500
17:29:20.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: In aller Freundschaft (322)
17:29:20.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587500
17:29:20.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:20.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frauen in der Krise
17:29:20.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262157
17:29:20.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR um 2
17:29:20.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599140
17:29:20.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das MDR-Mittagsmagazin
17:29:20.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121263315
17:29:20.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:20.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599140
17:29:20.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121263904
17:29:20.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR um 4
17:29:20.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:20.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Neues von hier
17:29:20.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121264467
17:29:20.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR um 4
17:29:20.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:20.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR um 4
17:29:20.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:20.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Neues von hier & Leichter leben
17:29:20.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121264889
17:29:20.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:20.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:20.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610300
17:29:20.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265144
17:29:20.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Brisant
17:29:20.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:20.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613240
17:29:20.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265340
17:29:20.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:20.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:20.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mach dich ran
17:29:20.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:20.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das MDR-Spiel
17:29:20.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265951
17:29:20.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frauen verstehen
17:29:20.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielfilm Deutschland 2014
17:29:20.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266135
17:29:20.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:20.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:20.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fakt ist! Aus Dresden
17:29:20.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:20.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628180
17:29:20.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MDR aktuell
17:29:20.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628180
17:29:20.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628300
17:29:20.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121268315
17:29:20.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen
17:29:20.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Weissensee (13 und 14)
17:29:20.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628300
17:29:20.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487634000
17:29:20.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eine Nacht im November / Ein neues Leben
17:29:20.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2edf/e3a0/776c/281b/154b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121268317
17:29:20.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportclub Story
17:29:20.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487543700
17:29:20.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:20.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eishockey in Bremerhaven
17:29:20.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:20.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0f36/6ca7/da71/9169/7b2e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121109694
17:29:20.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Inspector Mathias - Mord in Wales
17:29:20.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:20.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:20.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alte Wunden
17:29:20.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:20.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0f73/ca9b/4012/f4cb/d7ab/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115582
17:29:20.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ostsee Report
17:29:20.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:20.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:20.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Natur
17:29:20.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/28ff/50ee/320a/ce52/4d1b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115584
17:29:20.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR Talk Show
17:29:20.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:20.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:20.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:20.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8139/0861/9222/e2cb/f55e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115586
17:29:20.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau - Vor 20 Jahren
17:29:20.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562600
17:29:20.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563500
17:29:20.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 20.02.1997
17:29:20.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Geschichte
17:29:20.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/033c/eb91/33a6/8d65/deeb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115591
17:29:20.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DAS!
17:29:20.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563500
17:29:20.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566200
17:29:20.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Norddeutschland und die Welt
17:29:20.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3113/e1e7/4919/7221/4f7a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115593
17:29:20.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Fallers - Eine Schwarzwaldfamilie
17:29:20.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:20.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:20.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Urlaub daheim
17:29:20.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Soap
17:29:20.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6c7a/de24/b099/1fd0/c7f6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115598
17:29:20.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lieb und teuer
17:29:20.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:20.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mareTV kompakt
17:29:20.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur, Reise
17:29:20.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ba1c/768b/a762/6ffb/53e8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115602
17:29:20.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Am Anfang war der Seitensprung
17:29:20.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:20.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1e41/5416/df0e/fa14/ee28/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115605
17:29:20.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nordmagazin
17:29:20.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:20.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/660e/a361/b24d/80c6/fb63/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115608
17:29:20.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hamburg Journal
17:29:20.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:20.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3741/05bf/6234/e870/c6a5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115610
17:29:20.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schleswig-Holstein Magazin
17:29:20.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:20.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/acc0/9043/0157/7d7b/20e1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115612
17:29:20.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: buten un binnen
17:29:20.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:20.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ba87/ba2a/972f/238a/ece4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115613
17:29:20.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hallo Niedersachsen
17:29:20.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:20.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4961/8a0b/8fac/cfe6/60a0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115615
17:29:20.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Typisch!
17:29:20.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:20.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:20.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Elefant, Tiger & Co.
17:29:20.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:20.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:20.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichten aus dem Leipziger Zoo
17:29:20.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:20.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5bff/be8c/8973/6eba/e851/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115620
17:29:20.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: In aller Freundschaft
17:29:20.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:20.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592600
17:29:20.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schlagabtausch
17:29:20.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krankenhaus
17:29:20.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7715/d7f4/1b74/b168/8d35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115622
17:29:20.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nordisch herb
17:29:20.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592600
17:29:20.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Wunder von Husum
17:29:20.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:20.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/588a/03a7/0d35/ccd9/edc8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115624
17:29:20.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR//aktuell
17:29:20.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4d12/766d/0c6e/ba1b/6129/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115625
17:29:20.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Herz von Borneo
17:29:20.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: die nordstory
17:29:20.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der St. Pauli Code
17:29:20.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:20.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c070/15ac/1a72/ed62/b0e8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115628
17:29:20.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR//aktuell
17:29:20.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604000
17:29:20.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4d12/766d/0c6e/ba1b/6129/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115630
17:29:20.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein Nachmittag
17:29:20.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604000
17:29:20.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:20.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:20.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1149/4463/7c1b/a291/55ff/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115632
17:29:20.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Nordreportage
17:29:20.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:20.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2a8f/3600/b45d/c691/489b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115638
17:29:20.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DAS!
17:29:20.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Norddeutschland und die Welt
17:29:20.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3113/e1e7/4919/7221/4f7a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115640
17:29:20.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115644
17:29:20.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Markt
17:29:20.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dr. Wimmer: Wissen ist die beste Medizin
17:29:20.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Medikamenten-Check
17:29:20.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Gesundheit
17:29:20.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e14d/f6e5/9583/d145/9dcf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115648
17:29:20.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR//aktuell
17:29:20.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4d12/766d/0c6e/ba1b/6129/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115650
17:29:20.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 45 Min
17:29:20.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:20.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unser Bier
17:29:20.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:20.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0bdc/aa46/33eb/7d51/63f8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115654
17:29:20.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kulturjournal
17:29:20.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:20.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:20.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/759a/6c63/39a2/a676/605d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115655
17:29:20.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg
17:29:20.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sommer in Orange
17:29:20.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:20.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487635200
17:29:20.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:20.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/90b0/2cab/df39/3a9e/547b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121115658
17:29:20.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportclub Story - Das gallische Dorf in der DEL
17:29:20.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487543700
17:29:20.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:20.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eishockey in Bremerhaven
17:29:20.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247005
17:29:20.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Inspector Mathias - Mord in Wales: Alte Wunden
17:29:20.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:20.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:20.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ostsee Report
17:29:20.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:20.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:20.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248100
17:29:20.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR Talk Show
17:29:20.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:20.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:20.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau - Vor 20 Jahren: 20.02.1997
17:29:20.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562600
17:29:20.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563500
17:29:20.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121253325
17:29:20.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DAS!
17:29:20.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563500
17:29:20.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566200
17:29:20.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zu Gast ist die Autorin Christiane zu Salm
17:29:20.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121254501
17:29:20.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Fallers - Eine Schwarzwaldfamilie
17:29:20.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:20.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:20.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Urlaub daheim
17:29:20.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258726
17:29:20.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lieb & Teuer
17:29:20.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:20.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258919
17:29:20.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mareTV kompakt
17:29:20.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121259100
17:29:20.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Am Anfang war der Seitensprung
17:29:20.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielfilm Deutschland 1999
17:29:20.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121259138
17:29:20.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nordmagazin
17:29:20.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hamburg Journal
17:29:20.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261316
17:29:20.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schleswig-Holstein Magazin
17:29:20.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:20.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261483
17:29:20.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: buten un binnen mit sportblitz
17:29:20.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:20.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261653
17:29:20.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hallo Niedersachsen
17:29:20.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:20.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261869
17:29:20.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Elefant, Tiger & Co. (600)
17:29:20.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:20.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:20.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: In aller Freundschaft (691)
17:29:20.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:20.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592600
17:29:20.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schlagabtausch
17:29:20.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262611
17:29:20.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR//Aktuell
17:29:20.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121263317
17:29:20.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Herz von Borneo
17:29:20.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: die nordstory: Der St. Pauli Code
17:29:20.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Film von Jan Peter Gehrckens
17:29:20.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121264354
17:29:20.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR//Aktuell
17:29:20.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604000
17:29:20.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121264417
17:29:20.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein Nachmittag
17:29:20.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604000
17:29:20.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:20.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nordmagazin - Land und Leute
17:29:20.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265222
17:29:20.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: die nordreportage: Abriss unter Zeitdruck
17:29:20.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Film von Susan Tratz
17:29:20.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265359
17:29:20.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DAS!
17:29:20.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Norddeutschland und die Welt
17:29:20.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265650
17:29:20.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nordmagazin
17:29:20.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Birgit Keller
17:29:20.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265866
17:29:20.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266023
17:29:20.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Markt
17:29:20.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Jo Hiller
17:29:20.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266155
17:29:20.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dr. Wimmer: Wissen ist die beste Medizin
17:29:20.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Medikamenten-Check
17:29:20.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266401
17:29:20.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR//Aktuell
17:29:20.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Thomas Kausch
17:29:20.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266613
17:29:20.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unser Bier - Hopfen und Malz verloren?
17:29:20.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:20.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: aus der Reihe "45 Min"
17:29:20.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266736
17:29:20.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kulturjournal
17:29:20.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:20.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:20.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Julia Westlake
17:29:20.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266988
17:29:20.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv
17:29:20.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sommer in Orange
17:29:20.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:20.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487635200
17:29:20.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fernsehfilm Deutschland 2011
17:29:20.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff8/3339/751f/b312/6514/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121268269
17:29:20.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportclub Story - Das gallische Dorf in der DEL
17:29:20.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487543700
17:29:20.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:20.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eishockey in Bremerhaven
17:29:20.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247001
17:29:20.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Inspector Mathias - Mord in Wales: Alte Wunden
17:29:20.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:20.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:20.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ostsee Report
17:29:20.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550900
17:29:20.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:20.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248352
17:29:20.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR Talk Show
17:29:20.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553600
17:29:20.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560800
17:29:20.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau - Vor 20 Jahren: 20.02.1997
17:29:20.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562600
17:29:20.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563500
17:29:20.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121253400
17:29:20.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DAS!
17:29:20.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563500
17:29:20.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566200
17:29:20.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zu Gast ist die Autorin Christiane zu Salm
17:29:20.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121254492
17:29:20.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Fallers - Eine Schwarzwaldfamilie
17:29:20.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:20.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:20.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Urlaub daheim
17:29:20.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258897
17:29:20.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lieb & Teuer
17:29:20.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:20.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258992
17:29:20.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mareTV kompakt
17:29:20.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121259116
17:29:20.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Am Anfang war der Seitensprung
17:29:20.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielfilm Deutschland 1999
17:29:20.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121259146
17:29:20.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nordmagazin
17:29:20.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hamburg Journal
17:29:20.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261273
17:29:20.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schleswig-Holstein Magazin
17:29:20.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:20.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261499
17:29:20.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: buten un binnen mit sportblitz
17:29:20.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:20.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261657
17:29:20.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hallo Niedersachsen
17:29:20.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:20.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261905
17:29:20.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Elefant, Tiger & Co. (600)
17:29:20.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:20.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:20.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: In aller Freundschaft (691)
17:29:20.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:20.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592600
17:29:20.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schlagabtausch
17:29:20.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262615
17:29:20.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR//Aktuell
17:29:20.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121263282
17:29:20.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Herz von Borneo
17:29:20.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: die nordstory: Der St. Pauli Code
17:29:20.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Film von Jan Peter Gehrckens
17:29:20.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121263886
17:29:20.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR//Aktuell
17:29:20.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604000
17:29:20.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121264388
17:29:20.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein Nachmittag
17:29:20.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604000
17:29:20.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:20.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schleswig-Holstein 18:00
17:29:20.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: die nordreportage: Abriss unter Zeitdruck
17:29:20.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Film von Susan Tratz
17:29:20.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265442
17:29:20.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DAS!
17:29:20.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Norddeutschland und die Welt
17:29:20.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265624
17:29:20.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schleswig-Holstein Magazin
17:29:20.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Eva Diederich und Christopher Scheffelmeier
17:29:20.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265829
17:29:20.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266071
17:29:20.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Markt
17:29:20.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Jo Hiller
17:29:20.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266104
17:29:20.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dr. Wimmer: Wissen ist die beste Medizin
17:29:20.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Medikamenten-Check
17:29:20.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266593
17:29:20.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NDR//Aktuell
17:29:20.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Thomas Kausch
17:29:20.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266616
17:29:20.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Unser Bier - Hopfen und Malz verloren?
17:29:20.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:20.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: aus der Reihe "45 Min"
17:29:20.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266755
17:29:20.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kulturjournal
17:29:20.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:20.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:20.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Julia Westlake
17:29:20.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266994
17:29:20.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:20.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sommer in Orange
17:29:20.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:20.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487635200
17:29:20.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fernsehfilm Deutschland 2011
17:29:20.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c6f/e285/d1df/69b4/5000/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121268398
17:29:20.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Karriere im Knast
17:29:20.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549700
17:29:20.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:20.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Weltspiegel
17:29:20.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:20.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553900
17:29:20.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Auslandskorrespondenten berichten
17:29:20.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248257
17:29:20.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abendschau
17:29:20.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:20.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557200
17:29:20.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Regionalnachrichten
17:29:20.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248529
17:29:20.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Brandenburg aktuell
17:29:20.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557200
17:29:20.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:20.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Regionalnachrichten
17:29:20.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248707
17:29:20.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb Praxis
17:29:20.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:20.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561700
17:29:20.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Gesundheitsmagazin
17:29:20.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248962
17:29:20.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb Sportplatz
17:29:20.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561700
17:29:20.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:20.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelles vom Sport in Berlin und Brandenburg
17:29:20.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121252070
17:29:20.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Warschauer Notizen
17:29:20.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:20.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:20.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Griet von Petersdorff
17:29:20.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121255614
17:29:20.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Berlin erwacht - Winter
17:29:20.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:20.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121256672
17:29:20.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die jungen Forscher (1/2)
17:29:20.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:20.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258608
17:29:20.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frauen verstehen
17:29:20.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:20.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:20.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fernsehfilm Deutschland 2014
17:29:20.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258797
17:29:20.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Brandenburg aktuell
17:29:20.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:20.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Regionalnachrichten
17:29:20.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121259705
17:29:20.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abendschau
17:29:20.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Regionalnachrichten
17:29:20.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121260155
17:29:20.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Karriere im Knast
17:29:20.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: HEIMATJOURNAL
17:29:20.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Heute aus Brandenburg - Bad Freienwalde
17:29:20.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261334
17:29:20.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die rbb Reporter - Winter am Wannsee
17:29:20.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:20.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Film von Ulrike Licht und Svenja Weber
17:29:20.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261487
17:29:20.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Bergdoktor (63/92)
17:29:20.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:20.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588700
17:29:20.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der weisse Tod
17:29:20.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261639
17:29:20.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Landschleicher
17:29:20.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588700
17:29:20.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:20.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262360
17:29:20.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb AKTUELL
17:29:20.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592300
17:29:20.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262965
17:29:20.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schloss Einstein (750)
17:29:20.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592300
17:29:20.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:20.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugendserie Deutschland 1998 - 2016
17:29:20.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262966
17:29:20.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Elvis und der Kommissar (5/6)
17:29:20.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:20.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Adel in Deutschland - Leichtes Leben oder schweres Erbe?
17:29:20.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:20.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Memel
17:29:20.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:20.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Stiller Fluss mit bewegter Geschichte
17:29:20.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121264083
17:29:20.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb AKTUELL
17:29:20.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:20.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121264483
17:29:20.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kurz vor 5
17:29:20.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605800
17:29:20.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport
17:29:20.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121264811
17:29:20.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb AKTUELL
17:29:20.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:20.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121264841
17:29:20.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Panda, Gorilla & Co. (327)
17:29:20.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:20.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609700
17:29:20.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichten aus dem Zoo Berlin und dem Tierpark Berlin
17:29:20.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121264906
17:29:20.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb wetter
17:29:20.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611620
17:29:20.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:20.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zibb
17:29:20.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:20.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615220
17:29:20.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zuhause in berlin & brandenburg
17:29:20.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265438
17:29:20.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb wetter
17:29:20.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615220
17:29:20.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Brandenburg aktuell
17:29:20.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265881
17:29:20.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266025
17:29:20.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tatort: Blutgeld
17:29:20.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fernsehfilm Deutschland 2010
17:29:20.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266128
17:29:20.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb AKTUELL
17:29:20.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:20.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266629
17:29:20.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Polizeiruf 110: Gier
17:29:20.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:20.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630700
17:29:20.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fernsehfilm DDR 1986
17:29:20.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/af97/cc51/0ea5/ca21/bab9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266806
17:29:20.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg
17:29:20.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Flutlicht
17:29:20.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544600
17:29:20.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:20.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Mombacher Bohnebeitel
17:29:20.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:20.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ahoi, Helau und Ho-Narro
17:29:20.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:20.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Roman Experiment
17:29:20.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571300
17:29:20.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: How to Conquer the World?
17:29:20.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:20.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d57/927c/a874/8fca/f1fb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119447
17:29:20.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufgetischt
17:29:20.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:20.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Essgeschichten
17:29:20.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:20.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:20.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bekannt im Land
17:29:20.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582400
17:29:20.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584200
17:29:20.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ARD-Buffet
17:29:20.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584200
17:29:20.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586900
17:29:20.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen
17:29:20.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:20.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:20.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:20.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b8a2/cc65/0c46/bb60/48d7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119463
17:29:20.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eisenbahn-Romantik
17:29:20.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:20.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Irland in einem Zug
17:29:20.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Reise
17:29:20.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/34d2/7f1e/ab80/4a5f/87fa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119466
17:29:20.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eisenbahn-Romantik
17:29:20.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:20.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:20.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SWR Landesschau aktuell
17:29:20.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:20.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b86/f2fb/26e9/733b/39f9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119472
17:29:20.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kaffee oder Tee
17:29:20.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:20.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Essen und Trinken: Leckeres zu Karneval
17:29:20.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:20.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0856/5acc/b3d4/e190/8aa6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119474
17:29:20.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SWR Landesschau aktuell
17:29:20.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:20.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b86/f2fb/26e9/733b/39f9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119476
17:29:20.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kaffee oder Tee
17:29:20.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:20.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der SWR Nachmittag
17:29:20.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:20.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2683/4c7a/b380/ec5c/e32b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119478
17:29:20.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SWR Landesschau aktuell
17:29:20.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:20.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b86/f2fb/26e9/733b/39f9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119481
17:29:20.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rheinland-Pfalz Wetter
17:29:20.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:20.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2bab/f72a/7acd/c2d2/eb4d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119483
17:29:20.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mensch, Leute!
17:29:20.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SWR Landesschau Rheinland-Pfalz
17:29:20.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/eb54/8860/9140/8f7a/1b25/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119487
17:29:20.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SWR Aktuell Rheinland-Pfalz
17:29:20.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617020
17:29:20.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/49ae/ac16/1012/6b46/47e5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119488
17:29:20.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rheinland-Pfalz Wetter
17:29:20.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617020
17:29:20.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2bab/f72a/7acd/c2d2/eb4d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119490
17:29:20.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/115f/3e48/cadf/0f33/5cf2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119492
17:29:20.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wildes Deutschland
17:29:20.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Schwarzwald
17:29:20.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Natur
17:29:20.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e3d7/de54/6eeb/cf89/53a8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119495
17:29:20.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SWR Landesschau aktuell
17:29:20.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b86/f2fb/26e9/733b/39f9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119496
17:29:20.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sag die Wahrheit
17:29:20.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:20.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die SWR Rateshow
17:29:20.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:20.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3bab/a16d/9445/3851/169a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119498
17:29:20.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meister des Alltags
17:29:20.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:20.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:20.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das SWR Wissensquiz
17:29:20.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:20.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7997/5888/1c64/8588/bb18/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119500
17:29:20.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Meister des Alltags
17:29:20.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:20.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:20.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das SWR Wissensquiz
17:29:20.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:20.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7997/5888/1c64/8588/bb18/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119503
17:29:20.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:20.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247111
17:29:20.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rockpalast: Eurosonic Festival 2017
17:29:20.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufzeichnung vom 11.-13.01.2017 aus Groningen, NL
17:29:20.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247378
17:29:20.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:20.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248666
17:29:20.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:20.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429672
17:29:20.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:20.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:20.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429673
17:29:20.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erlebnisreisen-Tipp
17:29:20.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258664
17:29:20.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tiere suchen ein Zuhause
17:29:20.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258787
17:29:20.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Schule: Flirt English - Tantrums & Time-out
17:29:20.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:20.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121260080
17:29:20.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Adel in Deutschland - Leichtes Leben oder schweres Erbe?
17:29:20.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Vorkoster
17:29:20.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261545
17:29:20.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WESTPOL
17:29:20.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Politik in Nordrhein-Westfalen
17:29:20.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261678
17:29:20.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nashorn, Zebra & Co. (232)
17:29:20.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:20.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein neuer Luchskater
17:29:20.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261874
17:29:20.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:20.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:20.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Dennis Wilms und Birgit Klaus
17:29:20.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262861
17:29:20.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit Reportage
17:29:20.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Alpen - Italiens Berge neu entdeckt
17:29:20.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:20.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daheim + unterwegs
17:29:20.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell / Lokalzeit
17:29:20.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265232
17:29:20.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit
17:29:20.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lokalzeit aus Aachen
17:29:20.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Blick in die Region
17:29:20.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120992440
17:29:20.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265995
17:29:20.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord mit Aussicht (17/39)
17:29:20.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Henghasch
17:29:20.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120992391
17:29:20.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:20.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Jens Olesen
17:29:20.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266650
17:29:20.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen
17:29:20.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Westart live
17:29:20.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:20.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/623d/92ee/5296/5433/da35/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266908
17:29:20.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06cf/c86c/0c5c/9bb4/0689/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247152
17:29:20.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rockpalast: Eurosonic Festival 2017
17:29:20.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufzeichnung vom 11.-13.01.2017 aus Groningen, NL
17:29:20.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e301/4f00/11b5/7f46/6866/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247387
17:29:20.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:20.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0c01/0e30/3c3f/25af/db86/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248702
17:29:20.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erlebnisreisen-Tipp
17:29:20.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/83e4/392f/f7c9/2a14/85ef/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258768
17:29:20.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tiere suchen ein Zuhause
17:29:20.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e151/c22a/a2d3/6353/53b4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258770
17:29:20.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Schule: Flirt English - Tantrums & Time-out
17:29:20.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:20.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bfc1/5786/cfe9/5c1f/0360/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121260117
17:29:20.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Adel in Deutschland - Leichtes Leben oder schweres Erbe?
17:29:20.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Vorkoster
17:29:20.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/539d/faac/4790/ef7f/acd3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261595
17:29:20.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WESTPOL
17:29:20.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Politik in Nordrhein-Westfalen
17:29:20.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/da11/fe4b/55e5/46a2/02da/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261717
17:29:20.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nashorn, Zebra & Co. (232)
17:29:20.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:20.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein neuer Luchskater
17:29:20.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8969/6573/da5b/6c46/9c01/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261876
17:29:20.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:20.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:20.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Dennis Wilms und Birgit Klaus
17:29:20.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/015a/4f0c/85b1/50a4/d928/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262980
17:29:20.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit Reportage
17:29:20.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Alpen - Italiens Berge neu entdeckt
17:29:20.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:20.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daheim + unterwegs
17:29:20.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell / Lokalzeit
17:29:20.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265331
17:29:20.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit
17:29:20.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266045
17:29:20.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord mit Aussicht (17/39)
17:29:20.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Henghasch
17:29:20.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8e2a/2075/c000/d0c5/5452/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121096803
17:29:20.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:20.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Jens Olesen
17:29:20.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266696
17:29:20.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld
17:29:20.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Westart live
17:29:20.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:20.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266922
17:29:20.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247108
17:29:20.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rockpalast: Eurosonic Festival 2017
17:29:20.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufzeichnung vom 11.-13.01.2017 aus Groningen, NL
17:29:20.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247369
17:29:20.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:20.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248672
17:29:20.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:20.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429685
17:29:20.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:20.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:20.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429686
17:29:20.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erlebnisreisen-Tipp
17:29:20.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258659
17:29:20.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tiere suchen ein Zuhause
17:29:20.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258734
17:29:20.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Schule: Flirt English - Tantrums & Time-out
17:29:20.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:20.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121260067
17:29:20.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Adel in Deutschland - Leichtes Leben oder schweres Erbe?
17:29:20.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Vorkoster
17:29:20.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261544
17:29:20.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WESTPOL
17:29:20.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Politik in Nordrhein-Westfalen
17:29:20.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261680
17:29:20.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nashorn, Zebra & Co. (232)
17:29:20.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:20.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein neuer Luchskater
17:29:20.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261899
17:29:20.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:20.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:20.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Dennis Wilms und Birgit Klaus
17:29:20.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262857
17:29:20.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit Reportage
17:29:20.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Alpen - Italiens Berge neu entdeckt
17:29:20.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:20.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daheim + unterwegs
17:29:20.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell / Lokalzeit
17:29:20.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265217
17:29:20.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit
17:29:20.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lokalzeit aus Bonn
17:29:20.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Blick in die Region
17:29:20.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120994143
17:29:20.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265981
17:29:20.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord mit Aussicht (17/39)
17:29:20.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Henghasch
17:29:20.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121094184
17:29:20.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:20.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Jens Olesen
17:29:20.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266626
17:29:20.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn
17:29:20.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Westart live
17:29:20.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:20.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a282/fcc9/7280/3744/2daa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266913
17:29:20.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b139/0ed9/5d32/ff21/257c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247205
17:29:20.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rockpalast: Eurosonic Festival 2017
17:29:20.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufzeichnung vom 11.-13.01.2017 aus Groningen, NL
17:29:20.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/33ec/dfe8/4c07/cf68/1acf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247360
17:29:20.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:20.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7980/fc9b/60dc/41f2/4ad8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248736
17:29:20.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erlebnisreisen-Tipp
17:29:20.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c48a/8676/060e/6e0b/4d9b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258669
17:29:20.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tiere suchen ein Zuhause
17:29:20.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d5a6/f3ba/591d/0041/043a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258864
17:29:20.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Schule: Flirt English - Tantrums & Time-out
17:29:20.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:20.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7088/edee/9f28/526e/18a6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262588
17:29:20.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Adel in Deutschland - Leichtes Leben oder schweres Erbe?
17:29:20.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Vorkoster
17:29:20.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/dec3/c144/39a1/49b7/c3a2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261603
17:29:20.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WESTPOL
17:29:20.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Politik in Nordrhein-Westfalen
17:29:20.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b9d9/f2ab/6399/e33f/aa80/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261710
17:29:20.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nashorn, Zebra & Co. (232)
17:29:20.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:20.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein neuer Luchskater
17:29:20.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1a34/1a7d/e41d/979f/9627/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261904
17:29:20.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:20.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:20.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Dennis Wilms und Birgit Klaus
17:29:20.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e155/2c90/d8e8/fb2c/1a4b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121263010
17:29:20.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit Reportage
17:29:20.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Alpen - Italiens Berge neu entdeckt
17:29:20.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:20.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daheim + unterwegs
17:29:20.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell / Lokalzeit
17:29:20.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265361
17:29:20.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit
17:29:20.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lokalzeit aus Dortmund
17:29:20.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Blick in die Region
17:29:20.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0f22/2334/ff89/ba34/4fc1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121092673
17:29:20.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266018
17:29:20.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord mit Aussicht (16/39)
17:29:20.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Und ewig singt das Blaukehlchen
17:29:20.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6562/8d27/7150/58bc/036c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120990303
17:29:20.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord mit Aussicht (17/39)
17:29:20.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Henghasch
17:29:20.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6490/c125/40e3/72ed/7e46/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120990452
17:29:20.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:20.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Jens Olesen
17:29:20.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266654
17:29:20.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund
17:29:20.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Westart live
17:29:20.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:20.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266920
17:29:20.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247121
17:29:20.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rockpalast: Eurosonic Festival 2017
17:29:20.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufzeichnung vom 11.-13.01.2017 aus Groningen, NL
17:29:20.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247404
17:29:20.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:20.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248686
17:29:20.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:20.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.244 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121454033
17:29:20.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:20.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:20.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121454034
17:29:20.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.245 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erlebnisreisen-Tipp
17:29:20.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.246 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258737
17:29:20.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tiere suchen ein Zuhause
17:29:20.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258738
17:29:20.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.247 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Schule: Flirt English - Tantrums & Time-out
17:29:20.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:20.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121260680
17:29:20.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Adel in Deutschland - Leichtes Leben oder schweres Erbe?
17:29:20.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.249 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Vorkoster
17:29:20.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.250 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261548
17:29:20.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WESTPOL
17:29:20.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Politik in Nordrhein-Westfalen
17:29:20.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.251 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261692
17:29:20.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nashorn, Zebra & Co. (232)
17:29:20.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:20.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein neuer Luchskater
17:29:20.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261963
17:29:20.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.252 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:20.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:20.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.253 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Dennis Wilms und Birgit Klaus
17:29:20.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121263005
17:29:20.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit Reportage
17:29:20.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.254 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Alpen - Italiens Berge neu entdeckt
17:29:20.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:20.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.255 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daheim + unterwegs
17:29:20.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell / Lokalzeit
17:29:20.256 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265322
17:29:20.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit
17:29:20.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.258 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266290
17:29:20.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord mit Aussicht (16/39)
17:29:20.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Und ewig singt das Blaukehlchen
17:29:20.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121095580
17:29:20.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord mit Aussicht (17/39)
17:29:20.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Henghasch
17:29:20.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121095583
17:29:20.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:20.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Jens Olesen
17:29:20.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266665
17:29:20.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.261 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:20.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Westart live
17:29:20.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:20.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c37a/4cf7/db65/b7e5/527a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266987
17:29:20.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/32ee/63a7/350f/324b/c126/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247109
17:29:20.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rockpalast: Eurosonic Festival 2017
17:29:20.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufzeichnung vom 11.-13.01.2017 aus Groningen, NL
17:29:20.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ed07/a9b1/ab44/abfb/d2d4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247370
17:29:20.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:20.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6dc3/bd1c/4693/8775/ea47/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.264 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248673
17:29:20.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erlebnisreisen-Tipp
17:29:20.265 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/446c/cd69/ba97/5413/e6ef/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258660
17:29:20.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tiere suchen ein Zuhause
17:29:20.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.266 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9fbe/d588/634b/0455/b810/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.267 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258754
17:29:20.267 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.267 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.267 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.267 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.268 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.268 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.268 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.268 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.268 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.268 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Schule: Flirt English - Tantrums & Time-out
17:29:20.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:20.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a253/f99c/20c0/8822/0a31/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121260068
17:29:20.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Adel in Deutschland - Leichtes Leben oder schweres Erbe?
17:29:20.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.269 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.270 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.270 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.270 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Vorkoster
17:29:20.270 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.270 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.270 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.271 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.271 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.271 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.271 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.271 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261537
17:29:20.271 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.271 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.271 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WESTPOL
17:29:20.271 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.271 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Politik in Nordrhein-Westfalen
17:29:20.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6d6d/b7e0/58c8/be10/5331/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261683
17:29:20.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nashorn, Zebra & Co. (232)
17:29:20.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:20.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein neuer Luchskater
17:29:20.272 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/195f/212b/4754/f4d5/05a3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.273 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261886
17:29:20.273 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.273 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.273 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.273 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:20.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:20.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Dennis Wilms und Birgit Klaus
17:29:20.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/86f0/1d06/56c2/5ecf/7cc1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262859
17:29:20.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit Reportage
17:29:20.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Alpen - Italiens Berge neu entdeckt
17:29:20.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.275 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:20.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.276 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daheim + unterwegs
17:29:20.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell / Lokalzeit
17:29:20.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.277 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265225
17:29:20.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit
17:29:20.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.278 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lokalzeit aus Duisburg
17:29:20.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Blick in die Region
17:29:20.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7e6f/3688/95bb/f845/e8a3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121157765
17:29:20.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.279 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265983
17:29:20.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord mit Aussicht (17/39)
17:29:20.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Henghasch
17:29:20.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0df6/e909/df56/e1b1/45fa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.280 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121093468
17:29:20.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:20.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Jens Olesen
17:29:20.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266634
17:29:20.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.281 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg
17:29:20.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Westart live
17:29:20.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:20.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266911
17:29:20.282 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0d2a/144d/28f7/d4b1/09bf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247173
17:29:20.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rockpalast: Eurosonic Festival 2017
17:29:20.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.283 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufzeichnung vom 11.-13.01.2017 aus Groningen, NL
17:29:20.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8e10/1e7b/a536/aa7f/057f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247379
17:29:20.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:20.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/56df/a5b1/453e/8f73/b043/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248732
17:29:20.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erlebnisreisen-Tipp
17:29:20.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2474/12bd/bab4/bd13/fcbb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258686
17:29:20.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.286 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tiere suchen ein Zuhause
17:29:20.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cc46/f6b7/c359/b02c/4b6f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258808
17:29:20.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.287 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.288 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.288 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.288 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.288 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.288 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Schule: Flirt English - Tantrums & Time-out
17:29:20.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:20.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4f41/6f40/054a/1750/f6da/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261319
17:29:20.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.289 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Adel in Deutschland - Leichtes Leben oder schweres Erbe?
17:29:20.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Vorkoster
17:29:20.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.290 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/eaa5/e7d6/4930/f3e8/1455/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261577
17:29:20.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WESTPOL
17:29:20.291 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Politik in Nordrhein-Westfalen
17:29:20.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c784/0a4a/dcd4/7eb4/a0ee/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261716
17:29:20.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nashorn, Zebra & Co. (232)
17:29:20.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:20.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein neuer Luchskater
17:29:20.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/50a2/9ea2/1746/6d74/a0b6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262073
17:29:20.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:20.293 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:20.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Dennis Wilms und Birgit Klaus
17:29:20.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a7db/d8cd/c59c/904b/cb94/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121263070
17:29:20.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit Reportage
17:29:20.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Alpen - Italiens Berge neu entdeckt
17:29:20.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:20.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.295 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daheim + unterwegs
17:29:20.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.296 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell / Lokalzeit
17:29:20.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265246
17:29:20.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.297 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit
17:29:20.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.298 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lokalzeit Ruhr
17:29:20.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Blick in die Region
17:29:20.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265851
17:29:20.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.299 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266007
17:29:20.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord mit Aussicht (17/39)
17:29:20.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Henghasch
17:29:20.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120991959
17:29:20.300 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:20.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Jens Olesen
17:29:20.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266723
17:29:20.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen
17:29:20.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Westart live
17:29:20.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:20.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266929
17:29:20.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8b91/e116/372c/0ace/a471/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247122
17:29:20.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rockpalast: Eurosonic Festival 2017
17:29:20.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufzeichnung vom 11.-13.01.2017 aus Groningen, NL
17:29:20.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ca3d/fa68/ca61/bdab/7f72/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247417
17:29:20.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:20.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1022/2074/c865/5082/22ef/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248838
17:29:20.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.306 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erlebnisreisen-Tipp
17:29:20.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3a81/1339/22c3/17e7/f1ae/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258713
17:29:20.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tiere suchen ein Zuhause
17:29:20.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.307 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c527/6bbc/74e9/b8b6/0ddb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258849
17:29:20.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.308 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Schule: Flirt English - Tantrums & Time-out
17:29:20.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:20.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.309 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/678f/a8da/1c0f/3fe5/4302/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261397
17:29:20.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Adel in Deutschland - Leichtes Leben oder schweres Erbe?
17:29:20.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.310 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Vorkoster
17:29:20.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/56c7/a0aa/6476/08ed/111d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.311 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261566
17:29:20.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WESTPOL
17:29:20.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Politik in Nordrhein-Westfalen
17:29:20.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/76b8/6d71/772f/9faf/7679/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261823
17:29:20.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nashorn, Zebra & Co. (232)
17:29:20.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.312 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:20.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein neuer Luchskater
17:29:20.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b61c/680f/e170/6a7e/4919/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261896
17:29:20.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:20.313 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:20.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Dennis Wilms und Birgit Klaus
17:29:20.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8652/405d/9a76/140e/3beb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262862
17:29:20.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.314 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit Reportage
17:29:20.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Alpen - Italiens Berge neu entdeckt
17:29:20.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:20.315 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.316 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daheim + unterwegs
17:29:20.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell / Lokalzeit
17:29:20.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265375
17:29:20.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.317 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit
17:29:20.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.318 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266022
17:29:20.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord mit Aussicht (17/39)
17:29:20.319 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Henghasch
17:29:20.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f7d/d608/5785/55ac/ff10/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121095650
17:29:20.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:20.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Jens Olesen
17:29:20.320 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266730
17:29:20.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster
17:29:20.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Westart live
17:29:20.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:20.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.321 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121268282
17:29:20.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b1e5/b10b/bc8d/865f/856d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247107
17:29:20.322 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rockpalast: Eurosonic Festival 2017
17:29:20.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufzeichnung vom 11.-13.01.2017 aus Groningen, NL
17:29:20.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cbb9/6578/9a24/983f/ce95/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247422
17:29:20.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.323 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:20.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f09e/f185/b4a9/0f41/e40b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248675
17:29:20.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.324 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erlebnisreisen-Tipp
17:29:20.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0bee/c24e/f298/b7f6/062d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258697
17:29:20.325 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tiere suchen ein Zuhause
17:29:20.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9415/ce20/6839/d2f6/e331/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258783
17:29:20.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.326 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.327 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Schule: Flirt English - Tantrums & Time-out
17:29:20.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:20.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7bb9/d5dd/d021/37e7/89c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261827
17:29:20.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Adel in Deutschland - Leichtes Leben oder schweres Erbe?
17:29:20.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.328 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Vorkoster
17:29:20.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.329 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/80bb/2cc7/0f2f/f5ab/80de/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261574
17:29:20.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WESTPOL
17:29:20.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Politik in Nordrhein-Westfalen
17:29:20.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3d58/9609/4408/91bb/f93c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261835
17:29:20.330 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nashorn, Zebra & Co. (232)
17:29:20.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:20.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein neuer Luchskater
17:29:20.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5093/4ff3/6bca/4f6a/889c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262053
17:29:20.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.331 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:20.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:20.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Dennis Wilms und Birgit Klaus
17:29:20.332 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5d01/442e/208c/6605/59fa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121263090
17:29:20.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit Reportage
17:29:20.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Alpen - Italiens Berge neu entdeckt
17:29:20.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:20.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daheim + unterwegs
17:29:20.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.335 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.336 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.336 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.336 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell / Lokalzeit
17:29:20.336 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.336 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.336 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265244
17:29:20.336 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.337 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.337 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit
17:29:20.337 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.337 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.337 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.337 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.337 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.338 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.338 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.338 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.338 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.338 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.339 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.339 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.339 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.339 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.339 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266002
17:29:20.339 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.339 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.339 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord mit Aussicht (16/39)
17:29:20.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Und ewig singt das Blaukehlchen
17:29:20.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0afb/b0d5/43d2/cc07/d31e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121094163
17:29:20.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord mit Aussicht (17/39)
17:29:20.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.340 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Henghasch
17:29:20.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/db8d/0627/c3d1/ba39/03d6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121094166
17:29:20.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:20.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Jens Olesen
17:29:20.341 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266693
17:29:20.342 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.342 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.342 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.342 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen
17:29:20.342 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Westart live
17:29:20.342 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:20.342 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.342 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266948
17:29:20.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.343 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247104
17:29:20.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rockpalast: Eurosonic Festival 2017
17:29:20.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aufzeichnung vom 11.-13.01.2017 aus Groningen, NL
17:29:20.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121247377
17:29:20.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.344 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sportschau Bundesliga am Sonntag
17:29:20.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:20.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 21. Spieltag
17:29:20.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121248667
17:29:20.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.345 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:20.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429709
17:29:20.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:20.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:20.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.346 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429710
17:29:20.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.347 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erlebnisreisen-Tipp
17:29:20.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258658
17:29:20.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tiere suchen ein Zuhause
17:29:20.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.348 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258778
17:29:20.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.349 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Schule: Flirt English - Tantrums & Time-out
17:29:20.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:20.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.350 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121260072
17:29:20.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Adel in Deutschland - Leichtes Leben oder schweres Erbe?
17:29:20.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Vorkoster
17:29:20.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.351 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261546
17:29:20.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.352 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WESTPOL
17:29:20.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583300
17:29:20.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Politik in Nordrhein-Westfalen
17:29:20.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261686
17:29:20.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nashorn, Zebra & Co. (232)
17:29:20.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:20.353 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein neuer Luchskater
17:29:20.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261887
17:29:20.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591100
17:29:20.354 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Planet Wissen: Ein Tierpark mit Herz und Verstand
17:29:20.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Dennis Wilms und Birgit Klaus
17:29:20.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262853
17:29:20.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.355 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit Reportage
17:29:20.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Alpen - Italiens Berge neu entdeckt
17:29:20.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:20.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.356 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.357 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daheim + unterwegs
17:29:20.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell / Lokalzeit
17:29:20.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.358 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265218
17:29:20.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Servicezeit
17:29:20.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Stunde
17:29:20.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.359 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lokalzeit Bergisches Land
17:29:20.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Blick in die Region
17:29:20.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.360 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265836
17:29:20.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265991
17:29:20.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mord mit Aussicht (17/39)
17:29:20.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.361 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Henghasch
17:29:20.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 120993385
17:29:20.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WDR aktuell
17:29:20.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:20.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Moderation: Jens Olesen
17:29:20.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.362 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266608
17:29:20.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal
17:29:20.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Westart live
17:29:20.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:20.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd2a/0b73/3436/005e/ae40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.363 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266912
17:29:20.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZIB
17:29:20.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567100
17:29:20.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ccae/f5ba/84f4/b8ab/bc2b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258606
17:29:20.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.364 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZIB
17:29:20.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568570
17:29:20.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568720
17:29:20.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/427d/80fb/ebfa/0a55/f58f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258859
17:29:20.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.365 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZIB
17:29:20.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570700
17:29:20.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3fe8/020a/5e4e/052b/2471/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.366 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121258982
17:29:20.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZIB
17:29:20.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572170
17:29:20.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572320
17:29:20.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c32e/ff84/3a21/d4e4/3a1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.367 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121259275
17:29:20.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZIB
17:29:20.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:20.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574300
17:29:20.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ddc2/ffa9/4958/113d/6337/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.368 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261050
17:29:20.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZIB
17:29:20.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575770
17:29:20.369 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575920
17:29:20.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6a89/2fb0/f254/b903/acbf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261056
17:29:20.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.370 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZIB
17:29:20.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577900
17:29:20.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c352/8fd2/0d4b/d33c/76ff/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261062
17:29:20.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frisch gekocht - Die Kochshow mit Andi & Alex
17:29:20.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577984
17:29:20.371 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579465
17:29:20.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/42b7/5e3e/7e0f/6a4d/1b5b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261535
17:29:20.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schlosshotel Orth
17:29:20.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579520
17:29:20.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582260
17:29:20.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familienangelegenheiten
17:29:20.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/561f/411b/8287/97ad/59db/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261538
17:29:20.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Paul Kemp - Alles kein Problem
17:29:20.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582335
17:29:20.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585213
17:29:20.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spiel des Lebens
17:29:20.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8609/d8f5/eadc/11a8/d197/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.373 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121261584
17:29:20.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bewusst gesund - Das Magazin
17:29:20.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588000
17:29:20.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589185
17:29:20.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9e23/b82f/fa8e/33a6/9ed9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262809
17:29:20.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZIB
17:29:20.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:20.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9ef1/78f7/d960/6617/2e0c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121262869
17:29:20.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute mittag
17:29:20.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593064
17:29:20.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595524
17:29:20.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b4ec/5058/4609/174f/7334/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121263023
17:29:20.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Frisch gekocht
17:29:20.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595623
17:29:20.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597115
17:29:20.376 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/df89/3794/d142/ee75/bf1d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121263349
17:29:20.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Barbara Karlich Show
17:29:20.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602972
17:29:20.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606139
17:29:20.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lokalausstieg Wien
17:29:20.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606220
17:29:20.377 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606370
17:29:20.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265193
17:29:20.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZIB
17:29:20.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606730
17:29:20.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265194
17:29:20.378 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute leben
17:29:20.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:20.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611540
17:29:20.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265200
17:29:20.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.379 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute konkret
17:29:20.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:20.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612890
17:29:20.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265455
17:29:20.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: heute infos & tipps
17:29:20.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612890
17:29:20.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612965
17:29:20.380 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265810
17:29:20.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wien heute Service
17:29:20.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613450
17:29:20.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:20.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265809
17:29:20.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wien heute
17:29:20.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:20.381 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614900
17:29:20.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265671
17:29:20.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeit im Bild
17:29:20.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616420
17:29:20.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265827
17:29:20.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.382 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wetter
17:29:20.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616565
17:29:20.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616685
17:29:20.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121265927
17:29:20.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport Aktuell
17:29:20.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616913
17:29:20.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617183
17:29:20.383 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266129
17:29:20.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Seitenblicke
17:29:20.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617454
17:29:20.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617714
17:29:20.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266130
17:29:20.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Millionenshow
17:29:20.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618115
17:29:20.384 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621113
17:29:20.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266131
17:29:20.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thema
17:29:20.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621535
17:29:20.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624025
17:29:20.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266631
17:29:20.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.385 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZIB 2
17:29:20.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625900
17:29:20.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266705
17:29:20.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kulturmontag
17:29:20.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626265
17:29:20.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629261
17:29:20.386 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121266934
17:29:20.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe
17:29:20.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zypern - Insel zwischen zwei Kulturen
17:29:20.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629265
17:29:20.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631956
17:29:20.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121268396
17:29:20.387 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:20.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:20.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.388 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117049
17:29:20.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:20.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1d80/316c/5464/cf46/c7e3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388482
17:29:20.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sternstunde Philosophie
17:29:20.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548500
17:29:20.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thomas Moser - Von Blinden lernen
17:29:20.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:20.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ffc4/51c6/2c42/8ec0/a64c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117051
17:29:20.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sternstunde Kunst
17:29:20.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548500
17:29:20.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553900
17:29:20.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ursula - Leben in Anderswo
17:29:20.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kultur
17:29:20.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03cd/2413/6a2d/b85d/19ab/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121189343
17:29:20.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553900
17:29:20.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554500
17:29:20.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117053
17:29:20.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: St. Moritz aktuell
17:29:20.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554500
17:29:20.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556600
17:29:20.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ski alpin, WM: Magazin
17:29:20.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f69b/f302/845e/fa1c/a143/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121163015
17:29:20.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556600
17:29:20.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557500
17:29:20.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117065
17:29:20.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557500
17:29:20.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:20.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117059
17:29:20.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportaktuell
17:29:20.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:20.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6da7/c9ec/eb6b/b12f/34e3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.394 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117067
17:29:20.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:20.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117061
17:29:20.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.395 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:20.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:20.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117064
17:29:20.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportaktuell
17:29:20.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:20.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:20.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.396 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6da7/c9ec/eb6b/b12f/34e3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117076
17:29:20.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:20.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:20.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117090
17:29:20.397 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportaktuell
17:29:20.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:20.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565600
17:29:20.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6da7/c9ec/eb6b/b12f/34e3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117086
17:29:20.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565600
17:29:20.398 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566200
17:29:20.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117082
17:29:20.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportaktuell
17:29:20.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566200
17:29:20.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:20.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.399 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6da7/c9ec/eb6b/b12f/34e3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117093
17:29:20.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportaktuell
17:29:20.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:20.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570100
17:29:20.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6da7/c9ec/eb6b/b12f/34e3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.400 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117095
17:29:20.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportaktuell
17:29:20.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570100
17:29:20.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571900
17:29:20.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6da7/c9ec/eb6b/b12f/34e3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.401 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117097
17:29:20.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportaktuell
17:29:20.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571900
17:29:20.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573700
17:29:20.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6da7/c9ec/eb6b/b12f/34e3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388483
17:29:20.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.402 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: gesundheitheute
17:29:20.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:20.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580600
17:29:20.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geheimnisse der Nacht
17:29:20.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gesundheit
17:29:20.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f4ff/2936/d5a2/b14f/7a69/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.403 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117100
17:29:20.404 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.404 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.404 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.404 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NZZ
17:29:20.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589600
17:29:20.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591400
17:29:20.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Countdown im Basistunnel
17:29:20.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:20.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/90f0/a07b/4328/8e9a/dd50/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117110
17:29:20.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportaktuell
17:29:20.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591400
17:29:20.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593200
17:29:20.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6da7/c9ec/eb6b/b12f/34e3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117113
17:29:20.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportaktuell
17:29:20.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593200
17:29:20.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.407 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6da7/c9ec/eb6b/b12f/34e3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117115
17:29:20.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.408 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117116
17:29:20.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:20.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117118
17:29:20.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.409 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:20.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:20.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117120
17:29:20.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:20.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599800
17:29:20.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.410 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117122
17:29:20.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599800
17:29:20.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:20.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.411 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117124
17:29:20.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:20.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602200
17:29:20.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117126
17:29:20.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.412 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602200
17:29:20.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:20.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117128
17:29:20.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:20.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604300
17:29:20.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.413 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117130
17:29:20.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604300
17:29:20.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605500
17:29:20.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.414 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117132
17:29:20.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Arena
17:29:20.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605500
17:29:20.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abgestraft und blamiert - wacht die Wirtschaft jetzt endlich auf?
17:29:20.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:20.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e8a9/66c5/b2e1/b9af/e13e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117134
17:29:20.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.415 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:20.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117140
17:29:20.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telesguard
17:29:20.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:20.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611500
17:29:20.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Emissiun d'infurmaziun
17:29:20.416 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5935/db05/ab73/c435/7d70/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117138
17:29:20.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611500
17:29:20.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612100
17:29:20.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.417 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117145
17:29:20.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telesguard
17:29:20.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612100
17:29:20.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Emissiun d'infurmaziun
17:29:20.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5935/db05/ab73/c435/7d70/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117143
17:29:20.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:20.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117153
17:29:20.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telesguard
17:29:20.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:20.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614200
17:29:20.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Emissiun d'infurmaziun
17:29:20.419 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5935/db05/ab73/c435/7d70/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117147
17:29:20.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telesguard
17:29:20.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614200
17:29:20.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:20.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Emissiun d'infurmaziun
17:29:20.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5935/db05/ab73/c435/7d70/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117149
17:29:20.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau-Schlagzeilen
17:29:20.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:20.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft
17:29:20.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121189345
17:29:20.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau und Meteo
17:29:20.421 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619000
17:29:20.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.422 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121163021
17:29:20.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schweiz aktuell
17:29:20.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619000
17:29:20.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620200
17:29:20.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ca9/e167/511b/7c35/8f78/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117154
17:29:20.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportflash
17:29:20.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620500
17:29:20.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Reportage
17:29:20.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0155/68f7/d8f0/9fa2/4ca2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117158
17:29:20.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tagesschau
17:29:20.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:20.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/010c/b749/a66d/d2a6/dbba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117160
17:29:20.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schweiz aktuell
17:29:20.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:20.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623800
17:29:20.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ca9/e167/511b/7c35/8f78/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117162
17:29:20.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportflash
17:29:20.426 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624100
17:29:20.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Reportage
17:29:20.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0155/68f7/d8f0/9fa2/4ca2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117166
17:29:20.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telesguard
17:29:20.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625000
17:29:20.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Emissiun d'infurmaziun
17:29:20.427 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5935/db05/ab73/c435/7d70/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117168
17:29:20.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Glanz & Gloria
17:29:20.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:20.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:20.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: People-Magazin
17:29:20.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9a66/ea2b/d086/cdee/c0ec/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117172
17:29:20.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 10vor10
17:29:20.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:20.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:20.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4436/6d19/1036/6a2a/37a2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117174
17:29:20.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 10vor10
17:29:20.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:20.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629500
17:29:20.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4436/6d19/1036/6a2a/37a2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117176
17:29:20.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.430 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportaktuell
17:29:20.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629500
17:29:20.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630100
17:29:20.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6da7/c9ec/eb6b/b12f/34e3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117178
17:29:20.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl
17:29:20.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Glanz & Gloria
17:29:20.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630100
17:29:20.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: People-Magazin
17:29:20.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.431 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9a66/ea2b/d086/cdee/c0ec/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117181
17:29:20.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CNN Today (with World Sport)
17:29:20.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:20.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.432 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c88c/e56e/8290/1b1d/d156/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121112919
17:29:20.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CNN Today
17:29:20.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:20.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:20.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2856/0f69/50d8/b5ad/7f08/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.433 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119031
17:29:20.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: World Sport
17:29:20.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:20.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:20.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd0f/95e4/94ed/3358/1679/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.434 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119032
17:29:20.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Best of Quest
17:29:20.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:20.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:20.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.435 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119034
17:29:20.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erin Burnett OutFront
17:29:20.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:20.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erin Burnett OutFront (CNNI)
17:29:20.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erotik
17:29:20.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b13d/0cef/5641/b2b1/b96a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.436 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119036
17:29:20.437 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.437 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.437 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Marketplace Africa
17:29:20.437 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:20.437 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:20.437 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.437 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:20.437 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.437 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119038
17:29:20.438 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.438 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.438 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Make, Create, Innovate
17:29:20.438 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:20.438 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:20.438 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:20.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/571d/e09c/29e9/6b85/474b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119040
17:29:20.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Amanpour
17:29:20.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:20.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:20.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c4b1/a550/2c00/a1b1/f4de/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119042
17:29:20.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fareed Zakaria GPS
17:29:20.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:20.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:20.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/eae4/16f1/3d4e/77cc/47bf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119044
17:29:20.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: TalkAsia
17:29:20.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:20.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:20.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Reise, Politik
17:29:20.441 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b58c/6cb8/b1c9/ad90/3e0a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119047
17:29:20.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News Special
17:29:20.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:20.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cec4/e1ad/89d1/2df0/2df3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119049
17:29:20.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CNN Newsroom
17:29:20.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c304/0146/55fa/6ebc/29d1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119051
17:29:20.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CNN Newsroom
17:29:20.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:20.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/99ae/c0f2/b2b9/0329/7f87/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119053
17:29:20.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CNN Newsroom
17:29:20.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:20.444 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/407d/af7a/76e5/7fbd/3fc1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119055
17:29:20.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CNN Newsroom
17:29:20.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ea47/5ee7/e4e0/2e05/98d7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.445 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119057
17:29:20.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CNN Newsroom
17:29:20.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:20.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b742/833e/48ef/b2b9/4d4e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119059
17:29:20.446 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Best of Quest
17:29:20.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:20.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:20.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119061
17:29:20.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News Special
17:29:20.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.447 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:20.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cec4/e1ad/89d1/2df0/2df3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119062
17:29:20.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: African Voices
17:29:20.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:20.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:20.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.448 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5a47/ab21/eb54/755a/795f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119063
17:29:20.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: New Day
17:29:20.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:20.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/123a/01a9/8f89/aa76/4440/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119065
17:29:20.449 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CNN Newsroom
17:29:20.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:20.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c12e/e326/3693/7fd8/a55b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119067
17:29:20.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: World Sport
17:29:20.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:20.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd0f/95e4/94ed/3358/1679/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119069
17:29:20.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News Stream (with World Sport)
17:29:20.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7f2d/33f5/a23b/4607/f0a8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119071
17:29:20.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CNNMoney with Maggie Lake
17:29:20.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft
17:29:20.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119073
17:29:20.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Connect the World with Becky Anderson
17:29:20.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ea8c/3eeb/bc95/5779/43ed/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119075
17:29:20.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: International Desk (with World Sport)
17:29:20.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119077
17:29:20.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Quest Express
17:29:20.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.454 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119079
17:29:20.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Marketplace Africa
17:29:20.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:20.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:20.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.455 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119081
17:29:20.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wolf
17:29:20.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:20.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:20.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119083
17:29:20.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.456 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Amanpour
17:29:20.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619000
17:29:20.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:20.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c4b1/a550/2c00/a1b1/f4de/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119085
17:29:20.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: State of America with Kate Bolduan
17:29:20.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619000
17:29:20.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.457 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119087
17:29:20.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The World Right Now with Hala Gorani
17:29:20.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.458 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119089
17:29:20.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Quest Means Business
17:29:20.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:20.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1258/6f80/6e57/8b1e/a1e7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119091
17:29:20.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Amanpour
17:29:20.459 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:20.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:20.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:20.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c4b1/a550/2c00/a1b1/f4de/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119093
17:29:20.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international
17:29:20.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: World Sport
17:29:20.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:20.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd0f/95e4/94ed/3358/1679/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119095
17:29:20.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:20.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7c65/96ed/b8f5/9247/846d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121112471
17:29:20.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:20.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ad64/8e55/f4c4/690a/ad9c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118321
17:29:20.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.463 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:20.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549400
17:29:20.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9b36/5498/6a7a/bd98/aab7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.464 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118325
17:29:20.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Actuelles
17:29:20.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549400
17:29:20.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550120
17:29:20.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ac34/7972/6234/7ea4/7443/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.465 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118327
17:29:20.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: #Pas2quartier
17:29:20.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550120
17:29:20.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550480
17:29:20.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/32ae/a28e/0fe0/b852/8e64/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.466 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118328
17:29:20.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:20.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551200
17:29:20.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.467 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5605/5d9f/deb9/62f7/8543/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.468 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118331
17:29:20.468 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.468 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.468 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reporters
17:29:20.468 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551200
17:29:20.468 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552280
17:29:20.468 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.468 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Magazin, Wissen
17:29:20.468 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4808/9657/e04a/b02d/7d4b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.468 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118333
17:29:20.469 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.469 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.469 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.469 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.469 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:20.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553300
17:29:20.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ca69/3dd8/68d4/5c00/907b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118337
17:29:20.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.470 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.471 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:20.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e730/3be1/851e/a4b8/2ad6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118343
17:29:20.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.472 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:20.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:20.473 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/aedc/c63a/fadb/2d58/e1b8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118350
17:29:20.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tech 24
17:29:20.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:20.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557680
17:29:20.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:20.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d705/a856/8b92/e690/34d4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.474 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118352
17:29:20.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:20.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.475 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8a19/fc5a/92ee/1446/4208/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118356
17:29:20.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A l'affiche
17:29:20.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559480
17:29:20.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fbeb/44b4/8458/5b4d/983e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118360
17:29:20.476 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:20.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ba6c/b585/551e/a228/9d8a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118364
17:29:20.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 7 jours en france
17:29:20.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:20.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561280
17:29:20.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:20.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5fda/5c99/e008/50a1/8ab8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118367
17:29:20.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.478 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:20.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:20.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b60b/e945/ed03/2af9/195a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118370
17:29:20.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.479 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:20.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:20.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b200/d678/8023/f46c/7ba9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.480 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118375
17:29:20.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Billet retour
17:29:20.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:20.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564880
17:29:20.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/21d0/979c/3a25/17de/9946/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118377
17:29:20.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.481 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:20.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565600
17:29:20.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9e9b/5636/eaf1/2343/ac57/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118381
17:29:20.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le Paris des arts
17:29:20.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565600
17:29:20.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566680
17:29:20.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Kultur
17:29:20.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a4fc/c0d1/8b68/ca2e/0779/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118382
17:29:20.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/afa6/b6ba/8844/079c/7b3c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118385
17:29:20.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.484 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567760
17:29:20.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c082/ee5b/d518/7b7d/64b3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118387
17:29:20.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Economie
17:29:20.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567760
17:29:20.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568060
17:29:20.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118388
17:29:20.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Extrait magazine
17:29:20.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568060
17:29:20.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568480
17:29:20.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a04b/579f/9cfd/8cd6/cf8c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118390
17:29:20.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:20.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569320
17:29:20.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/beb6/4101/ab52/c0a6/1bec/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.487 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118395
17:29:20.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569320
17:29:20.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569380
17:29:20.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5113/0e90/2d67/c1e3/b529/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118397
17:29:20.488 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Focus
17:29:20.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569380
17:29:20.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569680
17:29:20.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5374/afa5/f5ca/4b39/bb88/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118400
17:29:20.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sports
17:29:20.489 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569680
17:29:20.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569980
17:29:20.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e640/eba2/29fb/fae1/d599/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118401
17:29:20.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.490 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571300
17:29:20.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2bb0/e36c/0346/6881/5ce0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118404
17:29:20.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.491 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571300
17:29:20.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571360
17:29:20.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/62fd/0e06/cb8a/dba6/1142/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118406
17:29:20.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Economie
17:29:20.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571360
17:29:20.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571660
17:29:20.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.492 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.493 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.493 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118408
17:29:20.493 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.493 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.493 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.493 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.493 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:20.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2cf6/2c9d/5c23/cfa3/fc66/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118412
17:29:20.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:20.494 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573160
17:29:20.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/91a6/5851/e278/3e1c/8912/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118414
17:29:20.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Focus
17:29:20.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573160
17:29:20.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573460
17:29:20.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/645e/3a91/e440/d04f/3779/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.495 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118416
17:29:20.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sports
17:29:20.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573460
17:29:20.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573880
17:29:20.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e640/eba2/29fb/fae1/d599/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118418
17:29:20.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.496 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:20.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574900
17:29:20.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4964/f9ac/4e45/bfb6/a3dd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118422
17:29:20.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.497 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574900
17:29:20.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574960
17:29:20.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8c00/d17b/83c2/dbf5/a8b4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118424
17:29:20.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Economie
17:29:20.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574960
17:29:20.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575260
17:29:20.498 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118426
17:29:20.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Extrait magazine
17:29:20.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575260
17:29:20.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575680
17:29:20.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/44c5/52ba/f5de/bb84/6fe9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118428
17:29:20.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576640
17:29:20.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/adda/29b3/b1f5/9730/5d15/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118433
17:29:20.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576640
17:29:20.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:20.501 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a4ef/2c4d/3ddc/9431/7b18/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118434
17:29:20.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Focus
17:29:20.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:20.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577300
17:29:20.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.502 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f949/bd1e/1c6f/b327/19ff/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118435
17:29:20.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fin de tranche
17:29:20.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577300
17:29:20.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577480
17:29:20.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/56ce/3ce5/860a/3620/5115/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.503 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118436
17:29:20.504 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.504 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.504 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.504 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.504 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.504 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.504 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:20.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2e8a/1972/021e/db23/970a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118439
17:29:20.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:20.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578560
17:29:20.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.505 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5fae/ce6e/9cb5/0a26/9bfa/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118440
17:29:20.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Economie
17:29:20.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578560
17:29:20.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578860
17:29:20.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.506 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118443
17:29:20.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Revue de presse internationale
17:29:20.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578860
17:29:20.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579280
17:29:20.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8fca/ade1/3848/445f/3108/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.507 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118444
17:29:20.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:20.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c80c/f906/d61b/30ac/a7dc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.508 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118449
17:29:20.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:20.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580360
17:29:20.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7642/dfe7/7ce6/0319/3da6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118451
17:29:20.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.509 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Focus
17:29:20.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580360
17:29:20.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580960
17:29:20.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7567/dad2/d6f3/4fc0/0471/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118453
17:29:20.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fin de tranche
17:29:20.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580960
17:29:20.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581080
17:29:20.510 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e549/c0ca/f2d4/80ba/282f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118454
17:29:20.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.511 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581800
17:29:20.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bfbc/254c/24b3/ae03/5c7c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118458
17:29:20.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Billet retour
17:29:20.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581800
17:29:20.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582880
17:29:20.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2ec6/e631/2d3c/d352/b090/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.512 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118460
17:29:20.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:20.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583600
17:29:20.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.513 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c810/ac7a/09e2/a93c/0962/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118464
17:29:20.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sports
17:29:20.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583600
17:29:20.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:20.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e640/eba2/29fb/fae1/d599/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118465
17:29:20.514 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 7 jours en france
17:29:20.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:20.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584680
17:29:20.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Politik
17:29:20.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e0af/18b6/95ee/3e38/37ab/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118467
17:29:20.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.515 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585400
17:29:20.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/726e/b939/2436/a4e3/4ff2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118470
17:29:20.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.516 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ici l'Europe
17:29:20.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585400
17:29:20.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586480
17:29:20.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:20.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/92e7/3a4b/67d1/06a9/7e23/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118472
17:29:20.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.517 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:20.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587200
17:29:20.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2c92/05f3/5e7a/f136/e1ac/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118476
17:29:20.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ici l'Europe
17:29:20.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587200
17:29:20.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588280
17:29:20.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.518 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:20.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/532a/f5e9/c4ad/2b48/c0eb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118478
17:29:20.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:20.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:20.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.519 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/10ce/c819/2749/a6c9/b0dd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118483
17:29:20.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mode
17:29:20.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:20.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589360
17:29:20.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9f52/b496/cc21/bf01/1b72/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.520 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118485
17:29:20.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A l'affiche
17:29:20.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589360
17:29:20.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590080
17:29:20.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3676/48a9/d600/c20a/2863/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118487
17:29:20.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.521 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:20.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590800
17:29:20.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/434d/d41d/2968/27c7/af2d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118491
17:29:20.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.522 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reporters
17:29:20.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590800
17:29:20.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591880
17:29:20.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Magazin, Wissen
17:29:20.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ee62/9def/44b3/94d5/468e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118493
17:29:20.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.523 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:20.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4b64/fc37/16df/969f/cf19/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118497
17:29:20.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:20.524 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592960
17:29:20.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/85b4/bfd1/c807/9fef/d769/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118500
17:29:20.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sports
17:29:20.525 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593260
17:29:20.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593680
17:29:20.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e640/eba2/29fb/fae1/d599/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118503
17:29:20.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.526 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:20.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594700
17:29:20.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/240d/af00/05b8/baf5/435d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118507
17:29:20.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594700
17:29:20.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594760
17:29:20.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.527 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3b73/e011/f858/1150/4f24/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118509
17:29:20.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: La chronique du jour
17:29:20.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594760
17:29:20.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595060
17:29:20.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3e04/81c5/906a/5a16/6437/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118511
17:29:20.528 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Extrait magazine
17:29:20.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595060
17:29:20.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595480
17:29:20.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118513
17:29:20.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.529 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4936/afb8/f680/81ad/5abf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118515
17:29:20.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.530 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596560
17:29:20.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/323e/9059/c99d/ca72/6788/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118516
17:29:20.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Focus
17:29:20.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596560
17:29:20.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597280
17:29:20.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5852/058d/9c70/e303/2a65/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118517
17:29:20.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.532 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:20.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9fe9/e801/1bbc/b513/b7f8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118519
17:29:20.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:20.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598360
17:29:20.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.533 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/672e/e2e8/c464/1877/3774/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118520
17:29:20.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Chronique culture
17:29:20.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598360
17:29:20.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598660
17:29:20.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Kultur
17:29:20.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a335/b8dc/f449/7b9c/007f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.534 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118521
17:29:20.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sports
17:29:20.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598660
17:29:20.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599080
17:29:20.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e640/eba2/29fb/fae1/d599/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.535 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118522
17:29:20.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:20.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.536 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/862d/0841/71ca/459b/16d3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118525
17:29:20.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tech 24
17:29:20.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:20.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600880
17:29:20.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wissen
17:29:20.537 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d705/a856/8b92/e690/34d4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.538 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118527
17:29:20.538 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.538 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:20.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601900
17:29:20.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8ac5/b61c/a76c/c49f/f739/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118530
17:29:20.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: L'entretien de France 24
17:29:20.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601900
17:29:20.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602680
17:29:20.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:20.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3d77/b078/cf67/a446/bd8f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.540 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118532
17:29:20.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.541 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7db9/5439/d935/4e24/c7e4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118536
17:29:20.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: #Pas2quartier
17:29:20.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604060
17:29:20.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4157/bd70/1aac/56b8/787e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118538
17:29:20.542 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:20.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605500
17:29:20.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cf74/01b5/0940/2a9a/57fb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118544
17:29:20.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Actuelles
17:29:20.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605500
17:29:20.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606280
17:29:20.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/53dc/349d/830c/51ce/17d1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.544 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118546
17:29:20.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:20.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.545 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118550
17:29:20.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A l'affiche
17:29:20.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:20.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607720
17:29:20.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118552
17:29:20.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:20.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608800
17:29:20.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118557
17:29:20.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le Paris des arts
17:29:20.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608800
17:29:20.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609880
17:29:20.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Kultur
17:29:20.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/32c9/1f7f/f5c0/2897/9dfd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.548 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118559
17:29:20.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.549 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118562
17:29:20.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610960
17:29:20.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.550 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118564
17:29:20.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le fait du jour
17:29:20.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610960
17:29:20.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611680
17:29:20.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118566
17:29:20.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.551 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:20.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118569
17:29:20.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.552 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612760
17:29:20.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118571
17:29:20.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Economie
17:29:20.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612760
17:29:20.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613060
17:29:20.553 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118573
17:29:20.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sports
17:29:20.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613060
17:29:20.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613480
17:29:20.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e640/eba2/29fb/fae1/d599/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.554 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118575
17:29:20.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:20.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614200
17:29:20.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.555 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118578
17:29:20.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Flash
17:29:20.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615520
17:29:20.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.556 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118581
17:29:20.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.557 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118587
17:29:20.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618160
17:29:20.558 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118588
17:29:20.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Economie
17:29:20.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618160
17:29:20.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618460
17:29:20.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.559 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118590
17:29:20.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sports
17:29:20.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618460
17:29:20.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618880
17:29:20.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e640/eba2/29fb/fae1/d599/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118592
17:29:20.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.560 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619000
17:29:20.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619900
17:29:20.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118595
17:29:20.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.561 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619900
17:29:20.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619960
17:29:20.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118597
17:29:20.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.562 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Focus
17:29:20.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620260
17:29:20.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620680
17:29:20.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118600
17:29:20.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.563 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:20.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118604
17:29:20.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:20.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621760
17:29:20.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118605
17:29:20.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Economie
17:29:20.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621760
17:29:20.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622060
17:29:20.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118607
17:29:20.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Extrait magazine
17:29:20.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622060
17:29:20.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622480
17:29:20.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.566 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118609
17:29:20.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:20.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.567 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118612
17:29:20.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623500
17:29:20.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623560
17:29:20.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.568 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118614
17:29:20.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de l'Afrique
17:29:20.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623560
17:29:20.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624280
17:29:20.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e3bb/19c1/99d5/6437/2f8d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.569 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118615
17:29:20.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:20.570 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118619
17:29:20.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:20.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625360
17:29:20.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.571 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118621
17:29:20.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Economie
17:29:20.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625360
17:29:20.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625660
17:29:20.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.572 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118623
17:29:20.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.573 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:20.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:20.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118628
17:29:20.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:20.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627160
17:29:20.574 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118629
17:29:20.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de l'Afrique
17:29:20.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627160
17:29:20.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627880
17:29:20.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e3bb/19c1/99d5/6437/2f8d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.575 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118631
17:29:20.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:20.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:20.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.576 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118634
17:29:20.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:20.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628960
17:29:20.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118636
17:29:20.577 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal
17:29:20.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:20.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630700
17:29:20.578 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le journal de France 24
17:29:20.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118641
17:29:20.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Le rappel des titres
17:29:20.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630700
17:29:20.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630760
17:29:20.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118642
17:29:20.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sports
17:29:20.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630760
17:29:20.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631060
17:29:20.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e640/eba2/29fb/fae1/d599/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118644
17:29:20.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Focus
17:29:20.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631060
17:29:20.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631480
17:29:20.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/03c7/7e82/026c/3cbd/60f7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118646
17:29:20.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.581 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr
17:29:20.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:20.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121438074
17:29:20.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SPORTS
17:29:20.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:20.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546700
17:29:20.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121438097
17:29:20.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: REPORT
17:29:20.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546700
17:29:20.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546880
17:29:20.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121438232
17:29:20.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546880
17:29:20.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121438304
17:29:20.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.584 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:20.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121438322
17:29:20.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ACROSS AFRICA
17:29:20.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547900
17:29:20.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548620
17:29:20.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121438338
17:29:20.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548620
17:29:20.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:20.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121438444
17:29:20.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:20.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549700
17:29:20.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121438527
17:29:20.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SPORTS
17:29:20.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549700
17:29:20.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550300
17:29:20.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121438629
17:29:20.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: REPORT
17:29:20.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550300
17:29:20.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550480
17:29:20.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121438943
17:29:20.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550480
17:29:20.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:20.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.589 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439007
17:29:20.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:20.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:20.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439028
17:29:20.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.590 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ACCESS ASIA
17:29:20.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:20.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552220
17:29:20.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439038
17:29:20.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552220
17:29:20.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:20.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439145
17:29:20.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:20.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553000
17:29:20.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439221
17:29:20.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: REPORTERS
17:29:20.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553000
17:29:20.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554080
17:29:20.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439249
17:29:20.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554080
17:29:20.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.593 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439323
17:29:20.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554800
17:29:20.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.594 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439438
17:29:20.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: PEOPLE AND PROFIT
17:29:20.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554800
17:29:20.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:20.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439455
17:29:20.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.595 T:1563288480 DEBUG: EYE ON AFRICA
17:29:20.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:20.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555520
17:29:20.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439573
17:29:20.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: YOU ARE HERE
17:29:20.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555520
17:29:20.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555820
17:29:20.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.596 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439606
17:29:20.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555820
17:29:20.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:20.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439645
17:29:20.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.597 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:20.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556600
17:29:20.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439687
17:29:20.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: REVISITED
17:29:20.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556600
17:29:20.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557680
17:29:20.598 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439712
17:29:20.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557680
17:29:20.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:20.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439781
17:29:20.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:20.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558400
17:29:20.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439901
17:29:20.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ENCORE
17:29:20.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558400
17:29:20.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559120
17:29:20.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121440297
17:29:20.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.601 T:1563288480 DEBUG: FASHION
17:29:20.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559120
17:29:20.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559420
17:29:20.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441054
17:29:20.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559420
17:29:20.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.602 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441134
17:29:20.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560200
17:29:20.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.603 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441167
17:29:20.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: TALKING EUROPE
17:29:20.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560200
17:29:20.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561280
17:29:20.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.604 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441226
17:29:20.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561280
17:29:20.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:20.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.605 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121442037
17:29:20.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:20.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562000
17:29:20.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121443385
17:29:20.606 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: TALKING EUROPE
17:29:20.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562000
17:29:20.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563020
17:29:20.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121443928
17:29:20.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563020
17:29:20.607 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:20.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121446058
17:29:20.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:20.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:20.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.608 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121447670
17:29:20.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ACROSS AFRICA
17:29:20.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:20.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:20.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121447754
17:29:20.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: EYE ON AFRICA
17:29:20.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:20.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564880
17:29:20.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121448343
17:29:20.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564880
17:29:20.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:20.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121448935
17:29:20.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:20.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:20.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.611 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121450103
17:29:20.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: PEOPLE AND PROFIT
17:29:20.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:20.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566620
17:29:20.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121450184
17:29:20.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566620
17:29:20.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121451733
17:29:20.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.613 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452039
17:29:20.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: HEADLINES
17:29:20.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567760
17:29:20.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452071
17:29:20.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BUSINESS
17:29:20.614 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567760
17:29:20.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567940
17:29:20.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452187
17:29:20.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MAG EXTRACT
17:29:20.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567940
17:29:20.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568180
17:29:20.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.615 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452197
17:29:20.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SPORTS
17:29:20.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568180
17:29:20.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568480
17:29:20.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452221
17:29:20.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568480
17:29:20.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:20.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452258
17:29:20.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:20.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:20.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452299
17:29:20.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: HEADLINES
17:29:20.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:20.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569560
17:29:20.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452311
17:29:20.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: FOCUS
17:29:20.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569560
17:29:20.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569860
17:29:20.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452476
17:29:20.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SPORTS
17:29:20.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569860
17:29:20.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570280
17:29:20.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452485
17:29:20.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570280
17:29:20.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452534
17:29:20.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571420
17:29:20.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452588
17:29:20.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.621 T:1563288480 DEBUG: HEADLINES
17:29:20.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571420
17:29:20.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571480
17:29:20.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452605
17:29:20.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BUSINESS
17:29:20.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571480
17:29:20.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571660
17:29:20.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.622 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452744
17:29:20.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: IN THE FRENCH PRESS
17:29:20.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571660
17:29:20.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572080
17:29:20.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452759
17:29:20.623 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572080
17:29:20.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452790
17:29:20.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:20.624 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452853
17:29:20.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: HEADLINES
17:29:20.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:20.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573160
17:29:20.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.625 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452870
17:29:20.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: FOCUS
17:29:20.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573160
17:29:20.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573460
17:29:20.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452990
17:29:20.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SPORTS
17:29:20.626 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573460
17:29:20.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573880
17:29:20.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121453003
17:29:20.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573880
17:29:20.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:20.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.627 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121453043
17:29:20.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:20.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574960
17:29:20.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121453099
17:29:20.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.628 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: HEADLINES
17:29:20.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574960
17:29:20.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575020
17:29:20.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121453117
17:29:20.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BUSINESS
17:29:20.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575020
17:29:20.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575320
17:29:20.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.629 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121453830
17:29:20.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: MAG EXTRACT
17:29:20.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575320
17:29:20.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575680
17:29:20.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.630 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121453859
17:29:20.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575680
17:29:20.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121454655
17:29:20.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.631 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576640
17:29:20.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121454715
17:29:20.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: HEADLINES
17:29:20.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576640
17:29:20.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:20.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.632 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121454729
17:29:20.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: FOCUS + SPORTS
17:29:20.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:20.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577300
17:29:20.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121454841
17:29:20.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577300
17:29:20.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577480
17:29:20.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121454848
17:29:20.634 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577480
17:29:20.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121454923
17:29:20.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.635 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:20.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121454957
17:29:20.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: HEADLINES
17:29:20.636 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:20.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578560
17:29:20.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121454973
17:29:20.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BUSINESS
17:29:20.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578560
17:29:20.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578860
17:29:20.637 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121455227
17:29:20.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: IN THE WORLD PRESS
17:29:20.638 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578860
17:29:20.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579280
17:29:20.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121455238
17:29:20.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.639 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579280
17:29:20.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121455278
17:29:20.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580240
17:29:20.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.640 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121455345
17:29:20.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: HEADLINES
17:29:20.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580240
17:29:20.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:20.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.641 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121455360
17:29:20.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: FOCUS + SPORTS
17:29:20.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:20.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580900
17:29:20.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121455490
17:29:20.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580900
17:29:20.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581020
17:29:20.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121455495
17:29:20.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581020
17:29:20.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121455745
17:29:20.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121455917
17:29:20.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.644 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: PEOPLE AND PROFIT
17:29:20.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582880
17:29:20.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121455944
17:29:20.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582880
17:29:20.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:20.645 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121456075
17:29:20.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:20.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583960
17:29:20.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.646 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121456183
17:29:20.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SPORTS
17:29:20.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583960
17:29:20.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584260
17:29:20.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121456195
17:29:20.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.647 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DOWN TO EARTH
17:29:20.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584260
17:29:20.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584620
17:29:20.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121456320
17:29:20.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584620
17:29:20.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.648 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121456362
17:29:20.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585700
17:29:20.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121456414
17:29:20.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.649 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: FRANCE IN FOCUS
17:29:20.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585700
17:29:20.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586480
17:29:20.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121456440
17:29:20.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586480
17:29:20.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:20.650 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121456584
17:29:20.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:20.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587500
17:29:20.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.651 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121456678
17:29:20.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: TECH 24
17:29:20.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587500
17:29:20.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588220
17:29:20.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121456696
17:29:20.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588220
17:29:20.652 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:20.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121456919
17:29:20.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:20.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:20.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.653 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457014
17:29:20.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: FASHION
17:29:20.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:20.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589360
17:29:20.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457042
17:29:20.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ENCORE
17:29:20.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589360
17:29:20.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590080
17:29:20.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457149
17:29:20.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590080
17:29:20.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:20.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457203
17:29:20.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:20.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590800
17:29:20.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457295
17:29:20.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.656 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: REPORTERS
17:29:20.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590800
17:29:20.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591820
17:29:20.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457306
17:29:20.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591820
17:29:20.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.657 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457373
17:29:20.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:20.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.658 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457460
17:29:20.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: HEADLINES
17:29:20.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:20.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592960
17:29:20.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457482
17:29:20.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BUSINESS
17:29:20.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592960
17:29:20.659 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593260
17:29:20.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457606
17:29:20.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: IN THE PRESS
17:29:20.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593260
17:29:20.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593680
17:29:20.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.660 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457613
17:29:20.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593680
17:29:20.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:20.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457652
17:29:20.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.661 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:20.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594700
17:29:20.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457697
17:29:20.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: HEADLINES
17:29:20.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594700
17:29:20.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594760
17:29:20.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.662 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457729
17:29:20.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594760
17:29:20.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595060
17:29:20.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457844
17:29:20.663 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SPORTS
17:29:20.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595060
17:29:20.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595480
17:29:20.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457852
17:29:20.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595480
17:29:20.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.664 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457920
17:29:20.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.665 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121458087
17:29:20.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: HEADLINES
17:29:20.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596560
17:29:20.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121458089
17:29:20.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.666 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CULTURE CRITICS
17:29:20.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596560
17:29:20.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596860
17:29:20.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121458126
17:29:20.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SPORTS
17:29:20.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596860
17:29:20.667 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597280
17:29:20.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121458136
17:29:20.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597280
17:29:20.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.668 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121458241
17:29:20.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:20.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.669 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121458293
17:29:20.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: HEADLINES
17:29:20.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:20.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598360
17:29:20.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.670 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121458309
17:29:20.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: FOCUS
17:29:20.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598360
17:29:20.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598660
17:29:20.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.671 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121458424
17:29:20.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598660
17:29:20.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599020
17:29:20.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121458435
17:29:20.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.672 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599020
17:29:20.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121458469
17:29:20.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.673 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599860
17:29:20.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121458516
17:29:20.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: REVISITED
17:29:20.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599860
17:29:20.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600880
17:29:20.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.674 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121458546
17:29:20.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600880
17:29:20.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:20.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121458655
17:29:20.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.675 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:20.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601600
17:29:20.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121458840
17:29:20.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: THE 51 %
17:29:20.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601600
17:29:20.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602320
17:29:20.676 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121458859
17:29:20.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: FRENCH CONNECTIONS
17:29:20.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602320
17:29:20.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602620
17:29:20.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121459013
17:29:20.677 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602620
17:29:20.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121459126
17:29:20.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.678 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:20.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121459165
17:29:20.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: TALKING EUROPE
17:29:20.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:20.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604480
17:29:20.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121459197
17:29:20.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604480
17:29:20.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:20.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121459445
17:29:20.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.680 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:20.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605200
17:29:20.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121459623
17:29:20.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: TALKING EUROPE
17:29:20.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605200
17:29:20.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606220
17:29:20.681 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/83c2/85cd/3734/49f6/a523/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 114849479
17:29:20.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606220
17:29:20.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.682 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121459712
17:29:20.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607360
17:29:20.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121459865
17:29:20.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.683 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ENCORE
17:29:20.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607360
17:29:20.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608080
17:29:20.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121459896
17:29:20.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: WEATHER
17:29:20.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608080
17:29:20.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:20.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A worldwide weather programme including 5 day forecast.
17:29:20.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.684 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121460035
17:29:20.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NEWS
17:29:20.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:20.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:20.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Information non disponible.
17:29:20.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121460146
17:29:20.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.685 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:20.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:20.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429588
17:29:20.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:20.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:20.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.686 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429589
17:29:20.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:20.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429590
17:29:20.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:20.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429591
17:29:20.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:20.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:20.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429592
17:29:20.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en
17:29:20.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:20.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:20.689 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/061e/8f34/d8ae/56d0/caea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429593
17:29:20.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bloomberg Daybreak Asia (LIVE)
17:29:20.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:20.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.690 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f7eb/3cea/9e1f/dd3d/aa60/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388105
17:29:20.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bloomberg Businessweek
17:29:20.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:20.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:20.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5ed7/6e2d/6665/2de7/78a8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.691 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388450
17:29:20.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Best of Bloomberg Technology
17:29:20.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:20.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:20.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:20.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ca79/d427/6685/4778/ec1f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388451
17:29:20.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bloomberg Best
17:29:20.692 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:20.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:20.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388452
17:29:20.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Brilliant Ideas
17:29:20.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:20.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wilhelm Sasnal
17:29:20.693 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c7f2/8e2d/94c3/2006/cd21/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388453
17:29:20.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bloomberg Markets
17:29:20.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:20.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Middle East
17:29:20.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:20.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.694 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388454
17:29:20.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Best of Bloomberg Technology
17:29:20.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:20.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/dc50/e4a8/1705/fc57/1b7a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388455
17:29:20.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.695 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bloomberg Daybreak
17:29:20.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Europe
17:29:20.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f10/4845/08d5/fbe3/80f2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388456
17:29:20.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bloomberg Markets
17:29:20.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: European Open
17:29:20.696 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:20.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388457
17:29:20.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bloomberg Surveillance
17:29:20.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:20.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.697 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388458
17:29:20.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bloomberg Markets
17:29:20.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:20.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388459
17:29:20.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.698 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bloomberg Markets
17:29:20.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: European Close
17:29:20.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:20.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388460
17:29:20.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bloomberg Businessweek Debrief: A Conversation With Melinda Gates
17:29:20.699 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:20.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388461
17:29:20.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Charlie Rose
17:29:20.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:20.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.700 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:20.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/47fd/96a9/3887/03f8/43a8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388463
17:29:20.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bloomberg Best
17:29:20.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Sports Summit
17:29:20.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Wirtschaft
17:29:20.701 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388464
17:29:20.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bloomberg Businessweek
17:29:20.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388465
17:29:20.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Best of Bloomberg Technology
17:29:20.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:20.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:20.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388466
17:29:20.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe
17:29:20.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bloomberg Daybreak
17:29:20.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:20.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Australia
17:29:20.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388467
17:29:20.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonlife
17:29:20.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: FWC Music
17:29:20.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:20.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Live Gospel music recorded in Family Worship Center Church featuring Jimmy Swaggart and other singers.
17:29:20.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7823/9fd3/6e61/0263/7aba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.705 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121436207
17:29:20.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonlife
17:29:20.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Family Worship Centre...
17:29:20.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:20.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:20.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ...Sunday live service. Music and preaching.
17:29:20.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ed14/3d0c/1b2a/04c8/f62d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.706 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121438090
17:29:20.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonlife
17:29:20.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Living Waters with Gabriel...
17:29:20.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:20.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ...Swaggart. A live Gospel music show hosted by Gabriel Swaggart, featuring the music of Jimmy Swaggart and others.
17:29:20.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b610/8e9b/5579/1ffc/adc2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121438628
17:29:20.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonlife
17:29:20.707 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Donnie Swaggart
17:29:20.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Preaching Ministry of Donnie Swaggart, recorded at Family Worship Center Church in Baton Rouge, LA
17:29:20.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0573/a427/bbc7/b6cd/734c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121439705
17:29:20.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonlife
17:29:20.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: FWC Music
17:29:20.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Live Gospel music recorded in Family Worship Center Church featuring Jimmy Swaggart and other singers.
17:29:20.708 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/46f9/699e/9d8c/c2fe/49f1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121441192
17:29:20.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonlife
17:29:20.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A Study In The Word
17:29:20.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bible teaching programme hosted by Jimmy Swaggart.
17:29:20.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b5c6/ffa5/9c69/78a2/532c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.709 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452063
17:29:20.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonlife
17:29:20.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: FWC Music
17:29:20.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:20.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Live Gospel music recorded in Family Worship Center Church featuring Jimmy Swaggart and other singers.
17:29:20.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2fe6/e18f/c6b5/362b/ca8e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452603
17:29:20.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonlife
17:29:20.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Message of the Cross
17:29:20.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:20.710 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: A Biblical teaching programme hosted by Rev. Jimmy Swaggart, with a panel of pastors, professors and other church leaders.
17:29:20.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8ba8/53ed/f4d3/55f8/bc6a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121452868
17:29:20.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonlife
17:29:20.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: FWC Music
17:29:20.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Live Gospel music recorded in Family Worship Center Church featuring Jimmy Swaggart and other singers.
17:29:20.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5395/4d40/303a/5354/3f40/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.711 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121453114
17:29:20.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonlife
17:29:20.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Insight
17:29:20.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Today's news from a Biblical perspective.
17:29:20.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9a30/0522/c78e/b74c/2c28/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121454968
17:29:20.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonlife
17:29:20.712 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jimmy Swaggart
17:29:20.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:20.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The preaching Ministry of Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart. This show is taken from church services recorded live at Family Worship Center Church in Baton Rouge, LA.
17:29:20.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a600/8cad/8917/edf8/becb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121455359
17:29:20.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonlife
17:29:20.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: February Share-A-Thon
17:29:20.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:20.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Praising the Lord for what's been done through viewers around the world on the Sonlife Broadcasting Network
17:29:20.713 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fbf6/6c69/92dd/bb4b/5197/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121455936
17:29:20.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonlife
17:29:20.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: February Share-A-Thon
17:29:20.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Praising the Lord for what's been done through viewers around the world on the Sonlife Broadcasting Network
17:29:20.714 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121457045
17:29:20.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: GOD Channel - 24 hours a day
17:29:20.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544900
17:29:20.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:20.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382475
17:29:20.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.715 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reinhard Bonnke Gospel Crusade - 2
17:29:20.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:20.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547300
17:29:20.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382477
17:29:20.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Everyday Answers with Joyce Meyer
17:29:20.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547300
17:29:20.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:20.716 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382478
17:29:20.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Revival Alliance Conference
17:29:20.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:20.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556600
17:29:20.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382530
17:29:20.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.717 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reinhard Bonnke Gospel Crusade - 2
17:29:20.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556600
17:29:20.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567400
17:29:20.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382531
17:29:20.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Prayer Room - Live
17:29:20.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567400
17:29:20.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.718 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382494
17:29:20.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ask Me Anything
17:29:20.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571000
17:29:20.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382497
17:29:20.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.719 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Out of Zion - Ron Cantor
17:29:20.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571000
17:29:20.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382498
17:29:20.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Prayer Time
17:29:20.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571900
17:29:20.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.720 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382502
17:29:20.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Family Time - Angus Buchan
17:29:20.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571900
17:29:20.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382503
17:29:20.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.721 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Creflo Dollar Ministries
17:29:20.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:20.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382508
17:29:20.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Believer's Voice of Victory
17:29:20.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:20.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.722 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382509
17:29:20.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gospel Truth - Andrew Wommack
17:29:20.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382510
17:29:20.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.723 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Enjoying Everyday Life
17:29:20.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:20.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382513
17:29:20.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: This is Your Day - Benny Hinn
17:29:20.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.724 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382514
17:29:20.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: It's Supernatural!
17:29:20.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:20.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:20.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382516
17:29:20.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.725 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Living Stone Ministries
17:29:20.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:20.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382518
17:29:20.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jewish Voice - Rabbi Bernis
17:29:20.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:20.726 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382519
17:29:20.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Arise Conference
17:29:20.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:20.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:20.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.727 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382520
17:29:20.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: GOD TV Worship
17:29:20.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:20.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591700
17:29:20.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382523
17:29:20.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Out of Zion - Ron Cantor
17:29:20.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591700
17:29:20.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382524
17:29:20.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hour of Salvation
17:29:20.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:20.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382525
17:29:20.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Passion for Jesus - Mike Bickle
17:29:20.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:20.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382461
17:29:20.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Believer's Voice of Victory
17:29:20.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382464
17:29:20.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Joseph Prince
17:29:20.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382465
17:29:20.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Prayer Time
17:29:20.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599500
17:29:20.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382470
17:29:20.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reinhard Bonnke Gospel Crusade - 2
17:29:20.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599500
17:29:20.732 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:20.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382472
17:29:20.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: God Knows TV - Cindy Jacobs
17:29:20.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:20.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:20.733 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382481
17:29:20.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ask Me Anything
17:29:20.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:20.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.734 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382484
17:29:20.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Out of Zion - Ron Cantor
17:29:20.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613000
17:29:20.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382487
17:29:20.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.735 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Prayer Time
17:29:20.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613000
17:29:20.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613300
17:29:20.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382488
17:29:20.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Family Time - Angus Buchan
17:29:20.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613300
17:29:20.736 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:20.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382491
17:29:20.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Roots and Reflections: Barry Segal
17:29:20.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:20.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.737 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382492
17:29:20.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Creflo Dollar Ministries
17:29:20.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.738 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382532
17:29:20.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Good News - Reinhard Bonnke
17:29:20.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619000
17:29:20.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.739 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382533
17:29:20.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gospel Truth - Andrew Wommack
17:29:20.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619000
17:29:20.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.740 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382535
17:29:20.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Enjoying Everyday Life
17:29:20.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:20.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382536
17:29:20.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.741 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Prayer Time
17:29:20.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:20.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622900
17:29:20.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382537
17:29:20.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Passion for Jesus - Mike Bickle
17:29:20.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622900
17:29:20.742 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:20.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382538
17:29:20.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: AAFA Black History Symposium
17:29:20.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:20.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:20.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.743 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382539
17:29:20.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: GOD TV Worship
17:29:20.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:20.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:20.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382540
17:29:20.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Book of Genesis: Chuck Missler
17:29:20.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629800
17:29:20.744 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631300
17:29:20.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382541
17:29:20.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv
17:29:20.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: GOD Channel - 24 hours a day
17:29:20.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631300
17:29:20.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631900
17:29:20.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7b7a/db46/d33b/bd72/05c1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.745 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121382542
17:29:20.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: En portada
17:29:20.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:20.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548200
17:29:20.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.746 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Trabajo temporal
17:29:20.747 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555400
17:29:20.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap
17:29:20.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4005/b901/5b46/d450/2c6e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216840
17:29:20.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Trabajo temporal
17:29:20.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562000
17:29:20.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap
17:29:20.748 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0309/d4fe/6125/a501/f5d2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216841
17:29:20.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Flash Moda
17:29:20.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562000
17:29:20.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:20.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8838/398d/e1d7/5c43/dcdf/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216842
17:29:20.749 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zoom tendencias
17:29:20.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563800
17:29:20.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:20.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:20.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f807/8bb1/d232/b33a/3ac4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117632
17:29:20.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: La aventura del saber
17:29:20.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:20.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:20.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d14f/2670/3db8/cb51/59e9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117634
17:29:20.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telediario Matinal
17:29:20.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:20.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575500
17:29:20.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cfba/2be3/d2f1/084a/1701/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117636
17:29:20.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Los desayunos de TVE
17:29:20.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575500
17:29:20.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581500
17:29:20.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:20.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a5a5/857f/c978/11ba/98a5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117639
17:29:20.752 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Torres en la cocina
17:29:20.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593500
17:29:20.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595300
17:29:20.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e3b7/fdde/2d3b/712c/b74b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.753 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117643
17:29:20.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telediario 1
17:29:20.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.754 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f3ec/940f/68e2/c7c5/9221/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117650
17:29:20.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Saber y ganar
17:29:20.755 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:20.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605800
17:29:20.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:20.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/515a/020a/9c29/dc6d/a565/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117653
17:29:20.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Acacias 38
17:29:20.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605800
17:29:20.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:20.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama
17:29:20.756 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a1f9/7f22/3584/82e1/443b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117655
17:29:20.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Seis hermanas
17:29:20.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609100
17:29:20.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:20.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama
17:29:20.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9640/a6e3/48cd/a167/a0db/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.757 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117657
17:29:20.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.758 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telediario 2
17:29:20.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:20.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.759 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117667
17:29:20.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hora punta
17:29:20.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:20.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:20.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117668
17:29:20.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: El final del camino
17:29:20.760 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626800
17:29:20.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:20.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117670
17:29:20.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve
17:29:20.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Historia de nuestro cine
17:29:20.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:20.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487636700
17:29:20.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.761 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117672
17:29:20.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Noticias 24H
17:29:20.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487541600
17:29:20.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:20.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4357/d9e3/b16f/c9d0/32ba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.762 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121113570
17:29:20.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lab24
17:29:20.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:20.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:20.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen
17:29:20.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9e9b/64f8/5b0a/1808/018b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119626
17:29:20.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.763 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telediario Internacional
17:29:20.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:20.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2a53/4a2a/b5bb/3560/5e75/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119628
17:29:20.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Noticias 24H
17:29:20.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:20.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:20.764 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1ca3/8c26/e0bb/405a/29b3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119629
17:29:20.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telediario Internacional
17:29:20.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:20.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:20.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a032/38fc/bf35/8165/a408/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.765 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119630
17:29:20.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Noticias 24H
17:29:20.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:20.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/efe0/853a/5008/31f0/26ed/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.766 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119632
17:29:20.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fue informe
17:29:20.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:20.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/728f/7e04/a540/a91f/8631/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119635
17:29:20.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.767 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: El mundo en 24 horas
17:29:20.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:20.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:20.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/23a0/457c/1606/76c9/226e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.768 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119639
17:29:20.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Noticias 24H
17:29:20.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:20.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cbf6/d40f/eecf/8c10/dfac/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.769 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119642
17:29:20.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Noticias 24H
17:29:20.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:20.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0bee/e8c0/2138/2d42/fb19/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.770 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119644
17:29:20.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telediario Matinal
17:29:20.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:20.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/55e4/f365/db67/3a68/a8c9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119649
17:29:20.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Los desayunos de TVE
17:29:20.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581500
17:29:20.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:20.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1806/d1c8/522a/0001/ebb0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119652
17:29:20.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telediario 1
17:29:20.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f459/2835/906f/6a9f/2b0b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119657
17:29:20.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Agrosfera
17:29:20.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:20.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604600
17:29:20.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wirtschaft
17:29:20.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/da83/adc9/1c4c/5893/1c93/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119659
17:29:20.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: La tarde en 24H
17:29:20.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619300
17:29:20.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.775 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119664
17:29:20.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleplaneta
17:29:20.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619300
17:29:20.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.776 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119666
17:29:20.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Telediario 2
17:29:20.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:20.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119668
17:29:20.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zoom net
17:29:20.777 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:20.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber
17:29:20.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9577/b7bc/ebec/cfd0/3fb4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119671
17:29:20.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas
17:29:20.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: La noche en 24H
17:29:20.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487626200
17:29:20.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487633100
17:29:20.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.778 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121119672
17:29:20.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SmackDown
17:29:20.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487540400
17:29:20.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546400
17:29:20.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.779 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Extremsport
17:29:20.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/61e7/dbba/ff7c/d62f/fa71/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114331
17:29:20.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: EUReKA - Die geheime Stadt
17:29:20.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546400
17:29:20.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:20.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand
17:29:20.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Science Fiction
17:29:20.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5b40/13db/68b0/ff52/5a32/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120332
17:29:20.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Trabant Trek: Across the World in Plastic Cars
17:29:20.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:20.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550300
17:29:20.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Orientierungslos
17:29:20.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Soap, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9a93/b11f/67d9/254d/76e0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120334
17:29:20.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Trabant Trek: Across the World in Plastic Cars
17:29:20.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550300
17:29:20.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551800
17:29:20.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Totalschaden
17:29:20.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Soap, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9a93/b11f/67d9/254d/76e0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120337
17:29:20.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.782 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Trabant Trek: Across the World in Plastic Cars
17:29:20.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551800
17:29:20.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553300
17:29:20.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Weihnachtswunder
17:29:20.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality, Soap, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9a93/b11f/67d9/254d/76e0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120338
17:29:20.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Strangers in Danger
17:29:20.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553300
17:29:20.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554800
17:29:20.783 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vietnam
17:29:20.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Action
17:29:20.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/853b/f3e8/f727/1c3e/ddff/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120340
17:29:20.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: The Yellow Sea
17:29:20.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554800
17:29:20.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:20.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Abenteuer, Action, Thriller, Drama
17:29:20.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e17e/f859/f9bc/5c53/714f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120342
17:29:20.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: EUReKA - Die geheime Stadt
17:29:20.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:20.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564700
17:29:20.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand
17:29:20.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Science Fiction
17:29:20.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5b40/13db/68b0/ff52/5a32/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120343
17:29:20.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eine schrecklich nette Familie
17:29:20.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564700
17:29:20.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566200
17:29:20.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eine schrecklich nette Familie
17:29:20.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566200
17:29:20.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer
17:29:20.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:20.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0f74/a959/c397/0a7f/266d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120348
17:29:20.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eine Schrecklich Nette Familie
17:29:20.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569200
17:29:20.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wer nimmt mich mit?
17:29:20.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:20.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0f74/a959/c397/0a7f/266d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.787 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120350
17:29:20.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eine schrecklich nette Familie
17:29:20.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569200
17:29:20.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bundy gegen den Rest der Welt
17:29:20.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:20.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0f74/a959/c397/0a7f/266d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120352
17:29:20.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.788 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Nanny
17:29:20.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571900
17:29:20.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die beste Nanny Amerikas
17:29:20.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Soap
17:29:20.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7e6e/087f/71e0/ab18/c5a7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120354
17:29:20.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Nanny
17:29:20.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571900
17:29:20.789 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573400
17:29:20.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eine Fine-Familienaffaire
17:29:20.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Soap
17:29:20.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7e6e/087f/71e0/ab18/c5a7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120357
17:29:20.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bullyparade
17:29:20.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573400
17:29:20.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574900
17:29:20.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:20.790 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3c89/6813/13f5/d2ff/603e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120359
17:29:20.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bullyparade - Best of
17:29:20.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574900
17:29:20.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:20.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:20.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/64a8/42af/d165/9054/02d4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.791 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120361
17:29:20.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Community
17:29:20.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:20.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577900
17:29:20.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wer ist hier das Monster?
17:29:20.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Comedy
17:29:20.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4106/0089/4c2d/e933/fc28/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120364
17:29:20.792 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Community
17:29:20.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577900
17:29:20.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein Essen mit Abed
17:29:20.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Comedy
17:29:20.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4106/0089/4c2d/e933/fc28/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120366
17:29:20.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.793 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Nanny
17:29:20.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580900
17:29:20.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Joan hat was, was Fran nicht hat
17:29:20.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Soap
17:29:20.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7e6e/087f/71e0/ab18/c5a7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120369
17:29:20.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Nanny
17:29:20.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580900
17:29:20.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582400
17:29:20.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der schwangere Hund
17:29:20.794 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Familie, Soap
17:29:20.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7e6e/087f/71e0/ab18/c5a7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120372
17:29:20.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die wilden 70er
17:29:20.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582400
17:29:20.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:20.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.795 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die wilden 70er
17:29:20.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:20.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585400
17:29:20.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kleiner Grenzverkehr
17:29:20.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:20.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ada/ebcd/cefa/d4ed/d189/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120376
17:29:20.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die wilden 70er
17:29:20.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585400
17:29:20.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586900
17:29:20.796 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Donna macht Karriere
17:29:20.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:20.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ca87/afe3/aa7c/9a85/178b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120378
17:29:20.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Family Guy
17:29:20.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586900
17:29:20.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:20.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Sensemann
17:29:20.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2acb/6835/3ea0/b6dc/f3a8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.797 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120380
17:29:20.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Family Guy
17:29:20.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:20.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:20.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Family Guy
17:29:20.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:20.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591400
17:29:20.798 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Frau in Peter
17:29:20.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2acb/6835/3ea0/b6dc/f3a8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120384
17:29:20.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Family Guy
17:29:20.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591400
17:29:20.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:20.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Todgesund
17:29:20.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/afe6/63e1/c17d/c970/10df/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120386
17:29:20.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Futurama
17:29:20.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:20.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594400
17:29:20.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Xmas Story
17:29:20.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick, Comedy, Science Fiction
17:29:20.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5bb5/8cc3/1797/96b5/57f5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120389
17:29:20.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Futurama
17:29:20.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594400
17:29:20.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595900
17:29:20.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.801 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die wilden 70er
17:29:20.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595900
17:29:20.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Freundschaftsring
17:29:20.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:20.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2583/46d8/8572/af75/cdce/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120393
17:29:20.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.802 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die wilden 70er
17:29:20.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:20.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:20.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Zeitreise
17:29:20.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:20.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ca87/afe3/aa7c/9a85/178b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120396
17:29:20.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.803 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die wilden 70er
17:29:20.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:20.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600400
17:29:20.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Doppelter Liebeskummer
17:29:20.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Jugend
17:29:20.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ca87/afe3/aa7c/9a85/178b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120398
17:29:20.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bullyparade - Best of
17:29:20.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600400
17:29:20.804 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601900
17:29:20.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:20.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/64a8/42af/d165/9054/02d4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120399
17:29:20.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Switch Reloaded
17:29:20.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601900
17:29:20.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.805 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:20.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/036e/21d5/9f78/aa30/1f66/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120400
17:29:20.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Circus Halligalli
17:29:20.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.806 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow, Comedy
17:29:20.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fdfe/f251/3d77/625f/8111/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120401
17:29:20.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: New Girl (subtitled)
17:29:20.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607900
17:29:20.807 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: New Girl
17:29:20.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607900
17:29:20.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609400
17:29:20.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Family Guy
17:29:20.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609400
17:29:20.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Running Mates
17:29:20.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.808 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2acb/6835/3ea0/b6dc/f3a8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120412
17:29:20.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Family Guy
17:29:20.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:20.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Knallbunt
17:29:20.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2acb/6835/3ea0/b6dc/f3a8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.809 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120416
17:29:20.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Futurama
17:29:20.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:20.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613900
17:29:20.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Put Your Head On My Shoulder
17:29:20.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick, Comedy, Science Fiction
17:29:20.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5bb5/8cc3/1797/96b5/57f5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120419
17:29:20.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.810 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Futurama
17:29:20.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613900
17:29:20.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Wahl zur Miss Universum
17:29:20.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick, Comedy, Science Fiction
17:29:20.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5e4a/3d57/76d7/c865/be19/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120422
17:29:20.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Community
17:29:20.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.811 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:20.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Community
17:29:20.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:20.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Im Tunnel der Erinnerungen
17:29:20.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Comedy
17:29:20.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4106/0089/4c2d/e933/fc28/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120430
17:29:20.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.812 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schlag den Star
17:29:20.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629200
17:29:20.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:20.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8be1/c424/2259/0bc4/f38f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120431
17:29:20.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun
17:29:20.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: NXT
17:29:20.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629200
17:29:20.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631900
17:29:20.813 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Extremsport, US-Sport
17:29:20.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4927/e845/e8bd/4b9c/ceb8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120432
17:29:20.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cops Maastricht
17:29:20.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487543400
17:29:20.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:20.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bruderliebe
17:29:20.814 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:20.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7ef7/05ba/8a88/eb10/d11b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114350
17:29:20.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kommissar Beck
17:29:20.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:20.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:20.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:20.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/81dc/4527/aabb/b8b4/08fc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.815 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120345
17:29:20.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Profiling Paris
17:29:20.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:20.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554800
17:29:20.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Profiling Paris
17:29:20.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554800
17:29:20.816 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557500
17:29:20.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ... und ewig!
17:29:20.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:20.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d98a/39ac/be70/217d/443a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120349
17:29:20.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cops Maastricht
17:29:20.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557500
17:29:20.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:20.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bruderliebe
17:29:20.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:20.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7ef7/05ba/8a88/eb10/d11b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.817 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120351
17:29:20.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cedar Cove - Das Gesetz des Herzens
17:29:20.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567100
17:29:20.818 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:20.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cedar Cove
17:29:20.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:20.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572500
17:29:20.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Auf Streife
17:29:20.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572500
17:29:20.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:20.819 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Reality, Soap
17:29:20.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ee1b/7ce3/5824/4a33/6227/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120358
17:29:20.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Herzflimmern
17:29:20.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575200
17:29:20.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577900
17:29:20.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama, Krankenhaus
17:29:20.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/11bd/711c/9f66/ce71/39b2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.820 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120360
17:29:20.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verliebt in Berlin
17:29:20.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577900
17:29:20.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8051/57bf/8c44/7fd9/11f3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120362
17:29:20.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verliebt in Berlin
17:29:20.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580900
17:29:20.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f033/d60d/bdff/0576/a48d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120363
17:29:20.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lena - Liebe meines Lebens
17:29:20.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580900
17:29:20.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583600
17:29:20.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ff04/6517/f4e9/eba8/8d11/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120365
17:29:20.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fast perfekt verlobt
17:29:20.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583600
17:29:20.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589600
17:29:20.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor
17:29:20.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5b85/cb91/57a3/edef/ee9d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120367
17:29:20.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hanna - Folge deinem Herzen
17:29:20.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589600
17:29:20.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592300
17:29:20.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ff96/e20f/ca5e/83b4/f3e5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.824 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120368
17:29:20.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hanna - Folge deinem Herzen
17:29:20.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592300
17:29:20.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595000
17:29:20.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ff96/e20f/ca5e/83b4/f3e5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120370
17:29:20.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schmetterlinge im Bauch
17:29:20.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595000
17:29:20.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/288c/f447/497e/cf29/84f2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120371
17:29:20.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schmetterlinge im Bauch
17:29:20.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:20.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598000
17:29:20.826 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b6e7/19d8/7998/2a58/c22b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120373
17:29:20.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verliebt in Berlin
17:29:20.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598000
17:29:20.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599500
17:29:20.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/21a3/7561/ebfd/8faf/e174/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.827 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120375
17:29:20.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Verliebt in Berlin
17:29:20.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599500
17:29:20.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:20.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b31d/7210/9daf/03e4/33ed/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120377
17:29:20.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.828 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Herzflimmern
17:29:20.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601000
17:29:20.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama, Krankenhaus
17:29:20.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/11bd/711c/9f66/ce71/39b2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120379
17:29:20.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Anna und die Liebe
17:29:20.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603700
17:29:20.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605200
17:29:20.829 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1923/ab14/4356/a370/7492/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120381
17:29:20.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Anna und die Liebe
17:29:20.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605200
17:29:20.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:20.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/89f5/baf7/a60b/ce9e/782f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.830 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120383
17:29:20.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Anna und die Liebe
17:29:20.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:20.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608500
17:29:20.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/89f5/baf7/a60b/ce9e/782f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120385
17:29:20.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.831 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Anna und die Liebe
17:29:20.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608500
17:29:20.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e1a8/027b/b8ed/0208/bfed/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120387
17:29:20.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hanna - Folge deinem Herzen
17:29:20.832 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ff96/e20f/ca5e/83b4/f3e5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120388
17:29:20.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hanna - Folge deinem Herzen
17:29:20.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:20.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.833 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ff96/e20f/ca5e/83b4/f3e5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120390
17:29:20.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lena - Liebe meines Lebens
17:29:20.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:20.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.834 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap, Drama
17:29:20.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ff04/6517/f4e9/eba8/8d11/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120392
17:29:20.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.835 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mordkommission Berlin 1
17:29:20.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623200
17:29:20.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630700
17:29:20.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Drama
17:29:20.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3458/e669/8f02/1ca7/0102/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120395
17:29:20.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions
17:29:20.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Herzflimmern
17:29:20.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630700
17:29:20.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487633700
17:29:20.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama, Krankenhaus
17:29:20.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/11bd/711c/9f66/ce71/39b2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120397
17:29:20.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hannah und ihre Schwestern
17:29:20.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544900
17:29:20.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551200
17:29:20.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:20.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b255/1a03/a4ea/5c15/3a8f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.838 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114276
17:29:20.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Im Schatten des Zweifels
17:29:20.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551200
17:29:20.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557500
17:29:20.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Thriller, Mystery & Horror, Drama
17:29:20.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/11e6/853d/a3cc/71ed/d9eb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.839 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120311
17:29:20.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Quadrophenia
17:29:20.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557500
17:29:20.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565600
17:29:20.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama, Jugend
17:29:20.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/768b/f759/0d7a/a7bd/a72a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.840 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120313
17:29:20.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Herz im Winter
17:29:20.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565600
17:29:20.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thriller, Drama, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:20.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a4a/8e38/1128/3650/bb94/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120316
17:29:20.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fenster zum Hof
17:29:20.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571600
17:29:20.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:20.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Thriller, Drama
17:29:20.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e7dc/f888/5787/69f2/4ba4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120318
17:29:20.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das China Syndrom
17:29:20.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:20.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.843 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Thriller, Drama
17:29:20.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/96cc/a14e/cb18/88a4/ffe6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120327
17:29:20.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aus der Mitte entspringt ein Fluss
17:29:20.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599500
17:29:20.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama
17:29:20.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f248/f7b4/9a47/07b5/5768/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.844 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120329
17:29:20.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Seite an Seite
17:29:20.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599500
17:29:20.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:20.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Drama
17:29:20.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3c0d/860d/b551/340a/3d9b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120330
17:29:20.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.845 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Broadway Danny Rose
17:29:20.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:20.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:20.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Krimi
17:29:20.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cdaf/9809/1bd5/a1de/e11b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120331
17:29:20.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.846 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Schlachter
17:29:20.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623800
17:29:20.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Thriller, Drama
17:29:20.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e3b2/ea6d/aeda/762c/c470/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.847 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120336
17:29:20.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Swimmingpool
17:29:20.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487623800
17:29:20.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:20.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Drama, Romantik & Liebe
17:29:20.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/994b/14d7/bd1a/c360/860e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120339
17:29:20.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.848 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics
17:29:20.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Extremities
17:29:20.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:20.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487636400
17:29:20.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thriller
17:29:20.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/dc68/b55e/34ed/5822/4bcc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120341
17:29:20.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.849 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.850 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.853 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital
17:29:20.854 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Garagen-Gold
17:29:20.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487543700
17:29:20.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:20.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Race
17:29:20.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:20.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motorsport
17:29:20.855 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/dc33/3e91/8061/7af8/d092/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118784
17:29:20.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News-We
17:29:20.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:20.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547300
17:29:20.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Woche
17:29:20.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Motor & Verkehr, Motorsport
17:29:20.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0436/3881/6b76/fbe2/5446/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.856 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118786
17:29:20.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Menzel trifft ...
17:29:20.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547300
17:29:20.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:20.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hans Heyer
17:29:20.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motorsport
17:29:20.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be57/e8b8/958b/2307/f12a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118787
17:29:20.857 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Echte Typen
17:29:20.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:20.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550000
17:29:20.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BMW 3er
17:29:20.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9a93/b11f/67d9/254d/76e0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118788
17:29:20.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fast Lap
17:29:20.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550000
17:29:20.858 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:20.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fast Lap
17:29:20.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551500
17:29:20.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553000
17:29:20.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: McLaren 570S
17:29:20.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b457/b017/d9b4/5939/a194/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118791
17:29:20.859 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fast Lap
17:29:20.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553000
17:29:20.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554800
17:29:20.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Subaru BRZ
17:29:20.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/488f/2e21/55bf/b940/9c98/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118792
17:29:20.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News-We
17:29:20.860 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554800
17:29:20.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:20.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Woche
17:29:20.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Motor & Verkehr, Motorsport
17:29:20.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e935/68ea/2e3b/e494/e373/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118793
17:29:20.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ausfahrt
17:29:20.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:20.861 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Einzeltest
17:29:20.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:20.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:20.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Opel Meriva 1,4 EciFlex
17:29:20.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b72d/3b59/57ba/92e9/4a90/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118796
17:29:20.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.862 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Einzeltest
17:29:20.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:20.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559300
17:29:20.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Range Rover Sport SDV6
17:29:20.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c3f6/531f/6d35/ab82/24ec/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118798
17:29:20.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vorfahrt Mini Countryman
17:29:20.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559300
17:29:20.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.863 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ebc9/b626/094a/1eda/e175/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118799
17:29:20.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Garagen-Gold
17:29:20.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:20.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.864 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Beziehungskisten
17:29:20.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:20.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562900
17:29:20.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rat Rod
17:29:20.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d151/d678/df42/3aa4/a6d6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118802
17:29:20.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tester
17:29:20.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562900
17:29:20.865 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:20.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Audi A6 3.0 TDI vs. Volvo S90 D5
17:29:20.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ff1d/b993/10fd/68b7/3ee6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118804
17:29:20.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reportage
17:29:20.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:20.866 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:20.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vorfahrt Mini Countryman
17:29:20.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:20.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566200
17:29:20.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/33dc/7dc4/c658/eab9/0930/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.867 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118807
17:29:20.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News
17:29:20.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566200
17:29:20.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566500
17:29:20.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Motor & Verkehr, Motorsport
17:29:20.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d617/1d2f/3eca/cc55/9cb3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118809
17:29:20.868 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tester
17:29:20.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566500
17:29:20.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Audi A6 3.0 TDI vs. Volvo S90 D5
17:29:20.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/65d6/c0f0/893d/f62b/331b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118811
17:29:20.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.869 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Einzeltest
17:29:20.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:20.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mini Cooper Clubman
17:29:20.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d430/151e/e938/bafc/bab4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118812
17:29:20.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.870 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Einzeltest
17:29:20.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568000
17:29:20.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BMW Active Tourer 218i
17:29:20.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6575/a313/6cdc/3938/7430/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118813
17:29:20.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Werk - So werden Autos gebaut
17:29:20.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570100
17:29:20.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tester
17:29:20.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570100
17:29:20.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571000
17:29:20.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bentley Flying Spur V8 vs. Mini One D
17:29:20.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fec3/19a8/d930/606d/b537/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118817
17:29:20.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News
17:29:20.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571000
17:29:20.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571300
17:29:20.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Motor & Verkehr, Motorsport
17:29:20.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9d60/1ba7/865e/68aa/cc9d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118818
17:29:20.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Garagen-Gold
17:29:20.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571300
17:29:20.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:20.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Beziehungskisten
17:29:20.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:20.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574600
17:29:20.874 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Youngtimer
17:29:20.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d2e9/297d/ec03/d20e/b664/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118822
17:29:20.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tester
17:29:20.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574600
17:29:20.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Audi A6 3.0 TDI vs. Volvo S90 D5
17:29:20.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7dbf/a16b/854f/e3fd/13a0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118824
17:29:20.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fast Lap
17:29:20.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577300
17:29:20.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Polaris Slingshot
17:29:20.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e587/96fb/4036/d0e4/d7bd/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118825
17:29:20.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fast Lap - das Magazin
17:29:20.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577300
17:29:20.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578800
17:29:20.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/71f9/f869/da8a/d44b/4d33/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118827
17:29:20.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vorfahrt Mercedes E-Klasse
17:29:20.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578800
17:29:20.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.877 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/86d1/61b1/3803/730b/fc48/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118828
17:29:20.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tester
17:29:20.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:20.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mercedes CLA vs. BMW 328i
17:29:20.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be3e/3e2c/44f8/3301/2340/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.878 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118830
17:29:20.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News
17:29:20.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:20.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580600
17:29:20.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Motor & Verkehr, Motorsport
17:29:20.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1a8a/e2ad/27be/4aba/2f97/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118832
17:29:20.879 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Autokino
17:29:20.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580600
17:29:20.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Subaru WRX und Mitsubishi Lancer Evo
17:29:20.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/95d2/203a/3d6f/1c6c/f4f4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118833
17:29:20.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Garagen-Gold
17:29:20.880 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:20.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Einzeltest
17:29:20.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:20.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584200
17:29:20.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kia Sportage
17:29:20.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e62d/0b36/fcdd/4175/e282/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118836
17:29:20.881 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tester
17:29:20.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584200
17:29:20.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: VW Golf GTI vs. Mercedes A250
17:29:20.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e486/4483/162d/74df/d21e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118837
17:29:20.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Autoquartett
17:29:20.882 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588700
17:29:20.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Best of (1)
17:29:20.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7976/9dbd/3970/a5b9/3516/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118838
17:29:20.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Echte Typen
17:29:20.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588700
17:29:20.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589600
17:29:20.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BMW 3er
17:29:20.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.883 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9a93/b11f/67d9/254d/76e0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118839
17:29:20.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News
17:29:20.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589600
17:29:20.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:20.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Motor & Verkehr, Motorsport
17:29:20.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5797/7114/832f/820a/24b9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.884 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118840
17:29:20.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fast Lap
17:29:20.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:20.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591400
17:29:20.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fast Lap
17:29:20.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591400
17:29:20.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:20.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: McLaren 570S
17:29:20.885 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0224/6205/6a7f/58e7/e0ed/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118844
17:29:20.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fast Lap
17:29:20.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592900
17:29:20.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594400
17:29:20.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Subaru BRZ
17:29:20.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bbda/2ed4/4db1/f949/a91a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.886 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118846
17:29:20.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reportage
17:29:20.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594400
17:29:20.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596200
17:29:20.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1886 - Legenden der Autokultur
17:29:20.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596200
17:29:20.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598000
17:29:20.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Maserati
17:29:20.887 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/39d2/421e/7260/72bd/b984/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118849
17:29:20.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Einzeltest
17:29:20.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598000
17:29:20.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:20.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Opel Meriva 1,4 EciFlex
17:29:20.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/000e/fef3/760c/2377/1c26/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.888 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118851
17:29:20.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Einzeltest
17:29:20.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:20.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598600
17:29:20.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Range Rover Sport SDV6
17:29:20.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8e0a/9d35/cca1/de7d/9305/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.889 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118853
17:29:20.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vorfahrt Mini Countryman
17:29:20.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598600
17:29:20.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:20.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9418/7884/1eab/2431/81d4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118855
17:29:20.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.890 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News
17:29:20.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:20.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Motor & Verkehr, Motorsport
17:29:20.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/97b2/88f6/e209/9dbf/105f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118858
17:29:20.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tester
17:29:20.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600400
17:29:20.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Audi A6 3.0 TDI vs. Volvo S90 D5
17:29:20.891 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/12cc/29c2/2513/db96/38b8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118861
17:29:20.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Einzeltest
17:29:20.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600400
17:29:20.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600700
17:29:20.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mini Cooper Clubman
17:29:20.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/586b/f149/8ae0/b413/7bd0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.892 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118863
17:29:20.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Werk - So werden Autos gebaut
17:29:20.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600700
17:29:20.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602200
17:29:20.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tester
17:29:20.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602200
17:29:20.893 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:20.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bentley Flying Spur V8 vs. Mini One D
17:29:20.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/813a/1353/b407/369c/d0d9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118867
17:29:20.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Garagen-Gold
17:29:20.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:20.894 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604900
17:29:20.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Garagen-Gold
17:29:20.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604900
17:29:20.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Berliner Blechliebe - Sohar Sandler und die German Classics
17:29:20.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:20.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5adf/d9d7/3b84/7e6e/c867/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118871
17:29:20.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Beziehungskisten
17:29:20.895 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:20.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607900
17:29:20.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Youngtimer
17:29:20.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1cae/582e/fb63/4942/4c92/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118873
17:29:20.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News
17:29:20.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607900
17:29:20.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:20.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.896 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Motor & Verkehr, Motorsport
17:29:20.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118876
17:29:20.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fast Lap
17:29:20.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:20.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Polaris Slingshot
17:29:20.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2547/c8b3/8d91/beb8/5e52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.897 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118877
17:29:20.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fast Lap - das Magazin
17:29:20.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:20.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611500
17:29:20.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2547/c8b3/8d91/beb8/5e52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118879
17:29:20.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.898 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vorfahrt Mercedes E-Klasse
17:29:20.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611500
17:29:20.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612100
17:29:20.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2547/c8b3/8d91/beb8/5e52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118881
17:29:20.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.899 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tester
17:29:20.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612100
17:29:20.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613000
17:29:20.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mercedes CLA vs. BMW 328i
17:29:20.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2547/c8b3/8d91/beb8/5e52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118883
17:29:20.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News
17:29:20.900 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613000
17:29:20.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613300
17:29:20.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Motor & Verkehr, Motorsport
17:29:20.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118885
17:29:20.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Autokino
17:29:20.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613300
17:29:20.901 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614800
17:29:20.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ford Mustang
17:29:20.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2547/c8b3/8d91/beb8/5e52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118887
17:29:20.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Garagen-Gold
17:29:20.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614800
17:29:20.902 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:20.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Einzeltest
17:29:20.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:20.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:20.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kia Sportage
17:29:20.903 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2547/c8b3/8d91/beb8/5e52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118890
17:29:20.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tester
17:29:20.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:20.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617800
17:29:20.904 T:1563288480 DEBUG: VW Golf GTI vs. Mercedes A250
17:29:20.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2547/c8b3/8d91/beb8/5e52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118892
17:29:20.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News
17:29:20.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617800
17:29:20.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Motor & Verkehr, Motorsport
17:29:20.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118893
17:29:20.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Newcomer - Der harte Weg zur Pole-Position
17:29:20.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619900
17:29:20.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motorsport
17:29:20.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5f70/4992/8126/7252/f93e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118895
17:29:20.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reportage
17:29:20.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619900
17:29:20.907 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:20.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tester
17:29:20.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:20.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:20.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Porsche Cayman vs. Porsche 911
17:29:20.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Ratgeber, Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/25e3/fd9e/accd/68b1/cfc7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118900
17:29:20.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fast Lap
17:29:20.908 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:20.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624100
17:29:20.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fast Lap
17:29:20.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624100
17:29:20.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625600
17:29:20.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: McLaren 570S
17:29:20.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2547/c8b3/8d91/beb8/5e52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.909 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118904
17:29:20.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fast Lap
17:29:20.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625600
17:29:20.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:20.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Subaru BRZ
17:29:20.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2547/c8b3/8d91/beb8/5e52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118906
17:29:20.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.910 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: News
17:29:20.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:20.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627400
17:29:20.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Motor & Verkehr, Motorsport
17:29:20.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118908
17:29:20.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reportage
17:29:20.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627400
17:29:20.911 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629200
17:29:20.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1886 - Legenden der Autokultur
17:29:20.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629200
17:29:20.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:20.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Maserati
17:29:20.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/39d2/421e/7260/72bd/b984/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118913
17:29:20.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.912 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Einzeltest
17:29:20.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:20.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631300
17:29:20.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Opel Meriva 1,4 EciFlex
17:29:20.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2547/c8b3/8d91/beb8/5e52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118914
17:29:20.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv
17:29:20.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Einzeltest
17:29:20.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631300
17:29:20.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:20.913 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Range Rover Sport SDV6
17:29:20.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Motor & Verkehr
17:29:20.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2547/c8b3/8d91/beb8/5e52/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118917
17:29:20.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wagner versus Verdi
17:29:20.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544300
17:29:20.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546100
17:29:20.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ... Und wie ihre Musik wirkt
17:29:20.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:20.914 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/070d/8695/89a5/41dd/41ea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121110878
17:29:20.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mareTV
17:29:20.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:20.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551800
17:29:20.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rio de Janeiro hautnah
17:29:20.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551800
17:29:20.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553300
17:29:20.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rio regional
17:29:20.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Reise
17:29:20.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/628d/cb70/6c2f/e46b/9b06/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116964
17:29:20.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rio de Janeiro hautnah
17:29:20.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553300
17:29:20.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:20.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das gute alte Rio
17:29:20.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Reise
17:29:20.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/628d/cb70/6c2f/e46b/9b06/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116966
17:29:20.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.917 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer Rhein
17:29:20.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:20.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Von der Quelle bis zum Beginn des Mittelrheintals
17:29:20.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:20.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d3bb/3d23/3ebe/f2d9/0051/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116971
17:29:20.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Retter der Wildnis
17:29:20.918 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:20.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562900
17:29:20.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Argentinien
17:29:20.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:20.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5ef5/051b/520d/9fbc/258f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116974
17:29:20.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Retter der Wildnis
17:29:20.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562900
17:29:20.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:20.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Botswana
17:29:20.919 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:20.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2516/90bd/168c/82ea/3c36/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116977
17:29:20.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Von Bergen und Menschen
17:29:20.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565900
17:29:20.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sanaa
17:29:20.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:20.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7049/7e47/ad99/9c56/d728/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.920 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116979
17:29:20.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer extrem - Die USA mit Charley Boorman
17:29:20.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:20.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572800
17:29:20.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hawaii und Alaska
17:29:20.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur, Reise
17:29:20.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8e8a/77d5/781e/2c25/0a38/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.921 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116983
17:29:20.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer extrem - Die USA mit Charley Boorman
17:29:20.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572800
17:29:20.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Washington und North Carolina
17:29:20.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur, Reise
17:29:20.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/628d/cb70/6c2f/e46b/9b06/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116986
17:29:20.922 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Von Bergen und Menschen
17:29:20.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:20.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487576700
17:29:20.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Kornkammer des Jemen
17:29:20.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:20.923 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7049/7e47/ad99/9c56/d728/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116988
17:29:20.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.928 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Europas hoher Norden
17:29:20.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580000
17:29:20.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582700
17:29:20.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Von Bergen und Menschen
17:29:20.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582700
17:29:20.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583600
17:29:20.929 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Tuwiner
17:29:20.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:20.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7049/7e47/ad99/9c56/d728/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116995
17:29:20.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Austin Stevens - Unter wilden Tieren
17:29:20.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583600
17:29:20.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586900
17:29:20.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Den Leoparden auf der Spur
17:29:20.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Natur
17:29:20.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2505/fc7f/1207/e67c/bc91/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.930 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121116997
17:29:20.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Afrikas Naturparadiese
17:29:20.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586900
17:29:20.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589600
17:29:20.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Von Bergen und Menschen
17:29:20.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589600
17:29:20.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590500
17:29:20.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die mongolischen Kasachen
17:29:20.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:20.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7049/7e47/ad99/9c56/d728/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117004
17:29:20.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.932 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer Rhein
17:29:20.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597100
17:29:20.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:20.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Von der Quelle bis zum Beginn des Mittelrheintals
17:29:20.933 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:20.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d3bb/3d23/3ebe/f2d9/0051/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117010
17:29:20.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer Rhein
17:29:20.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:20.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600700
17:29:20.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vom Mittelrheintal bis zur Nordsee
17:29:20.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:20.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d3bb/3d23/3ebe/f2d9/0051/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117011
17:29:20.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wahnsinn, Wagner!
17:29:20.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600700
17:29:20.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:20.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Klassische Musik
17:29:20.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cb37/13d3/aec6/e3be/246b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117012
17:29:20.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wagner versus Verdi
17:29:20.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603400
17:29:20.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604900
17:29:20.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Wagner-Religion
17:29:20.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:20.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/070d/8695/89a5/41dd/41ea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.936 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117014
17:29:20.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wagner versus Verdi
17:29:20.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604900
17:29:20.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:20.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ... und die Frauen
17:29:20.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichte, Dokumentation
17:29:20.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/070d/8695/89a5/41dd/41ea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.937 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117016
17:29:20.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Von Bergen und Menschen
17:29:20.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607000
17:29:20.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607900
17:29:20.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Auf dem "Kalten Gipfel" der Mongolei
17:29:20.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:20.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7049/7e47/ad99/9c56/d728/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.938 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117018
17:29:20.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mareTV
17:29:20.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607900
17:29:20.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bali - Tropen-Insel der tausend Tempel
17:29:20.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur, Reise
17:29:20.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ba1c/768b/a762/6ffb/53e8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.939 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117020
17:29:20.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rio de Janeiro hautnah
17:29:20.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:20.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:20.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rios ruhiger Westen
17:29:20.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Reise
17:29:20.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/99b0/a9ea/73db/7d69/fac3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.940 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117022
17:29:20.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rio de Janeiro hautnah
17:29:20.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:20.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614200
17:29:20.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das unbekannte Rio
17:29:20.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Reise
17:29:20.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/628d/cb70/6c2f/e46b/9b06/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117025
17:29:20.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Von Bergen und Menschen
17:29:20.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614200
17:29:20.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615100
17:29:20.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Auf den Hochplateaus Keralas
17:29:20.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:20.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7049/7e47/ad99/9c56/d728/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117027
17:29:20.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Austin Stevens - Unter wilden Tieren
17:29:20.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621400
17:29:20.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Angriff der Elefanten
17:29:20.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Natur
17:29:20.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2505/fc7f/1207/e67c/bc91/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117032
17:29:20.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Afrikas Naturparadiese
17:29:20.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621400
17:29:20.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Baraka
17:29:20.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:20.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630400
17:29:20.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, Natur
17:29:20.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fe44/9db5/426e/7c1d/9755/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117038
17:29:20.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet
17:29:20.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Fluch des Goldes
17:29:20.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630400
17:29:20.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487632500
17:29:20.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:20.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a825/48ad/2659/a1b2/edba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.945 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121117041
17:29:20.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:20.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487537700
17:29:20.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547300
17:29:20.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:20.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0310/f39e/eb9d/251e/22cb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121112503
17:29:20.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.946 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ross Antony - Goldene Pferde
17:29:20.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547300
17:29:20.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550000
17:29:20.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kultur
17:29:20.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/060a/b7e7/920a/f0e9/04f9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118653
17:29:20.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:20.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550000
17:29:20.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552100
17:29:20.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:20.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/91a7/1d3a/c286/59dc/941d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118654
17:29:20.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:20.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567700
17:29:20.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568900
17:29:20.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:20.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/373c/ba24/4f38/0b1e/97df/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118657
17:29:20.949 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Herz an Herz Spezial - Die Calimeros
17:29:20.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568900
17:29:20.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571000
17:29:20.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/66a6/bcdd/52af/5919/64c8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118659
17:29:20.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.950 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:20.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571000
17:29:20.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:20.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:20.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/aa0f/1e87/f3d3/06a5/5b8e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118660
17:29:20.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.951 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:20.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581980
17:29:20.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584200
17:29:20.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:20.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/68ea/5b68/f1e3/37e5/2eec/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118664
17:29:20.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.952 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:20.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589600
17:29:20.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591700
17:29:20.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:20.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c8bb/c8a8/7243/dfaa/94fb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.953 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118667
17:29:20.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:20.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597100
17:29:20.954 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:20.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:20.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2d2b/27a5/a62b/e694/36bb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118670
17:29:20.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.955 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:20.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605500
17:29:20.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:20.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:20.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5d2c/df8b/c9ec/f2a4/e53c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118673
17:29:20.956 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:20.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616000
17:29:20.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:20.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7173/f906/ee28/db42/2b4f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.957 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118677
17:29:20.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zu Besuch bei den Stars
17:29:20.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:20.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624100
17:29:20.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Calimeros
17:29:20.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118678
17:29:20.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:20.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teleshopping
17:29:20.958 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624100
17:29:20.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487633700
17:29:20.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:20.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Homeshopping
17:29:20.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7173/f906/ee28/db42/2b4f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118679
17:29:20.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cosmo & Wanda - Wenn Elfen helfen
17:29:20.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487544600
17:29:20.959 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546400
17:29:20.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Timmy, der Held / Ein Wunsch mit Folgen
17:29:20.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e607/96c4/b9c5/7260/8566/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121112513
17:29:20.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Little Elvis - Rock 'n' Roll, immer toll
17:29:20.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546400
17:29:20.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548200
17:29:20.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tohuwabohu im Zirkuszelt
17:29:20.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.960 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0e2b/3712/9f52/91d7/3aa2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118523
17:29:20.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ivanhoe
17:29:20.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548200
17:29:20.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549700
17:29:20.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ein Freund in Not
17:29:20.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/32ab/7758/dcab/6237/916c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.961 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118526
17:29:20.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tell - Im Kampf gegen Lord Xax
17:29:20.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549700
17:29:20.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553300
17:29:20.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Shaytanas Auge
17:29:20.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fantasy
17:29:20.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2963/4aae/0f3d/caa3/ee6a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118528
17:29:20.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Enid Blyton - Abenteuer Serie
17:29:20.962 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553300
17:29:20.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:20.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Schiff der Abenteuer
17:29:20.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Kinderserie
17:29:20.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c3df/b4c9/27bc/9ad9/9fb1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118531
17:29:20.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichten aus der Gruft
17:29:20.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555100
17:29:20.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556900
17:29:20.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tina Teiltgern
17:29:20.963 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c20f/7ee1/4deb/1c6a/2810/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118533
17:29:20.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Miss Spider
17:29:20.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559900
17:29:20.964 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:20.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Miss Spider
17:29:20.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487561400
17:29:20.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:20.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Helden der Stadt
17:29:20.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:20.965 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:20.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hilfsbereite Stadtbewohner
17:29:20.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/14e8/fa3a/702c/9cd9/c333/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118543
17:29:20.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Altair im Sternenland
17:29:20.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564100
17:29:20.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:20.966 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Marvin, das steppende Pferd
17:29:20.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:20.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565780
17:29:20.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eddy und der Cowboy
17:29:20.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick
17:29:20.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8862/e806/25ea/f9cb/00dc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118547
17:29:20.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Marvin, das steppende Pferd
17:29:20.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565780
17:29:20.967 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:20.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eine ganz harte Nuss
17:29:20.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick
17:29:20.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/abf6/ed8c/2b50/1a11/2684/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118549
17:29:20.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rattatui
17:29:20.968 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568300
17:29:20.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hallo, Taxi!
17:29:20.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5e7f/ac1a/2ec6/3b50/f66d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118554
17:29:20.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fix & Foxi
17:29:20.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:20.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fahrscheinfeuerwehr / Verklemmte Auster / Maus im Haus / Auf Gold gebaut
17:29:20.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.969 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bf56/9e68/b7e4/a4bd/f599/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118556
17:29:20.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eena Meena Deeka
17:29:20.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:20.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573700
17:29:20.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der unsichtbare Foxie / Drachenkrieg / Kung Fu
17:29:20.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7a6a/0a80/0810/13ee/64f6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.970 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118558
17:29:20.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cosmo & Wanda - Wenn Elfen helfen
17:29:20.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573700
17:29:20.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575500
17:29:20.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alle Tage Weihnachten
17:29:20.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e607/96c4/b9c5/7260/8566/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118561
17:29:20.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.971 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Little Elvis - Rock 'n' Roll, immer toll
17:29:20.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575500
17:29:20.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:20.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ivanhoe
17:29:20.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577000
17:29:20.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:20.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Turnier von Ashby
17:29:20.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/16df/1fea/33d1/4ec1/d1f2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.972 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118565
17:29:20.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Helden der Stadt
17:29:20.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:20.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hilfsbereite Stadtbewohner
17:29:20.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/23e4/c8d8/3ab5/d82b/11e6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118567
17:29:20.973 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie Pepperkorn
17:29:20.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:20.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579820
17:29:20.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Theater in der Oper
17:29:20.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/795d/00c0/c51e/9dc3/0285/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118570
17:29:20.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie Pepperkorn
17:29:20.974 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579820
17:29:20.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:20.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Hydronauten
17:29:20.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:20.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581020
17:29:20.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pechvogel im Korallenriff
17:29:20.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ac52/1a31/e8f6/ec17/99fb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.975 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118574
17:29:20.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Hydronauten
17:29:20.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581020
17:29:20.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Urmel
17:29:20.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:20.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583600
17:29:20.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Jahrestag
17:29:20.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7626/7d4e/06d5/4c24/035f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118580
17:29:20.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Urmel
17:29:20.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583600
17:29:20.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Riesenei
17:29:20.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7626/7d4e/06d5/4c24/035f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118582
17:29:20.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Miss Spider
17:29:20.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585100
17:29:20.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:20.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Miss Spider
17:29:20.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:20.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:20.978 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krabblerschlaflied / Der Vollkommenste Vater
17:29:20.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7fa9/1b78/9294/d873/106c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118586
17:29:20.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Helden der Stadt
17:29:20.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:20.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:20.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Altair im Sternenland
17:29:20.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:20.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:20.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Kosmoskobolde
17:29:20.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Familie, Zeichentrick, Fantasy
17:29:20.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b560/7c0c/a049/76e1/c569/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118591
17:29:20.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Marvin, das steppende Pferd
17:29:20.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:20.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590980
17:29:20.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eddys neuer Job
17:29:20.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick
17:29:20.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/807c/86fb/3109/3aae/61b9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118594
17:29:20.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Marvin, das steppende Pferd
17:29:20.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590980
17:29:20.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.981 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob's Beach
17:29:20.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:20.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592720
17:29:20.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob und die Wunderlampe
17:29:20.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/49e3/87d8/bfbe/de0c/c62d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118598
17:29:20.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.982 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob's Beach
17:29:20.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592720
17:29:20.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:20.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der verzauberte Wald
17:29:20.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/53c9/eaa4/8a33/e8f6/cc58/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118601
17:29:20.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cosmo & Wanda - Wenn Elfen helfen
17:29:20.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:20.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vicky will heiraten / Duell mit Vicky
17:29:20.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e607/96c4/b9c5/7260/8566/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118603
17:29:20.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Albert sagt ... Natur - aber nur!
17:29:20.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:20.984 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597100
17:29:20.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Entdecke die Welt mit MedienLB
17:29:20.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597100
17:29:20.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:20.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schmetterlinge - Faszinierende Lebewesen
17:29:20.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen, Natur
17:29:20.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0a17/7c6a/48f3/ae78/f426/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.985 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118608
17:29:20.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ivanhoe
17:29:20.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:20.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600400
17:29:20.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die schwarzen Ritter
17:29:20.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e3cb/66ae/3de0/3cab/8747/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.986 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118611
17:29:20.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Little Elvis - Rock 'n' Roll, immer toll
17:29:20.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600400
17:29:20.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602200
17:29:20.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die verhexte Starkarte
17:29:20.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/920e/1338/1885/778e/3d51/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118613
17:29:20.987 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fix & Foxi
17:29:20.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602200
17:29:20.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604000
17:29:20.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pizza-O-Matik / Affenliebe / Manche fliegen tief / Der Preis ist gegessen
17:29:20.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bf56/9e68/b7e4/a4bd/f599/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118616
17:29:20.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob's Beach
17:29:20.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604000
17:29:20.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604720
17:29:20.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zulus zweite Chance
17:29:20.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5aa0/de37/3bef/6bc4/a301/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118618
17:29:20.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bob's Beach
17:29:20.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604720
17:29:20.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605800
17:29:20.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Raketenbasis
17:29:20.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d972/94ea/269a/d847/088b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118620
17:29:20.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.990 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eena Meena Deeka
17:29:20.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605800
17:29:20.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607300
17:29:20.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die verlorene Insel / Der geheime Tempel / Oh Mama!
17:29:20.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7236/d4a8/ad2e/49be/a664/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118622
17:29:20.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.991 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cosmo & Wanda - Wenn Elfen helfen
17:29:20.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608800
17:29:20.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610300
17:29:20.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ivanhoe
17:29:20.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610300
17:29:20.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:20.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Falle
17:29:20.992 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5aa0/de37/3bef/6bc4/a301/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118630
17:29:20.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Teen Buzz
17:29:20.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:20.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:20.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Doppel-Doppel-Date
17:29:20.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend
17:29:20.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ee6b/fba0/dcef/dc53/a29b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.993 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118632
17:29:20.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tell - Im Kampf gegen Lord Xax
17:29:20.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:20.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Enid Blyton - Abenteuer Serie
17:29:20.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:20.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619000
17:29:20.994 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Zirkus der Abenteuer
17:29:20.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer, Kinderserie
17:29:20.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c3df/b4c9/27bc/9ad9/9fb1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118638
17:29:20.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Geschichten aus der Gruft
17:29:20.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619000
17:29:20.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:20.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sei kein Frosch
17:29:20.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mystery & Horror, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c20f/7ee1/4deb/1c6a/2810/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.995 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118640
17:29:20.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.996 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rattatui
17:29:20.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625300
17:29:20.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627400
17:29:20.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hallo, Taxi!
17:29:20.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5aa0/de37/3bef/6bc4/a301/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118647
17:29:20.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fix & Foxi
17:29:20.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627400
17:29:20.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629200
17:29:20.997 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fahrscheinfeuerwehr / Verklemmte Auster / Maus im Haus / Auf Gold gebaut
17:29:20.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Jugend, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/bf56/9e68/b7e4/a4bd/f599/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118650
17:29:20.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Eena Meena Deeka
17:29:20.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487629200
17:29:20.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:20.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der unsichtbare Foxie / Drachenkrieg / Kung Fu
17:29:20.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5aa0/de37/3bef/6bc4/a301/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.998 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118651
17:29:20.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:20.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily
17:29:20.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cosmo & Wanda - Wenn Elfen helfen
17:29:20.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:20.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487632800
17:29:20.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Alle Tage Weihnachten
17:29:20.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kinderserie, Zeichentrick
17:29:20.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e607/96c4/b9c5/7260/8566/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:20.999 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118652
17:29:21.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hustlerblue
17:29:21.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 18 Year Old Fat Bottom Peaches
17:29:21.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:21.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549280
17:29:21.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6ff7/dbce/1a7d/3900/76ab/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121111991
17:29:21.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hustlerblue
17:29:21.000 T:1563288480 DEBUG: I Screwed the Nanny
17:29:21.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549280
17:29:21.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553360
17:29:21.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1886/b039/b9d7/8a51/d5a1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118135
17:29:21.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hustlerblue
17:29:21.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Barely Legal
17:29:21.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487553360
17:29:21.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557200
17:29:21.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7a7d/aca1/f936/a780/12f9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.001 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118137
17:29:21.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hustlerblue
17:29:21.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mommy Does Virgins
17:29:21.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557200
17:29:21.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562120
17:29:21.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f741/52e2/d893/f488/38b2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118139
17:29:21.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hustlerblue
17:29:21.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BHE Shorts
17:29:21.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562120
17:29:21.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563140
17:29:21.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Joanna Bliss
17:29:21.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/97cd/19f8/bac1/2f2e/968f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118140
17:29:21.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hustlerblue
17:29:21.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No Program Information available
17:29:21.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563140
17:29:21.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:21.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1b74/242c/ed0b/976f/e39c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118142
17:29:21.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hustlerblue
17:29:21.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BHE Stripteases
17:29:21.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:21.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621220
17:29:21.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erotik
17:29:21.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2412/4317/f378/3877/9bd6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.004 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118144
17:29:21.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hustlerblue
17:29:21.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Horny Moms Show It All
17:29:21.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621220
17:29:21.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:21.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118145
17:29:21.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hustlerblue
17:29:21.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BHE Stripteases
17:29:21.005 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:21.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:21.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erotik
17:29:21.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2412/4317/f378/3877/9bd6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118147
17:29:21.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hustlerblue
17:29:21.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: BHE Stripteases
17:29:21.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:21.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:21.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Erotik
17:29:21.006 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2412/4317/f378/3877/9bd6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118149
17:29:21.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rcktv
17:29:21.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soft RCK
17:29:21.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:21.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:21.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:21.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fa24/127a/3caa/b981/ba3e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.007 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121112268
17:29:21.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rcktv
17:29:21.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hot RCKs
17:29:21.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:21.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:21.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips
17:29:21.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9e97/21b9/ab4a/fece/8652/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118384
17:29:21.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.008 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rcktv
17:29:21.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Night RCK
17:29:21.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:21.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:21.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kultur, Pop & Rock
17:29:21.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e97b/0549/4a64/fa55/df17/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118386
17:29:21.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rcktv
17:29:21.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kickstarter
17:29:21.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:21.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:21.009 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:21.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/90ef/a086/ef3e/31d4/0ba0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118389
17:29:21.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rcktv
17:29:21.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: RCK My Day
17:29:21.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:21.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:21.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Pop & Rock
17:29:21.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/69ba/5e49/4fd8/1ee9/4932/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.010 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118391
17:29:21.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rcktv
17:29:21.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: RCK Hits
17:29:21.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:21.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:21.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kultur, Pop & Rock
17:29:21.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fa96/4a3d/a5ee/f14e/354d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118393
17:29:21.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.011 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rcktv
17:29:21.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Solid RCK
17:29:21.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:21.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:21.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kultur, Pop & Rock
17:29:21.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8550/a84d/ea22/d9cf/9241/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118394
17:29:21.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rcktv
17:29:21.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: RCK 2000
17:29:21.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:21.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:21.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Kultur, Pop & Rock
17:29:21.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8550/a84d/ea22/d9cf/9241/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118396
17:29:21.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rcktv
17:29:21.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hot RCKs
17:29:21.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:21.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:21.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips
17:29:21.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8550/a84d/ea22/d9cf/9241/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118398
17:29:21.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Kolosseum - Restauration eines Wahrzeichens
17:29:21.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487543700
17:29:21.014 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546400
17:29:21.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die unglaubliche Reise der Erde
17:29:21.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487546400
17:29:21.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549400
17:29:21.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Doku-Reihe, GB 2012. Die Umlaufbahn: Die Umlaufbahn - Innerhalb eines Jahres reist jeder Erdenbewohner 940 Millionen Kilometer - um die Sonne. Kate Humble und Dr.
17:29:21.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5d23/3de9/2ae0/7f1b/fa8d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 118472416
17:29:21.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schwerpunkt
17:29:21.015 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549400
17:29:21.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:21.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Doku-Reihe, D 2014. 2008 musste der deutsche Staat zur Rettung diverser Banken Milliarden Euro einsetzen.
17:29:21.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1977/434b/356a/5953/d011/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 118504624
17:29:21.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die investigative Reportage
17:29:21.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:21.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555700
17:29:21.016 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reportage-Reihe, USA/D 2015. Lange vor dem Skandal um die Panama Papers lenkte er den Blick auf die zwielichtigen Machenschaften einer skandalumwitterten wie verschwiegenen Branche:
17:29:21.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/754c/d242/5152/62c1/fd72/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 118504625
17:29:21.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die investigative Reportage
17:29:21.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487555700
17:29:21.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559300
17:29:21.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mein Haus ist ein Boot
17:29:21.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559300
17:29:21.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:21.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Abenteuer Irland
17:29:21.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562300
17:29:21.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565600
17:29:21.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Im Schatten der Vulkane
17:29:21.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565600
17:29:21.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:21.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen kompakt!
17:29:21.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:21.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569500
17:29:21.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, D 2016. Magic Man von Perleberg:
17:29:21.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/885f/fd27/2799/b8ea/6b4f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 118504632
17:29:21.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Where the Wild Men Are - Aussteiger am Ende der Welt
17:29:21.021 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572200
17:29:21.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574900
17:29:21.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.022 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Jugend-Retter
17:29:21.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:21.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:21.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zukunftsvisionen
17:29:21.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:21.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:21.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Doku-Reihe, D 2012. Der Hunger nach Energie ist unstillbar und bedroht die Menschheit.
17:29:21.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/797c/d95e/12c8/e901/4108/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121280339
17:29:21.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zirkus auf dem Stundenplan - Die Artistenschule in Berlin
17:29:21.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:21.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585700
17:29:21.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Iss richtig!
17:29:21.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487585700
17:29:21.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:21.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reportage-Reihe, D 2011. Milchprodukte - Schon als Kind haben wir gelernt: Die Milch macht's!
17:29:21.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2794/dc83/7290/bd7c/1bd7/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121280349
17:29:21.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Venedig - Die sinkende Stadt
17:29:21.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:21.025 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:21.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Das Kolosseum - Restauration eines Wahrzeichens
17:29:21.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:21.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594700
17:29:21.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.026 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die unglaubliche Reise der Erde
17:29:21.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487594700
17:29:21.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:21.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Doku-Reihe, GB 2012. Die Umlaufbahn: Die Umlaufbahn - Innerhalb eines Jahres reist jeder Erdenbewohner 940 Millionen Kilometer - um die Sonne. Kate Humble und Dr.
17:29:21.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3f14/fdc7/6424/ecfc/b6d6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121280370
17:29:21.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Lauf seines Lebens
17:29:21.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:21.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600400
17:29:21.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation, D 2015. Michael Klotzbier wog 160 Kilogramm, als er sich dazu entschloss, an einem Marathonlauf teilzunehmen.
17:29:21.027 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fad0/e16b/4b5b/6c0d/7b97/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121280371
17:29:21.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Der Supermarkt der Tiere
17:29:21.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600400
17:29:21.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:21.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.028 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Reportage
17:29:21.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487603100
17:29:21.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605800
17:29:21.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reportage-Reihe, D 2012. Alpine Helden von morgen - Skipiste und Sprungschanze neben Mathe und Deutsch, Loipe und Eiskanal neben Bio und Physik:
17:29:21.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9b31/6de2/1523/5367/4d11/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121280374
17:29:21.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Where the Wild Men Are - Aussteiger am Ende der Welt
17:29:21.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605800
17:29:21.029 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608500
17:29:21.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die geheime Welt der Materialien
17:29:21.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608500
17:29:21.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:21.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wissen kompakt!
17:29:21.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:21.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612700
17:29:21.030 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, D 2016. Krank durch Infraschall:
17:29:21.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121280382
17:29:21.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die Suche nach dem eigenen Ich
17:29:21.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615400
17:29:21.031 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:21.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Schwerpunkt
17:29:21.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:21.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:21.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Doku-Reihe, D 2015. Das deutsche Schulsystem muss reformiert werden - das sagen nicht nur Eltern schulpflichtiger Kinder, sondern auch Experten.
17:29:21.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121280384
17:29:21.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Die investigative Reportage
17:29:21.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624700
17:29:21.032 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627400
17:29:21.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen
17:29:21.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zirkus auf dem Stundenplan - Die Artistenschule in Berlin
17:29:21.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487630100
17:29:21.033 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487632800
17:29:21.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Aktuelle Wetterkarten
17:29:21.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:21.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573880
17:29:21.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121114362
17:29:21.034 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Regionalwetter
17:29:21.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573880
17:29:21.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:21.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120402
17:29:21.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschlandwetter
17:29:21.035 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:21.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577900
17:29:21.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120403
17:29:21.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gesundheitswetter
17:29:21.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577900
17:29:21.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:21.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.036 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120405
17:29:21.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reisewetter
17:29:21.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:21.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586900
17:29:21.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.037 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120406
17:29:21.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wochenendwetter
17:29:21.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586900
17:29:21.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:21.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120407
17:29:21.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.038 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kelvin
17:29:21.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589300
17:29:21.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595000
17:29:21.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120409
17:29:21.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DWF Aktuell
17:29:21.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595000
17:29:21.039 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:21.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Natur
17:29:21.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120410
17:29:21.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reisewetter
17:29:21.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598300
17:29:21.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601300
17:29:21.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.040 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120411
17:29:21.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wochenendwetter
17:29:21.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601300
17:29:21.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:21.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120413
17:29:21.041 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschlandwetter
17:29:21.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:21.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605800
17:29:21.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120414
17:29:21.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DWF Aktuell
17:29:21.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605800
17:29:21.042 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:21.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Natur
17:29:21.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120415
17:29:21.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gesundheitswetter
17:29:21.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606700
17:29:21.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:21.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.043 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120417
17:29:21.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kelvin
17:29:21.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610900
17:29:21.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:21.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120418
17:29:21.044 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschlandwetter
17:29:21.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:21.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:21.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120420
17:29:21.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Realnature.tv - Das Magazin
17:29:21.045 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:21.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487618100
17:29:21.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin, Natur, Reise
17:29:21.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b39d/5ca7/2bd7/305f/5497/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120421
17:29:21.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.046 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Deutschlandwetter
17:29:21.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:21.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:21.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120424
17:29:21.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reisewetter
17:29:21.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627100
17:29:21.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628300
17:29:21.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.047 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120426
17:29:21.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv
17:29:21.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Gesundheitswetter
17:29:21.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628300
17:29:21.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:21.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.048 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120428
17:29:21.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.049 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Candice Renoir
17:29:21.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487547000
17:29:21.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550300
17:29:21.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi, Drama
17:29:21.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1c1a/40b5/3d64/c952/cfee/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120588
17:29:21.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fakty
17:29:21.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:21.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557500
17:29:21.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:21.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c045/b74d/5acf/7878/fe4b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120596
17:29:21.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport
17:29:21.052 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557500
17:29:21.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:21.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd0f/95e4/94ed/3358/1679/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120598
17:29:21.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pogoda
17:29:21.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487557800
17:29:21.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:21.053 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120601
17:29:21.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Uwaga!
17:29:21.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558100
17:29:21.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559300
17:29:21.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:21.054 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3aaf/0917/0dbc/f9cc/6ce9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120603
17:29:21.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bez planu
17:29:21.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565000
17:29:21.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567100
17:29:21.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9bca/aaad/85c4/c9c0/8565/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120608
17:29:21.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Przeznaczenie Evy
17:29:21.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487567100
17:29:21.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:21.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap
17:29:21.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e0b5/09df/edd3/ffbf/b7ce/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120609
17:29:21.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rozmowy w toku
17:29:21.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487569800
17:29:21.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572500
17:29:21.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:21.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/68d0/0104/46bd/7998/a6ec/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120610
17:29:21.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Prosto w serce
17:29:21.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487572500
17:29:21.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:21.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama
17:29:21.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1cbe/f792/f38c/3f16/a61f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.058 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120611
17:29:21.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ukryta prawda
17:29:21.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:21.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587500
17:29:21.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap
17:29:21.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a57b/5316/3fc7/3261/a405/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.059 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120614
17:29:21.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Belle Epoque
17:29:21.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589000
17:29:21.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591700
17:29:21.060 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:21.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cb7a/a797/e6c3/d33d/ae73/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120618
17:29:21.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.061 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Serwis pogodowy
17:29:21.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597100
17:29:21.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:21.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Polska
17:29:21.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wintersport
17:29:21.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b70e/8fa9/7a32/d447/9c02/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120622
17:29:21.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Serwis pogodowy
17:29:21.062 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:21.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597520
17:29:21.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Europa
17:29:21.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wintersport
17:29:21.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b70e/8fa9/7a32/d447/9c02/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120624
17:29:21.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Serwis pogodowy
17:29:21.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597520
17:29:21.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:21.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Serwis pogodowy
17:29:21.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597700
17:29:21.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597820
17:29:21.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kurorty europejskie
17:29:21.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Wintersport
17:29:21.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b70e/8fa9/7a32/d447/9c02/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120628
17:29:21.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.064 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Serwis pogodowy
17:29:21.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597820
17:29:21.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598000
17:29:21.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.065 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Przeznaczenie Evy
17:29:21.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602200
17:29:21.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605200
17:29:21.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap
17:29:21.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/f7ab/6ab6/2741/b568/11a3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120635
17:29:21.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.066 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Rozmowy w toku
17:29:21.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607900
17:29:21.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:21.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:21.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/68d0/0104/46bd/7998/a6ec/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120638
17:29:21.067 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ukryta prawda
17:29:21.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610600
17:29:21.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:21.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap
17:29:21.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120640
17:29:21.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Fakty
17:29:21.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:21.068 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615700
17:29:21.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:21.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c045/b74d/5acf/7878/fe4b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120642
17:29:21.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sport
17:29:21.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487615700
17:29:21.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616300
17:29:21.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fd0f/95e4/94ed/3358/1679/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.069 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120644
17:29:21.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pogoda
17:29:21.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616300
17:29:21.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:21.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120646
17:29:21.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.070 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Uwaga!
17:29:21.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:21.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617800
17:29:21.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:21.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3aaf/0917/0dbc/f9cc/6ce9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120648
17:29:21.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.071 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 19+
17:29:21.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619300
17:29:21.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:21.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Soap
17:29:21.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/27fc/1f14/9fef/8f4e/f48c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120651
17:29:21.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Idealna niania
17:29:21.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:21.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622900
17:29:21.072 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality
17:29:21.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a933/dbc9/ebac/d6e2/1446/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120653
17:29:21.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Druga szansa
17:29:21.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622900
17:29:21.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487625600
17:29:21.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama
17:29:21.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ef88/cd4e/c5aa/c4ab/2d60/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.073 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120655
17:29:21.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bez planu
17:29:21.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628900
17:29:21.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:21.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9bca/aaad/85c4/c9c0/8565/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.074 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120659
17:29:21.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn
17:29:21.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Doradca smaku
17:29:21.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631000
17:29:21.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:21.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kochshow
17:29:21.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a44/6bc2/e89f/ff7e/2658/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.075 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121120661
17:29:21.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:21.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:21.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9e28/abd7/a21c/ff23/8464/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429635
17:29:21.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.076 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:21.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:21.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7eb4/1700/2624/ab85/3fed/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429636
17:29:21.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:21.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:21.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.077 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8df3/d4b2/46b1/1874/a0ef/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429637
17:29:21.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:21.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:21.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3f9e/b567/775a/1537/10ff/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429638
17:29:21.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.078 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:21.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:21.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/075c/7aa5/1002/8a2e/d25d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429639
17:29:21.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:21.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:21.079 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3eeb/df54/2b16/38b5/d599/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429640
17:29:21.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:21.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:21.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1ab8/86b6/a7bb/6ac7/8e9c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.080 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429641
17:29:21.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:21.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:21.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c90b/7f23/1c98/c871/a3d1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429642
17:29:21.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.081 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:21.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:21.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9ae7/6265/bc65/45e1/7a63/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429643
17:29:21.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:21.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:21.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.082 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1311/fcb5/cbc3/d231/d6b8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429644
17:29:21.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:21.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:21.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4860/bc88/f6ea/8edc/25ea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.083 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429645
17:29:21.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:21.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:21.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c104/0e53/38f5/4c96/a9c3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429646
17:29:21.084 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:21.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:21.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/19f2/36b3/f787/4555/0eae/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429647
17:29:21.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.085 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:21.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:21.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c8ec/7746/f16b/72e7/4e5e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429648
17:29:21.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:21.086 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:21.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8efe/8895/f289/086d/7604/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429649
17:29:21.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:21.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:21.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d5a0/6b07/e174/e1d8/f9a6/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429650
17:29:21.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:21.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:21.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/cfbe/e3ec/a1b5/436c/1014/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429651
17:29:21.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:21.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:21.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429652
17:29:21.090 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:21.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:21.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429653
17:29:21.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.091 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:21.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:21.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429654
17:29:21.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:21.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:21.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.092 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429655
17:29:21.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:21.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:21.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429656
17:29:21.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.093 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:21.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:21.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429657
17:29:21.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24
17:29:21.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: No information
17:29:21.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:21.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:21.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121429658
17:29:21.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kanal D Haber
17:29:21.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554800
17:29:21.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:21.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:21.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4f94/a44c/74e1/9dfc/dfac/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118222
17:29:21.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ZDF Haber
17:29:21.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559000
17:29:21.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:21.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Talkshow
17:29:21.096 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/63d8/8978/c66f/3fce/6bf5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118224
17:29:21.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Euro D Haber
17:29:21.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:21.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:21.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:21.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3ee6/dcf0/534f/1634/2a95/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.097 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118225
17:29:21.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.098 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.099 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Arka Sokaklar
17:29:21.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600100
17:29:21.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:21.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krimi
17:29:21.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0049/246d/d215/9210/a3e4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118238
17:29:21.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.100 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spor
17:29:21.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613000
17:29:21.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:21.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/17c3/e245/8afc/1553/7414/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118241
17:29:21.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Euro D Haber
17:29:21.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:21.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614200
17:29:21.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:21.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118243
17:29:21.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sultan
17:29:21.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614200
17:29:21.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:21.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama
17:29:21.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118245
17:29:21.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d
17:29:21.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Chinko
17:29:21.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:21.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487638800
17:29:21.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spielshow
17:29:21.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8dde/eee9/71a2/b61e/5796/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.103 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118246
17:29:21.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Yerli Dizi
17:29:21.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487540700
17:29:21.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:21.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama
17:29:21.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8795/9950/08ed/ab7d/227f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.104 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121331933
17:29:21.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Yerli Dizi
17:29:21.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487550600
17:29:21.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554200
17:29:21.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama
17:29:21.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/17ea/b626/ac3a/8126/97ea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332315
17:29:21.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.105 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tom ve Jerry
17:29:21.106 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:21.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:21.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:21.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8c8a/7673/63a7/331a/0282/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118269
17:29:21.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.107 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Starlife
17:29:21.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:21.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586600
17:29:21.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:21.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5fa4/1b80/0e9e/14f5/1dd3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118272
17:29:21.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.108 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Tom ve Jerry
17:29:21.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:21.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487590200
17:29:21.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Humor, Zeichentrick
17:29:21.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8c8a/7673/63a7/331a/0282/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118274
17:29:21.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.109 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.110 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Star Haber
17:29:21.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:21.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:21.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:21.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.111 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118281
17:29:21.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Benim Hala Umudum Var
17:29:21.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:21.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:21.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Drama
17:29:21.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118283
17:29:21.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.112 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star
17:29:21.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_kanal_7
17:29:21.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: TV Filmi
17:29:21.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487541000
17:29:21.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548200
17:29:21.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/78c3/f6c6/d14d/eab6/ba3a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121331961
17:29:21.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_kanal_7
17:29:21.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: TV Filmi
17:29:21.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548200
17:29:21.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:21.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3508/1113/f7da/5b3b/4860/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332333
17:29:21.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_kanal_7
17:29:21.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kanal 7'de Sabah
17:29:21.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:21.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:21.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:21.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7f8a/2544/e496/510b/55db/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118764
17:29:21.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_kanal_7
17:29:21.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Memleket Hikayeleri
17:29:21.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:21.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581800
17:29:21.115 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/aadc/a08f/1582/3112/6dc0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118765
17:29:21.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_kanal_7
17:29:21.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: TV Filmi
17:29:21.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581800
17:29:21.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587200
17:29:21.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/121d/d6b3/5385/1b84/334f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.116 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118767
17:29:21.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_kanal_7
17:29:21.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.117 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_kanal_7
17:29:21.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_kanal_7
17:29:21.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_kanal_7
17:29:21.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kanal 7 Ana Haber
17:29:21.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:21.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:21.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:21.118 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118775
17:29:21.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_kanal_7
17:29:21.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_kanal_7
17:29:21.119 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kanal 7 Haber Saati
17:29:21.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:21.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:21.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:21.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9491/8dfc/3737/7f4c/a3e5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118778
17:29:21.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_kanal_7
17:29:21.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Haber Merkezi
17:29:21.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:21.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575800
17:29:21.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:21.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/703b/6929/dfcf/7983/b0bb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.122 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217063
17:29:21.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Haber Merkezi
17:29:21.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:21.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:21.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:21.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0cc9/c842/4806/42d3/78ba/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217065
17:29:21.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ekonomi Piyasalar
17:29:21.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578500
17:29:21.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578800
17:29:21.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft
17:29:21.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217066
17:29:21.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spor
17:29:21.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487578800
17:29:21.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:21.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/17c3/e245/8afc/1553/7414/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.125 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217067
17:29:21.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Haber Merkezi
17:29:21.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487579400
17:29:21.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580000
17:29:21.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:21.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b865/a7f3/ad87/d93d/3e99/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217068
17:29:21.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.126 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ekonomi Piyasalar
17:29:21.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580000
17:29:21.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:21.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft
17:29:21.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217069
17:29:21.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spor
17:29:21.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580300
17:29:21.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:21.127 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/17c3/e245/8afc/1553/7414/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217070
17:29:21.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ekonomi Piyasalar
17:29:21.128 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582100
17:29:21.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582400
17:29:21.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft
17:29:21.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217072
17:29:21.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spor
17:29:21.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487582400
17:29:21.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:21.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/17c3/e245/8afc/1553/7414/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.129 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217073
17:29:21.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Haber Merkezi
17:29:21.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:21.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583600
17:29:21.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:21.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/61f6/247e/b512/4f0a/4d8f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217074
17:29:21.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ekonomi Piyasalar
17:29:21.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583600
17:29:21.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:21.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft
17:29:21.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217075
17:29:21.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spor
17:29:21.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583900
17:29:21.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:21.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/17c3/e245/8afc/1553/7414/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217076
17:29:21.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Haber Merkezi
17:29:21.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:21.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586900
17:29:21.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:21.132 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/ca9a/4f83/68d0/bf71/c94e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217077
17:29:21.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.133 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spor
17:29:21.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593500
17:29:21.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:21.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.134 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/17c3/e245/8afc/1553/7414/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217082
17:29:21.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.135 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ekonomi Piyasalar
17:29:21.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:21.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596800
17:29:21.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft
17:29:21.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217085
17:29:21.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spor
17:29:21.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596800
17:29:21.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597400
17:29:21.136 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/17c3/e245/8afc/1553/7414/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217086
17:29:21.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.137 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.138 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lifestyle
17:29:21.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487605500
17:29:21.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:21.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:21.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0bb4/7285/fca1/4ddd/50a3/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217092
17:29:21.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.139 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spor
17:29:21.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487607600
17:29:21.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:21.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/17c3/e245/8afc/1553/7414/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217094
17:29:21.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.140 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Spor
17:29:21.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487612400
17:29:21.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:21.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/17c3/e245/8afc/1553/7414/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.141 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217097
17:29:21.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ekonomi Grafik
17:29:21.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616600
17:29:21.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:21.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Wirtschaft
17:29:21.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/06fd/6299/1c7b/295c/15a9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.142 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217099
17:29:21.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Vadi
17:29:21.143 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487621700
17:29:21.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:21.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dokumentation
17:29:21.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217102
17:29:21.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.144 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:21.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_show_turk
17:29:21.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.145 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_show_turk
17:29:21.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_show_turk
17:29:21.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_show_turk
17:29:21.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_show_turk
17:29:21.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Sabah Haberleri
17:29:21.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566500
17:29:21.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:21.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2e7c/2630/0f1e/ebd4/5112/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118256
17:29:21.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_show_turk
17:29:21.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_show_turk
17:29:21.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_show_turk
17:29:21.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Doktorlar
17:29:21.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487583000
17:29:21.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593800
17:29:21.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Krankenhaus, Gesundheit
17:29:21.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/323e/facd/8621/3cdd/0259/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118262
17:29:21.148 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_show_turk
17:29:21.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_show_turk
17:29:21.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_show_turk
17:29:21.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Ana Haber
17:29:21.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608200
17:29:21.149 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611200
17:29:21.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten, Politik
17:29:21.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/fba8/c599/ebad/6852/c496/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121118268
17:29:21.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.150 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_show_turk
17:29:21.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548500
17:29:21.151 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:21.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332498
17:29:21.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.152 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559300
17:29:21.153 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:21.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332501
17:29:21.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.154 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Airport
17:29:21.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:21.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562900
17:29:21.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reise
17:29:21.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4ca0/07ce/7f27/c8e6/9bb5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332504
17:29:21.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.155 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487562900
17:29:21.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:21.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332505
17:29:21.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.156 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566500
17:29:21.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:21.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332510
17:29:21.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.157 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573700
17:29:21.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:21.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.158 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217794
17:29:21.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577300
17:29:21.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:21.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.159 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217796
17:29:21.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.160 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487580900
17:29:21.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:21.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217799
17:29:21.161 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588100
17:29:21.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:21.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217800
17:29:21.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.162 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.163 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487591700
17:29:21.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:21.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217805
17:29:21.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.164 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595300
17:29:21.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:21.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.165 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217807
17:29:21.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487598900
17:29:21.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:21.166 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217810
17:29:21.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.167 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602500
17:29:21.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:21.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217814
17:29:21.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.168 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606100
17:29:21.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:21.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.169 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217817
17:29:21.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487609700
17:29:21.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:21.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.170 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217819
17:29:21.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613300
17:29:21.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:21.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.171 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217821
17:29:21.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487616900
17:29:21.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617200
17:29:21.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217823
17:29:21.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620500
17:29:21.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624100
17:29:21.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217825
17:29:21.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624100
17:29:21.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627700
17:29:21.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.174 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217826
17:29:21.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487627700
17:29:21.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631300
17:29:21.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217827
17:29:21.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk
17:29:21.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Hava Durumu
17:29:21.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631300
17:29:21.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487631600
17:29:21.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nachrichten
17:29:21.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4a13/3504/3b2d/2104/4a8b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217828
17:29:21.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.176 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tv8
17:29:21.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Boks Gecesi
17:29:21.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487542500
17:29:21.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:21.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tv8
17:29:21.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.177 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tv8
17:29:21.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tv8
17:29:21.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Batman
17:29:21.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:21.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571000
17:29:21.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick
17:29:21.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/77df/e129/0230/7b69/955a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217771
17:29:21.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tv8
17:29:21.178 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Casper
17:29:21.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571000
17:29:21.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487573100
17:29:21.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Zeichentrick
17:29:21.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/93d3/a9ee/c6a6/af22/cdac/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217773
17:29:21.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tv8
17:29:21.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.179 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tv8
17:29:21.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tv8
17:29:21.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Program bilgileri yok
17:29:21.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:21.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487596500
17:29:21.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8c90/b4ed/1600/f1b7/dbea/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217776
17:29:21.180 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tv8
17:29:21.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tv8
17:29:21.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tv8
17:29:21.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.181 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tv8
17:29:21.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tv8
17:29:21.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.182 T:1563288480 DEBUG: %100 Hit
17:29:21.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487541600
17:29:21.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:21.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:21.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2976/ac85/b6cc/8b85/a498/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121216117
17:29:21.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pop Sabah
17:29:21.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:21.183 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564700
17:29:21.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:21.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/22c4/4bf7/dc1c/fad3/de3b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217752
17:29:21.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pop Program
17:29:21.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487564700
17:29:21.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:21.184 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Comedy
17:29:21.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/be25/5822/0cad/9412/3151/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217753
17:29:21.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.185 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kulis
17:29:21.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487571900
17:29:21.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575500
17:29:21.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kultur
17:29:21.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/1c24/4de3/1ed1/ebd8/bde1/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217755
17:29:21.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.186 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pop Program
17:29:21.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487575500
17:29:21.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:21.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Comedy
17:29:21.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d166/e47e/d0c1/fcd2/6af2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217756
17:29:21.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.187 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: %100 Hit
17:29:21.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:21.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487586300
17:29:21.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:21.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5e28/723a/227e/4363/129e/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217757
17:29:21.188 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kulis
17:29:21.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589900
17:29:21.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593500
17:29:21.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.189 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kultur
17:29:21.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/47b8/2717/1755/e675/ad17/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217759
17:29:21.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pop Program
17:29:21.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593500
17:29:21.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597100
17:29:21.190 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Comedy
17:29:21.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/46bf/c830/53d9/d044/2de0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217760
17:29:21.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Star Panorama
17:29:21.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487597100
17:29:21.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487600700
17:29:21.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a10d/3311/5bc9/63f4/90d9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.191 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217761
17:29:21.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 40 X Pop
17:29:21.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:21.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604300
17:29:21.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.192 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:21.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2315/0b7a/a0f4/c50e/32d2/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217763
17:29:21.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pop Program
17:29:21.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487604300
17:29:21.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:21.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Musikclips, Comedy
17:29:21.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8abd/0b05/7c52/0b7d/2d41/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.193 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217764
17:29:21.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Video Top
17:29:21.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:21.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:21.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:21.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217765
17:29:21.194 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pop Favori
17:29:21.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:21.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613300
17:29:21.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:21.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217766
17:29:21.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.195 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: %100 Hit
17:29:21.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:21.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:21.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:21.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217768
17:29:21.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.196 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Klip Mesaj
17:29:21.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620800
17:29:21.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:21.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:21.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217769
17:29:21.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk
17:29:21.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: %100 Hit
17:29:21.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487628000
17:29:21.197 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487649600
17:29:21.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:21.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121217770
17:29:21.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.198 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.199 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.200 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 10 Dakika Ara
17:29:21.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:21.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:21.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/89fd/b7bf/af2f/83f3/0795/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121163361
17:29:21.201 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Konsept
17:29:21.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:21.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:21.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:21.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/83c0/1bcf/2f00/d654/3280/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121163363
17:29:21.202 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Cafe Pop
17:29:21.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:21.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611800
17:29:21.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.203 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121163365
17:29:21.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Konsept
17:29:21.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:21.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487624400
17:29:21.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Comedy
17:29:21.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121163369
17:29:21.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk
17:29:21.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:21.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:21.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4e61/2b9a/ee49/efd0/580c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.206 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 117622686
17:29:21.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:21.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:21.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/29eb/d7b3/ffbf/09f7/0db9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 117623087
17:29:21.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.207 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487552400
17:29:21.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:21.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/e59b/41a2/f527/0aeb/3fb9/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 117623604
17:29:21.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556000
17:29:21.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:21.208 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5113/8ce3/eacd/341f/a91d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 117624454
17:29:21.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559600
17:29:21.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:21.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a18e/9400/4773/0a20/9d2f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 117625039
17:29:21.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.209 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487563200
17:29:21.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:21.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b936/216b/665f/e2dd/442c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 118681486
17:29:21.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487566800
17:29:21.210 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:21.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/461d/e90f/6265/0926/0a8c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 117630550
17:29:21.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:21.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:21.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6060/b594/c53d/a936/e448/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 118688924
17:29:21.211 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487574000
17:29:21.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:21.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c135/362d/d977/b370/264f/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 117634737
17:29:21.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487577600
17:29:21.212 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:21.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6336/7c8c/aeb0/2188/7ed5/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 117635494
17:29:21.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487581200
17:29:21.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:21.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3757/1b8b/3e38/3b2b/a459/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 117636570
17:29:21.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:21.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:21.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/9c0d/094c/9b8b/0366/ab9a/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 118280966
17:29:21.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487588400
17:29:21.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:21.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/130e/fc37/6972/97d0/dfa8/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 118208499
17:29:21.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:21.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:21.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a701/4657/c41e/9d43/46bc/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.215 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 117637827
17:29:21.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:21.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:21.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7028/70d1/4df5/67af/14c4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 116733630
17:29:21.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.216 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487599200
17:29:21.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:21.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/3d9e/cf63/1ea4/051d/4101/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 117638588
17:29:21.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:21.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:21.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/05bc/ad2f/ec51/0152/65af/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.217 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 117617145
17:29:21.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487606400
17:29:21.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:21.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/6fe4/432e/1abd/1746/432b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 117617785
17:29:21.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv
17:29:21.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: www.rtvbn.com
17:29:21.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610000
17:29:21.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613600
17:29:21.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/8781/05b7/4059/3ee8/5b5d/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 117618336
17:29:21.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1
17:29:21.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1
17:29:21.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nedjeljom u dva (R)
17:29:21.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545500
17:29:21.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:21.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2179/5c69/b23b/3119/0750/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388508
17:29:21.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1
17:29:21.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Crna lista (2), serija (12) (11/22) (R)
17:29:21.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487549100
17:29:21.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551560
17:29:21.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/292f/1b65/ebdb/46ff/093b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121163175
17:29:21.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1
17:29:21.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Crna lista (2), serija (12) (12/22) (R)
17:29:21.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551560
17:29:21.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554020
17:29:21.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121163176
17:29:21.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1
17:29:21.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Inspektor George Gently (6), serija (12) (4/4) (R)
17:29:21.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487554020
17:29:21.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487559300
17:29:21.223 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121163177
17:29:21.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1
17:29:21.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1
17:29:21.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mjesto koje zovem dom (1), serija (12) (12/13) (R)
17:29:21.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487589840
17:29:21.224 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487593440
17:29:21.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121142285
17:29:21.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1
17:29:21.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1
17:29:21.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bonton: U hotelu (R)
17:29:21.225 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595240
17:29:21.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:21.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/695d/e2e5/f68a/305a/65ef/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388511
17:29:21.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1
17:29:21.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Kod doktora (8), talk-show (12) (79/100)
17:29:21.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595600
17:29:21.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:21.226 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121142287
17:29:21.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1
17:29:21.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1
17:29:21.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Bonton: Pisanje poslovnih mailova
17:29:21.227 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610300
17:29:21.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617260
17:29:21.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388513
17:29:21.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1
17:29:21.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Labirint (T)
17:29:21.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617260
17:29:21.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619480
17:29:21.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388514
17:29:21.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1
17:29:21.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Stambeno pitanje: Kad Novi ostari, dokumentarna serija (8/8)
17:29:21.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487619480
17:29:21.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487622600
17:29:21.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121388515
17:29:21.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1
17:29:21.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nacionalni dnevnik
17:29:21.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487558700
17:29:21.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:21.230 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Informativni program
17:29:21.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/0345/a5f7/e19c/8d45/2210/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332398
17:29:21.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Keine Programminformationen verfuegbar
17:29:21.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487560500
17:29:21.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565780
17:29:21.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/c50d/05cf/8952/d61c/dcd4/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.231 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332399
17:29:21.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Elif
17:29:21.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487565780
17:29:21.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487568600
17:29:21.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Strani serijski
17:29:21.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/753e/0990/b39b/4af3/6d78/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332400
17:29:21.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.232 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Dobro jutro!
17:29:21.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487570400
17:29:21.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:21.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Informativni program
17:29:21.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Magazin
17:29:21.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/b939/d10a/3d47/511d/fc1b/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332402
17:29:21.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.233 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Pepeljuga
17:29:21.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487584800
17:29:21.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487587260
17:29:21.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Strani serijski
17:29:21.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/d84a/992a/c01a/f6f4/79bb/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332403
17:29:21.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.234 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Astro savet
17:29:21.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487592000
17:29:21.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487595900
17:29:21.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nacionalni dnevnik
17:29:21.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487601900
17:29:21.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487602800
17:29:21.235 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Informativni program
17:29:21.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/a7f9/adda/a277/d88c/edd0/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332407
17:29:21.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Mala nevesta
17:29:21.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487608440
17:29:21.236 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487610300
17:29:21.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Strani serijski
17:29:21.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332409
17:29:21.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.237 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Nacionalni dnevnik
17:29:21.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487611740
17:29:21.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613780
17:29:21.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Informativni program
17:29:21.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332411
17:29:21.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Premijera
17:29:21.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487613780
17:29:21.238 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614380
17:29:21.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Elif
17:29:21.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487614380
17:29:21.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487617560
17:29:21.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Strani serijski
17:29:21.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332413
17:29:21.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.239 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus
17:29:21.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Farma - izbacivanje
17:29:21.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487620980
17:29:21.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487633340
17:29:21.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Reality show
17:29:21.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/5831/2ea5/9049/6066/3837/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.240 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121332415
17:29:21.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkextra
17:29:21.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Info top 18:00
17:29:21.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487545200
17:29:21.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:21.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/2b53/abc1/ab6a/3aea/0f24/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121272017
17:29:21.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkextra
17:29:21.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SERIJA: Elif
17:29:21.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487548800
17:29:21.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551740
17:29:21.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/7971/60a3/6898/9512/646c/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121272866
17:29:21.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkextra
17:29:21.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: SERIJA: Elif
17:29:21.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487551740
17:29:21.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 1487556600
17:29:21.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: None
17:29:21.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: http://images.zattic.com/system/images/4696/3a05/023d/ce63/9f45/format_480x360.jpg
17:29:21.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 121272867
17:29:21.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkextra
17:29:21.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO programs(channel, title, start_date, end_date, description, genre, image_small, showID) VALUES(%, %, %, %, %, %, %)
17:29:21.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkextra
17:29:21.705 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogNotification.xml) ------
17:29:26.531 T:1563288480 DEBUG: START Programm
17:29:26.549 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogNotification.xml) ------
17:29:26.582 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml) ------
17:29:26.582 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:26.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ard - 121116458
17:29:26.583 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang ard
17:29:26.759 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:29:26.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:26.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf - 121115373
17:29:26.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang zdf
17:29:28.146 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:28.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_deutschland - 121115378
17:29:28.147 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang rtl_deutschland
17:29:28.304 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:28.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_deutschland - 121115450
17:29:28.305 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang pro7_deutschland
17:29:28.485 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:28.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_deutschland - 121115417
17:29:28.486 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang sat1_deutschland
17:29:28.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:28.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_deutschland - 121115555
17:29:28.679 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang kabel_eins_deutschland
17:29:28.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:28.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl2_deutschland - 121115456
17:29:28.837 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang rtl2_deutschland
17:29:29.017 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:29.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dsf - 121116216
17:29:29.018 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang dsf
17:29:29.203 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1600902048 terminating (autodelete)
17:29:29.203 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1874850720 terminating (autodelete)
17:29:29.292 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:29.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: eurosport - 121116192
17:29:29.294 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang eurosport
17:29:29.450 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24 - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:29.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: n24 - 121115272
17:29:29.451 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang n24
17:29:29.642 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:29.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: vox_deutschland - 121115505
17:29:29.643 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang vox_deutschland
17:29:29.812 T:1752167328 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1752167328 terminating (autodelete)
17:29:29.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:29.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: super_rtl_deutschland - 121115554
17:29:29.836 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang super_rtl_deutschland
17:29:29.988 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:29.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmax - 121115748
17:29:29.989 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang dmax
17:29:30.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:30.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sixx_deutschland - 121116396
17:29:30.175 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang sixx_deutschland
17:29:30.355 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogNotification.xml) ------
17:29:30.374 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:30.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7maxx - 121119396
17:29:30.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang pro7maxx
17:29:31.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:31.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: comedycentral_de - 121116554
17:29:31.633 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang comedycentral_de
17:29:31.934 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:31.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tlc - 121116760
17:29:31.935 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang tlc
17:29:32.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:32.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ntv_de - 121116322
17:29:32.089 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang ntv_de
17:29:32.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:32.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel1_doku - 121120836
17:29:32.248 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang kabel1_doku
17:29:32.428 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5 - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:32.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tele-5 - 121115328
17:29:32.429 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang tele-5
17:29:32.579 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:32.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: nickelodeon - 121116643
17:29:32.580 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang nickelodeon
17:29:32.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:32.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kika - 121116061
17:29:32.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang kika
17:29:32.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:32.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: toggo_plus - 121120770
17:29:32.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang toggo_plus
17:29:33.120 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:33.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: viva_de - 121116554
17:29:33.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:33.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 3sat - 121115987
17:29:33.121 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang 3sat
17:29:33.284 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:33.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: DE_arte - 121116059
17:29:33.285 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang DE_arte
17:29:33.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:33.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: phoenix - 121115237
17:29:33.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang phoenix
17:29:33.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:33.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-niedersachsen - 121115634
17:29:33.612 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang ndr-niedersachsen
17:29:33.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:33.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen - 121115678
17:29:33.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang mdr-sachsen
17:29:34.257 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:34.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-koeln - 121115603
17:29:34.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang wdr-koeln
17:29:34.564 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:34.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br - 121115787
17:29:34.565 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang br
17:29:34.750 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:34.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-bw - 121119464
17:29:34.751 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang swr-fernsehen-bw
17:29:34.915 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:34.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hr - 121115713
17:29:34.916 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang hr
17:29:35.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:35.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb - 121115822
17:29:35.063 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang rbb
17:29:35.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:35.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sr-fernsehen - 121120916
17:29:35.220 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang sr-fernsehen
17:29:35.439 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:35.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: radio-bremen-tv - 121120946
17:29:35.440 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang radio-bremen-tv
17:29:35.609 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:35.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtlnitro_de - 121116483
17:29:35.610 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang rtlnitro_de
17:29:35.799 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:35.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdfneo - 121116269
17:29:35.800 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang zdfneo
17:29:35.976 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:35.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rtl_plus - 121120731
17:29:35.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang rtl_plus
17:29:36.123 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:36.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1gold - 121119380
17:29:36.124 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang sat1gold
17:29:36.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:36.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsextra - 121114876
17:29:36.303 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang einsextra
17:29:36.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:36.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: einsfestival - 121115170
17:29:36.462 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang einsfestival
17:29:36.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:36.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: zdf-info - 121388394
17:29:36.620 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang zdf-info
17:29:36.773 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:36.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br-alpha - 121115076
17:29:36.774 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang br-alpha
17:29:37.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:37.023 T:1563288480 DEBUG: h2d - 121415057
17:29:37.024 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang h2d
17:29:37.218 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:37.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: weltderwunder - 121116714
17:29:37.219 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang weltderwunder
17:29:37.389 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:37.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ric - 121120650
17:29:37.390 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang ric
17:29:37.546 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:37.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonnenklartv - 121441849
17:29:37.547 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang sonnenklartv
17:29:37.702 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:37.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: daf - 121118760
17:29:37.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang daf
17:29:37.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:37.875 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dasneuetv - 120078322
17:29:37.876 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang dasneuetv
17:29:38.055 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:38.056 T:1563288480 DEBUG: familytv - 120143359
17:29:38.057 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang familytv
17:29:38.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:38.221 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fashiontv - 121119561
17:29:38.222 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang fashiontv
17:29:38.442 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deluxe-music - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:38.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deluxe-music - 121118209
17:29:38.443 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang deluxe-music
17:29:38.591 T:1563288480 DEBUG: timm - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:38.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:38.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 123tv - 121332521
17:29:38.592 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang 123tv
17:29:38.771 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:38.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: qvcplus - 121119704
17:29:38.772 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang qvcplus
17:29:38.947 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:38.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pearltv - 121375919
17:29:38.948 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang pearltv
17:29:39.113 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:39.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bibeltv - 121117753
17:29:39.114 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang bibeltv
17:29:39.262 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:39.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: br_nord - 121115787
17:29:39.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:39.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-sachsen-anhalt - 121264851
17:29:39.263 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang mdr-sachsen-anhalt
17:29:39.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:39.424 T:1563288480 DEBUG: mdr-thueringen - 121264889
17:29:39.425 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang mdr-thueringen
17:29:39.585 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:39.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-hamburg - 121115634
17:29:39.586 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:39.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-mv - 121265064
17:29:39.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang ndr-mv
17:29:39.784 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:39.785 T:1563288480 DEBUG: ndr-schleswig-holstein - 121264964
17:29:39.786 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang ndr-schleswig-holstein
17:29:39.941 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:39.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rbb-brandenburg - 121264906
17:29:39.942 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang rbb-brandenburg
17:29:40.101 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:40.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: swr-fernsehen-rp - 121119478
17:29:40.102 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang swr-fernsehen-rp
17:29:40.259 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:40.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-aachen - 121264544
17:29:40.260 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang wdr-aachen
17:29:40.452 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:40.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bielefeld - 121264612
17:29:40.453 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang wdr-bielefeld
17:29:40.616 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:40.617 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-bonn - 121264547
17:29:40.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang wdr-bonn
17:29:40.851 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:40.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-dortmund - 121264587
17:29:40.852 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang wdr-dortmund
17:29:41.019 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:41.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duesseldorf - 121264571
17:29:41.020 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang wdr-duesseldorf
17:29:41.204 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:41.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-duisburg - 121264552
17:29:41.205 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang wdr-duisburg
17:29:41.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:41.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-essen - 121264592
17:29:41.375 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang wdr-essen
17:29:41.538 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:41.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-muenster - 121264576
17:29:41.539 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang wdr-muenster
17:29:41.728 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:41.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-siegen - 121264583
17:29:41.729 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang wdr-siegen
17:29:41.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:41.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wdr-wuppertal - 121264548
17:29:41.931 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang wdr-wuppertal
17:29:42.130 T:1563288480 DEBUG: orf2_europe - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:42.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:42.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sf-info-intl - 121117134
17:29:42.131 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang sf-info-intl
17:29:42.418 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:42.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cnn-international - 121119077
17:29:42.420 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang cnn-international
17:29:42.599 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:42.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-fr - 121118555
17:29:42.600 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang france-24-fr
17:29:42.780 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:42.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: france-24-en - 121460035
17:29:42.781 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang france-24-en
17:29:42.943 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:42.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bloomberg-europe - 121388460
17:29:42.944 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang bloomberg-europe
17:29:43.094 T:1563288480 DEBUG: r1 - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:43.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonlife - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:43.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sonlife - 121455936
17:29:43.095 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang sonlife
17:29:43.273 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:43.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: god-channel-tv - 121382472
17:29:43.274 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang god-channel-tv
17:29:43.482 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:43.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tve - 121117655
17:29:43.483 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang tve
17:29:43.654 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:43.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: canal24horas - 121119664
17:29:43.655 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang canal24horas
17:29:43.821 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rt_doc - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:43.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: 24_tv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:43.822 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:43.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pro7_fun - 121120408
17:29:43.823 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang pro7_fun
17:29:43.979 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:43.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sat1_emotions - 121120385
17:29:43.980 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang sat1_emotions
17:29:44.228 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:44.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: kabel_eins_classics - 121120331
17:29:44.229 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang kabel_eins_classics
17:29:44.404 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:44.405 T:1563288480 DEBUG: sportdigital - 121118421
17:29:44.406 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang sportdigital
17:29:44.587 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:44.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: automotorsporttv - 121118876
17:29:44.588 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang automotorsporttv
17:29:44.730 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:44.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: planet - 121117020
17:29:44.731 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang planet
17:29:44.905 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:44.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: deutschesmusikfernsehen - 121118673
17:29:44.906 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang deutschesmusikfernsehen
17:29:45.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: fueltv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:45.087 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:45.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: yourfamily - 121118625
17:29:45.088 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang yourfamily
17:29:45.301 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hustlerblue - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:45.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hustlerblue - 121118142
17:29:45.302 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang hustlerblue
17:29:45.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rcktv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:45.460 T:1563288480 DEBUG: rcktv - 121118393
17:29:45.461 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang rcktv
17:29:45.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cmusic - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:45.618 T:1563288480 DEBUG: jukebox - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:45.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:45.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: spiegeltvwissen - 121280376
17:29:45.619 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang spiegeltvwissen
17:29:45.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:45.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: wetter_com_tv - 121120417
17:29:45.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang wetter_com_tv
17:29:46.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: visitx - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:46.002 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:46.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: itvn - 121120638
17:29:46.003 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang itvn
17:29:46.213 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24 - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:46.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvn24 - 121429652
17:29:46.214 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang tvn24
17:29:46.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:46.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_d - 121118238
17:29:46.372 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang tr_euro_d
17:29:46.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:46.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_euro_star - 121118280
17:29:46.543 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang tr_euro_star
17:29:46.687 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_kanal_7 - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:46.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_kanal_7 - 121118772
17:29:46.688 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang tr_kanal_7
17:29:46.841 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:46.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_ntv_avrupa - 121217094
17:29:46.842 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang tr_ntv_avrupa
17:29:47.012 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_show_turk - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:47.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tr_show_turk - 121118266
17:29:47.013 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang tr_show_turk
17:29:47.172 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:47.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: haber_turk - 121217818
17:29:47.173 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang haber_turk
17:29:47.333 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tv8 - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:47.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tv8 - 121217778
17:29:47.334 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang tv8
17:29:47.499 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:47.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: power_turk - 121217765
17:29:47.500 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang power_turk
17:29:47.703 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:47.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dream_turk - 121163365
17:29:47.704 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang dream_turk
17:29:47.871 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:47.872 T:1563288480 DEBUG: bntv - 117617785
17:29:47.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang bntv
17:29:48.050 T:1563288480 DEBUG: dmsat - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:48.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1 - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:48.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: hrt1 - 121388512
17:29:48.051 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang hrt1
17:29:48.241 T:1563288480 DEBUG: cmc - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:48.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:48.242 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkplus - 121332408
17:29:48.243 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Lang pinkplus
17:29:48.391 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkextra - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:48.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkreality - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:48.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkfilm - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:48.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkfolk - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:48.392 T:1563288480 DEBUG: pinkmusic - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:48.393 T:1563288480 DEBUG: tvglobo - 2017-02-20 17:29:12.419358
17:29:48.395 T:1563288480 INFO: CPythonInvoker(8, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): script successfully run
17:29:48.399 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogNotification.xml) ------
17:29:48.477 T:1563288480 INFO: Python script stopped
17:29:48.477 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1563288480 terminating
17:29:48.639 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml) ------
17:29:52.175 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogNotification.xml) ------
17:30:12.537 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Drain delay:99ms now:0ms
17:30:22.537 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Deinitialize
17:30:22.538 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:SetAudioProps hdmi_stream_channels 0 hdmi_channel_map 00000000
17:30:22.548 T:1930425248 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.audio_render handle 0x7276d678
17:30:26.682 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 205255:6a 0 KEY_RIGHT devinput (KEY_RIGHT)
17:30:26.682 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 168 (0xa8, obc87) pressed, action is Right
17:30:26.683 T:1930425248 INFO: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink
17:30:26.683 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - trying to open device PI:HDMI
17:30:26.683 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:SetAudioProps hdmi_stream_channels 0 hdmi_channel_map 00000008
17:30:26.684 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Initialize Format:15 Channels:2 Samplerate:44100 framesize:8 bufsize:17640 bytes/s=352800.00 dest=PI:HDMI
17:30:26.685 T:1930425248 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.audio_render input port 100 output port 100 m_handle 0x7276d678
17:30:26.687 T:1930425248 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.audio_render) - port(100), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(17648), nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:30:26.688 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - SinkPi Initialized:
17:30:26.688 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Output Device : HDMI
17:30:26.688 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Sample Rate : 44100
17:30:26.688 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Sample Format : AE_FMT_FLOAT
17:30:26.688 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Channel Count : 2
17:30:26.688 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Channel Layout: FL,FR
17:30:26.688 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Frames : 2205
17:30:26.688 T:1930425248 DEBUG: Frame Size : 8
17:30:27.582 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 206155:1c 0 KEY_ENTER devinput (KEY_ENTER)
17:30:27.590 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
17:30:27.823 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogAddonSettings.xml) ------
17:30:28.777 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 207350:67 0 KEY_UP devinput (KEY_UP)
17:30:28.777 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6, obc89) pressed, action is Up
17:30:28.989 T:1743778720 INFO: CPythonInvoker(7, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): script successfully run
17:30:29.050 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 207623:67 0 KEY_UP devinput (KEY_UP)
17:30:29.050 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6, obc89) pressed, action is Up
17:30:29.077 T:1743778720 INFO: Python script stopped
17:30:29.077 T:1743778720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1743778720 terminating
17:30:29.352 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 207925:67 0 KEY_UP devinput (KEY_UP)
17:30:29.352 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6, obc89) pressed, action is Up
17:30:29.582 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 208155:67 0 KEY_UP devinput (KEY_UP)
17:30:29.582 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6, obc89) pressed, action is Up
17:30:29.864 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 208437:67 0 KEY_UP devinput (KEY_UP)
17:30:29.864 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6, obc89) pressed, action is Up
17:30:30.799 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 209372:1c 0 KEY_ENTER devinput (KEY_ENTER)
17:30:30.799 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
17:30:30.801 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/?mode=channellist)
17:30:30.802 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/]
17:30:30.802 T:1743778720 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
17:30:30.825 T:1743778720 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
17:30:30.825 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CAddonDatabase::SetLastUsed[plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta] took 23 ms
17:30:30.825 T:1752167328 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
17:30:30.825 T:1563288480 DEBUG: StartScript - calling plugin Zattoo Box Extended Beta('plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/','4','?mode=channellist')
17:30:30.826 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:30:30.826 T:1874850720 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:30:30.826 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(9, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): start processing
17:30:30.879 T:1874850720 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:30:30.879 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(9, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py"
17:30:30.879 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(9, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:30:30.879 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(9, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta
17:30:30.880 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(9, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta" dependent on version 2.14.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:30:31.131 T:1874850720 DEBUG: LISTMODE all
17:30:31.305 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:30:31.671 T:1874850720 INFO: CPythonInvoker(9, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): script successfully run
17:30:31.731 T:1874850720 INFO: Python script stopped
17:30:31.731 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1874850720 terminating
17:30:31.743 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
17:30:31.754 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 1874850720 terminating
17:30:31.803 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:30:34.748 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 213321:1c 0 KEY_ENTER devinput (KEY_ENTER)
17:30:34.748 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
17:30:34.749 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/)
17:30:34.749 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/]
17:30:34.770 T:1743778720 DEBUG: CAddonDatabase::SetLastUsed[plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta] took 21 ms
17:30:34.771 T:1752167328 DEBUG: StartScript - calling plugin Zattoo Box Extended Beta('plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/','5','')
17:30:34.771 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:30:34.771 T:1874850720 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:30:34.771 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(10, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): start processing
17:30:34.825 T:1874850720 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:30:34.825 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(10, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py"
17:30:34.825 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(10, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:30:34.825 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(10, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta
17:30:34.826 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(10, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta" dependent on version 2.14.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:30:35.125 T:1874850720 DEBUG: LISTMODE all
17:30:35.253 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:30:35.397 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
17:30:35.400 T:1874850720 INFO: CPythonInvoker(10, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): script successfully run
17:30:35.414 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:30:35.421 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 1600902048 terminating
17:30:35.472 T:1874850720 INFO: Python script stopped
17:30:35.472 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1874850720 terminating
17:30:36.346 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 214919:67 0 KEY_UP devinput (KEY_UP)
17:30:36.346 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6, obc89) pressed, action is Up
17:30:36.843 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 215416:1c 0 KEY_ENTER devinput (KEY_ENTER)
17:30:36.843 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
17:30:36.863 T:1962307584 DEBUG: RunScriptWithParams - calling plugin Zattoo Box Extended Beta('plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/','-1','?mode=switchlist')
17:30:36.863 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:30:36.863 T:1874850720 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:30:36.863 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(11, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): start processing
17:30:36.924 T:1874850720 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:30:36.925 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(11, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py"
17:30:36.925 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(11, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:30:36.925 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(11, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta
17:30:36.925 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(11, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta" dependent on version 2.14.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:30:37.189 T:1874850720 DEBUG: LISTMODE all
17:30:37.202 T:1874850720 INFO: CPythonInvoker(11, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): script successfully run
17:30:37.214 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/)
17:30:37.214 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/]
17:30:37.715 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:30:38.423 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CAddonDatabase::SetLastUsed[plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta] took 1209 ms
17:30:38.424 T:1743778720 DEBUG: StartScript - calling plugin Zattoo Box Extended Beta('plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/','6','')
17:30:38.424 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:30:38.424 T:1600902048 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:30:38.424 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(12, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): start processing
17:30:38.453 T:1874850720 INFO: Python script stopped
17:30:38.453 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1874850720 terminating
17:30:38.464 T:1600902048 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:30:38.464 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(12, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py"
17:30:38.465 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(12, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:30:38.465 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(12, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta
17:30:38.465 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(12, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta" dependent on version 2.14.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:30:38.722 T:1600902048 DEBUG: LISTMODE favourites
17:30:38.750 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Saving fileitems [plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/]
17:30:38.750 T:1962307584 DEBUG: -- items: 7, sort method: 0, ascending: false
17:30:38.755 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
17:30:38.758 T:1600902048 INFO: CPythonInvoker(12, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): script successfully run
17:30:38.780 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 1874850720 terminating
17:30:38.829 T:1600902048 INFO: Python script stopped
17:30:38.829 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1600902048 terminating
17:30:39.003 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:30:39.631 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 218204:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:30:39.631 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:30:40.054 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 218627:1c 0 KEY_ENTER devinput (KEY_ENTER)
17:30:40.054 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
17:30:40.057 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/?mode=channellist)
17:30:40.057 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/]
17:30:40.081 T:1752167328 DEBUG: CAddonDatabase::SetLastUsed[plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta] took 24 ms
17:30:40.081 T:1743778720 DEBUG: StartScript - calling plugin Zattoo Box Extended Beta('plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/','7','?mode=channellist')
17:30:40.082 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:30:40.082 T:1600902048 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:30:40.082 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(13, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): start processing
17:30:40.136 T:1600902048 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:30:40.136 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(13, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py"
17:30:40.136 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(13, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:30:40.136 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(13, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta
17:30:40.137 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(13, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta" dependent on version 2.14.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:30:40.402 T:1600902048 DEBUG: LISTMODE favourites
17:30:40.561 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:30:40.693 T:1600902048 INFO: CPythonInvoker(13, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): script successfully run
17:30:40.711 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
17:30:40.728 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 1874850720 terminating
17:30:40.729 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:30:40.764 T:1600902048 INFO: Python script stopped
17:30:40.764 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1600902048 terminating
17:30:41.849 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 220422:1c 0 KEY_ENTER devinput (KEY_ENTER)
17:30:41.849 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
17:30:41.850 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/)
17:30:41.851 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/]
17:30:41.853 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Loading items: 7, directory: plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/ sort method: 0, ascending: false
17:30:41.873 T:1563288480 DEBUG: CAddonDatabase::SetLastUsed[plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta] took 22 ms
17:30:41.882 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
17:30:41.921 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 1600902048 terminating
17:30:43.121 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 221694:67 0 KEY_UP devinput (KEY_UP)
17:30:43.121 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 166 (0xa6, obc89) pressed, action is Up
17:30:43.564 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 222137:1c 0 KEY_ENTER devinput (KEY_ENTER)
17:30:43.564 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
17:30:43.585 T:1962307584 DEBUG: RunScriptWithParams - calling plugin Zattoo Box Extended Beta('plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/','-1','?mode=switchlist')
17:30:43.585 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:30:43.586 T:1600902048 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:30:43.586 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(14, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): start processing
17:30:43.640 T:1600902048 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:30:43.640 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(14, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py"
17:30:43.641 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(14, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:30:43.641 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(14, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta
17:30:43.641 T:1600902048 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(14, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta" dependent on version 2.14.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:30:43.938 T:1600902048 DEBUG: LISTMODE favourites
17:30:43.948 T:1600902048 INFO: CPythonInvoker(14, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): script successfully run
17:30:43.949 T:1962307584 DEBUG: Clearing cached fileitems [plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/]
17:30:43.950 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/)
17:30:43.950 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/]
17:30:43.976 T:1752167328 DEBUG: CAddonDatabase::SetLastUsed[plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta] took 26 ms
17:30:43.977 T:1563288480 DEBUG: StartScript - calling plugin Zattoo Box Extended Beta('plugin://plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/','8','')
17:30:43.977 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
17:30:43.977 T:1874850720 INFO: initializing python engine.
17:30:43.977 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(15, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): start processing
17:30:44.027 T:1600902048 INFO: Python script stopped
17:30:44.027 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1600902048 terminating
17:30:44.037 T:1874850720 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:30:44.037 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(15, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py"
17:30:44.037 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(15, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta:/usr/lib/python27.zip:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0
17:30:44.037 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(15, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta
17:30:44.038 T:1874850720 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(15, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta" dependent on version 2.14.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:30:44.289 T:1874850720 DEBUG: LISTMODE all
17:30:44.452 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:30:44.597 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
17:30:44.601 T:1874850720 INFO: CPythonInvoker(15, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.zattooboxExt.beta/plugin.py): script successfully run
17:30:44.611 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
17:30:44.620 T:1600902048 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 1600902048 terminating
17:30:44.675 T:1874850720 INFO: Python script stopped
17:30:44.675 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1874850720 terminating
17:30:46.420 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 224993:6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput (KEY_DOWN)
17:30:46.420 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: 167 (0xa7, obc88) pressed, action is Down
17:30:47.632 T:1962307584 DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 226205:ae 0 KEY_EXIT devinput (KEY_EXIT)
17:30:47.632 T:1962307584 DEBUG: OnKey: menu (0xd8) pressed, action is Back
17:30:47.634 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://)
17:30:47.634 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
17:30:47.634 T:1752167328 DEBUG: CAddonDatabase::SetLastUsed[] took 0 ms
17:30:47.640 T:1563288480 ERROR: Unable to find plugin
17:30:47.640 T:1962307584 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://
17:30:47.641 T:1962307584 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://) failed
17:30:47.642 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
17:30:47.642 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
17:30:47.663 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
17:30:47.669 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
17:30:47.685 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 1874850720 terminating
17:30:47.937 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
17:30:47.949 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
17:30:47.949 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------
17:30:47.949 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[addons://sources/video/]: refreshing..
17:30:47.949 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[addons://sources/audio/]: refreshing..
17:30:47.949 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[addons://sources/executable/]: refreshing..
17:30:47.950 T:1962307584 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[addons://sources/image/]: refreshing..
17:30:47.957 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
17:30:47.976 T:1874850720 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.image_decode input port 320 output port 321 m_handle 0x73c03308
17:30:47.977 T:1874850720 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.image_decode) - port(320), nBufferCountMin(2), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(206336), nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:30:47.980 T:1874850720 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.egl_render input port 220 output port 221 m_handle 0x73c3e738
17:30:47.981 T:1874850720 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::UseEGLImage component(OMX.broadcom.egl_render) - port(221), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(1), nBufferSize(15360) nBufferAlignmen(16)
17:30:48.006 T:1874850720 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.image_decode handle 0x73c03308
17:30:48.007 T:1874850720 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.egl_render handle 0x73c3e738
17:30:48.007 T:1874850720 DEBUG: DecodeJpegToTexture: decoded special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/a/a19e98a8.jpg 1280x720
17:31:17.965 T:1743778720 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1743778720 terminating (autodelete)
17:31:17.974 T:1752167328 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1752167328 terminating (autodelete)
17:31:17.983 T:1563288480 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1563288480 terminating (autodelete)
17:31:18.007 T:1874850720 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1874850720 terminating (autodelete)
17:31:47.994 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Drain delay:99ms now:0ms
17:31:57.994 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Deinitialize
17:31:57.995 T:1930425248 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:SetAudioProps hdmi_stream_channels 0 hdmi_channel_map 00000000
17:31:58.008 T:1930425248 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.audio_render handle 0x7276d678
17:33:47.901 T:1962304416 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnScreensaverActivated from xbmc
17:33:47.902 T:1962304416 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 4, from xbmc, message OnScreensaverActivated
17:33:47.907 T:1962307584 DEBUG: ------ Window Init () ------