18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/ 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Starting Kodi (17.0 Git:20170210-nogitfound). Platform: Linux x86 64-bit 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x64 build 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Kodi compiled Feb 10 2017 by GCC 4.8.4 for Linux x86 64-bit version 3.13.11 (199947) 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Running on Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS, kernel: Linux x86 64-bit version 3.19.0-80-generic 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: FFmpeg version/source: ffmpeg-3.1-kodi 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Host CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 550 @ 3.20GHz, 4 cores available 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /usr/share/kodi 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/kodi 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: special://xbmcbinaddons/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/kodi/addons 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /home/gregor/.kodi/userdata 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: special://envhome/ is mapped to: /home/gregor 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /home/gregor/.kodi 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /home/gregor/.kodi/temp 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: special://logpath/ is mapped to: /home/gregor/.kodi/temp 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: The executable running is: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/kodi/kodi.bin 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Local hostname: HTPC 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Log File is located: /home/gregor/.kodi/temp//kodi.log 18:09:51.586 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18:09:51.610 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: load settings... 18:09:51.656 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Found 1 Lists of Devices 18:09:51.656 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Enumerated PULSE devices: 18:09:51.656 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Device 1 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_deviceName : Default 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_displayName : Default 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: Default Output Device (PULSEAUDIO) 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 5512,8000,11025,16000,22050,32000,44100,48000,64000,88200,96000,176400,192000,384000 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_U8,AE_FMT_S16NE,AE_FMT_S24NE3,AE_FMT_S24NE4,AE_FMT_S32NE,AE_FMT_FLOAT 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_streamTypes : No passthrough capabilities 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Device 2 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_deviceName : alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.hdmi-stereo 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_displayName : Internes Audio Digital Stereo (HDMI) 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: HDMI / DisplayPort (PULSEAUDIO) 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 5512,8000,11025,16000,22050,32000,44100,48000,64000,88200,96000,176400,192000,384000 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_U8,AE_FMT_S16NE,AE_FMT_S24NE3,AE_FMT_S24NE4,AE_FMT_S32NE,AE_FMT_FLOAT 18:09:51.658 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: m_streamTypes : No passthrough capabilities 18:09:51.695 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml) 18:09:51.696 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://masterprofile/advancedsettings.xml) 18:09:51.696 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Default Video Player: VideoPlayer 18:09:51.696 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer 18:09:51.696 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0. 18:09:51.696 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Log level changed to "LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL" 18:09:51.696 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: CMediaSourceSettings: loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml 18:09:51.696 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml. 18:09:51.696 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration 18:09:51.696 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml. 18:09:51.696 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping. 18:09:51.727 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Running database version Addons27 18:09:51.838 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.tva.common 18:09:51.838 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.xbmc.org 18:09:51.838 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.greenair.public 18:09:51.838 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.xstream 18:09:51.838 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.eleazar 18:09:51.879 T:140683957290752 NOTICE: PulseAudio: Opened device Default in pcm mode with Buffersize 150 ms 18:09:52.047 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Checking resolution 16 18:09:52.070 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Using visual 0x20 18:09:52.080 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = Intel Open Source Technology Center 18:09:52.080 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ironlake Desktop 18:09:52.080 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: GL_VERSION = 2.1 Mesa 10.5.9 18:09:52.080 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = 1.20 18:09:52.080 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_ARB_multisample GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_texture3D GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_INGR_blend_func_separate GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_S3_s3tc GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_MESA_window_pos GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_MESA_pack_invert GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_read_format GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_APPLE_object_purgeable GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_timer_query GL_OES_EGL_image GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_NV_conditional_render GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_MESA_texture_signed_rgba GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_KHR_debug GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_multi_bind GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev GL_INTEL_performance_query GL_KHR_context_flush_control 18:09:52.241 T:140683974076160 NOTICE: Running database version Addons27 18:09:52.242 T:140683974076160 NOTICE: Running database version ViewModes6 18:09:52.242 T:140683974076160 NOTICE: Running database version Textures13 18:09:52.243 T:140683974076160 NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic60 18:09:52.246 T:140683974076160 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos107 18:09:52.246 T:140683974076160 NOTICE: Running database version TV29 18:09:52.247 T:140683974076160 NOTICE: Running database version Epg11 18:09:52.248 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection 18:09:52.356 T:140684414072832 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "Setting.Details.SettingList" 18:09:52.467 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: initialize done 18:09:52.467 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Running the application... 18:09:52.471 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing 18:09:52.472 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: CWebServer[8080]: Started 18:09:52.472 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: starting upnp client 18:09:52.485 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: starting upnp server 18:09:52.490 T:140682165470976 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on port 9777 18:09:52.490 T:140682165470976 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777 (ipv6 : false) 18:09:53.099 T:140682958829312 NOTICE: Start - EPG thread started 18:09:53.253 T:140682995021568 NOTICE: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Connected to LCDd at, Protocol version 0.3 - Geometry 16x2 characters (80x16 pixels, 5x8 pixels per character) 18:09:53.382 T:140682995021568 NOTICE: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Driver information reply: Soundgraph/Ahanix/Silverstone/Uneed/Accent iMON IR/VFD driver 18:09:53.384 T:140682995021568 NOTICE: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - SoundGraph iMON IR/VFD detected 18:09:53.388 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: [service.tvh.manager]: Settings loaded, starting service with id 354 18:09:53.409 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: [service.tvh.manager]: Service with id 354 finished 18:09:53.409 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: [service.tvh.manager]: Service with id 354 (V.0.3.20 on HTPC) kicks off 18:09:53.534 T:140682995021568 NOTICE: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Loading settings from /home/gregor/.kodi/addons/script.xbmc.lcdproc/resources/LCD.xml.defaults 18:09:53.541 T:140682995021568 NOTICE: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Loading settings from /home/gregor/.kodi/userdata/LCD.xml 18:09:53.543 T:140682995021568 WARNING: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Empty Mode 3, consider checking LCD.xml 18:09:57.089 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening: pvr://channels/tv/Alle Kanäle/pvr.hts_1629283529.pvr 18:09:57.089 T:140684414072832 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED 18:09:57.089 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Creating InputStream 18:09:57.145 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer 18:09:57.620 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Opening stream: 1 source: 256 18:09:57.620 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 2 18:09:57.620 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: MPEG-2 video 18:09:57.621 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Creating video thread 18:09:57.621 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Opening stream: 2 source: 256 18:09:57.621 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86016 18:09:57.621 T:140681879480064 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread 18:09:57.622 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Creating audio thread 18:09:57.622 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Opening stream: 3 source: 256 18:09:57.622 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: waiting for teletext data thread to exit 18:09:57.622 T:140681871087360 NOTICE: running thread: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process() 18:09:57.623 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Creating teletext data thread 18:09:57.623 T:140681452451584 NOTICE: running thread: CDVDTeletextData 18:09:57.624 T:140681879480064 ERROR: Decode - avcodec_decode_video returned failure 18:09:57.624 T:140682969843456 ERROR: Previous line repeats 2 times. 18:09:57.624 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Opening stream: 1 source: 256 18:09:57.624 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Opening stream: 2 source: 256 18:09:57.624 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86016 18:09:57.624 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Opening stream: 3 source: 256 18:09:57.624 T:140681879480064 ERROR: Decode - avcodec_decode_video returned failure 18:09:57.624 T:140682969843456 ERROR: Previous line repeats 5 times. 18:09:57.624 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Opening stream: 1 source: 256 18:09:57.624 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 2 18:09:57.624 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: MPEG-2 video 18:09:57.624 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Opening stream: 2 source: 256 18:09:57.624 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Opening stream: 3 source: 256 18:09:57.624 T:140681879480064 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::GetFormat - Creating VDPAU(720x576) 18:09:57.625 T:140681879480064 NOTICE: (VDPAU) Close 18:09:57.632 T:140681444058880 NOTICE: COutput::OnStartup: Output Thread created 18:09:57.634 T:140681871087360 NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86016, channels: 2, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through) 18:09:57.651 T:140681444058880 WARNING: VAAPI::SupportsFilter image format not NV12 18:09:57.651 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:09:57.766 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:09:57.766 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:09:57.816 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:09:57.822 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:09:57.852 T:140683957290752 NOTICE: PulseAudio: Opened device Default in pcm mode with Buffersize 150 ms 18:09:57.876 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:09:57.881 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:09:57.937 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:09:57.942 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:09:57.942 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:09:57.948 T:140684414072832 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:09:57.948 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: GL: Selecting Single Pass YUV 2 RGB shader 18:09:57.970 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: GL: NPOT texture support detected 18:09:57.970 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: GL: Using GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object 18:09:57.970 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Using GL_TEXTURE_2D 18:09:57.971 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: GL: Selecting Single Pass YUV 2 RGB shader 18:09:57.983 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:09:57.984 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: GL: NPOT texture support detected 18:09:57.984 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: GL: Using GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object 18:09:57.991 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:09:58.064 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:09:58.085 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:09:58.085 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:09:58.890 T:140681879480064 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer 18:09:58.890 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:09:58.890 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:09:59.404 T:140681879480064 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer 18:09:59.405 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:09:59.405 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:09:59.427 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:09:59.938 T:140681879480064 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer 18:09:59.939 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:09:59.939 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:09:59.939 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:09:59.960 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:09:59.962 T:140681879480064 ERROR: Previous line repeats 2 times. 18:09:59.962 T:140681879480064 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::CDropControl: calculated diff time: 40000 18:09:59.962 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:09:59.965 T:140681879480064 ERROR: Previous line repeats 2 times. 18:09:59.965 T:140681879480064 WARNING: VAAPI::FFGetBuffer - no surface available - dec: 1, render: 0 18:09:59.968 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:09:59.968 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:09:59.973 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.493 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:00.493 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.494 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.533 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:00.557 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.557 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.572 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.573 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:00.596 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:00.596 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.625 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.625 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.672 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.673 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:00.699 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:00.699 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.699 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.699 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.739 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.740 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:00.764 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:00.764 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.825 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.826 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.872 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.873 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:00.898 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:00.898 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.898 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.903 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.939 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.941 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:00.966 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:00.966 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.969 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.969 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:00.969 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.025 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.025 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.072 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.074 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.099 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:01.099 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.099 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.099 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.139 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.141 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.164 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:01.164 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.168 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.168 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.207 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.209 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.230 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:01.231 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.272 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.272 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.292 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.293 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.301 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:01.301 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.339 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.339 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.340 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.366 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.366 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.367 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.425 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.425 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.472 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.473 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.497 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:01.497 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.497 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.501 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.540 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.541 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.566 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:01.566 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.569 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.569 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.570 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.606 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.606 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.672 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.673 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.700 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:01.700 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.700 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.700 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.739 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.740 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.765 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:01.765 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.769 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.769 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.806 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.808 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.832 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:01.832 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.846 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.846 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.847 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.892 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.900 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.901 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.939 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.939 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.940 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:01.966 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:01.966 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.006 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.008 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:02.032 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:02.032 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.073 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.073 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.092 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.093 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:02.100 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:02.100 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.140 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.140 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.173 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.174 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:02.197 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:02.197 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.206 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.206 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.273 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.274 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:02.300 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:02.300 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.300 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.300 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.339 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.340 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:02.364 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:02.364 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.367 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.367 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.406 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.407 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:02.432 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:02.432 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.446 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.446 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.492 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.493 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:02.502 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:02.502 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.540 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.540 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.573 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.574 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:02.596 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:02.596 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.607 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.607 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.673 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.674 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:02.698 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:02.698 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.698 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.704 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.740 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.741 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:02.766 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:02.766 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.769 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.769 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.807 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.808 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:02.832 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:02.832 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.874 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.874 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.892 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.894 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:02.902 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:02.902 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.940 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.941 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.973 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:02.974 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:02.999 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:02.999 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.007 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.007 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.073 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.074 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:03.099 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:03.099 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.099 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.099 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.140 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.141 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:03.164 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:03.164 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.172 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.173 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.207 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.208 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:03.233 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:03.233 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.274 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.274 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.295 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.296 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:03.302 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:03.302 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.340 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.340 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.341 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:03.369 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.369 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.407 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.409 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:03.433 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:03.433 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.474 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.474 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.493 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.494 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:03.502 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:03.502 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.540 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.540 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.574 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.575 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:03.599 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:03.599 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.607 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.608 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.674 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.676 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:03.699 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:03.699 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.699 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.700 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.740 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.741 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:03.766 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:03.766 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.775 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.775 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.806 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.808 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:03.833 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:03.833 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.874 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.874 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.893 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.894 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:03.901 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:03.901 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.941 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.941 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.942 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:03.969 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:03.969 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.007 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.008 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:04.033 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:04.033 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.073 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.099 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.099 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.100 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:04.100 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.141 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.142 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:04.166 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:04.166 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.170 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.170 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.207 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.208 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:04.233 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:04.233 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.247 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.247 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.293 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.294 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:04.303 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:04.303 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.342 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.343 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.373 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.374 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:04.397 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:04.397 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.407 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.407 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.473 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.475 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:04.500 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:04.500 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.500 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.505 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.541 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.543 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:04.566 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:04.566 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.568 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.568 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.607 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.608 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:04.631 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:04.631 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.674 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.674 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.694 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.695 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:04.702 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:04.702 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.741 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.741 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.774 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.775 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:04.798 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:04.798 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.808 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.808 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.874 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.875 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:04.899 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:04.899 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.899 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.900 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.940 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.942 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:04.966 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:04.966 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.975 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:04.975 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.008 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.009 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:05.033 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:05.033 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.074 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.075 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.093 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.095 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:05.102 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:05.102 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.141 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.141 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.174 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.175 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:05.198 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:05.198 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.207 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.207 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.274 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.275 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:05.300 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:05.300 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.300 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.301 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.341 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.342 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:05.366 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:05.366 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.370 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.370 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.410 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.411 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:05.432 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:05.432 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.475 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.475 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.494 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.495 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:05.503 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:05.503 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.541 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.541 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.541 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:05.568 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.568 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.607 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.609 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:05.634 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:05.634 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.675 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.675 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.694 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.695 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:05.702 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:05.702 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.741 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.741 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.774 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.776 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:05.799 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:05.799 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.808 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.808 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.874 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.875 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:05.901 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:05.901 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.901 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.901 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.941 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.942 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:05.966 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:05.966 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.970 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:05.971 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:06.008 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:06.009 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:06.032 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:06.033 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:06.046 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:06.047 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:06.074 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile() 18:10:06.074 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit 18:10:06.574 T:140681879480064 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer 18:10:06.575 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:06.575 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:06.576 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:06.826 T:140681879480064 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer 18:10:06.826 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:06.826 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:06.831 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:06.876 T:140681879480064 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer 18:10:06.877 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:06.877 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::CheckSuccess - Error: the requested filter is not supported(32) 18:10:06.882 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:07.064 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit() 18:10:07.064 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Closing stream player 1 18:10:07.064 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Waiting for audio thread to exit 18:10:07.064 T:140681871087360 ERROR: Got MSGQ_ABORT or MSGO_IS_ERROR return true 18:10:07.064 T:140681871087360 NOTICE: thread end: CVideoPlayerAudio::OnExit() 18:10:07.064 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Closing audio device 18:10:07.105 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Deleting audio codec 18:10:07.105 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Closing stream player 2 18:10:07.105 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: waiting for video thread to exit 18:10:07.106 T:140681879480064 NOTICE: thread end: video_thread 18:10:07.106 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: deleting video codec 18:10:07.106 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:07.106 T:140682969843456 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times. 18:10:07.106 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: Closing stream player 4 18:10:07.106 T:140682969843456 NOTICE: waiting for teletext data thread to exit 18:10:07.106 T:140681452451584 ERROR: Got MSGQ_ABORT or MSGO_IS_ERROR return true (-1) 18:10:07.106 T:140681452451584 NOTICE: thread end: data_thread 18:10:07.169 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting 18:10:07.169 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: VAAPI::Close 18:10:07.169 T:140681444058880 ERROR: VAAPI::GLUnMapSurface - Error: the requested function is not implemented(20) 18:10:07.169 T:140681444058880 ERROR: Previous line repeats 3 times. 18:10:07.169 T:140681444058880 NOTICE: COutput::OnExit: Output Thread terminated 18:10:07.169 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: VAAPI::Close - closing decoder context 18:10:07.320 T:140683957290752 NOTICE: PulseAudio: Opened device Default in pcm mode with Buffersize 150 ms 18:10:07.357 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile() 18:10:07.358 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit 18:10:07.358 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting 18:10:07.358 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile() 18:10:07.358 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit 18:10:07.358 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting 18:10:10.966 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime 18:10:10.966 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Saving settings 18:10:10.971 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: Saving skin settings 18:10:10.972 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: stop all 18:10:10.972 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: stop player 18:10:10.972 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: ES: Stopping event server 18:10:10.972 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: stopping upnp 18:10:11.224 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: stopping zeroconf publishing 18:10:11.226 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: CWebServer[8080]: Stopped 18:10:11.820 T:140682165470976 NOTICE: ES: UDP Event server stopped 18:10:11.825 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: stop dvd detect media 18:10:12.049 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: clean cached files! 18:10:12.422 T:140682995021568 NOTICE: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Shutting down 18:10:12.653 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: closing down remote control service 18:10:12.654 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: stopped 18:10:12.854 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: destroy 18:10:12.854 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: unload skin 18:10:12.959 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: unload sections 18:10:12.962 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/ 18:10:12.963 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: PVRManager - stopping 18:10:14.003 T:140684414072832 NOTICE: application stopped...