Mal ganz allgemein: Ich habe den Eindruck, dass die Box vom Hersteller unter ATV12 Beta nicht ausreichend selbst getestet wird, sondern der sich bei der Fehlerfindung auf Testgruppen verlässt, in denen allerdings viele Nerds die Probleme lieber gleich selbst "lösen" wollen, als die auftretenden Probleme vernünftig zu melden. So kann das natürlich nichts werden, zumindest nicht zeitnah.
You are so wrong with this assumption, but you can't know of-course. If there is anyone to blame there are only two. AmLogic and Sei Robotics. You should see the Google sheet that is filled over the last years with bug reports and other things that were wrong, over and over again. Solving one bug, creating two others. And the major problem lies in the fact that Homatics Audio Product related stuff is put in the builds (HomeClick, MiniBar and even for Sound&Sound), creating lots of extra issues. But they don't want to let that go, there must be one general build for the (Dune) R Plus that can be used as standalone or in combination with those audio products.
But maybe us "nerds" should stop with Alpha testing and bug report in general, let's see how "good" the newer build will get