Beiträge von Nayed

    I know I have to compile it with make/cmake, but LibreElec doesnt have the apt package manager so I installing stuff is very hard, I don't have gcc, nor make, nor cmake, i dont even have git. Is there an alternative option? Is it possible that I compile it on my pc and then transfer it to the LibreElec? Do you have any other suggestions?


    I have been trying to set up my EON PVR Client on a Raspberry Pi 4 with LibreElec, unfortunately LibreElec doesn't have the apt package manager and it is quite a pain to solve these issues.

    This is the zip file which I use for installing the client:, I downloaded it from this forum. I managed to install this addon through the kodi addon installation, but I when I try to enable it I the following error:

    Add-on couldn't be loaded.
    An unkown error has occured

    Does someone have a fix to this?