Beiträge von DzigiBau

    This isn't a debug log. Just a normal log.

    But anyways: I can see that one channel is playing and the other one gets a 403 forbidden.

    Since both URLs are created by the same algorithm I don't know the reason and cannot investigate because I don't have the channels. Is there any obvious difference you are aware of between them? Like different resolution, different streaming container, different package they are in, ...?

    If the answer is no or you don't know the only other solution is to look to the original web app and log what it is doing. This would mean that someone has to give me a temporary slot of his account.

    All channels are streamed the same way, 1080p, AAC 2.0, no visible difference. I have package with all channels included, it cannot be forbidden. Not sure about streaming container, since I do not know how to check that. Thank you for your patience and time, I can live with this for now. As kalehrl said, it could be improved in Omega version. Maybe you could check if there is some difference in Nexus and Omega add-on behavior.


    a) Without providing a Debug Log how should I see what is the issue?

    b) As mentioned above I've stopped development for Nexus and have moved to Omega / Kodi 21. CAn you check please if the error persists with Kodi 21?


    Here is Log file

    I can use only Kodi 20.1, since it is offered by google play, I am not eager to manually installed newer versions. It is easier this way. When Kodi updates to 21 Omega here, I will use proper add-ons for it.

    Anyway, I started Kodi 20.1, played Cinemax channel, it shows error and did not started, then I played Cinemax 2, it started, as you can see in log file. It shows error 403 for Cinemax. Could you please check it, when you catch some free time.

    If you have same repository which can be added to Kodi in order to automatically update your EON add-on, I will install it immediately. If not, I will resume to manually install and newer add-on version when it appears. For now, I would appreciate if you could look at this log file for eventual repair of add-on 20.6.1.

    Thank you.

    Sorry yes. Here is English version.


    With thanks for giving us this pleasure, just a small bug. I am using Kodi 20.1 and addon pvr.eon 20.6.1, android armv7a, it works fine. It will not play Cinemax channel at all, it has started a few days ago, it says Failed and there is some log, which I can't find, but I think the stream doesn't have a good IP or something like that, so if you don't mind, take a look. Provider is Telemach. It knocks down Kodi all the way when I try to play Cinemax channel. If you create some update for Kodi 20.1, I would be happy to manually install it again, or if you could tell me exactly which repository to add so that I could do updates automatically.

    One more small question, which is a bit off-topc, but if you have any advice. I have the EON Smart TV app, on my TV Box (not theirs), which is Android 9 and half of the channels stopped working, I have a feeling that they switched to MPEG-DASH, which is the only stream support that Android 9 doesn't have. Does anyone have a (I know it's off-topic) solution, how to enable it on my TV box, which is a bit better quality than what offered by provider. Is there any apk file that I could install at the driver level, I wouldn't like the MPEG-DASH eternal players, because it is difficult to connect them or integrate to the EON Smart TV application. Thank you.


    Uz zahvalnost što si nam podario ovo zadovoljstvo, samo mali bug. Koristim Kodi 20.1 i addon pvr.eon 20.6.1, android armv7a, dobro to radi. Ima par dana neće da otvori Cinemax kanal, kaže Failed i ima neki Log, koji ne mogu da nađen, ali mislim da stream nema dobar IP ili tako nešto, pa ako ti nije teško da to malo pogledaš. Provider je Telemach. Čak zna oboriti Kodi skroz zbor toga. Ako bude neki update za Kodi 20.1 rado bih to opet ručno instalirao ili da mi kažeš koji tačno repositor da dodam da bih mogao automatski update odratiti.

    Još jedno malo pitanjce, koje je malo off-topc, ali ako imaš neki savjet. Imam EON Smart TV app, na mom TV Boxu (nije njihov), koji je Android 9 i jedno pola kanala mi prestalo raditi, imam osjećaj da su prešli na MPEG-DASH, koji jedino u Androidu 9 nema. Ima li neko (znam da je off-topic) rješenje, kako da to osposobim na mom TV boxu, koji je malo kvalitetniji od onoga što oni nude. Ono tipa, ima li neki apk file koji bih na nivou drivera mogao instalirati, ne bih one MPEG-DASH playere, jer ih je teško povezati sa EON Smart TV aplikacijom. Hvala.