Beiträge von girkers

    I sorry if my post was taken the wrong way, in no way was it to be intended, or come across as, I was demanding anything. I greatly appreciate the work done by Maven and I didn't think my post was critical in any form.

    After posting my message and it was moved to this forum I was able to find out that this is a known issue and I reverted to 20240128 build, that I had previously not seen in the archive list. Previously I had tried all the builds I could find, the earliest I recall was 20240205.

    I am fully aware that Maven's releases are not in sync with the playstore, but I was using a version from around November/December last year, and Kodi had changed a point release so I thought I would update my main TV that lead to this issue.

    The reason for no logs etc, I was first reporting this issue to see if it was known or not. If it was just me, sure happy to part with all the required information, even putting it in Github if it was necessary. However I had a darn time just finding these forums and I could not find the Git repository for Maven Kodinerds release to see if it had been reported as an issue. So now I have found these forums, I have a place to look through first before posting.

    Again sorry for any offence/distress I may have caused anyone.

    I noticed an update on one of my other devices that uses the standard version of Kodi and saw it updated, so I went to my main TV to upgrade my Maven Kodinerds version and found that none of the versions available for download allow me to use the select button.

    The navigation buttons, left/right/up/down work fine, but that is it, I can't actually go into anything.

    While I wait for a resolution I have installed the standard Kodi from the Play Store and it is working fine, current version is 20.3

    BUT I need Kodinerds for my DV in mkv.