Beiträge von lekovic


    I have a weird issue with EPG. I don't know if it's directly related to this addon. I have a SBB subscription, use latest Kodi 21, and also the latest version of addon.

    I've disabled some channels that I don't use, and also some channel groups, though Kodi channel and group managers. And it works fine. They are not showing up in EPG. But the only empty channel group (for Adults, no subscribed channels) keeps showing up in EPG, after every new start of Kodi. When I disable it, it does not show up, but after I exit Kodi and later start it again, it's in EPG again. I used few past version of addon, but to no avail.

    Does anyone have an idea why is this happening? Thanks

    That [definition='1','0']log[/definition] shows that inputstream.adaptive is picked. As it should. But inputstream.adaptive fails to open the stream.

    So pvr.eon works correctly. The bug is somewhere in Kodi or inputstream.adaptive on arm.

    Is anybody on Kodi 21? Because my linux arm is Kodi 21. And you could also try to set inputstream.adaptive to fixed res. And the resolution to 4K as I did... But it could also be android specific.

    Tried the fixed res. Same result. No playback.

    Thank you for your quick response. I tried it, but to no avail. I can only see channels listed in EPG. There are no programs, it is empty.

    Also, when Kodi is starting, it is shown that guide is being imported from addon.

    This is my only PRV addon, and Kodi is 20.2 (nighty from 10th of October).


    Thank you for you addon. I've been using it for a few days now and the TV end is working great. But I haven't been able to use EPG and to watch past programs. Are there any additional settings that I missed?

    The platform is Android TV, addon version and Serbian SBB EON account.
