Try a normal Kodi apk instead libreelec.
Beiträge von kalehrl
No setup is required.
Have you installed IPTV simple client? EON addon isn't enough.
- works fine for me. Default settings which is Web I think. Make sure you have a free mobile slot.
It's just random. It has nothing to do with the actual serial number. Just ignore it.
Please, which version of Kodi and pvr.eon addon works on FireStick HD and FireStick 4K?
This isn't a debug log
. Just a normal log . But anyways: I can see that one channel is playing and the other one gets a 403 forbidden.
Since both URLs are created by the same algorithm I don't know the reason and cannot investigate because I don't have the channels. Is there any obvious difference you are aware of between them? Like different resolution, different streaming container, different package they are in, ...?
If the answer is no or you don't know the only other solution is to look to the original web app and log
what it is doing. This would mean that someone has to give me a temporary slot of his account. I also had that problem on Nexus but since moving to Omega, they disappeared.
Is there a way to record channels? There is a plugin for Kodi 20.X but I'm using 21.
@stoynoff was last active in July
I use armv7a and I believe most people on use the same architecture on cheap Android boxes.
Can you do me a favour and do 3 debug logs:
1) 20.6.1 without VPN
2) 20.7.2 without VPN
3) 20.7.2 with VPN
All shortly playing an identical channel.
I guess somehow it selects a different streaming server now.
You can also send logs via PM. Thanks for finding out that it is different with VPN. That really helps to find the difference.
pm sent.
This time I didn't notice any zap speed difference between 20.7.2 with or without VPN.
20.7.2 is slower than 20.6.1 regardless of VPN use.
Does pvr eon update change device id ?
In order to switch back to previous version 20.6.1, i had to erase my device from provider account to make it work again in Kodi.
No, it doesn't. I changed versions without having to type my credentials or erase devices from EON account.
Both versions behave the same regarding zap time. What I noticed is, when I don't use VPN, channel zap is slow. When I use VPN, channel zap is normal. With 20.6.1, zap is normal regardless of VPN use.
No, I just installed the new zip over the old one.
Maybe I should have done clean install.
In the settings was the Web version, not Android TV.
It's definitely slower for me and another user on another forum:
EON (ex D3GO) [za EON Smart TV/box aplikaciju postoji posebna tema]Meni bez VPN ti kanali ne rade live na Supernova use armv7 version, maybe that version has the problem.
I don't think he knows exactly how it works. It was just an idea of his to try with inputstream.ffmpegdirect. I installed the version from the first post but zapping is much slower now than before. It takes 5 to 10 seconds to switch a channel.
Please find the debug [definition='1','0']log[/definition]:
Install IPTV Simple Client as well. I also didn't have EPG yesterday even though it was present a couple of days ago.
Just go to Settings - PVR & Live TV and set past days to display to 7.
If so is it a private project?
I don't think so. This piece of information was given to me in a private message on another forum by a reputable member who knows a lot about this stuff.