Beiträge von stoynoff

    karlo2105 I removed all the credentials and configured them with mine but that didn't help. I have enough free slots, that's not the issue.

    I did the following workaround:

    1. I installed Kodi 20.5 + PVR EON 20.6.1. Configure it with my credentials and the TV starts working.
    2. Upgraded to Kodi 21
    3. Upgraded the addon to version 21.7.6

    I also experimented with my old builds that I had made for Raspberry Pi 2 with LibreElec. I noticed that once the credentials are configured, they cannot be changed anymore. To reset them, the add-on must be uninstalled, deleting all configuration files during the uninstallation process. Then it is reinstalled, and the credentials are entered anew. I assume that in the new builds, there is some kind of cache or something similar. Changing credentials is not necessary often; rather, the issue arises during the fresh installation.

    Maybe a stupid question, but is there a workaround for the empty credentials?
    I installed v21.7.6 on Kodi 21, booth are clear installs from scratch. Immediately after the installation, a pop-up window appears with an
    PVR EON: Authentication error
    Please enter or correct username and password in the settings
    When I put in the correct credentials, nothing happens whether I turn the Add-on off and on or restart the device. I had noticed this problem in previous versions as well, but then I used an upgrade from an older version and got around this Pop-up window.

    Thanks in advance

    I have just uploaded a new version to the Github repository. This version is supposed to not need botan library any more. I hope to increase portability to more platforms with that.

    Please try again to compile and report. Also please watch out for any possible regressions.

    I tested the new version. As feedback, I can say that it now compiles 4 hours faster on Raspberry Pi 2b. The package was ready in 5 minutes. Additionally, the size of the archive is now twice as small.

    Congratulations! This is called optimization.

    i1v1a1n1 I am sorry to hear that, this build worked for me.
    I think [definition='1','0']log[/definition] is not needed (for me). I have an old tablet with Intel Atom (x86) and I guess the error in the [definition='1','0']log[/definition] file is the same.

    During the compilation, there is a configuration for Botan created by following Python script:
    http://pvr.eon/build/build/botan/src/botan/ with parameters for the operating system and processor instruction set. The parameters are configured in the following two files:
    Unfortunately, I cannot find a way to edit --cpu= during the compilation process, and I am unable to provide parameters to Botan to replace the cpu parameter before the compilation.

    I won't be able to assist at the moment because I have no idea, how to workaround this.

    I've tried to compile a 32 bit version by adding the following sets in CMakeLists.txt

    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-m32")

    but the compilation failed, because:

    I've tried to manually reconfigure botan

    ./ --prefix=/home/orangepi/Desktop/eon/pvr.eon/build/build/depends --enable-static --disable-shared --os=linux --ar-command=/usr/bin/ar --cpu=arm32 --extra-cxxflags=-fPIC

    but when run make again, failed with the same error. I think this parameter --cpu=<value> comes from the system, but I don't know how to workaround it. I would be grateful if someone could help.

    I edited following files with if-else statements about architecture but without success

    - http://pvr.eon/build/build/bo…detect_arch.cpp

    - http://pvr.eon/build/build/bo…pts/

    I generated a debug [definition='1','0']log[/definition] file:

    Unable to load /storage/.kodi/addons/pvr.eon/, reason: /storage/.kodi/addons/pvr.eon/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

    It looks like the add-on is compiled for a 64-bit architecture (ELFCLASS64), but it appears that my system is running a 32-bit architecture. But uname returns aarch64

    Unfortunately, the command getconf LONG_BIT does not return a result. Maybe LibreELEC is 32 bit version, though the processor supports 64 bit. I am open to ideas and suggestions on how to compile add-on for 32 bit architecture on aarch64 chip.

    I think you have the same problem. Your chip supports 64 bit, but it works in 32 bit mode. It is necessary to recompile the add-on.
    About the Huawei device, my suggestion is to install the official EON app from Aurora store.

    How did you compile? Natively on the system? Is it Linux or Android?

    I am compiling directly on the board (Orange Pi PC 2). I tried with Ubuntu Focal 20.04 and Armbian 23.02 Jammy. I also can install one of your packages, but I can't start it on LE. Same as happens with the packages compiled by me on the same board.

    I compiled the add-on on RB Pi 2B (~3h) and on Ubuntu. I can install the add-on on Kodi, I've added the credentials, but nothing happened. I restarted Kodi several times, there is pop-up with message "Creating PVR Clients: 0% (EON PVR Client)" but there is nothing in Channels, EPG, VOD etc. Where is the provider entered? I see that the RUN button is inactive in the add-on configuration. Do I need to install another Add-on? IPTV simple client or something else? I can give a feedback for (part of United Group - Bulgaria) and I can upload the zip file for ARMv7-A (32 bit ARM) when it starts.

    Hello, I am new to this, and I apologize in advance for any silly questions.

    First, congratulations on starting the project and completing the work!

    And now, the questions:

    I created a virtual machine with Ubuntu to build the add-on. I installed Kodi and started following the instructions.

    I think the following needs to be added after cloning the xbmc repo:

    mkdir -p xbmc/cmake/addons/addons/pvr.eon/
    echo "pvr.eon Nexus" > xbmc/cmake/addons/addons/pvr.eon/pvr.eon.txt
    echo "all" > xbmc/cmake/addons/addons/pvr.eon/platforms.txt

    make runs successfully and outputs the following in the console:

    [100%] Completed 'pvr.eon'

    [100%] Built target pvr.eon

    But where is pvr.eon installed? When I start Kodi, I don't see such an add-on. Do I need to be in the directory where Kodi is installed?

    I copied xbmc/addons/pvr.eon and pasted the directory to ~/.kodi/addons. Kodi detect the new add-on after restart, I added the credentials (user and pass) but there is no option to choose a provider. And when I open TV or Radio in Kodi there is nothing in Guide, Channels etc...

    The more important question is how to create which I can install on other devices, such as TVs, Raspberry Pi with Libreelec, and so on. I tried make package and cpack, but I failed. It's probably my fault, I'm likely missing something. Could you please advise me on how to create the zip file or build one and deploy it to repo, cloud or somewhere in the public? I assume that the most Kodi users are not "nerds", like most in this forum.

    Thank you in advance!