I'm using EPG-Buddy and automated the whole process.
1. A Windows task runs EPG-Buddy to grab EPG data
2. A Windows task run a script to upload the EPG to a web server
3. My IPTV software retreives the EPG from the web server
There are a few issues I'm running into when grabbing EPG data:
1. I set an XML file as source, but I removed it from the esettings. EPG-Buddy keeps looking for that source when grabbing.
Is there a way to remove the setting without reinstalling and loosing all my settings?
2. If I set an XML file as source to grab EPG data, but the ID's don't match the onses in my m3u8 file. Can EPG-Buddy match the tv channels in the source
XML file with the ones in my NextPVR database? So EPG-Buddy has to ignore the ID's and match EPG data based on the name of a tv channel.
3. Webgrab+ is outdated and generates errors. As a result no EPG data is grabbed. I downloaded the latest .ini files from the Webgrab+ website because
the .ini files EPG-Buddy uses aren't up-to-date and most of them don't work any more. tried to load new .ini files from the Webgrab+ website.
Unfortunately the tool isn't free to use any more. All the .ini files to grab EPG data from the best sources are encrypted.
You have to donate once per year to get access. EPG-Buddy uses an old version, so even if I donate, I can't use those sources because
the key to decrypt to files can't be set. Is there a fix available?
4. The Rytec EPG source works perfectly. Unfortunately the current Rytec source doesn't provide an EPG for all tv channels I want to add more Rytec sources in EPG-Buddy
and try to get EPG data for all tv channels. How can I add my own Rytec sources? I've searched, but I can't find the settings.