Beiträge von Feivke

    Thanks, that's convenient!

    Now how can I run the add-on in Kodi?
    I searched the Kodinerds Repo within Kodi but found neither the Android Builds nor the Android Updater.
    On I can find the Builds (this is where I got it from) but then again can't find the updater.

    Hey, regarding the Update Script. Use Maven's Github Link:
    There you go to code -> download as .zip -> install the file in Kodi -> go to Adddons -> run the script -> choose your preferred Version -> run update
    This will not change your settings and also it will delete the downloaded file afterwards. A wonderful script.

    Maven: Besten Dank für Deine Arbeit, als jahrelanger stiller Mitleser habe ich mich dann doch dazu entschieden, mich im Forum anzumelden.