Beiträge von monsoons

    Habe das neue Build seit ein paar Tagen auf meiner Shield pro am laufen. Alles funktioniert super.
    Nur bei Audio passthrough hab ich öfters mal Ruckler.
    Kann man dagegen was machen?


    There are two passthrough output devices you can select in kodi system audio settings menu, AudioTrack(IEC) and AudioTrack(RAW).

    In my experience passthrough with "IEC" works well but with dolby true hd or dts hd ma files it can cause intermittent audio drops even using latest kodi nightlies.

    Changing to "RAW" may resolve audio drop issue (in my case, there is no audio drop),

    but there may be compatibility issues with your AV receiver or soundbar and it can cause some side effects.

    One of side effects I've experienced is audio freezing or delay "after seek or after FF/REW".

    Try to use RAW when you are playing dolby true hd , dts hd ma, dtsX files.

    Das wäre wirklich sinnvoll, die [definition=12,4][definition='1','3']Debug[/definition][/definition] Symbols sind für die meisten User ziemlich uninteressant und der Performance Boost zwischen [definition=12,4][definition='1','3']Debug[/definition][/definition] und Release ist vor allem bei C/C++ Anwendungen schon sehr groß.

    That's right.
    Kodi nexus now uses libass to render all kinds of subs. But libass is not android arm friendly renderer and only do single thread job so it can cause problems like stuttering on low performance android TV devices.
    If you prefer large sized subs or to add some effects like border and blur, the stuttering could be worse. If you are still suffering with stuttering with subtitles even after installing "Release mode", the only way I figured out is lowering GUI resolution limit in kodi system settings. Thank you for your comment.

    Hi ~ Guys ~ I'm new here,
    and I'd like to report a problem and request a favor.

    All current kodi20 Nexus android nightlies (Maven' builds also) have stutterrring with subtitles. I recently reported this problem in xbmc github and confirmed by kodi developers.

    It has turned out "Building mode". The nightlies for android are all built in "[definition=12,4][definition='1','3']Debug[/definition][/definition] mode" and the performance gap between "[definition=12,4][definition='1','3']Debug[/definition][/definition] mode" and "Release mode" is the cause of stuttering with subtitles. confirmed by kodi devs(…ment-1247777694) details are all in that issue report.

    Maven's builds also have this stuttering problem and I guess it may be due to they are built in [definition=12,0]debug[/definition] mode same as kodi nexus nightlies. So could you please change your compile option to release mode that users can use your kodinerds builds without stuttering issue? It is not easy job for users to compile by themselves and the source code of kodinerds build is not open afaik. All users would be very grateful if you could do that.
    Thank you.