Beiträge von bompsietsjoe

    I am not sure I understand.
    The fantec mediaplayer does pass through DTS to my Yamaha receiver when I use the built-in mediaplayer (and not Kodi).

    There is also a (pre-installed) app "wrapper", that adds this wrapper as videoplayer in Kodi.
    I can use "play with ..." to choose "wrapper", than it shows DTS on my receiver.
    When I select "Videoplayer" (the KODI default), no DTS is passed on to my receiver.
    Therefore, I suspect some incompatibility between the KODI videoplayer and my Fantec machine.
    Or is there something else ?

    As you helped me out so much, can I ask one last question ?

    I am using a Fantec Android machine, running Kodi 19.3.
    My mediaplayer has an optical out to my Yamaha receiver.
    When using the built-in mediaplayer in the Fantec machine (so not Kodi),
    I can pass through Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Ex, DTS to my AV receiver.

    I remember it used to work with Kodi for Dolby Digital and DTS.

    Since recently, the DTS sound passed through to the receiver, is stereo only.
    I checked the Kodi wiki for the required audio settings.
    Then navigated to settings/system/sound.

    First surprise, the "output audio device" is greyed out. Should be SPDIF (according to wiki).
    When I enable pass through, the output audio device becomes AudioTrack (RAW) Android IEC packer (but still greyed out).

    DD transcoding should be disabled (according to wiki), but then I get only Stereo (in the case of DTS).
    When I enable DD transcoding, my receiver shows Dolby Digital. Better than Stereo, but still no DTS.

    The wiki states I should enable "DTS capable receiver", so Kodi does not transcode to DD but sends the raw bitstream to my receiver.
    But there is no such option visible in the menu. (There is a "DD capable receiver" though, which I enabled and Dolby works fine).

    Is there a way to instruct Kodi not to transcode DTS to Dolby Digital, but to send the DTS RAW bitstream via the optical out to my receiver ?

    I went back to Kodi 18.9. The same problem occurs. I am now back on Kodi 19.3

    I managed to install Estuary MOD V2 by first installing script.module.pvr.artwork-2.0.2 (from zip file), and than skin.estuary.modv2-master (also from zip file).
    It works !

    But I am still struggling to change the main menu. I would like a separate item for my video Concerts (all these files are in a separate directory "Concerts").
    It is easy to create the item in the menu (with label and logo), but I am doing something wrong since nothing appears when I go (or click) to this new item.

    Is there any help (tutorial) available ?
    Thanks in advance.