Beiträge von outoftime6


    obwohl das Plugin grundsätzlich funktioniert, und die meisten Titel spielt (auch Live), kommt es bei z.B. "Minions" zum Fehler. Log siehe unten.
    Woran kann das liegen? Angemeldet bin ich. Wenn ich den Titel auf dem PC im Browser starte, läuft er.

    2024-12-27 10:22:57.825 T:1585 info <general>: [ - 2.5.32+matrix.1] entitlement_response = {'entitlement_token': 'eyJh...(gekürzt)'}
    2024-12-27 10:22:57.826 T:1585 info <general>: [ - 2.5.32+matrix.1] get_video_data: video url: - video payload {"manufacturer":"unknown","platform":"browser","maxSecurityLevel":1,"model":"unknown","protectionSystem":"widevine","streamingFormat":"dash","enableSubtitles":true,"maxResolution":1080,"version":"v1"}
    2024-12-27 10:22:57.826 T:1585 info <general>: [ - 2.5.32+matrix.1] force_playready: False, is_android: False
    2024-12-27 10:22:57.826 T:1585 info <general>: [ - 2.5.32+matrix.1] Build signature: {"manufacturer":"unknown","platform":"browser","maxSecurityLevel":1,"model":"unknown","protectionSystem":"widevine","streamingFormat":"dash","enableSubtitles":true,"maxResolution":1080,"version":"v1"},eyJh...(gekürzt)
    2024-12-27 10:22:57.826 T:1585 info <general>: [ - 2.5.32+matrix.1] get_url - url: headers [('Authorization', 'Bearer eyJh...(gekürzt)'), ('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ('Accept', 'application/json')] query {'signature': '0b32a6845ff674572565ac94b292b80ed42d3910'} post {"manufacturer":"unknown","platform":"browser","maxSecurityLevel":1,"model":"unknown","protectionSystem":"widevine","streamingFormat":"dash","enableSubtitles":true,"maxResolution":1080,"version":"v1"} no_cache True silent True request_hash e29eb...(gekürzt) return_json_errors [], cookie_file None
    2024-12-27 10:22:57.908 T:1585 info <general>: [ - 2.5.32+matrix.1] Got video data: {'streamingFormat': 'dash', 'manifestUrl': '…r5RXiHkUDWrvhj4', 'certificateUrl': '…1535ccda12ae4b2', 'licenseUrl': 'ürzt)&keyId=', 'drm': 'widevine', 'movie_id': 'b_piq6qqhk1g5', 'path': '/filme/minions-auf-der-suche-nach-dem-mini-boss'}
    2024-12-27 10:22:57.913 T:1585 info <general>: [ - 2.5.32+matrix.1] drm: widevine key:ürzt)&keyId= cert:…1535ccda12ae4b2
    2024-12-27 10:22:57.913 T:1585 info <general>: [ - 2.5.32+matrix.1] Using Widevine as DRM
    2024-12-27 10:22:57.958 T:945 info <general>: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: plugin://
    2024-12-27 10:22:57.959 T:1864 info <general>: Creating InputStream
    2024-12-27 10:22:57.960 T:1864 warning <general>: AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: Warning "inputstream.adaptive.manifest_type" property is deprecated and will be removed next Kodi version, the manifest type is now automatically detected.
    If you are using a proxy remember to add the appropriate "content-type" header to the HTTP manifest response
    See Wiki page "How to provide custom manifest/license" to learn more about it.
    2024-12-27 10:22:57.962 T:1864 info <general>: AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: [Repr. chooser] Resolution set: 1920x1080, max allowed: 1920x1080, Adjust refresh rate: 0
    2024-12-27 10:22:58.087 T:993 info <general>: [ - 2.5.32+matrix.1] Track asset : a_peji8s3a0ra
    2024-12-27 10:22:58.100 T:1864 info <general>: AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: Manifest successfully parsed (Periods: 1, Streams in first period: 2, Type: VOD)
    2024-12-27 10:22:58.722 T:1864 error <general>: AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: License server returned failure (HTTP error 400)
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.068 T:1864 info <general>: Skipped 5 duplicate messages..
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.068 T:1864 info <general>: Creating Demuxer
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.069 T:1864 info <general>: Opening stream: 1001 source: 256
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.079 T:1864 info <general>: Creating video codec with codec id: 27
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.079 T:1864 info <general>: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.081 T:1864 info <general>: Creating video thread
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.081 T:1869 info <general>: running thread: video_thread
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.081 T:1864 info <general>: Opening stream: 1002 source: 256
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.091 T:1864 info <general>: Finding audio codec for: 86018
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.092 T:1864 info <general>: CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder aac
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.092 T:1864 info <general>: OpenStream: Allowing max Out-Of-Sync Value of 50 ms
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.092 T:1864 info <general>: Creating audio thread
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.092 T:1871 info <general>: running thread: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process()
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.128 T:1864 error <general>: AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: Decrypt Sample returns failure!
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.328 T:1864 info <general>: Skipped 101 duplicate messages..
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.328 T:1864 info <general>: Process - eof reading from demuxer
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.328 T:1864 info <general>: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.328 T:1864 info <general>: VideoPlayer: eof, waiting for queues to empty
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.328 T:1864 info <general>: Closing stream player 1
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.360 T:1864 info <general>: Waiting for audio thread to exit
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.366 T:1871 info <general>: thread end: CVideoPlayerAudio::OnExit()
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.366 T:1864 info <general>: Closing audio device
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.367 T:1864 info <general>: Deleting audio codec
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.367 T:1864 info <general>: Closing stream player 2
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.373 T:1864 info <general>: waiting for video thread to exit
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.373 T:1869 info <general>: thread end: video_thread
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.373 T:1864 info <general>: deleting video codec
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.374 T:1864 error <general>: AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: Instances: 1
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.378 T:1865 info <general>: Deleting settings information for files plugin://
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.379 T:1864 info <general>: ADDON: Dll Destroyed - InputStream Adaptive
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.435 T:945 info <general>: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.435 T:945 info <general>: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.435 T:945 info <general>: VideoPlayer: finished waiting
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.435 T:945 info <general>: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.435 T:945 info <general>: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.435 T:945 info <general>: VideoPlayer: finished waiting
    2024-12-27 10:23:01.488 T:993 info <general>: [ - 2.5.32+matrix.1] last played file: None

    habe 2 Fragen zu dem RTLPlus addon auf Raspberry Pi 4

    1. Hat das jemand auf RPI4 flüssig am laufen ?
    Ich habe es unter libreelec 10 (also kodi 19.x) am laufen, aber es ist nicht nutzbar, weil es ständig hängt/nachladen muss.
    (z.B. bei "Wigald und Fritz")
    Theoretisch sollte der RPI4 aber genug Leistung haben, denn ich habe Android + Firefox installiert -> funktioniert.

    2. Unter 64bit ist das sowieso nicht machbar, weil kein widevine - oder doch ?