Beiträge von RobertoNL

    De laatste Kodinerds Omega-build "net.kodinerds.maven.kodi21.arm64-v8a-202401281119-364925e6-Omega.apk" draait opnieuw zonder problemen...bedankt Maven.:)

    Oh ok , i was wonderering the same thing . After installing the update with KN update add on .

    Ik denk dat het mijn build heeft gemetseld... want na het updaten... kom ik niet voorbij het opstartscherm. Ik heb het een uur laten staan, maar deed het nog steeds niet opstarten.

    Now i installed it with an newer and older version....rebooted the shield several times, but with the same outcome.

    Am i screwed and have to start over ? and loose al myt settings / logs of my add ons? or is it stil solvabele

    i experienced the same issue as you @Tomtomclub , after updating to latest maven version "net.kodinerds.maven.kodi20.arm64-v8a-202205020947-30a1f81a-Nexus " It broke all my addons too.
    Also reverted back to a version back from april. and everything works fine again. So something cleary disrupted things in the script .

    As i said here, its a problem with all the latest Kodi Versions. But changing these settings works for me atm. Never realized dropouts again with TrueHD Sound.

    On Shield audio settings disable "audio matching" and "dolby processing".

    Seems these options try to re-process audio and interferes with normal passthrough (untouched audio).

    And on Kodi audio settings make sure is selected "AudioTrack IEC" audio passthrough device (not RAW).

    I just ran in to this reply... and with me it seems to work (better) . Instead of multiple drop outs every couple of minutes, now only had 2/3 in the whole movie

    i noticed recently when playing a DV Remux with True hd and Atmos , that i have audio dropouts . every couple of minutes it drops out for a milli second. but only the audio not image .
    When playing other formats like Dts hd master , or just DD+ no dropouts ... is there a setting i could adjust ?

    Running latest Maven Nexus on shield pro

    Mit dem Build von @Tomtomclub (14.01.) funktioniert es bei mir auch nicht.
    Mal anders gefragt, muss ich denn in Kodi etwas einstellen, dass das funktioniert, oder sollte das normalerweise ohne extra Einstellung funktionieren?

    I just installed that version without doing anything special... Did you erase your current version first ? or did you install over it
    But glad to see , im not the only one with this issue.... i was doubting myself lol

    I have the same issue @Tomtomclub
    After updating to the latest "net.kodinerds.maven.kodi20.arm64-v8a-20220130-c8624aa1-Nexus" version,and then opening kodi nerds, kodi shuts down immediately and brings me back to the home screen

    When reverting back to the older versions, Note : everything before 24-1-2022 everything works fine.
    Don't people recognize this issue ? maybe because of the Hot fixes ?
    i tried removing everything all together and start kodi from scratch... but no dice

    Running Shield pro 2019

    Great! So, I don't need to test it. DV and Atmos works for you with the mp4 demo files. Which build did you use for your tests? As I already said, this demo mp4 files should also work with an unmodified Kodi Matrix. If it is not the case, you made a mistake in remuxing/converting your movies, use the wrong settings (every hardware/software component can play a role) or your hardware/firmware doesn't support it somewhere in the chain.

    Regards Hoppel

    i just used the maven builds only ... maybe it got corrupted down the line with updating it i reckon. At first it did play atmos... later on not anymore.
    Then i just played my remuxes through Fandango 19 DV final build. But i rather have it up to date.. Thanks for your time , most obliged

    Oh cool, i gonna download those mp4 samples ... il get back at you
    When using Maven build my AVR only puts out PCM audio... with the exact same settings i use with the Fandango build and there i do get Atmos, DD+, Dts X etc .
    But seeing your reaction on this... you say...that maven does passtrough on your set? Somewhere down the line i made a mistake perhaps in setting ?

    EDIT : i tested all demo files...and they played al perfect . What a crisp picture !!
    You got me in doubt with your answer over there... that got me thinking... maybe i should delete everything and start from scratch (clean install) with latest version...
    And ill be damned .... i saw Atmos in the test files ...!! Whooooop whoop thank you @hoppel118

    Hello guys,
    I'm testing Matrix and Nexus latest Maven's builds on my Firestick 4k Max. I'm very impressed so far, but there is a problem with DV mp4 files. Lots of droped frames. In some cases picture just freeze on coupple of seconds then try to fast catch up and freeze again. It's strange that in Just Player everything is ok with the same DV mp4 files.

    mp4 files are:

    Dolby Vision, Version 1.0, dvhe.05.06, BL+RPU

    thx for help.

    Mostly It doesnt want to seem to play on DV MP4 files, with me it stops/Freeze playing after a minute or so.
    Only DV mkv play flawlessly on my shield. Luckily more and more mp4's are also available in mkv
    The Only wish remains Audio passtrough...

    Ich verwende derzeit die kodinerds-20211212-1b1e86a672-master-ATV-arm64-v8a.apk-Version auf meinem nvidia Shield Pro 2019. Zuerst hat es nur das Audio auf dem Receiver von meinem 4k-Remux an Atmos oder dts master fine weitergegeben. Aber hinterher bemerkte ich, dass er aufhörte. ohne die Einstellungen zu ändern. was könnte die Ursache dafür sein? PS: Ich hoffe, es kommt verständlich rüber, ich komme aus den Niederlanden und benutze dafür Google Translate.