Beiträge von balkerman


    basically your last matrix build works fine for me. However, I believe that downward compatibility is missing for devices that cannot do DV. I have a Shield 2017 and all the films are on a NAS. Under Kodi 18.9, all films will play flawlessly. My 4K DV films are "only" played as HDR films. With the official Kodi 19, all of the films I tested had the micro-stuttering.

    With your version, the micro-jerking has disappeared, but no film of the DB has played properly anymore. The film stops and is totally hooked. I suspect it's because the Shield 2017 can't play DV. So I got a current shield that DV can do. On this shield, all films will be played back with your version, including the DV films. Basically that's okay with me, but maybe there are people who would like to go to Kodi 19 for whatever reason and have no DV hardware at all. Can one, so I definitely not, build a Kodi 19 version where the patch for the micro- jerking and the Atmos patch are in it, but not the DV stuff? Or you can make it downward compatible that it is recognized if there is no DV hardware available,

    Thanks and regards

    I can't write German so I translated this from English.

    I have a Shield TV 2017 (no Dolby Vision support) and I cannot watch 4k DV films (as above) with Kodinerds Matrix 2021.10.23 ( 0 & lst = ). The sound plays with stuttering and the picture does not start at all.

    The same movies run well with Kodi 2021.10.23 nightly, which has the Atmos fix - movies are played in HDR and Atmos ( ).

    Filme ohne DV lassen sich in beiden Builds problemlos abspielen.