Beiträge von MrMagic

    @hoppel118 If you want to try Kodi 21 Omega with DV support, you can take a look at Fandagos' new build:

    It is based on Kodi 21 Omega sources from 10-Jan-2023, so not many changes yet compared to Kodi 20 (which means it's quite stable). It also has a different package name, so you can run it alongside regular Kodi builds.

    And Fandagos' build also supports full blu-ray menus if you install the Java addon.

    One note though: Full blu-ray rips where the DV track is a separate video track inside the M2TS file will only play as HDR, but that's a limitation of the Shield.

    Gibt es bei Euch noch Probleme unter Nexus und mit der neuen InputStream Adaptive Version 20.2.0 die in Richtung Dolby Vision gehen...zum Beispiel bei den Streaming Addons ( Netflix und Disney+ ) ?

    Sorry for English, but indeed, Dolby Vison no longer works in the Disney+ and Netflix addons.

    The colors are green/purple. Which means the correct stream is being played, but it does not tell the TV to switch to DV mode.

    Damit geht es eigentlich noch einfacher...wenn man weiss wo nach man sucht und man den Kodinerds Build Installer ( KN APK Downloader ) zuvor installiert hat.

    Maven's Kodi-Builds für Android

    Nexus = Kodinerds 20 Nexus Alpha
    Matrix = Kodinerds 19.4 Matrix ...oder auf den Weg nach 19.5

    Where can I find the 19.4 build?

    Yesterday I downloaded "net.kodinerds.maven.kodi.arm64-v8a-202203010027-eb5ae79b-Matrix.apk" from the link in the first post, but when I start that it still shows as "19.3"?

    Ich hab seit dem neuen Maven 20 Build das Problem das ich mit Movie Database python nichts mehr finden kann. Er bringt immer die Fehlermeldung Error mit suche Movie Data Base Phyton... habs alles auf Movie Dta Base da gehts ,aber bei Phyton immer Search Error.
    Hab auch neu installiert das Build trotzdem geht mit Phyton keine Suche mehr

    This has nothing to do with @Maven

    It's a bug in the TheMovieDB Python scraper:

    Should be fixed in version 1.5.1 of this addon:…python/pull/110

    @Maven Any chance of creating a new master build please? :)

    I was kind of hoping to test the new subtitle features that were merged two days ago:

    In other news, a developer has started working on the UHD-BD Atmos Audio dropouts issue. Hopefully he can make a regular PR out of that as well. More info here:…5383#pid3065383

    I have still a idea:
    Can you try to set everything to true for the decoder 'OMX.Nvidia.h265.decode' in the decoderfilter.xml?

    Ok, so I changed the "stills-allowed" option from "false" to "true" (other ones were already set to "true") so it now looks like this:


    And guess what? It worked! Videos played using blu-ray menu play fine again!

    I tried it on both your test build no. 4 and your normal Matrix build and it works on both of them, so thanks for investigating.

    New builds are ready.

    Bad news I'm afraid. I tested all four builds, but none of them want to play video with hardware decoding when using the blu-ray menu.

    I've uploaded the [definition=12,0]debug[/definition] [definition='1','0']log[/definition] of build no. 4 here:

    Please note I tried to play the movie twice: with blu-ray menu it chooses the "ff-hevc" decoder (incorrect) and with simplified menu (play main title) it chooses the OMX.Nvidia.h265.decode decoder (correct).

    There are 2 new builds in the test folder. Can you please try this?

    I just tested them both, but they both still play the video in software when using the blu-ray menu (CPU load shoots to 350%+).

    The only build that I've tested that works correctly is this one from June 11:


    I have no idea what could be the reason for this.

    So I did some comparing between your blu-ray test version and your latest 19.1 version with [definition=12,0]debug[/definition] [definition=12,9]logging[/definition] on while playing a blu-ray with Java menus: (blu-ray test version) (latest Maven 19.1 version)

    While [definition=12,2]debugging[/definition] was on, I immediately noticed that the KODI-CPU value on the OSD was going over 350% while playing the blu-ray on the new build. The blu-ray test build only showed about 30-40% CPU usage.

    I took a quick look in the [definition=12,0]debug[/definition] logs and it looks like your latest version is trying to play the video with software decoding using ff-hevc:

    2021-06-22 22:16:57.494 T:18862    INFO <general>: Creating video codec with codec id: 173
    2021-06-22 22:16:57.495 T:18862   DEBUG <general>: CDVDVideoCodecAndroidMediaCodec::Open hints: Width 3840 x Height 2160, Fpsrate 24000 / Fpsscale 1001, CodecID 173, Level 153, Profile 2, PTS_invalid 0, Tag 1447904328, Extradata-Size: 725
    2021-06-22 22:16:57.495 T:18862    INFO <general>: CBitstreamConverter::Open Invalid hvcC
    2021-06-22 22:16:57.496 T:18862   ERROR <general>: CDVDVideoCodecAndroidMediaCodec:: Failed to create Android MediaCodec
    2021-06-22 22:16:57.497 T:18862    INFO <general>: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding)
    2021-06-22 22:16:57.497 T:18862   DEBUG <general>: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg - Updated codec: ff-hevc
    2021-06-22 22:16:57.497 T:18862   DEBUG <general>: CVideoPlayerVideo::OpenStream - open stream with codec id: 173
    2021-06-22 22:16:57.497 T:18862    INFO <general>: Creating video thread
    2021-06-22 22:16:57.497 T:18924   DEBUG <general>: Thread VideoPlayerVideo start, auto delete: false
    2021-06-22 22:16:57.498 T:18924    INFO <general>: running thread: video_thread

    The blu-ray test version uses the Nvidia hardware decoder OMX.Nvidia.h265.decode (which is the expected behavior):

    I'm not sure what changed between your latest 19.1 build and the blu-ray test build, but something is definitely different when playing a movie with a blu-ray menu.

    @Maven I think something got broken in the latest Matrix build.

    Blu-ray menus still work, but the video and audio have become very choppy. If I had to guess I would say it's no longer using hardware acceleration.

    If I play just the main movie using the simplified menu, the video plays just fine.

    Some more info about the Kodi OSD being unreachable when playing a disc with blu-ray menus:…3397#pid3043397

    Apparently this is expected behavior (and was changed after fandagos created his build, which is why it behaves differently now).

    For the Shield, it's a bit inconvenient, because the remote has only a few buttons.

    Solution would be to play the main movie using the simplified menu and only use the full menu when you want to watch the other titles on the disc, such as bonus material.


    I tested it on the Google Chromecast with GoogleTv (32 bit version) and it works properly- I tried "The Lord of the Rings The Return of the King part1 iso DolbyVision"
    It plays perfectly with menu etc. It plays in Hdr and not in DV
    But there is no way to stop the film once it starts. The usual kodi player interface does not appear on the screen.

    @Maven I have the same issue. Menus play perfectly, but the OK button and the arrow keys on the Shield's remote don't do anything. I can still use the Play/Pause button, but other stuff doesn't work.

    In fandangos build the OK button makes the OSD popup and the arrow buttons allow you to skip as usual.

    Not sure if he did something special with the [definition='3','1']keymapping[/definition] or anything.

    But the good news is that blu-ray menus now actually work, so thanks for all the work you put into that!

    are you guys sure maven has build in the bluray patch, which fandagos has done in his build?

    Well, I created a "test" addon based on the Hello World addon that prints the values of the extra Java-related environment variables that are set in fandagos build and those are present in the latest build from @Maven that is currently located in the Test folder.

    Other than that I cannot tell, but according to the link @catshome posted just above, the changes are there.

    I just have a feeling that fandagos forgot to mention something maybe, because even with the changes present and the Java addon installed, it seems Kodi still can't load Java.

    Test addon to display the environment variables located here: