Beiträge von Floydy007

    Hi PvD
    I'm using the current Kodinerds repo as you recommended .:) . Artist slideshow is configured so it looks for my Artist Info folder on the Storage of android box :0
    Worked out the HDR on Kodi, very happy with the sound and pic
    The only issue is my music is 96k,eARC on the Tv supports 48k. Had to use the optical output on the box to Av for 96k audio, that works ok now, just have to switch between the two. :))

    Hi PvD,

    I'm using 3.07 V9 . What I noticed is no radio fanart button. The artist's albums, when you looked through the list the fanart changed.
    I've tried 3.08 , and that's the only thing that's different.
    Regarding dependencies, There were about 16 on the site and you had to install them in the order they still needed or does that cause more issues?

    script.module.musicbrainz Link
    script.module.thetvdb Link
    script.module.metadatautils Link Link Link Link Link Link .

    I'll do an SD card with the repo and 3.08 v3 and see how it goes.

    Cheers ::)))

    Hi Ive be using the Mod skin on Coreelec up to V9 . That when the fanarts stop working and the radio button not on the music menu . Have tried loading all the dependencies that were relevant and in the right order ,as i found out ...
    Only error i get is Extended Info ,occaisionly . Works well .


    Is there something missing 'not working to cause the fanarts not to be availabele?
    Artwork dump ,scans and puts into "Storage" . Only shows when scrolling through artists .

    I found this shut dwn (Dialog Button.xml ) script a few years ago .
    Ive modded it so it only has 4 selections

    Copy over via FTP. Find estuary Mod V2 Folder on SD in .kodi / addons .
    XML folder ,replace dialog button .xml

    Hope it helps anybody :)

    Power Off System - Shuts Kodi down
    Reboot To Android - Same as reboot EMMc . Reboots to Android O/S
    Reboot - Reboot Kodi
    Reload skin - Reload Skin