Beiträge von Weareone

    Ich habe einige Jahre damit verbracht, in Europa Geschäfte zu machen. Ich bildete mir die Meinung, dass Niederländer und flämische Belgier das beste Englisch sprechen, dicht gefolgt von den Deutschen. Aber ich betrachtete die Deutschen als die natürlichen europäischen Vettern der Briten, wegen ihrer "let's get on with it"-Einstellung und diesem herrlich trockenen Sinn für Humor, den unsere beiden Länder schätzen. Ich erinnere mich an die englischen Fans, die in Deutschland ankamen und "zwei Weltkriege und eine Weltmeisterschaft" sangen, und an die deutschen Grenzbeamten, die lachten, weil sie wussten, dass ihre Cousins ein bisschen Spaß hatten. Ich nehme an, es gibt immer eine Ausnahme.

    Ich danke Ihnen für den höflichen Empfang in Ihrem Forum. Da mein Geschäft hier abgeschlossen ist, werde ich mich nun verabschieden. Viele Grüße aus Australien.

    Sorry, not at the moment. I'm really tired of this chase by some idiots from the forum in NZ. I don't feel like it anymore. Just left that:…470d5c4c8184650

    All the streams in my M3U are LEGAL, for example:

    #EXTINF: -1 tvg-id = "ITV (UK)" tvg- name = "ITV" tvg-logo = "" group-title = "UK", ITV
    h ttp: // itvlive / ITV1PORTAL2 / master_Main1800.

    So you're saying all your streams are legal? Then why did you remove the ITV, BBC and Film4 streams if they are legal? It doesn't make sense.

    You may want to read the Github terms of service. I also draw your attention to Github's jurisdiction.

    BTW, you're problem on WP was caused by you being thoroughly obnoxious. Are you banned from WP? You're still listed as a member, I know the thread was deleted for "Non-commercial advertising" because it says so. Did you delete it or was it a mod?

    Integrity time.
    Are the ITV, BBC and Film4 streams legal or illegal? You removed them, not me.
    Did you or a mod delete your thread on WP?
    Are you still a member on WP or were you banned?

    Be a good chap and do something about that unpleasant Github post or I'll be forced to take action. Thank you.

    Or he takes out the hotly debated. That's how I would do it. Whether it contains 3181 or 3174 channels: who cares.

    Provided they're legal, I suggest.

    Is the ITV url legal? Sportport1 link?

    What about the other countries? Any dodgy links there? Let's turn a blind-eye, like Mr E.

    Mr E, if you have something to say, post it in public. Show everybody your lack of integrity. You did a grand job on WP, don't disappoint me. A day ago you were informed of pirate links, an hour after a post here you do something. I rest my case.

    But: Before blaming someone in public it should be good habbit of contacting that person directly and to figure out the cases in a civilized manner.

    It''s pretty obvious to anyone they were bootleg links, particularly somebody with a basic knowledge of m3u8's, never mind the expert knowledge of Mr E. And, let's be honest, we are talking about the major channels in the UK. I don't really buy into the mistakes can happen excuse. But if you wish to pretend, that's fine.

    Within an hour of posting on Kodinerds the links are removed, yet he was asked about them yesterday on the Australian forum. Integrity issue? BTW, here is a good example of a list with integrity,…2020-Remote.m3u.

    I don't read any german in this post.

    My apologies. I actually used the DeepL translator to translate the message into German because it's apparently the best for European languages. I assume Google translate turned it back into English. O