Beiträge von Jimbaker

    Hello everyone,,

    Together in the evening, my girlfriend discovered the Tlc video addon for herself so far.

    Singers, for example on the show "Leah Remini", already have 10 episodes. But there are only 6 to choose from in the media library. When will this be updated? Or can / do I have to?

    Greetings Head.

    Hello everyone,,

    Nir ist aufgefallen, das in der Version 5.1.17 des YouTube Addons von bromix bei einer Suche keine Suchergebnisse mehr ausgegeben werden, sondern stattdessen nur der Fehler "Bad Request" ausgegeben wird.

    Desweiteren kommt bei Auswahl von "Kanäle finden" ein "Exception in ContentProvider" Dialog mit der Fehlermeldung "Unknown Kind ""

    Können diese Fehler behoben werden? Sonst wäre das Addon unbenutzbar.

    I don't know if you guys would find it appropriate. We focus on flash cartridges, which technically includes the DS and 3DS consoles. However, the most interesting stuff happening in the scene these days though is on the various Game Boy models, as well as a variety of cartridge-based consoles from the '80s and '90s.

    Flash cartridges are a great way to play ROM hacks, homebrew games, and translation patches without going through the effort of constructing your own repro cart. They are also popular among collectors who wish to preserve their real cartridges and gamers with limited space, allowing you to load up all your games on a single cart and leave your real carts safe and sound in a storage bin or on display.

    Right now most discussions seem to be around DS flash carts. Namely, people looking for tech support. I've been looking for a way to bring attention to Redditors more like me, who view flash carts as a means of library preservation and a way to play hacks/homebrew/translations on real hardware.