Beiträge von dsfcghvhbhj

    Mich Interessiert nur die Deutsche free Mediathek alles andere brauch ich nicht und das geht leider mit keinen Plugin der eine wurde abgeschaltet und hier kann man sich nicht einlogen.

    Schuld sind wohl die Leute die im Joyn Forum rumgeheult haben das es mit Kodi nicht läuft oder Problem haben und die Entwickler darauf gebracht haben da eine Sperre einzubauen.

    kodi 20.1 with alpha5 all videos run at 720p max, when I go to addon settings / advanced / check alternative client details I am able to choose 1080p, however it has the nonstop buffering issue

    Video's don't play with "content not available on this app" error · Issue #442 · anxdpanic/
    Context Please provide any relevant information about your setup Add-on Version: 7.0.1 Kodi Version: 20.1 Kodi GUI Language: English Operating System:…

    Fix von Rferreira2k

    Spoiler anzeigen

    def _method_get_video_info(self, video_id):

    headers = self.MOBILE_HEADERS.copy()

    params = None

    if self._access_token:

    headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s' % self._access_token


    params = {

    'key': self._api_key


    video_info_url = ''

    payload = {

    'videoId': video_id,

    'context': {

    'client': {

    'hl': self.language,

    'gl': self.region,

    'clientName': 'TV_UNPLUGGED_ANDROID',

    'clientVersion': '1.37',

    'androidSdkVersion': 31,

    'osName': 'Android',

    'osVersion': '12',

    'platform': 'MOBILE'




    player_response = {}

    for attempt in range(2):


    r =, params=params, json=payload,

    headers=headers, verify=self._verify, cookies=None,



    player_response = r.json()

    if player_response.get('playabilityStatus', {}).get('status', 'OK') in \


    payload['context']['client']['clientName'] = 'ANDROID_EMBEDDED_PLAYER'

    payload['context']['client']['clientVersion'] = '18.15.35'



    error_message = 'Failed to get player response for video_id "%s"' % video_id

    self._context.log_error(error_message + '\n' + traceback.format_exc())

    raise YouTubeException(error_message)

    Diese Änderung erlaubt auch 4k HDR mit dem VP9-Codec auf v7.0.1 stable Nexus

    7.0.2 Alpha4 hat Buffering Probleme

    7.0.2 Alpha5 hat auch Buffering Probleme ab einer Auflösung von 1080p

    Die beste Lösung ist aus Kodi YouTube stable 7.0.x zu installieren



    diesen Code unter ca. Zeile 743

    Spoiler anzeigen

    payload = {'videoId': video_id,

    'context': {'client': {'clientVersion': '16.49', 'gl': self.region,

    'clientName': 'ANDROID', 'hl': self.language}},

    'thirdParty': {'embedUrl': ''}


    damit ersetzen

    Spoiler anzeigen

    ANDROID_APP_VERSION = '18.14.41'

    headers['User-Agent'] = ' ' \

    '(Linux; U; Android 12; US) gzip' % ANDROID_APP_VERSION

    payload = {'videoId': video_id,

    'contentCheckOk': True,

    'racyCheckOk': True,

    'context': {'client': {'clientVersion': ANDROID_APP_VERSION,

    'clientName': 'ANDROID',

    'gl': self.region,

    'hl': self.language,

    'androidSdkVersion': 31,

    'osName': 'Android',

    'osVersion': '12',

    'platform': 'MOBILE'}},


    Speichern, MPEG-DASH ausschalten und Spaß haben !

    Als Anhang die für Leia und Nexus

    vielen Dank für deine Mühen die Suche auf findet bei mir nur 2 Videos und die laufen auch in schlechter Auflösung 640 nicht mal 740.
    Über die Suche in ARD und ZDF werden nun sehr viele Sendungen gefunden und starten in HD [icon='fa-thumbs-o-up',32][/icon]
    Ich wollte eigentlich die Sendung zu den Favoriten legen und darüber diese starten ohne das ständige rum Gesuche.

    hallo, unter Dokus & Reportagen ist bei mir alles durcheinander von 2018-2020 könnte man das nicht so sortieren das nur die aktuellen sachen von 2020 angezeigt zuerst angezeigt werden da die ältern Sachen meist nicht mehr so interessant sind.

    Und links in der Beschreibung steht immer Bild: dann kommt die Beschreibung.

    TVSpielfilm Version 1.2.1 bei mir gar nicht mit libreelect

    Spoiler anzeigen

    2019-09-15 16:38:09.024 T:1578005376 DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - received key a8 duration 0 (rep:0 size:0)
    2019-09-15 16:38:09.024 T:1578005376 DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - added key a8
    2019-09-15 16:38:09.030 T:1937062336 DEBUG: HandleKey: 168 (0xa8, obc87) pressed, action is Right
    2019-09-15 16:38:09.069 T:1670325120 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.image_decode input port 320 output port 321 m_handle 0x56e07fe0
    2019-09-15 16:38:09.071 T:1670325120 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.image_decode) - port(320), nBufferCountMin(2), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(397504), nBufferAlignment(16)
    2019-09-15 16:38:09.076 T:1670325120 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.egl_render input port 220 output port 221 m_handle 0x6f378618
    2019-09-15 16:38:09.077 T:1670325120 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::UseEGLImage component(OMX.broadcom.egl_render) - port(221), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(1), nBufferSize(15360) nBufferAlignment(16)
    2019-09-15 16:38:09.108 T:1670325120 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.image_decode handle 0x56e07fe0
    2019-09-15 16:38:09.109 T:1670325120 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.egl_render handle 0x6f378618
    2019-09-15 16:38:09.109 T:1670325120 DEBUG: DecodeJpegToTexture: decoded special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/8/8e51ab1e.jpg 1280x720
    2019-09-15 16:38:09.235 T:1578005376 DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - received key a8 duration 210 (rep:0 size:0)
    2019-09-15 16:38:09.235 T:1578005376 DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - ignored key a8
    2019-09-15 16:38:10.531 T:1578005376 DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - received key b duration 0 (rep:0 size:0)
    2019-09-15 16:38:10.531 T:1578005376 DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - added key b
    2019-09-15 16:38:10.550 T:1937062336 DEBUG: HandleKey: 11 (0x0b, obc244) pressed, action is Select
    2019-09-15 16:38:10.551 T:1937062336 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10025
    2019-09-15 16:38:10.739 T:1578005376 DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - received key b duration 207 (rep:0 size:0)
    2019-09-15 16:38:10.739 T:1578005376 DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - ignored key b
    2019-09-15 16:38:10.862 T:1937062336 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
    2019-09-15 16:38:10.862 T:1937062336 DEBUG: FreeVisualisation() done
    2019-09-15 16:38:10.880 T:1645147008 DEBUG: Thread waiting start, auto delete: false
    2019-09-15 16:38:10.883 T:1645147008 DEBUG: Thread waiting 1645147008 terminating
    2019-09-15 16:38:10.883 T:1937062336 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
    2019-09-15 16:38:10.897 T:1937062336 ERROR: Control 50 in window 10025 has been asked to focus, but it can't
    2019-09-15 16:38:10.903 T:1937062336 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://
    2019-09-15 16:38:10.903 T:1937062336 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://]
    2019-09-15 16:38:10.905 T:1645147008 DEBUG: Thread waiting start, auto delete: false
    2019-09-15 16:38:11.005 T:1937062336 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.392 T:1790935936 DEBUG: CAddonDatabase::SetLastUsed[] took 1489 ms
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.393 T:1645147008 DEBUG: StartScript - calling plugin TV Spielfilm - Das Beste aus den Mediatheken('plugin://','2','','resume:false')
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.393 T:1653539712 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.393 T:1653539712 INFO: initializing python engine.
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.394 T:1653539712 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(18, /storage/.kodi/addons/ start processing
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.425 T:1653539712 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.425 T:1653539712 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(18, /storage/.kodi/addons/ the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/"
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.425 T:1653539712 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(18, /storage/.kodi/addons/ setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.425 T:1653539712 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(18, /storage/.kodi/addons/ entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.426 T:1653539712 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(18, /storage/.kodi/addons/ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "" dependent on version 2.24.0 of the xbmc.python api
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.639 T:1653539712 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[]: loading setting definitions
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.639 T:1653539712 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[]: trying to load setting definitions from old format...
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.645 T:1653539712 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
    Error Type: <class 'locale.Error'>
    Error Contents: unsupported locale setting
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 688, in <module>
    File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 134, in index
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 581, in setlocale
    Error: unsupported locale setting
    -->End of Python script error report<--
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.645 T:1653539712 DEBUG: onExecutionDone(18, /storage/.kodi/addons/
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.671 T:1937062336 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogNotification.xml) ------
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.763 T:1653539712 INFO: Python interpreter stopped
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.763 T:1653539712 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1653539712 terminating
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.776 T:1645147008 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.776 T:1645147008 DEBUG: Thread waiting 1645147008 terminating
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.776 T:1937062336 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.777 T:1937062336 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin:// failed
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.777 T:1937062336 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.777 T:1937062336 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://]
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.786 T:1645147008 DEBUG: Thread waiting start, auto delete: false
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.789 T:1645147008 DEBUG: Thread waiting 1645147008 terminating
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.818 T:1645147008 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
    2019-09-15 16:38:12.832 T:1645147008 DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader 1645147008 terminating
    2019-09-15 16:38:18.296 T:1937062336 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogNotification.xml) ------
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.010 T:1578005376 DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - received key d8 duration 0 (rep:0 size:0)
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.010 T:1578005376 DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - added key d8
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.027 T:1937062336 DEBUG: HandleKey: menu (0xd8) pressed, action is Back
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.028 T:1937062336 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.341 T:1937062336 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.341 T:1937062336 DEBUG: FreeVisualisation() done
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.349 T:1578005376 DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - received key d8 duration 339 (rep:0 size:0)
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.349 T:1578005376 DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - ignored key d8
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.350 T:1937062336 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.350 T:1937062336 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.351 T:1937062336 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[addons://]: refreshing..
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.352 T:1937062336 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[addons://sources/video/]: refreshing..
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.352 T:1937062336 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[addons://sources/audio/]: refreshing..
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.352 T:1937062336 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[addons://sources/game/]: refreshing..
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.352 T:1937062336 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[addons://sources/executable/]: refreshing..
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.352 T:1937062336 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[addons://sources/image/]: refreshing..
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.356 T:1937062336 DEBUG: CDirectoryProvider[addons://sources/game/]: refreshing..
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.387 T:1799328640 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.image_decode input port 320 output port 321 m_handle 0x571885f8
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.388 T:1799328640 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.image_decode) - port(320), nBufferCountMin(2), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(397504), nBufferAlignment(16)
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.396 T:1799328640 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.egl_render input port 220 output port 221 m_handle 0x573988e8
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.397 T:1799328640 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::UseEGLImage component(OMX.broadcom.egl_render) - port(221), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(1), nBufferSize(15360) nBufferAlignment(16)
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.428 T:1799328640 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.image_decode handle 0x571885f8
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.429 T:1799328640 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.egl_render handle 0x573988e8
    2019-09-15 16:38:22.429 T:1799328640 DEBUG: DecodeJpegToTexture: decoded special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/8/8e51ab1e.jpg 1280x720
    2019-09-15 16:14:49.157 T:1937500608 ERROR: Control 52 in window 10025 has been asked to focus, but it can't
    2019-09-15 16:14:49.522 T:1737479040 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
    Error Type: <class 'locale.Error'>
    Error Contents: unsupported locale setting
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 688, in <module>
    File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 134, in index
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 581, in setlocale
    Error: unsupported locale setting
    -->End of Python script error report<--
    2019-09-15 16:14:49.658 T:1653552000 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://
    2019-09-15 16:14:49.659 T:1937500608 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin:// failed