Beiträge von Charliecharles

    The thing is, free netflix I actually remember some of those being really good. I need to revisit the Hook game (based on the Robin Williams Peter Pan sequel) again. I remember it being good, but not much else. netflix free trial There was also an NES Tiny Toons game that had a really well-done Lost Vikings mechanic.
    But the one I remember really fondly was Krusty's Funhouse, upcoming movies a Simpsons tie-in for about every platform that existed in 1992 down to Commodore Amiga. It was like an evil version of Lemmings. Except instead of Lemmings, there were rats, and instead of giving them powers to help them to safety, you were manipulating the environment to direct them into traps. It was a really inventive, well done, Nintendo-hard puzzle-platformer.