Beiträge von kevinbarnes

    I have a tv box that I mostly use during sports season to watch nba, nfl, cfl and other sports.
    I usually use banned addon removed - mods and Not Sure. I have been able to watch a few games and NFL redzone on banned addon removed - mods this season but not on Not Sure. banned addon removed - mods has stopped working all together.
    What is the best add-on for live sports if possible in HD? Links deleted - mods

    So, I added the banned repo removed - mods, however, when I go to Install from Zip this pathway: repo_zips > is not there. There's a builds, plugins, wizard folders and in there but no repo_zips, no banned addon removed - mods.
    I tried searching around, but it seems that banned repo removed - mods is the only URL for this addon. I feel like I'm missing something painfully obvious or something, but I went through each folder, and no banned addon removed - mods. Thanks
    Edit-Should add this is through fire stick, and I'm not sure how I would locally download the GitHub .zip and install on that either....any help would definitely be appreciated!

    My PC is in one room in basement and the tv is about 20 feet away. Too awkard to run HDMI to and bc of the run it would be like 50 feet against wall.
    I want to play Kodi on my PC with PIA on and stream that to my LG TV. How do I do this ?
    I know with Xbox I can do reverse. I can stream my Xbox to my PC and play there. How do I do reverse wirelesses? Links deleted.

    I just got a Shield and sideloaded Kodi 18b3. How do I actually use the assistant?

    If I say "Watch <TV or Show which exists in Kodi>", it says it cannot find it. I also see comments online saying it's supposed to show you recommended media to watch on the Shield home screen, but I don't see those either.
    - Links deleted -

    If I am *IN* Kodi, I can SOMETIMES get it to show me what I search for in Kodi, but it doesn't seem to launch.

    Is this supposed to work using actual Google Assistant on your phone / google home, or just the Shield voice command interface?