Beiträge von photolis

    Is there anybody using WP2 with Sundtek DVB-T2 tuner, please?

    Sundtek did not work in CE until a trouble with its driver was fixed in November. Now it works, unfortunately with so many data (continuity) errors that the recordings are totally unusable. Sundtek recommends to switch to isochronous mode in such case:

    mediaclient --transfermode=iso -d /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0


    Unfortunately it didn’t help me because setting ‘transfermode=iso’ resulted in ‘No input detected’. I have discussed it broadly with Sundtek where Markus Rechberger tried to help me, but his final conclusion was following:

    “it's clear your system does not support USB well enough. There are some system hick-ups which interrupt the usb stream and cause a buffer overflow on the USB Stick. The second bad thing is that isochronous is not supported on that system (otherwise transfermode=iso would have worked). Better use a raspberry PI and you will see the difference the hick-ups will be gone and even isochronous works with it.”

    It’s hard for me to believe that so excellent tuner cannot be used with WP2. Did anybody experience this problem as well?


    No success. I’ve tried to follow your instructions. After kodi restart the default functions of color buttons disappeared. Then I’ve assigned two new functions to the red and green button using [definition=10,0][definition='3','0']keymap[/definition][/definition] editor and restarted kodi again. Both red and green still did nothing. An annoying side effect also appeared as some other keys didn’t function, too, e.g. the context menu or the stop in video player.

    @Raybuntu, thank you for your prompt reply but I am afraid I am too stupid to understand it. Could you please show me how to solve my example and assign another function to the red color key? My WP2 remote works ok and this key currently Opens TV Channels. I'd like to modify it. I did that previously in rb-krypton with gen.xml file generated by [definition=10,0][definition='3','0']keymap[/definition][/definition] editor in userdata/keymaps. This file contained then the keyboard sections only, too. Now I cannot find any clear explanation or tutorial describing how to do the same task in CE.

    I use Wetek Play 2 with CE 8.95.3 and would like to do some slight changes in my WP2 remote functions. The [definition=10,0][definition='3','0']keymap[/definition][/definition] editor addon does not help me when used by standard way. @Raybuntu discussed this topic widely here in April (pp. 159-161), namely with @Paust55, and I have read all their posts very closely.

    What I found: Only ‘KEY_xxx‘ from a given CE list may be used in user [definition=10,0][definition='3','0']keymap[/definition][/definition] and all definitions must be put in keyboard section there. Raybuntu still recommends [definition=10,0][definition='3','0']keymap[/definition][/definition] editor addon, which can help with selection of functions and proper [definition=10,0][definition='3','0']keymap[/definition][/definition] structure. The editor output is gen.xml, but it can be adapted to a file required in CE. Unfortunately, I still miss some important details.

    For example, if I wanted to switch subtitles by red button of my remote, the gen.xml file made by [definition=10,0][definition='3','0']keymap[/definition][/definition] editor would look like:
    <key id="251">showsubtitles</key>

    I suppose the ‘key id’ should be then replaced by an appropriate KEY_xxx. Links to the list mentioned in April discussion are invalid today, but I searched github and got…ps/wetek_play_2, hope it might be the proper list for WP2. So, I guess it’s necessary to modify it like this:

    If I‘m wrong, please, help me with the right format.
    And final question, how to rename my result file and and where to copy it then?
    Thanks for any reply (Deutsch or English)!

    Kennt jemand einen DVB-T2 Tuner für Wetek Play 2, der irgendwo gekauft werden kann? Ich habe einen Sundtek, aber es funktioniert nicht in Corelec, weil ein Software Fix notwendig ist und das kann eine lange Zeit dauern.

    ..... We just need someone from Sundtek to talk to our DVB Developer afl1 cause the sundtek driver is close source.

    Ich würde vorher einen Ersatz brauchen.

    @Raybuntu Thank you for the info.

    Regarding my sundtek dvb-t tuner bought two months ago, I tried to use it temporarily with my productive rb-krypton, too. It works but produces lot of data errors causing annoying artefacts during playback, so that its recordings are hardly usable. I asked Sundtek for help and Markus Rechberger was very responsive. He asked me to do some experiments but his final verdict was following:

    it's clear your system does not support USB well enough. There are some system hick-ups which interrupt the usb stream and cause a buffer overflow on the USB Stick.
    The second bad thing is that isochronous is not supported on that system (otherwise transfermode=iso would have worked).
    The signal and sensitivity of the Tuner are okay but your System is a bit disabled.
    Better use a raspberry PI and you will see the difference the hick-ups will be gone and even isochronous works with it.

    I would like to ask you: should I understand the ‘system’ in this case as a combination of rb-krypton and Sundtek addon? The addon from your krypton-times is not more available so I used a version from current coreelec. Might be this the reason?

    Ich wohne in Pilsen, in der Nähe von Bayern. Ich besuche dieses Forum, weil ich Wetek Play 2 mit Kodi in LibreELEC benutze und gut deutsch lesen kann. Und hier ist viel zu lesen. Aber ich habe schon sehr lange Deutsch nicht gesprochen und könnte mich kaum gut ausdrücken. Wenn jemand bereit wäre, auf meine englischen Beiträge hier zu antworten, wäre ich sehr dankbar.

    I own Wetek Play 2 and regularly use rb-krypton6, a more than one year old build from Raybuntu. I am still very happy with this system running with Tvheadend being oriented to DVB-T.

    Nevertheless, I decided to start with some tests of CoreELEC 8.90 a few weeks ago. Connecting my recently bought new Sundtek usb tuner I discovered an annoying bug, which was already discussed here since May to June. The DVB-T part of the Sundtek is not seen by Tvheadend at all:

    I believe I’ve read all posts regarding this problem, mainly debated between Andy5macht and Raybuntu (e.g. numbers 3.149, 3.287, 3.479). It was then classified and submitted as ‘Treiber Problem Sundtek‘, but in the last post (dated 4.6.2018, 3.677) Andy5macht stated that ‘Nur sundtek geht immer noch nicht‘. So, I still miss a conclusion. Does anyone know what is the current state and expectations?