Beiträge von LongChair

    I guess we can agree to disagree. I don't think anyone is misleading anyone. I'm the one who will be doing RK builds in the future as I did community builds in the past. I have never made it a secret that it 99% copy/paste from your and kwiboo's work.I'm sorry you feel that it's unjust.
    We said that Core is a soft fork of LE but I never expected so much heat and beef.

    MODS können wir das in den offtopic thread verschieben bitte?

    Then we agree, I know that you have been making community builds while the work was still going on and I thank you for this.

    What I was finding unfair is the fact that former post was about TinkerBoard build that would never be supported in LE statements.
    It was not release yet, because we wanted to be happy with the codebase before we release it.

    And you know about that process because you merged most of the PR kwiboo and I made to rockchip/master branch :)

    You will more likely continue to do your builds for CE, but I can't let people say that LE will not care when this is where all the work has been done.
    Let's respect each other's work, there is no need for drama or ranting. Things just need to be clear and accurate for everyone :)

    I will stop that discussion now, it's useless and i see always same rants coming along.

    You can probably speak about your Amlogic experience, but just don't mix everything.
    I haven't seen any PR coming from you or even any contribution on rockchip platform, so i highly doubt you could have an valid opinion on wether you would have a clue on what LE plans to support in that area.

    Feel free to make any builds out of our work, its fine, but make sure your public statements are correct.

    You care about community, that's fine, we all do, misleading them is not the right way to care.
    I will stop posting in here anyways and should have never started, but that kind of statement required a clarification.

    I am not sure what i misinterpreted : "Rockchip and Amlogic is the way forward but will never truly be a part of LE with how things are."

    We clearly brought RockChip support within LE and for LE in the first place.
    We have been submitting required patches, and made required modifications according to reviewers comments when needed.
    This is rather regular OSS way of doing thing to me and it wasn't an issue.

    Now RockChip branch was merged into master, i don't see how RockChip "would never truly be part of LE" which is what you are clearly stating.
    RockChip is part of LE and fact that it's been merged talks by itself.

    You can disagree with the way LE expectations didn't match yours, but there is no need to make wrong statements or insinuations that would mislead end users.

    Rockchip and Amlogic is the way forward but will never truly be a part of LE with how things are.

    @adamg : I find that kind of statement really unfair. Being part of the people that worked for like a year on bringing RockChip support into LE up to the point where we have stable builds.
    I wish all the best to CE on their journey, but as much as i respect your work, I would expect you to respect other people work and just not spread lies all over the place.

    RockChip work was done with LE people collaboration through RockChip support, of course it's OpenSource and you can reuse it and make builds in CE for it.
    But community work and especially LE work in that area should be respected in this regard.