Beiträge von APOC

    SpotiTube v2.0.8 with YouTube v6.0.0~alpha6 (both settings reset to default) and everything does work again, at least now at this moment, I thought I'd mention it.
    => no problems with the Spotify section anymore (which made YouTube Music addon crash).

    v2.0.8 is giving me this error on Kodi 17.6 with latest YouTube aplha v6.0.0~alpha4:

    I used 720p as a setting in the YouTube addon and in the 'inputstream.adaptive' but nothing is giving a better result, I did try some other alpha versions of YouTube, but all with the same result.
    I thought I'd mention it here, maybe it can help?

    Sorry for my englisch, mein Deutsch ist nicht so güt.

    With Kind regards