Beiträge von adamg

    Das ist doch aktuell offensichtlich, dass das so ist...ohne das in irgendeiner Form irgendwie zu werten (weder positiv noch negativ). Ansonsten gäbe es doch die beiden unterschiedlichen Lager nicht. LE hat sich für "a" entschieden. CE für "b". Ursache dafür war, dass LE auf Mainline wechseln wollte, was dem ein oder anderen nicht gepasst hat. Und das ist absolut in Ordnung. Das man davon, mainline zu verwenden, nicht viel (oder eher gesagt "sehr wenig" bis "gar nichts") gehalten hat, wurde im LE Slack von entsprechenden Personen mehr als einmal erwähnt. Das kannst du nicht wissen, da du nicht im LE Slack bist oder jemals warst, wenn ich mich recht erinnere.

    Und schon wieder Halbwahrheiten und Lügen ... was meinst Du, wie die Mainline-Unterstützung von OpenVFD zustande kam? Oder die Mainline-Unterstützung für MeCool- und WeTek-DVB-Treibern? Das war unser Beitrag. Also hör bitte mit diesem Unsinn auf, wir hätten kein Interesse an der Mainline-Entwicklung.

    Du bist nicht in den internen Vorgängen unseres Teams involviert, weshalb ich Dir Deine Aussagen nicht einmal übel nehmen kann, nur ist es einfach nicht wahr.

    Der Grund, warum es zwei verschiedene Lager gibt, hat nichts damit zu tun, und es wird immer zwei verschiedene Lager geben, selbst wenn sowohl LE als auch CE "a" verwenden.

    Zitat von CvH

    Einige von CE haben sich ja auch eindeutig in die Richtung positioniert das sie nichts von der aktuellen Entwicklung halten und an 3.14/4.9 festhalten wollen. Jeder wie er mag.

    Davu das ist nicht wahr, wir verfolgen die aktuelle Entwicklung sehr genau und wir testen es Team intern, sobald HDR usw. funktioniert werden wir mainline voll unterstützen.

    Warum denkst du ich nehme das persönlich? Nur weil ich Lügen und fehlerhafte Halbwahrheiten über CoreELEC korrigiere? Du kennst mich doch gar nicht deswegen verstehe ich nicht wie du solche absurden Aussagen machst? Das ist eindeutig eine Provokation

    Was die Sache einfacher machen würde ist wenn ihr aufhören würdet diese Lügen zu verbreiten. Es ist ziemlich armselig das noch 12 Monate nachdem wir geforkt haben immer noch diese Spielchen gespielt werden.

    Du kennst nicht alle Fakten du kennst nur eure Seite aber ist auch egal, weil die Provokationen wohl nie enden werden. Und es ist nicht nur cvh. Es ist vorallem chewitt und neuerdings auch Balbes.

    Ihr mögt den Fork nicht, das ist angekommen. Offensichtlich wurden einige Gefühle im Team LibreELEC dadurch verletzt.

    Am Ende des Tages leidet nur die Community unter diesem Streit.

    Wir sind Stolz auf die Arbeit die wir machen genau wie Ihr.

    Denkt mal drüber nach.

    Nicht wirklich, CE arbeiten als einzige noch an 3.14 (4.9) und alle anderen Devs (Kernel, Treiber, LE, Kodi ...) arbeiten an der aktuellen Code/Treiber Basis. Das sind zwei verschiedene Welten die auch nicht kompatibel miteinander sind.Einige von CE haben sich ja auch eindeutig in die Richtung positioniert das sie nichts von der aktuellen Entwicklung halten und an 3.14/4.9 festhalten wollen.
    Jeder wie er mag.

    @CvH hör auf solche Unwahrheiten zu verbreiten. Es wird langsam langweilig. CE wird auf mainline wechseln sobald HDR unterstützt wird. Unsere Nutzer brauchen das!

    @DaVu we are already very clear with our users that CoreELEC does NOT contain the Official version of Kodi, the assumption that we do is wrong and I'm happy to correct people when they ask ... link

    I do feel it's fair to call it pre-Beta though as the Kodi Alpha Cycle has officially ended and users find it reassuring to know that the API has frozen and that future releases should be less troublesome.

    The recent comments by @Computerbastler18 are not representative of our team and both myself and @Raybuntu find them repugnant and abhorrent, he is a community builder who we have assisted as he wanted to provide users with daily builds, however our assistance ends today and we have suspended him from our Slack as a result of his comments here.

    @adamg Nevertheless you should think about a (temporary/testing) thread here

    [English] [8.90.1] CoreELEC for S905/S912 devices as today english users from cannot communicate there with you anymore. I think it's better not to let them wait too long. In addition to that a part of your community is already here.

    I think it would be great if this site could diversify and support different media center builds.

    If you look at websites like xda-developers which is a resource for all Android related builds, I believe mediacenter builds need somewhere similar, you have OE, LE, CE, OSMC, OpenPHT, Lakka and this list goes on but each one has it's own forum so it's not really a good thing for the end users.

    I'm more than happy to reply to users here and whilst on the subject the guys at OSMC have expressed interest to me in having a subforum here as well.

    "sync playback to display" fällt ja bei ce nu weg.
    should not be compatible with the "amlogic sync" (I'll call it that way).

    I ask myself how far the developers have control over the "amlogic sync".
    could one use it to change the reproduction framerate and to accelerate eg 23,976 or 24,000 to 25,000?

    if not, could you develop anything, n addon or whatever, what this does?

    background is that many series (eg lost) in 24p totally unaccustomed sound deafening, since the sound was originally created for the tv broadcast with 25fps and the bulray mastering was downed.

    The following post may offer some useful insight.

    Sync Playback to Display is done automatically by libamcodec and changing this option can result in poor video playback, so we decided it would be in everyone's interest if we just removed this option.

    Change Adjust Display Refresh Rate to Start/Stop and everything should work fine, I will make this the default option on the next build.

    I'm sorry, I hope you did not take offence to my comment saying your setup was absurd, it is very difficult to work out issues like you are experiencing, if I am totally honest it is not high on the priorities either as the majority of the audio subsystem is working it is only a few certain use cases that are not.

    We are limited by time as we do this mostly for fun and to help the community, the pace at which Leia changes and introduces new bugs stops us from dealing with issues like yours... for example the recent IR changes have caused us all a headache and it continues to do so.

    Obviously you have pointed out here that other builds have it working which helps as it gives us something to look at and compare against, unfortunately OSMC is still on Krypton and they use the Oreo kernel so the patches may not be compatible and may have to be reworked, having read your comments though I will look at the issue again as soon as I get time.

    A subforum exists. You are already in it.
    We do not care about language.
    These incredibly long topics like here are always an impertinence for every new one.
    Go wild: D

    I appreciate this, unfortunately for new English speaking users that come here they will see it is predominately a German forum and I fear they may be dissuaded from joining for that reason.

    Also on the other hand the nice people over at LE have decided to take a massive dump on us recently by offering us a subforum and then rescinding the offer 2 weeks later, banning us and then saying CE threads will be locked in 1 months time so not even the remaining CE developers can offer help and advice to our users, this is not something I would like to see happen again.

    Our community obviously needs a home but it has not been decided where this should be yet or in what form, we only wanted to fill a void for Amlogic devices and provide builds that work and keep things fun for everyone.

    Spoiler anzeigen

    Was will man groß drüber reden, ihr wurdet informiert was der "Forumbetreiber" entschieden hat und euch wurde genügend Zeit gegeben um das ohne Unterbrechung für die User einwandfrei in euer Forum/GH... zu verschieben.Debian hostet auch nicht das Ubuntu Forum und das im OpenELEC Forum hat auch keinen LibreELEC Bereich, das war also keine Überraschung da ihr auch immer wieder selbst auf die Tatsache hingewiesen habt.
    Aber an so einem reibungslosen Übergang hattet ihr kein Interesse.

    Adamg und du habt uns aufgefordert alle eure Threads und Postings zu löschen und somit die komplette CoreELEC community zu vernichten (bei LE) inklusive alle Lösungen und Anleitungen für Probleme.
    Keine Ahnung wie ihr euch das vorgestellt habt aber wie soll man das anders interpretieren als das was es ist ein Riesen Mittelfinger. Erst den Mittelfinger zeigen und dann beschweren wenn jemand Klartext redet, sorry so funktioniert das nicht.

    Achso nicht das Ungereimtheiten aufkommen, Adamg und Ray wurden bei uns (wie von ihnen selber gewünscht) gebannt (weil deaktivieren nicht geht von der Board Software her).
    Wir haben alle Persönlichen Informationen gelöscht wie es die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung vorsieht.

    Allerdings haben wir den Wunsch nach dem kompletten löschen nicht entsprochen, weil das einerseits nicht von der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung gedeckt ist (also nicht benötigt) und wir keinen Grund sahen die CE Community zu bestrafen durch Auslöschung.

    It looks like you are the ones giving us the middle finger because it was only 2 weeks ago you yourself offered us a subforum (screenshot attached) and you come up with this nonsense about Debian not hosting Ubuntu on their forums? and these new draconian and anti-FOSS community build requirements?

    I always thought you was a reasonable person CvH but clearly I was wrong, we are not the ones being awkward here.

    I asked to be deleted because of these exact attitudes, I just can't be dealing with it anymore but thanks for showing the world what the people at LE are really like, everybody knows this is personal now and it is only us you are targeting with the ban hammer.

    • And thanks for ignoring my perfectly legitimate and reasonable request, it's nice to know LE doesn't live up to the high standards it proclaims it does and picks and chooses which laws it will and will not follow.

    I still have Adamg 1.1.1 on my 905 box on the internal memory. How do I get from this build to CoreElec? Unfortunately, it was not possible to move CoreELEC-S905.arm-8.90.0 / 1.tar into the update directory and to update it. The box just restarts.

    Try creating a ".nocompat" file in the update directory, copy the tar into the update directory and reboot.

    Should work then.

    "I'm sad I had to leave"

    Just to make that clear and it won't be didn't have to leave. You decided to do so. Noone kicked anyone out of anything.

    The door is still open, as you know. But please don't make it sound that someone kicked you out, because that wasn't the case ever. Neither for you nor for adamg. You both decided that on your own

    I can confirm that nobody was 'kicked' but just because some one has decided to leave of their own reconnaissance that does not necessarily mean anything.

    We have something in the UK called 'constructive dismissal' and the logic applies in this case perfectly.

    Private conversations have been made public and as such a serious breach of trust has occurred.

    Unreasonable decisions where made unilaterally without prior discussions or consent of all parties involved.

    There has been a lot of hostility, backchannelling, harassment and verbal abuse.

    These are just some of the reasons why myself, Ray and others have chosen to leave LE, this was not a decision any of us made lightly and not something any of us wanted but it made us feel like we *HAD* to leave, we tried to address all issues multiple times for it to fall on deaf ears and to be honest none of it should be happening, contributing should be fun and friendly and things just are anything but that right now, the insults and hostility still continue.

    Whoever is giving the impression that this was just about getting commits merged needs a reality check as that notion is absurd, our issues run far deeper than something so trivial.

    I will stop that discussion now, it's useless and i see always same rants coming along.

    You can probably speak about your Amlogic experience, but just don't mix everything.
    I haven't seen any PR coming from you or even any contribution on rockchip platform, so i highly doubt you could have an valid opinion on wether you would have a clue on what LE plans to support in that area.

    Feel free to make any builds out of our work, its fine, but make sure your public statements are correct.

    You care about community, that's fine, we all do, misleading them is not the right way to care.
    I will stop posting in here anyways and should have never started, but that kind of statement required a clarification.

    Good because you clearly don't have a clear grasp of what has gone on.

    I'm not mixing anything, the experience was not specific to Amlogic, look what happened with iMX6 and 1 person made a unilateral decision to remove the project.

    You seem quite the hypocrite to talk about respect and then to throw an insult like that out there, where was LE forked from or have you forgotten that? my public statements are correct and I stand by everything I have said, I have not mislead anybody and I will leave the community to judge, developers do not leave a project for no good reason, if it was 1 person your words would have meaning but it wasn't just me that left...

    What is misleading is telling people that CoreELEC and kszaq releases are full of 'hacks'

    I am not sure what i misinterpreted : "Rockchip and Amlogic is the way forward but will never truly be a part of LE with how things are."

    We clearly brought RockChip support within LE and for LE in the first place.
    We have been submitting required patches, and made required modifications according to reviewers comments when needed.
    This is rather regular OSS way of doing thing to me and it wasn't an issue.

    Now RockChip branch was merged into master, i don't see how RockChip "would never truly be part of LE" which is what you are clearly stating.
    RockChip is part of LE and fact that it's been merged talks by itself.

    You can disagree with the way LE expectations didn't match yours, but there is no need to make wrong statements or insinuations that would mislead end users.

    I guess you wasn't paying attention to what went on when I initially tried to add support for Amlogic to LE as it was nothing but hostile and resistant.

    Rockchip was only brought in and merged with master when people starting to leave and air the concerns and not before, vpeter, myself, Raybuntu and others, it was too little too late and the damage was done.

    Now that is an insinuation... I never had expectations because I didn't really care whether any PR was accepted in or not, I cared more for the community, I was just trying to make LE better for the community, I've not made any wrong statements or insinuations.

    @adamg : I find that kind of statement really unfair. Being part of the people that worked for like a year on bringing RockChip support into LE up to the point where we have stable builds.I wish all the best to CE on their journey, but as much as i respect your work, I would expect you to respect other people work and just not spread lies all over the place.

    RockChip work was done with LE people collaboration through RockChip support, of course it's OpenSource and you can reuse it and make builds in CE for it.
    But community work and especially LE work in that area should be respected in this regard.

    Apologies that you feel that way however I think you may have misinterpreted my post, I was merely referring to the attitudes of some people within LE who have been resistant to add support for other/new projects to the main branch, the status quo in LE and the long term focus is on 'stability' and devices that do not conform or fit into that mission statement are not exactly welcomed into the project, it was not that long ago that everything had to be in 'feature' branches when really there should never have been a need for that.

    What have I said that is a lie?

    I respect LE as a project and a lot of people who contribute to it but there is also a lot of things wrong with it which I have kept quiet about however when I see 'lies' and antagonizing posts then it is very hard not to speak up and say what is really going on.

    Speaking of respect, none of the contributors in CoreELEC (including me) wanted to create a fork however it was mainly born due to the lack of respect from some of the senior members of LE, backchanneling / bitching / fighting is rife within LE where is the respect in that?

    Erst gab es die AML Hacksammlung in Form von der Kszaq Community build, dann wurde versucht die Hacks möglichst einzudampfen und in ein offizielles LE einzubauen (weil auch Kszaq merkte das es nicht die Beste Idee ist so eine Sammlung auf Dauer zu betreiben), nun gibt es eine neue Community/Fork Build die diese Hacksammlung weiter betreibt bis sie dann mit Kodi 19 unbrauchbar ist - was dann kommt ist entweder noch viel mehr Hacks, gar nichts oder evtl wird doch der AML Treiber endlich fertig.

    I have to say you are starting to sound a lot like chewitt there and I have disagree.

    The collection of code in kszaq's builds was never 'hacks' it just did not conform to the high standards of perfection needed to be a part of LE, it was not kszaq who realized it's best not to keep those 'hacks' it was me and I started the the process of upstreaming his work to LE.

    The community builds you refer to is not full of 'hacks', it just contains a different kernel to the one that is used in LE, that is more stable and has less issues. The hacky nougat PR by codesnake some months ago is responsible for most of the issues with the LE Amlogic kernel if anything is a hack it is that.

    It's attitudes like this that have driven developers away from LE and Amlogic support in LE is now dead as a result of it. LE is a dying project as nobody uses Kodi on X86 anymore and Raspberry Pi is not fit for purpose, Rockchip and Amlogic is the way forward but will never truly be a part of LE with how things are.

    @adamg Nixe to hear that you are from the UK, i've got two aunts living near Liverpool.

    If you need someone to test something, i'm your man :rolleyes:

    I live near Liverpool, in fact I lived in Liverpool for a short period as well :)

    If you want to be a test dummy then some feedback on the latest devel build would be great link, if you could test live tv and pass-through audio for issues it would be very much appreciated.

    @adamg That´s the Chance to learn the wonderful German language :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

    In the UK it is mandatory to take 1 foreign language as a subject in secondary school and some 20 years ago I took German as a subject but as the years have gone by the language is nothing but a memory I'm ashamed to admit =(

    I have to say though I love all things German and having owned a BMW and currently an Audi I have to say German cars are the best (everyone I know also agrees).


    Ähm, wie lautet Dein Paypal Konto? :P

    I don't accept donations but thank you anyway.