Beiträge von Foxion

    Cool seems to have worked for most, I'm sorry I had to just dump and run, but I had to take care of kid.
    But as Firekodi wrote a simpler fix is just to change row 715 to referer="unknown". The problem is that the regexp couldn't find what is was looking for, I think that is because rtl had changed something with the but I'm not sure.

    @LuckyLuciano123 I think this fix should work for you too, you just need to find where the addon is located, I don't have a Fire-stick so can't tell you exactly where it is.

    *again I'm sorry that I write in English here but I think that's better understood then if I wrote in German. ;)

    I did a dirty fix, not sure if it will work for everyone but I just wanted to watch the latest WWM and for that it worked. :)
    I changed the following lines in

    #content = getUrl(deeplink)
              #referer=re.compile("webLink = '(.+?)'", re.DOTALL).findall(content)[0]                
              headerfelder="user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.90 Safari/537.36" #&Referer="+referer

    what that does it removes the search and use of the referer, not sure if this can cause any problems...

    I'm sure LORE will have a nicer fix coming, but this worked for me for now.

    I hope it's ok to use english here, I understand german fine but my writing skills are lacking quite a bit :(

    I ran this addon on my RPi and it seems to work fine for some random shows but when I wanted to watch the latest Wer wird Millionär it couldn't find any.
    Also tried it on a windows machine and it behaved in the same way.
    Am I doing something wrong? I looked at the [definition=12,0]debug[/definition] [definition='1','0']log[/definition] and there it seem to find the show but it doesn't show in the UI.

    I had to cut down row 24 and 26 due to max chars.