unter keymaps habe ich aber überhaupt keine Datei Keyboard.xml. Ich habe im Verzeicnis userdata aber eine Lircmap.xml mit folgendem Inhalt:
<!-- This file contains the mapping of LIRC keys to XBMC keys used in Keymap.xml -->
<!-- -->
<!-- How to add remotes -->
<!-- <remote device="name_Lirc_calls_the_remote"> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- For the commands the layout following layout is used -->
<!-- <XBMC_COMMAND>LircButtonName</XBMC_COMMAND> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- For a list of XBMC_COMMAND's check out the <remote> sections of [definition='3','0']keymap[/definition].xml -->
<remote device="Antec_Veris_RM200">
<select>KEY_SELECT</select><!-- KEY_ENTER -->
<start>KEY_ESC</start><!-- AppLauncher -->
<myvideo>KEY_DVD</myvideo><!-- KEY_VIDEO -->
<mymusic>KEY_EJECTCD</mymusic><!-- KEY_AUDIO -->
<mypictures>KEY_OPEN</mypictures><!-- KEY_PHOTO -->
<mytv>Timer</mytv><!-- KEY_TV -->
<teletext>KEY_ESC</teletext><!-- Thumnail -->
<title>KEY_EXIT</title><!-- TaskSwitcher -->
<subtitle>Subtitle</subtitle><!-- not used, now: subtitle -->
<language>KEY_LANGUAGE</language><!-- not used, now: language -->
<red>KEY_VIDEO</red><!-- not used, now: red -->
<green>KEY_AUDIO</green><!-- not used, now: green -->
<yellow>KEY_TV</yellow><!-- not used, now: yellow -->
<blue>KEY_PHOTO</blue><!-- not used, now: blue -->
<enter>KEY_ENTER</enter><!-- not used, now: enter -->
<obc254>LeftMenu</obc254><!-- not used, now: weather -->
<obc253>AppLauncher</obc253><!-- not used, now: programs-->
<obc252>TaskSwitcher</obc252><!-- not used, now: tv shows-->
<obc251>BTN_RIGHT</obc251><!-- not used, now: movies-->
<recordedtv>BTN_LEFT</recordedtv><!-- not used, now: tv recordings-->
<obc250>Zoom</obc250><!-- not used, now: FirstPage/ZoomIn-->
<obc249>Thumbnail</obc249><!-- not used, now: LastPage/ZoomOut-->
Muss das dann da rein?