Beiträge von makmango

    Hi Kodinerds.

    Dunno if its possible?

    I need some help to find a plugin with the feature or some m3u code to extract the video stream from a given website.

    From Youtube you can grab the site url and make it playable in the iptvplayer client with the plugin feature like this:

    Externer Inhalt
    Inhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.

    #EXTINF:-1 ,Watch Sky News live

    Wonder if someone could enlighten me where to find a way to do it for websites like this.

    I know how to find the m3u8 stream, however its time limited by token.


    I have tried to google for "Kodi grab stream from website" etc.

    But the terms i have used is wrong.

    Is this possible and what ad-don do i need to install and what will the stream syntax have to be like for simple iptv client.

    Kind regards and thanks for helping in advance :)
