Beiträge von emilsvennesson

    I don't have such numbers, I only have internal interface versions (I started with 8, now implemented 9, but 10 is already in testing.
    I never know at what time the current version is obsolete. @emilsvennesson is there an internal api version number in the manifest?

    Here's a sample of the manifest for x86:

    Unfortunately, there is no information available in the Chrome OS recovery image so all I've got there is the build version.

    @Gismo112 That's also an option but I can imagine it can be a bit of a hassle for @peak3d to maintain this.

    @emilsvennesson my post was no complain against your addon, it was just a personal statement.

    For me the most suitable solution would be if addon asks, if libwidewine should be updated (either because of missing manifest or version update)

    If user say no, this version string should be saved in settings to tell the addon that this version was declined and not asked anymore.
    There should be an option to reset this setting, so that on next update cycle the popup appears again.

    Sounds complicated, but in fact it is only a version number in settings.

    @peak3d Ah right, I am just curious what you want changed seeing as you wrote "I will give in the future no support for addons that include inputstreamhelper" (translated with Google translate). ;)

    That's actually how the updating works right now, although it won't let you continue without the manifest. Once the manifest is in place, it becomes optional to update later on. I could of course make the manifest a non-requirement, but I'm not sure that's a good idea for the reason's I mentioned in the previous post.

    @ peak3d


    First of all, pardon for responding in English. I wrote inputstreamhelper and it is unfortunate that you're dropping support for it because it really makes it easier for the end user. I really feel like we should work together to address its shortcomings rather than just dismissing it right away.

    For InputStream Helper a comment from me: I will give in the future no support for addons that include inputStream helper.

    1.) It will not work because the version attached to the capabilities of the browser, I'm usually far behind the browser.
    is current example that internally supports libWidevine only API9 in libssd but only host8 is implemented -> will not work

    2.) I test usually with different libwidevine versions, it is something of a nuisance if my test version of a vending machine, which I have not even confirmed that it is to download something, modified my current dev environment. I must really say that I think that's bad with the Helper (now addon also in Euro Sport's inside)

    1.) Currently, inputstreamhelper retrieves its version from on x86 and from the Chrome OS recovery configuration (…y/recovery.conf) on ARM devices. I found no documentation on supported versions of Widevine in inputstream.adaptive and my tests worked fine on the latest and greatest (at least at the time). Perhaps you can implement a way to retrieve the supported Widevine versions in inputstream.adaptive (through the add-on settings for example) I could retrieve it this from instead.

    2.) inputstreamhelper will only force a redownload of the binary if it's missing the JSON manifest file that's getting shipped in the zip file. Without that file, there is no way for the script to know which version of Widevine that's installed. It also ensures that Kodi and the Widevine binary's system architecture matches. This is particularly important because otherwise changing to a 64-bit Kodi version would break everything because the Widevine binary would still be for 32-bit applications. We'd have a lot of people wondering why their favorite video add-on suddenly broke once they switched to Kodi Leia.

    A way to disable inputstreamhelper for developers is definitely needed. I will review the pull request from @Seppl1 ASAP and push out a new version with a way to do this.