Beiträge von riker1

    Hi, ,habe ein problem mit dem Plugin bzw der Meldung.

    bitte updaten sie ihr gerät . Version wird nicht mehr unterstützt.

    Habe RPI3 und kodi 19 bzw auch gerade auf 22.1 upgegraded.

    Was genau bedeutet das. Alles ist eigentlich aktuell

    Danke für die Klarstellung


    ich bei ir läuft es leider nicht:

    was macht ich da falsch?
    alles ist neu installiert.

    Kodi 18


    bei mir startet nach einer Neuinstallation SKY Ticket nicht mehr.

    Kodi 19 unter ubuntu.

    Was kann ich denn noch machen?

    Reinstall habe ich gemacht?

    Danke T


    ich habe aktuell einen Fehler bei Tele5 app.

    Ist der schon bekannt?

    Danke T


    ich habe folgende Fehlermeldung bei SkyTicket.
    Hat jemand dazu eine Lösung? Danke

    Jugendschutz Pin habe ich geändert und geht am REchner nicht aber am Kodi

    leider habe ich folgenden Fehler
    16:45:51.216 T:1437627120 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://
    16:45:51.219 T:1917726720 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin:// failed
    16:46:53.866 T:904917744 NOTICE: [Tele5](getUrl) ERROR - ERROR - ERROR : ########## === <urlopen error ('_ssl.c:645: The handshake operation timed out',)> ##########

    wie bekomme ich den weg?

    bei einem anderen OSMC Kodi im gleichen Netz läuft es einwandfrei?


    Hi@ süchtling,
    danke für deine Tipps.

    es sind unterschiedliche switches ,da in unterschiedlichen Räumen.
    Konfig sollte identisch sein. muss aber nochmal genau schauen.
    Sonst ist alles ok.

    es hängt oft in den ersten sekunden, hakt dann und läuft ohne Ton weiter.

    Als workaround stoppe ich dann. beim erneuten Aufruf, ist dann fortsetzen ab activ, dann, geht es meist und ich spult zurück.

    Danke für die Hilfe und Anregungen

    hatte leider aus versehen tvheadend deinstalliert ( war am falschen rechner unterwegs....mist)

    nun wieder neu drüberinstalliert.

    will nun aber nicht mehr starten.

    jemand eine Idee?

    Würde gerne meine alte config nicht kaput machen...

    process liefert:

    Okt 20 13:03:16 UB9 tvheadend[901]: scanfile: ATSC-C - loaded 1 regions with 5 networks
    Okt 20 13:03:16 UB9 tvheadend[901]: scanfile: ISDB-T - loaded 2 regions with 1297 networks
    Okt 20 13:03:16 UB9 tvheadend[901]: CRASH: ??:0 0x7fbe1a94e390 0x7fbe1a93d000
    Okt 20 13:03:16 UB9 tvheadend[901]: CRASH: gsignal+0x38  (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    Okt 20 13:03:16 UB9 tvheadend[901]: CRASH: abort+0x16a  (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    Okt 20 13:03:16 UB9 tvheadend[901]: CRASH: ??:0 0x5608eccdabcc 0x5608eca4e000
    Okt 20 13:03:16 UB9 tvheadend[901]: CRASH: ??:0 0x5608eccdafbb 0x5608eca4e000
    Okt 20 13:03:16 UB9 tvheadend[901]: CRASH: ??:0 0x5608eccd7fd8 0x5608eca4e000
    Okt 20 13:03:16 UB9 tvheadend[901]: CRASH: ??:0 0x5608ecc268a6 0x5608eca4e000
    Okt 20 13:03:16 UB9 tvheadend[901]: CRASH: __libc_start_main+0xf0  (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

    Ah war mein Fehler, wegen des aktuelln lock des packetes hatt ich stabel über unstabel installiert

    nun nochmal unstable drüber und es läuft. Uff!

    Trotzdem danke

    Du hast 2 RPi, die beide auf aktuellem bzw. gleichem Stand (Betriebssystem und Kodi) sind und die an verschiedenen Stellen in Deiner Wohnung sind und beide über Kabel (nicht WLAN) an Deinem LAN hängen. Auf einem hast Du Probleme mit dem Tele5-Addon, alle anderen Mediatheken etc. funktionieren auf diesem Pi. Auf dem anderen Pi geht alles, also alle Mediatheken-Addons etc.
    Hab ich das so richtig verstanden?
    Oder gibt es Unterschiede?
    Du schreibst was von Netzproblemen. Evtl. ein Ethernet-Kabel, das einen Knax hat? Probleme mit Autonegotiation am Switch?


    ja danke, so richtig.
    Habe mit iperf mal das netzwerk geprüft, sieht gut aus.
    Auch sonst läuft auf dem RPI Wohn alles gut.

    ausser das Tele5 oft nach 5-10 sek einen audio disconnect hat. Video läuft dann weiter.

    Habe festgestellt, sobald er einen History Eintrag macht, so dass ich beim Neustart, "Fortsetzen ab" habe, läuft es meist problemlos. Spule dann zurück und Audio bleibt dann meist.


    Noch ne Idee? Danke

    Zusätzliche Lizenzen sind nicht nötig. Beim RPi 3 ist nichts bzgl. Memory, Taktung, etc. nötig, bzw. meines Wissens nach auch gar nicht möglich. Und einer meiner Raspberries hat auch einen HifiBerry drauf und Tele5 läuft - daran sollte es auch nicht liegen. Eher könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass es am WLAN liegt, oder an der Internet-Verbindung ... oder am OSMC? Wie ist es bei anderen Mediatheken?

    Hi Süchtling, danke, ok. rpi ist mit lan angebunden.
    internet sollte stabil sein. an einem anderen RPI läuft es gut.
    die anderen Mediatheken gehen gut. Redbull, ard,

    werde nun das update 1.3.6 probieren


    stelled noch immer.
    10:51:10.017 T:1050669808 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Timeout was reached(28)
    10:51:10.017 T:1050669808 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 0 for…mat=m3u8-aapl):
    10:51:10.052 T:1130361584 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
    10:51:10.070 T:1917739008 WARNING: OnMessage: Suspiciously long time to handle GUI_MSG_PLAYBACK_STARTED (31.33s)
    10:51:14.250 T:1917739008 NOTICE: Samba is idle. Closing the remaining connections
    10:51:15.726 T:1092612848 NOTICE: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process - stream stalled

    scheint was mit dem netzwerk zu sein....aber komisch, bei den anderen im gleichen netzwerk geht es auch....


    also mit iperf sehe ich nichts auffälliges: an anderes lan gerät

    Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
    TCP window size: 43.8 KByte (default)
    [ 3] local port 38824 connected with port 5001
    [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
    [ 3] 0.0-10.0 sec 110 MBytes 92.6 Mbits/sec

    und an den tvheadend server:
    Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
    TCP window size: 43.8 KByte (default)
    [ 3] local port 44984 connected with port 5001
    [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
    [ 3] 0.0-10.0 sec 112 MBytes 93.7 Mbits/sec


    bei einem osmc mit hifiberry rpi 3
    stalled tele 5 immer wieder mal

    gibt es default settins füer mem, freq etc die nowenig sind?

    benötigt man besser den MPEG-2 license key und oder VC1 key?

    wo könnte der fehler denn liegen?


    [definition='1','0']log[/definition] hier:

    19:34:46.556 T:1266676464 DEBUG: Loading settings for plugin://
    19:34:46.561 T:1917407232 DEBUG: CVideoGUIInfo::InitCurrentItem(plugin://
    19:34:46.562 T:1917407232 DEBUG: CPlayerGUIInfo::InitCurrentItem(plugin://
    19:34:46.562 T:1917403888 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnChanged from xbmc
    19:34:46.562 T:1917403888 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1024, from xbmc, message OnChanged
    19:34:46.575 T:1917403888 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnPlay from xbmc
    19:34:46.575 T:1917403888 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnPlay
    19:34:46.576 T:1917403888 DEBUG: UPnP: Building didl for object 'plugin://'
    19:34:46.668 T:1917407232 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
    19:34:46.740 T:1015018224 INFO: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: SetVideoResolution (1920 x 1080)
    19:34:46.740 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Open()
    19:34:46.740 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: found inputstream.adaptive.manifest_type: hls
    19:34:46.748 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Initial bandwidth: 9604621
    19:34:46.751 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting definitions
    19:34:46.754 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting values
    19:34:46.754 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: MAXRESOLUTION selected: 0
    19:34:46.756 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting definitions
    19:34:46.757 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting values
    19:34:46.758 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: MAXRESOLUTIONSECURE selected: 2
    19:34:46.759 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting definitions
    19:34:46.761 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting values
    19:34:46.761 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: STREAMSELECTION selected: 0
    19:34:46.762 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting definitions
    19:34:46.763 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting values
    19:34:46.764 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting definitions
    19:34:46.765 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting values
    19:34:46.766 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x43ae3ef0)…ormat=m3u8-aapl)
    19:34:46.767 T:1015018224 INFO: easy_acquire - Created session to
    19:34:46.846 T:1107292912 INFO: Python interpreter stopped
    19:34:46.846 T:1107292912 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1107292912 terminating
    19:34:46.846 T:1701835504 DEBUG: Skin Helper Service --> Kodi_Monitor: sender xbmc - method: Info.OnChanged - data: null
    19:34:46.847 T:1701835504 DEBUG: Skin Helper Service --> Kodi_Monitor: sender xbmc - method: Player.OnPlay - data: {"item":{"episode":0,"season":0,"title":"The Canyon","type":"episode"},"player":{"playerid":1,"speed":1}}
    19:34:47.055 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Effective URL…ormat=m3u8-aapl)
    19:34:47.056 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Download…ormat=m3u8-aapl) finished
    19:34:47.056 T:1015018224 INFO: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Successfully parsed .mpd file. #Streams: 2 Type: live, Download speed: 1200577.6792 Bytes/s
    19:34:47.057 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting definitions
    19:34:47.058 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting values
    19:34:47.059 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting definitions
    19:34:47.060 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting values
    19:34:47.061 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting definitions
    19:34:47.061 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[inputstream.adaptive]: loading setting values
    19:34:47.062 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: GetCapabilities()
    19:34:47.063 T:1015018224 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
    19:34:47.063 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: GetStreamIds()
    19:34:47.063 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: GetStream(1)
    19:34:47.063 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: GetStream(2)
    19:34:47.063 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxClient::RequestStream(): added/updated stream 1 with codec_id 27
    19:34:47.063 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxClient::RequestStream(): added/updated stream 2 with codec_id 86018
    19:34:47.063 T:1015018224 NOTICE: Opening stream: 1 source: 256
    19:34:47.063 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: OpenStream(1)
    19:34:47.064 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Selecting stream with conditions: w: 8192, h: 8192, bw: 8644158
    19:34:47.064 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x43b82928)…ormat=m3u8-aapl)
    19:34:47.103 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Download…ormat=m3u8-aapl) finished
    19:34:47.110 T:1048572656 DEBUG: CurlFile::ParseAndCorrectUrl() adding custom header option 'connection: keep-alive'
    19:34:47.110 T:1048572656 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x45b06478)…ormat=m3u8-aapl)
    19:34:47.193 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: GetStream(1)
    19:34:47.193 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxClient::RequestStream(): added/updated stream 1 with codec_id 27
    19:34:47.219 T:1015018224 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 27
    19:34:47.224 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CMMALPool::CMMALPool Created pool 0x508c7fd0 of size 26 x 128 for port
    19:34:47.230 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CVideoPlayerVideo::OpenStream - open stream with codec id: 27
    19:34:47.234 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CMMALPool::CMMALPool Created pool 0x5defff90 of size 26 x 0 for port
    19:34:47.234 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CMMALPool::~CMMALPool Destroying pool 0x56f66d0 for port
    19:34:47.239 T:1015018224 NOTICE: Creating video thread
    19:34:47.239 T:1056961264 DEBUG: Thread VideoPlayerVideo start, auto delete: false
    19:34:47.239 T:1056961264 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread
    19:34:47.352 T:1685058288 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[]: loading setting definitions
    19:34:47.353 T:1685058288 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[]: trying to load setting definitions from old format...
    19:34:47.357 T:1685058288 ERROR: CAddon[]: failed to load addon settings from special://profile/addon_data/
    19:34:47.448 T:1015018224 NOTICE: Opening stream: 2 source: 256
    19:34:47.449 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: OpenStream(2)
    19:34:47.449 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Selecting stream with conditions: w: 0, h: 0, bw: 960462
    19:34:47.449 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x5befaaf8)…ormat=m3u8-aapl)
    19:34:47.450 T:1015018224 INFO: easy_acquire - Created session to
    19:34:47.523 T:1048572656 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Download…ormat=m3u8-aapl) finished, average download speed: 1059868.8149
    19:34:47.591 T:1346368240 DEBUG: CWebServer[8080]: request received for /jsonrpc?Application.GetProperties
    19:34:47.604 T:1346368240 DEBUG: CWebServer[8080]: request received for /jsonrpc?Player.GetActivePlayers
    19:34:47.615 T:1346368240 DEBUG: CWebServer[8080]: request received for /jsonrpc?Base
    19:34:47.745 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Download…ormat=m3u8-aapl) finished
    19:34:47.751 T:1107292912 DEBUG: CurlFile::ParseAndCorrectUrl() adding custom header option 'connection: keep-alive'
    19:34:47.751 T:1107292912 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x458103a0)…ormat=m3u8-aapl)
    19:34:47.839 T:1015018224 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: GetStream(2)
    19:34:47.839 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxClient::RequestStream(): added/updated stream 2 with codec_id 86018
    19:34:47.839 T:1015018224 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86018
    19:34:47.851 T:1015018224 NOTICE: CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder aac
    19:34:47.851 T:1015018224 NOTICE: Creating audio thread
    19:34:47.852 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CVideoPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 2
    19:34:47.852 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CDVDClock::SetSpeedAdjust - adjusted:0.000000
    19:34:47.852 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CVideoPlayer::HandleMessages - player 2 reported state: 0
    19:34:47.852 T:1031795440 DEBUG: OnAVChange: CApplication::OnAVChange
    19:34:47.854 T:1023406832 DEBUG: Thread VideoPlayerAudio start, auto delete: false
    19:34:47.855 T:1023406832 NOTICE: running thread: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process()
    19:34:47.855 T:1023406832 DEBUG: CDVDAudio::Pause - pausing audio stream
    19:34:47.856 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:0 video:0
    19:34:47.856 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CVideoPlayer::HandleMessages - player 1 reported state: 0
    19:34:47.856 T:1056961264 INFO: CVideoPlayerVideo - Stillframe left, switching to normal playback
    19:34:47.857 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CVideoPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 1
    19:34:47.857 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CDVDClock::SetSpeedAdjust - adjusted:0.000000
    19:34:47.857 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:0 video:0
    19:34:47.857 T:1015018224 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.

    19:34:47.859 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:6 video:3
    19:34:47.859 T:1015018224 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    19:34:47.859 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:6 video:4
    19:34:47.859 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:6 video:3
    19:34:47.860 T:1015018224 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    19:34:47.860 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:6 video:4
    19:34:47.860 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:7 video:4
    19:34:47.860 T:1015018224 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 5 times.
    19:34:47.860 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:8 video:4
    19:34:47.860 T:1015018224 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    19:34:47.860 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:8 video:5
    19:34:47.860 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:8 video:4
    19:34:47.860 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:8 video:5
    19:34:47.860 T:1015018224 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    19:34:47.863 T:1015018224 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 4 times.
    19:34:47.863 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:15 video:10
    19:34:47.863 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:16 video:10
    19:34:47.863 T:1015018224 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 3 times.
    19:34:47.863 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:16 video:11
    19:34:47.863 T:1015018224 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    19:34:47.863 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:17 video:11
    19:34:47.863 T:1015018224 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 3 times.
    19:34:47.863 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:17 video:12
    19:34:47.863 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:18 video:12
    19:34:47.864 T:1015018224 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 4 times.
    19:34:47.864 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:18 video:13
    19:34:47.864 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:19 video:13
    19:34:47.864 T:1015018224 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 4 times.
    19:34:47.864 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:19 video:14
    19:34:47.864 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:20 video:14
    19:34:47.865 T:1015018224 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 3 times.
    19:34:47.865 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:20 video:15
    19:34:47.865 T:1023406832 DEBUG: CDVDAudio::Pause - pausing audio stream
    19:34:47.866 T:1023406832 NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86018, channels: 2, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through)
    19:34:47.867 T:1023406832 DEBUG: CVideoPlayerAudio:: synctype set to 0: clock feedback
    19:34:47.868 T:1107292912 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Download…ormat=m3u8-aapl) finished, average download speed: 1043542.2125
    19:34:47.894 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:73 video:67
    19:34:47.895 T:1107292912 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    19:34:47.895 T:1107292912 DEBUG: CurlFile::ParseAndCorrectUrl() adding custom header option 'connection: keep-alive'
    19:34:47.895 T:1107292912 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x458103a0)…ormat=m3u8-aapl)
    19:34:47.897 T:987755248 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x508c7fd0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    19:34:47.898 T:1056961264 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    19:34:47.898 T:1056961264 DEBUG: CRenderManager::Configure - change configuration. 1280x720. display: 1280x720. framerate: 25.00.
    19:34:47.919 T:987755248 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x508c7fd0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    19:34:47.920 T:1701835504 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    19:34:47.920 T:1701835504 DEBUG: Skin Helper Service --> Kodi_Monitor: sender xbmc - method: Player.OnAVChange - data: {"item":{"episode":0,"season":0,"title":"The Canyon","type":"episode"},"player":{"playerid":1,"speed":1}}
    19:34:47.927 T:987755248 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x508c7fd0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    19:34:47.928 T:1880093424 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    19:34:47.928 T:1880093424 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Drain delay:49ms now:0ms
    19:34:47.928 T:1880093424 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Deinitialize
    19:34:47.928 T:1880093424 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:SetAudioProps hdmi_stream_channels 0 hdmi_channel_map 00000000
    19:34:47.935 T:1880093424 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Deinitialize : OMX.broadcom.audio_render handle 0x556cec68
    19:34:47.936 T:1880093424 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - trying to open device ALSA:iec958:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0
    19:34:47.936 T:1880093424 INFO: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Attempting to open device "iec958:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0"
    19:34:47.943 T:1880093424 INFO: CAESinkALSA - Unable to open device "iec958:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0,AES0=0x04,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x00,AES3=0x02" for playback
    19:34:47.943 T:1880093424 INFO: CAESinkALSA - Unable to open device "iec958:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0" for playback
    19:34:47.943 T:1880093424 ERROR: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - failed to initialize device "iec958:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0"
    19:34:47.945 T:1880093424 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - trying to open device PI:HDMI
    19:34:47.945 T:1880093424 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:Initialize Format:24 Channels:2 Samplerate:48000 framesize:8 bufsize:9600 bytes/s=384000.00 dest=ALSA:iec958:CARD=sndrpihifiberry,DEV=0
    19:34:47.950 T:1880093424 DEBUG: CAESinkPi:SetAudioProps hdmi_stream_channels 0 hdmi_channel_map 00000008
    19:34:47.952 T:1880093424 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.audio_render input port 100 output port 100 m_handle 0x45b0b578
    19:34:47.954 T:1880093424 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.audio_render) - port(100), nBufferCountMin(1), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(9600), nBufferAlignment(16)
    19:34:47.956 T:1880093424 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - SinkPi Initialized:
    19:34:47.956 T:1880093424 DEBUG: Output Device : HDMI
    19:34:47.956 T:1880093424 DEBUG: Sample Rate : 48000
    19:34:47.956 T:1880093424 DEBUG: Sample Format : AE_FMT_FLOATP
    19:34:47.956 T:1880093424 DEBUG: Channel Count : 2
    19:34:47.956 T:1880093424 DEBUG: Channel Layout: FL, FR
    19:34:47.956 T:1880093424 DEBUG: Frames : 1200
    19:34:47.956 T:1880093424 DEBUG: Frame Size : 8
    19:34:47.960 T:1917407232 DEBUG: DeleteRenderer - deleting renderer
    19:34:47.961 T:1917407232 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::~CMMALRenderer
    19:34:47.961 T:1917407232 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::UnInitMMAL
    19:34:47.961 T:1065349872 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::Run - stopping
    19:34:47.961 T:1065349872 DEBUG: Thread MMALProcess 1065349872 terminating
    19:34:47.962 T:1888482032 DEBUG: CActiveAE::ClearDiscardedBuffers - buffer pool deleted
    19:34:47.963 T:1917407232 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    19:34:47.963 T:1917407232 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::CMMALRenderer
    19:34:47.963 T:1917407232 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::Configure - 1280x720->1280x720@25.00 flags:0 format:-1 orient:0
    19:34:47.963 T:1917407232 DEBUG: CRenderManager::Configure - 4
    19:34:47.967 T:1065349872 DEBUG: Thread MMALProcess start, auto delete: false
    19:34:47.967 T:1065349872 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::Run - starting
    19:34:47.970 T:1065349872 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::CheckConfigurationVout Changing Vout dimensions from 0x0 (0x0) to 1280x720 (1280x720) OPQV
    19:34:47.972 T:1917407232 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::RenderUpdate - vsync -1 (+115049)
    19:34:47.975 T:1065349872 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::SetVideoRect 0,0,1280,720 -> 58,37,1861,1051 (o:0 v:0 d:0 i:0)
    19:34:47.975 T:1082127088 DEBUG: Thread MMALRenderer start, auto delete: false
    19:34:47.975 T:1082127088 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::Process - starting
    19:34:47.975 T:1065349872 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::SetVideoRect 0,0,1280,720 -> 58,37,1803,1014 t:100000
    19:34:48.079 T:1917407232 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::RenderUpdate - vsync 115049 (+5)
    19:34:48.194 T:1917407232 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::RenderUpdate - vsync 115055 (+6)

    19:35:17.664 T:1917407232 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::RenderUpdate - vsync 116824 (+5)
    19:35:17.764 T:1917407232 INFO: CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=0x5be00018, multi=0x5befaf18)
    19:35:17.780 T:1917407232 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::RenderUpdate - vsync 116830 (+6)
    19:35:17.852 T:1266676464 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1266676464 terminating (autodelete)
    19:35:17.853 T:1031795440 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 1031795440 terminating (autodelete)
    19:35:17.886 T:1917407232 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::RenderUpdate - vsync 116837 (+5)
    19:35:17.931 T:1107292912 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Timeout was reached(28)
    19:35:17.931 T:1107292912 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 0 for…mat=m3u8-aapl):
    19:35:17.932 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:69 video:68
    19:35:17.945 T:1031795440 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
    19:35:17.945 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CVideoPlayer::HandleMessages - player started 2
    19:35:17.945 T:1031795440 DEBUG: OnAVChange: CApplication::OnAVChange
    19:35:17.946 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CVideoPlayer::HandleMessages - player started 1
    19:35:17.946 T:1015018224 DEBUG: VideoPlayer::Sync - Audio - pts: 298666.000000, cache: 363912.864785, totalcache: 649999.976158
    19:35:17.946 T:1015018224 DEBUG: VideoPlayer::Sync - Video - pts: 80000.000000, cache: 50000.000000, totalcache: 100000.000000
    19:35:17.946 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CVideoPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 0
    19:35:17.946 T:1031795440 DEBUG: OnAVChange: CApplication::OnAVChange
    19:35:17.946 T:1015018224 DEBUG: CDVDClock::SetSpeedAdjust - adjusted:0.000000
    19:35:17.947 T:1031795440 DEBUG: OnAVStarted: CApplication::OnAVStarted
    19:35:17.947 T:1266676464 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
    19:35:17.949 T:1048572656 DEBUG: CurlFile::ParseAndCorrectUrl() adding custom header option 'connection: keep-alive'
    19:35:17.949 T:1048572656 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x45b0f758)…ormat=m3u8-aapl)
    19:35:17.950 T:1023406832 DEBUG: CVideoPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(-65246.864785), level: 70, cache: 356883.177452
    19:35:17.950 T:1023406832 DEBUG: CDVDAudio::Resume - resume audio stream
    19:35:17.953 T:1888482032 DEBUG: CRBP::AdjustHDMIClock(1.00000) = 1.00000
    19:35:17.953 T:1888482032 DEBUG: ActiveAE - start sync of audio stream
    19:35:17.968 T:1917403888 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnAVChange from xbmc
    19:35:17.968 T:1917403888 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnAVChange
    19:35:17.976 T:1701835504 DEBUG: Skin Helper Service --> Kodi_Monitor: sender xbmc - method: Player.OnAVChange - data: {"item":{"episode":0,"season":0,"title":"The Canyon","type":"episode"},"player":{"playerid":1,"speed":1}}
    19:35:17.987 T:1917407232 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 12005
    19:35:17.988 T:1917407232 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
    19:35:17.989 T:1917407232 DEBUG: FreeVisualisation() done
    19:35:17.992 T:1917403888 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnAVChange from xbmc
    19:35:17.993 T:1917403888 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnAVChange
    19:35:17.996 T:1917407232 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (VideoFullScreen.xml) ------
    19:35:17.996 T:1917407232 INFO: Loading skin file: VideoFullScreen.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
    19:35:18.019 T:1917403888 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnAVStart from xbmc
    19:35:18.020 T:1917403888 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnAVStart
    19:35:18.021 T:1917407232 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::RenderUpdate - vsync 116843 (+7)
    19:35:18.022 T:1917407232 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
    19:35:18.022 T:1917407232 WARNING: OnMessage: Suspiciously long time to handle GUI_MSG_PLAYBACK_STARTED (31.46s)
    19:35:18.055 T:1056961264 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
    19:35:18.055 T:1056961264 DEBUG: CVideoPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(-65246.864785)
    19:35:18.068 T:1888482032 DEBUG: ActiveAE::SyncStream - average error of 15.242902, start adjusting
    19:35:18.068 T:1888482032 DEBUG: ActiveAE::SyncStream - average error 0.242902 below threshold of 30.000000
    19:35:18.078 T:1701835504 DEBUG: Skin Helper Service --> Kodi_Monitor: sender xbmc - method: Player.OnAVChange - data: {"item":{"episode":0,"season":0,"title":"The Canyon","type":"episode"},"player":{"playerid":1,"speed":1}}
    19:35:18.079 T:1701835504 DEBUG: Skin Helper Service --> Kodi_Monitor: sender xbmc - method: Player.OnAVStart - data: {"item":{"episode":0,"season":0,"title":"The Canyon","type":"episode"},"player":{"playerid":1,"speed":1}}
    19:35:18.122 T:987755248 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x508c7fd0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    19:35:18.145 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:66 video:67
    19:35:18.146 T:1031795440 DEBUG: OnAVChange: CApplication::OnAVChange
    19:35:18.146 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:66 video:68
    19:35:18.158 T:1917403888 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnAVChange from xbmc
    19:35:18.158 T:1917403888 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnAVChange
    19:35:18.171 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:66 video:68
    19:35:18.171 T:1015018224 DEBUG: ProcessPacket - audio:66 video:69
    19:35:18.180 T:1701835504 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    19:35:18.180 T:1701835504 DEBUG: Skin Helper Service --> Kodi_Monitor: sender xbmc - method: Player.OnAVChange - data: {"item":{"episode":0,"season":0,"title":"The Canyon","type":"episode"},"player":{"playerid":1,"speed":1}}
    19:35:18.307 T:987755248 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x508c7fd0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    19:35:18.643 T:1048572656 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 12 times.
    19:35:18.643 T:1048572656 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Download…ormat=m3u8-aapl) finished, average download speed: 874156.3718
    19:35:18.680 T:987755248 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x508c7fd0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    19:35:19.103 T:1023406832 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 6 times.
    19:35:19.103 T:1023406832 DEBUG: CDVDClock::ErrorAdjust - CVideoPlayerAudio::OutputPacket - error:-15970.144889, adjusted:-15970.144889
    19:35:19.108 T:987755248 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x508c7fd0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    19:35:21.680 T:1048572656 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 64 times.
    19:35:21.680 T:1048572656 DEBUG: CurlFile::ParseAndCorrectUrl() adding custom header option 'connection: keep-alive'
    19:35:21.680 T:1048572656 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x45b09ea0)…ormat=m3u8-aapl)
    19:35:21.696 T:987755248 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x508c7fd0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    19:35:22.924 T:1056961264 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 32 times.
    19:35:22.924 T:1056961264 DEBUG: CPtsTracker: detected pattern of length 1: 40000.00, frameduration: 40000.000000
    19:35:23.042 T:987755248 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x508c7fd0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    19:35:23.643 T:1023406832 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 16 times.
    19:35:23.643 T:1023406832 NOTICE: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process - stream stalled

    habe leider immer noch das problem bei Tele5, die 1.3.5. beta ist installiert
    das der Ton nach einigen Sekunden verschindet.

    was kann ich denn noch probieren?

    17:17:01.338 T:1044378352 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x52b3c9b0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    17:17:02.239 T:1111487216 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 24 times.
    17:17:02.239 T:1111487216 DEBUG: CPtsTracker: detected pattern of length 1: 40000.00, frameduration: 40000.000000
    17:17:02.319 T:1044378352 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x52b3c9b0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    17:17:03.776 T:1918160896 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 36 times.
    17:17:03.776 T:1918160896 INFO: CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=0x50443080, multi=(nil))
    17:17:03.802 T:1044378352 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x52b3c9b0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    17:17:06.968 T:1094710000 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 80 times.
    17:17:06.968 T:1094710000 DEBUG: CurlFile::ParseAndCorrectUrl() adding custom header option 'connection: keep-alive'
    17:17:06.968 T:1094710000 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x4c541728)…ormat=m3u8-aapl)
    17:17:06.980 T:1044378352 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x52b3c9b0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    17:17:07.040 T:1094710000 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    17:17:07.041 T:1094710000 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Download…ormat=m3u8-aapl) finished, average download speed: 4827208.4799
    17:17:07.042 T:1086321392 DEBUG: CurlFile::ParseAndCorrectUrl() adding custom header option 'connection: keep-alive'
    17:17:07.042 T:1086321392 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x701cb0f8)…ormat=m3u8-aapl)
    17:17:07.139 T:1044378352 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x52b3c9b0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    17:17:07.534 T:1086321392 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 10 times.
    17:17:07.534 T:1086321392 DEBUG: AddOnLog: InputStream Adaptive: Download…ormat=m3u8-aapl) finished, average download speed: 4027373.0000
    17:17:07.558 T:1044378352 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x52b3c9b0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    17:17:12.867 T:1094710000 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 133 times.
    17:17:12.867 T:1094710000 DEBUG: CurlFile::ParseAndCorrectUrl() adding custom header option 'connection: keep-alive'
    17:17:12.867 T:1094710000 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x4c541728)…ormat=m3u8-aapl)
    17:17:12.872 T:1044378352 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x52b3c9b0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    17:17:20.826 T:1119875824 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 197 times.
    17:17:20.827 T:1119875824 NOTICE: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process - stream stalled
    17:17:20.845 T:1044378352 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x52b3c9b0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    17:17:21.657 T:1111487216 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
    17:17:21.657 T:1111487216 INFO: CVideoPlayerVideo - Stillframe detected, switching to forced 25.000000 fps
    17:17:21.677 T:1044378352 DEBUG: CMMALPool::Configure pool:0x52b3c9b0 1280x720 (1280x720) pix:-1 size:128 fmt:OPQV
    17:17:21.699 T:1111487216 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    17:17:21.699 T:1111487216 DEBUG: CPtsTracker: pattern lost on diff 160000.000000, number of losses 1
    17:17:22.876 T:1918160896 INFO: CheckIdle - Closing session to plugin:// (easy=0x710e9f0, multi=(nil))

    ich habe das Problem das der Client von TV Headend nicht installiert werden kann.


    06:29:00.576 T:1515713264 DEBUG: CAddonInstallJob[service.tvheadend42]: requires version 7.0 which is not available06:29:00.577 T:1515713264 ERROR: CAddonInstallJob[service.tvheadend42]: Die Abhängigkeit auf in Version 7.0 konnte nicht aufgelöst werden

    wie kann ich das fixen?


    Ich habe das problem:
    06:29:00.576 T:1515713264 DEBUG: CAddonInstallJob[service.tvheadend42]: requires version 7.0 which is not available06:29:00.577 T:1515713264 ERROR: CAddonInstallJob[service.tvheadend42]: Die Abhängigkeit auf in Version 7.0 konnte nicht aufgelöst werdenhabe auch hiermit versucht:…dend42/gleicher Fehler.Danek für die Hilfe

    solved: habe den internen PVR tvheadend genommen.

    ok, danke
    habe bei einem RPI das Problem das Tele5 immer wieder abbricht.
    was kann das sein?

    is stops during playing.

    2:10:34.815 T:1361044208 DEBUG: ffmpeg[511FE2F0]: [hls,applehttp] keepalive request failed for '…rmat=m3u8-aapl)', retrying with new connection: Input/output error
    12:10:34.815 T:1361044208 INFO: ffmpeg[511FE2F0]: [hls,applehttp] Opening '…rmat=m3u8-aapl)' for reading

    see [definition='1','0']log[/definition]:

    thanks for helping