also ich komme nicht weiter.
pos = startpos
while True:
# Clear image buffer by drawing a black filled box.
draw.rectangle((0,0,width,height), outline=0, fill=0)
# Enumerate characters and draw them offset vertically based on a sine wave.
x = pos
for i, c in enumerate(text):
# Stop drawing if off the right side of screen.
if x > width:
# Calculate width but skip drawing if off the left side of screen.
if x < -10:
char_width, char_height = draw.textsize(c, font=font36)
x += char_width
# Calculate offset from sine wave.
y = offset+math.floor(amplitude*math.sin(x/float(width)*2.0*math.pi))
# Draw text.
draw.text((x,y), c, font=font36, fill=255)
# Increment x position based on chacacter width.
char_width, char_height = draw.textsize(c, font=font36)
x += char_width
# Draw the image buffer.
# Move position for next frame.
pos += velocity
# Start over if text has scrolled completely off left side of screen.
if pos < -maxwidth:
pos = startpos
# Pause briefly before drawing next frame.
Alles anzeigen
Das funktioniert einzeln. ich würde jetzt gerne daraus eine Funktion machen die ich aufrufen kann wie die anderen. Aber ohne das sine wave. Ändern soll man den Text und die Textgröße.
Ich blicke da nicht durch.