Beiträge von rykios

    OK here is an update that may help other windows users: The windows version looks like not working OK (with several nightly versions i did try). Could not define number of sources, could not add sources info.
    After a day trying, i realized this must be a problem of SKIN compatibility. The problem exists with the new Krypton default skin (Estuary)

    Easy "fix" (until alpha builds become more stable?) = Download the old default skin (Confluence) and addon works fine :)

    Ah!!! Linux! Sorry, my fault! I thought that x86_64 version was for windows. I see now it is for linux...
    Many thanks for reply!
    PS: I know nothing about programing, the idea of compiling from source is a source of fear to me :P If anyone can share a version for windows that would be very very helpful to many people :)

    Ah! Linux! Entschuldigung, das war mein Fehler! Ich dachte, dass x86_64-Version für Windows war. Ich sehe es jetzt für Linux ist ...
    Vielen Dank für die Antwort!

    ...ich nichts über Programmierung wissen, die Idee von der Quelle zu kompilieren ist eine Quelle der Angst zu mir :P Wenn jemand eine Version für Windows freigeben können, dass viele Menschen sehr sehr hilfreich sein würde :)