Die Positionierung deines Centerlautsprechers, halte ich für sehr ungünstig. Dieser sollte normalerweise direkt unter oder über deinen Fernseher sein. So passt die akustische Ortung deutlich besser.
Beiträge von FunnyBoy
Also ein Receiver mit E2 Image ist schon schneller als eine TVH Lösung. Ich bekomme aktuell mit einem Unraid Server und TVH im Docker eine Umschallzeit von ca. 1-2 Sekunden hin, egal ob verschlüsselt oder nicht. Hatte vorher einen HD51. Mit dem habe ich auch locker unter 1 Sekunde geschafft. Schlussendlich bin ich aber trotzdem auf eine TVH Lösung umgestiegen, da es bei mir die stabilste Lösung war, wenn es um Multiroom geht. Zumal ich gerade per TVH beide Empfangsarten Betreibe, ich habe eine Programmliste mit Sendern aus beiden Welten. Hauptsächlich nutze ich die Satsender aber einige Sender sind per Sat nicht verfügbar, die werden per Kabel ergänzt. Zusätzlich habe ich noch eine Backup Liste nur mit Kabelsendern, falls Mal Schlechtwetter ist und nichts per Sat geht.
Jetzt da ich mich ein bisschen mit dem Receiver bescheftige bin ich auch auf den Gedanken gekommen Sky zu holen.
Würde das mit der Dreambox 920 gehen? Was sollte ich dafür am besten abschließen?ja und nein. Legal geht es nur mit einem CI Modul, wobei du dann aber nur einen Sender gleichzeitig entschlüsseln kannst. CS ist noch eine Möglichkeit ist aber illegal und ich weiß nicht, wie das hier bzgl Unterstützung aussieht, ob toleriert oder nicht. Ansonsten ist zur Zeit aifgrund des zwangspairing alles dicht und ungepairte Karten gibt es nicht mehr.
Am einfachsten ist das E2 Addon. Einfach die IP der Box eintragen, fertig. Habe ich auch eine Zeit lang benutzt, bevor ich auf TVh umgestiegen bin.
Schade HDR geht mit YouTube App weiterhin nicht obwohl Android 9 Softwaremässig VP9.2 Codec könnte.
hat für Nvidia laut offizieller Aussage auch keine Priorität. Der X1 unterstützt es nicht daher wäre ausschließlich nur sw Decodierung möglich, und hier auch noch mit der Einschränkung dass nur ungeschütztes Material möglich wäre. Daher hat das bei Nvidia Priorität Z
einmal bitte folgendes installieren und probieren, ob die App wieder im Launcher angezeigt wird. Habe es eben am Handy gebastelt. Wenn es nicht laufen sollte, baue ich die APK heute Abend am PC noch einmal. Huestacean bitte parallel installiert lassen und nicht deinstallieren. Meine APK ist lediglich eine Verknüpfung zur Huestacean.apk
hat schon jemand probiert, ob es funktioniert?
Huestacean wird bei mir unter Apps nicht mehr angezeigt. Der Shortcut den ich im Kodi hinterlegt hab geht aber noch^^ Kann jetzt Ambilight nur noch über Kodi starten, reicht mir aber auch.
einmal bitte folgendes installieren und probieren, ob die App wieder im Launcher angezeigt wird. Habe es eben am Handy gebastelt. Wenn es nicht laufen sollte, baue ich die APK heute Abend am PC noch einmal. Huestacean bitte parallel installiert lassen und nicht deinstallieren. Meine APK ist lediglich eine Verknüpfung zur Huestacean.apk
Ich würde einmal eine Behauptung aufstellen:
Die Shield ist das am längsten von offizieller Seite unterstütze Android Device.Für diejenigen, die Probleme unterschiedlichsten Ursprungs haben, macht einmal einen Werksreset.
Für diejenigen, die noch kein Update gemacht haben, geht vorher in die Entwicklereinstellungen und aktiviert den letzten Punkt. Der heißt irgendwie perform a full Update... Soll heißen, dass das komplette ROM runtergeladen und installiert wird. Nicht nur das Update als solches.
Ich habe es mittlerweile auf beiden meiner Shields installiert. Läuft soweit sehr gut und mir gefällt die leicht angepasste Oberfläche und die neue Struktur der Einstellungen sehr gut. Auch das die Option zur automatischen Anpassung des Farbraums mittlerweile über das normale Menü verfügbar ist, finde ich super.
Hallo Kodinerds,
8.2.3 wurde veröffentlicht.
Today we released SHIELD Experience Upgrade 8.2.3. This update includes light updates and bug fixes. If you see any issues, please send feedback from your device and post your observations in this thread.
Other Enhancements:- Includes Android security patch level up to April 2021
- Improves re-connection to Control4 IP based controllers
- Adds support for SCUF Infinity4PS, SCUF Impact, and SCUF Prestige controllers
- Adds support for single USB receiver connection to Corsair SLIPSTREAM WIRELESS peripherals:
- Single USB configuration requires iCUE software and PC or MAC
Shield Experience Upgrade 8.2.2
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8.2.2 wurde veröffentlicht.Today we released SHIELD Experience Upgrade 8.2.2(32.6.509.0). This update addresses many quality of life issues reported in the field, improving stability and compatibility with other devices in your home entertainment center. Thank you for being a part of the SHIELD community and as always, if you see any issues, please send feedback from your device and post your observations in this thread.
- Adds support for new Xbox Series S/X and Playstation Dual Sense controllers
- Adds support for Control4 home automation systems
- Adds option in advanced sound settings to disable volume control notifications
Bug fixes
Display:- Resolve issue where flashing color band would be visible when viewing video in portrait mode
- Resolves corruption issue observed at the bottom of the screen when upscaling content to 4K displays
- Fixes bug where password for sharing folders on SHIELD over network would reset after upgrade
- Fixes bug where sharing folders on SHIELD over network would not work after upgrade if space is present in username
- Resolves issue where user could not re-enter Wi-Fi password for low power APs
- Resolves issue where some USB connected drives would not reconnect on wakeup
- Resolves issue where holding volume up/down would not be detected by some devices
- Resolves issue where SHIELD Controller 2017 would not recharge
- Fixes bug where manually setting Audio output formats was not working correctly
- Fixes bug where audio from USB DAC would not function properly when switching between PCM and Dolby source
- Resolves issue where system volume was still being controlled right after IR volume control configured
Other: Restores ability to take screenshots in 4K (requires display set to 4K)
Shield Experience Upgrade 8.2.1
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Enhancements- Adds notification to enable AI-upscaling when upscaling GeForce NOW
- Adds IR power control for projector displays
- Adds IR power/volume control for the following brands: Arris, Atyme, BC Acoustique, Dayton, Kora, Monoprice, ONN, Point Source Acoustics, Savant, Sennheiser, SMSL, Tascam
- Improves system volume levels when audio is routed to USB DAC or Bluetooth headset
- Adds developer option to force HDCP 1.4 compatibility mode (4K protected content will not be available)
- Allows IR power commands sent from SHIELD Remote 2019 when using Alexa skill
- Includes security patches up to Android security bulletin (August 2020)
Bug Fixes
AI Scaling:
- Resolves issue where AI upscaling would incorrectly detect content as unsupported, requiring a reboot
- Resolves issue where AI upscaling would randomly detect content as unsupported
- [SHIELD TV Pro 2019] Resolves dropped frames when AI upscaling 60fps video when overscan is adjusted
- Fixes issue where line is visible when using AI upscaling on Prime Video
- Resolves issue where Screen Saver timers were not set properly
- Resolves black screen issue when playing Dolby Vision content and overscan adjusted
- Allows special characters in username when accessing SHIELD over network
- Fixes issue when copying >2GB files from Mac to SHIELD 2019
- Fixes issue when connecting to SHIELD over local network when username has a space
- Fixes rare crash bug when mounting network storage to SHIELD
- Fixes bug where connected storage would become inaccessible, requiring reboot to recover
- Fixes bug where IR volume control would stop working when Talkback is enabled
- Fixes "Long Press Menu" functionality for customized menu button
- Resolves issue where configuring IR control might fail when older SHIELD remotes and controllers are paired
- Fixes bug where IR control was still active after factory reset
- Fixes bug where IR control would not be available after changing language to traditional Chinese
- [SHIELD TV 2019] Resolves issue where IR control would stop working, requiring reboot to recover
- [BFGD] Resolves volume and play/pause button press issues on new SHIELD Remote 2019
- Improves system volume levels when using USB DAC or bluetooth speakers
- Fixes bug where audio would randomly drop, requiring a reboot to recover
- Resolves issue where manually enabling AC3 in "Available formats" was not working as advertised
- Fixes NETFLIX issue where 5.1 audio would not be available after disconnecting bluetooth speaker
- Fixes bug where volume control notification would show up incorrectly on KODI
- Fixes bug where SHIELD Experience upgrade would be blocked if accessory battery is low
- Resolves background display issue when exiting settings menu
- [BFGD] Fixes YouTube crash issue
- Fixes alignment issues on "Ok Google" configuration page
- Resolves issue where SHIELD would not show up available as a cast device
Shield Experience Upgrade 8.2
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Today we released SHIELD Experience Upgrade 8.2 for all SHIELD and SHIELD Pro units. This update addresses many quality of life issues reported in the field, improving stability and compatibility with other devices in your home entertainment center. Thank you for being a part of the SHIELD community and as always, if you see any issues, please send feedback from your device and post your observations in this thread.
What's New?Features
AI Upscaling:- 2019 SHIELD Pro: Adds support for AI-enhanced upscaling for up to 60Hz content
- Adds AI upscaling resolution support from 360p to 1440p content (30Hz max for 1440p upscaling)
- SHIELD Remote 2019: Adds 2 new customizable menu button actions: Double press and Long press
- Adds the following customized menu button options:
- Select Input Source (requires IR)
- Daydream
- Send long press menu button to app
- Adds developer option to turn off auto-pairing of factory paired accessories
- Adds IR volume control support for projectors
- SHIELD 2015/2017: Adds ‘Match frame rate (beta)’ feature to quick settings and customized menu button
- Allows user selection of audio output device (in Advanced sound settings)
- Improves IR and CEC volume control behavior
- Adds IR volume control when using Google home paired with SHIELD (requires IR volume control)
- Adds IR volume control when using SHIELD TV app (requires IR volume control)
- SHIELD Controller 2017 & SHIELD Remote 2017/2019: Allows IR volume control to work when SHIELD is not awake.
- Adds fixed volume support for USB DAC
- Adds option to disable volume lowering when "OK Google" is detected on Google Home devices (under Volume Control)
- Adds ability for Kodi to adjust display resolution for 480p content
- Adds HDR to SDR color tone mapping
- Adds SMBv3 server compatibility for connecting to SHIELD over local network (removes Plex Media Server dependency)
- NALA SHIELD 2015 model: Adds DFS WiFi channel support
- Allows user to grant write access to NAS from installed apps (Apps -> Special app access)
- Adds developer option to aggressively free system resources (Proactive kill background process)
- Removes forced SHIELD Experience upgrade after factory reset
- SHIELD Wireless Controller (2017) Firmware 1.34
- SHIELD Remote (2017) Firmware 1.43
- SHIELD Remote (2019) Firmware 1.12
Bug Fixes
- Restores surround sound audio while casting
- Fixes bug where music would not play if display was turned off
- Resolves audio connectivity issues when pairing with LDAC compatible headsets
- Adds surround sound support for SoundBlaster X-Fi surround 5.1 pro v3
- Restores support for 96kHz/192kHz TrueHD and DTS-HD MA audio passthrough
- Resolves audio dropout issue when transcoding Dolby audio to AC3
- Resolves system hang instances when USB DAC is connected
- Resolves audio issues when listening to Dolby content on headphones
- Fixes audio dropout issues when playing high bitrate and TrueHD 7.1 content
- Resolves bug where USB microphone would not be detected properly
- Fixes bug where system sounds would not be present after sleep/wake cycles
- SHIELD 2015/2017: Fixes bug when using Google Home where volume would be reduced but not restored
- Resolves issue detecting Dolby Vision on Vizio or Panasonic TVs when connecting through Samsung soundbars
- Removes BT.2020 signaling on standard Dolby Vision displays
- Fixes crash bug when enabling/disabling "Match Color Space" setting in Netflix
- Fixes bug where selected custom display modes would not be visible in the "Resolution" list
- Resolves issues where AI upscaling incorrectly detects some video content as "unsupported"
- SHIELD 2015/2017: Fixes bug where some VC-1 encoded video would not play properlyFixes
- SHIELD 2015/2017: Fixes stutter issue observed when playing interlaced video for ~15 minutes
- SHIELD 2015/2017: Resolves issue where SHIELD loses TV sync on mode set (e.g. power on, wake, refresh/resolution changes)
- Resolves WiFi disconnect issues when SHIELD sleeps or when connecting to mesh routers
- Fixes issue where NAS would not be connected after reboot
- Resolves reporting issue where status would show up as "Unavailable" when mounting NAS
- Resolves issue where Mac users could not access SD card content from local network
- Increases IR volume control speed for SHIELD Remote 2019
- Fixes bug where IR/CEC volume control would not work if using a button remapper
- Fixes bug where IR control would not work in Restricted Mode
- Fixes pairing issues with 2015 SHIELD controller
- Fixes bug where notification would be displayed while pairing SHIELD accessories
- Fixes bug where customized menu button default setting would not work properly on KodiFixes issue where "OK Google" detection settings would not be visible after language change
- Fixes bug where connected Bluetooth devices with lose pairing after rebooting SHIELD
- Resolves Bluetooth pairing issues for JBL and AKG devices
- Adds alternate Bluetooth pairing mode for devices with pairing issues
- Restores home button functionality when pairing XBOX One Bluetooth controller
- Resolves disconnect issues with paired DualShock 4 controllers
- Resolves Bluetooth pairing issues when accessibility services are enabled
- Resolves issue where some apps would not be available on Google Play Store for certain SHIELD devices
- Fixes audio stutter issue when launching Netflix
- Resolves issue where newly added files would not be visible on external storage until reboot
- Fixes bug where twitch streaming would not start
- Fixes PLEX playback issue when playing TrueHD content
- Fixes bug where SHIELD would not enter daydream mode when paused in Netflix
- Resolves issue where low battery warning would show up after replacing batteries
- Removes incorrectly displayed IR setup popup on Phillips TVs
- Resolves Live Channels app issue where closed captioning was not available
- Adds IR/CEC volume setup notification while casting
- Fixes instances where casting would crash if IR volume control was enabled
- Fixes bug where screenshots were limited to 1080p resolutions
Shield Experience Upgrade 8.0.2Spoiler anzeigen
Shield Experience Upgrade 8.0.2 ist verfügbar.Update (1/27/20): Today we just released software upgrade 8.0.2 ( for all 2015 and 2017 SHIELD and SHIELD Pro units. This update addresses many quality of life issues reported in the field, improving stability and compatibility with other devices in your home entertainment center. Thank you for being a part of the SHIELD community and as always, if you see any issues, please send feedback from your device and post your observations in this thread.
- Fixes crash issues when accessory update notification is seen.
- Fixes bug where IR control would not function when Talkback is enabled.
- Resolves IR volume control setup issues for some Samsung AVR/soundbars.
- Adds IR support for Logitech Z906 Speaker systems.
- Add bluetooth remote support for WeChip G30 remote.
- Resolves issue where audio would not be heard on some Vizio TVs when streaming from VUDU/Movies Anywhere.
- Resolves audio routing issues when using multiple USB devices (e.g. webcam + USB DAC).
- Fixes bug when manually setting „Audio formats“ would not be applied.
- Resolves issue where audio passthrough was not available over USB DAC on 3rd party apps like KODI.
- Resolves audio drop issues when playing high bit-rate or DolbyTrueHD streams over HDMI passthrough.
- Channels DVR app can now store recorded content over NAS.
- Resolves issue where „Match Color Space“ was not working properly on some TVs.
- Fixes bug where screensaver would not be displayed in Neftlix.
- Resolves issue where pre-installed apps would disappear.
- Fixes stability issues when connecting to SHIELD from PC over network.
- Resolves issue where SHIELD LED doesn’t pulse after voice command, after enabling that setting.
Shield Experience Upgrade 8.0.1Spoiler anzeigen
Update (10/2/19): Today we just released software upgrade 8.0.1 which is a big step towards resolving the 4K streaming issue on select apps. We expect most apps will resume 4K soon via upcoming server-side updates. Movies Anywhere is the first to update and now plays 4K. We’ll keep updating this thread as the remaining apps return to 4K.Bugs Fixed:
- System:
- - Redesigns Volume UI for android P
- - Resolves occasional video playback issues
- - Fixes bug with IR volume control when accessibility features enabled
- - Resolves system navigation sound lower than android O
- - Resolves “Drive address format is not valid” message seen when connecting to NAS
- - Resolves USB DAC issue where audio volume would be set low after reboot/DAC hotplug
- - Resolves issue where side loaded apps appear as system apps
- Display:
- -“Match content color space” feature now displays correct format
- - Fixes bug where “Match content color space” would not work when display set to Rec709 by default
- - Resolves issue playing VC1 content
- Storage:
- - Resolves Sdcard/InternalStorage accessibility issue when adopting storage
- - Resolves issue where storage is reported as full when using NVIDIA share after adopting storage
- Network:
- - Improves 4K streaming issues when network connected over Wifi
- - Resolves rare Wi-Fi disconnect issue
- - Fixes bug where manual DNS entries would not be saved
- Accessories:
- - Improves IR control reliability on some Denon and Sony receivers
- - Improves SHIELD Remote App connection and control issues
- - Resolves SHIELD Controller 2017 OTA stability issues
- - Fixes issue where forgotten SHIELD accessories still appear in SHIELD accessory list
- - Resolves automatic centering issues on some controllers
- - Adds support for STRQUA G20 [definition='3','1']keymapping[/definition]
- - Resolves mouse issues in PUBG Mobile on SHIELD
- Misc:
- - Fixes Google Play Store crashes issue
- - Restores option to set default launcherOpen
- Known Issues:
- - YouTube 5.1 PCM audio not available
- - Launcher app Icons appear zoomed/cropped
- - Unable to re-enable location services being disabled
- - TV loses sync HDMI sync to SHIELD during modesets (power on, wake from sleep, refresh/resolution changes)
- - HD Audio dropouts
- - USB DAC passthrough not working in Kodi
- - Rare Netflix stutter issue
- - Disconnect when connecting to SHIELD from PC
- - Failure during 2015 Controller firmware update
Shield Experience Upgrade 8.0
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8.0 ist verfügbar.Our latest SHIELD Experience upgrade is now rolling out. This new release updates your SHIELD with the latest version of Android “P”, along with a collection of great enhancements. Check out our release notes to see new and upgraded apps.
Newest Enhancements:
- Updates "Display and Sounds" advanced setting into two easier to navigate menus
- Adds ability to access all apps view while "NVIDIA Share" is enabled (long press home while Share is active)
- Increases volume dynamic range for USB and Bluetooth connected headsets
- Adds "Disconnect Bluetooth accessories" option to quick settings
- Adds fan mode options (Cool/Quiet) in Settings > System
- Adds option to turn off USB power when SHIELD enters sleep mode
- Adds IR power control options to customize on/off functionality
- Automatically sets fixed volume output when volume control set to IR or HDMI-CEC
- Adds rooting feature preventing incorrect images from being flashed to SHIELD
- Adds optimization phase to SHIELD Experience upgrade, improving system performance immediately after upgrade is applied
- Adds option to connect to 2.4GHz or 5GHz Wi-Fi network when SSID name is shared (Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi Band)
- Adds option to match content color space (Settings > Display & Sound > Advanced display settings). Feature formerly in developer options
- Adds additional refresh rates for 720p resolutions for apps supporting refresh rate switching
- Adds option to set display to current “safe mode” setting when restarting in safe mode
- Adds support for all display supported resolutions in “Custom display modes”
- Improves pairing with Bluetooth assisted discovery
- Improved latency and performance
- IP pairing now always available as an option
- Adds user feedback feature
- Minor updates to UI
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes bug where focus snaps to top after pressing "back" button
- Resolves issue where network [definition=12,2]debugging[/definition] UI was incorrectly reporting status
- Fixes issue where HDMI-CEC would wake SHIELD even if disabled
- Resolves channel detection issues with Hauppauge USB tuners
- Resolves issue where networking [definition=12,2]debugging[/definition] status in developer settings was reporting incorrect info
- Fixes rare occurrences of USB drives being ejected.
- Fixes bug where volume would not be restored when using Google Assistant and CEC volume is enabled
- Resolves low bandwidth issue when streaming from high latency network
- Improves Wi-Fi disconnect issues that require restart to recover.
- Resolves unstable network issues when not connected directly to router
- Resolves Rec. 709 color space issue when undefined by content.
- Resolves issue where 4K YouTube videos always play at Rec. 2020 color space
- Fixed bug where cropped HDR content would not enable HDR playback in Emby
- Fixes bug where SHIELD remote with IR blaster may not work after firmware upgrade
- Fixes issue where SHIELD Controller 2015 would not pair after factory reset
- Resolves Netflix playback issues when some Bose headphones are paired to SHIELD
Known Issues
- "OK Google" hotword detection may not function immediately after pairing SHIELD Controller (reboot SHIELD to resolve issue)
- SHIELD Pro: Display may go blank during accessory pairing after factory reset
- Blank screen observed when connecting RII Mini X1 keyboard USB receiver
- Rare occurrence where private listening does not enable when inserting headphones in SHIELD remote 2015
HotFix Update #1 und #2
- Multiple Streaming apps failing to play for small number of users, netflix errors 116/115.
- The match content color space displaying incorrect format.
- Can't set the default launcher.
- VC1 playback not working.
- Volume UI with android P too bright, takes too long to disappear.
- Some controllers joysticks snap back to the center at the end of joystick travel. (Was in First HotFIx image)
- IR volume control not working when anything is turned on in accessibility
- When using Adoped storage, sdcard/InternalStorage not accessible.
- SHIELD Remote App connection issues & d-pad not working
- SHIELD Controller 2017 fails OTA with "accessory disconnected" error.
Third HotFix (
- - Wifi throughput issues causing 4k streaming, etc issues
- - Wifi disconnect issues requiring a reboot to resolve
- - Some controllers joysticks snap back to the center at the end of joystick travel (Fully resolved)
- - Match content colorspace not working when SHIELD display configured to Rec709 default
- - TV loses sync on modesets (power on, wake from sleep, refresh/resolution changes) Note: Some, but possibly not all cases of this resolved- While using adopted stroage NVIDIA share feature reports storage full when the storage is not full
- - Mouse Pointer appears in PubG
- - Not able to save DNS entry
- - Added [definition=10,0][definition='3','0']keymap[/definition][/definition] file for STRQUA G20 remote
- - Forgotten SHIELD accessories still show in SHIELD accessory list
- - Google Playstore crashes on startup
- - Side loaded apps appear in system apps under settings - apps
- - SHIELD Remote App failing to connect
- - SHIELD Remote App settings button does not dismiss settings menu on second push
Fourth HotFix (
- - Shield Experience changes to resolve issue mentioned at: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/…-updated-92019/ Note that Server side changes are also needed and they will be happening over the next week or so.
- - Resolves issue where navigation sounds were too quiet.
- - Resolves “Drive address format is not valid” message seen when connecting to NAS
- - Resolves USB DAC issue where audio volume would be set low after reboot
- - Improves IR control reliability on some Denon and Sony receivers
- For the issue with Streaming apps failing to play, please:
- 1. Install the ota.
- 2. Start anyone of the streaming apps that failed to play for you.
- 3. Restart SHIELD.
- 4. Start the streaming app again.
- #2 should fail and then schedule a cleanup of the corrupt secure storage files at the next reboot (#3) and then #4 should work.
A few things to note:
1. There is no way to roll back from the HotFix or anyway for that matter without following the rooting/developer images process.
2. There is no way to leave the HotFix process once you join it.
3. HotFix images are not fully certified and will not be ever. The next official release will have all certifications. The only negative side affect we've noticed from this so far is that HD Homerun DRM channels will not work with the HotFix image so if that feature is important to you, please avoid the HotFix image.
4. Plex Media Server has a bug now if you have moved your metadata to external storage during an OTA the server may not work after the OTA. This is not a bug in the OTA, it is a bug in Plex Media server and Plex is working to resolve it. If you can't afford for this to happen, please do not sign up for the HotFix.Please join the test image by filling out your SHIELD serial number here:
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Na ja,
man vergisst öfters die eigentlich Spec. dieser Teile.
Ein Stick ist für gelegentliche Übertragungen spezifiziert, also nicht für permanenten Lese-/Schreibzugriff und damit auch etwas "anders" umgesetzt.
Deswegen sehe ich gerade bei dem Einsatz als FP-ersatz bei den E2 - Receivern das etwas negativ.ich hatte jetzt über 4 Jahre zwei Sticks von WinTV rund um die Uhr am laufen ohne Probleme. Das geht schon alles. Ich würde eine TVH Variante einem E2 Receiver immer vorziehen. Hatte es jetzt mit einem HD51 einmal ein halbes Jahr probiert und bin jetzt wieder zurück auf eine TVH Lösung mit einem SATIP Server.
dann muss man aber sicher noch einen tvheadend-server oder sowas einrichten? Oder liefert die Shield auch Sat-Software mit?
Wird alles von Haus aus mitgeliefert. Sobald ein Unterstützer Tuner angeschlossen wird, ist die Android Channels App sichtbar. Hier kann dann alles eingerichtet werden.
Gibt es eigentlich auch eine Shield mit eingebautem Sat-Tuner? Erst dann wäre für mich der All-in-One-Anspruch wirklich komplett
Es gibt aber USB-Tuner die ootb laufen.
Daran hat es gelegen. Vielen vielen Dank.
Hat leider keine Veränderung gebracht. Worauf muss im im Log suchen bzw achten? Ich habe gerade testweise einmal kodi auf meinem Handy installiert auch hier werden keine Picons angezeigt.
Danke für die Picons, super Arbeit.
Irgendwie stehe ich aber auf dem Schlauch. Hat jemand noch eine Idee, wie ich diese in Kodi angezeigt bekomme? In TVH sind sie richtig hinterlegt und werden auch auf anderen Clients angezeigt (Clients aus dem Playstore) Unter Kodi auf der Shield TV werden Sie allerdings nicht angezeigt. Aktuelle Version 18.3 ist installiert und ich habe keine Einstellung gefunden, um diese noch zu aktivieren oder ähnliches. Danke euch vorab für eure Hilfe.
Was ich aber auch noch empfehlen kann:
Wer zum Nerdtreffen kommt, kann ja mal in Soest nen Zwischenstopp einlegen und das Zwiebelbier probieren.
https://www.brauhaus-zwiebel.com/soester-bier/@don Ich kann ja mal ein paar Flaschen mitbringen.
Gehört zwar nicht hier hin, aber der Zweibeltropfen ist sogar noch besser als deren Biere. Ansonsten ist das Zwiebel Maibock sehr zu empfehlen.
Ansonsten geht auch immer ein frisch gezapftes Radeberger.
19.99€ im ersten jahr, dann aber den vollen preis von 49.99€Oder?
so war es bei mir vor wenigen Tagen. War direkt in einem Saturn. Haben mir noch einen 150€ Gutschein drauf gelegt und die Anschlussgebühr erlassen. Aber nach den 12 Monaten heißt es die vollen 49,90. -.-
Neuer Eigenbau NAS auf AMD Basis.