Beiträge von grzesiek811

    Now futaba works wit lcdhype. Thanks blauesgruen.
    I have one question. Is there any possibility to change horizontal progress bar to time playback like lcdproc in second row?

    Something like:
    1 row: Movie title
    2 row: 0:00:00-1:35:00

    I know how to change text height and position in second row. But how to add time playback in second row.

    Nicht für mich arbeiten.
    Beim Drücken gehen, bekomme ich "verbunden" Status und Display wird heruntergefahren. Ich gebe leeren Bildschirm insted od hauptmenu.
    Anzeigen futaba MDM166A, windows 10.

    ENglish version:
    Doesn't work for me.
    When I press go, i get "connected" status, and display is shutting down. I give blank screen insted od home menu.

    Display futaba MDM166A, windows 10.

    Deutsch Version, es ist vom Übersetzer

    Thanks, but I meant show clock outside kodi.

    I have try tried edit /etc/lcdproc.conf and run sudo lcdproc, but no result. I have got everythin form this file.

    My lcdproc.conf:

    Futaba give big clock when LCDd is stopped. Is there any possibility to start and stop LCDd with kodi?