im Vu+ nutze ich webinterface und OpenwebIF OpenwebIF Port für HTTP 81 und für das WebInterface Port 80.
Habe es gelöst mit der Unteren Anleitung, Ip Adresse war nicht Static und habe erst den Vu+ Addon Aktiviert.
ZitatNeither one, but maybe people can't give you a answer if they don't have one.1. No2. No3. NoI've got the same error while setting add-on with VU+Ultimo and BlackHole image.1.You must disable Live TV first 2. Configure VU+ / Enigma Client3. Enable Live TV.2a. Configuring VU+ / Enigma Client .1.GeneralVU+ hostname.... = Dreambox IP ( must be static )2..Advanced1.Streaming Port = 8001 ( this is standard port at least by VU+)2.Webinterface Port = 8080 or 80 ( you can see this one in web-interfae settings on your DB. In my case it's different because I've changed it in VU+ )3.Username= root4.Password=passwd. you've set.Save and Enable Add-on.Restart XBMCGo to Add-on and check if is still enabled.Enable Lie TV.P.S.Once again, this worked for me and I don't know if another box or image has any influence to the Add-on to work.
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