Beiträge von gking


    I am a first time user of Kodi/MyPicsDB and have several problems with scanning pictures. At first I tried to scan all pictures on my server (~ 30.000). This scan omitted a
    lot of either whole pictures or XMP metadata in pictures. Then I tried to concentrate on 1 testfolder with no subfolders but still no luck.

    1) The folder contains 1356 pictures but only 358 where scanned. From the [definition=3,2]kodi.[definition='1','0']log[/definition][/definition] (--> I learned, that the scan obviously stopped at picture "2014_07_15 13_04_40.JPG" therefore I added its metadata -->

    2) Many of my pictures contain persons found by Picasa but the scan does not end up with a tagtype "person" or however it will be named. From the ExifTool I learned, that Picasa stores this information in the taggroup "XMP-mwg-rs". As an example the picture "2014_07_15 12_36_40.JPG" (which was scanned and shows up in the [definition=3,2]kodi.[definition='1','0']log[/definition][/definition]) contains a person "Gunther King". See the enclosed metadata -->

    3) In my keywords I use german umlauts. After the scan there are now 2 entries for each keyword with umlaut, e.g.
    Aktivität/Arbeit (8 Pics)
    Aktivität/Arbeit (8 Pics)

    best regards