Beiträge von Hobelchen


    I installed yesterday the plugin. I have the same issue as "e llwood" in post 2783 ([PreRelease] Plugin Netflix (Inputstream))
    In the setting is already the user "30059c" and I cant change it. I am not able to enter my user.

    Does anyone know this issue and can help? (If you need more information I am happy to provide them)


    My kodi 18.0-RC4 runs on a ubuntu 18.04. (x86_64) I use the Netflix Version 0.13.21

    My [definition=9,3]Kodi.[definition='1','0']log[/definition][/definition]


    ich denke bei mir taucht dieses Problem auch auf.

    [definition=9,3]Kodi.[definition='1','0']log[/definition][/definition] gibt mir folgendes aus:

    21:56:37 T:140048614799680 NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection
    21:56:38 T:140048614799680 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type Setting.Details.SettingList"
    21:56:38 T:140047396984576 NOTICE: PVRManager - starting up
    21:56:38 T:140048614799680 NOTICE: ActiveAE DSP - starting
    21:56:38 T:140048614799680 NOTICE: initialize done
    21:56:38 T:140048614799680 NOTICE: Running the application...
    21:56:38 T:140047380199168 ERROR: ADDON: Could not locate
    21:56:38 T:140047380199168 WARNING: UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on Tvheadend HTSP Client, status = 6
    21:56:38 T:140047380199168 WARNING: UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to load the dll for add-on Tvheadend HTSP Client, disabling it

    Bei mir läuft Ubuntu 16.04 (Neuinstallation) und Kodi 16.1

    Bisher such ich vergeblich eine Lösung.