Ihr könnt gerne auf deutsch antworten, habe das Thema in einem anderen Forum gepostet, bekomme aber keine Hilfe...
I have a Windows Server 2012 NUC with mySQL and Network shares. When i copy my [definition='2','1']advancedsettings[/definition] to any other windows device it just work like a charm. I open kodi, i have my videosources and my musicsources, when i go to add videos there is my saved smb://192... entry from mediasources.xml loaded over the network! When i upload the [definition='2','1']advancedsettings[/definition] to any android device it shows me the videos and the music what means that the part of mySQL is working, but when i try to play it says that the source for this file is missing. When i go to videos -> files, my sources from smb:// are missing / not loaded and i dont see my saved SMB entries when i will add new sources, but this should be loaded over smb:// . I wasted much hours now and i stuck on that point. Can someone help me please? I don't see or find any error in the [definition=3,2]kodi.[definition='1','0']log[/definition][/definition], i also activated debugging mode, there is NOTHING!
Alles anzeigen
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<path pathversion="1">smb://</path>
<path pathversion="1">smb://</path>
<path pathversion="1">smb://</path>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<path pathversion="1">smb://</path>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
<default pathversion="1"></default>
Alles anzeigen
<location id="0">smb://username:password!@</location>
<location id="1">smb://username:password!@</location>