Tested with German language, same trouble.
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Tested with German language, same trouble.
I try install, and main menu items don´t appear, it´s all empty spaces, how solve this?
MarcosQui, will release MQ7 tomorrow, for use with Kodi Jarvis 16.1.
On Friday (August 19), MarcosQui will release the final version of Aeon MQ7 to Kodi Jarvis 16.1 (Public Release).
For concerts, use this scraper by MarcosQui
@whiteduck, nothing wrong, it´s nornal, appear when kodi check package image addon and don´t find art for item when compare with database, in this case if don´t have art for specific art, you receive [definition='1','0']log[/definition] error...
Alles anzeigenGenau, solange der Cookie vorhanden ist, brauchst du dich nicht erneut im Addon anzumelden.
Die Zwei Faktor Authentifizierung wird auch erst in der kommenden Version unterstützt.
In den Zusammenhang ist mir auch noch ein Fehler bei den aktuellen Krypton Builds aufgefallen, der dafür sorgt das für den gesamten Login-Prozess nur 30 Sekunden Zeit bleiben,
bis das Skript kommentarlos beendet wird.
Schuld daran ist wahrscheinlich dieser PR, der Funktionsaufrufen aus Unterfunktionen nur eben diese Zeit gibt, um eine Antwort zurückzugeben. Dies betrifft auch die Suchfunktion.Um das zu umgehen wird der Login-Prozess nun komplett in die Einstellungen umziehen. Bei der Suche bleibt es erstmal so wie es ist.
Zum Thema Debugging Log posten:
Vom Addon her wird der Token in der Log herausgefiltert. Alle anderen ID's sind nicht personalisiert.
Problematisch sind Passwort eingaben, hier werden die Tastenanschläge im Klartext in der Log gespeichert. Also diese unbedingt vor dem Posten bereinigen.
@my username:
Das liegt wohl direkt am Addon, da schau ich die Tage drüber.
Was fixed today, check here
Cinemavision work fine MQ7, I create video tutorial in portuguese about
Have great tutorial about how configure cinemavision here
@BeG1999, come to our forum for adequate support.
@pacoma, is no more $15, is 16.50$
Skin MQ 7 ist nur für Kodi Jarvis. kommen zu unserem Forum, wir helfen Ihnen.
Danke, look great.
@saarfofo, go to http://www.drive.google.com, use for login your gmail and traditional password, have menu option.
Shared with me,
Inside you find our folder, where you have access skin MQ6, and in next weeks MQ7.
Was send invite for your gmail, check and you find my email. In my email have link for drive too.
Access drive is definitive, lifetime.
@saarfofo, I find your register in our forum Username - Christian P.
Your status is fine there, your access drive too, check access with your gmail..
McStarfighter, with only 1 single donate, any donor is vip forever. Better know how work, before talk about....
Release 3.3.0 for Kodi Isengard:
Added: Seeking information during playback. (thanks to HenriMatthijssen)
Changed: Removed Hard Disk Status from Main Menu/Settings (Linux, Linux Raspberry and Android). Kodi no offer support to show Hard Disc status in Main Menu for this systems. Not related to skin.
Fixed: View Right List/Sets - Overlap between discs and logotype.
Fixed: Various issues in PVR(TV). (thanks to schumi2004)
Fixed: Presets for main menu - Several issues involving menus and widgets.
Fixed: Main menu/genre information - words that are not part of the context.
Fixed: Layout issues in Dialog Video Info (ExtendedInfo Script).
Fixed: Overlap between Main Menu and and the Widgets Selector, if use Higher menu mode.
Fixed: Extrapack - old references to skin Aeon MQ 5. Can cause black screen in themes and weather images.
Fixed: Submenu for Custom Presets doesn't work properly.
Fixed: Layout for MPAA flags/German.
Very cool mod mq6, congratulations.
Well more easy go to our forum, there we have private chat for discuss.
I live in Florianópolis (city in south region), 1673 km distance from the Brasilia city.
Change this
<Import addon = versão "xbmc.gui" = "5.9.0" />
<Import addon = versão "xbmc.gui" = "5.10.0" />
Don´t expect skin will be 100% compatible, but will install ok.