First uninstal the YOUTUBE addon (you probably don't have to do this
but it was just cleaner this way I didn't have to delete any folders)
Then reinstal the YOUTUBE addon... don't sign in
Close KODI
Thent go to
Click on Credentials, then New Credentials, then API key, and select
Browser Key, give it a name and click Create (this creates the KEY)
Then back to Credentials
Click on Credentials, then New Credentials, then OAuth Client ID, select
Other, give it a name and click Create (this creates the ID and SECRET)
At this point you've got 2 sets of credentials
Edited 02/06/16
Verify that the Youtube API is enabled
Go to
Verify that you see YouTube Data API v3 in the list
If it is NOT in the list go to
Click on the link for YouTube Data Api
Click on Enable API at the top
Go back to
Verify that YouTube Data API v3 is now in the list
End of edit 02/06/16
Locate the file -
(On Windows it's located here - C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\lib\youtube\client
Within the file find the section that corresponds to the
version of KODI that you're using in my case I'm running version 15.2
youtube-for-kodi-15': {
'system': 'Isengard',
'key': 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',
'id': '',
'secret': 'ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc'
Set the Key to the Browser API key you created first
Set the ID to the OAuth Client ID you created second
Set the Secret to the Client Secret shown in OAuth Client ID
(Make sure that you're copying and pasting these between the quote marks)
Save the updated file
Then launch KODI
Select the YOUTUBE Addon
Select SIGN IN
Then do the 2 x activation thing where you go to
Enter the code from KODI, click NEXT then click ALLOW
Then enter the second code from KODI, click NEXT, then ALLOW
And that should be it... mine seems to be working...