get/set.Setting to pvr.iptvsimple

  • Hi all [bs],

    I am struggling with a Python script were I want to get/set Addon settings (to another Addon, in this case 'pvr.iptvsimple').
    This used to be no problem, but ever since the 'pvr.iptvsimple' supports multiple instances (instance-settings-1.xml, instance-settings-2.xml, etc) I can't seem to find how to get/write these Addon-settings properly...

    (Simplyfied) Python code:

    import xbmc,xbmcaddon,xbmcgui,xbmcplugin,xbmcvfs
    PVR_ADDON_ID = 'pvr.iptvsimple'
    PVR_ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon(PVR_ADDON_ID)
    pvr_dns = PVR_ADDON.getSetting('m3uUrl')
    pvr_write_dns = PVR_ADDON.setSetting('m3uUrl')

    I've tried modifying the lines (to add instance-settings-1) but no success:

    pvr_write_dns = PVR_ADDON.setSetting(instance-settings-1, 'm3uUrl')

    I can write strings directly to the xml file (with success but 'scrambles' other settings in .xml file right now), but would like to ingegrate this properly/better.

    So the question is (for example 'm3uUrl'): How do I get/set setting 'm3uUrl' from/to 'instance-setting-1' in 'pvr.iptvsimple'?
    Anyone? [ag] [dy]

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