Uff, ich habe grad durch meinen eigenen Eintrag noch mal neu gegoogelt:
CALDAV calendar: certificate issue in local network
Hi @wwe thank you so much – I’ll try to follow these steps during the next days. By the way, do you (or someone else) know if this is a problem that is…
Da steht: "I disabled the entry for the IPv6 address for the DynDNS address. This has done the trick for me and I can now access NC and all services with my FritzBox without having to do anything else."
Das klingt super! Aber ich finde in meiner Fritzbox den passenden Punkt nicht, denn so ganz verstehe ich das "entry for the IPv6 adress for the DynDNS adress" nicht.
Jemand ne Idee was da gemeint sein könnte?