Dune HD / Homatics Box R 4k Plus / Nokia 8010 / RockTek G2

  • You're right. Apparently people are mixing up two totally different things when it comes to the subs/stutter topic as can be seen here (where you will find posts of the same user "monsoons"):


    You can have stutter at that very moment when the subs are actually appearing. But this is not our issue.
    And you can have randomly occurring stutter caused (potentially) by subs even when when they are actually not being displayed. This is what we're talking about.
    I was a little befuddled when I read through that thread.
    Let's hope that Homatics/Kodi devs don't confuse these two things either and aren't looking for stutter just then when subs are being displayed. ;)

    And sometimes it is really amazing what kind of medicine people are recommending: Disable hardware acceleration. WTF?!

    The working workaround (restore framerate to smooth playing by disabling/enabling subs without stopping the playback) looks like doing a "renice" on running processes manually. So Homatics/Kodi devs might have a look at process priorities.

    I shared several samples now with Ella to share with other Homatics employees, but they don't see anything wrong with it. Nothing wrong, so nothing to fix also.

    So I made an appointment with my doctor to check my eyes, and brain :/

  • Thats why i said it would be good to describe a test situation that others can try to explicitly reproduce.

    It doesn't matter now, it is not picked up as a problem, so it will not go to SEI/AmLogic as a problem now. But when you are on a 5221 build, you can't test it.

    To be clear, build 5221, shared as Stable V12 for Dune R Plus and now also for Homatics R Plus, has bigger issues, not only on major framerate collapsing but also audio cutouts. That is almost addressed completely now with beta build 5394 (and higher), but can only be used on a original Homatics box as there is no beta sharing for Dune users.

    So audio cutouts is fixed (still in 5221), to test, there is a Deadpool sample with Atmos in TrueHD were the sound cutouts completely at the explosion moment (as reference).

    And the "old" framerate collapsing is also addressed (still in build 5221). But this one I'm talking about I still see now, is not solved, and now, will not be solved, was the reply from Homatics, as there is nothing wrong with it.

  • So I made an appointment with my doctor to check my eyes, and brain :/

    I'm not sooo far at the moment, not yet. ;)

    You pointing to the subs topic and the Kodi bug report linked above have brought me to the idea that the issue could be related to the Kodi player GUI. Apparently subs (GLES) rendering (even when they aren't being displayed) is somehow managed by the GUI.
    So after some research I've revised the advancedsettings.xml of the last post a little bit. ('smartredraw' is misspelled, 'smartredraw' and 'algorithmdirtyregions' are contradictory things)


    Of course I've left hardware acceleration enabled.

    Player GUI has frozen (only once though), so there is some effect at last. ;)
    I will see if it can eliminate/mitigate stutter aside from that.

    BTW Kodi on my Fire TV Stick is 'juddery' to a tolerable degree. But stutter on this box isn't bearable! I regret not having bought the Vero V instead.

  • I shared several samples now with Ella to share with other Homatics employees, but they don't see anything wrong with it.

    A reason why not all people perceive the stutter on their TV could be the (default) activation of features like 'Motion Estimation and Motion Compensation (MEMC)'.
    Cinema purists and video image quality fetishists refuse to use those.
    If Homatics people evaluated the issue on a TV with enhancers to reduce motion artifacts enabled instead of a PC monitor for example it would kill me! :D

  • A reason why not all people perceive the stutter on their TV could be the (default) activation of features like 'Motion Estimation and Motion Compensation (MEMC)'.
    Cinema purists and video image quality fetishists refuse to use those.
    If Homatics people evaluated the issue on a TV with enhancers to reduce motion artifacts enabled instead of a PC monitor for example it would kill me! :D

    Even with all those "fantastic" picture enhancements, this is noticeable, it can't NOT be seen.

    But guess what. There were more complaints about this. Coming from a German company using also the SEI804, and did go straight to AmLogic about this.

    So AmLogic provides a patch and if all goes well, I get this one tomorrow. So let's see what that one brings. Still a shame that my complaints were ignored about it, but he, if the issue is fixed, great.

  • FoLeY sorry if you already answered this, but does the 5.1 to 2.0 audio interruption happens only with the live-TV plugin, or also when you record TV as a .ts file and then play back the .ts file ?

    .ts is the original format of the TV stream, if the problem can be reproduced from a recording, then it should be easier to have it be reproduced - just need to upload some recording with a commercial break and show it from there.

  • Hmm ... I always cut out the commercials of my recordings . So I have to record something new to test .


    When I start to watch a movie with dd5.1 audio it's fine. But in commercial breaks the audio format changes to dd2.0 . That's most of time ok. After the break the audio format did not switch back to dd5.1 . Mostly no audio with unknown input format shown in AVR. Sometimes you hear left and right channels with no dialogue because the center channel is lost. Sometimes you hear only surround channels . In this case you have to press power off/on to bring audio back.

    Never happened to me with atv11 .

    That's happened with all Live TV apps I use . Dreamplayer, Kodi (maven21), Waipu TV, Magenta TV.

    Sometimes it happens on netflix and prime. After watching a 5.1 movie you can't hear anything if it's not 5.1. 2.0 or pcm did not work after watching 5.1.

    Das Licht, das doppelt so hell brennt, brennt eben nur halb so lang.
    greetz, FoLeY ...

  • This could be fixed for me already, because with beta build 5394 audio and video issues were addressed. Big difference as I notice. Can't say for sure if what you get also is solved now.

  • Es gibt wieder mal eine neue App 🤪 für die SEI804 Geräte:

  • Can't wait to hear your results!

    Bad news, nothing solved for us. I already had a suspicion the new build would not change anything, but I had hope.

    The fix was requested for MagentaTV, but the most recent firmware for that SEI804DT device is Firmware V12.8.4954, and the major fix for audio and framerate (what Dune users still can experience with 5221 as being there), came for Homatics R Plus users with beta build 5394. So I had a bad feeling anything would change in a positive way.

    Now the MagentaTV box SEI804DT got the fix shared that I (and others) already had, but they still will have the same issue we have now, still framerate related, just not as bad as before. Hopefully they gonna complain again in a while, because I think, I will be ignored, again X/

  • Hopefully they gonna complain again in a while, because I think, I will be ignored, again X/

    If they complained again it wouldn't be about playback of local video files on USB devices or in the home LAN, that's for sure, because we're talking about this streaming only box here:

    MagentaTV One (2. Gen.) entdecken | Telekom

    Yet they will support it for a long time and there could be a fix 'by chance'.

  • Was ist vorteilhafter, die CPU zu kühlen, indem man die Luft reinzieht oder indem man die Luft rauszieht?

    Also ich denke, dass es mehr Sinn macht, die Luft in Richtung der CPU zu pusten, um dauerhaft kühle Luft an der CPU zu haben. Die warme Luft findet irgendwie den Weg raus durch den immensen Luftdruck im Gehäuse.

    Was meint ihr dazu?

  • warum sollte man denn die CPU ueberhaupt anders kuehlen als wie vom Hersteller vorgesehen ? Wie heiss wird die ohne Mod ? Gibt es Anzeichen dafuer, das die nicht zuverlaessig laeuft ? Hoffnung auf hoehere Lebensdauer ?

    Ich wuerde da immer reinblasen, vor allem weil ich dann auf den Luefter einen Filter drauftun kann, den ich leicht reinigen kann und damit weniger Staub im Gehaeeuse ansammele. Ansonsten kommt ja Luft/Stauf unkontrolliert durch ungefilterte Oeffnungen rein.

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