Dune HD / Homatics Box R 4k Plus / Nokia 8010 / RockTek G2

  • Bei diesem Hick Hack mit der Firmware und dubiosen Zuständigkeiten vergeht einem glatt die Lust auf so eine Box.

    TVServer: origenAE (S16V) als DVBViewer MediaServer
    SAT>IP Hardware: 3x Digibit Twin
    Clienten: 1x DuneHD, 2x KII Pro DVB-S2 (S905) (CE 9.2.8), 1x FireTV Stick 4K MAX, 1x OctagonSF8008 E2 Receiver (openATV)

  • Deswegen bleibt bei mir die Dune HD noch auf ATV11. Zur Zeit ist die Soft/Firmware doch nur Bananenware (reift beim Kunden).

    Den findest du auf oder in der Verpackung

    Welche Verpackung? Die existiert nicht mehr.

    AZi (DEV): Nexus auf LibreElec | Asrock J4205 | 4 GB RAM | 128 GB Sandisk| Rii mini
    DEV: PC Ubuntu 20.04 | Matrix
    AZi: Tanix TX3 | Android/CoreElec Dualboot (EMMC), Nexus
    WoZi: Nexus auf LibreElec | Asrock J4205 | 4GB RAM | 128 GB Sandisk SSD | Atric IR | URC7960

    NAS: unRaid, 3x6TB, 2x12TB | TV-Server: Futro S550 mit Hauppauge QuadHD DVB-C
    PayPal: paypal.me/pvdbj1

  • Vielleicht ist das Problem mit der heutigen v12.8.5892 gelöst worden?

    In der Homatics Telegram Gruppe haben es schon einige bekommen. Ich weiß nicht ob man Ella dafür anschreiben muss oder ob es per OTA kommt.

    Hallo, ich habe Ella (Homatics) zugesacht mich in diesem topic zu melden. Vergib mir mein Deutsch.

    Ich hoffe was Klarheit zu bringen für Dune und Homatics benutzers.

    Zu erst, Dune R Plus users können nicht das beta Programm nutzen. Dune had Homatics gebeten keinen beta updates für die Dune R Plus zu genehmigen. Und Ella wird es auch nicht (mehr) machen. So Dune users müssen für updates bei Dune sein.

    Es gibt jetzt ein unterschied zwischen das framerate issue mitt build 5221 und build 5394 oder höheren beta builds. Ab build 5394 ist es deutlich besser, aber for mich, as Mitglied in Homatics closed testteam, wär es nimmer ganz verschwunden. Aber ich wär die einzige die das problem hatte, so reagierten die andere in die test Gruppe. Und dann kamen mehr users die dasselbe hatten mitt beta build 5394 und höheren builds, so ich war nicht mehr alleine ;)

    Das problem ist jetzt auch nicht gelöst mitt beta 5892, immer noch da.

    Ich habe mehrere players probiert, und alle gäben sie mich dasselbe problem mitt dem framerate. Nach x zeit abspielen, meistens nach mehr als eine stunde, kamm das rucklen. Aber nicht wie es zu sehen ist mitt build 5221. Mitt build 5221 kann mann es sehen im Kodi proces info, mitt HM beta build 5394 und höher, die framerate info bleibt gleich, geht nicht runter, doch es ruckelt.

  • * In English following FoLeY 's suggestion. Everybody, please feel free to use preferred language for reply. *

    p750mmx-HM , thanks for the explanations.

    I'm facing the video playback stuttering issue with 5394, too.
    In fact I see exactly the same behaviour like you with local video files (mkv) on USB stick.
    Occurrence is random but it happens every time sooner or later. Can take more than 2h though.
    Streaming with service provider apps doesn't seem to be affected at all.

    My setup/configuration:

    • HDMI-CEC is enabled with all connected devices (and works fine)
    • latest Kodi Omega nightly (2024-Apr-14, not updated by Kodi developers since), no add-ons
    • Kodi settings: adjust refresh rate at start/stop, allow audio passthrough
    • Android: com.google.android.tvrecommendations (aka Android TV Core Services) disabled, making no difference

    I recently switched the output device from 'AudioTrack (IEC), Kodi IEC Packer' to 'AudioTrack (RAW), Android IEC Packer'.
    But as I've only watched single TV series episodes and no movies since I can't really tell yet if there are any improvements.

    It would be warmly appreciated if you kept us updated on the topic once a solution will be found.

  • Thank you, English it is then 👍

    I tried very different things, and because I'm the only one getting it with the way I play my movies, it takes much time to check things.

    The selection for IEC or RAW didn't change anything for me.

    Using wired LAN or USB storage also make no difference.

    What does seems to work for me is, during playing, disable the subtitle showing. Internal (embedded) one or an external SRT sub, doesn't seems to make a difference, but after I disable the sub, without stopping the movie, framerate restores.

    Cmoon, you are the one that showed Ella there really still is a problem and I wasn't alone in that anymore. Thanks for that 👍

    To be extra clear, it is not the same framerate collapsing as with 5221, it is something different now. Maybe this was also in the 5221 build but wasn't noticed because 5221 showed the framerate collapsing much earlier and only stop/restart fixed it.

    I push Ella to let the DEV's test under the same conditions. If 4 out of 5 movies showing me the issue, they should also be able to see it.

  • What does seems to work for me is, during playing, disable the subtitle showing. Internal (embedded) one or an external SRT sub, doesn't seems to make a difference, but after I disable the sub, without stopping the movie, framerate restores.

    Useful hint, thanks. I haven't considered the impact of subs yet and will pay attention to it.
    In fact, as far as I can remember, all movies I've watched came with (PGS) forced subs.

  • Would it help troubleshooting if more users with these boxes would recreate the issue ?

    If so, then it would be good to summarize the most simple setup that will fastest to the issue. Aka: Seems like a lot of subtitles may create more memory churn and make the issue appear faster ? What else can be done to create a fast reproduced cade ? 4k video instead of lower resolution ? Having more apps still be in the background... ?

  • Would it help troubleshooting if more users with these boxes would recreate the issue ?

    If so, then it would be good to summarize the most simple setup that will fastest to the issue. Aka: Seems like a lot of subtitles may create more memory churn and make the issue appear faster ? What else can be done to create a fast reproduced cade ? 4k video instead of lower resolution ? Having more apps still be in the background... ?

    Da ich Kodi über CoreElec boote habe ich bisher keine Probleme.

    Würde dann aber helfen.

    Wir reden über die Homatics oder?

    Wenn ja was soll ich tun?^^

    Plex Server@64TB + Kodi ( Homatics Box R 4K Plus @ CoreElec )

  • Geht ja wohl bloss um Android 12 und player dort - wohl nicht nur Kodi, wenn ich alles richtig mitgelesen habe. Homatic und Dune HD. Ist ja wohl ziemlich das gleiche Android.

    Wenn es hier mal ein einfaches Kochrezept gibt womit man das hoffentlich zuverlaessig nachstellen kann wuerde ich ja gerne mal gucken, ob das auch bei der Google Chromecast auftritt. Die nutze ich ja selbst nie zum abspielen lokaler Medien, sondern nur fuer Streamer - und da tritt ja wohl das ruckeln nicht auf. Aber wenns ein Android 12 Problem ist, ist ja echt die Frage warum es dann nicht auf allen Android 12 Kisten auftritt. Und der Chip auf Homatic/Dune und Chromcast ist ja auch fast derselbe (neuere Rev bei Homatic/Dune).

  • Seems like a lot of subtitles may create more memory churn and make the issue appear faster ?

    Good idea! Just checked the PGS forced subs. They can't be deactivated in Kodi Omega (any more)?! WTF?! Verified that deactivating is yet possible with other player apps on my PC.

    4k video instead of lower resolution ?

    I'm keeping FHD stuff (AVC/HEVC) only to save disk space. Currently I don't have hands on any local 4K videos.

    Having more apps still be in the background... ?

    I've uninstalled or disabled preinstalled apps for testing purpose.
    Moreover I've already tried and set the background process limit to 'no background process' in developer options, without positive effect. (The setting is temporary and valid till next reboot only.)

  • Good idea! Just checked the PGS forced subs. They can't be deactivated in Kodi Omega (any more)?! WTF?! Verified that deactivating is yet possible with other player apps on my PC.

    I'm keeping FHD stuff (AVC/HEVC) only to save disk space. Currently I don't have hands on any local 4K videos.

    I've uninstalled or disabled preinstalled apps for testing purpose.
    Moreover I've already tried and set the background process limit to 'no background process' in developer options, without positive effect. (The setting is temporary and valid till next reboot only.)

    I tested The Martian 4k high bitrate movie with PGS subs in it. I could disable that in Kodi 21.x Final. Framerate restored directly after disabling. I also tested the same movie using a external SRT, framerate went down, disabled the external SRT and framerate restored.

    Edit: just now. Another movie tried in Kodi 21.x Final, the 4k Atmos in TrueHD version of Godzilla Minus One 2023. Far in the movie, after ~ 1 hour and 30 minutes, framerate not stable anymore. Let it play for a while to see if it would get better, it did not. Disabled the internal Eng. sub and replay restored almost directly.

    I shared some video samples with Ella (again), showing the distorted framerate and how it restored after disabling the subtitle. This is my last attempt to get a DEV to work on it. If that doesn't happen, it will not be fixed I'm afraid.

  • I've tested Avatar FHD IMAX with lots of PGS forced subs for the alien language. Right in the middle of the movie (a little earlier than expected this time) the stutter occurs. The player UI would allow me to deactivate forced subs during playback but they were still displayed. Stopping playback and restarting Kodi let me continue without stutters.
    Subs could indeed be the cause of the issue. It can be reproduced easily imho.

    I shared some video samples with Ella (again), showing the distorted framerate and how it restored after disabling the subtitle. This is my last attempt to get a DEV to work on it. If that doesn't happen, it will not be fixed I'm afraid.

    There's still hope. The Dune HD Media Center seems to have similar problems on ATV12. And their premium version of the box with 2.5" HDD rack is meant for playback of local media. If they can sort it out without a firmware fix Kodi devs will be able, too - some day.
    Otherwise, if a firmware fix is required Dune HD will turn to their OEM partner for sure.

  • I've tested Avatar FHD IMAX with lots of PGS forced subs for the alien language. Right in the middle of the movie (a little earlier than expected this time) the stutter occurs. The player UI would allow me to deactivate forced subs during playback but they were still displayed. Stopping playback and restarting Kodi let me continue without stutters.
    Subs could indeed be the cause of the issue. It can be reproduced easily imho.

    There's still hope. The Dune HD Media Center seems to have similar problems on ATV12. And their premium version of the box with 2.5" HDD rack is meant for playback of local media. If they can sort it out without a firmware fix Kodi devs will be able, too - some day.
    Otherwise, if a firmware fix is required Dune HD will turn to their OEM partner for sure.

    Well, let them complain about it at SEI Robotics and/or AmLogic, maybe more pressure on this will make them try.

    I shared another sample with Ella but the reply was, their inhouse "tester" didn't see anything wrong with it. The members in the closed Homatics testgroup did see it. I even shared a longer sample this afternoon in which it is so clear to see, and also when disabling the embedded subtitle during play, it straight goes to smooth playing.

    For now, I'm done with reporting on this. If they don't pick it up as a problem, so be it 🤷

  • p750mmx-HM

    Doing some research I came across this:

    19. September 2022 um 05:29

    Stuttering could be a general ATV issue caused by libass use for subs rendering since Kodi Nexus.
    I will test the possible medicine (lowering GUI resolution limit in Kodi system settings).

    Maybe Homatics devs aren't able to reproduce the issue because they have set the GUI to 720p for example or they're using more powerful hardware or VMs.

    However, if the issue didn't occur on ATV11 this could be a hint to a possible solution.

    (I'm not on Telegram BTW because I have an oldstyle mobile phone only and my employer doesn't allow installation on my company smartphone.)

  • Shouldn't that stutter be there from the beginning when that can cause an issue? And why with other players also (Vimu, Plex, others), they use another "engine" for media playing.

    I experimented with lots of Kodi settings, and I also tried older versions of Kodi (back to 19 & 20), but with those, the same thing happens. I have put many many hours with so much different settings, just to find something to make it better. And now I have, but it is no solution, using no sub. But the relation is with that it looks like. Maybe not the sub itself, but system wise I mean.

    I know your not on Telegram, but Ella shared your reactions with me, and I asked for this forum link, and I said to her I would join this topic (because of you ;) ), and to keep her posted.

  • Shouldn't that stutter be there from the beginning when that can cause an issue?

    You're right. Apparently people are mixing up two totally different things when it comes to the subs/stutter topic as can be seen here (where you will find posts of the same user "monsoons"):

    [Kodi20/21] Video stuttering with subtitles on less powerful android devices. · Issue #21554 · xbmc/xbmc
    My final opinion for users here~!!! (#21554 (comment)) Bug report Describe the bug Here is a clear and concise description of what the problem is: Sorry for my…

    You can have stutter at that very moment when the subs are actually appearing. But this is not our issue.
    And you can have randomly occurring stutter caused (potentially) by subs even when when they are actually not being displayed. This is what we're talking about.
    I was a little befuddled when I read through that thread.
    Let's hope that Homatics/Kodi devs don't confuse these two things either and aren't looking for stutter just then when subs are being displayed. ;)

    And sometimes it is really amazing what kind of medicine people are recommending: Disable hardware acceleration. WTF?!

    The working workaround (restore framerate to smooth playing by disabling/enabling subs without stopping the playback) looks like doing a "renice" on running processes manually. So Homatics/Kodi devs might have a look at process priorities.

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