[Release] PVR EON.tv

  • I have a simple question, why in the settings there is an option WebOS since EON has no WebOS app? Also if you choose WebOS then the login doesn't work at all.

  • I have a simple question, why in the settings there is an option WebOS since EON has no WebOS app? Also if you choose WebOS then the login doesn't work at all.

    It has a WebOs App. Says Google. And correct, if you select it doesn't work. Why is it there? I thought it wouldn't disturb anyone. I can remove if you wan't.

    I have a progress. Still error but progress. I have installed Kodi 20.4 and addon pvr.eon 21.78. Now it loads the channels as a list but still not playing them. The account is valid I can use it via Eontv app, with no issues, but with Kodi I can't. The new log file is here. Please advise on any solution.


    The log looks cleaner now. Probably the illegal addons did corrupt Kodi. Though it is still no debug log - the error is still the same. The platform refuses to play the channel. I wonder what is special with your account? Any idea?

  • It has a WebOs App. Says Google. And correct, if you select it doesn't work. Why is it there? I thought it wouldn't disturb anyone. I can remove if you wan't.

    The log looks cleaner now. Probably the illegal addons did corrupt Kodi. Though it is still no debug log - the error is still the same. The platform refuses to play the channel. I wonder what is special with your account? Any idea?

    Well I got no idea. I ran out of ideas and tries. I have tried all, and it never worked. I have uninstalled Kodi, cleared all corpse data, cache, and empty folders then I have downloaded it from Its official website. I am downloading v7a version to test on my phone (which is v8a) because the TV is Tcl v7a. However. After the clear and fresh install of Kodi 21 Omega from the official website, I have added the latest pvr.21.7.8 armeabiv7a with started debug "log" and all possible "logs" switched on. Now when I add my credentials using - VIVACOM (Web). It just blinks and Its not even in the TV tab. Shows only installed pvr addon and nothing happens. In the "log" file I saw it says failed to get token.. I don't know what to do. I really need get that work but.. I am desperate now. Went through all the versions and addons and nothing works. Here is my "log file" from. the fresh install with all. the debug options on:


  • Everything working fine on ShieldTV and PhilipsTV with Telemach SLO.

    Just having issue when waking up shieldTV or on PhilipsTV, most of the time i get error: "one or more items faild to play. Check the log for more information about this message."

    Sometimes resumes playing TV channel normaly.

    using 21-7-8-android-armv7a for Philips Tv and 21-7-8-android-aarch64 for Nvidia shield

  • Nirvana777, Thank you for the great plugin!

    I am trying to set it up for Vivacom. However, the channel list is always empty and I could find these messages in the log:

    I am confident that my username and password are correct, as they are valid when logging in via browser.

    The addon is version 21.7.9 for amd64, while Kodi is version 21.0 (latest version on ArchLinux).

    Full log here.

    Any help is appreciated!

  • Can you add an option to change the video quality? In the web version of the EON and the mobile app, there is an option to choose: Auto, 1Mbit/s, 2Mbit/s, or 4Mbit/s. I'm not sure but these bitrate options probably are 360p, 720, 1080p.

    Sometimes if the connection isn't good enough the video stream has bad buffering and even freezes. Kodi says it's a 1080p. So, can you add an option to lower the quality?

  • Hi,

    is it possible to create this addon for linux aarch64 for Kodi 21 ? Tnx.

    Yes i second that, i tried to build it myself but cant boot in any linux with the boxes that i have.

    PS: I manage to build it on trough docker addon on corelec. I have to use this from second post:

    mkdir -p xbmc/cmake/addons/addons/pvr.eon/
    echo "pvr.eon https://github.com/flubshi/pvr.eon Nexus" > xbmc/cmake/addons/addons/pvr.eon/pvr.eon.txt
    echo "all" > xbmc/cmake/addons/addons/pvr.eon/platforms.txt

    Only change nexus to omega

    also this https://github.com/nirvana-7777/pvr.eon/issues/10

    so that could build without errors.

    But the problem is that after install it and enter correct credentials i get this:

    2024-06-28 20:35:04.695 T:1086 error <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.eon: Failed to get OTP
    2024-06-28 20:35:04.696 T:1086 error <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.eon: Open URL failed with 401.
    2024-06-28 20:35:04.696 T:1086 error <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.eon: Failed to get JSON for URL https://api-android-tv.vivacom-af31.cdn.united.cloud/v1/households and body . Status code: 401
    2024-06-28 20:35:04.696 T:1086 error <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.eon: Failed to get households
    2024-06-28 20:35:04.737 T:1086 error <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.eon: Failed to get OTP
    2024-06-28 20:35:04.737 T:1086 error <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.eon: Open URL failed with 401.
    2024-06-28 20:35:04.737 T:1086 error <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.eon: Failed to get JSON for URL https://api-android-tv.vivacom-af31.cdn.united.cloud/v1/sp and body . Status code: 401
    2024-06-28 20:35:04.737 T:1086 error <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.eon: Failed to get service provider

    and it doesn't work.

    I attach the compiled addon if someone need it.

  • Hey,
    I am new to this and dont no much abt compling kodi addons or abt kodi addons in general, just wanted to ask did anyone tried to complie pvr eon to tvos. Would be a greta thing bc tvos doesent have EON app at all

  • Any chance for Allwiner H6 support? Non of this work at Orange pi 3.

    Thank you in advance.

    EDIT: I managed to install 21.7.6 linux+aarch64 version, it installs, but run tab is grayed out. When I go to settings, live &pvr clients, and mannage channels, I can see all channels and their logos, but I have no option to press play, or run.

    Any help?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von c2d (19. Juli 2024 um 11:51)

  • Can you add an option to change the video quality? In the web version of the EON and the mobile app, there is an option to choose: Auto, 1Mbit/s, 2Mbit/s, or 4Mbit/s. I'm not sure but these bitrate options probably are 360p, 720, 1080p.

    Sometimes if the connection isn't good enough the video stream has bad buffering and even freezes. Kodi says it's a 1080p. So, can you add an option to lower the quality?

    Hey CTEoloAH I am from Bulgaria also and last night I was trying to get the plugin working (with zero luck) I have compiled many possible versions :D even downloaded the pre-compiled zips from Nirvana777 . I could not get it to work and i know for sure that i am typing the passwords properly but i do not see the plugin active in the menus and nothing also in the TV tab where it should display everything. Could you guys please help me understand what is wrong here. I am using https://releases.libreelec.tv/LibreELEC-H3.a…epi-plus.img.gz on my Orange Pi 2 plus (the board where no one from Realtek bothered to add drivers to mainline kernels - RTL8189ETV) I actually made a card with libreelec 11 and upgraded to 12 as the newer version is bugged and not starting. I also tried the addon on libreelec 11 with zero luck there.

  • Hey CTEoloAH I am from Bulgaria also and last night I was trying to get the plugin working (with zero luck) I have compiled many possible versions :D even downloaded the pre-compiled zips from Nirvana777 . I could not get it to work and i know for sure that i am typing the passwords properly but i do not see the plugin active in the menus and nothing also in the TV tab where it should display everything. Could you guys please help me understand what is wrong here. I am using https://releases.libreelec.tv/LibreELEC-H3.a…epi-plus.img.gz on my Orange Pi 2 plus (the board where no one from Realtek bothered to add drivers to mainline kernels - RTL8189ETV) I actually made a card with libreelec 11 and upgraded to 12 as the newer version is bugged and not starting. I also tried the addon on libreelec 11 with zero luck there.

    Did you try reinstalling the plugin from zip after entering user/pass in the configuration?

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