Hallo Ihr,
ich habe zZt. leider das Problem, dass ich mit adblink nicht mehr an die Kodi-Daten herankomme.
Ich weiss, dass es an Android 11 liegt, da Google mal wieder meint, uns bevormunden zu müssen, was wir auf UNSEREN Geräten tun dürfen und was nicht. (Apple Rules).
Nunja, wie dem auch sei, bräuchte ich mal nen kleinen Anstubser, wie man erfolgreich den kodi-data Ordner so umbiegen kann, damit adblink ein Backup nach /sdcard/kodi_data/.kodi restoren kann und Kodi beim nächsten Starten weiß, dass er die Config von nun an dort findet.
adblink sagt hier folgendes:
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For Android 11, Google has implemented scoped storage which removes the ability for external applications to write in /sdcard/Android/data/. This has the unfortunate side-effect of preventing adbLink from accessing Kodi data at /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi, meaning no backup/restore, no edit of xml files, or any function requiring write access.
Luckily, Kodi has the ability to read its data files from a different location as instructed by a text file: xbmc_env.properties. The new location is /sdcard/kodi_data/.kodi
To work around Google's restriction in your device record, for Kodi OS choose Android 11 from the drop-down menu and save the record. This will point adbLink to the new location for Kodi's files.
The Android 11 restore function will create the directory /sdcard/kodi_data and restore a backup to that location and also write an xbmc_env.properties file. After the restore, Kodi will operate normally.
adbLink's Android 11 backup function will backup Kodi's files from this new location. Other functions, such as xml edit, will work as expected.
This workaround is mainly for Android 11 devices, although it also works on Fire OS.
Ich bin hier grad, wegen englisch, etwas verwirrt...
was muss ich hier tun, damit das klappt?
arbeitet hier evtl. jemand mit adblnk?